Preface Vol 12
<plain_text><page sequence="1">PREFACE. Befoke detailing the activities of the Society since the issue of Vol. XI., mention must be made of the death, on August 24,1930, of the First President and one of the Founders of the Society, Mr. Lucien Wolf. What the Society owes to Mr. Wolf?apart from his sterling work as accredited Ambassador for the com? munity?will be set forth in full in the volume of Essays that will shortly be issued in his honour. All that need be recorded here is that, as eight times President and as the acknowledged authority upon Anglo-Jewish history of the modern period, as the biographer of Menasseh ben Israel and the discoverer of the Jews in the Canary Islands, Lucien Wolf occupies a foremost position in the ranks of Jewish historians as a writer and as a student whose originality, whose genius for research, and whose scholar? ship have enriched Jewish knowledge and Jewish literature for all time. This volume of the Transactions is dedicated to his memory, as well as to that of two other distinguished Presidents who have recently passed away?Sir Hermann Gollancz and Canon Dr. H. P. Stokes. Tributes written by Mr. Herbert Loewe to the work of these two officers of the Society, who both served its interests with the utmost loyalty, will be found at the end of the present volume. Five papers are included in this issue of the Transactions. The first was written by the late Mr. Israel Solomons upon the life and writings of Haham David Nieto, and was read to the vii</page><page sequence="2">Vlll PREFACE. Society in the year 1915. The delay in the publication of this monograph was unavoidable, as it required a considerable amount of revision, even after the death of its author, and its length precluded its publication in an earlier volume. The papers by Dr. Marmorstein and the Eev. Michael Adler deal with the pre Expulsion period, whilst the fourth, by Dr. Cecil Roth, breaks new ground in narrating the history of Malta, especially in relation to the condition of Jewish slavery that existed in that island from the sixteenth to the end of the eighteenth century. The Presidential Address of Mr. Gustave Tuck gives a 4 4 Look Back? ward " upon the past history of the Society and a '' Look For? ward "?outlining the scheme for a new Mocatta Library and Museum at University College.1 The Society has recently issued to its members the following important publications : (a) A third volume of the " Calendar of the Plea Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews," covering the years 1275 to 1277 ; edited by Mr. Hilary Jenkinson of the Public Record Office, who has contributed a valuable Introduction upon the origin and system of the Jewish Exchequer in the pre-Expulsion days. The two previous volumes of the Calendar had been edited for the Society by Mr. J. M. Rigg (died in 1926), who had also produced in 1902 for the Seiden Society, in conjunction with our own, a preliminary volume of Select Pleas. Mr. Jenkinson has compiled a list (which will be found on p. xv) of the remaining extant Plea Rolls in the Public Record Office which await publication. It may be added that these documents are of the utmost value for the study of Anglo-Jewish history in the thirteenth century. (b) " Starrs and Jewish Charters preserved in the British Museum," Vol. L, by the late Dr. Israel Abrahams and the late Canon Dr. H. P. Stokes, with additions by Mr. Herbert Loewe. 1 The Index to this volume has been compiled by Miss Phyllis Abrahams, daughter of the late Dr. Israel Abrahams.</page><page sequence="3">PREFACE. ix This scholarly volume carries on the work of one of the pioneers of Anglo-Jewish history, Mr. Myer D. Davis, in his Shetaroth (issued by the Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition, 1887). The remainder of this work will be published in due course, and will contain copious notes and disquisitions upon the Latin and Hebrew Shetaroth of Vol. I., together with a full Index. (c) The following " Arthur Davis Memorial Lectures " : 1928. No. 11. " The Excavations at Ur and the Hebrew Records," by C. Leonard Woolley. 