Report of the JHSE, 1894-95
<plain_text><page sequence="1">JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. REPORT, 1894-95. The Second Session of the Society has been marked by a continuance of the widespread interest which was aroused by its inauguration in 1893. The number of Ordinary Members is now about 225. The first volume of the Society's Transactions, which was issued in January 1894, has been favourably received both by Members and the Press. Arrangements have been completed for several future publica? tions. The President has nearly ready for issue a volume of selected writings, bearing on the return of the Jews, by Menasseh ben Israel. This volume will be produced in facsimile, and will be adorned by au etching of Rembrandt's portrait of the great Amsterdam Rabbi, and a facsimile of a petition presented to Cromwell by Menasseh in 1655 and signed by him, and the leading Marranos in London at the time. The Editor will add an Introduction. The Society has commissioned Mr. S. van Straaien, of the British Museum, to make inquiries on certain special points in Amsterdam, and expresses its thanks to him for kindly undertaking the mission. At the same time researches have been made in the Patent Rolls since the resettlement, and a complete list of denizations of Jews in England to the end of the reign of George IV". has been prepared without cost to the Society. The Society regrets that it has been refused, for the present at least, access to the Archives of the Spanish and Portuguese Congregation in London. Negotiations are pending for the issue, in conjunction with the Seiden Society, of a volume of Jewish Plea Rolls. Through the kindness of Dr. Neubauer, of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, the Society has arranged to purchase the MS. of the Onyx Book, which was left ready for publication by the late C. W. Collins. This important Hebrew treatise is certainly one of the most valuable remains of Jewish learning in England in the pre-expulsion period, and it is hoped that the complete work will be published by the Society at no distant date.</page><page sequence="2">REPORT. 181 In connection with these and other contemplated works, the Society has resolved to create a Special Publication Fund, to which donations are now invited. This Fund is designed for the purpose of enabling the Society to produce volumes the cost of which could not possibly be met out of its ordinary resources. Lack of funds has prevented the Society from carrying out any ambitious lecturing scheme outside its own meetings, but it has decided to give a small subvention to the proposed University Extension Course which the Council of that movement contemplates in the coming Autumn. General Meetings of the Society were held in the Rooms of the Maccabseans, as follows :? I. ?Dec. 16th, 1894. Conversazione. The Rev. F. L. Cohen read papers, with musical illustrations, on " Anglo-Jewish Musicians " and "Jewish Melody in the Concert Room." II. ?Feb. 3rd, 1895. Second Anniversary of "Resettlement Day," commemorative of the formal re-admission of the Jews into Eng? land by Cromwell. Addresses were delivered by (1.) I. Abrahams, Esq., Hon. Sec, on " Hebrew Drama in the age of Me nasseh ben Israel." (2.) Lucien Wolf, Esq., President, on "Don Antonio Fernandes Carvajal, founder of the Anglo-Jewish Com? munity." (3.) Prof. John Hales, of King's College, " The Return of the Jews." III. ?Apl. 21st, 1895. (1.) Paper by Dr. Friedl?nder, on " Ibn Ezra in London." (2.) Paper by B. L. Abrahams, Esq., of the India Office, on " The Condition of the Jews of England at the period of their expulsion in 1290."