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The Norwich Day-Book

Rev. S. Levy

<plain_text><page sequence="1">THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. By the Ret. S. LEVY, M.A. The Norwich Day-Book is the name given by Jacobs and Wolf, Bibliotheca Anglo-Judaica, xviii., to four rolls preserved in the Muniment Room at Westminster Abbey, which contain the trans? actions of the Norwich Jewish Exchequer day by day for the years 9-11 Hen. III. The documents are mentioned in the Historical MSS. Commission, Fourth Report, Appendix, p. 182, and have hitherto been officially known as Nos. 140, 145, 147, and 157 ; these numbers being written in dorso of each in pencil. But according to Dr. Scott's new catalogue now in process of making, they become Nos. 6686, 6687, 6673, and 9013 respectively. Dr. Scott describes No. 140 as follows: " Register of bonds for loans due from Christians to Jews, December to April, 10 H. III."?a description equally adequate for the remaining rolls, though the points in which No. 157 differs from the others will be noted later. ROLL 140. This roll consists of two or three membranes sewn end to end, making an entire length of 25 inches, its width being 8 inches. Unlike the remaining documents it possesses neither heading nor endorsement. No doubt at the date of its compilation it formed part of a larger roll, which, including No. 145, gave a complete year's enrolment (10 H. III.), just as No. 147 is a full year's enrolment for 11 H. III. It has no tag or elongated strip for fastening when rolled. The first dated entry is given as December 23rd, the last as 243</page><page sequence="2">244 THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK, April 26th. The number of entries for each month varies consider? ably ; the lowest number being four for January, and the highest sixteen for February. The name of the month is given in capitals and a margin is left for the date?exactly as in the specimen entries published herewith. The handwriting throughout is apparently the work of one scribe, and the fact that the document is an enrolment based upon the original instruments of the loan?tallies, charters, cyrographs, etc.?explains its contracted nature. The scribe does not follow in detail the usual methods of con? traction found in the official documents of the period, for he re? peatedly gives particles without the slightest contraction mark. The following may be cited as examples :? (a) de stands for the preposition de and also for debit, (b) da for dabit. (c) an for annus (and cases). (d) s for scilicet, solvit, and solvendum. (e) (more rarely)^?for filius or filia. In point of formation the letters " a " and " o," " e," " t," and " r," bear a great resemblance to one another; so that in the case of place and proper names, it is often a somewhat difficult matter to decide with accuracy upon the correct letter, A further peculiarity to be noticed is the sign t9, which evidently is equivalent to primus. These peculiarities are common to Nos, 145 and 147 ; for the same hand is found, amongst others, in these two rolls. Nothing in the manner of spelling the names of persons and places calls for attention. The forms given are almost identical with those given in the published Close and Patent Rolls for this period of Henry III. The entries show but little variation in their character. The most general form is the notification of a loan, with the name and place of residence of the borrower together with the name of the lender, thus: " Walterus, filius Alexandri de Waith am, debit Isaac filio Jurneti," etc. The amount of the loan is then stated, the terms of repayment, the rate of interest, occasionally the names of the pledges, and the security given. In addition, notices of fines and repayments are frequently met with.</page><page sequence="3">THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. 245 ROLL 145. Size 40" by 8." This is a continuation for the same year, and as the first entry is June 5th, the record for the month of May is missing. On the whole, it is better written, more carefully copied, and contains more contraction marks. The entries for August 18th and 20th are by a new hand, the day of the month being given at the conclusion of the enrolment and not in the margin. The remaining entries for August and for September 1st and 2nd indicate a further change?either a return to the original scribe or to a third hand?but several of the entries for September show a return to hand No. 2. The names of the month are written in loose capitals and uncials. There is no change of matter?the enrolments are of the same nature as already described, and, with the slight exception as to method of dating, are entered in a similar manner. The following is given as an endorsement, which supplies the first indication of the date of the document: " Ann9 Decimus. I?. Dni. H. fit. dni. J. Regis." There still remains a small portion of the tag at the end of the roll, which formerly served to fasten it. ROLL 147. Size 70" by 8", six membranes, sewn end to end. This document records a complete year of enrolments, viz. 11 H. III. The first entry is made on the morrow of SS. Simon and Jude (Nov). The last entry bears the date of October 21st. It possesses the following heading in elongated capitals, elaborately drawn:? " Annus Undecimus I|*. IJ. H. Filii. tj. Jofiis. Incept 9 die Simonis Jude." The handwriting, method of entry, and character of entries are all similar to the rolls already described; the same scribes evidently being responsible also for this roll.</page><page sequence="4">246 THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. Under the date of March 26th we find an entry, which discloses the name of one of the scribes, for it is written in the first person: " Ego, Andreas Wascelin, cognosco quod," etc. The last line of the roll (Mespice I tergo. Mac Nota) refers to three or four entries which complete the year. A further endorsement, written in a Chancery-hand and entered nine years afterwards (20 H. III.), is to be found referring to the withdrawal of a certain cyrograph per breve regis. Two tags, 10 inches and 2 inches, at the bottom of the roll, serve as a means of fastening. ROLL 157. Size 100" by 8", six membranes, sewn as before. This document clearly belongs to a different series from that of the three preceding ones. It is written in the Chancery-hand of the period, commences 9 H. III. and runs to the beginning of 11 H. III., thus covering the period already described in the other rolls. It is very clearly and elegantly written, and bears a resemblance to the fine writing of the Charter enrolments of the period. Though dealing with matters of the same nature, the form of entry is very much shortened ; the references to interest, pledges, etc., being much briefer and in many cases not given at all. Nevertheless the scribe gives in the first entry the full phrase, " debet reddere" and also "primus terminus," which are not given in previous rolls. The heading is as follows :? " Annus. Reg. Henr. fit. Reg. Johis. Non9. Mensis. April." This is the document to which Madox refers in his chapter, "The Exchequer of the Jews" (vol. i. c. vii. p. 139). He there describes it as an enrolment of loans, etc.; gives in a foot-note the first entry ; cites also an entry to prove the writer to be one Galfridus de Qwelnetham, and finally quotes two endorsements, the one in toto, the other in part. All the quotations given by Madox are printed herewith, together with other specimen entries of this document. Madox, however, makes no reference whatever to Rolls 140, 145, and 147. These documents, on the one hand, furnish material for the</page><page sequence="5">THE NORWICH DAY-ROOK. 247 genealogist in exactly the same way as the contemporary Feet of fines; and, on the other hand, they offer much information concerning rate of interest and repayment of loans, which may be compared with other evidence of the same period. Finally, they provide material on the Jewish side for a comparison with the methods of their great rivals, the Caursines, who became so active about ten years later (1235). In writing this Introduction I have received valuable assistance from Mr. E. F. Churchill, M.A. Mr. Churchill also, at my request, transcribed the specimen extracts, which were afterwards extended and translated by Miss E. Salisbury*</page><page sequence="6">248 THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK,. No. 140. Transcript. [No date.] Walterua filiixs Alexandri de Waltham solvit Isaac filio Jurneti v solidos et debet x solidos primus terminus Pasca v solidos festo Sancti Johannis v solidos et sinon dabit pro libra duos denarios. Alanus de Seniore debet Isaac filio Jurneti xiiij mareas et dabit inde de lucro quolibet anno xx solidos solvendos per v annos a die Sancti Tome Apostuli anno x? solvendos ad pasca k solidos festum Sancti Michaelis x solidos et sinon dabit pro libra ij denarios lucri super terras et in fine v annorum reddet predicto Isaac predictas xiiij marcas et sinon dabit qua libet ebdomada qualibet libra duos denarios. [??