Preface Vol 19
<plain_text><page sequence="1">Preface Vol. XVIII of the Society's Transactions, which appeared early in 1958, included papers delivered up to February, 1955. This volume includes papers delivered up to January, 1959 but does not cover all the papers, suitable for publication, delivered up to that date. Some of these were not revised ready for publication by the middle of 1959 ; and it seemed better, in order not to delay the appearance of this volume, to hold them over for the next volume. It will be noted that this volume appears about two years after its immediate predecessor; and it is hoped in future to maintain roughly this interval between volumes, even if this makes them rather shorter than those which appeared at considerably longer intervals between 1939 and 1958. Two features, introduced in Vol. XVIII, are maintained in this volume. One is the great increase in the number of illustrations; the generosity of certain authors of papers in meeting the extra cost has made this possible. This should not only enhance the value of the papers but make them of more interest to the general reader. The other feature is the use of cross-headings, intended to facilitate reference and to give at a glance a conspectus of the contents of each paper. Progress of the Society Efforts to maintain and increase the membership have been successful, the number of members now standing at about 700; notices in the Press advertising the programme of the 1957/8 session brought in some 40 new members. Attendances at lectures have generally been near or about 100 and a welcome feature has been the presence of many younger members of the community among those attending. The outstanding event of the 1957/8 session was undoubtedly the Lucien Wolf Memorial Lecture delivered by Professor Sir Isaiah Berlin on 11th December, 1957. This lecture on the "Life and Opinions of Moses Hess" was given at Friends House to an audience of over a thousand. During the 1958/9 session, the Society collaborated with the Board of Deputies in commemorating the centenary of Emancipation : a lecture by Mr. Israel Finestein on "Anglo-Jewish Opinion in the Age of Emancipation" was given to a considerable audience at the Stern Hall. The financial position of the Society has also continued relatively satisfactory for a learned society in present circumstances, although more funds would make possible a valuable increase in the programme of publications. The income of the Society was increased by the decision in 1957 to raise the annual subscription to ?2 2s. Od. After protracted negotiations with the income-taxL authorities, the Treasurer was able to secure a favourable decision on the recovery of income-tax under deeds of covenant. The Society have expressed gratitude to the Honorary Solicitors and Honorary Auditors for helping to bring this question to a successful conclusion without any legal costs being incurred by the Society. Publications Since the issue of Transactions XVIII in 1958, two publications have been dis? tributed free to members : (1) Jewish Monumental Inscriptions in Barbados, edited with an introduction by E. M. Shilstone; (2) Sir Isaiah Berlin's Lucien Wolf Memorial Lecture on the "Life and Opinions of Moses Hess". At present there is in the Press a volume on English Jewry under Angevin Kings by H. G. Richardson, F.B.A., which is ix</page><page sequence="2">X PREFACE being published by Methuens and will be distributed free to members as soon as it is ready. The production of this most important work, by an outstanding authority on medieval English history, has been made possible by a gift from the late Sir Louis Sterling. It is intended to publish, soon after the appearance of this volume of Transactions, a volume of lists and indices, and a considerable part of this volume has already been sent to the printers. This is intended primarily as a work of reference and will be inscribed to the memory of Mr. Wilfred S. Samuel, who was directly responsible for the collection of some of the material and inspired the preparation of the rest. After delays due to a number of reasons, some progress is now being made on Sir Hilary Jenkinson's proposal for publishing the remainder of the Plea Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews. As Sir Hilary himself now feels unable to assume the Honorary Editorship, the Council invited Mr. H. G. Richardson to do so and he has accepted. The British Academy have recognized the importance of the project by making a grant, from their very hmited funds, of ?100 for the financial year 1959/60. Some gifts have already been received from individuals, including ?1000 from Mr. Arthur Cohen. The Society hope to be able to take advantage of a scheme for publication by Her Majesty's Stationery Office of record material for learned societies. Officers The Presidents during the period under review were Mr. Alfred Rubens and Dr. Richard D. Barnett. Mr. Hyman Stone and the Rev. Arthur Barnett have continued their services to the Society as Treasurer and Honorary Secretary respectively. Mr. Wilfred S. Samuel was elected a Vice-President a few months before his death. H. E. the Israel Ambassador, Mr. E. Elath, accepted an invitation to become an Honorary Member. Mr. Alan A. Mocatta, Q.C., was appointed Chairman of the Mocatta Library Cornmittee, in succession to the late Mr. Owen Mocatta. Obituary Addresses in memory of the Rev. Solomon Levy, Mr. Owen Mocatta and Mr. Wilfred S. Samuel are included in this volume. The Society have also mourned the passing, among others, of Sir Louis Sterling, a generous benefactor, and Dr. Jacob Snowman, one of the last surviving founder-members. The following is a list of the meetings of the Society since the issue of Volume XVIII of Transactions : 1957 13th Nov. Mr. Alfred Rubens, F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S.?Presidential Address :?77^ English Radicals and the Jews (1769-1830). Illustrated by lantern slides. 11th Dec. Professor Sir Isaiah Berlin, C.B.E.?Lucien Wolf Memorial Lecture:?From Communism to Zionism : The Life and Opinions of Moses Hess. 1958 17th Jan. Mr. A. Levy, J.P. :?The Origins of Scottish Jewry; Memorial Tribute to the Rev. Solomon Levy by The Rev. Arthur Barnett, B.A. 10th Mar. Miss Mollie Sands, L.R.A.M. '.?John Braham, singer (1774-1856). 21st April Mr. Gedalia Yogev, M.A. :?London Jews and the Anglo-Indian Diamond Trade (1660-1800). 19th May The Rev. G. R. Balleine, M.A. :?The Strange Sect of the "Christian Israelites" (1794-1957). 16th June The Rev. James Parkes, M.A., D.Phil., D.H.L. :?Lewis Way (1772-1840). 4thNov. Mr. Richard D. Barnett, MA., D.Litt., F.S.A. :?Presidential Address:?The Correspondence of the Mohamad of Bevis Marks during the 17th and 18th centuries.</page><page sequence="3">PREFACE XI 18th Dec. Mr. Israel Finestein, M.A. :?Anglo-Jewish Opinion in the Age of Emancipation. (Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Emancipation Act.) 1959 15th Jan. Master A. S. Diamond, M.A., LL.D. :?The Cemetery of the Resettlement. Memorial Tribute to Mr. Wilfred S. Samuel by Mr. Cecil Roth. 16th Feb. Mr. J. A. Giuseppi, F.S.A., Archivist of the Bank of England :?Sephardi Jews and the Early Years of the Bank of English (II?Customers and Discounters). 17th Mar. Miss D. H. Gfiford, B.A. :?The Domus Conversorum and its later Converts. 15th April Miss Schifra Strizower, M.A. :?The Bene Israel of India. 14th May Mr. Jacob Leveen, M.A. :?Illuminated Haggadahs in the British Museum. (Illustrated by lantern slides.) 15th June Mr. Wilfred S. Samuel, F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S. Dr. Mayer Sch?mberg^ Attack on the Jews of London (1746). The paper was read by Mr. Wilfred Samuel's son, Mr. Edgar Roy Samuel. 6th September, 1959.</page></plain_text>