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Preface Vol 42

<plain_text><page sequence="1">Preface The articles in this volume include papers presented to the Society in the past two years, as well as new research that has not formed part of the lecture series. Meetings Since the publication of the previous list of lectures to the Society in Jewish Historical Studies: Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society ofEngland 41, pp. ix-xi, the following lectures were delivered. 2007 Dr Susanne Lachenicht Early modern German States and the settlement of Jews: Brandenburg-Prussia and the Palatinate, 16th to igth centuries Dr Frederic Krome 'Because it is fun?' Cecil Roth and the writing of national Jewish history, ig4i-ig68 Dr Clare Hilton Mauds ley Hospital's Jewish and refugee psychiatrists Dr Nathan Abrams The smaller Jewish communities of Scotland Raymond Kaiman London and the immigrants, 18/0?1 goo Professor Derek Taylor Don Pacifico - the truth after 150 years Victor Tunkel The musical symbols of the Hebrew Bible and the Englishman who decoded them Charles Corman Revd Dr Abraham Cohen, i88y?igS7 xi</page><page sequence="2">Preface Professor Marc Saperstein Into swords: Anglo-Jewish preaching in times of war Dr Rory Miller Attitudes to Zionism in the Irish and British communities prior to IQ48: a comparison 2008 Dr Adam Sutcliffe Looking at philosemitism in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries Bryan Diamond The communal involvement of Zyman Diamond in the East End from i8gs David Conway On Michael Bolaffi (1768?1842): peripatetic musician from Florence to London, Hanover, Paris and Livorno Julia Weiner The Jewish Educational Aid Society and its assistance to artists David Manson Jacob Kramer: creativity and loss Shula Moreland On the Jewish communities of the Staffordshire Potteries George Ireland Lionel de Rothschild's path to Parliament, July 1858 Melanie Aspey On the Yiddish correspondence of Rothschild ladies Dr Maria Diemling Georgian Dublin s Jewry: a new look at the sources Professor Michael Alpert Spain's contribution to succouring Jewish refugees during World War II xii</page><page sequence="3">Preface Professor Michael Berkowitz Challenges for Anglo-Jewish historiography in the 21st century Arnold Levin Yiddish cinema I would like to thank Katharine Ridler for once again helping to copy-edit this volume, and Helen Grubin for compiling the index. Jeremy Schonfield xiii</page></plain_text>



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