1929. No. 12. " IV. Ezra : A Study in the Development of Universalism," by Dr. C. G. Montefiore, M.A. 1930. No. 13. " The Hope of a World to come underlying Judaism and Christianity," by Dr. E. Bevan, M.A. 1931. No. 14. " Solomon Schechter," by Norman Bentwich, M.C., O.B.E., M.A. In 1929 Mr. Gustave Tuck succeeded Mr. Lucien Wolf as President of the Society, and was re-elected in 1930 and 1931. Mr. Tuck continues to act as Treasurer, which post he has held since the year 1905. Among his many services to the Society, he recently presented some 3000 copies of a beautifully engraved book-plate (see p. 271) for the books of the Dr. Israel Abrahams Library, which is distributed between the Mocatta Library and the Library of Christ's College, Cambridge. Mr. Tuck has devoted considerable energy in finding a suitable locale for the Mocatta Library and Museum. On December 16, 1929, a very largely attended meeting was held at the Botanical Theatre of University College, at which the President set forth his proposals for the rebuilding of the Library in the new University buildings which it was hoped to erect. (See Presidential Address, p. 253.) Among the speakers upon that occasion were Lord Meston, Professor B. W. Chambers, the Very Bev. the Chief Babbi, the Haham Dr. M. Gaster, Mr. 0. E. d'Avigdor Goldsmid (President</page><page sequence="4">X PREFACE. of the Board of Deputies), and Mr. Owen Mocatta, and an appeal for the sum of ?10,000 was issued to the community, towards which the authorities of University College agreed to contribute ?3,000. The President had made considerable headway with his appeal, when it was found that, owing to the difficult times, the money required could not be raised for the rebuilding of the School of Zoology, which was the site promised for the Mocatta Library. Fortunately, the London County Council has now come to the aid of the College, and a sum has been provided for the completion of the reconstruction plans of the College. A pro? posal has accordingly been made to the Society to proceed with the rebuilding of the Mocatta Library, and it is hoped that, when a sufficient sum has been collected to supplement the amount already in the hands of the President, the work will be commenced and the dream of Mr. Tuck realised to the full. The Society records with deep sorrow the death of Professor Sir Gregory Foster, for many years Provost of University College, who had taken an active interest in the work of the Mocatta Library and the general progress of the Society. The annual reports of the Mocatta Library that are issued to members of the Society show that its value and utility are con? tinually growing. It contains at present some 14,000 volumes and pamphlets, and during the past four years gifts of 425 books and 1201 pamphlets have been generously presented to the Library. The late Mr. Lucien Wolf has bequeathed to the Society his unique collections of Jewish books and portraits of Jewish celebrities, which are especially rich in Anglo- Judaica, and arrangements are being made to transfer this valuable gift of our first President to the Mocatta Library and at the same time to complete the Catalogue of Anglo-Judaica that is being compiled for the use of students and the general reader. Applications to borrow books should be made to Mr. John Wilks, M. A., the Librarian of University College. Mr. J. M. Rich recently resigned his post of Hon. Secretary</page><page sequence="5">PREFACE. xi to the Society, after having rendered conspicuous service since the year 1924. The Council is most grateful to Mr. Eich for the zealous manner in which he has performed the work of his office and laboured for its success in every way. The Eev. Michael Adler, D.S.O., B.A., was appointed Hon. Secretary for Publications, and the Eev. Walter Levin, Hon. Secretary. With the object of stimulating research in the study of Anglo Jewish history, the Council has