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Tentative List of Jewish Underwriting Members of Lloyds

Wilffed S. Samuel

<plain_text><page sequence="1">Tentative List of Jewish Underwriting Members of Lloyd's (from some time prior to 1800 until the year 1901) By Wilfred S. Samuel, F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S. The Royal Exchange, which continued to house Lloyds after its rebuilding until the year 1927, had been destroyed by fire in 1838 when the Corporation of Lloyd's lost almost all its records. In consequence its Roll of Members is probably incomplete. Some years ago, with the help of Sir Thomas Colyer-Fergusson, Bart., I made an attempt to select the Jewish-sounding names from a tentative Roll of Members compiled by Mr. Warren R. Dawson, F.S.A., who was for many years the Honorary Librarian of Lloyd's. This list, now printed for the first time, comprises over 300 names and I make no claim for its completeness or accuracy. I have, however, found the list useful in connection with my Anglo-Jewish genealogical studies and I am glad of the opportunity of making it available to other workers in this somewhat limited field. I should have liked to have paid an ampler tribute to that grand friend and worker Elkan N. Adler, but most of my Anglo-Jewish historical memoranda was destroyed by fire in February, 1941, and this " Lloyd's List " is one of the few survivors. Sir Thomas Colyer-Fergusson and Mr. Albert M. Hyamson obligingly provided many of the notes. Name. Enrolled. 1809 Date and Place Date and Place of Birth. of Death. Notes. Abitbol, Moses (1). Abitbol, 1820 Moses (2). Aguilar, June, 1794, London. Abraham. II Prior to 1800. 176</page><page sequence="2">JEWISH UNDERWRITING MEMBERS OF LLOYD'S 177 Name. Aguilar, Isaac. Aguilar, Joseph (1). Aguilar, Joseph (2) Jr, Almosnino, Isaac. Almosnino, Solomon. Andrade, Joaquim. Attias, Jacob. Barrow, Jacob. Barrow, Joseph. Basevi, George. Enrolled. 1801 1820 1804 1804 1797 Basevi, James. 1804 Date and Place of Birth. 1849 1793 1755 Bridgetown, Barbados. Bridgetown, Barbados. 23 Apr., 1771, London. 23 May, 1784, London. Behrens, Henry. 1877 20 Jan., 1851. Behrens, S. L. 1809 Belisario, A. M(endes). Belisario, Jacob M(endes), Belisario, S. M(endes). 1802 1800 1788 Hamburg. 1761 Date and Place of Death. 2 Nov., 1825. One of these d. in London 17 Dec, 1822 aet. 57. 14 Jan., 1878, at 11 Bevis Marks, St. Mary Axe. Sept., 1798, Devonshire Sq., London. 26 Aug., 1806, aged 63. 24 Feb., 1851, Brighton. 12 May, 1861, Berkeley Place, Cheltenham. 3 March, 1928, 34 Gloucester Square. 30 June, 1873, Alderley Edge, Manchester. Jan., 1815. Notes. Secretary to the Synagogue at Bevis Marks for 60 years. Brother of Joseph. Brother of Jacob. Brother of Maria Basevi, mother of Lord Beaconsfield. Do. j| Prior to 1800.</page><page sequence="3">178 ELKAN NATHAN ADLER : IN MEMORIAM Name. Bendelack, Aaron. Bendelack, Moses. Benhacok, John. Benjamin, Nathaniel. Bensusan, Abraham Levi. Bensusan, Jacob Levi (1). Bensusan, Jacob Levi (2). Bensusan, Solomon Levi. Blaiberg, Benjamin. Brandon, Israel John. Brandon, Jacob Da F. Brandon, John. Brandon, Joshua. Brandon, Raphael Enrolled. 