</page><page sequence="3">182 REPORT. IV. ?May 26th, 1895. (1.) Paper by the Rev. Hermann Gol lancz, M.A., "A Ramble in East Anglia." (2.) Paper by Elkan N. Adler, Esq., on " Elegies on the Deaths of William and Mary." V. ?June 30th, 1895. Annual General Meeting, followed by the following Papers :? (1.) I. Abrahams, Esq., Hon. Sec., on u Paul of Burgos in London." (2.) Lucien Wolf, Esq., President, on " Anglo-Jewish Coats of Arms." The Society expresses its grateful appreciation of the kindness offered by the Maecabaeans and to the Council of Jews' College in providing the use of rooms in which to hold its Meetings. BALANCE SHEET, From December 31st, 1894, to June 30th, 1895. The Treasurer in account with the Jewish Historical Society of England. January 1st, 1895? ? s. d< To Balance at Bankers 36 11 6 ? Subscription paid to June 30th ... 101 17 0 ?138 8 6 Balance brought forward... ?22 18 6 January 1st, 1895? ? s. d. By Expenses of Meeting 3 7 0 ? Printing (circulars and notices), Sta? tionery, Postage, etc. ... ... 24 11 9 ? Printing Transac? tions, etc. ... 72 1 3 ? Photographs and En? gravings... ... 5 10 0 ? Petty cash. 10 0 0 ,, Balance at Bankers 22 18 6 ?138 8 6 Audited and found correct, July 9th, 1895, (Signed) ASHER I. MfEBS.</page><page sequence="4">report of sub-committee. 183 Report of Sub-Committee on the Relations between the Jewish Historical Society of England and the Mac CABiEANS. In accordance with the instructions conveyed in the Resolution passed at the Meeting of the Council in June last, the Representatives nominated by the Committee of the Maccabasans and by the Jewish Historical Society of England met at the house of Prof. Meldola, 6, Brunswick-square, W.C., on Friday, February 23rd, 1894, and having considered the question of a more intimate association of the two Societies, they beg to report as follows:? (1.) The Sub-Committee are of opinion that it is of importance for the Maccabasans to be associated with, and to promote in every practicable manner the development of any in? tellectual movement in the Jewish Community. (2.) The Sub-Committee, having considered the possibility of amalgamation, have come to the conclusion that, in conse? quence of the different constitution of the two Societies, no such amalgamation is possible. (3.) While recognising the impossibility of amalgamating, the Sub-Committee are, nevertheless, of opinion that some scheme of co-operation is possible, and might be carried out to the advantage of both Societies. They therefore recommend? (a.) That four Delegates shall be nominated by the Committee of the Maecabasans and elected by the Members at the Annual General Meeting to serve on the Executive Com? mittee of the Jewish Historical Society. The Delegates thus nominated shall be Members of the Maccabasans not serving on the Executive Committee of the Jewish Historical Society at the time of their nomination. (b.) The Sub-Committee also recommend that the Delegates nominated and elected in accordance with the last clause,</page><page sequence="5">184: report of sub-committee. shall be empowered to recommend to the Committee of the Maccabseans the subvention by the latter Society of such publications of the Jewish Historical Society, other than the Transactions, as the Delegates may think desirable. (cf) That such publications of the Jewish Historical Society as are subventioned by the Maccabseans shall be at the disposal of the Members of the latter Society on the same terms as to the Members of the Jewish Historical Society. (d.) The Sub-Committee further recommend that the rooms in the occupation of the Maccabasans shall be at the dis? posal of the Jewish Historical Society on all occasions that may be convenient. (e.) This arrangement shall be terminable at the discretion of either governing body on giving three months' notice. Present at Meeting? Prof. Meldola (in Chair). J. Jacobs. H. Haldinstein. L. Wolf. I. Abrahams. Approved also by the Rev. S. Singer. These suggestions have been adopted by the Society and by the Maccabteans.