Tallies and Receipt Rolls
Hilary Jenkinson
<plain_text><page sequence="1">Tallies and Receipt Rolls. By Hilary Jenkinson, F.S.A. Some years ago I read a paper before tbis Society on the Records of Exchequer Receipts from the English Jewry. At the time it was intended that this when published should be illustrated with plates of Tallies and Receipt Rolls, but owing to various circumstances, including the war, this was not done ; though the article duly appeared in the Society's VHIth Volume. The scheme of illustration has now been modified with the results shown in the accompanying plates. Plate I. illustrates the earliest type of Receipt Roll, in single column, and shows a portion of the first purely Jewish one. Plate IT. gives us the development of the early single-columned type into a broader membrane with three columns arranged under Counties. Plate III. (a) shows yet another stage in the growth of the Receipt Roll. This is the Jewish membrane of a composite roll which includes also the ordinary Receipt Roll and the Liberate Roll (the roll of Writs for Issues), which in our Plate is seen turned over and rolled back at the head. Plate III. (b) introduces us to the final form of the Receipt Roll? a single-columned roll arranged under dates with Counties in the left hand margin. It is again an entirely separate roll for Jewish matters, and incidentally illustrates the dwindling size of such records towards the end of the medieval Jewish period in England ; our illustration showing the whole roll for one term. Finally in Plate IV. we have examples of tallies.1 The first four of these relate to a talliage of twenty-thousand marks, and illustrate the cutting used for different amounts. The first two have Hebrew script upon them, in which respect they may be compared with those figured by Dr. Stokes in his Studies in Anglo-Jewish History. These inscriptions, kindly read for me by Dr. Abrahams, are, upon the first pip p J1?^ and upon the second (?) WpTJ b^J b?- Our fifth 1 See the article on " Tallies " in Archceologia, vol. 62.</page><page sequence="2">TALLIES AND RECEIPT ROLLS. 189 example relates to a talliage of eight thousand marks and, with the sixth, is remarkable as having the county written upon it. The seventh relates to a tax of a third part upon moveables. The last two relate to Jewish matters other than taxation?debts in which Christians have an interest. TRANSCRIPTS. Plate I (Exchequer Accounts, K.R., 249/22) relates to the Northampton Donum, a transcript of which has been printed in the Society's Miscellanies (pp. lxx et seqq.) by Dr. Abrahams. It has been thought well to add tran? scripts of the portions of manuscript shown in the other Plates. They are as follows.1 Plate II. (Receipt Roll 1564. Easter, 14 John) [First Column] BedeiovdSira et BukingHamSIRa. De Milone de Wicumbe .xvij. s. de termino medie quadrage<s&me pro Jude^smo. De Bonenfant de Bedeford' dimidiam .marcam. de eodem termino. De Henr^co Boesus [. . .] 