Miscellanies: Cecil Roth Bibliography: Supplement
Robert Singerman
<plain_text><page sequence="1">Cecil Roth Bibliography: Supplement ROBERT SINGERMAN, M.S.L.S., M.A. Supplement to Oskar K. Rabinowicz, 'A Bibliography of the writings of Cecil Roth'. In Remember the days; Essays on Anglo Jewish History presented to Cecil Roth. Ed. by John M. Shaftesley. London, Jewish His? torical Society of England, 1966 (pp. 351-87). Section 1: Items not in Rabinowicz (covering 1921-1975). Section 2: Corrections and miscellaneous clarifications to Rabinowicz. ABBREVIATIONS AH American Hebrew (New York) JC Jewish Chronicle (London) JGd Jewish Guardian (London) JJS Journal of Jewish Studies (London) REJ Revue des Etudes Juives (Paris) RMI Rassegna Mensile di Israel (Florence) TJHSE Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England (London) Number [1] Jews in Florence.'JGtf, 11 Feb. 1921, p. 17. [2] 'Jews and St. Paul's.' JC, 6 Feb. 1925, p. 8. [3] 'I.A.' [Israel Abrahams] Jewish Institute Quarterly (New York), Nov. 1925, pp. 19-20. m rrnp '?R??Tr '] nor '^h o^n rn 'o" .236-40 (1926/27) 3 ?(etWiT) ISO [5] 'Les Marranes ? Rouen. Un chapitre ignore" de l'histoire des Juifs de France.' REJ, Vol. 88 (1929), pp. 113-55. [6] The Marranos. Being a syllabus of a course of twelve lectures to be delivered under the auspices of the Jewish Historical Society at the City Literary Institute in the winter session of 1930 (London, 1930). 8 pp. [7] 'Medieval anticipations of the Hebrew University.' JGd, 1 Aug. 1930, pp. 7-8; 8 Aug. 1930, pp. 7-8. [8] 'Ibn Ezra in England.' JGd, 27 Mar. 1931, p. 14. Additional note to Rabinowicz 43. [9] 'The people of suffering?' Jewish Review (London), No. 1 (June-Aug. 1932), pp. 45-58. Completely rewritten version of Rabinowicz 107. [10] 'A word for Jehovah.' Opinion (New York), 28 March 1932, pp. 14-15. [11] 'A symposium: Is there a Jewish view of life?' Opinion (New York), Dec. 1932, pp. pp. 14-23. 'Distinctive Jewish concepts', by OR., on pp. 19-20. [12] 'The miracle of the bomb.' AH, 7 April 1933, p. 354 + . See also Singerman 50. number [13] 'Venetian ghetto yields precious relic.' AH, 15 Sept. 1933, p. 269 + . [14] 'Watchman! What of last night?' JC, Supplement, Dec. 1933, pp. i-iii. Presidential address delivered before the Birmingham Jewish Literary Association, 30 Oct. 1932. [15] 'Italien.' Der Orden Bne Briss (Berlin), Okt. 1933, pp. 107-8. [16] 'Un dernier mot sur Pedro alias Ezekiel de Castro.' REJ, Vol. 95 (1933), pp. 82-85. Additional note to Rabinowicz 119. [17] T Marrani di Livorno, Pisa e Firenze.' RMI, Vol. 7 (1933), pp. 394-415. [18] 'Un movimento sionistico in Italia nel 1456.' Israel (Firenze), 11 ott. 1934. [19] 'Maimonides and England.' In: Moses Maimonides, 1135-1204: Anglo-Jewish Papers in connection with the eighth centenary of his birth. Ed. by Rabbi Dr. I. Epstein, pp. 207-14. London, Soncino, 1935. [20] 'My grandmother's Seder tray.' AH, 12 Apr. 1935, p. 441. [21] 'The star of Israel. Hundredth Jahrzeit of Daniel Mendoza.' JC, 4 Sept. 1936, p. 37. [22] 'Three centenaries.' [Nathan Mayer Roths? child, Bret Harte, Abraham Mendoza] Opinion (New York), Sept. 1936, pp. 28 32. [23] 'The ancestry of Montaigne.' The Times Literary Supplement (London), 2 May 1936, p. 379. See also Rabinowicz 225. [24] 'British sovereigns and Palestine.' Great Britain and the East (London), 29 Apr. 1937, pp. 620-21; 6 May 1937, pp. 659-60. [25] 'Los auxiliares de Colon.' Jitdaica (Buenos Aires), No. 51-53 (set.