Report of the JHSE 1893-94
<plain_text><page sequence="1">JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. REPORT, 1893-94. The Jewish Historical Society of England was inaugurated at a large public meeting held in the rooms of the Maceabseans in St. James's Hall Restaurant, on Saturday, June 3rd, 1893. Mr. Lucien Wolf presided and proposed the resolution constituting tbe Society. The Chief Rabbi seconded the resolution, which was carried. Meetings of the Society were held subsequently in the rooms of the Maccabaaans on the following dates :? Nov. 11th, 1893. (1.) Inaugural Address by the President. (2.) Paper on " A Hebrew Elegy concerning the Massacres in 1190," by S. Schechter, M.A., Reader in Rabbinic in the University of Cambridge. (3.) "The Domus Conversorum," by C. Trice Martin, F.S.A., Assistant-Keeper of H.M. Records. Feb. 4th, 1894. (4.) "A Homage to Menasseh ben Israel," by the Chief Rabbi. (5.) " Crypto-Jews under the Commonwealth," by the President. May 13th, 1894. (6.) " Hugh of Lincoln," by Mr. Joseph Jacobs. (7.) "The Debts and Houses of the Jews of Hereford in 1290." Besides these papers, other communications were laid before the Society, and one of these is included in the present volume. A special General Meeting was held on January 3rd, 1894, at Tavistock House, and the Laws appended to this report were then adopted. During the year, the Society has supported the efforts of Toynbee Hall to promote the delivery of lectures on Jewish history, and hopes soon to formulate a fuller scheme by which this branch of its work may be developed.</page><page sequence="2">report. 161 An important arrangement, the full details of which are prefixed to the Laws printed below, has been made with the Maccabasans. The first volume to be published in accordance with the scheme will be a collection of the writings of Menasseh ben Israel, edited by the President, Mr. Lucien Wolf. This volume will be ready in the course of the present year. The Fourth of February was last year celebrated by the Society as " Resettlement Day." It is proposed to make this an annual commemoration, for though Jews were living in England between 1290 and the time of Cromwell, yet the real modern history of the Jews of England commences from their formal toleration by the Protector in the middle of the seventeenth century. The Society expresses its sincere gratitude to the Maccabaeans, and to the Council of Jews' College, for the use of rooms in which to hold its Meetings. It will be seen from the Financial Statement appended that the balances in the hands of the Treasurer and Honorary Secretary amounted on December 31st, 1894, to ?39. 7s. 6d. FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 1893-4. To Subscriptions ,, Donation & s. (I. 57 14 6 1 1 0 ?58 15 6 By Printing . ? Donation to Toynbee Hall. ,, Expenditure for Meet? ings . ? Petty Cash . ,, Banker's charges Balance at Bankers ... Balance in hands of Honorary Secretary... 2 2 0 36 11 6 2 16 0 ?58 15 6 Lucien Wolf, President. Ernest L. Franklin, Treasurer. Israel Abrahams. Hon. Sec. VOL. I.</page><page sequence="3">162 report of sub-committee. Report of Sub-Committee on the Relations between the Jewish Historical Society of England and the Mac CABiEANS. In accordance with the instructions conveyed in the Resolution passed at the Meeting of the Council in June last, the Representatives nominated by the Committee of the Maccabseans and by the Jewish Historical Society of Eugland met at the house of Prof. Meldola, 6, Brunswick-square, W.C., on Friday, February 23rd, 1894, and having considered the question of a more intimate association of the two Societies, they