&lt;&gt;?] Robertus Hauecrin solvit Isaac filio Jurneti c solidos et debet ad Natalem anno x? et sinon dabit pro libra ij denarios. xx"j 1 Willelmus filius Roberti de Reidun? debet Isaac filio Jurneti xxiiij libras primus terminus pasca anno x? triginta solidos ad festum Sancti Michaelis xxx solidos et sic de anno in annum etc. et sinon dabit pro libra duos denarios lucri et sciendum quod si reddere voluerit ad Pascha predictam c solidos et ad festum Sancti Michaelis c solidos et ad Pascha primo postea c solidos, etc., erit quietus ipse et heredes sui de omnibus debitis, etc. Stephanus de Sparrham modo accipit a Diaie Franceis dimidiam marcam reddendam in crastinum Sancti Thome Apostuli anno x et sinon dabit pro libra iij denarios super terras. Philippus filius Johannis de Estun' solvit Isaac filio Jurneti ij marcas et dimidiam et debet ij marcas et dimidiam ad festum Sancti Johannis anno x et sinon dabit pro libra ij denarios super terras. Gilbertus filius Rogeri de Fransham modo accipit a Mosseo filio Abrahe sex marcas reddendas ad Pasca anno x et sinon dabit pro libra iij denarios super terras. Januarius Endo de Muleton' solvit Isaac filio Jurneti triginta solidos et debet x xv die. Hbras et x solidos primus terminus pasca xxx solidos Sancti Johannis Sancti Michaelis [similiter] et sinon dabit pro libra duos denarios etc. ut supra. 1 xxxiij in MS.</page><page sequence="7">THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. 249 ROLL 140. Translation. Walter son of Alexander de Waltham pays Isaac son of Jurnet 5s. and owes 10s.; the first term of Easter 5s., at the feast of St. John 5s. ; and if not he will give two pence for the pound. Alan de Senior owes Isaac son of Jurnet 14 marks, and will give as interest thereof every year 20s., payable in 5 years from the day of St. Thomas the Apostle in the 10th year, to be paid at Easter 10s., at the feast of St. Michael 10s.; and if not he will give twro pence of interest for the pound upon his lands : and at the end of 5 years he will render to the said Isaac the aforesaid 14 marks ; and if not he will give every week two pence for every pound. Robert Hauecrin pays Isaac son of Jurnet 100 shillings, and owes at Christmas in the 10th year, and if not he will give two pence for the pound. William son of Robert de Reidun owes Isaac son of Jurnet ?23:?the xxiijrd. first term Easter in the 10th year thirty shillings, at the feast of St. Michael thirty shillings, and thus from year to year, etc., and if not he will give two pence of interest for the pound. And be it known that if he be willing to pay at the Easter aforesaid 100 shillings, and at the feast of St. Michael 100 shillings, and at the Easter first afterwards 100 shillings, etc., he shall be quit himself and his heirs of all debts, etc. Stephen de Sparrham now receives from Diaia Franceis half a mark, payable on the morrow of St. Thomas the Apostle in the 10th year ; and if not, he will give three pence for the pound on lands. Philip son of John de Estun pays Isaac son of Jurnet 2 marks and a half, and owes 2 marks and a half at the feast of St. John in the 10th year; and if not, he will give 2d. for the pound upon lands. Gilbert son of Roger de Fransham now receives from Moses son of Abraham six marks payable at Easter in the 10th year ; and if not, he will give three pence for the pound upon lands. Eudes de Muleton pays Isaac son of Jurnet thirty shillings, and owes January 10 pounds and 10 shillings; the first term of Easter 30 shillings, St. John 15tn day. [and] St. Michael [likewise]; and if not, he will give two pence for the pound, etc., as above.</page><page sequence="8">250 THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. Johannes filius Galfridi de Rising' debet Simoni filio Sarre xxiij solidos reddendos ad festum Sancte Fidis anno x? et sinon dabit pro libra iij denarios etc. ebruarius Radulfus filius Godefridi de Irminglonde debet Cipore9 filie Magistri die* Merini xxj marcas et dimidiam primus terminus ad purificacionem anno x? viginti marcas et ad pasca primo postea xx solidos et sinon dabit pro libra tres denarios ac[crementi], etc. 'j? die. Rogerus filius Odonis modo accipit a Simone filio Sarre xiv solidos reddendos ad Natalem Sancti Johannis anno x? et sinon dabit pro libra tres denarios super terras et catalla. j &lt;iie. Robertus Lenald de Sweinetborp debet Simoni filio Sarre novem solidos ad mediam quadragesimam anno x et sinon dabit ... in ebdomada super terras et catalla et pro hoc debito est ipse quietus de cirographo xxxiij solidorum et de omnibus aliis versus eum usque hanc diem dictum, etc. xiiij. Gile de Wechesham solvit Isaac filio Jurneti centum et decem libras et debet c et x libras primus terminus ad festum Sancte Fidis anno x centum solidos Sancti Michaelis similiter Sancti Hillarii similiter et Pasca similiter et sic de anno in annum etc. et sinon dabit pro libra duos denarios lucri super terras et redditus et catalla ac[crementi], etc. x die. Henricus Talbmongrir Kipe debet Ahrahe filio Mossei xiij solidos ad quindenam trinitatis anno x et sinon dabit pro libra tres denarios super terras et catalla. xiij. Ricardus filius Eustacii de Saxlingham debet Isaac filio Jurneti dnodecim solidos ad pasca anno x? duos solidos et ad quindenam. Sancte Fidis decem solidos et sinon dabit pro libra duos denarios super terras et catalla. liircius. Henricus Kipe Talbmongrir debet Abrahe filio Mossei xvj solidos ad festum Sancti Martini anno xj? et sinon dabit pro libra tres denarios super terras et catalla. Idem a die quo permisit ultra predictum terminum nulluni in lucro exiget. v?j die. Willelmus filius Ranulfi de Swerdestun' fecit finem cum Diaie filio Samsonis per tres libras et cum Merino filio Joscei per alias tres libras et per duo tallias reddendam ad festum Sancte Fidis anno x medietatem et ad Natalem aliam lucrum libre tres denarios super terras et catalla.</page><page sequence="9">THE NORWICH DAV-BOOK. 251 John son of Geoffrey de Rising owes Simon son of Sarah 23 shillings, payable at the feast of St. Faith in the 10th year ; and if not, he will give 3 pence for the pound, etc. Ralph son of Godfrey de Irminglonde owes Cipora daughter of Master February Merinus1 21 marks and a half ; the first term at the Purification in the 10th lst day' year twenty marks, and at the Easter first afterwards 20 shillings ; and if not, he will give three pence of [increment] for the pound, etc. Roger son of Otho now receives from Simon son of Sarah 14 shillings, 4th day. payable at the Nativity of St. John in the 10th year ; and if not, he will give three pence for the pound upon lands and chattels. Robert Lenald of Sweinethorp owes Simon son of Sarah nine shillings at Hth day. Mid-Lent in the 10th year ; and if not, he will give ... a week upon lands and chattels : and for this debt he is quit of the chirograph of 33 shillings, and of all other [things] against him until this said day, etc. Giles de Wechesham pays Isaac son of Jurnet one hundred and ten Im? pounds, and owes 100 and 10 pounds ; the first term at the feast of St. Faith in the 10th year one hundred shillings, at Michaelmas the like, at St. Hilary the like and at Easter the like, and thus from year to year, etc.; and if not, he will give two pence of interest for the pound upon lands and rents and chattels of [increment], etc. Henry [the tallowmonger of Kipe 1] owes Abraham son of Moses2 13 20th day. shillings at the quindene of Trinity in the 10th year ; and if not, he will give three pence for the pound upon lands and chattels. Richard son of Eustace de Saxlingham owes Isaac son of Jurnet twelve 23rd. shillings ; at Easter in the 10th year two shillings, and at the quindene of St. Faith ten shillings; and if not, he will give two pence for the pound upon lands and chattels. Henry of Kipe, tallowmonger, owes Abraham son of Moses 16 shillings March, at the feast of St. Martin in the 11th year ; and if not, he will give three pence for the pound upon lands and chattels. The same from the day which he allowed beyond the aforesaid term will exact nothing in interest. William son of Ranulf de Swerdestun made a fine with Diaia son of 18th day. Samson for three pounds, and with Merinus son of Josce for another three pounds and by two tallies, one moiety payable at the feast of St. Faith in the 10th year and the other at Christmas; interest of the pound three pence upon lands and chattels. 