Introduction: Continuing tumultMichael Berkowitz
Reprint from Transactions volume 1
Jewish Historical Society. A plea for Anglo-Jewish History, Inaugural Address Delivered at the First Meeting of the Society, November 11, 1893, by Lucien Wolf
Remembering Lucien Wolf: reconsidering his legacy
Mark Levene
Samuel of Norwich in the marshlands of King’s Lynn: economic tribulations reconstructed from a newly discovered thirteenth-century Hebrew starr in Cambridge University Library
Judith Olszowy-Schlanger and Sian Collins
Shirts, biscuits, and underpants: unveiling the lower social strata of London’s Sephardi congregation in the eighteenth century through its inner arbitration court
Alex Kerner
Anglican evangelical missionaries and the London Jews Society: Palestine Place at Bethnal Green and related developments, 1813-1895
Rodney Curtis
Singing between the lines: modernity and women’s voices in British synagogues
Rachel Adelstein
Public History Forum
The Jewish Community in modern-day Bradford
Grace Idle
Research Report
A chronological survey of the collective biography of British Jews
Michael Jolles
Review Essay
“Before Fiddler on the Roof, before The Jazz Singer, there was Deborah”: in honour and memory of Jonathan Hess
Lars Fischer
Movies and Midrash: Popular Film and Jewish Religious Conversation by Wendy I. Zierler
Nathan Abrams
Why Harry Met Sally: Subversive Jewishness, Anglo-Christian Power, and the Rhetoric of Modern Love by Joshua Louis Moss
Wendy Zierler
Harvey Milk: His Lives and Death by Lillian Faderman
Lars Fischer
Chief Rabbi Nathan Marcus Adler: The Forgotten Founder by Derek Taylor
Geoffrey Alderman
Reconstructing the Old Country: American Jewry in the Post-Holocaust Decades edited by Eliyana R. Adler and Sheila E. Jelen
Deborah Dash Moore
Louis Bamberger: Department Store Innovator and Philanthropist by Linda B. Forgosh
Paul Lerner
Hidden in Plain Sight: Jews and Jewishness in British Film, Television, and Popular Culture edited by Nathan Abrams
Lucy Fischer
Sewing the Fabric of Statehood: Garment Unions, American Labor, and the Establishment of the State of Israel by Adam M. Howard
Robert D. Parmet
The “Estranged” Generation? Social and Generational Change in Interwar British Jewry by David Dee
Susan Tananbaum
Ben Helfgott: The Story of One of the Boys by Michael Freedland
François Guesnet
Whitechapel Noise: Jewish Immigrant Life in Yiddish Song and Verse, London 1884-1914 by Vivi Lachs
William Pimlott
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