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Preface Vol 43

<plain_text><page sequence="1">Preface I would like to express the Society's thanks to Edgar Samuel, who has chaired the Publications Committee since 1997, supporting the editor with energy, good humour and sound advice, and overseeing the selection of papers for ten volumes, including the present one. We wish him a speedy recovery from the accident that precipitated his resignation, and look forward to publishing further of his papers and reviews. The articles in this volume include papers presented to the Society in the past two years, as well as new research that has not formed part of the lecture series. Meetings Since the publication of the previous list of lectures to the Society in Jewish Historical Studies: Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society ofEngland 42, pp. xi-xiii, the following lectures were delivered. 2009 Dr Lionel Kopelowitz The Jewry of Newcastle upon Tyne since 1880: ascent and descent Dr Gerry Black History of Stepney Jewish Schools, 1864?2007 Dr Alan Swarc UEntente Cordiale and illegal immigration to Palestine ig4S~48: a tale of French duplicity, British obstinacy and Jewish ingenuity Richard Sermon Hebrew and Aramaic records in Roman Britain Victoria Hoyle Negotiating the margins: Anglo-Jewish women in the Plea Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews Lawrence Goldman and Professor William Rubinstein Biographia Anglo-Judaic a: Jews in national biography xi</page><page sequence="2">Preface Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain, CBE River Jews: medieval Jews along the Thames ? a microcosm of Anglo-Jewry Professor Michael Alpert A lost culture: the literature of Ladino speakers Dr Abigail Green Rethinking Sir Moses Montefiore and Jewish internationalism Stephen Massil Naphtali Hart Myers (iyn?-88): New Yorker and Londoner 2010 Dr Anthony Bale and Hannah Meyer Reconsidering Mosse-Mokke and Avegaye: Jews, documents and caricatures in medieval Norwich Dr Irene Manchester Ihn Ezra in London and the influence of Sephardi scholarship in Northern Europe Professor David Cesarani The myth of silence: reconsidering postwar responses in Britain to the recent per? secution and mass murder ofEurope's Jews Professor Roger Leech The topography of Jewish settlement and worship in medieval and early modern Bristol Professor Meri-Jane Rochelson Israel Zangwill: a Jew in the public arena Raymond Kaiman How European Jews acquired their surnames Stephen Games Nikolaus Pevsner: the assimilation of a German art historian Professor Ada Rapoport-Albert Charismatic leadership in eighteenth-century Poland: from Israel Baal Shem Tov to Jacob Frank xii</page><page sequence="3">Preface Dr Madge Dresser New approaches to the history of Jews in Bristol, c. iy^o?c. igo6 John Cooper Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild (1840?iqi$), the last of the shtadlanim Centre for Medieval Studies Conference A conference entitled 'York 1190: Jews and Others in the Wake of the Massacre', was held in York during March 2010, at the restored King's Manor of the 1560-70 period at the heart of the University. Ninety or so par? ticipants from Britain, France, Germany, Israel and the USA presented a programme which can be studied on the website, and which included papers by Paul Hyams, Hugh Doherty, Nicholas Vincent, Robert Stacey, Robin Mundill, Pinchas Roth, Anna Abulafia, Sara Rees-Jones (the Conference organizer), Anthony Bale, and a joint presentation by Pinchas Roth and Ethan Zadoff. The Society was well represented by members from London and the Leeds Branch, but also in terms of sponsorship, literature and inspiration, and in the person of Professor Barrie Dobson, whose collection of essays on medieval Jewry has been gathered in a new collection prefaced and presented to Professor Dobson by Joe Hillaby, another former president.1 A list of material from Transactions and JHS was included in the conference packs, and sample publications were included in the general literature display. The Society was thanked by the organizers for offering bursaries to students. I would like to thank Katharine Ridler for once again helping to copy-edit this volume, and Helen Grubin for compiling the index. Jeremy Schonfield 1 Helen Birkett (ed.) The Jewish Communities of Medieval England: The Collected Essays ofR. B. Dobson, with a new preface by Joe Hillaby (York 2010) pp. xxvii, [1], 174, ISBN 978-1-904407 48-6,?i5(pbk). xiii</page></plain_text>



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