</page><page sequence="6">LAWS. Name. 1. The name of the Society shall be The Jewish Historical Society of England. 2. The objects of the Society shall be:? (a.) The promotion and organisation of research into, and study of, the history of the Jews of the British empire; (b.) The transcription of documents and the collection of materials relating to Anglo-Jewish history; (c.) The publication of such documents and materials, as well as of treatises, relating to Anglo-Jewish history. (df.) The formation of a Library and Museum for the pre? servation of archives of Anglo-Jewish congregations and institutions, and of documents, books, prints and relics relating to Anglo-Jewish history; (e.) The organisation and management of a scheme for the delivery in London and elsewhere of Lectures on general Jewish history. Constitution. 3. The Society shall consist of Subscribing Members, Honorary Members, and Corresponding Members. 4. Provincial and Colonial Members may, with the sanction of the Council, establish branches for the purposes of local research, and co-operation with the Society in its Lecture scheme. G-overnment. 5. The Society shall be governed by a Council, elected by the general body of Members at an Annual Meeting, to be held in June. 6. At such Annual Meeting a President, Vice-Presidents, and a Treasurer shall be elected.</page><page sequence="7">186 laws. 7. The President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, and Honorary Secretaries, and the Presidents of the branches, shall be ex-qfficio Members of the Council. 8. At its first Meeting in each year the Council shall appoint an Executive Committee, consisting of six Members, in addition to the Honorary Officers, who shall be ex-qfficio Members, 9. The appointment of Honorary Secretaries shall be in the hands of the Executive Committee. Meetings. 10. In addition to the Annual Meeting there shall be at least four Meetings of the Society every year, at which papers and communica? tions shall be read and discussed. Publications. 11. An Annual Report and Balance Sheet shall be prepared and distributed among the Members, giving a detailed account of the work of the Society during the past year. 12. The Society shall publish such transactions, collections of papers and historical essays or treatises as the Council may approve on the recommendation of the Executive Committee. 13. Each Member of the Society shall be entitled to a copy of the transactions issued by the Society. Finance. 14. All moneys received on account of the Society shall be paid to the Treasurer, who shall prepare a balance-sheet for submission to the Annual Meeting of Members.</page><page sequence="8">BYE-LAWS. 1. The Honorary Secretaries are ex-officio Members of all Com? mittees or Sub-Committees, and shall keep Minute-books of the proceedings at all Meetings. 2. Members shall be admitted by application to any Member of the Society, or to the Honorary Secretaries, who shall send to the intending Member a printed form for signature. This must be returned, signed, to the Honorary Secretaries, and this act shall constitute the applicant a Member of the Society. 