1803 1804 1811 1829 1807 1820 1800 Date and Place Date and Place of Birth. of Death. Notes. Brasch, Magnes. Bravo, Abraham. Carvalho, C. P. de. 1808 1818 1811 1801 1800 1802 1810 1764 b. 1743 16 March, 1928. 14 March, 1834, at Clapton. ? 23 Jan,. 1856. Of 22 Doughty St., Bloomsbury Probably Jacob L. B. d. July 4, 1856, aged 65. Probably the prominent Sephardi Raphael Rodri? guez Brandon, who d. in Le man Street on 7 Sept., 1821. ? Custodio Perena de C. d. 20 Sept., 1854, aged 76. Prior to 1800.</page><page sequence="4">JEWISH UNDERWRITING MEMBERS OF LLOYD'S 179 Name. Enrolled. Carvelho, 181 i J. Cohen, Albert. 1828 Cohen, 1834 Benjamin. Cohen, 1809 Bernard (1). Cohen, 1820 Bernard (2). Cohen, David. 1808 Cohen, 1815 Edward (1). Cohen, 1864 Edward (2) Cohen, 1810 Emanuel. Cohen, 1825 Henry H. Cohen, || Hymen (Hyman) Cohen, Isaac. 1811 Cohen Judah (1) 1803 \ Cohen, Judah (2) 1823/ Date and Place of Birth. Cohen, Lewis. Cohen, Samuel. Cohen, Soloman. Cortissos, Samuel. Da Costa, Aaron Gomez. 1807 1806 1808 1856 1786 24 Aug., 1817, Suffolk Place, Islington. 1761 12 Sep., 1801, London. Date and Place of Death. 9 Nov., 1835, Saffron Waiden, Essex. 4 March, 1886, in Harley St. 17 Feb., 1845, Mansell St. ? 11 Dec, 1844. d. before 1834. 28 Jan., 1873, in Gower St. Notes. Son of Edward Cohen (1). Prominent London Ash kenazi. One of these died at Herne Hill, Sept. 8, 1838, aged 70. ? died 18 Jan., 1838, aged 84. ? son of Levi Barent Cohen. If so, 1776-1864. Of 6 Jeffreys Square, Lon? don. II Prior to 1800</page><page sequence="5">i8o ELKAN NATHAN ADLER : IN MEMORIAM Name. Enrolled. Da Costa, A. I. 1812 Da Costa, B.M 1814 Da Costa, 1894 Herbert Gomez. Da Costa, H.M. || Da Costa, H.M. 1814 Da Costa, 1833 Isaac Mendes. Da Costa, *i77i Joshua Mendes (1) Da Costa, || Joshua Mendes (2) Jr. Da Costa, M.G. || Da Costa, 1802 Solomon (? Gomes) Da Costa, 1858 Solomon Israel. Da Silva, 1818 Antonio C. Da Silva, David || Da Silva, 1824 Henry Joseph. Davis, Joshua S. 1823 Davis, Samuel. 1810 De Castro, 1833 Hananel. De Franca, J. S. 1800 De Lava, (? Lara) 1813 Moses De Leon, || David M. II Prior to 1800. Date and Place Date and Place of Birth. of Death. Notes. 43 Porchester Brighton, 13 Sq., 11 Feb., Aug., 1926. 1872. T.C.F. 20 Jan., 1739: Dec, 1809. Devonshire St 1792, London. 31 Woburn PI., ? London, 10 June, 1842. 18 Jan., 1741. Dec, 1801, Uncle of Joshua London. Jr. 1775 4 Oct., 1840, ? Castle St., St. Mary Axe. 1769 8 Feb., 1838, ? Torrington Sq. 1767 18 Feb., 1832, ? Stoke Newington. ist June, 1827. 28th June, 1907, Conchologist. 9 Gloucester Sq. Son of Solomon Israel Da Costa. 1793, London. 25 March, 1849, South Street, Finsbury. Of 14 Hunter St., Blooms bury. Prominent London Sephardi. 1767 14 March, 1828, Of Upper Sey in Pall Mall. mour St. * An original member.</page><page sequence="6">JEWISH UNDERWRITING MEMBERS OF LLOYD'S 181 Name. D'Israeli, B(enjamin). Enrolled. Dunsky, H. D. Eldman, Joseph. Elias, Alfred. Elias, Benjamin. Elias, Ellis. Emanuel, George Julian. Faria, D. Megull. Fern andes, B.D.