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Officers and Council Vol 46

<plain_text><page sequence="1">SOCIETY OFFICERS AND COUNCIL (after Annual General Meeting of 12 December 2014) President: Dr Piet van Boxel Honorary Treasurer: Michael Franki Council: Professor Philip Alexander Sheila Lassman Professor Michael Berkowitz Arnold S. Lewis Professor Geoffrey Cantor David Mazower Professor David Cesarani, obe Dr César Marchán-Hamann Dr Kenneth Collins Professor Ada Rapoport-Albert Bryan Diamond Marcus Roberts Ann Ebner, JP Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain, mbe Godfrey Gould Malcolm Sender Jeffrey Greenwood Rabbi Dr Norman Solomon Gabriel Herman Dr Bernard Spencer David Jacobs Dr Alan Swarc Dr Michael Jolies Dr Madelyn Travis Professor Tony Kushner Charles Tucker Rabbi Professor Nicholas de Lange Vice-Presidents: Executive Committee: Professor Michael Alpert David Jacobs (Chairman) Dr Gerry Black Professor Ada Rapoport-Albert Dr Paul Brand Professor Michael Berkowitz Malcolm Brown Michael Franki Joe Hillaby Gabriel Herman Dr Anthony Joseph Raphael Langham Rabbi Dr Abraham Levy, obe Stephen Massil Professor Aubrey Newman Professor Stefan C. Reif Professor William Rubinstein Edgar Samuel Professor Bernard Wasserstein Jewish Historical Studies, volume 46, 2014 251</page></plain_text>



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The Jewish Historical Society of England CIO is registered in England & Wales Charity Number 1188268.

Its registered office is: Unit 1, Chapelton Lodge,East Winch Road, Blackborough End, King's Lynn, PE32 1SF

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