1 [Meyr ? and so throughout.] 2 [Spelt " Mosse " throughout in original]</page><page sequence="10">252 THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. Ranulfus Champanie finem fecit cum Merino filio Benedicti de Oxonia per xv solidos et sex denarios primus terminus ad xv pasce anno x tres solidos ix denarios et obolum et ad pentecostem totidem et ad festum Sancti Johannis totidem et ad festum Sancti Michaelis totidem et sinon dabit pro libra tres denarios super terras et catalla. Alanus de Seniore debet Merino filio Joscei de Oxonia tres marcas ad festum Sancte Fidis anno x? et sinon dabit pro libra duos denarios. Johannes filius Roberti de Depham modo accipit a Isaac filio Mossei iiijor marcas reddendas ad festum Omnium Sanctorum anno xj et sinon dabit pro libra duos denarios super terras. Petrus filius Willelmi del Frith debet Josceo de Eia xv solidos et dimi diam summam frumenti ad festum Sancti Michaelis anno decimo lucrum libre tres denarios super terras et catalla. Petrus filius Petri Constabularii de Cacalton' finem fecit cum Benedicto Crispin de Londinio per xx libras et habet unam inde talliam xvj librarum et aliam quatuor primus terminus Natalis anno xj lucrum libre duo denarii super terras et catalla. Ricardus de Daggeworthe filius Osberti filii Henrici finem fecit cum Isaac filio Jurneti per 1 marcas reddendas primus terminus festo Sancti Johannis anno x quinque marcas et purificationis primo postea v marcas et sic de anno in annum etc. et sinon dabit pro libra duos denarios et per hunc debitum est1 ipse et pater et avus et heredes quieti,1 etc. Rogerus et Radulf us fratres de Bernham filio Alani solvunt Isaac filio Jurneti xxv solidos et debent quilibet eorum septem libras duodecim solidos et sex denarios primus terminus Sancti Johannis quilibet eorum xij s. vj d., etc., ut supra ad pasca. Johannis filius Johannis de Reinestorp solvit Isaac filio duas marcas et dimidiam et debet xij marcas et dimidiam primus terminus Sancti Michaelis anno x? duas marcas secundus pasca lucrum libre duo denarii. 1 [Sic]</page><page sequence="11">THE NORWICH BAY-BOOK, 253 Ranulf Champain made a fine with Merimis son of Benedict de Oxford for 15 shillings and six pence ; the first term at the quindene of Easter in the 10th year three shillings and ninepence halfpenny; and at Whitsun the same, and at the feast of St. John the same, and at the feast of St. Michael the same j and if not, he will give three pence for the pound upon lands and chattels. Alan de Senior owes Merinus son of Josce de Oxford three marks at the 20th day, feast of St. Faith in the 10th year; and if not, he will give two pence for the pound. John son of Robert de Depham now receives from Isaac son of Moses 4 April marks, payable at the feast of All Saints in the llth year ; and if not, he will give two pence for the pound upon lands. Peter son of William del Frith owes Josce de Eye 15 shillings and half 9th day. a load of wheat at the feast of St. Michael in the tenth year ; interest of the pound three pence, upon lands and chattels. Peter son of Peter the constable of Cacalton made a fine with Benedict The same Crispin of London for 20 pounds, and has one tally thereof of 16 pounds, and day [13tbl' another of four; the first term Christmas in the llth year; interest of the pound two pence upon lands and chattels, [Hefe follows erased entry.] Richard de Daggeworthe son of Osbert son of Henry made a fine with 13th day. Isaac son of Jurnet for 50 marks; payable the first term at the feast of St. John in the 10th year five marks, and of the Purification first afterwards 5 marks, and thus from year to year, etc. And if not, he will give two pence for the pound ; and by this debt he and his father and grandfather and heirs are quit, etc. Roger and Ralph, brothers of Bernham son of Alan, pay Isaac son of [24th.] Jurnet 25 shillings^ and owe each of them seven pounds twelve shilllings and six pence ; the first term of St, John each of them 12s. 6d.5 etc., as above at Easter, John son of John de Reinestorp pays Isaac son [of Jurnet ?] two marks 26th day, and a half, and owes 12 marks and a half ; the first term of St. Michael in the 10th year two marks, the second Easter; interest of the pound two pence,</page><page sequence="12">254 THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK, [No date.] ROLL 145. Transcript. Junius vij, Andreas filius Willelmi Wascelin debet Mosseo filio Abralie sex marcas tres solidos primus terminus pasca anno xj? duas marcas et xij denarios similiter ad festum Sancti Michaelis et ad Pascam sequentem et sinon dabit pro libra tres denarios lucri super terras et catalla. xx?j. Hubertus de Vallibus finem fecit de debito Aaronis filii Joscei de Eboraco per cctas marcas reddendas ad Natalem Sancti Johannis anno x. Et pro illis marcis dabit illi quolibet anno duodecim libras lucri primus terminus ad festum Sancti Martini anno xj? sex libras et ad quindenam Pentecoste primo postea sex libras et secundum quod pacabit de catallo cadet de lucro et si quis terminus inde postea dabit pro libra duos denarios lucri super terras et catalla. [xxx Gilbertus filius Gilbert! de Fransham debet Mosseo filio Salmon is xv solidos ad festum Omnium Sanctorum anno xj super terras de Worthested' et catalla. Julius j?. Johannes del Wra debet Isaac filio Jurneti tres solidos ad festum Sancti Michaelis anno x? et sinon dabit prout alibi duo. x?j. Radulfus de Dallinger solvit Isaac filio Jurneti xxv solidos et debet xxvij libras et quinque solidos primus terminus ad quindenam Sancti Johannis anno decimo secundus ad festum Sancti Michaelis et Natale et pasca, etc. Vitalis Braitun Capstanus [sie] debet Begine filie Flurie unani marcam debitam post festum Sancte Fidis anno x?. In lucro duos denarios. Adam de Bedingfeld' solvit Aaroni filio Abralie decem libras et debet xl libras et xvij denarios primus terminus festum Sancti Nicolai anno xj? decem libras et xvij denarios. Secundus terminus Sancti Johannis, etc., ut supra. Augustus Ricardus filius Philippi Sauringes modo aeeipit a Isaac filio Jurneti iiijor vij die. [marcas], primus terminus die veneris post festum Sancti Laurentii anno x? dimidiam marcam et ad festum Sancte Fidis tres marcas et dimidiam. x die. Robertus filius Simonis de Soham debet Jacobo filio Yives de Colecestria xxiiij solidos ad festum Sancti Martini anno xj? et si non lucrum libre duo denarii super terras et catalla.</page><page sequence="13">THE NORWICH DAY*BOOK; 255 ROLL 145. Translation. Andrew son of William Wascelin owes Moses son of Abraham six marks June 7th. three shillings; the first term at Easter in the 11th year two marks and twelve pence, the like at the feast of St. Michael and at the Easter follow? ing; and if not, he will give three pence for the pound of interest upon lands and chattels. Hubert de Taux mnde a fine of the debt of Aaron son of Josce de 23rd. York for 200 marks, payable at the Nativity of St. John in the 10th year. And for those marks he will give him every year twelve pounds of interest ; the first term at the feast of St. Martin in the 11th year six pounds, and at the quindene of Whitsun first afterwards six pounds; and that which he shall pay in chattels will reduce the interest; and if any term thereof pass by he shall give two pence of interest for the pound upon lands and chattels. Gilbert son of Gilbert de Fransham owes Moses son of Solomon 15 [30th.] shillings at the feast of All Saints in the 11th year, upon the lands of Worthested and chattels. John del Wra owes Isaac son of Jurnet three shillings at the feast of July 1st. St. Michael in the 10th year; and if not, he will give as elsewhere two [etc]. Ralph de Daliinger pays Isaac son of Jurnet 25 shillings and owes 27 13th. pounds and five shillings; the first term at the quindene of St. John in the 10th year, the second at the feast of St. Michael, and Christmas and Easter, etc. Hagin Braitun [chaplain?] owes Regina daughter of Flury one mark due after the feast of St. Faith in the 10th year. In interest two pence. Adam de Bedingfeld pays Aaron son of Abraham ten pounds and owes 40 pounds and 17 pence ; the first term the feast of St. Nicholas in the 11th year ten pounds and 17 pence; the second term, of St. John, etc., as above. Richard son of Philip Sauringes now receives from Isaac son of Jurnet August 4 [marks]; the first term on the Friday after the feast of St. Laurence in 7th day. the 10th year half a mark ; and at the feast of St. Faith three marks and a half. Robert son of Simon de Sohani owes Jacob son of Vives de Colchester 10th day. 24 shillings at the feast of St. Martin in the 11th year; and if not, the interest of the pound two pence upon lands and chattels.