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Preface Vol 30

<plain_text><page sequence="1">Preface No apology is needed for the publication of the present volume so soon after the appearance of Transactions XXIX. Our own members, as much as those who lecture at our meetings, have every right to expect to see papers in print without undue delay; the technical difficulties that postponed our previous volume have been overcome; what continues to be of paramount importance to ensure the regular appearance of Transactions is principally the level of our subscriptions. Administrative expenses, the inescapable burden of every learned society, absorb much of our present revenue. We have, therefore, no alternative but to request members to assist our Publications Fund as generously as possible. I would like to take this opportunity of expressing the sincere thanks of this Society to Professor Aubrey Newman, my predecessor as Chairman of the Publications Committee. Professor Newman's many contributions to the Society are too well known to need rehearsal here; suffice it to say that we are fortunate that he has agreed to retain overall responsibility for our Book Notes, and that his appointment as Chariman of the Research Committee ensures that members will continue to draw inspiration from his unremitting energy, no less than from his unselfish scholarship. A newsletter of research in progress is available on application to Professor Newman. Meetings Since the previous list of lectures was published in Transactions XXIX, pp. xii-xiv, the following lectures have been delivered: 1986-7 Israel Finestein Hermann Adler after 75 years A.L. Shane Isaac Disraeli and his quarrel with the Synagogue Edgar Samuel Decca days: the career of Wilfred S. Samuel, 1886-1958 Professor A. S. Travis The destroyed synagogue architectural heritage of Poland and Czechoslovakia Mrs Anne Kershen Strength and weakness in Jewish tailoring trades unions: London and Leeds, 1872-1915 xi</page><page sequence="2">Preface Professor S. Cohen Motives and motifs in Anglo-Jewish opposition to Zionism before and during the First World War Dr S. J. Zipperstein Russian Jewry and the First World War Dr M. Loewe Jewish relations with China Professor E. C. Black Edwin Montagu: the Anglo-Jewish elite in transition C. C. Aronsfeld On the re-admission of the Jews to Spain, 1834-1833 1987-8 Dr David Sorkin Did German Jews assimilate? Re-assessing the impact of emancipation Professor Norman Golb The rediscovery of the Jewish community of medieval Rouen Rev M.G. Bowler The universalist vision of Claude Montefiore David Spector Brighton Jewry reconsidered Professor H. Beinart Abraham Senior and the Expulsion Richard Barnett Memorial Lecture Evelyn Wilcock Revd John Harris: issues in Anglo-Jewish pacifism, 1914-1918 Dr Claire Hilton St Bartholomew's Hospital, London, and its Jewish connections Anne Cowen The Rothschilds as portrayed in Victorian magazines A. L. Shane The Dreyfus Affair as seen in England?could it have happened here? Dr Anna S. Abulafia Jewish-Christian disputations and the 12th-century renaissance Dr John Edwards Religion and race in 15th- 16th-century Spain: the purity of blood statutes revisited Michael E. Keen Megilloth from 17th-century Amsterdam xii</page><page sequence="3">Preface Dr Frances Malino Resistance and rebellion: the Jews in 18th-century France Branches Birmingham continues to head the provincial field in publications; the third volume, supervised by Mrs Zoe Josephs, on the history of its community, has now appeared. Leeds grows in strength and numbers, and we salute the reconstitution of the branch at Manchester with much enthusiasm. In 1988 the Society participated in celebrations marking the centenary of the Edinburgh Jewish Literary Society, and helped sponsor the publication of its centenary history, The Lit. at Home. Personalia Among many grievous losses the Society has suffered since the appearance of the previous volume, particular mention must be made of Mrs Sonia Lipman, who had been pre-elected to our current Presidency, and whose eloquent contributions to the study of Montefioriana gave promise of yet greater things to come. Happily Mr Edgar Samuel, Director of the Jewish Museum, allowed his name to go forward to occupy the vacancy created by Mr Lewis Shane on the completion of his term of office as President. A tribute to Dr David Goldstein is paid elsewhere in this volume. Of his two Presidential addresses only the first survives, in the form of a rough draft intended as the basis for a lecture. Rather than attempt to develop this (as undoubtedly its author would have done) into a full paper, the Editor and I have decided that our least unsatisfactory course is to print the draft as it stands, in the hope that its immediacy may serve to remind members of the learning on many occasions so lightly worn by a scholar of rare distinction. Malcolm Brown xiii</page></plain_text>

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