Publications by David Goldstein
<plain_text><page sequence="1">Publications by David Goldstein (1933-87) Books 1 The University Jew (Joint Chaplaincy Commission to the Universities, 1966). 2 Hebrew Poems from Spain. Introduction, notes and translation by David Goldstein. (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1965.) Revised, expanded and reprinted as The Jewish Poets of Spain, 900-1250 (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 19 71); reprinted 1982. 3 The Religion of the Jews (Milton Keynes: Open University Press, 1978). 4 Jewish Folklore and Legend (London: Hamlyn, 1980). Revised and reprinted as Jewish Mythology (1987). 5 Hebrew Manuscript Painting (London: The British Library, 1985). 6 Hebrew Incunables in the British Isles: a Preliminary Census (London: The British Library, 1985). 7 The Ashkenazi Haggadah. Introduction, notes, transcription and English translation by David Goldstein. (London: Thames and Hudson, 1985.) 8 Studies in Eastern European Jewish Mysticism by J. Weiss. Edited by David Goldstein. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985.) 9 The Wisdom of the Zohar. English translation from the Hebrew edition by Isaiah Tishby. 3 vols. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.) Articles and essays 1 'Judaism' in Man and his Gods: Encyclopaedia of the World's Religions. General editor, G. Parrinder. (London: Hamlyn, 1971.) 2 'Longevity, the rainbow and Immanuel of Rome', Hebrew Union College Annual 42 (1971) 243-50. 2 'The Jews' in Our Religion. Edited by H.A. Guy. (London: Dent, 1973.) 3 'The citations of Judah ben Solomon ha-Cohen in the Commentary to Genesis of Rabbenu Bahya ben Asher', Journal of Jewish Studies 26 (1975) 105-12. 4 Introduction to The Song of Songs. Translated by Peter Jay. (London: Anvil Press, 1975) 5 'A possible autograph of Moses ben Mordecai Galante', Studies in Bibliography and Booklore 13 (1980) 17-19. 6 Introduction to The Book of Proverbs with the Commentary of Immanuel of Rome. A facsimile of the Naples edition, 1487. (Jerusalem: Y.L. Magnes Press, 1981.) xviii</page><page sequence="2">Publications by David Goldstein 7 'The commentary of Judah ben Solomon Hakohen ibn Matqah to Genesis, Psalms and Proverbs', Hebrew Union College Annual 52 (1981) 203-52. 8 'The Poppelauer catalogues of Hebraica and Judaica', The British Library Journal 7 (1981) 182-6. 9 'Hebrew printed books in the Library of Westminster Abbey', Miscellanies of the Jewish Historical Society of England 12 (1982) 151-4. 10 'Solomon the philosopher in medieval Hebrew texts' in Tradition, transition, transmission: jubilee volume in honor of Dr LO. Lehman (Cincinnati: s.n., 1983) 27-33. 11 'The Barcelona Haggadah' FMR 10 (April 1985) 93-124. 12 'On translating God's name', in The Translator's Art. Edited by W. Radice andB. Reynolds (Penguin, 1987) 72-80. In addition, many book reviews in The Times Literary Supplement, The Library, The Jewish Chronicle, The Jewish Quarterly, The Jewish Observer, Middle East Review, Pointer, European Judaism, etc.; television programmes such as The Passover of the Yemeni Jews for the Open University; radio broadcasts and innumerable lectures. Works in press or in progress included A Talmudic Anthology. xix</page></plain_text>