Preface Vol 38
<plain_text><page sequence="1">Preface The papers in this volume include lectures presented to the Society in the past year as well as new research that has not been included in the lecture series. Meetings Since the publication of the previous list of lectures to the Society in Jewish Historical Studies: Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society ofEngland 37, pp. xi-xii, the following lectures were delivered in 2002. Edward Jamilly Patrons, clients and developers Nicholas Evans The arrival of Jewish migrants into Britain, 1836-1gi4 Professor Barry Kosmin The use of military statistics from the Great War as a source for the population and social history of Anglo-Je wry Dr Kenneth Collins Trachoma and the Aliens Act Kenneth Austin Immanuel Tremellius (1510-1580) and Christian Hebraism: a sixteenth century Jewish scholar and convert to the Reformation Professor Maxine Seller Survival mechanism, crisis management and preparation for the future: educa? tion among German Jewish refugees interned in ig40 Geoffrey Cantor Sussex Hall (1845-185g) and the revival of learning among London Jewry Professor William D. Rubinstein The decline and fall of Anglo-Jewry? XI</page><page sequence="2">Preface Dr Andrew Godley Jewish social mobility in Britain, 1850-1gyo Professor Reva Brown and Sean McCartney David of Oxford and Licoricia of Winchester: glimpses of Jewish family life in the 13th century I would like to thank Katharine Ridler for her help in copyediting this vol? ume, and Helen Grubin, once again, for compiling the index. Jeremy Schonfield xii</page></plain_text>