-nov. 1937), pp. 174 75. Selection from Rabinowicz 94. [26] 'Eccentric Englishwomen: "Baroness Des peser".' Spectator (London), 30 Apr. 1937, pp. 792-93. [27] Jewish Tear Book. Annual Record of Matters Jewish. Ed. by S. Levy and C. R. 5698/99. London, 1938. C.R. is also the probable unidentified ed. of the volumes for 1939 and 1940. [28] 'The Jewish Pope.' [Analectus II] AH, 16, Sept. 1938, p. 33. Spanish text in Tribuna Israelita (Mexico), No. 85 (die. 1951), p. 25. [29] 'Italy and the Jews.' JC, 19 Aug. 1938, pp. 18, 21. Republished in Contemporary Jewish Record (New York), Sept. 1938, pp. 36-40. [30] 'Italy and its Jews.' Jewish Frontier (New York), Sept. 1938, pp. 8-10. [31] 'The first Jews in the land.' [Scotland] JC, 6 May 1938, pp. 32-33. 243</page><page sequence="2">244 Robert Singerman number [32] 'Are the Jews a pure race?'JC, 24 June 1938, pp. 32, 38. [33] 'Jews and the Guianas. An early agricultural settlement. Successful in 17th century.' JC, 2 Dec. 1938, p. 32. [34] The Jewish Contribution to Civilization. Cincin? nati, Union of American Hebrew Congrega? tions, 1940. pp. xvii, 420. For earlier ed., see Rabinowicz 232. [35] 'The end of a century. A year of terror and trial.' [5699] JC, 27 Sept. 1940, pp. 10-11. [36] 'The Mocatta Library. Help to repair Hun ravages.' JC, 31 Jan. 1941, p. 14. An appeal signed by C.R., Allen Mawer, and Gustave Tuck. [37] 'Letter from England.' National Jewish Monthly (Washington, D.C.), Oct. 1941, p. 44+; Nov. 1941, p. 93+; Dec. 1941, p. 126; Feb. 1942, p. 191+. [38] 'British Jews carry on.' Jewish Spectator (New York), Nov. 1942, pp. 15-16. [39] History of the Jewish People. A syllabus. Lon? don, 1943? Jewish Educational Publications, No. 40. For No. 41 in this series, see Rabino? wicz 273. [40] 'The Jewish troglodytes of Tripoli.' Jewish Bulletin (London), No. 27 (Nov. 1943), pp. 3-4. [41] 'Family quarrel in England.' [Board of Deputies] National Jewish Monthly (Washing? ton, D.C.), Dec. 1943, p. 120 +. [42] 'Your boys in England.' National Jewish Monthly (Washington, D.C.), Oct. 1944, p. 44. [43] 'Postscript from London.' Contemporary Jewish Record (New York), Feb. 1945, pp. 76-79. [44] 'African journey.' JC, 20 Dec. 1946, p. 13; 27 Dec. 1946, p. 11; 3 Jan. 1947, p. 13. [45] 'Kippur in history.' Liberal Judaism (New York), Sept. 1946, pp. 30-34. [46] 'The Anglo-Jewish tradition.' National Jewish Monthly (Washington, D.C.), Feb. 1946, pp. 194-95 + . [47] 'Critique of South Africa.' South African Jewish Times (Johannesburg), 27 Dec. 1946, p. 4. [48] ' "Hillel" work in England.' National Jewish Monthly (Washington, D.C.), Feb. 1947, pp. 198-99. [49] 'Israel in historical focus.' National Jewish Monthly (Washington, D.C.), Oct. 1948, pp. 42-43. [50] 'Purim de Las Bombas', 'Purim of Tiberias', 'Purim of Bandits', 'Miracle of the Bomb.' In: Goodman, Philip. The Purim Anthology, pp. 21-35 passim. Philadelphia, Jewish Publication Society of America, 1949. First three parts originally appeared in A Jewish Book of Days (Rabinowicz 81); Part four is from 'Some revolutionary Purims' (Rabino? wicz 179). Spanish text in Tribuna Israelita number (Mexico), No. 76 (marzo 1951), pp. 14-15. See also Singerman 12. [51] 'American Jewish community.' AH, 3 June 1949, p. 2. [52] 'The Conservative prayer book.' Conservative Judaism (New York), Vol. 6 (Oct. 1949), pp. 80^82. [53] 'Adon Olam.' Jewish Life (New