</page><page sequence="14">256 THE NOKWICH DAY-BOOK. xiij. Ricardus de Elington' aurifaber eidem Jacobo xxxij solidos ad festtmi Sancti Michaelis anno x. et sinon solvet dabit pro libra duos denarios super terras et redditus et catalla. Actum, etc. xv?j die. Rogerus filiiis Philippi de Ho debet Mosseo filio Abrahe et Isaac filio Salomonis octo marcas, scilicet medietatem uni et aliam alteri, primus terminus festum Sancti Michaelis annoregni Regis Henrici, etc.,decimo duas marcas et imam summam avene et ad pasca primo postea duas marcas et ad festum Sancti Michaelis proximo postea duas marcas et ad festum Sancti Michaelis proximo postea duas marcas hierum libre ij d. et pro hoc debito est quietus et pater ejus, etc. Johannes filius Henrici de Ulvestun' finem fecit cum Isaac filio Jurneti per debita Mossei filii Abrahe Isaac filii Salomonis et Diaie le Scalarius per quinque marcas reddendas ad festum Sancti Martini anno x. Actum eadem die [xxviij]. Septemher. Wolmenus Pigge de Rudenhal' debet Josceo filio Mngistri Merini unam marcam primus terminus Sanctus Andreas anno x dimidiam marcam, [festo] Sancti Andre anno sequenti dimidiam marcam. Warinus Edward' plegius de sex solidis et Alanus Franceis de aliis sex et predictus Wolmenus quietus est versus predictum Josceum et Merinum heredes, etc. Actum j die Septembris. v?j? Galfridus filius Ricardi R?ffi de Berchstrete debet Jurnino filio Jacobi de Oxonia xxxj s. ij d. ad festum Sancti Martini anno xj super terras et catalla. Robertus Ilakun finem fecit cum Semuret per triginta marcas primus terminus festum Sancti Michaelis anno decinio j niarcam, pasca j marcam, et sie de anno in annum, etc., et per hoc debitum est quietus, etc. Idem Robertus post obitum matris pacabit per annum duas marcas et dimidiam et dictus Judseus acquietabit vas ad scaccarium domini Regis de quinquaginta solidis qui sunt in demanda. xxix die. Bartholomeus de Crek' debet Isaac filio Jurneti quatuor viginti et septem decem libras et decem solidos, primus terminus festum Sancti Michaelis anno Regis x? Septem libras et decem solidos et ad natalem similiter, etc., pasca et Sanctum Johannem, hierum libre ij d. super terras. Pater ejus plegiavit super terras et catalla et dictus Isaac acquietabit eum de xx solidis cirographi cc marcarum. Idem debet dicto Isaac quolibet anno duas summas frumenti ad festum Sancti Michaelis et per hoc debitum est quietus, etc.</page><page sequence="15">THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. 257 Richard de Elington, goldsmith, to the same Jacob 32 shillings at the 13th. feast of St. Michael in the 10th year; and if he does not pay he will give for the pound two pence upon lands and rents and chattels. Done, etc. Roger son of Philip de Ho owes Moses son of Abraham and Isaac son of 18th day. Solomon eight marks, to wit, a moiety to the one and another to the other; the first term the feast of St. Michael in the tenth year of the reign of King Henry, etc., two marks and one load of oats; and at the Easter first after? wards two marks; and at the feast of St. Michael next afterwards two marks ; interest of the pound 2d : and for this debt he is quit and his father, etc. John son of Henry de Ulvestun made a fine with Isaac son of Jurnet for the debts of Moses son of Abraham, Isaac son of Solomon and Diaia le Scalarius for five marks, payable at the feast of St. Martin in the 10th year. Done the same day [28th], Woolmene Pigge of Rudenhal owes Josce son of Master Merinus one Septem mark ; the first term St. Andrew in the 10th year half a mark, [at the feast] ber* ?f St. Andrew in the following year half a mark. Warin Edward5 surety for six shillings, and Alan Franceis for the other six ; and the aforesaid Woolmene is quit towards the aforesaid Josce and Merinus, [their] heirs, etc. Done on the 1st day of September. Geoffrey son of Richard [the Red *] of Berchstrete owes Jurninus son of 8th. Jacob de Oxford 31s. 2d. at the feast of St. Martin in the llthyear, upon lands and chattels. Robert Hakun made a fine with Semuret for thirty marks; the first term at the feast of St. Michael in the tenth year one mark, at Easter one mark, and thus from year to year, etc.: and by this debt he is quit, etc. The same Robert after the death of his mother will pay by the year two marks and a half, and the said Jew will acquit the chest at the Exchequer of the Lord King of fifty shillings which are in demand, Bartholomew de Crek owes Isaac son of Jurnet four score and seventeen 29th day. pounds and ten shillings ; the first term at the feast of Saint Michael in the 10th year of the King seven pounds and ten shillings, and at Christmas the like, etc., at Easter and St. John ; interest of the pound 2d., upon lands. His father gave surety upon lands and chattels, and the said Isaac will acquit him of 20 shillings of a chirograph of 200 marks. The same owes the said Isaac every year two loads of wheat at the feast of St. Michael, and by this debt he is quit, etc. i fRous n VOL. V. II</page><page sequence="16">258 THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. October. Johannes films Roberti de Upham debet [Mosseo] filio Abrahe sexaginta? solidos primus terminus quindena Pasca anno xj quindecim solidos, et ad quindenam Sancti Martini proximo postea xv solidos et dimidiam summam frumenti et anno secundo similiter, super terras et catalla. Lucrum ut supra. xi?j die. Willelmus filius Mathei deGurnai solvit. Isaac filio Jurneti lx solidos et debet lxx libras primus terminus Sancti Andree anno Regis, etc., xj? tres libras et ad Caput Jejunii tres libras et ad festum omnium sanctorum duas summas frumenti. Idem debet eidem c. solidos primus terminus Sancti Andree anno Regis xj quinquaginta solidos, ad Caput Jejunii quinquaginta solidos super terras et catalla. Henricus filius Roberti de . . . debet . . . filio Jacobi ...... ROLL 147. Transcript. 11 Hen. III. Annus Undecimus Regni Regis Henrici Filii Regis Johannis Inceptua die Simonis et Jude. Rogerus'filius Philippi de Ho debet Mosseo filio Abrahe et Isaac filio Salomonis sex marcas scilicet medietatem uni et aliam alteri primus terminus pasca anno Regni Regis predicti xj duas marcas, et ad festum Sancti Michaelis proximo postea duas marcas et ad pasca proximo postea duas marcas. Actum in crastinum Simonis et Jude per manum Willelmi Speciarii. November Henricus de Histeldene miles debet Isaac filio Jurneti sexdecim libras ad festum Sancti Nicholai anno Regni Regis predicti xj?. Et pro iilis dabit illi predictus Henricus quolibet de lucro quatuor libras scilicet ad pasca tres marcas et ad festum Sancti Michaelis tres marcas et unam summam frumenti super terras et catalla. Et per hoc debitum est ipse et pater ejus et lieredes quieti versus dictum Isaac de omnibus debitis plegiis et demandis ab initio seculi usque ad hunc diem. xvij. Robertus filius Simonis de Soham debet Jacobo filio Vives de Colecestria viginti quatuor solidos ad pasca anno Regni xj, etc., super terras et catalla. xxix&gt; Johannes de Corn[herde] et Ricardus filius et omnes heredes eorum ex ceptu [sic] Johanne filio predicti Johannis sunt quieti versus Isaac filium Jurneti et lieredes ejus de omnibus debitis plegiis et demandis ab initio seculi usque ad diem Sancti Andree anno Regni Regis Henrici filii Johannis Regis undecimo.</page><page sequence="17">THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK, 259 John son of Robert de Upham owes [Mosse] son of Abraham sixty shil- October, lings; the first term in the quindene of Easter in the 11th year fifteen shillings, and at the quindene of St. Martin next afterwards 15 shillings and half a load of wheat, and in the second year the like, upon lands and chattels. Interest as above. William son of Matthew de Gurnai pays Isaac son of Jurnet 60 shillings 14fch day. and owes 70 pounds; the first term of St. Andrew in the 11th year of the King three pounds, and on Ash Wednesday three pounds, and at the feast of All Saints two loads of wheat. The same owes to the same 100 shillings ; the first term of St. Andrew in the 11th year of the King fifty shillings, on Ash Wednesday fifty shillings, upon lands and chattels. Henry son of Robert de . . . owes . . . son of Jacob. ROLL 147. Translation. 