The Jews of Amsterdam in 1655
E. N. Adler
<plain_text><page sequence="1">THE JEWS OF AMSTERDAM IN 1655. A TRANSCRIPT AND TRANSLATION FROM THE ORIGINAL STATE PAPERS IN THE POSSESSION OF E. N. ADLER. King Philip IV.'s Letter to the Council of the Inquisition. Don Esteban de Gamarra mi Embaxador a los Estados Gene- | rales de Holanda con carta de diez y seis de Otubre passado | remitio la memoria adjunta, que dice le embio el Consul | de Hespana, que reside en Amster? dam, delns nombres delos | Judios, de aquella ciudad, que contratan enestos Reynos | y los de sus correspondientes, ponderando los diferentes ape- I llidos, de que ussan, para su trato a fin de no ser reconocidos | ni sospechossos de ser inficionados de los mismos errores | ha me parezido remitirla al cons1, de Inquisicion pr(i | que se halle conesta noticia. P. | En Md- 30 de Xbre de 1655 | AI Obispo Inqr- GL | Translation. Don Esteban de Gamarra, my Ambassador to the States General of Holland, by letter of the 16th October last sent me the enclosed Memorandum which he says the Consul of Spain, who resides in Amsterdam, sent him of the names of the Jews of that city who have relations with these Realms, and those of their correspondents, adding the different aliases they use in their correspondence with the object of not being recognised or suspected of being infected with the same errors. It appeared good to me to send the same to the Council of the Inquisition so as to take note hereof. Madrid, 30th December 1655. P. To the Bishop Inquisitor General. Draft of the Reply to His Majesty. Con decreto de 30 Xe de 1655 se firmo U M | remitir al Obisbo Inqr GL y a este Cons0 | La Memoria que D Esteban de Gamarra su 224</page><page sequence="2">THE JEWS OF AMSTERDAM. 225 em- I basador a los estados de fka Generale? de | Holanda embio eon carta de 16 de Otte pasado | diciendo ser del Consul de Hespana que reside | en Amsterdam con los nombres de los Judios | de aquella ciudad que contratan enestos Reynos | y los de sus correspondientes ponderando los | diferentes apellidos de que ussan para su | trato afin de no ser reconocidos ni sospecbosos | de ser Inficionados de los mismos errores | y manda se vea enel paraque se halle | con esta noticia | Vis y hize ta enel Consejo dadmos aUM e-crn tedo | ks, ?cs-4e4a con todo rendan to go-ndeni* las graciasA por la | mer y fauor que ha hecho al s, officio tan | propio de su sdo y Catholico zelo y de seo | del augmento de la sta fee Catholica como de 3<i | ?Ge-aee, sus Eeynos se conserven en la | pureza della y ujiidad de la Religion y de | preservar los de las heregias que siempre stros pratizen | porque semejantes noticiasA emportaran mucho | las tenga mas para el maior acierto de las causas y negocios de fee | que se tratan en las Inquisnes. | El Obispo Inqr G1 y el Consejo Suppmos a U M| que por la parte a donde toca mande se esciiva al | dcho Ambasador y ai Consul de Espana que | reside en Amsterdam continue los avisos | que puedo dar enesta ragon en conformidad | de loq' aora escrive que Juzgamos se* | de- ?mefee faipcrtora m-T^ho ser de | mucha Importenzia y del serviz0 de I Dios y de U. M. en Md- ? 10 de | Enero 1656 | Translation. Sir,?By decree of 30th December 1655, your Majesty deigned to forward to the Bishop Inquisitor General and this Council the Memorandum which Dn- Esteban de Gamarra, your Ambassador to the Estates General of Holland,1 sent by letter of the 16th October last, saying that it was from the Consul of Spain residing in Amsterdam, with the names of the Jews of that City who have relations with these Realms and those of their correspondents, adding the different aliases which they use in their correspondence so as not to be recognised or suspected of being infected with the same errors, and you commanded that it should be seen into so as to take note thereof. 