York), Dec. 1949, pp. 13-17. [54] 'Yiddish has no future . . .' South African Jewish Times (Johannesburg), Sept. 1949, pp. 4, 60. Republished as 'The function of Yiddish.' National Jewish Monthly (Washing? ton, D.C.), Apr. 1950, p. 268 + . [55] 'Hungarian Protestants and English Jewry: An appeal on behalf of the College at Debreczen, 1767.' In: Etudes Orientales ? la Memoire de Paul Hirschler, pp. 28-31, Buda? pest, 1950. [56] 'Thoughts on Jewish history.' Jewish Life (New York), Apr. 1950, pp. 12-16. [57] 'A note on the epitaph of Jonah Duran.' JJS, Vol. 2, No. 1 (1950), p. 57. See also: 'A rejoinder to a rejoinder.' Ibid., Vol. 2, No. 4 (1951), p. 176. [58] 'A wrong approach to Jewish writers ?' South African Jewish Times (Johannesburg), 3 Feb. 1950, p. 4. [59] Preface to: Detroit Institute of Arts. Exhibi? tion of Jewish Ceremonial Art, Nov. 15-Dec. 30, 1951 [Detroit, 1951]. [60] ' "Don" Juan Josef Heydeck.' JJS, vol. 2, No. 4 (1951), pp. 187-94. [61] 'The Hebrew Encyclopaedia.' ?ion (Jeru? salem), (Mar.-Apr. 1951), pp. 43-46. [62] 'The medieval aliyah.' In: The Rebirth of Israel, a Memorial Tribute to Paul Goodman. Ed. by Israel Cohen, pp. 132-37. London, E. Golds ton, 1952. [63] 'Chaim Weizmann.' Manchester Guardian Weekly, 13 Nov. 1952, p. 7. [64] 'What has happened to British Jewry?' National Jewish Monthly (Washington, D.C.), Feb. 1952, p. 198 + . ' [65] 'The priestly laver as a symbol on ancient Jewish coins.' Palestine Exploration Quarterly (London), Vol. 83 (1952), pp. 91-93. [66] 'Der j?dische Beitrag zur deutschen Kultur.' In: Die Juden in Deutschland, 1951/52?5712. Ein Almanach hrsg. von Heinz Ganther, pp. 263-318. Frankfurt am Main, Neuzeit Verlag, 1953. [67] '.Vkiibb rmnna moo^nn spnn' oti? npna n?K? pip ;*]0K noo in: TOI? ?O^tflT -444-58 'y, . . . lOIOKj? .[1953] j'spri ,pip ann [68] 'Making a maritime tradition.' Jewish Observer and Middle East Review (London), 25 Dec. 1953, pp. 11-12.</page><page sequence="3">'Cecil Roth Bibliography: Supplement 245 number [69] 'Jewish printers of non-Jewish books in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.' JJS, vol. 4 (1953), pp. 116-30. [70] 'Masterpieces of Sephardi Art. I: The Kennicott Bible.' Judaisme Sephardi (London), no. 1 (mai 1953), pp. 19-24. [71] 'Masterpieces of Sephardi Art. II: The Synagogues of Toledo.' Judaisme Sephardi (London), no. 2 (sept. 1953), pp. 67-71. [72] 'New light on Dante's circle.' Modern language review (London), Vol. 48 (Jan. 1953), pp. 26-32. [73] 'Dialogue on illuminated Haggadahs.' Jewish Life (New York), Mar.-Apr. 1953, pp. 58-61. French text in Evidences (Paris), no. 24 (fev. mars 1952), pp. 25-26 + . [74] 'Shakespeare and the Jewish liturgy.' The Times Literary Supplement (London), 15 May 1953, p. 317. [75] Handbuch der Weltgeschichte. Ed. by A. Randa. Olten, O. Walter, 1954-58. 3 vols. The following articles: 'Das Judentum in der Welt des Islam' (Vol. 1); 'Das Zerstreute Israel,' 'Das Judentum von der Kabbala zum Chassidismus,' 'Die Lage der Juden' (Vol. 2). [76] 'What is American Jewry's greatest achieve? ment ?' [A tercentenary symposium] American Judaism (New York), Sept. 1954, pp. 4-6. 