(i). Fernandes, B. D. (2) Jr. Fernandes, J.D. Ferreira, Lewis Gomes. Finzi, James. Francis, Moses. Franco, Francis Moses. Franco, Jacob, Jr. 1816 1817 1871 Eliason, Daniel. 1804 1908 1801 1813 1817 1801 i837 Date and Place Date and Place of Birth. of Death. 22 Sept., 1730, 28 Nov., 1816, Venice. Stoke Newing ton. I75I 1877 20 July, 1841. 1753 1753 c 1795, Jamaica. 1762, London. 24 March, 1827, The Pier Head, London Docks. 21 Nov., 1919, 206 Cromwell Rd., S.W. 17 Nov., 1824, 36 Hatton Gdn. ? Benj. Dias F. d. May, 1793. 7 June, 1814, Hackney. Living in 1841 in Henrietta St., Brunswick Sq. 1817, James St., Adelphi. Notes. Grandfather of Lord Beacons field, settled in England, 1748 : naturalized 1801 Son-in-law of Aaron Gold smid. Son of Moses (see below). Brother of Moses and Solomon. II Prior to 1800. n</page><page sequence="7">l82 ELKAN NATHAN ADLER : IN MEMORIAM Name. Enrolled, Franco, Moses. 1800 Franco, 1809 Solomon. Friedmann, 1803 John. Furtado, J. R. II Furtado, II Mendes R. Gallop, 1875 Charles Alexander. Garcias, John. 1807 Giro, James (1). 1829 Giro, James (2). 1857 goldschmidt, 1808 B. A. goldsmid, I) Alexander (i). Goldsmid, 1810 Alexander (2). Goldsmid, 1800 Benjamin. Goldsmid, 181 i John Lewis. Goldsmid, 1812 Moses. Gompertz, 1800 Ephraim. goncales, 1824 Joseph. Gourgas, Jacob. || guidalla 1845 (Guedalla) Isaac. Guidalla 1803 (Guedalla) Judah (1). Date and Place Date and Place of Birth. of Death. Notes. 22 May, 1764, 2 Sep., 1845, ? London. Reading. 2 Nov., 1776. 25 March, 1825. ? 23 Nov., 1779, Mark Lane. 4 Feb., 1843, 6 Tavistock Place. Brother of Sir Isaac L. Gold? smid. May, 1755, London. 11 Apr., 1808, Roehampton. Nov., 1789. 1 Dec, 1853. 22 Jan., 1789, Mansel St. 1776, London. 30 Mar., 1864, 46 Baker St. 23 Oct., 1867, at Twickenham. Financial mag? nate and philan? thropist. Eldest son of Benjamin. Son of Asher Goldsmid. Economist. 1760, 8 June, 1858. Of 12 Finsbury Morocco. Sq. II Prior to 1800.</page><page sequence="8">JEWISH UNDERWRITING MEMBERS OF LLOYD'S Name. Enrolled, Guidalla 1849 (Guedalla) Judah (2). Harris, Wolf. 1882 Hart, John (1). || Hart, John (2). 1805 Hart, Joshua 1824 Hart, J. W. 1801 Hart, Moses. 1801 H?rtung, 1814 Samuel. Hassan, Jacob. 1833 Hayman, Henry. 1893 Henriques, 1864 Arthur Quixano. Henriques, 1834 David Quixano. Henry, Alexander. Hentig, H. W. Hertz, Abraham. Hertz, M. I. Hertzel, John James. Hosch, Isaac. Hurtzig, George. Isaacs, George. Isaacs, Moses. Joseph, Simeon. Joseph, Simeon N. Josephs, Michael. 1814 1806 1811 1811 1802 1813 1803 1814 1815 1809 1803 Date and Place of Birth. 1833 21 June, 1836, London. 13 May, 1804, in Jamaica. 1763, at K?nigsberg, Prussia. Date and Place of Death. 20 Mch., 1926, 197 Queen's Gate. ? at Gosport in 1814. 3 Mar., 1881, at Brookside, Sin? gleton Brook, Manchester. 6 Mar., 1870, 10 Upper Wim? pole Street. Notes. Father of Sir Percy Harris, Bart. Father of Arthur Q. Henriques. 1849, London. Hebraist and Author. Prior to 1800.</page><page sequence="9">184 ELKAN NATHAN ADLER : IN MEMORIAM Date and Place Date and Place Name. Enrolled. of Birth. of Death. Notes. Kaufmann, 1803 C. H. Keyser, Isaac. || Keyser, 1803 Jacob (1). Keyser, 1820 Jacob (2). Keyser, 1805 Solomon. Lamego, Aaron. || Leao, J. A. C. Leo, Joseph. Leon Joseph Isaac (1). Leon, 1855 Joseph Isaac (2). Leon, Lewis. 