Preface Vol 35
<plain_text><page sequence="1">Preface The present volume of Jewish Historical Studies contains more on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries than previous issues, a shift which reflects changing trends in the research being carried out and made available to the Society rather than a modification of emphasis. We look forward to continuing to publish mat? erial on all periods, and to welcoming papers examining the mid- and later twentieth century as well as those focusing on the Society's more traditional areas of the Middle Ages through to the eighteenth century. This volume is dedicated to Sir Isaiah Berlin, one of the most distinguished presidents of this Society, who died in late 1997. It contains an obituary both of him and of Alfred Rubens, the collector and benefactor of the Society and of the Jewish Museum, to whom volume XXVIII was dedicated in 1984. It is a fitting tribute to Alfred Rubens that the present volume should in addition contain a cumulative index to volumes XXVI-XXXV, since he financed the production of the Index to Transactions I to XXV, Miscellanies I to X that appeared in 1986. The trustees of the Alfred and Frances Rubens Charitable Trust have generously carried on the tradition by funding the sequel in this volume. The opportunity has been taken to revise the indexing of certain papers in the volumes covered by the index included here, and in one case to reindex an entire volume, making this a publication of particular value to researchers. We are grateful to Helen Grubin for the index to the present volume and for reindexing the earlier material for the cumulative index. Edgar Samuel has fur? ther augmented the index and checked the proofs once the individual indices had been electronically scanned. Meetings Since the publication of the previous list of lectures to the Society in Jewish Historical Studies: Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England XXXIV, pp. xi-xii, the following lectures have been delivered: 1997-8 Joe Hillaby Evidence about the medieval English synagogue: a historical profile Malcolm Brown The Jews of early St John 's Wood xiii</page><page sequence="2">Preface Dr Joanna Newman Jews in a colonial society: the Jewish community of Barbados, 165 4-1833 John Franks Jews in Vanity Fair Edward Kessler Claude Montefiore: defender of Rabbinic Judaism Bryan Diamond Isaac Diamond and the Jews in the timber trade in the East End, 1880-1910 Henry Morris The Jewish contribution to the Armed Forces of the Crown Peter Bassano Shakespeare and his Jewish friends Dr Bernard Wasserstein Moses Samuel, Liverpool Hebraist John Cooper Jewish lawyers in England, i8qo-iqqo Dr Hilary Rubinstein A pioneering philosemite: Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna (1790-1846) and the Jews 1996-7 Malcolm Brown The Jews of Gravesend Charles Meyers Debt in Elizabethan England: the adventures of Dr Hector Nunes, physician and merchant Professor Bill Rubinstein The myth of rescue: the National Committee for Rescue from Nazi Terror, 1943-5 Marcus Roberts The landscape and monuments of the medieval Jews of Northampton xiv</page><page sequence="3">Preface Dr Alexander Knapp The influence of German music on UK synagogue practice Dr Michael Weitzman On translating the Hebrew Bible: the achievement of William Tyndale Edgar Samuel Fray Francisco de Victoria OP (1340-1592) Bishop of Tucumdn - a New Christian in the New World Raymond Kaiman Rodphe Shalom 1797: first Anglo-Jewish Friendly Society? Charles Rubens Kaethe Cohns escape from Berlin to London in 1942 Dr David Feldman Current conflicts in historiography I should like to take this opportunity to thank once again Cyril Drukker, the Honorary Secretary of the Society, for indefatigably proofreading this volume - as he has so many others - and for making helpful editorial suggestions. Jeremy Schonfield xv</page></plain_text>