'The synagogue-centered community' by G.R. on p. 6. [77] 'Masterpieces of Sephardi Art. Ill: The Sarajevo Haggadah.' Judaisme Sephardi (Lon? don), no. 3 (fev. 1954), pp. 114-16 + . [78] 'Masterpieces of Sephardi Art. IV: The Italian Scuole." Judaisme Sephardi (London), no. 4 (mai 1954), pp. 172-76. [79] 'Masterpieces of Sephardi Art. V: The Art of Abraham Lopes d'Oliveira.' Judaisme Seph? ardi (London), no. 5 (nov. 1954), pp. 202-4. [80] '300 years ago and today ... an apprecia? tion.' [American Jewish Tercentenary] National Jewish Monthly (Washington, D.G.), Sept. 1954, p. 7. [81] 'The divided city.' [Jerusalem] Time and Tide (London), 10 Apr. 1954, pp. 474-75. [82] 'Bar Mitzvah, its history and its associations.' In: Katsh, Abraham L, ed. Bar Mitzvah Illustrated. New York, Shengold, 1955, pp. 15-22. [83] Historical notes to: Goldkorn, Georges. Images de Sefarad; 18 Eaux-fortes originaires et 9 Bois Graves de Goldkorn. Introduction de Jean Gassou. Paris, Caracteres, 1955. [84] 'Masterpieces of Sephardi Art. VI: The Sephardi ketubah.' Judaisme Sephardi (Lon? don), no. 6 (mars 1955), pp. 257-60. [85] 'Masterpieces of Sephardi Art. VII: The Esnoga of Amsterdam.' Judaisme Sephardi (London), no. 7 (juin 1955), pp. 300-1+. [86] 'Masterpieces of Sephardi Art. VIII: The number art of the Beth Haim.' [Curacao] Judaisme Sephardi (London), no. 8 (sept. 1955), pp. 348-52. [87] 'Masterpieces of Sephardi Art. IX: Bevis Marks Synagogue.' Judaisme Sephardi (Lon? don), no. 9 (dec. 1955), pp. 392-94. [88] The Jewish Contribution to Civilisation. 3rd ed. London, East and West Library, 1956. pp. 295. For earlier East and West Library ed., see Rabinowicz 272, 292. [89] Introduction to: Catalogue of an Exhibition of Anglo-Jewish Art and History in Commemoration of the Tercentenary of the Resettlement of the Jews in the British Isles. Held at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, from 6 January to 29 February, 1956. London, Pub. by the East and West Library for the Tercentenary Council, 1956. [90] Foreword to: Levy, Arnold. History of the Sunderland Jewish Community. London, Mac donald, 1956. [91] 'Quand les juifs anglais ^taient francais.' Evidences (Paris), no. 60 (oct.-nov. 1956), pp. 17-18. [92] 'The tercentenary of British Jewry.' Hadassah Newsletter (New York), Jan. 1956, p. 2. Span? ish text in Tribuna Israelita (Mexico), no. 136 (abril 1956), pp. 24-25." [93] 'Success out of failure. The resettlement of the Jews in England in a new light.' Jewish Affairs (Johannesburg), June 1956, pp. 4-10. [94] 'Festive days on the border.' Jewish Life (New York), July-Aug. 1956, pp. 41-43. [95] 'Masterpieces of Sephardi Art. X: The Touro Synagogue at Newport.' Judaisme Sephardi (London), no. 10 (mars 1956), pp. 430-31. [96] 'Menasseh ben Israel.' Judaisme Sephardi (London), no. 11 (juil. 1956), pp. 490-93. [97] 'The Jewish record in Europe.' Menorah Journal (New York), vol. 44 (Spring-Summer 1956), pp. 41-58. [98] .(iraK-Vn) '.mVaa rvnm n-nnn' .106-8 's; ,(1956) 3 .Qjp ,2 "pD [99] Histoire du peuple juifi des origines ? la resur? rection de Vfttat d9Israel. Paris, Editions de la Terre retrouv^e, 1957. pp. 547. For earlier French ed., see Rabinowicz 329. [loo] ,rnDB -T ronsm ?mwn ni?Kn [1956/57], 902 col. For later Hebrew ed., see Rabinowicz 485. [101] 'La le^on non apprise.' In: Machover, J. M., ed. Dix Ans apres la Chute de Hitler, 1945-1955, pp. 181-88. Paris, Editions de Centre, 1957. [102] 'The Fifth Jewish Commonwealth.' Jewish Life (New York), July-Aug. 1957, pp. 45-52. [103] 'The Sephardim in Jewish history.' Judaisme Sephardi (London), no. 13 (jan. 1957), pp. 570-75. Spanish text in Tribuna Israelita (Mexico), no. 151 (julio 1957), pp. 20-24.