Publications by Vivian David Lipman, CVO, Dphil, FSA, FRHistS (1921-1990)
<plain_text><page sequence="1">Publications by Vivian David Lipman CVO, DPhil, FSA, FRHistS (i921-1990) Books 1 Problems of Areas in English Local Government. DPhil, 1947, University of Oxford. 2 Local Government Areas, 1834-1Q45, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1949, pp. x, 506. 3 Social History of the Jews in England, 1850-1Q50. London: Watts & Co., 1954, pp. x, 200. 4 Tercentenary of the Re-settlement of the Jews in Great Britain: Exhibition by the Norwich Hebrew Congregation at the Castle Museum, Norwich, 4th-2$th Septem? ber iq$6 [catalogue]. Norwich, 1956, pp. 32. 5 A Century of Social Service, 185Q-1Q5Q: the Jewish Board of Guardians. London: Roudedge and Kegan Paul, 1959, pp. xvi, 301, plates. 6 Three Centuries of Anglo-Jewish History: a Volume of Essays, ed. V. D. Lipman. Cambridge: published for the Jewish Historical Society of England by Heffer, 1961, pp. xi, 201, illus. 7 The Jews of Medieval Norwich; with an appendix of Latin documents from the Westminster Abbey Muniment Room and the Hebrew Poems of Meir of Norwich (edited by A. M. Habermann). London: Jewish Historical Society of England, 1967, pp. x, 355; 46 illus. 8 Jewish Life in Britain, ig62-igyy: papers and proceedings of a conference held at Hillel House, London on March 13th, igjj by the Board ofDeputies of British Jews and the Institute of Jewish Affairs, ed. Sonia L. Lipman and Vivian D. Lipman. New York: K. G. Saur, 1981, pp. xv, 203. 9 Sir Moses Montefiore: a Symposium. Oxford: Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies and the JHSE, 1982, pp. vii, 83. 10 The Century of Moses Montefiore, ed. Sonia and V. D. Lipman. Oxford: published for the Littman Library of Jewish Civilization in association with the Jewish Historical Society of England by Oxford University Press, 1985, pp. xii, 385, [10] pp. of plates: 1 genealogical table. 11 Americans and the Holy Land through British Eyes, 1820-igiy: a Documentary History. Upton-upon-Severn: V. D. Lipman in association with Self Publish? ing Association, 1989, pp. 320. 12 A History of the Jews in Britain since 1858. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1990, pp. xvi, 274. xix</page><page sequence="2">Publications by Vivian David Lipman Articles, Papers, etc. 1 'A parliamentary centenary', in: The Jewish Chronicle, 20 July 1951, p. 13. 2 'A survey of Anglo-Jewry in 1851', in: Trans JHSE XVII (1953) 171-88. 3 'Synagogal organization in Anglo-Jewry', in: The Jewish Journal of Sociology I (1959) 80-93. 4 'Trends in Anglo-Jewish occupations', in: The Jewish Journal of Sociology II (1960) 202-18. 5 'The age of emancipation, 1815-1880', in his: Three Centuries of Anglo-Jewish History (1961) 69-106. 6 'The year is 1841', in: The Jewish Chronicle, 13 November 1961, p. 26, illus. 7 'The Plymouth aliens list, 1798 and 1803', in: JHSE Miscellanies VI (1962) 187-94. 8 'Dubnow on Anglo-Jewish history', in: Simon Dubnow: the man and his work, ed. Aaron Steinberg. Paris: World Jewish Congress (French Section), (1963) 193-203. 9 'The changing face of Bayswater', in: The Jewish Chronicle, 2 August 1963, p. 7. 10 'Topics and methods of future research in contemporary Anglo-Jewish history', in: Jewish Life in Modern Britain, ed. Julius Gould and Saul Esh. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul (1964) 165-80; (Hebrew version: Jerusalem: Hebrew University [1966] 177-92. 