11 Hen. III. The eleventh year of the reign of King Henry son of King John, begun on the day of Simon and Jude. Roger son of Philip de Ho owes Moses son of Abraham and Isaac son of Solomon six marks, to wit, a moiety to one and another to the other; the first term at Easter in the 11th year of the reign of the aforesaid King two marks, and at the feast of St. Michael next afterwards two marks, and at Easter next afterwards two marks. Done on the morrow of Simon and Jude by the hand of William Spicer. Henry de Histeldene, knight, owes Isaac son of Jurnet sixteen pounds November; at the feast of St. Nicholas in the 11th year of the reign of the aforesaid King. And for those the aforesaid Henry will give to him every [year] of interest four pounds, to wit, at Easter three marks, and at the feast of St. Michael three marks and one load of wheat, upon lands and chattels. And by this debt he is, and his father and heirs [are] quit towards the said Isaac of all debts, sureties and demands from the beginning of the century until this day. Robert son of Simon de Soham owes Jacob son of Vives de Colchester 17th. twenty-four shillings at Easter in the 11th year of the reign, etc., upon lands and chattels. John de Corn[herde] and Richard his son and all their heirs except 20th. John son of the aforesaid John are quit against Isaac son of Jurnet and his heirs of all debts, sureties and demands from the beginning of the century until St. Andrew's day in the eleventh year of the reign of King Henry son of King John.</page><page sequence="18">260 THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. December Willelmus filius Willelmi le Dene debet Merino filio Benedicti et Klie j die. ^i-Q y|ves duodecim solidos scilicet medietatem uni et aliam alteri primns terminus Pentecostes anno xj? quinque solidos, Sancti Michaelis sept em solidos. Actum, etc., prima die Decembris. xxiiij, Johannes filius Roberti de Depham debet Samueli filio Isaac septem marcas ad purificationem anno Regni Regis, etc., xj et pro illo debito dabit illi quolibet anno de lucro duas marcas usque in finem xv annorum his terminis ad assumptionem Sancte Marie octo solidos et xj d. et ad festum Omnium Sanctorum similiter, et ad purificationem primo postea octo solidos et decem denarios et ad festum Sancti Michaelis anno xj duas summas frumenti. Et per hunc finem est quietus versus Isaac filiurn Abrahe de omnibus debitis plegiis dem and is usque hunc diem. Januarius Ricardus filius Willelmi de Reunham debet Mosseo filio Abrahe per vj- talliam decem marcas ad festum Sancte Margarete anno Regni, etc., xj super terras et catalla. Actum vj die Januarii. x. Philippus filius Milonis de Hasting'debet Isaac filio Jurneti duodecim libras primus terminus pasca anno Regni, etc., xj sex libras et ad festum Sancti Michaelis primo postea sex libras et unam summam frumenti quolibet anno dum est in hoc debito. Actum anno predicto die x Januarii. Idem Philippus est quietus per hunc finem de tallia octo librarum et de omnibus aliis debitis plegiis et demandis etheredes ejus similiter, etc. Actum die x Januarii. Pebruarius Walterus filius Ricardi de Bradenham debet Merino filio Joscei de vij. Oxonia sexaginta solidos et Jurnino filio Diaie Ix solidos ad festum omnium Sanctorum anno Regni, etc., duedecimo et cuilibet eorum viij cumbas fru? menti. Actum vij die. ix. Godefridus filius Roberti de Salle debet Josceo de Eia triginti solidos et unam summam frumenti ad Nativitatem Sancte Marie anno xj?. Actum ix die. Idem [Rogerus de Verli] debet eidem [Isaac filio Salomonis] tres marcas et dimidiam et Mosseo filio Abiahe sex marcas et dimidiam dominica medie xl me. Eodem die. x vj. Martinus Skerret debet Samueli filio Isaac xx solidos ad festum Trinitatis anno xj. Actum xvj die. Marciiis Willelmus de Gurnai fecit finem cum Isaac filio Salomonis per tres i die- marcas, primus terminus Natalis xx solidos anno duodecimo Regni Regis Henrici, etc., et ad festum Sancti Johannis xx s. et debet modo habere starrum.</page><page sequence="19">THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. 261 William son of William le Dene owes Merinus son of Benedict and December Elias son of Vives twelve shillings, to wit, a moiety to one and another lst ay" to the other ; the first term at Whitsun in the 11th year five shillings, Michaelmas seven shillings. Done, etc., the first day of December. John son of Robert de Depham owes Samuel son of Isaac seven marks, 24th. at the Purification in the 11th year of the reign of the King, etc.: and for [sic.] that debt he will give him every year of interest two marks, until the end of fifteen years, at these terms ; at the Assumption of St. Mary eight shillings and lid., and at the feast of All Saints the like, and at the Purification first afterwards eight shillings and ten pence, and at the feast of St. Michael in the 11th year two loads of wheat. And by this fine he is quit against Isaac son of Abraham of all debts, sureties, demands, until this day. Richard son of William de Reimham owes Moses son of Abraham by January tally ten marks at the feast of St. Margaret in the 11th year of the reign, ?til* etc., upon lands and chattels. Done the 6th day of January. Philip son of Miles de Hasting' owes Isaac son of Jurnet twelve pounds; 10th. the first term at Easter in the 11th year of the reign, etc., six pounds, and at the feast of St. Michael first afterwards six pounds and one load of wheat every year while he is in this debt. Done in the year aforesaid on the 10th day of January. The same Philip is quit by this fine of a tally of eight pounds, and of all other debts, sureties and demands, and his heirs likewi&amp;e, etc. Done the 10th day of January. Walter son of Richard de Bradenham owes Merinus son of Josce de February Oxford sixty shillings, and to Jurninus son of Diaia 60 shillings, at the feast ^th* of All Saints in the twelfth year of the reign, etc., and to each of them 8 combs of wheat. Done the 7th day. Godfrey son of Robert de Salle owes Josce de Eye thirty shillings and 9th. one load of wheat at the Nativity of St. Mary in the 11th year. Done the 9th day. The same [Roger de Verli] owes to the same [Isaac son of Solomon] three marks and a half, and, to Moses son of Abraham six marks and a half on the Sunday in Mid-Lent. The same day. Martin Skerret owes Samuel son of Isaac 20 shillings at the feast of 16th. Trinity in the 11th year. Done the 16th day. William de Gurnai. made a fine with Isaac son of Solomon for three March marks; the first term of Christmas 20 shillings in the twelfth year of the lst da^* reign of King Henry, etc.; and at the feast of S.t. John 20s.; and ought to have a starr1 thereof. 1 [A Jew's bond.]</page><page sequence="20">262 THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. xv. Robertus Curestun' de Keteringbam debet Slemmote filio Vives de Oxonia xv s. et viij d. ad festum Sancti Michaelis anno xj et robam viridem ad Pentecostes. xxii'. Robertus filius Galfridi pincerne de Hemington' debet Diaie le Franceis Ix solidos primus terminus Sancti Michaelis xxx s. Sancti Andree xxx s. super terras et redditus quas habet vel habebit. xxyj- Ego Andreas Wascelin cognosco quod debeo Aaroni filio Jacobi tres marcas per cirographum scriptum per manum Willelmi Curreie qui obiit primus terminus ad annuntiationem Sancte Marie anno xj viginti solidos Sancti Johannis xx solidos et pes illius cirographi remansit cum predicto Willelmo ad ponendam in area et ad extrahendum predictum cirographum sexaginta solidos. April viij. Agnes uxor Roberti de Briggeham debet Simoni filio Sarre viginti duos solidos ad Pentecostes anno Regni, etc., xj? Philippo filio ejus plegio. XVi Willelmus le Clauer de Stirstun' finem fecit cum Isaac filio Jurneti per xviij libras primus terminus ad xvam clausi pasce anno xj novem libras et ad pasca anno xij novem libras et pro hoc debito est quietus et heredes versus omnes judeos et judeas in Norwica de omnibus debitis, etc. Magister Wille!mus de Kentewelle debet Isaac filio Jurneti triginta duas libras et x solidos primus terminus xva Sancte [sic] Johannis anno xj 1, solidos, Sancti Michaelis, Hillarii, et Pasca similiter ad quindenam. Idem debet dicto Isaac decem marcas ad xv pasce anno xj. et pro illis dabit quolibet anno quatuor marcas de lucro scilicet ad festum Sancti Johannis anno [xj] duas marcas et ad purificationem duas marcas et secundum quod pacabit de catallo relaxabitur de lucro. Mains Willelmus filius Ernaldi de Finingham debet Diaie Franceis xx solidos j die. ad festum Sancti Martini anno xij. vij die. Egidus [sic] de Wechesham debet Isaac filio Jurneti quatuor viginti et decem libras primus terminus anno xj. c. solidos. Xvij. Robertus le Gris debet Mosseo filio Abrahe ad octavas Sancte Fidis anno [sic] ^ Super terras et cat alia. xxvj. Vitalis filius Alani de Sancto Edmundi [sic] debet Regine filie Flurie de Bungay xx solidos dominica proxima post festum Sanct.anno xj. Super terras et redditus que fuerunt vadia eidem anno x.