Preface Vol 20
<plain_text><page sequence="1">Preface IHIS is the XXth volume of Transactions to appear since the foundation of the Society in 1893. The first volume contained seven papers delivered during the A inaugural Session. About half the papers delivered to the Society over the years have been published, but the manuscripts of unpublished papers, apart from one or two, are not in the Society's possession. It is highly desirable that a complete record should be maintained of the Society's activities and the Editor would, therefore, be grateful if members would send him copies of any papers of this kind that may be in their possession. They will be catalogued and deposited in the Mocatta Library for permanent preservation. This volume covers the period 1959-61 and, despite the hopes expressed in the previous volume, appears four years after its predecessor. It is intended to publish another volume of Transactions as soon as possible in order to diminish the gap between the delivery and actual publication of papers. This is all the more important since so many of the Society's increasing membership are not able to attend meetings regularly and must, therefore, rely on publications to be kept abreast of progress in the field of Anglo-Jewish scholarship. Progress of the Society The membership of the Society continues to grow, and it is particularly gratifying to note the number of institutions (universities, libraries, etc.) that subscribe in order to be assured of a regular supply of its publications. But there is no room for com? placency; costs are rising and the Society cannot sustain its heavy publication programme unless the membership goes on increasing. The Laws of the Society have been revised and adopted at an Annual General Meeting; they are reproduced in this volume. The financial position of the Society has continued to be satisfactory. Substantial donations have been received to cover the cost of pubUshing the Plea Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews, and the cost of other volumes has also been met by the generosity of various individuals. An anonymous donation of ?300 has been received and a legacy of ?100 from the estate of the late Mrs. Lena Stein. The 70th anniversary of the foundation of the Society was celebrated at a Con? versazione held at University College in the presence of the Provost, Sir Ifor Evans. The address delivered on this occasion by Dr. Cecil Roth is included in this volume. Publications Since the issue of Transactions XIX in 1960, the following volumes have been dis? tributed to members: English Jewry under Angevin Kings by H. G. Richardson. The Western Synagogue Through Two Centuries by Arthur Barnett. Three Centuries of Anglo-Jewish History edited by V. D. Lipman. (This volume won the annual Book Award given by the World Jewish Congress.) Nova Bihliotheca Anglo-Judaica by Miss R. P. Lehmann. Miscellanies, Vol. VI. Leeds Jewry by Ernest Krausz. vii</page><page sequence="2">viii PREFACE Through the generosity of the Chief Rabbi, Dr. Israel Brodie, it has also been possible to make a limited distribution of the first volume of his edition of the Etz Hayyim by Rabbi Jacob ben Yehuda, Hazan of London. Volumes now in the press and likely to be distributed shordy are the first volume of the Plea Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews edited by H. G. Richardson, and Norwich Jewry by V. D. Lipman. The editor is preparing an index to supplement and bring up to date the index of Transactions and Miscellanies prepared by the late Albert M. Hyamson. Anglo-Jewish Archives This new body, under the auspices of the Society, has been established to seek out, record and preserve archives of all kinds which are of interest to Anglo-Jewry. A number of documents of importance have already been received. Officers The Presidents during the period under review were Prof. Norman Bentwich and Air. A. S. Diamond. The late Mr. Hyman Stone was succeeded as Treasurer by Mrs. Dorothy Stone. The Rev. Arthur Barnett, having resigned the Hon. Secretaryship to accept a Vice-Presidency, was succeeded by Mr. W. M. Schwab who combined that office with that of Editor of Publications. Mr. Colin Franklin has now been elected Hon. Secretary. Members In this volume the practice has been re-instituted of r^bHshing