3. The voting for or against a proposition at a General Meeting shall be by show of hands, and if demanded by the minority, a count shall be made by the President or Chairman. His decision shall be final. If the votes are equal, the President or Chairman shall give a casting vote, in addition to his ordinary vote. 4. A General Meeting may be summoned by a requisition in writing signed by twelve Members, and handed to the Honorary Secretaries at least three weeks before the proposed date of the Meeting. At such Meetings nothing but the subject of the requisition shall be considered, and this only if three-fourths of those signing the requisi? tion be present. 5. The Transactions shall not be sent to Members whose sub? scription is twelve months in arrear. 6. The Annual subscription shall be 10s. 6d., and shall become due on October 1st annually. 7. Any Member whose subscription shall be two years in arrears shall, after due notice sent by the Honorary Secretaries, cease to be a Member. 8. The names of new Members shall be announced at the Meeting following their enrolment. 9. Visitors shall only be admitted to the Society's Meetings by card of invitation, or by the personal introduction of Members.</page><page sequence="9">JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. ?resident Ltjcien Wolf, Esq. Dice-ipresidettts* Joseph Jacobs, Esq., B.A. | C. Trice Martin, Esq., F.S.A. Isidore Spielman, Esq., F.S.A. {Treasurer* Ernest L. Franklin, Esq. f>onorarg Secretaries* Israel Abrahams, Esq., M.A. | Frank Haes, Esq. Gouncil I. Abrahams, Esq., M.A. The Rev. M. Abrahams, B.A. TheRev.Dr. adler,Chief Rabbi. The Rev. F. L. Cohen. H. J. Cohen, Esq., M.A. M. D. Davis, Esq. Israel Davis, Esq., M.A. The Rev. G. J. Emanuel, B.A. Lewis Emanuel, Esq. E. L. Franklin, Esq. Rev. S. Friedeberg. Dr. M. Friedl?nder. Dr. R. Garnett. The Rev. H. Gollancz, M.A. I. Gollancz, Esq., M.A. Prof. R. Gottheil. F. Haes, Esq. J. Jacobs, Esq., B.A. The Rev. M. Joseph. The Rev. Dr. A. L?wy. The Rev. Prof. D. W. Marks. C. Trice Martin, Esq., F-S.A. Prof. R. Meldola, F.R.S. C. Gk Montefiore, Esq., M.A. A. I. Myers, Esq. The Rev. J. Polack, B.A. W. H. Rylands, Esq. S. Schechter, Esq., M.A. The Rev. S. Singer. 0. J. Simon, Esq. The Rev. L. M. Simmons, B.A., LL.B. S. J. Solomon, Esq., A.R.A. 1. Spielman, Esq., F.S.A. Lucien Wolf, Esq. I. Zangwill, Esq., B,A.</page><page sequence="10">list of members. 189 Bjecutive Committee* The President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Hon. Secretaries, with the Chief Rabbi, Rev. F. L. Cohen, Dr. FriedlInder, A. I. Myers, Esq., Rev. H. Gollancz, and S. J. Solomon, Esq., A.R.A. B. L. Abrahams, Esq. (India Office, S.W.), A. Levine, Esq., Clement Sal am on, Esq., Rev. M. Adler, representing the Maccabasans. finance Committee* E. L. Franklin, Esq., J. Jacobs, Esq., Clement Salamon, Esq., A. I, Myers, Esq., and Hon. Secretaries. Corresponding /Members* Adler, Dr, Cyrus, Smithsonian Institute, Washington, U.S.A. Bacher, Prof. W., 25, Lindengasse, Buda Pesth, Hungary. Berliner, Dr. A., 8, Krausnickstrasse, Berlin. Derenbourg, Prof. H., Rue de la Victoire, Paris. Goldziher, Prof. I., The University, Buda Pesth* Hungary. Gross, Dr. C, 11, Putnam-avenue, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. G?demann, Oberrabbiner Dr. M., Vienna. Kaufmann, Prof. D., 20, Andrassystrasse, Buda Pesth, Hungary. Kayserling, Oberrabbiner Dr. M., Buda Pesth, Hungary. Rosendale, Hon. Simon, Albany Savings Bank-building, Albany, New York, U.S.A. Straus, Hon. Oscar, 42, Warren-street, New York, U.S.A. /i?emDers. Abrahams, Miss A. E., 7, Belsize-park, N.W. Abrahams, B. Lionel, India Office. S.W. Abrahams, Mrs. I., 77, Elgin-avenue, W. Abrahams, Israel, 77, Elgin-avenue, W. Abrahams, Rev. Dr. J., Melbourne, Australia. Abrahams, Rev. M., 8, Northfield-square, Leeds. Adler, E. N., 9, Angel-court, E.C. Adler, Mrs. H., 22, Finsbnry-square, E.C. Adler, Rev. Dr. H., Chief Rabbi, 22, Finsbury-square, E.C.