Preface Vol 32
<plain_text><page sequence="1">Preface The unusually large quantity of medieval material included in a volume that appears during our centenary year reflects an abiding concern of our founder members no less than the programme chosen to mark the anniversaries of the York massacre of 1190 and the expulsion of 1290. At the same time, genealogical and bibliographical articles point towards an increasingly popular trend in topics for research. All contributors are requested to follow the editorial 'Notes for con? tributors to Society publications' printed in every volume. The last meeting of each annual session marks the deadline for receipt of copy. Meetings Since the previous list of lectures was published in Transactions XXXI, pp. xi-xiii, the following lectures have been delivered: 1990-1 Professor R. B. Dobson The Jews of medieval Cambridge Malcolm Brown The Jews of Norfolk and Suffolk before 1840 Dr G. Black The struggle to establish the London Jewish Hospital ? Lord Rothschild and the barber Brad Sabin Hill Early Hebrew and Yiddish printing in Canada, 1845-1Q15 Dr David Englander The problem of Jewish irregular marriage in Britain Joe Hillaby London - the thirteenth-century Jewry revisited Mrs Anne Kershen The origins of Reform Judaism in Britain - convenience or ideology? xi</page><page sequence="2">Preface Elaine Smith Class, ethnicity and politics in the Jewish East End, igi8-igjg Louise London British immigration-control procedures and Jewish refugees, igjj-ig48 Mrs Miriam Kochan British and Jews - meeting points in Mandate haute societe 1991-2 Dr Stefan Reif Jenkinson and Schechter at Cambridge Frank Shapiro History of the Jews of Northern Rhodesia/Zambia Dr David Cesarani The Jewish Chronicle and Anglo-Jewry, 1841-iggi Professor David Lewis Fire in St Ebbe's, 1844: the beginnings of the Oxford Congregation; and the undergrad? uates and the shopkeepers, 1878-82 Dr Lara Marks Alien, pregnant and far from home: Jewish women's experience of childbirth and infant care in East London, 1870-igjg Dr David Feldman Jews and the English Question, 1840-80 Hugh Denman The Yiddish language in the British Isles Cecil Bloom Hatikuah - Imber, his poem and a National Anthem Dr John Edwards Were the Jews expelled from Spain? Dr Gerry Black Samuel Lewis, 1838-igoi, financier and philanthropist - saint or sinner? xii</page><page sequence="3">Preface Mrs Ruth Sebag-Montefiore From Posen to Paddington: history of the Spielmann family, 182Q-1Q28 Forthcoming publications Part V of Bevis Marks Records, 2l register of births, is to be published jointly with the Spanish and Portuguese Congregation. Editorial preparation of volume VI of Plea Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews is already advanced, and the Anglo-Jewish Bibliography igj^-iggo is to be issued in 1993. Personalia As we were going to press, news arrived of the sudden passing of Professor Elie Kedourie, President of the Society during the 1979-80 session. An obituary article will appear in the next volume of Transactions. Malcolm Brown xiii</page></plain_text>