instituted a prize of ?15 155., to be awarded biennially, for an original essay upon a Jewish his? torical subject. This prize will commemorate the name of the late Asher I. Myers, and is derived from a fund established many years ago in memory of Mr. Myers, who was one of the Founders of the Society, and Editor of the Jewish Chronicle. The subject of the first essay is to be " The Emancipation of the Jews of England," and public announcement inviting contributions will shortly be made. The Society has taken an active part, as in former years, in popularising the knowledge of Jewish history. Three courses of lectures were arranged in the City Literary Institute during 1929 and 1930. The first consisted of a series of twenty-two lectures ona" Survey of Jewish History and Literature/' in which the following took part: the Very Eev. the Chief Eabbi, Haham Dr. M. Gaster, Mr. Lucien Wolf, Dayan L. Mendelsohn, Eev. S. Levy, Dr. C. Eoth, Mr. Israel Cohen, and Mr. Paul Goodman. Mr. Israel Cohen delivered a special course of seven lectures upon the " Political and Economic History of the Jews," and Dr. Cecil Eoth gave twelve lectures upon the history of the Marranos. In many other directions the Society has readily co-operated in disseminating a knowledge of Jewish historical research. It has presented to the Tel-Aviv Municipal Library a number of its publications; it has assisted both by a donation of ?5 and by a supply of Anglo-Jewish literature the organisation of a Jewish</page><page sequence="6">xii PREFACE. Pavilion at the International Press Congress at Cologne (1928) ; books were sent to the Jewish Museum at Breslau (1930) ; and a contribution was made to the funds of the newly constituted Council of Jewish Adult Education. Delegates were appointed to represent the Society at the following Conferences and gatherings for the advancement of learning : to the International Conference for Historical Science (Oslo, 1928) ; to the 75th Anni? versary of the Foundation of the Jewish Theological Seminary of Breslau (1929) ; the Conference of Record Societies (London, 1930) ; the Anglo-American Historical Conference (London, 1931) ; the 13th International Congress of Orientalists (Leyden, 1931) ; and the Annual Conference of the Union of Jewish Literary Societies (London, 1931). An invitation was accepted by the Council to assist the London Institute of Historical Research in the compilation of an Index of Publications to make available for historians the work of historical, archaeological, and record Societies. On June 21, 1931, an interesting series of ceremonies took place at Oxford, organised by Mr. Herbert Loewe, on the occasion of the centenary of the late Dr. Adolf Neubauer. Several members of the Council, including the Very Rev. the Chief Rabbi, Rev. Michael Adler, Dr. A. B?chler, Dr. R. N. Salaman, Mr. E. N. Adler, Dr. Cecil Roth, and Mr. J. M. Rich, were present when a service was held at the synagogue in Richmond Road, and tablets were unveiled, in the presence of the Vice-Chancellor of the University, the Mayor of Oxford, and a very large gathering of visitors, at three places in the city?at the ruins of Oseney Abbey, to mark the site of the martyrdom of Robert of Reading who took the name of Haggai the proselyte in 1222 1; in St. Aldate's, where the Jewry of pre-Expulsion days was located ; and at the mediaeval Jewish cemetery opposite Magdalen College. During the period under review the following general meetings 1 For the history of Haggai, see " The Deacon and the Jewess." Trans? actions, vol. vi. pp. 254-276.</page><page sequence="7">preface. xiii have been held, usually at the headquarters of the Society, the Mocatta Library, University College : 1928. Mar. 28. Dr. Cecil Roth : " The Jews of Malta." ? April 22. The 11th Arthur Davis Memorial Lecture (in the Great Hall of University College)? Dr. C. Leonard Woolley : " The Excavations at Ur and the Hebrew Records," illustrated by Lantern Slides. (Haham Dr. M. Gaster in the Chair.) Nov. 12. Rev. Michael Adler, D.S.O., B.A. : " The Jews of Bristol in Pre-Expulsion Days." ,, Dec. 3. Miss Beth Zion Lask: "Isaac Rosenberg? Poet (1890-1918)." 