11 'Social topography of a London congregation: the Bayswater Synagogue, 1863-1963', in: The Jewish Journal of Sociology VI (1964) 69-74. 12 'Mass immigration and a social revolution (Anglo-Jewry, 1860-1914)', in: Cajex XV, no. 2 (1965) 92-100. 13 'The Roth "Hake" manuscript', in: Remember the Days: Essays on Anglo-Jewish History Presented to Cecil Roth, ed. J. M. Shaftesley. London: Jewish Historical Society of England (1966) 49-71. 14 'The structure of London Jewry in the mid-nineteenth century', in: Essays Presented to Chief Rabbi Israel Brodie on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday, ed. H. J. Zimmels, J. Rabinowitz, I. Finestein. London: Jews' College (1967) 253-73 15 'The anatomy of medieval Anglo-Jewry', in: Trans JHSE XXI (1968) 64-77. 16 'The rise of Jewish suburbia', in: Trans JHSE XXI (1968) 78-103. 17 By Sonia L. Lipman: 'Judith Montefiore - first Lady of Anglo-Jewry', in: Trans JHSE XXI (1968) 287-303. 18 'England: modern period: contemporary period', in: Encyclopaedia Judaica VI, Jerusalem: Keter Publishing House (1971) cols 758-67, illus. 19 'Sephardi and other Jewish immigrants in England in the eighteenth century', in: Migration and Settlement: Proceedings of the Anglo-American Jewish Historical Conference, held in London jointly by the Jewish Historical Society of England and xx</page><page sequence="3">Publications by Vivian David Lipman the American Jewish Historical Society, July 1Q70, rapporteur: Aubrey Newman. London: Jewish Historical Society of England (1971) 37-45 (plus: Appendix: 'Bevis Marks Aliens List, 1803', pp. 47-62). 20 [Tribute to Cecil Roth], in: Trans JHSE XXIII (1971) 106-7. 21 'England', in: Jewish Art and Civilization, ed. G. Wigoder. New York: Walker Publishing Co. (1972) 42-8. 22 'The development of London Jewry', in: A Century of Anglo-Jewish Life, 1870-1Q70: Lectures to Commemorate the Centenary of the United Synagogue, ed. Salmond S. Levin. London: United Synagogue (1973) 43-56. 23 'Greenwich: palace, park and town: anniversary address to the Ancient Monuments Society', 15 June 1973, in: Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society XX (1975) 25-47. 24 'The origins of provincial Anglo-Jewry', in: Provincial Jewry in Victorian Britain ... prepared by Aubrey Newman. London: Jewish Historical Society of England (1975) pp. 12. 25 'The Anglo-Jewish community in Victorian society', in: Studies in the Cultural Life of the Jews in England, ed. D. Noy and I. Ben-Ami. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University, 1975 (Folklore Research Center Studies, Vol. V) 151 64; (Reproduced in a Hebrew version, in: Issues in Jewish History, 11, ed. Lloyd Gartner, Jerusalem: The Zalman Shazar Center, the Historical Society of Israel [1981] 109-17. 26 'The changing face of Anglo-Jewry, 1945-1975: a social survey - a middle class community', in: The Jewish Chronicle Colour Magazine, 28 November 1975, pp. 74-6 (with Sonia L. Lipman). 27 'The monarchy and medieval Jewry: the King's chattels', in: The Jewish Chronicle Silver Jubilee Supplement, 3 June 1977, p. ii, illus. (with Sonia L. Lipman). 28 'The Strand block of Somerset House, 1780-1836', in: History Today XXVII, 8 and 9, 1977 (with Sonia L. Lipman). 29 'The drama of Jewish life - landmarks of Anglo-Jewry', in: The Jewish Chronicle Colour Magazine, 24 November 1978, pp. 16-25, illus. (with Sonia L. Lipman). 