beg to report as follows :? (1.) The Sub-Committee are of opinion that it is of importance for the Maccabasans to be associated with, and to promote in every practicable manner the development of any in? tellectual movement in the Jewish Community. (2.) The Sub-Committee, having considered the possibility of amalgamation, have come to the conclusion that, in con? sequence of the different constitution of the two i^cieties, no such amalgamation is possible. (3.) While recognising the impossibility of amalgamating, the Sub-Committee are, nevertheless, of opinion that some scheme of co-operation is possible, and might be carried out to the advantage of both Societies. They therefore recommend? (#.) That four Delegates shall be nominated by the Committee of the Maccabaeans and elected by the Members at the Annual General Meeting to serve on the Executive Committee of the Jewish Historical Society. The Delegates thus nominated shall be Members of the Maccabaeans not serving on the Executive Committee of the Jewish Historical Society at the time of their nomination. (b.) The Sub-Committee also recommend that the Delegates nominated and elected in accordance with the last clause,</page><page sequence="4">report of sub-committee. 163 shall be empowered to recommend to the Committee of the Maccabaeans the subvention by the latter Society of such publications of the Jewish Historical Society, other than the Transactions, as the Delegates may think desirable. (c.) That such publications of the Jewish Historical Society as are subventioned by the Maccabaeans shall be at the dis? posal of the Members of the latter Society on the same terms as to the Members of the Jewish Historical Society. (d.) The Sub-Committee further recommend that the rooms in the occupation of the Maccabaeans shall be at the dis? posal of the Jewish Historical Society on all occasions that may be convenient. (e.) This arrangement shall be terminable at the discretion of either governing body on giving three months' notice. Present at Meeting? Prof. Meldola (in Chair). J. Jacobs. H. Haldinstein. L. Wolf, L Abrahams. Approved also by the Rev. S. Singer. These suggestions have been adopted by the Society and by the Maccabaeans. m 2</page><page sequence="5">LAWS. Name. 1. The name of the Society shall be The Jewish Historical Society of England. 2. The objects of the Society shall be :? (?.) The promotion and organisation of research into, and study of, the history of the Jews of the British empire ; (b.) The transcription of documents and the collection of materials relating to Anglo-Jewish history; (c.) The publication of such documents and materials, as well as of treatises, relating to Anglo-Jewish history ; (d.) The formation of a Library and Museum for the preservation of archives of Anglo-Jewish congregations and institutions, and of documents, books, prints and relics relating to Anglo-Jewish history; (e.) The organisation and management of a scheme for the delivery in London and elsewhere of Lectures on general Jewish history. Constitution. 3. The Society shall consist of Subscribing Members, Honorary Members, and Corresponding Members. 4. Provincial and colonial Members may, with the sanction of the Council, establish branches for the purposes of local research, and co-operation with the Society in its Lecture scheme. Government. 5. The Society shall be governed by a Council, elected by the general body of Members at an Annual Meeting, to be held in June. 6. At such Annual Meeting a President, Yice-Presidents, and a Treasurer shall be elected.</page><page sequence="6">laws. 165 7. The President, Viee-Presidents, Treasurer, and Honorary Secretaries, and the Presidents of the branches, shall be ex-officio Members of the Council. 