</page><page sequence="11">190 LIST OF MEMBERS. Adler, Rev. M., Synagogue, Brook-green, W. Adler, Marcus N., 22, Craven-hill, W. Angel, M., Jews' Free School, Bell-lane, B. Alexander, S., 22, Duncan-terrace, N. Asher, S. G., 89, Wigmore-street, W. Barnard, Major H. B. L., 31, Sussex-gardens, Hyde-park, W. Belman, Philip, 4, Bath-row, Birmingham. Benas, B., J.P., 5, Prince's-avenue, Liverpool. Bender, A. P., Beaufort College, St. Leonards. Benjamin, Henry D., 48, Sutherland-avenue, Maida-hill, W Benjamin, Ludwig, 183, Bermondsey-street, S.E. Benscher, W., 2, Princess-road, Finsbury-park, N. Bensusan, J. S. L., Melton Lodge, Mowbray-road, Upper Norwood. Bentwitch, Herbert, 58, Avenue-road, Regent's-park, N.W. Birnstingl, A. L., 5, Pembroke-gardens, Kensington, W. Bostock, R. C, The Leasows, St. Peter's-road, Broadstairs. B?chler, Dr. Adolf, Vienna. Bute, The Marquis of, Mount Stuart, Rothesay, Isle of Bute. Cart, Henry Thomas, Queen Anne's-mansions, S.W. Castello, Percy, 66, Gloucester-terrace, W. Chapman, Rev. John, Great Ealing School, W. Chorlton, Thomas, 32, Brazenose-street, Manchester. Cohen, Dr. A., 67, Warrington-crescent, Maida-vale, W. Cohen, Alfred L., 38, Bryanstone-square, W. Cohen, B. L., M.P., 30, Hyde-park-gardens, W. Cohen, Rev. F. L., Hey gate-street, Walworth, S.E. Cohen, Rev. Harris, 26, Birkland-avenue, Nottingham. Cohen, Rev. Henry, Galveston, Texas, U.S.A. Cohen, H. J., 5, King's Bench-walk, Temple, E.C. Cohen, John A., 119, Kennington-park-road, S.E. Cohen, Miss Lucy, 3, Orsett-terrace, W. Cohen, Mrs. N. L., 3, Devonshire-place, Portland-place, W. Collins, H. H., Frankfort House, Randolph-road, Maida-hill, W. Copeman, J. Thomas, Aylsham, Norfolk. Davis, Abraham, 54, Brondesbury-road, N.W. Davis, Alfred, 13, St. Ermin's-mansions, Westminster, S.W. Davis, Mrs. Arthur, 25, Gre vi lie-road, Maida-vale, W.</page><page sequence="12">LIST OF MEMBERS. 191 Davis, Felix A., 33, Marlborough-hili, N.W. Davis, Israel, 6, King's Bench-walk, Temple, E.G. Davis, Mrs. J. P., 5, Marlborough-road, St. John's Wood, N.W. Davis, M. D., 48, Colvestone-crescent, Dalston, N. De Bourgh, W. G., Toynbee Hall, Commercial-street, E. Donn, Isidore S., 5, St. John's-wood Studios, N.W. Duignan, W. H., Gorway House, Walsall. Elkan, Charles, 96, Brondesbury-villas, N.W. Emanuel, Rev. George, 36, Beaufort-road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Emanuel, Lewis, 91, Gloucester-terrace, Hyde-park, W. Ettinghausen, H. L., 24, Mornington-avenue, West Kensington, W. Farmer, Leopold, 13, Mortimer-crescent, N.W. Franklin, Arthur, 21, Cornhill, E.C. Franklin, Ellis A., 35, Porchester-terrace, W. Franklin, Ernest L., 60, Old Broad-street, E.C. Franklin, Mrs. L. A., 69, Elgin-avenue, Maida-vale, W. Franklin, H. A., 14, St. Quintin's-avenue, Wormwood Scrubbs, W. Friedeberg, Rev. S., 88, Falkner-street, Liverpool. Friedl?nder, Rev. Joseph, 17, Elgin-avenue, W. Friedl?nder, Dr. M., Tavistock House, Tavistock-square, W.C. Friedl?nder, Melville, 109, Elgin-avenue, W. Gardiner, Professor, Worcester College, Oxford. Garnet, Dr. R., British Museum, W.C. Gatty, A. S. Scott (York Herald), College of