2 .s. de termino Bancti Michaelis . pro eodem. De Ricardo fih'o Osberti .xix. s. ij. d. de eodem termino. De Eodem .xix. s. ij. d. pro eodem. De Simone de pateshull' .xv. Ii. de fine Robert de Bros pro eodem. Nortolcia et Suffolcia. De Hamone fiHo thome .xl. d. de fine pro Judeismo. de termino pasche. De Ricardo fiKo Euerardi .x. s. pro eodem. De Emma de Bellafago .C. s. de duobus terminis. De Rogero de Ros .j. marcam. de fine pro Judeismo. De Hugowe de Baddelee .xij. s .vj. d. de duobws terminis . pro eodem De Herueo de Risemere .xix. s. pro eodem. De Ricardo de Bramford' .xxx. s de duobws terminis pro eodem. De Buomtlfo ?lio Walten de Bradelee .v. s. vj. d. pro eodem. De Roberto de Beche .xl. s. pro Jude^mo. 1 Abbreviations have been extended wherever they are certain, with the exception of libre, solidi, and denarii, which are rendered throughout as li., s., d. Extensions are indicated by italics. 2 Reading doubtful.</page><page sequence="3">190 TALLIES AND RECEIPT ROLLS. [Second Column] NorHamteSIRa. De Roberto Murdac .xx. marcas. de debito Samuelis filii Jacob. De Rogero de CampuilF .v. marcas. de termino sanati Johannis -pro Judeismo. De Milone de Bellocampo .viij. Ii. et dimidiam marcam de termino Sancti Michaelis anni .xv. De Hugowe hlio H&dulfi .xx. s pro eodem-. De Johanne Basset .v. marcas. pro eodem. [Third Column] GloucestresIRa. De thoma Tiche .x. s de fine pro Judeismo de termino pasche. De Galfrioo le mercer .x. s pro eodem. De Roberto diuite .dimio'iam. marcam. pro eodem. De Ranulfo lestan .x. s. pro eodem. De WilleZmo de Alencestr' .x. s. .iiij. d. pro eodem. ^[ De Waltero Child Laguiller .ij. s de firma domus sue pro Judeismo. De WilleZmo foristario et Petronilla uxore eins .iij. s pro Judeismo. De Hugowe le f rem an .iiij. s pro eodem. De Roberto le Riehe dimidiam .marcam. pro eodem. De Galfrido le Mercer .v. s pro eodem. De Gregorio Carnifice .iij. s. pro eodem. De Ranulfo le ferur .x. s. pro eodem. De Thoma Tiche .xx. s pro eodem. De Stephano de Crecleg' .ij. s pro eodem. De Simone de Sautemareis .x. s pro eodem. De Matilda de ponte de frome .xvij. s. .vj. d. pro eodem. De Gileberto de Schipton' .xx. s pro eodem. De Waltero de Clifford' .xij. Ii. xij. s. vj. d. de fine henr ici de Miner5 pro Judeismo. De Mosseo de Wintonia .xij. Ii. viij. s. iiij. d. de fine suo. De Roberto de Linant .v. s. pro eodem. De Ricardo filio WilleZmi .xxv. s pro eodem. De Ada Esegar .dimiamm .marcam. -pro eodem. De Aluredo de la Berton' .xx. s. pro eodem. De Elya Vinitore .v. marcas. de duobws terminis pro eodem. *De Waltero de Clyfford' .iiij. libras .iiij. solidos .x. d. pro eodem. quia ha&uit super plus. 1 This line from the beginning to de eodem is struck through: the second part of the line explains why.</page><page sequence="4">TALLIES AND RECEIPT ROLLS. 191 De Henxico de Miner' .Lv. s. ij. d. pro eodem. De Thoma Tieche .x. s. pro eodem. De Radulfo Holt .dimidiam. marcam. pro eodem. De petro de Eweleie .x. s. pro eodem. Plate III. (a) (Receipt Roll 4. Easter, 5 Henry III.) [First Column] Londoma. De Benedicto 'Episcopo .xij. Li. x. s. de Auxilio pro Johanna sorore Domini 'Regis H. Maritanda. et pro Mosseo fiKo Bran'. De Jacobo Crespin' .Lxij. s. vj. d. pro Eodem. De Sampsowe fiKo Isaac .xviij. s. ix. d. pro Eodem. De Mosseo fiKo1 Genero Benedict .xviij. s. pro Eodem. De Benedicta fiKo . Riehe .xij. s. vj. d. pro Eodem. De Aaron fiKo Viuei . de hmcolnia .ij. s. vj. d. pro Eodem. De Helia fiKo Benedict .xlvij. s. pro Eodem. De Richa