a list of members of the Society. It is complete, as far as is known, at the time of going to press. Obituary Addresses in memory of Sir Hilary Jenkinson, a former President of the Society, the Rev. Arthur Barnett, for many years Hon. Secretary and Vice-President-elect, and Viscount Samuel, are included in this volume. The Society has also mourned the passing of its Treasurer, Mr. Hyman Stone, and among others, Mr. Alexander Behr of Antwerp and Rabbi Dr. Isidore Epstein. Meetings The following is a list of meetings of the Society since the issue of Volume XIX of Transactions: 1959 11th Nov. Dr. Richard D. Barnett?Presidential Address?Haham Meldola and Hazan de Sola. 7th Dec. Mrs. Beth-Zion Lask Abrahams?The Sarah Society of Jerusalem, 1854-1861. 1960 5th Jan. Dr. P. L. S. Quinn? The Jewish Schools of England (phase I): The Sephardi Denominational System. 17th Feb. Dr. Cecil Roth?The Diplomat and the Actress: The Strange Career of Joseph Sumbal (1767-1804). 15th Mar. Mr. Joseph Fraenkel?Luden Wolf and Theodor Herzl. 21st April Professor J. Isaacs?Anglo-Jewish Cultural Relations in the Eighteenth Century. 24th May Professor W. Fischel?The Jewish Merchant-Colony in Fort St. George (Madras) during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.</page><page sequence="3">PREFACE ix 20th June 9th Nov. 19th Dec. 1961 18th Jan. 22nd Feb. 20th Mar. 26th April 16th May 14th June 15th Nov. 13th Dec. 1962 15th Jan. 19th Feb. 14th Mar. 16th April 16th May 18th June 7th Nov. 12th Dec. 1963 16th Jan. 20th Feb. 13th Mar. 24th Mar. 24th April 15th May 12th June 8th July 6th Nov. 4th Dec. 1964 8th Jan. 5th Feb. 11th Mar. Mr. C. C. Aronsfeld?Nineteenth Century German Immigrants. Professor Norman Bentwich?Presidential Address?The Wanderers and Other Jewish Scholars of my Youth. Mr. Lionel Kochan?Sir Moses Montefiore, Foreign Minister of Jewry. Mr. Leonard Schapirc? The Russian Background of the Anglo-American Jewish Immigration of the Nineteenth Century. Dr. S. Stein?A Hitherto Unknown Eighteenth Century Jewish Orphanage in London. Dr. Phyllis Abrahams?Israel Abrahams' Letters from Egypt and Palestine, 1898. Dr. Cecil Roth?Jews in the News in the Eighteenth Century. Miss Annette Wolff?Abraham Joseph, a Prominent Canadian Citizen?based on his Diaries, 1834-1859. A Panel under the Chairmanship of Professor Raphael Powell answered questions on Anglo-Jewish History. Professor Norman Bentwich?Presidential Address?The Contribution of British Jewry to International Law. Rabbi Dr. I. Epstein?The Story of Ascama No. 1 of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation in London. Mr. Maurice Woolf?Joseph Salvador, 1716-1786. Mr. G. W. Busse?The Ban of Rabenu Tarn in Queen Anne's London. Professor Bernard Lewis?Maimonides and Richard Lionheart. Dr. Elizabeth Eppler?Luden Wolf and the Minorities Treaties after the First World War. Mr. Joseph Fraenkel?How Paul Friedmann tried to establish a Jewish State in Midian. Mr. Raphael Loewe?Solomon Schiller-Szinessy (1820-1890) and Jewish Learning at Cambridge. Mr. A. S. Diamond?Presidential Address?Problems of the London Sephardim (1720-1733), /. Mr. H. D. Schmidt?Jewish Education in Victorian England. Rabbi Dr. A. Ehrman?John Seiden's Studies in Jewish Law. Mrs. W. J. Carpenter Turner?The Mediaeval Jewry in Winchester. Dr. M. L. Ettinghausen?Some Extracts from the Memoirs of an Octogenarian Jewish Bookseller. Joint Meeting with the Bayswater Synagogue to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the synagogue. Speakers included Mrs. Ivor M. Phillips, Dr. V. D. Lipman and Mr. H. A. Simons. Mrs. Doris Black?The Jews of Plymouth. Councillor the Hon. Sir J. A. Hassan?The Jews of Gibraltar. (Joint Meeting with the Anglo-Jewish Association.) Viscount Samuel?Palestine under Turkish Rule. Professor Yigael Yadin?Lucien Wolf Memorial Lecture?Jewish Clothing in the Time of the Mishnah in the Light of the Bar Kochba Finds. Mr. A. S. Diamond?Presidential Address?Problems of the London Sephardim (1720-1733), II. Mrs. Beth-Zion Lask Abrahams?The Unpublished Diary of James Finn, H.B.M. Consul at Jerusalem, 1846-1863. Mr. A. R. Rollin?Russo-Jewish Immigrants in England before 1881. Dr. Cecil Roth?The Amazing Clan of Buzaglo. Mr. J. M. Shaftesley?Abraham Benisch as Newspaper Editor. April, 1964. W. M. Schwab.</page></plain_text>