8. At its first Meeting in each year the Council shall appoint an Executive Committee, consisting of six Members, in addition to the Honorary Officers, who shall be ex officio Members. 9. The appointment of Honorary Secretaries shall be in the hands of the Executive Committee. Meetings. 10. In addition to the Annual Meeting there shall be at least four Meetings of the Society every year, at which papers and communica? tions shall be read and discussed. Publications. 11. An Annual Report and Balance Sheet shall be prepared and distributed among the Members, giving a detailed account of the work of the Society during the past year. 12. The Society shall publish such transactions, collections of papers and historical essays or treatises as the Council may approve on the recommendation of the Executive Committee. 13. Each Member of the Society shall be entitled to a copy of the transactions issued by the Society. Finance. 14. All moneys received on account of the Society shall be paid to the Treasurer, who shall prepare a balance-sheet for submission to the Annual Meeting of Members. 15. No moneys shall be paid out by the Treasurer without the authorisation of the Executive Committee.</page><page sequence="7">166 list of members. ?resident Lucien Wolf, Esq* Dice^ipresi&ents* Joseph Jacobs, Esq., B.A. | C. Trice Martin, Esq., F.S.A. Isidore Spielman, Esq., F.S.A. {Treasurer* Ernest L. Franklin, Esq. 1bonorar? Secretary Israel Abrahams, Esq., M.A. Council? I. Abrahams, Esq., M.A. The Rev. M. Abrahams, B.A. The Rev.Dr. adler,Chief Rabbi. Hyde Clarke, Esq., F.R.H.S. The Rev. F. L. Cohen. H. J. Cohen, Esq., M.A. M. D. Davis, Esq. Israel Davis, Esq., M.A. The Rev. Gr. J. Emanuel, B.A. Lewis Emanuel, Esq. E. N. Franklin, Esq. Rev. S. Friedeberg. Dr. M. Friedl?nder. Prof. S. R. Gardiner. Dr. R. Garnett. The Rev. H. Gollancz, M.A. I. Gollancz, Esq., M.A. Prof. R. Gottheil. F. Haes, Esq. The Rev. M. Joseph. The Rev. Dr. A. L?wy. The Rev. Prof. D. W. Marks. C. Trice Martin, Esq.,F S.A. Prof. R. Meldola, F.R.S. C. GL Montefiore, Esq., M.A. Hyman Montagu, Esq., F.S.A. A. I. Myers, Esq. The Rev. J. Polack, B.A. Walter Rye, Esq. W. H. Rylands, Esq. S. Schechter, Esq., M.A. The Rev. S. Singer. 0. J. Simon, Esq. The Rev. L. M. Simmons, B.A., LL.B. S. J. Solomon, Esq. 1. Spielman, Esq., F.S.A. I. Zangwill, Esq., B,A. J. Jacobs, Esq., B.A. B^ecutive Committee* The President, Yice-Presidents, Treasurer, Hon. Secretary, with the Chief Rabbi, Rev. F. L, Cohen, Dr. Friedl?nder, A, I. Myers, S. Schechter, and S. J. Solomon.</page><page sequence="8">LIST OF MEMBERS. 167 GorreaponDing /Members, Adler, Dr. Cyrus, Smithsonian Institute, Washington. Bacher, Prof, W., 25, Lindengasse, Buda Pesth. Berliner, Dr. A., 8, Krausnickstrasse, Berlin. Derenbourg, Prof. H., Rue de la Victoire, Paris. Goldziher, Prof. I., The University Buda Pesth. Gross, Dr. C, 11, Putnam-avenue, Cambridge, Mass. G?demann, Oberrabbiner Dr. M., Vienna. Kaufmann, Prof. D., 20, Andrassystrasse, Buda Pesth. Kayserling, Oberrabbiner Dr. M., Buda Pesth. Rosendale, Hon. Simon, Albany Savings Bank-building, Albany, N.YT. Straus, Hon. Oscar, 42 Warren-street, New York. Members. Abrahams, A., 70, Broridesbury-roacl, N.W. Abrahams, Miss A. E., 7, Belsize-park, N.W. Abrahams, B. Lionel, India Office, S.W. Abrahams, B. Louis, 56, Sutherland-avenue, W. Abrahams, Mrs. L, 77, Elgin-avenue, W. Abrahams, Israel, 77, Elgin-avenue, W. Abrahams, Rev. Dr. J., Melbourne, Australia. Abrahams, L. B., for Jews' Free School, Bell-lane, Spitalfields, E. Abrahams, Rev. M., 8, Northfiekl