vidua .xvj. s. pro Eodem. De Mosseo de Colecestria .iiij. s. ij. d. pro Eodem. De Abraham fiKo MurieKs .xxij. s. pro Eodem. De Isaac fiKo Joscei Presbiferi 2 .xvj. s. iij. d. pro Eodem. De Isaa Episco^o .xv. s. pro Eodem. De Josceo genero Joscei Presbiferi .xiij. s. ix. d. pro Eodem. [Second Column] Norhamtonm. De Josceo fiKo SamueKs .xxv. s. de Auxilio pro Johanna sorore Domini Regis .H. maritanda. et pro Mosseo fiKo Brun. De Dauid' fiKo viuei .xxxviij. s. ix d. pro Eodem. De Samuele . et Murele .x. s. pro Eodem. De Heceua3 Relicta Benedict .vj. s. pro Eodem. De Viueo fiKo Isaac .Cxiiij. s. j. d. pro Eodem. De Samuele fiKo Abraham .xviij. s. pro Eodem. De SalamoTie fiKo Joscej de Warewich' .xvj. s. .iij. d. pro Eodem. De Isaac fiKo Viuei .xxix. s. vij. d. pro Eodem. De Bella filia Isaac .viij. s. iiij. d. pro Eodem. De Isaac fiKo Deudon' .xj. s. iij. d. pro Eodem. De Plurie quondam vxore Deudon' .v. s. pro Eodem. De Mosseo fiKo Isaac .xij. s. viij. d. pro Eodem. De Abraham fiKo SamueKs .xxij. s. vj. d. pro Eodem. 1 filio expunged. 2 Presbiteri interlineated. 3 Beading doubtful.</page><page sequence="5">192 TALLIES AND RECEIPT ROLLS. [On the roll shown turned back.] Exitus Per Brewia. H . dei gracia Rex Anglie . Dominus Hibernie. Dux Normannie . Aquitaine et Comes Andegauie Dilectfis et fidelibws suis . E . Thesaurario. . . . [etc.] H . dei gracia etcetera . Liberate de Thesauvo nostio dilecto et fideli nostro H . de Burgo Justiciario nostro de firmis Comitatam Norfolcie et Sufiolcie et Kancie . de anno Regni nostri Secundo et Tercio et Quarto et Quinto usq^e ad . . . Plate III. (6) (Receipt Roll 1573. Michaelmas, 5 Edward I.) If Die veneris proxima ante iestum Sanctorum Simonis et Jude. 11 Wygornia.?De Simone Alayn .xxx. s. pro Isaac Judeo Wygornie de talliaaio .xxv. Millium [Libr' struck through] Marearwm. If Summa, .xxx. s. If Die Jouis in Crastino sancte Katerine virginis. ^f Londowia.?De Mendaunt filio . Isaac .j. Marcam de talliaaio .xxv. Milium Marc arum. ^f Swmma Summarum duarwm dierwm precedewciwm .xliij. s. iiij. d. If Item Recepta post festum Sanofi Hillarii . in medio tempore Tf Lincolraa.?De Saunte de Stamford' .viij. Ii. ij. s. iij. d. de talliagio .xxv. Millium . Marcarwm ^f Summa, .viij. Ii. ij. s. iij. d. *\\ Swma Summ&rum a Crastino sancti Michaelis vsq^e ad diem sabba/i in vigilia sancti Valentini Martiris .x. Ii. v. s. vij. d. Plate IV. (Tallies.) (1) De Leun fif?o Coc de talliaaio .xx. millium marcarum. (2) De Josceo de Lincofoua de talliagio .xx. milliwm marcarum. (3) De AAron Blundo de talliaaio .xx. millium . marcarum. (4) De AAron de Eboraco de talliagio . xx. millium . marcarum. (5) De Bonenfaunt' genero Cuntesse de . talliagio . viij. milliwm marcarum. (6) De Josceo filio Moss' de talliagio viij. millium marcarum [and on the near side] Wigornia. (7) De Benedicta fiZio Preciose de tercia parte mobilmm. (8) De MabilZa de Bray pro Judeismo. (9) De Henrico Trewchard de debit's Petri de Pyrefrith de debits Elye le Eueske.</page><page sequence="6">Plate I. Single Column Receipt Roll. {Reduced.) [To face p. 184</page><page sequence="7"></page><page sequence="8"></page><page sequence="9">Plate IV, Exchequer Tallies (? natural size). [To face p. 185</page></plain_text>