30 'The jurisdiction of the Tower authorities outside the walls', in: The Tower of London, ed. John Charlton. London: HMSO for the Department of the Environment (1978) 144-55, ^ms 31 'Sir Israel Brodie, KBE, HonDD, Hon DCL (Dunelm)', in: Trans JHSE XXVI (1979) 113. 32 'Back from the precipice ... history of the New West End Synagogue ...', in: The Jewish Chronicle, 18 May 1979, p. 21 (with Sonia L. Lipman). 33 'Historic synagogues in England and Wales: their importance and problems', in: LEylah I, no. 9 (Spring 1980) 32-7. 34 'The year is 1841: Vivian Lipman describes the life of the average Jewish xxi</page><page sequence="4">Publications by Vivian David Lipman Chronicle reader of 140 years ago', in: The Jewish Chronicle, 13 November 1981, p. 26, illus. 35 'A fateful journey ... the immigrants' progress', in: The Jewish Chronicle Colour Magazine, 27 November 1981, pp. 57-8, 60, 62, illus. 36 'Jewish settlement in the East End - 1840-1940'; and: 37 'The Booth and New London Surveys as source material', in: The Jewish East End, 1840-igjg ed. and prepared by Aubrey Newman. London: published by the Jewish Historical Society of England on behalf of the Jewish East End Project Conference Organizing Committee (1981) 17-40, 41-50. 38 'Ha-tgavshot ha-mosadot, 1850-1870', in: Yehude Angliyah ba-'et ha hadashah, ed. Lloyd P. Gartner. Jerusalem: The Zalman Shazar Center, The Historical Society of Israel (1981) 85-97 (Originally published under the title: 'Consolidation of institutions, 1850-1870', in his Social History of the Jews of England, 1850-1870, pp. 41-64). 39 'They made their mark on Anglo-Jewry', in: The Jewish Chronicle, 5 February 1982, pp. 20-1, illus. 40 'The Anglo-Jewish background', in: The Immigrant Generations: Jewish Artists in Britain, igoo-ig4$: Essays, Charles Spencer, Vivian Lipman; exhibition director: Susan Tumarkin Goodman; exhibition consultant: Charles Spencer. New York: Jewish Museum (1983) 16-19, illus. 41 'The Jewish anti-Zionists .. . strangers in the land', The Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1983, p. 20, illus. 42 'Jews and castles in medieval England', in: Trans JHSE XXVIII (1984) 1-19. 43 'From ghetto to suburb ... High Holy-day period in Anglo-Jewry 100 years ago', in: The Jewish Chronicle New Year Greetings Section, 21 September 1984, pp. 31-3, illus. 44 '[Responsibility for British material]', in: Guide to America-Holy Land Studies, 1620?ig84, Vol. IV: Resource Material in British, Israeli and Turkish Repositories, ed. Menahem Kaufman and Mira Levine. New York, Praeger, 1984. 45 'Anglo-Jewish leaders and the Balfour Declaration', in: The History of the Jews in the Diaspora. Tel-Aviv: Tel-Aviv University, Diaspora Research Institute, 1986 (Michael, 10) 153-80. 46 Article in Hebrew: Jerusalem: Hebrew University Institute of Contemporary Jewry [1986] 49~74 47 'American Holy Land material in British archives, 1820-1930', in: With Eyes towards Zion: Scholars Symposium on American-Holy Land Studies, ed. Moshe Davis. New York: Arno Press (1986) 3-21. 48 'Sir Moses Montefiore: a reassessment', in: The Age of Moses Montefiore: Collection of Essays [presented at the] 2nd International Congress on the Sephardi and Oriental Jewry ed. Israel Bartal. Jerusalem, Misgav Yerushalaim (1987) XI-XXXIV. 49 'The first half of Montefiore's biography' [by S. L. Lipman] in: The Age of xxii</page><page sequence="5">Publications by Vivian David Lipman Moses Montefiore: Collection of Essays [presented at the] 2nd International Congress on the Sephardi and Oriental Jewry, ed. Israel Bartal. Jerusalem, Misgav Yerushalaim (1987) XXXV-XLII. 50 'The origins of the Palestine Exploration Fund', in: Palestine Exploration Quarterly, 120th year (January-June 1988) 45-54. 