1872 Levi, Isaac (1). Levi, Isaac (2). Levi, Moses Philip. 1818 1822 1807 Levi, Solomon. Levi, Solomon Philip. 1814 1821 1779 1781 27 Dec, 1817, Brother of at 8 Clapton Solomon and Terrace, Upper Jacob (1) Key Clapton, ser. 14 Nov., 1849. 1821 1817 ? 1837 30 Aug., 1793. 1813 1785 ? the A. L. who died 2 Feb., 1807, at Kennington. 3 Sep., 1864, at 28 Hyde Park Sq. ? 28 May, 1877, at 1 Craven Hill. 23 ApL, 1817, in Magdalen Row, Prescott St., of the firm of Philip Levi and Sons, George Yard, Lombard Street. II Prior to 1800.</page><page sequence="10">JEWISH UNDERWRITING MEMBERS OF LLOYD'S 185 Name. Enrolled. Levien, Joseph. || Levien, 1800 Nathaniel. Levin, Meyer. 1809 Levin, W. C. 1814 Levin, Zadick. 1808 Levy, Angelo. 1811 Levy, Isay. 1816 Levy, Joseph 1817 Levy, J. A. 1810 Levy, Moses. j| Levy, Simon || Levy, Solomon. || Levy, Zachariah. !| Liebman, 1810 Samuel. Liepmann, 181 i David. Lindo, II Alexander. Date and Place of Birth. 1782 1788 1774 1757 1778 I75I, in Venice. Date and Place of Death. ? 2 Dec, 1842, aged 77. 9 Apl., 1863, at 17 South St., Finsbury. 20 Mar., i860, at Margate. 9 Jan., 1848, at Salt Hill, nr. Chichester. 26 Mar., 1816, at Devonshire Sq. 9 Apr., 1828, in Bury Court. Notes. ? a son of Got chalk Levien, an early member of the Jewish Bd. of Deputies. A son of Got chalk Levien. Of Bury Court, London, and Regency Square, Brighton. 5 Nov., 1857, in Gloucester Place, Portman Sq. ? Pres. of Jewish Bd. of Deputies, b. 1732, d. 1808. 1753 10 Mar., 1812, Finsbury Sq. II Prior to 1800.</page><page sequence="11">i86 ELKAN NATHAN ADLER I IN MEMORIAM Name. Lindo, Benjamin. Lindo, Benjamin Ephraim. Lindo, Date and Place Date and Place Enrolled. of Birth. 1814 1814 1803 David Alexander (1) Lindo, David 1806 Alexander (2) Jr. Lindo, E. H. 1828 Lindo, Elias. Lindo, Ephraim (1). Lindo, Ephraim (2). Lindo, Isaac (1). Lindo, Isaac (2) Jr. Lindo, Isaac Alexander Lindo, Moses (1) Jr. Lindo, Moses (2) Lopez, Anthony Lousada, David Lousada, Emanuel Lousada, J. B. (1) (Isaac Baruh) 1819 1817 1801 1809 1804 1813 1810 18 Sep., 1794, London. 1763 1758 of Death. ? 15 Sept., 1825, aged 39. 5 Aug., 1854, 31 Queen Anne St., London. 1760 20 Aug., 1790, London. 26 Dec, 1783, London. 1748, London. Notes. Son of Ephraim, a cousin of Lord Beaconsfield. Son of Alex? ander. ? Elias Haim Lindo, his? torian, b. 1783, d. 1865. 9 Dec, 1838, at Brighton. 19 May, 1807, in Barbados. 14 Nov., 1837, in Bury Court. 20 Oct., Judde Place, Euston Sq. 15 Dec, 1854, Suffolk St., Pall Mall. 30 May, 1831, 13 Devonshire Square. Of Sidmouth. Father of David, Emanuel and Moses. II Prior to 1800.</page><page sequence="12">JEWISH UNDERWRITING MEMBERS OF LLOYD'S 187 Name. Enrolled. Lousada, J. B. 1810 (2) Jr. (Isaac Baruh). Date and Place Date and Place Lousada, M. B. (Moses Baruch) Low, David. Low, Isaac. Lozano, Manuel Perez. Lubman, Soliman. Lucas, Louis. Lucas, Nathaniel. Lucas, Sampson. Lucena, James Charles. Martinez, Sebastian Gonzalez. Medina, Sol. de Jr. Mendel, Sam. Mendes, Abraham de. Mendes, Lewis. 1801 1839 1804 1838 1808 1821 1804 1803 1870 1801 of Birth. 1783, in Jamaica. 25 June, 1780, London. 26 Feb., 1791, in Jamaica. 1766 1752 of Death. 16 Sep., 1857, 16 Maddox St. 24 Feb., 1826, Finsbury Sq. 3 July, 1851, at Ramsgate. 14 Apr., 1813, Haydon Sq. 2 June, 1813, Up. Charlotte Street. 28 Sep., 1783, Stoke Newing ton. *i77i 1716, London. Notes. Cousin of fore? going and in whose favour the Dukedom de Lousada y Lozada was re? vived. Son of Isaac Baruch (1). Eldest son of Sampson Lucas. ? whether a Jew. Formerly of Kingston, Jamaica. Son of James Lucena of Lisbon (1720 1795) and Con? sul-general for Portugal. Of 13 Cumber? land Terrace, Regents Park. 21 Apr., 1820. 7 Dec, 1790, Artillery Lane, Bishopsgate. " One of the first merchants of the City of London." II Prior to 1800. * An original member.</page><page sequence="13">i88 ELKAN NATHAN ADLER : IN MEMORIAM Name. Mendes, Solomon de. montefiore, Eliezer. montefiore, Jacob (i). montefiore, Jacob (2). montefiore, Moses. Mora, J. M. de Mosenthal, Harry. Mosenthal, Joseph. Moses, Edward. Moses, Israel. Nasso, Isaac. Enrolled. w 1813 1822 Oliveira, John. Oliveira, Joze A. Gonsalves. Oliviera, Vincent. Oppenheim, Charles. 1803 1809 1882 1893 1802 Nattali, Charles. 1811 Nattali, Joseph. || Nattali, O. 1830 Oliveira, || Dominick. 1820 1843 1866 Date and Place of Birth. Date and Place of Death. 4 Apr., 1761, London. 1801, in Barbados. 6 Nov., South St., bury. 1837, Fins Notes. Father of Jacob 3 Nov., 1895, at Pioneer in 35 Hyde Park Sq. Australia. 19 Oct., 1850, 12 Jan., 1915, at Brother of at Cape Town. 19 Green St., W. Joseph. 1863 26 Oct., 1916, at 76 Avenue, Henri Martin, Paris. If the Edward Moses b. 1763, d. 1 Mar., 1853, assumed sur? name of Gold smid in 1804. 1789 St. Botolphs, Aldgate. One of this name d. 1 Feb., 1841, aged 37, at Gt. Cumberland St. Prior to 1800.</page><page sequence="14">JEWISH UNDERWRITING MEMBERS OF LLOYD'S 189 Name. Oppenheim, Ernest. Oppenheim, Samuel. Oppenheimer, George. Oppenheimer, Morris. Panrucker. Joseph. Pereira, A. M. Pereira, D. L. (Daniel Lopez) Date and Place Enrolled. of Birth. Date and Place of Death. Notes. 1866 1865 1810 1809 1818 II 1800 Peynado , Joseph. 1813 Philips, Benjamin. Phillips, B. J. Phillips, Daniel. Phillips, Samuel. Prager, Joseph. Queiros, Rebello, David Alvez. Rebello, Francis. Ribeiro, D. N. Ricardo, Samson. Rothschild, Anselm Meyer. Rothschild, Nathan Meyer. 1812 1817 1810 1819 1766 1802 ? 1801 ? 1836 ? 1838 ? 1800 ? if 1778. 1812 ? II I740 1812 1792 2 June, 1795. 12 June, 1773 Frankfort, 7 Sep., 1777. 2 Apr., 1853, 2 King Street, Finsbury Sq. Dec, 1815 at b. Salomons, as Ascot, Lieut. 25 sumed his Lt. Dragoon. mother's sur? name. 24 Apr., 1796, Merchant and at Hackney. numismatist. 10 July, 1867, Of 53 Burton Wyndham Place, Crescent. Bryanston Sq. 14 Nov., 1862, 50 Grosvenor Place. 1855 M.P. for Windsor. 28 July, 1836, Grandfather of Frankfort. ist Lord Roths? child. II Prior to 1800.</page><page sequence="15">ELKAN NATHAN ADLER : IN MEMORIAM Name. Rothschild, The Lord, G.C.V.O. Salomons, David. Enrolled. 