square, Leeds. Adler, E. N., 9, Angel-court, E.C. Adler, Mrs. H., 22, Finsbury-square, E.C. Adler, Dr. H., 22, Finsbury-square, E.C. Adler, Rev. M.? 31, Ingersol-road, Uxbridge-road, W. Adler, Marcus N., 22, Craven-hill, W. Albert, James, 49, Sloane-street, S.W. Alexander, S., 22, Duncan-terrace, N. Asher, S. G., 89, Wigmore-street, W. Barnard, Captain, 10, Cambridge-square, Hyde-park, W. Belman, Philip, 4, Bath-row, Birmingham. Benas, B., J.P., 5, Prince's-avenue, Liverpool. Bender, A. P., Beaufort College, St. Leonards. Benjamin, Henry D., 48, Sutherland-avenue, Maida-hill, W.</page><page sequence="9">168 LIST OF MEMBERS. Benjamin, Ludwig, 183, Bermondsey-street. Bensher, W., 77, Fore-street, E.C. Bensusan, J. S. L., Melton Lodge, Mowbray-road, Upper Norwood. Bentwitch, Herbert, 58, Ayenue-road, Regent's-park, N.W. Berlin, Dr. M., 46, Alma-street, Newport, Mon. Birnstingl, Mrs. A. L., 5r Pembroke-gardens, Kensington, W. Birnstingl, A. L., 5, Pembroke-gardens, Kensington, W. Bools, William Edward, 7, Cornhill, E.C. Bostock, R. C, The Leasows, St. Peter's-road, Broads fairs. B?chler, Dr. Adolf, Vienna. Bute, The Marquis of, Mount Stuart, Rothesay, Isle of Bute. Cart, Henry Thomas, Queen AnneVmansions, S.W. Chapman, Rev. John, Great Ealing School, W. Chorlton, Thomas, 32, Brazenose-street, Manchester. Clarke, Hyde, 32, St. George's-square, S.W. Cohen, Dr. A., 67, Warrington-crescent, Maida-vale, W. Cohen, Alfred, 106, Westbourne-terrace, W. Cohen, B. L., M.P., 30, Hyde-park-gardens, W. Cohen, C, 50, Ladbroke-road, W. Cohen, Rev. F. L., Heygate-street, Walworth, S.E. Cohen, Rev. Harris, 26, Birkland-avenue, Nottingham. Cohen, Harry, 50, Ladbroke-road, W. Cohen, Rev. Henry, Galveston, Texas, U.S.A. Cohen, H. J., 5, King's Bench-walk, Temple. Cohen, John A., 119, Kennington-park-road, S.E. Cohen, Miss Lucy, 3, Orsett-terrace, W. Cohen, N. L., 3, Devonshire-place, Portland-place, W. Collins, H. H., Frankfort House, Randolph-road, Maida-hill Copeman, J. Thomas, Aylsham. D'Avigdor, Elim, 35, Lancaster-gate, W. Davis, Alfred, 13, St. Ermins's Mansions, Westminster. Davis, Mrs. Arthur, 25, Greville-road, Maida-vale, W. Davis, Arthur, 25, Greville-road, Maida-vale, W. Davis, Felix A., 33, Marlborough-hill, N.W. Davis, Israel, 6, King's Bench-walk, Temple, E.G. Davis, Mrs. J. P., 5, Marlborough-road, St. John's Wood, N,W Davis, M. D., 48, Colvestone-crescent, Dalston.</page><page sequence="10">LIST OF MEMBERS. 169 De Burgh, W. Gr., Toynbee Hall, Commercial-street, E. Doun, Isidore S., 5, St. John's Wood Studios, N.W. Duckett, Sir G. F., Bart., Oxford and Cambridge Club, Pall Mall, S.W. Duignan, W. H., Gorway House, Walsall. Elkan, Charles, 54, Aldersgate-street, E.C. Emanuel, Rev. George, 36, Beaufort-road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Emanuel, Lewis, 91, Gloucester-terrace, Hyde-park, W. Ettinghausen, H. L., 24, Mornington-avenue, West Kensington. Farmer, Leopold, 13, Mortimer-crescent, N.W. Franklin, Arthur, 21, Cornhill, E.C. Franklin, Ellis, 35, Porchester-terrace, W. Franklin, Ernest, 60, Old Broad-street. Franklin, Mrs. L. S., 69, Elgin-avenue, Maida-vale, W. Franklin, H. A., 14, St. Quenten's-avenue, Wormwood Scrubbs. Friedeberg, Rev. S., 88, Falkner-street, Liverpool. Friedl?nder, Arthur M., 109, Elgin-avenue, W. Friedl?nder, Gerald, 109, Elgin-avenue, W. Friedl?nder, Rev. Joseph, 17, Elgin-avenue, W. Friedl?nder, Dr. M., Tavistock House, Tavistock-square, W.C. Friedl?nder, Melville, 109, Elgin-avenue, W. Gardiner, Professor, British Museum. Garnet, Dr. R., British Museum. Gatty, A. S. Scott-Gatty (York Herald), College of Arms, London,E.C. Gollancz, Rev. Hermann, 39, Clifton-gardens, W. Gollancz, I., Christ College, Cambridge. Gottheil, Dr. R., Columbia University, New York. Green, Rev. A. A., 60, Holmdale-road, West End-lane. Green, Michael A., 10, Canfield-gardens, N.W. Greenberg, L. J., Wrexham Lodge, Hilltop-road, N.W. Goldring, S. O., 27, Randolph-crescent, Maida-vale, W. Goldsmid, Colonel, United Service Club, Pall Mall, S.W. Guttmann, Alex, 16, Brownswood-park, N. Guttmann, Charles, 16, Brownswood-park, N. Haes, Frank, 28, Bassett-road, W. Haldinstein, A. J., Heigham Lodge, Norwich. Harris, Miss Emily M., 9, Queen's-square, Bloomsbury, W.C. Harris, Henry, 22, Great Prescot-street, E.</page><page sequence="11">170 LIST OF MEMBERS. Harris, Rev. Isidore, M.A., 192, Portsdown-road, W. Harris, Morris, 38, Warrington-crescent, W. Harris, S. M., Royal Arcade, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Hart, Henry, J.P., Godwyne House, Dover. Hart, Mrs. H. D'Arcy, 18, Pembridge-gardens, W. Hart, Henry D'Arcy, 18, Pembridge-gardens, W. Henriques, Alfred G., 9, Adelaide-crescent, Brighton. Henry, A. Lindo, 40, Gascony-avenue, N.W. Henschberg, 120, Prince's-road, Liverpool. Herschkowitz, I. H., 3, Grittleton-road, Elgin-avenue, W. Herzheim, M. Martin, 27, Eaton-rise, Ealing, Middlesex. Hirsch, Dr. S. A., 18, Clarendon-gardens, Portsdown-road, W. Hirschfeld, Dr. H., Montefiore College, Ramsgate. Hovenden, R., F.S.A., F.R.H.S., Heathcote, Park Hill-road, Croydon. Hyamson, Rev. M., 6, Beresford-terrace, Canonbury, N. Isaac, Percy, 20, Dennington-park-road, N.W. Isaacs, Rev. Harris, 1891 Post-box, Johannesburg, South Africa. ivatts, E. B., 27, Landport-terrace, Southsea. Jacobs, George, 260, Portsdown-road, W. Jacobs, Mrs. Joseph, 18, Lansdowne-terrace, West End-lane, N.W. Jacobs, Joseph, 18, Lansdowne-terrace, West End-lane, N.W. Jacobs, Joseph, 90, Hackney-road, E. Jacobs, Maurice, Ascot, Leighton Buzzard. Jessel, Albert H? 3, Chester-place, Hyde-park, W. Joseph, Alexander G., 8, Upper Hamilton-terrace, N.W. Joseph, Henry, 2, Lauderdale-road, Maida-vale, W. Joseph, Rev. Morris, 162, Sutherland-avenue, W. Joshua, Mrs., 57, Cadogan-square, S.W. Kahn, Zadoc, Grand-Rabbin de France, Paris. Kisch, B., 11, New-square, Lincoln's-inn. Landau, H., 11, Essex-grove, Central-hill, Norwood, S.E. Lang, Charles, 38, Warrington-crescent, W. Langerman, Max, Johannesburg. Lawrence, L., M.D. Lazarus, Dr. A. B., Bendigo, Victoria. Lerner, Rev. Dr. M., Altona, Germany. Levene, S., 3, Grittleton-road, W.</page><page sequence="12">list of members. 171 Levi, Phin. H., "Garth," The Grange, Wylde-green, near Bir? mingham. Levy, Rev. Naphtali, 9, Scarisbrick New-road, Southport. Levy, Mrs. Wolfe, 6, Bassett-road, W. Lewis, Lady, 88, Portland-place, W. Lewis, Harry R., 51, Holland-park, W. Lissack, J. M., Jun., Bedford Lodge, Canonbury-park North, N. Loebl, S., 3, Devonshire-villas, Brondesbury. Loewe, J. H., 6, Clifton-villas, Maida-hill, W. L?wy, Rev. Dr. A., 100, Sutherland-avenue, W. Lublin, Miss, Tavistock House, Tavistock-square, W.C. Lucas, Henry, 46, Gloucester-square, W. Lumley, L. C, Sandy Hook, 7, Porchester-terrace, W. Lyon, George L., 8, South-place, Finsbury, E.C. Lyons, Frank I., Penlee, West End-lane, N.W. Marks, Daniel, 31, Threadneedle-street, E.C. Marks, Rev. Professor D. W., 30, Dorset-square, Regent's-park, N.W. Marks, Mrs. G. S., 150, Alexandra-road, N.W. Marks, G. S., 150, Alexandra-road, N.W. Martin, C. Trice, 250, Portsdown-road, W. Meldola, Professor, 6, Brunswick-square, W.C. Meyer, Miss, 156, Hounsditch, E. Meyer, Theodore, 156, Hounsditch, E. Miller-Layton, C, Shortlands, Folkestone, Kent. Mocatta, F. D., 9, Connaught-place, W. Montagu, Hyman, 34, Queen's-gardens, W. Montagu, Sir Samuel, M.P., 