51 'The British Consulate in Jerusalem', in: Britain and the Holy Land, 1800 1Q14: papers at a conference held in London, February iq8q, co-sponsored by the Jewish Historical Society and the Institute of Jewish Studies, University College London. 31 pp. 52 'The Littman Library after twenty-five years', in: LEylah XXIX (April 1990) 39-40. 53 'Britain and the Holy Land: 1830-1914', in: Jewish Quarterly XXXVII, no. 4 (140), (1990-91) 35-40. 54 'Britain and the Holy Land: 1839-1914', in: With Eyes Towards Zion - III: Western Societies and the Holy Land, ed. Moshe Davis and Yehoshua Ben Arieh. New York: Praeger (1991) 195-207. 55 'Anglo-Jewish attitudes to the refugees from Central Europe, 1933-1939', in: Second Chance: Two Centuries of German-speaking Jews in the United Kingdom, Co-ordinating editor: Werner E. Mosse. T?bingen: J. C. B. M?hr (1991) 519-31' 56 'Cecil Roth', in: Dictionary of National Biography: missing persons, ed. Christine Nicholls (Oxford 1993) 571. Reviews, Introductions, etc. 1 [Review] in: The Jewish Journal of Sociology Yl\ (1965) 134-6; The History of the Jews of Milwaukee, Louis J. Swichkow and Lloyd P. Gartner. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1963. 2 [Review] in: The Jewish Journal of Sociology XIII (1971) 219-23; History of the Jews of Los Angeles, Max Vosper and Lloyd P. Gartner. San Marino: Hunting ton Library, 1970. 3 [Review] in: The Jewish Journal of Sociology XIV (1972) 127-8; From East to West: the Westwards Migration of Jews from Eastern Europe during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, Moses E. Shulvas. Detroit: Wayne State U.P., 1971. 4 'Medieval London', in: JHSE Miscellanies IX (1974) 218-20 (review article on: The Eyre of 1242, ed. Helen M. Chew and Martin Weinbaum. London: London Record Society, 1970, LRS VI). 5 [Introduction to] Children of the Ghetto..., Israel Zangwill. Leicester: Leices? ter University Press, 1977 (The Victorian Library) pp. [7-27]. 6 'Zionism and Anglo-Jewish polities', in: The Jewish Journal of Sociology XXV xxiii</page><page sequence="6">Publications by Vivian David Lipman (1983) 57-62 (review article on: English Zionists and British Jews, Stuart A. Cohen. Princeton: Princeton U.P., 1982). 7 'The British Mandate in Palestine', in: JHSE Miscellanies XIII (1984) 183-5 (review article on: Britain and Palestine, igi4~igi8: Archival Sources for the History of the British Mandate, Philip Jones. Oxford: published for the British Academy by OUP, 1979; and, A Guide to Manuscripts and Documents in the British Isles Relating to the Middle East and North Africa, compiled by Noel Matthews and M. Doreen Wainwright; ed. J. D. Pearson. Oxford: OUP, 1979)' 8 'Mrs Fisher's profession', in: JfHSE Miscellanies XIII (1984) 185-9 (review article on: Prostitution and Prejudice: the Jewish Fight against White Slavery, i8jo-ig3gy Edward J. Bristow. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1982). 9 'England', in: Encyclopaedia Judaica Year Book ^83/5: events of ig82-4. Jerusalem: Encyclopaedia Judaica (1985) 241-3, illus. 10 [Review] in: Jewish Journal of Sociology XXVIII (1986) 59-61; The Jewish Community of Indianapolis: 184g to the Present, Judith E. Endelman. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1985. 