1880 1836 Salomons, Levy. Salomons, P. 1805 (probably Peter). Salvador, H Jacob. Samuda, II David (1). Samuda, David || (2) Jr. Samuel, Philip Samuel, Philip M. (1). Samuel, Philip M. (2). Samuel, Samuel (1). Samuel, Samuel (2). Samuel, Simon. Sassoon, Arthur David, M.V.O. 1824 1800 1820 1800 1820 1819 1870 Date and Place of Birth. 8 Nov., 1840. b. 22 Nov., 1797, Bury Street. 16 Jan., 1774, Bury Street, St. Mary Axe. 1774. 1775 1765,in London. Date and Place of Death. 31 Mch., 1915. 18 July, /1873, 26 Gt. Cumber? land Place. 27 Jan., 1843, 4 Crosby Sq. 20 Oct., 1843, in Kentish Town. 12 Jan., 1845, 24 Connaught Square. June, 1804, Le man St., Good? mans Fields. 30 Jan., 1824, South St., Fins bury Square. Notes. Cr. Bart., 1869 ; M.P. for Green? wich ; Lord Mayor of London. Father of Sir David Salo? mons, M.P., Lord Mayor of London. 1787, in Bath. 15 Dec, 1871, Brother of 38 Dorset Sq. S. M. Samuel. 1 Apr., 1773. 14 Feb., 1873. |0neof these was y Samuel Moses I Samuel. b. 1784. 18 Dec, 1859, ? at 30 Gloucester Place. 25 May, 1840. 7 Aug., 1907. Brother of Reuben. II Prior to 1800.</page><page sequence="16">JEWISH UNDERWRITING MEMBERS OF LLOYD'S IQI Name. Enrolled. Sassoon, 1869 Reuben David. Sebag, Solomon. 1805 Selig, Isaac 1809 Serena, 1901 Arthur, J.P. Silva, Bruno. 1818 Silva, Edward. 1870 Silva, || Emanuel (1). Silva, 1830 Emanuel (2) Jr. Silva, 1863 Frederic Silva, John. 1867 Silva, 1853 John Joseph. Soares, Joze H. 1812 Soares, Manoel 1814 Joaquin. Solomans, II Abraham. Solomans, Isaac || solomans, II Solomon. Solomon, Henry 1853 Date and Place Date and Place of Birth. 1 Jan., 1835. 1786 of Death. Notes. 7 June, 1905, at Brother of 7 Queen's Gar- Arthur, dens, Hove. 3 Dec, 1831. Ancestor of the Sebag Monte fiore family. 1776 1841 1771 31 Mch., 1922, 36 York Terr., Regents Park. 6 Jan., 1850, Baker St. 23 May, 1899, at 14 Cadogan Gardens. 29 May, 1846, Newington, Surrey. Public worker and benefactor. Of 28 Hunter St.,Bloomsbury. Father of John Joseph Silva. J.P. 1841 1840 23 Jan., 1806. 6 "Sep., 1926, at Lyme Regis. 15 Dec, 1883, at Honiton Rec? tory, Devon. 16 June, 1867, at Shooters Hill, Kent. Father of Ed? ward, Frederic, and John. Exeter. May, 1891, 14 Kensington Palace Gardens, W. 8. II Prior to 1800.</page><page sequence="17">192 ELKAN NATHAN ADLER : IN MEMORIAM Name. Spiers, Alexander. Spiers, Felix. Date and Place Enrolled. of Birth. 1890 ? 1836 Spyer, Solomon 1800 Stein, James. 1805 Steinberg, J. F. || Stern, 1854 Sigismund James. Stiebel, Samuel. 1831 Symons, II Lyon De. Tedesco, A. (I Tedesco, i 80 i Joseph. Teuxira, H. J. 1811 (? Texeira) Varicas, II Abraham. Vieira, A. J. L. 1814 Wolfe, Lewis. 1804 Worms, Baron 1866 George (? Gabriel) de. XlMENES, II Abraham. XlMENES, II Daniel. Zagury, i810 Solomon. 1756 1807 1787 1743 1763 Date and Place of Death. Notes. 7 Nov., 1836, Northampton Place, Canonbury. 15 May, 1885, Little Grove, East Barnet. 1 Feb., 1883, at St. Leonards. 2 July, 1814, Clapham Com? mon. 21 July, 1814. 3 May, 1802. Of 24 York Place, Portman Square. Partner in firm of Schuster Bros, of Man? chester. Baron of the Austrian Em? pire. If Gabriel, pioneer in Ceylon, b. 1801, d. 1881. II Prior to 1800.</page></plain_text>



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