1929. Jan. 21. Mr. B. A. Fersht: " The Chevrah Rodfei Shalom." (The first Jewish Friendly Society in England.) Mr. J. Leveen, B.A. : " Hugh Broughton." (Protestant Theologian and Hebrew Scholar, 1549-1602.) ? April 14. The 12th Arthur Davis Memorial Lecture (in the Great Hall of University College)? Dr. C. G. Montefiore : " IV. Ezra : A Study in the Development of Universalism." (Mr. G. R. S. Mead, Editor of the " Quest," in the Chair.) ? June 24. Rabbi Dr. Salis Daiches: " The Jew in Scotland." July 24. Mr. Lucien Wolf: " The Jews of Tudor England." Mr. Albert M. Hyamson: (Communication) " Britain's Protection of Foreign Jews in Palestine." Dec. 16. Mr. Gustave Tuck: Presidential Address? " Looking Backward?Looking Forward. An Appeal for the new Mocatta Library and Museum."</page><page sequence="8">xiv preface. 1930. Jan. 22. Dr. D. A. H. Moses: " Some Anglo-Jewish Medical Men since the Resettlement." Feb. 24. Mr. F. Ashe Lincoln, B.A., B.C.L.: "New Light on the Jews of Mediaeval England." ? Mar. 24. Mr. S. A. Rochlin (of Cape Town) : (Communi? cation) " Nathaniel Isaacs and Natal." ? April 6. The 13th Arthur Davis Memorial Lecture (in the Great Hall of University College)? Dr. Edwyn Bevan, M.A. : " The Hope of a World to come underlying Judaism and Christianity." (Mr. J. Leveen, B.A., in the Chair.) ? May 5. Mrs. Beauchamp Tufnell: " Sidelights on the Prague Ghetto," illustrated by Lantern Slides. ? May 26. Dr. N. M. Gelber (of Vienna): (Communication) " The Palestine Question at the London Conference, 1840-41." ? Nov. 3. Mr. Wilfred S. Samuel: " Lucien Wolf?The Anglo-Je wish Historian." A Memorial Tribute to the First President of the Society. ? Nov. 17. Mr. J. Rumyaneck : " The Anglo-Jewish Com? munity seen through Foreign Eyes, 1730 1830." Dec. 8. Mr. Paul Goodman : " The Historical Work of Professor S. Dubnow." 1931. April 26. The 14th Arthur Davis Memorial Lecture (in the Great Hall of University College)? Mr. Norman Bentwich, M.C., O.B.E., M.A. : " Solomon Schechter." (Professor F. C. Burkitt, F.B.A., D.D., in the Chair.) ? May 4. Mr. Bernard Shillman (of Dublin) : " Jews in Ireland in the 18th Century." (Mr. J. W. Dulanty, High Commissioner for the Irish Free State, present.) June 29. Rev. Michael Adler, D.S.O., B.A. : " The Jews of Exeter in Pre-Expulsion Days."</page><page sequence="9">preface. xv 1931. June 29. Mr. Elkan N. Adler, M.A.: (i.) " The Anglo Jewish Community and the Earthquake of 1756." (ii.) " The 1745 Rebellion in Anglo Jewish History." Mr. Wilfred S. Samuel: " Carvajal and Pepys." Dec. 16. The Very Rev. the Chief Rabbi, Dr. J. H. Hertz : " The Battle for the Sabbath at Geneva." In conclusion, the Society expresses its gratitude to those who have supplied the illustrations in the present volume, to the President for the Dr. Israel Abrahams Library book-plate and his own portrait, to Mrs. Stokes for the portrait of her husband, to Mr. Ernest Gollancz for the portrait of his father, to Mr. Alfred Rubens for the engraved portrait of Haham David Nieto, to Mr. Wilfred S. Samuel for the loan of the copy of the Matteh Dan of Nieto with the autograph of Chief Rabbi Solomon Herschell, and to Dr. Cecil Roth for the loan of the Spanish translation of the Psalms by Daniel Lopez Laguna. Michael Adler, Hon. Secretary for Publications. March 1932. LIST OF PLEA ROLLS OF THE EXCHEQUER OF THE JEWS in the public record office not yet calendared. (By Mr. Hilary Jenkinson.) Rolls 25-48, 50, 51, 53, 54 : these include : 1 of 5 & 6 Edward I (1277-78) 3 ? 6 Edward I (1278) 1 ? 6 & 7 Edward I (1278-79) 4 ? 7 Edward I (1279) 1 ? 7 & 8 Edward I (1279-80) 3 ? 8 Edward I (1280) 1 ? 8 & 9 Edward I (1280-81) 2 ? 9 Edward I (1281) 1 of 10 Edward I (1282) 1 ? 10 & 11 Edward I (1282-83) 4 ? 11 Edward I (1283) 2 ? 12 Edward I (1284) 2 ? 12 & 13 Edward I (1284-85) 2 ? 14 Edward I (1286) 1 ? 15 Edward I (1287)</page></plain_text>