11 [Review] in: Jewish Journal of Sociology XXVIII (1986) 152-4; The Pletzel of Paris: Jewish Immigrant Workers in the Belle Epoque, Nancy L. Green. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1986. 12 [Review] in: Jewish Journal of Sociology XXVIII (1986) 157-60; Chaim Weiz mann: the Making of a Zionist Leader, Jehuda Reinharz. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985. 13 'The Victorian Jewish background', [introduction to] Victorian Jews through British eyes, Anne and Roger Cowen. Oxford: Littman Library (1986) xi-xix. 14 'On the frontiers of Jewish life', in: Jewish Journal of Sociology XXIX (1987) 55-62 (review article on: The Jews of Odessa: a Cultural History, ijg4~i88i, Steven J. Zipperstein. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1985, and: Jewish Life in Los Angeles: a Window to Tomorrow, Neil C. Sandberg. Lanham, N.Y.: University Presses of America, 1986). 15 [Review] in: LEylah XXVII (September 1987) 46-7; A Family Patchwork: Five Generations of an Anglo-Jewish Family, Ruth Sebag-Montefiore. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1987. 16 [Review] in: The Jewish Journal of Sociology XXX (1988) 57-8; Zionism and History: the Rise of a New Jewish Consciousness, Shmuel Almog. Jerusalem: Magnes Press; New York: St Martin's Press, 1987. 17 [Review] in: Studies in Contemporary Jewry IV (1988) 313-14; Jerusalem in the igth Century: the Old City, Yehoshua Ben Arieh. Jerusalem: Yad Ben Zvi Institute; New York: St Martin's Press, 1984. 18 [Review] in: The Jewish Journal of Sociology XXXI (1989) 62-4; Listen While I Tell You: the Story of the Jews of St John's Newfoundland, Alison Kahn. St John's: ISER, 1987. xxiv</page><page sequence="7">Publications by Vivian David Lipman 19 [Review] in: The Jewish Journal ofSociology XXXII (1990) 56-8; Trade Union? ism Amongst the Jewish Tailoring Workers of London, 1872?iqi$, Anne J. Kershen. London: London Museum of Jewish Life, 1988; and, Hopeful Travellers: Jewish Migrants and Settlers in Nineteenth Century Britain, Harold Pollins. London: London Museum of Jewish Life, 1989. 20 [Review] in: Jewish Historical Studies: Trans JHSE XXX (1990) 275-8; Zealous Intruders, Naomi Shepherd. London: Collins, 1987; and, The Jews in Palestine, 1800-1880, Tudor Parfitt. Woodbridge: Royal Historical Society, 1987. Miscellaneous Writings 1 'The building and the congregation, 1879-1979', in: 18JQ-1Q7Q/563Q S739: centenary thanksgiving service of the New West End Synagogue... 24th May igjg. London: The Synagogue (1979). 2 'Uffington White Horse', letter to The Times 13 June 1973. 3 'Mantegna restoration', letter to The Times 13 June 1975. Obituary Notices Obituary notices appeared in: (Sonia L. Lipman) The Jewish Chronicle 20 Novem? ber 1987 The Antiquaries Journal XX, pt II (1990) 522-3 (Hugh Chapman) The Daily Telegraph 13 March 1990 The Independent 13 March 1990 (Newman; Friedlander) The Jewish Chronicle 16 March 1990 (Friedlander) Jewish Historical Studies: Trans JHSE XXXI (1990) (Finestein, Rapoport-Albert; also Newman reviews: Tn memoriam ...) The Jewish Journal of Sociology, December 1990 (Newman) Jewish Quarterly XXXVII no. 4 (140), Winter 1990-1 (Finestein) The Library Association Record April 1990, p. 275 The Times 15 March 1990 (Loewe) Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society XXXV (1991) (Bulmer-Thomas) Zion LVI, no. 1 (1991) 93-4 (Gartner) (in Hebrew) Compiled by Stephen Massil XXV</page></plain_text>