</page><page sequence="4">246 Robert Singerman number [104] 'The Teacher of Righteousness.' The Listener (London), 27 June 1957, pp. 1037, 1040-41. [105] 'The discoveries at Beersheba.' Arts (New York), Sept. 1958, pp. 42-45. [106] 'Les rouleaux de la Mer Morte et l'insurrec tion juive de Tan 66.' Evidences (Paris), no. 70 (mars 1958), pp. 13-18. [107] 'The State and world Jewry.' Hadassah Newsletter (New York), Apr. 1958, p. 7. [108] 'Yom Kippur in Jerusalem in 66 C.E.' Jewish Life (New York), Oct. 1958, pp. 45 49. [109] The Haggadah. A new edition with English translation, introduction, and notes by G.R. With drawings by Donia Nachshen. London, Soncino, 1959. For earlier ed., see Rabino? wicz 135. [110] A History of the Marranos. 3rd ed. New York, Meridian Books, 1959. pp. 424. For 1st and 2nd ed., see Rabinowicz 94 and 484; for 4th ed., see Singerman 202. [Ill] A Short History of the Jewish People. Rev. and enl. illus. ed. London, East and West Library, 1959. pp. 482. For earlier ed., see Rabinowicz 271, 328. For later ed., see Singerman 183. [112] 'Der j?dische Beitrag zu Kultur und Zivilisa? tion.' In: Die Juden in Deutschland, 1958j59? 5719. Ein Almanach hrsg. von Heinz Ganther, pp. 17-92. Hamburg, Gala Verlag, 1959. [113] 'England: the ideology of an assimilated Jewry.' Forum (Jerusalem), vol. 4 (Spring 1959), pp. 245-59. Lecture delivered at the Jerusalem Ideological Conference. [114] 'An age-old problem.' JC, 20 Mar. 1959, Jewish Board of Guardians suppl., p. v. [115] 'An island rediscovered.' [Sardinia] Jewish Life (New York), Oct. 1959, pp. 7-10.' [116] 'U.S. revisited.' National Jewish Monthly (Washington, D.C.), Jan. 1959, p. 11. [117] 'Did Vespasian capture Qumran ?' Palestine Exploration Quarterly (London), vol. 91 (1959), pp. 122-29. [118] 'Why the Qumran sect cannot have been Essenes.' Revue de Qumran (Paris), vol. 1 (fev. 1959), pp. 417-22. [119] 'The Zealots and Qumran: the basic issue.' Revue de Qumran (Paris), vol. 2 (nov. 1959), pp. 81-84. [120] 'A Jewish Tour of Europe,' Jewish Heritage (Washington, D.C.), No. 1 (Spring 1959), pp. 43-53. [i2i] ipsi?i d?iVdh ,:n ^x-itr-p nwa I960 ,mo? ?p-n?n OIK1? 183 P- Special, ed. for readers of Ma'ariv; see also Rabino? wicz 486. [122] 'Menasseh ben Israel.' Bijdragen en Mededeelin gen van het Genootschap voor de Joodsche Weten schap in Nederland (Amsterdam), no. 8 (1960), pp. 152-60. number [123] 'Travel is broadening.' National Jewish Monthly (Washington, D.C.), June 1960, pp. 22-25. [124] 'A Talmudic reference to the Qumran sect?' Revue de Qumran (Paris), vol. 2 (feV. 1960), pp. 261-65. [125] 'Deux mille ans d'art juif.' VArche (Paris) no. 55-56 (ao?t-sept. 1961), pp. 50-55. [126] 'The historian and the Dead Sea Scrolls.' History Today (London), Feb. 1961, pp. 90 97. Spanish text in Tribuna Israelita (Mexico), no. 212 (agosto 1962), pp. 24-26. [127] 'Pesach in Jewish art.' Jewish Life (New York), Apr. 1961, pp. 13-16. [128] 'The Passover in Jewish art.' Liverpool Jewish Gazette, 17 Mar. 1961, p. 7. [129] 'Places of Jewish interest in Europe for this year's tourist.' National Jewish Monthly (Washington, D.C.), Jan. 1961, pp. 24-27. [130] -Vn) tw '?n^aaxa rvnrrn miaxn' .117-20 ,(1961) 3 .0? ,7 -p3 [131] Breve Storia del Popolo Ebraico. Milano, Silva, 1962. pp. 709. For English original, see Rabinowicz 514. [132] Sarajevska Hagada. Beograd, Jugoslavia,' 1962. 45 p., col. plates. See also Rabinowicz 538 and Singerman 152. [133] The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia. CR., ed.