60, Old Broad-street, London, E.C. Montefiore, Arthur Sebag, Westbourne-terrace, W. Monteflore, Claude G., 12, Portman-square, W. Mosely, Maurice, 21, Bolingbroke-road, Sinclair-road, W. Moses, Mrs. Philip, 3, Endsleigh-street, Tavistock-square, W.C. Mostyn, Arthur A., Hereford House, Randolph-gdns., Maida-vale, N.W Myer, Horatio, 5, Randolph-gardens, Maida-vale, N.W. Myer, Mrs. Sophy, 87, Portsdown-road, W. Myers, Mrs. Asher I., 134, Abbey-road, N.W. Myers, Asher L, 134, Abbey-road, N.W. Nathan, Edward A., 61a, Portsdown-road, Maida-vale, W.</page><page sequence="13">172 LIST OF MEMBERS. Nathan, Henry, 30, Pembridge-gardens, W. Nathan, Captain M., R.E, 11, Pembridge-square, W. Pass, Alfred L., The Holmes, Stoke Bishop, Bristol. Pass, Charles de, 54, Lexham-gardens, Kensington, W. Picciotto, James, 97, Maryland-road, W. Polack, Rev. J., 1, Percival-road, Clifton. Polack, James L., 148, Abbey-road, N.W. Pool, Mrs. M. A., 23, Arundel-square, N. Pyke, Alexander, 84, Boundary-road, St. John's Wood, N.W. Pyke, Joseph, Devonshire-place House, N.W. Robinson, A. B., 29, Seymour-street, Liverpool. Robinson, R., 23, Lime-street, Liverpool. Rothschild, Lord, New-court. Rothschild, Leopold, New-court. Rothschild, Hon. W., New-court. Rubinstein, J. S., 56, West Cromwell-road, S.W. Rye, Walter, Golden-square, W. Rylands, W. H. (Sec. Soc. Biblical Arch.), 37, Gt, Russell-street, W.C. Salaman, Miss Bessie, Wentworth House, Mill Hill. Salaman, Clement, 68, Lineoln's-inn-nelds, W.C. Samuel, Charles, 176, Sutherland-avenue, Maida-vale, W. Samuel, Dennis E., 60, Old Broad-street, E.C. Samuel, Harvey, Oakdale, Lindfield-gardens, N.W. Samuel, Rev. I., 74, Sutherland-avenue, W. Samuel, Stuart M., 60, Old Broad-street, E.C. Schechter, S., 1, Bateman-street, Cambridge. Schorstein, Dr. G., 11, Portland-place, W. Silver, S. W., F.R.G.S., 3, York-gate, Regent's-park, N.W. Simmons, Rev. L. M , Owen's College, Manchester. Simon, 0. J., 36, Tavistock-square, W.C. Singer, Jules, 52, Leinster-square, W. Singer, Rev. S., 52, Leinster-square, W. Snowman, Dr. J., 39, Oxford-road, N.W. Solomon, Mrs. Bernard, 55, Priory-road, N.W. Solomon, Bernard, 55, Priory-road, N.W. Solomon, Mrs. David, 81, Alexandra-road, N.W. Solomon, David, 81, Aiexandra-road, N.W.</page><page sequence="14">LIST OF MEMBERS. 173 Solomon, J. H., 14, Kensington Palace-gardens, W. Solomon, Joseph, 120, Maida-vale, W. Solomon, J. Solomon, 120, Maida-vale, W. Sonnenthal, Mrs. R., 26, Quex-road, N.W. Speight, Ernest E., Ardyngnork, Shipley, Yorkshire. Spielmann, I., 3, Westbourne-crescent, Hyde-park, W. Spiers, Lionel, 13, Augustus-road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Stern, Rev. J. F., Synagogue House, Rectory-square, Stepney-green, E. Stride, Mrs. Arthur L., Bush Hall, Hatfield, Herts. Thimann, J. P., Cheshunt College, Herts. Vanstraalen, S., British Museum. Venables, Rev. Edmund, Precentor of Lincoln Precentory, Lincoln. Wake, Rev. Charles A. Middleton, 5, Carlton-road, Tunbridge Wells. Waldburger, H., 5, Randolph-gardens, Maida-vale, N.W. Walford, Ernest, 19, York-terrace, Regent's-park. Wallach, S., 351, Hackney-road, N.E. Welch, Charles, Guildhall Library, E.C. Wiener, I., 3, Harcourt Buildings, Temple. Wilner, Edward, 118, High-street, Rusholme, Manchester. Wolf, Mrs. Albert, 52, Priory-road, N.W. Wolf, Albert, 52, Priory-road, N.W. Wolf, Mrs. Lucien, 90, Great Russell-street, W.C. Wolf, Lucien, 90, Great Russell-street, W.C. Wolf, Michael G., L.D.S., 1, Marlborough-place, St. John's Wood, N.W. Wolff, Dr. A., 4, Ilchester-gardens, W. Zangwill, Miss, 24, Oxford-road, Kilburn, N.W. Zangwill, I., 24, Oxford-road, Kilburn, N.W.</page></plain_text>