</page><page sequence="21">THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. 263 Robert Curestun of Keteringham owes SI em mote son of Vives de Oxford 15th. 15s. 8d. at the feast of St. Michael in the 11th year, and a green robe at Whitsun. Robert son of Geoffrey the butler of Hemington owes Diaia le Franceis 23rd. 60 shillings; the first term of St. Michael 30s., of St. Andrew 30s.; upon lands and rents which he has or will have. I Andrew Wascelin acknowledge that I owe to Aaron son of Jacob three 26th. marks by a chirograph written by the hand of William Curreie who died : the first term at the Annunciation of St. Mary in the 11th year twenty shil? lings, St. John 20 shillings ; and the foot of that chirograph remained with the aforesaid William to be put in the chest; and to withdraw the aforesaid chirograph, sixty shillings. Agnes wife of Robert de Briggeham owes Simon son of Sarah twenty April 8th. two shillings at Whitsun in the 11th year of the reign, etc. Philip her son being surety. William le Claver of Stirstun made a fine with Isaac son of Jurnet for 15th. 18 pounds; the first term at the quindene of the close of Easter in the 11th year nine pounds, and at Easter in the 12th year nine pounds ; and for this debt he is quit and his heirs against all Jews and Jewesses in Norwich of all debts, etc. Master William de Kentewelle owes Isaac son of Jurnet thirty two pounds and 10 shillings ; the first term the quindene of St. John in the 11th year 50 shillings, St. Michael, Hilary and Easter the like at the quindene. The same owes the said Isaac ten marks at the quindene of Easter in the 11th year, and for them he will give every year four marks of interest, to wit, at the feast of St. John in the [11th] year two marks, and at the Purification two marks ; and according to what he shall pay in kind will be released from the interest. William son of Arnold de Finingham owes Diaia Franceis 20 shillings at the feast of St. Martin in the 12th year. Giles de Wechesham owes Isaac son of Jurnet four score and ten pounds ; the first term in the 11th year 100 shillings. Robert le Gris owes Moses son of Abraham at the octave of St Faith in the 11th year-. Upon lands and chattels. Vitalis son of Alan de St. Edmund's owes Regina daughter of Flurey de Bungay 20 shillings on the Sunday next after the feast of St. ..... . in the 11th year., Upon lands and rents which were wages to him in the 10th year.</page><page sequence="22">264 THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. Junius viij. Godefridus filius Roberti de Salle de festum Omnium Sanctorum anno xij. et unam summam avene. ix. Frankus de Cheuerenil debet Isaac filio Jnrneti sexaginta sex marcas, primus terminus Sancti Michaelis xj marcas, et ad pasca xj marcas, et sie de anno in annum, etc. x. Ricardus Mercator de Saxlingham debet Simoni filio Sarre sex solidos ad festum Sancte Fides [sie] anno . . . Ranulfo Gigante plegio. xj. Robertus Floteman de Saxlingham debet Damete filie Morel octo solidos ad Nativitatem Sancte Marie anno xj. super terras et catalla. Julii ij. Adam filius Willelmi de Bosco de Thornham debet Diaie filie Leonis quatuor libras et oetodeeim solidos, primus terminus purificationis Sancte Marie xxx s., pasca xxx s., et per hoc debitum pater et ipse et heredes sunt quieti, etc. Robertus filius Rogeri de Nortun' in ?bert?te Sancti Edmundi debet Jurnino filio Jacobi Septem solidos ad festum Omnium Sanctorum anno xij. xxij. Johannes filius Roberti de Lund' debet Gente filie Isaac de Oxonia octo solidos ad festum Sancte Fidis anno xj. xxv. Willelmus de Mortemer debet Isaac filio Jurneti decem marcas ad pasca anno Regni etc. xij. Affidavit tan tum et habet cirographum. Augustus Henriens de Bedford' debet Jacobo filio Semuret quinque marcas et die j?. dimidiam scilicet ad festum Sancte Fidis medietatem et aliam medietatem ad festum Sancti Edmundi. ix. Johannes de Theestun' Capellanus debet Simoni filio Sarre triginta tres solidos ad festum Sancti Laurentii anno Regni xj. Super terras et catalla. September Radulfus de Br?ning' debet Jurnino filio Jacobi xv solidos ad pasca anno xxli- xij. Super terras et catalla. Sancto Radulfus de Hirminglond, miles, solvit magistro Merino Chalbard xxv s, Michaele. per manum Godefridi filii sui. October vj. Galfridus de Maltebi et Johannes de Stokesbi debent Merino filio Joscie et Mosseo filio Abrahe octo marcas ad1 [sie] die pasce in unum mensem anno xij. super terras et catalla. Plegium eorum Johannes de Maltebi super terras et catalla. </page><page sequence="23">THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK, 265 Godfrey son of Robert de Salle owes.of ........ to Josce June 8th. de the feast of All Saints in the 12th year, and one load of oats. Frank de Cheverenil owes Isaac son of Jurnet sixty six marks ; the first 9fch. term of St. Michael 11 marks, and at Easter 11 marks, and thus from year to year, etc. Richard the merchant of Saxlingham owes Simon son of Sarah six 10th. shillings at the feast of St. Faith in the . . . year ; Ralph the Giant being surety. Robert Floteman of Saxlingham owes Dameta daughter of Morel eight Hth. shillings at the Nativity of St. Mary in the 11th year ; upon lands and chattels. Adam son of William Wood of Thornham owes Diaia daughter of Leo four July 2nd. pounds and eighteen shillings; the tirst term of the Purification of St. Mary 30s., at Easter 30s. ; and by this debt his father and himself and his heirs are quit, etc. Robert son of Roger de Nortun in the liberty of St. Edmund owes Jurninus son of Jacob seven shillings at the feast of All Saints in the 12th year. John son of Robert de London owes Genta daughter of Isaac de Oxford 22nd. eight shillings at the feast of St. Faith in the 11th year. William de Mortemer owes Isaac son of Jurnet ten marks at Easter in 25th. the 12th year of the reign, etc. He made oath only and has the chirograph. Henry de Bedford owes Jacob son of Semuret five marks and a half, to August wit, at the feast of St. Faith one moiety, and the other moiety at the feast of *st day* St. Edmund. John de Theestun, chaplain, owes Simon son of Sarah thirty three 9th. shillings at the feast of St. Laurence in the 11th year of the reign. Upon lands and chattels. Ralph de Br?ning owes Jurninus son of Jacob 15 shillings at Easter in September the 12th year. Upon lands and chattels. 22nd. Ralph de Hirminglond, knight, pays to Master Merinus Chalbard 25s., St. by the hand of Godfrey his son. Michael. Geoffrey de Malteby and John de Stokesby owe Merinus son of Josce October and Moses son of Abraham eight marks at one month from Easter day in the f&gt;th 12th year, upon lands and chattels. Their surety John de Malteby, upon lands and chattels.</page><page sequence="24">266 THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. Radulfus Dalling5 miles mutuo acquisivit a Isaaco filio Diaie deeem libras primus terminus quindenam [sic] purifieationis c. solidos et ad quindenam pasee e. solidos super. Egidius de Wechesliam debet Isaac filio Jurneti quater viginti libras primus terminus Natalis c. solidos, pasca, Sancti Johannis, Sancti Michaelis similiter. FINAL LINE OF ROLL. Respicb in tergo. Hac Nota. I. The following is one of three or four entries found in tergo:? " Robertus filius Simonis debet Jacobo filio Vives de Colecestria xiiij solidos v d. ad purificationem anno xij." II. The following, written in a Chancery hand, nine years after, is to be found above entries just mentioned :? "Die Veneris proxima clauso Pasche venit quoddam breve cyrographi Cristianis et Judeis ut mitteremus quoddam cyrographum sub nominibus Leonis Episcopi de Eboraco et Roberti filii, Roberti de Huhne, de Ix libris .videre. Anno Regis Henrici filii Regis Johannis vicesimo venit breve." III. A further brief endorsement is as follows :? " Annus Undecimus Henrici III." ROLL 157. Transcript. 9 Hen. III. Annus Regni Regis Henrici filii Regis Johannis Nonus Mensis Aprilis. Galfridus Capellanus de Abbeton' debet reddere filio Abrahe xvj solidos argenti ad festum Omnium Sanctorum anno Regni Regis Henrici filii Regis Johannis x?. Thomas de Edithfeld, Aaroni filio Jacobi et Rose sorori sue, vij s. ad festum Sancti Michaelis anno ix?. Sarra que fuit uxor de Alex[andro] Qwelnetham Isaac filio Jurneti xvj 1 ad festum Sancti Johannis Baptiste anno ix? primus terminus. Andreas Wascelin, Aaroni filio Jacobi v m. iiij d. ad festum Sancti Johannis Baptiste anno nono. Willelmus de Reydon', Isaac filio Salomonis viij 1 ad festum Sancti Michaelis anno ix.