Arms, London, E.C. Goldsmid, Colonel, United Service Club, Pall Mall, S.W. Gollancz, Rev. Hermann, 39, Clifton-gardens, W. Gollancz, I., Christ College, Cambridge. Gottheil, Dr. R., Colombia University, New York, U.S.A. Green, Rev. A. A., 60, Holmdale-road, West-end-lane, N.W. Green, Michael A., 10, Canfield-gardens, N.W. Greenberg, L. J., Wrexham Lodge, Hilltop-road, N.W. Gubbay, Mrs. M., 24, Queen's-gardens, Hyde-park, W. Guttmann, Alex., 16, Browns wood-park, N. Guttmann, Charles, 16, Brownswood-park, N. Haes, Frank, 28, Bassett-road, W. Haldinstein, A. J., Heigham Lodge, Norwich. Harris, Henry, 22, Great Prescot-street, E.</page><page sequence="13">192 LIST OP MEMBERS. Harris, Rev. Mark I., Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Harris, Morris, 38, Warrington-crescent, W. Harris, S. M., 145, Lord-street, Southport. Hart, Henry, J.P., Godwyne House, Dover. Hart, Mrs. H. D'Arcy, 18, Pembridge-gardens, W. Henriques, Alfred G., 9, Adelaide-crescent, Brighton. Henriques, E. M., Tower Grange, Broughton-park, Manchester. Henochsberg, 120, Prince's-road, Liverpool. Herschkowitz, I. H., 3, St. Peter's-road, Mile-end-road, E. Hirsch, Dr. S. A., 18, Clarendon-gardens, Portsdown-road, W. Hirschfeld, Dr. H., 123, Portsdown Road, W. Hovenden, R., F.S.A., F.R.H.S., Heathcote, Park Hill-road, Croydon. Hyarnson, Rev. M., 6, Beresford-terrace, Canonbury, N. Isaac, Percy, 20, Dennington-park-road, N.W. Isaacs, Rev. Harris, 1891 Post-box, Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Ivatts, E . B., 27, Landport-terrace, South sea. Jacobs, Bertram, 24, Avonmore-road, West Kensington, W. Jacobs, George, 260, Portsdown-road, W. Jacobs, Mrs. Joseph, 18, Lansdowne-terrace, West End-lane, N.W. Jacobs, Joseph, 18, Lansdowne-terrace, West End-lane, N.W. Jacobs, Joseph, 90, Hackney-road, E. Jacobs, Maurice, Ascot, Leigh ton Buzzard. Jepsel, Albert H., 3, Chester-place, Hyde-park, W. Joseph, Alexander G., 8, Upper Hamilton-terrace, N.W. Joseph, Delissa, 14, Addison-road, Kensington, W. Joseph, Rev. Morris, 162, Sutherland-avenue, W. Joshua, Mrs., 57, Cadogan-square, S.W. Kahn, Zadoc, Grand-Rabbin de France, Paris. Kisch, B., 11, New-square, Lincoln's-inn, W.C. Landau, H., 11, Essex-grove, Central-hill, Norwood, S.E. Lang, Charles, 38, Warrington-crescent, W. Langerman, Max, 102, Oxford-gardens, Notting-hill, W. Lawrence, L., M.D. Lazarus, Dr. A. B., Bendigo, Victoria, Australia. Leon, Alexander, 29, Carlton-hill, St. Jolm's-wood, N.W. Lerner, Rev. Dr. M., Altona, Germany.</page><page sequence="14">list of members. 193 Levine, A., 3, St. Peter's-road, Mile-end-road, E. Levi, Phim H., Driffold, Sutton Coldfield, near Birmingham. Levy, Mrs. Wolfe, 6, Bassett-road, W. Lewis, Lady, 88, Portland-place, W. Lewis, Harry R., 5, Argyle-road, Kensington, W. Lissack, J. M., 46, Highbury-hill, N. Loebl, S., 3, Devonshire-villas, Brondesbury, N.W. Loewe, J. H., 6, Clifton-villas, Maida-hill, W. L?wy, Rev. Dr. A., 100, Sutherland-avenue, W. Lublin, Miss, Tavistock House, Tavistock-square, W.C. Lucas, Henry, 46, Grloucester-square, W. Lumley, L. C, Sandy Hook, 7, Porchester-terrace, W, Lyon, George L., 8, South-place, Finsbury, E.C. Lyons, Frank I., Penlee, West End-lane, N.W. Marks, Daniel, 31, Threadneedle-street, E.C. Marks, Rev. Professor D. W., 30, Dorset-square, RegentVpark, N.W. Marks, Mrs. G. S., 150, Alexandra-road, N.W. Marks, G. S., 150, Alexandra-road, N.W. Martin, C. Trice, 250, Portsdown-road, W. Meldola, Professor, F.R.S., 6, Brunswick-square, W.C. Meiler, Joseph, 161, Hackney-road, N.E. Meyer, Miss, 156, Houndsditch, E. Meyer, Theodore, 