1 In the original the writer began to write "Flanders" instead of Holland. It was only in 1648 that the independence of the Netherlands was recognised. VOL. IV. P</page><page sequence="3">226 THE JEWS OF AMSTERDAM. It having been examined in the Council, we give your Majesty thanks with all sincerity for the grace and favour which have been and are being shown to the Holy Office, so genial to your Catholic zeal and faith, and the augmentation of our sacred Catholic Faith, so that your realms may retain its purity and the unity of Eeligion, and preserve them from the heresies which others practise, for similar notices are always of much import (give more hold) for the greater assurance of the cases and matters of Faith, dealt with in the Inquisitions. We, the Bishop Inquisitor General and the Council, beg your Majesty that, touching the matter in question, he should command to write to the said Ambassador and Consul of Spain residing in Amster? dam to continue the information he can give in this matter in conformity with those he has already written, which we judge to be of much importance and service to God and your Majesty. Madrid, 10th January 1656. Nombres conq' corren y estan cono- Sus correspondientes en diversas cidos los Judios de Amsterdam.1 partes de JEspana.2 David Ossoria, alias Bento En Santander,3 Ossorio : Dn Fernando Antonio Herrera Calderon; En Bilbao,4 Dn Matheo y Augn de Montiago, En San Sebastian,5 Fran de Beron y Fagola. En Santander, Bilbao, y San Sebastian, Los mismos correspondientes de arriba;6 Jacob del Monte, alias Jacobus Bandemberg: 1 Names used by the Jews of Amsterdam and by which they are known. 2 Their correspondents in different parts of Spain. 3 Santander, the chief port of old Castile. 4 Bilbao, the Capital of Vizcaya, and the most important commercial town on the north coast of Spain. 5 San Sebastian, the capital of Guiptizcoa, near the French frontier, now a fashionable seaside resort. 6 The same correspondents as above.</page><page sequence="4">THE JEWS OF AMSTERDAM. 227 Nombres conq* corren y estan cono cidos los Judios de Amsterdam. Jacob del Monte, alias Jacobus Bandemberg : Abraam Isac Perera, alias Fran? y Antonio de Gurre alias Gerard Carlos Bangardel : Antonio Lopes Majo, alias Willen del Monte : Abraam Franco Mendes, alias Melchor Mendes Franco : Andres Christoual Nunes, alias Henriq' y Robert' Modemberg : Sus correspondientes en dicersas partes de Espana. En Madrid, Simon Mendes Soto y Luis Flores de Valdes. En Madrid, Fernando Montesinos y Balthasar Rodriques Cardoso ; En Sevilla, Manuely Bartmes Montesinos y Bartololomeo lopes tello ; En Santander, Dn ferdo Antontio Herrera Cal deron; En San Sebastian, Fran? de Beron y Fagola; En Madrid, Luis Flores de Valdez. En San Sebastian, el Sobredicho Fagola;1 En Bilbao, Juan Batta de la Rosuinda; En Madrid, el sobredicho de Yaldez; En Cadiz, Dn Antonio Perera Torres. En Sevilla y Cadiz,2 Juan del soto Martines. En Santander, Dn Fran? Antonio Herrera Cal deron : 1 The above-named. 2 Cadiz, the chief port in the south-west, especially important for its traffic with Morocco.</page><page sequence="5">228 THE JEWS OF AMSTERDAM. Nombres conq corren y estan cono- Sus correspondientes en diversas cidos los Judios de Amsterdam. partes de Espana. Andres Christoual Nunes, alias En Caceres,1 Henriq' y Robert' Modemberg : Dn Lorenzo Pan y Agua; En Bilbao, Los dchos Montiagos; En San Sebastian, El dcho Eagola; En Sevilla, Manuel Gomes Dacosta of Ferd0 Nunes. Judios. Correspondientes. La Yivda de Diego netto de Paiva : En Santander, El sobredho Calderon; En San Sebastian, El dho Fagola; En Sevilla, Manuel Gomes de Acosta y Feido Nunes; En Caceres, El dho Pan y Agua. Duartes Manuel Faro : En Bilbao, Los dhos Montiagos; En San Sebastian, El dho Fagola; En Madrid, Manuel Serranomontero y Pedro del Prado. 1 Caceres, a commercial town of Estremadura, near the Portuguese frontier.</page><page sequence="6">THE JEWS OF AMSTERDAM. 229 Judios. Fernando Alvares y Antonio correa de MeSQUITA, alias Henrique y Robert Bander sterre : Correspondientes. En Bilbao y San Sebastian, Los mismos Montiagos y Fagola; En Madrid, Manuel Serrano Montero; En Alicante,1 Gaspar y Francisco de Morica. Balthasar Dacuna : En Bilbao, Los dhos Montiagos. 1 Alicante, a port in the south-east, famous for its wines.</page></plain_text>