</page><page sequence="25">THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. 267 Ralph Dallinger, knight, acquired by loan from Isaac son of Diaia ten 12th. pounds ; the first term at the quindene of the Purification 100 shillings, and at the quindene of Easter 100 shillings ; upon. Giles de Wechesham owes Isaac son of Jurnet four score pounds; the 21st. first term of Christmas 100 shillings, Easter, St. John, Michaelmas, the like. FINAL LINE OF ROLL. See the Back. Note This. I. The following is one of three or four entries found :? "Robert son of Simon owes Jacob son of Vives de Colchester 14s. 5d. at 21tn the Purification in the 12th year." II. The following, written in a Chancery hand?nine years after?is to be found above entries just mentioned :? " On the Friday next after the close of Easter a certain writ of chirograph came to Christians and Jews, that we might send a certain chirograph under the names of Leo Episcopus of York and Robert son of Robert de Hulme, of 60 see. The writ came in the twentieth year of King Henry son of King John/' III. A further brief endorsement as follows :? "The eleventh year of Henry III." ROLL 157. Translation. 9 Hen. III. The month of April, the ninth year of the reign of King Henry son of King John. Geoffrey the chaplain of Abbeton ought to return to the son of Abraham 16 shillings of silver at the feast of All Saints in the 10th year of the reign of King Henry son of King John. Thomas de Edithfeld, to Aaron son of Jacob and Rose his sister, 7s., at the feast of St. Michael in the 9th year. Sarah who was wife of Alexander Qwelnetham to Isaac son of Jurnet May 26th. ?16 ; at the feast of St. John the Baptist in the 9th year the first term. Andrew Wascelin, to Aaron son of Jacob 5 marks 4d., at the feast of St. 28th. John the Baptist in the ninth year. William de Reydon, to Isaac son of Solomon, ?8 at the feast of St. f^*dthe Michael in the 9th year. da?</page><page sequence="26">268 THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. Julius xxviij. Will el in us de Kolevill, Isaac de Norwico v m. ad festum Sancti Michaelis anno x?. Willelmus de Cyreti, Isaac filio Jurneti liiij 1 ad festum Sancti Michaelis anno ix?, etc. Sic de anno in annum quousque persolverit. Galfridus de Qwelnetham, Isaac filio Jurneti xxxviij 1 ad festum Sancti Johannis Baptiste anno ix? primus terminus, etc., c s. ad festum Sancti Petri advuncula primo postea 1 x s. ad festum Sancti Michaelis primo postea x 1 ad Pascha primo postea x 1 et ad festum Sancti Michaelis primo postea x 1, hierum ij d. Et conventum est quod predictus Isaac nec heredes sui poterunt me distringere nec heredes meos de xl 1 nec de lucro quod inde emerget de v primis annis in quibus ego sum1 principalis debitor in carta iiijor c 1 et iiijxx et xvj 1 quas Walterus de Qwelnetham debet ei unde primus ter? minus est ad festum Sancti Michaelis, secundus post consecrationem Radulfi de Warham Episcopi Cicestrie infra vitam predicti Wralteri sed crastino decessus predicti Walteri bene liceat predicto Isaac distringere me per terras meas et catalla mea de predictis xl 1 et de lucro ut principalem debitorem. Augustus x die. Matildis de Tivill' quietum clamavit Isaac de Norwico se ipsam nihil posse exigere de aliqua receptione de se vel de hominibus suis ab initio seculi usque ad festum Sancti Bartholomei anno x?, et dictus Isaac dedit eidem respectum quod nihil ei possit exigere de aliquo debito usque ad purifica tionem Sancte Marie primo sequentem et si ita contigerit quod homines de Matilde ab eodem Isaac aliquod velint exigere dicta mulier pro eodem Isaac satisfaciet. Testibas Priore de Penton', G. filio Edwardi, W. Arundel, Sam? sone, Waltero de Carleton'. Septem? ber. Radulfus filius Godefridi de Irmingland, Cypore filie Magistri Meyr xxiiij m. et dabit pro illis quamdiu illas tenebit c solidos de lucro. Hugo de Lindeseye Abbas de Leyeston' ejusdem loci couventus Isaac filio Jurneti xxv m. in crastino octave Sancte Crucis anno x?. October. Alanus de Mundham, Diaie filie Samsonis x 1 vj m. infra viij aimos ad festum Sancti Andree anno xj j. m. primo postea. Thomas filius Rudolfi de Hedhill' Meyr filio Benedict! de Oxonia v m. ad festum Sancti Michaelis primus terminus xvij s. et vij d. 1 Mad ox :?fui.</page><page sequence="27">Ttt? NORWICH DAY-BOOK. 269 William de Kolev?l, to Isaac de Norwich 5 marks at the feast of St. Michael in the 10th year. William de Cyreti, to Isaac son of Jurnet ?54, at the feast of St. Michael in the 9th year, etc. Thus from year to year until he shall have fully paid. Geoffrey de Qwelnetham to Isaac son of Jurnet ?28 ; at the feast of July 28th, St. John the Baptist in the 9th year the first term, etc., 100s.; at the feast of St. Peter in chains first afterwards 60s.; at the feast of St. Michael first afterwards ?10; at Easter first afterwards ?10; and at the feast of St. .Michael first afterwards ?10; interest 2d. And it is agreed that neither the aforesaid Isaac nor his heirs shall be able to distrain me or my heirs of ?40, nor of the interest which shall issue therefrom for the first 5 years, in which I am the chief debtor in a charter of ?496 which Walter de Qwelnetham owes to him. Whereof the first term is at the feast of St. Michael, the second after the consecration of Radulf de Warb am bishop of Chichester, within the lifetime of the aforesaid Walter ; but on the morrow after the decease of the aforesaid Walter it shall be lawful to the aforesaid Isaac to distrain me by my lands and chattels of the aforesaid ?40 and of the interest, as chief debtor. Maude de Tivill quit-claimed herself to Isaac de Norwich to be able to August exact nothing out of any receipt of her or of her men, from the beginning of 10ttl da* ' the century until the feast of St. Bartholomew in the 10th year; and the said Isaac gave respite to her, that he could exact nothing from her of any debt until the Purification of Sr. Mary first following; and if it shall so happen that the men of Maude should wish to exact anything from the said Isaac, the said [woman] will make satisfaction for the same [to] Isaac. Witnesses, the Prior of Penton, G. son of Edward, W. Arundel, Sampson, Walter de Carleton. Ralph son Godfrey de Irmingland, to Cypora daughter of Master Meyer Septem 24 marks, and he will give for them as long as he shall hold them 100 shillings ^Gr? of interest. Hugh de Lindeseye, abbot of Leyeston [and] the convent of the same place, to Isaac son of Jurnet 25 marks, on the morrow of the octave of Holy Cross in the 10th year. Alan de Mund ham, to Diaia daughter of Samson ?10, 6 marks, within October. 8 years ; at the feast of St. Andrew first afterwards in the 11th year 1 mark. Thomas son of Rudolf de Hedhill, to Meyer son of Benedict de Oxford 6 marks; at the feast of St. Michael the first term 17s. 7d.</page><page sequence="28">270 THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. November. Willelmus Junerel de Lond' Isaac filio Jurneti xxx 1 habet illud cyro graphum et remanet uuura de xx 1. Willelmus filius Arnaldi Diaie filie Leonis xiiij s. ad NataJem x?. December. Anrms Januarius. Febru arius. Marcius. Willelmus de Bosco Isaac filio Jurneti xyj 1. dimidiam marcam xij d. ad pascha anno x? primus terminus ij m. et dimidiam et xij d. Robertus filius Petri de Svveinstorp Aaroni filio Jacobi xx s. ad Purifica tionem anno x?. Johannes filius Herberti Ursello filio Samsonis vij ... ad lest urn Sancti Johannis Baptiste anno x primus terminus xx s. Robertus filius Symonis de Saham Jacobo filio Vivonis de Colecestria iij m. et dimidiam ad illud [sic] Pentecostes. Willelmus de Morleya Mosseo filio Abrahe c s. ad Pascha anno xj? 1 s. primo termino. Idem Willelmus, Belasez sorori dicti Mossei xxx s. ad festum Sancti Martini. Magister Radulfus de Thurton' Aaroni filio Jacobi et Merino filio Cuntess'1 v m. Johannes de Ulveston' Damete filie Morel' ij m. ad festum Sancti Michaelis anno x primus terminus j m. Petrus de Keteringham Diaie filie Samsonis xj s. Martino anno x?. Aprilis. Willelmus Coleman Slemote filio Vivonis de Oxonia v m. ad festum Sancte Fidis anno x? primo termino ij m. et dimidiam. Walterus filius Hugonis filii Radulfi de Reydon' Isaac filio Salomonis xl 1 ad festum Sancti Michaelis anno x et dabit illi quolibet anno quamdiu illas tenuerit per conventum suum xl s. ad festum Omnium Sanctorum anno xj primo termino x s. Maius. Eudo de Heckham Jacobo filio Vivonis de Colecestria iiij 1 x s. ad festum Sancti Michaelis anno xj. Junius. Willelmus de Elmham parmentarius Mosseo filio Abrahe xxix s. ad Natalem xj. Radulfus filius Godefredi de Irminglond' Cypore filie Magistri Meyr xxiiij m. et dabit pro illis quolibet anno quamdiu illas debuerit c solidos de lucro scilicet ad Pentecostes anno x? xxv s. primo termino. 