156, Houndsditch, E. Middleton-Wake, Rev. Charles H., 5, Carlton-road, Tunbridge Wells. Miller-Lay ton, C, Shortlands, Folkestone, Kent. Mocatta, F. D., 9, Cormaught-place, W. Montagu, Sir Samuel, Bart., M.P., 60, Old Broad-street, London, E.C. Montefiore, Claude G., 12, Portman-square, W. Mosely, Maurice, 21, Bolingbroke-road, Sinclair-road, W. Moses, Mrs. Philip, 3, Endsleigh-street, Tavistock-square, W.C. My er, Horatio, 5, Randolph-gardens, Maida vale, W. Myers, Mrs. Asher L, 134, Abbey-road, N.W. Myers, Asher I., 134, Abbey-road, N.W. Nathan, Edward A., 61a, Portsdown-road, Maida-vale, W. Nathan, Henry, 30, Pembriclge-gardens, W. Nathan, Captain M., R.E., 11, Pembridge-square, W. Pass, Alfred L., The Holmes, Stoke Bishop, Bristol. vol. it. o</page><page sequence="15">194 LIST OF MEMBERS. Pass, Charles de, 54, Lexham-gardens, Kensington, W. Piceiotto, James, Vestry Room, Synagogue, Bevis Marks, E.G. Polack, Rev. J., 1, Percival-road, Clifton. Polaek, James L., 148, Abbey-road, N.W. Pool, Mrs. M.A., 23, Arundel-square, N. Pyke, Alexander, 84, Boundary-road, St. John's Wood, N.W. Pyke, Joseph, Devonshire-place House, N.W. Robinson, R., 23, Lime-street, Liverpool. Rothschild, Lord, New-court, E.C. Rothschild, Leopold de, New-court, E.C. Rothschild, Hon. W., New-court, E.C. Rubinstein, J. S., 56, West Cromwell-road, S.W. Rylands, W. H. (Sec. Soc. Biblical Arch.), 37, Great Russell-street, w.c. Salaman, Miss Bessie, Wentworth House, Mill Hill. Salaman, Clement, 68, Lincoln's-inn-fields, W.C. Samuel, Charles, 176, Sutherland-avenue, Maida-vale, W. Samuel, Dennis E., 60, Old Broad-street, E.C. Samuel, Harvey F., Oakdale, Lindfield-gardens, N.W. Samuel, Rev. I., 74, Sutherland-avenue, W. Samuel, Stuart M.? 60, Old Broad-street, E.C. Schechter, S., 2, Rock-road, Cambridge. Sch?ntheil, S., 103, St. Mark's-road, North Kensington, W. Schorstein, Dr. G., 11, Portland-place, W. Schnurman, Nestor, Cheltenham College, Cheltenham. Silver, S. W., F.R.G.S., 3, York-gate, Regent's-park, N.W. Simmons, Rev. L. M., Owen's College, Manchester. Simon, 0. J., 36, Tavistock-square, W.C. Singer, Jules, 30, Marlborough-hill, St. John's-wood, N.W. Singer, Rev. S., 52, Leinster-square, W. Snowman, Dr. J., 75, Brick-lane, E. Sola, Clarence I. de, 71, McGill College-avenue, Montreal, Canada. Solomon, Mrs. Bernard, 55, Priory-road, N.W. Solomon, Bernard, 55, Priory-road, N.W. Solomon, Mrs. David, 81, Alexandra-road, N.W. Solomon, David, 81, Alexandra-road, N.W. Solomon, J. H., 14, Kensington Palace-gardens, W.</page><page sequence="16">LIST OF MEMBERS. Solomon, Joseph, 120, Maida-vale, W. Solomon, Solomon J., A.R.A., 120, Maida-vale, W. Sonnenthal, Mrs. R., 24, Quex-road, N.W. Speight, Ernest E., Ardyngnork, Shipley, Yorkshire. vSpielman, I., 3, Westbourne-creseent, Hyde-park, W. Spiers, Lionel, 13, Augustus-road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Stern, Rev. J. F., Synagogue House, Rectory-square, Stepney-green Sulzberger, Hon. Judge Mayer, Philadelphia, U.S.A. Thimann, Rev. J. P., Congregational Church, Ashford, Kent. Vanstraalen, S., British Museum, W.C. Walford, Ernest, 19, York terrace, Regent's-park, N.W. Wallach, S., 351, Hackney-road, N.E. Welch, Charles, Guildhall Library, E.C. Wiener, I., 3, Harcourt-buildings, Temple, E.C. Wilner, Edward, 118, High-street, Rushoime, Manchester. Wolf, Mrs. Albert, 52, Priory-road, N.W. Wolf, Albert, 52, Priory-road, N.W. Wolf, Mrs. Lucien, 15, Brunswick-square, W.C. Wolf, Lucien, 15, Brunswick-square, W.C. Wolff, Dr. A., 4, Ilchester-gardens, W. Zangwill, I., 24, Oxford-road, Kilburn, N.W.</page></plain_text>