1 [Comiti8se.]</page><page sequence="29">THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK, 271 William Junerel of London, to Isaac son of Jurnet ?30 ; he has that November, chirograph, and one remains of ?20. William son of Arnold, to Diaia daughter of Leo 14s. at Christmas in the 10th [year], William de Bosco, to Isaac son of Jurnet ?16, half a mark, 12d. ; at Easter in the 10th year, the first term, 2 marks and a half and 12d. Robert son of Peter de Sweinstorp, to Aaron son of Jacob 20s. at the December. Purification in the 10th year. yea^0^ John son of Herbert to Ursell son of Samson 7 . . . ; at the feast of St. John the Baptist in the 10th year, the first term, 20s. Robert son of Simon de Saham, to Jacob son of Vivo de Colchester, January. 3 marks and a half at that Whitsuntide. William de Morley to Moses son of Abraham 100s. ; at Easter in the 11th year 50s. ; the first term. The same William, to Belasez sister of the said Moses, 30s. at the feast of St. Martin. Master Ralph de Thurton, to Aaron son of Jacob and Merinus son of February. Ha-Nasaiah 5 marks. John de Ulveston, to Dameta daughter of Morel 2 marks at the feast of March. St. Michael in the 10th year, the first term 1 mark. Peter de Keteringham, to Diaia daughter of Samson 11s. at Martinmas in the 10th year. William Coleman, to Slemote son of Vivo de Oxford 5 marks ; at the April, feast of St. Faith in the 10th year, the first term, 2 marks and a half. Walter son of Hugh son of Ralph de Reydon, to Isaac son of Solomon ?40, at the feast of St. Michael in the 10th year ; and he will give him every year as long as he shall hold them, by his agreement; 40s. ; at the feast of All Saints in the 11th year, the first term, 10s. Eudes de Heckham to Jacob son of Vivo de Colchester ?4, 10s. at the May. feast of St. Michael in the 11th year. William de Elmham, tailor, to Moses son of Abraham, 29s. at Christmas June, the 11th [year]. Ralph son of Godfrey de Irminglond' to Cypora daughter of Master Meyer 24 marks ; and he will give for them every year as long as he shall owe them 100s. of interest, to wit, at Whitsun in the tenth year, the first term, 25s.</page><page sequence="30">THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. Julius. Petrus films Syrik de Len fecit fin em cum Isaac de Norwico per c s. eidem solvendos ad festum Sancte Margarete anno x pro quieta clamatione de terra Reg[inaldi] de Cleiiclie Waretun'. Septem- Henricus de Stowa et Juliana uxor ejus diviserunt Lee et Bone sororibus ber' Magi?tri Elye et cui assignaverint quamdam terram cum edificio in vico qui dicitttr Bertstrete qui jacet inter terram que fuit Rogeri fabri fratris Thoke fabri et terram quam Meyr filius Mossei tenet de Emma Flurie et Thoma filio ejus hereditorie babendam red den do inde annuatim tres solid os ad festum Sancti Michaelis medietatem et ad Pascha aliam. October. Petrus Tregoz Isaac filio Jurneti xij 1 infra x annos. November. Rogerus filius Ricardi de Oringesford' Flurie filie Diaie filie Samsonis xxv m. ad Pentecostes anno xj et dabit pro illis infra hos quatuor annos quolibet anno iij m. de lucro scilicet ad festum Omnium Sanctorum anno xij0 xx s. primo termino. December. Januarius Attnus xj. Ada de Bedingfeld', Aaroni filio Abrahe xxx s. Die Animarum anno xj extrahimus quoddam cyrographum x 1 sub nomine domini [Willelmi] 1 filii Roberti de Reydon' et reposuimus aliud v 1 die scilicet quo obiit Simon Mercerus. Last membrane?the only one ruled (lead point)?has the following heading Ann?s Regni Regis Henrici filii Regis Johannis Undecim?s. xxiij die Willelmus filius Willelmi filius Gileberti de ColevilP Isaac de Norwico Februani. vy m a(q medmm quadragesime anno xj? lucruni ij d. xxvj. Magister Willelmus de Kentewell5 Isaac filio Jurneti xxxv. 1. ad quin denam Pasche anno xj. Is, ad quindenam Pentecostes 1. s. ad quindenam Sancte Pidis 1. et ad quindenam Sancti Illarii 1. s? et sic etc. quousque per solvent libra ij. d. Willelmus filius Roberti de Bukeham Mosseo filio Isaac sexaginta x solidos scilicet ad festum Sancti Michaelis anno xj xxx solidos et ad festum Sancti Michaelis primo postea xl solidos libra ij d, ad ultimum terminum j quarterium frumenti. Martins eodem die [j die]. 1 Vide Madox,</page><page sequence="31">THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. 273 Peter son of Syrik de Len made a fine with Isaac de Norwich for 100s. July, to he paid to him at the feast of St. Margaret in the 10th year, for quit claim of the land of Regpnald] de Clenche-Waretun. Henry de Stow and Julia hi3 wife divided to Leah and Bona sisters of Septem Master Elias, and to whom they might assign, certain land with a building in ^er* the way which is called Bertstrete, which lies between the land which belonged to Roger the smith brother of Thoke the smith, and the land which Meyer son of Moses holds of Emma Flury and Thomas her son, to have it in heritage, rendering yearly for the same three shillings, at the feast of St. Michael one moiety, and at Easter the other. Peter Tregoz to Isaac son of Jurnet ?12 within 10 years. October. Roger son of Richard de Cringesford to Flury daughter of Diaia daughter November, of Samson 25 marks at Whitsun in the 11th year ; and he will give for them within these four years every year 3 marks of interest, to wit, at the feast of All Saints in the 12th year, 20s., the first term. Adam de Bedingfeld, to Aaron son of Abraham 30s. December. On the day of All Souls in the 11th year we withdraw a certain chiro- January, graph of ?10, under the name of the Lord [William] son of Robert de year111** Reydon, and have replaced another of ?5 ,? to wit, on the day when Simon the mercer died. Last membrane?the only one ruled (lead point)?has the following heading;? The Eleventh year op the reign of King Henry son op King John. William son of William son of Gilbert de Colevill to Isaac de Norwich 7 marks at Mid Lent in the 11th year ; interest 2d. Master William de Kentewell to Isaac son of Jurnet ?35 ; at the quindene of Easter in the 11th year 50s.; at the quindene of Whitsun 50s. ; at the quindene of St. Faith 50s. ; and at the quindene of St. Hilary 50s.; and thus, etc., until he have fully paid. The pound, 2d. William son of Robert de Bukeham to Moses son of Isaac 70 shillings, to March, wit, at the feast of St. Michael in the 11th year 30s., and at the feast of Thep?r St. Michael first afterwards 40s. The pound, 2d. At the last term 1 quarter day], of wheat. 23rd day of Feb? ruary. 26th. VOL. V. S</page><page sequence="32">274 THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. ix die. Nicholaus filius Johannis de Mundham Jurnino fiiio Jacohi de Oxonia quatuor lihras his terminis ad Pascha anno xj j m. in autumno primo postea j summam frumenti ad festtim Sancti Andree primo postea duas marcas et dimidiam et ad Purificacionem primo postea duas marcas et dimidiam. In Dorso. Extrahendum est cyrographum xxx s. sub nomine Rogeri filii Johannis de Swerdeston' sed nihil ad hue pacavit pro illo. Magister Willelmus de KentewelF cepit unum cyrographum de viginti quinque libris de area Domini Regis et posuit unum cyrographum infra arcam domini [Regis] de viginti duabus libris et decem solidis vij die Aprilis [anno]1 Regni Regis Henrici filii Regis Johannis duodecimo et per hoc dictus Magister Willelmus quietus et heredes sui et fratres ejus et heredes eorum versus dictum Isaac de Norwico et heredes sui exceptis Istun et Bungingtun* ab initio seculi usque ad hunc diem dictum. 1 Vide Madox.</page><page sequence="33">THE NORWICH DAY-BOOK. 275 Nicholas son of John de Hundham to Jurninus son of Jacob de Oxford 9th day. four pounds at these terms ; at Easter in the 11th year 1 mark ; in the autumn first afterwards 1 load of wheat; at the feast of St. Andrew first afterwards two marks and a half; and at the Purification first afterwards two marks and a half. On the Dorse. A chirograph of 30s. is to be withdrawn, under the name of Roger son of John de Swerdeston. But he has hitherto paid nothing for it. Master William de Kentewell took a chirograph of twenty five pounds from the chest of the Lord King, and put a chirograph within the chest of the Lord [King] of twenty two pounds and ten shillings, the 7th day of April in the twelfth [year] of the reign of King Henry son of King John ; and by this the said Master William is quit and his heirs, and his brothers and their heirs, towards the said Isaac de Norwich and his heirs, except Istun and Bungingtun, from the beginning of the century until this said day.</page></plain_text>

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