-in chief. New rev. ed. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1962. 30, 1978 col. Also Jeru? salem, Massadah, and London, W. H. Allen ed. For earlier ed., see Rabinowicz 483; for later ed., see Singerman 153. [134] rinn?1? omn .rrVtran tmrrn nnVm >mo? a^k-Vn .mirr-na nViai v'b '57 323 Translation of Rabinowicz 299. [135] 'Whitewashing Shylock.' American Judaism (New York), Fall 1962, p. 19 + . [ 136] 'Un consorzio ebraico mantovano e l'elezione al trono di Polonia nel 1587.' RMI, Vol. 28 (1962), pp. 494-99. See also Rabinowicz 498. [137] 'Growing impact of Israel.' Jewish Heritage (Washington, D.C.), Winter 1963/64, pp. 56-58. [138] 'The eternal Protestant.' Jewish Information (Chicago), Fall 1963, pp. 92-93. [139] 'A forgotten spiritual champion.' [Jacob Nikelsburger] Liverpool Jewish Gazette, 18 Oct. 1963, p. 5 + . [140] The Haggadah. A new edition with English translation, by OR. Published in the Revised Hebrew Braille Code for the Jewish Braille Institute of America. Louisville, Ky., American Printing House for the Blind, 1964. [141] 'The Anglo-Jewish community in the con? text of world Jewry.' In: Jewish Life in Modern Britain. Ed. by Julius Gould and Shaul Esh, pp. 93-110. London, Routledge</page><page sequence="5">Cecil Roth Bibliography: Supplement 247 number & Kegan Paul, 1964. Hebrew trans, of book pub. Jerusalem, 1966, under title ??YliT [142] 'The name Simon: a further discussion. Harvard Theological Review (Cambridge, Mass.), Vol. 57 (1964), p. 60. Additional note to Rabinowicz 519. [143] La Epoca Europea. Buenos Aires, Editorial Paidos, 1965. 171 p. (Grandes epocas e ideas del pueblo judio, serie dirigida por Leo W. Schwarz, no. 5). Trans, of Rabinowicz 460. [144] The Jews in the Renaissance. New York, Harper & Row, 1965. pp. xii, 378. For earlier ed., see Rabinowicz 482, 553. [145] 'The Frankfurt Memorbuch.' In: Jerusalem. Hebrew University. Jewish National and University Library. In Commemoration of the Frankfurt Jewish Community, on the Occasion of the Acquisition of the Frankfurt Memorbuch, pp. 9-16 (English section), pp. 7-13 (Hebrew section). Jerusalem, 1965. [146] -i?ia tPTOn rvnVin1? mp?D rvnaKn' '?O^vplin In: World Congress of Jewish Studies, 3rd, Jerusalem, 1961. ,rQtfrn VI .1965 ^VnT -230-31 '37 [147] 'Per il 30? compleanno della "Rassegna": Reminiscenze sugli Ebrei italiani durante le loro traversie.' RMI, Vol. 31 (1965), pp. 204-8. [148] A History of the Marranos. New York, Harper & Row, 1966. pp. viii, 422. For earlier ed., see Rabinowicz 94, 484 and Singerman 104; for later ed., see Singerman 202, 206. [149] The Jewish Book of Days. Rev. ed. New York, Hermon Press, 1966. pp. 321. For 1st ed., see Rabinowicz 81. [150] The Jewish People; 4000 Years of Survival, by Max Wurmbrand in collaboration with C.R. Jerusalem, Massadah-P.E.C. Press, 1966. pp. 462. Also London, Thames & Hudson, and New York, Shengold ed. [151] The World History of the Jewish People. Tel Aviv, Jewish History Publications, and New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press, 1964- . Ser. 2, vol. 2 (1966): The Dark Ages; Jews in Christian Europe, 711-1096. Editor: C.R. Contains the following articles by C.R.: 'Economic life and population movements,' pp. 13-48; 'Italy,' pp. 100-21. [ 152] The Sarajevo Haggadah. Beograd, 'Jugoslavia,' 1966. pp. 42, col. plates. For earlier ed., see Rabinowicz 538; for Serbo-Croatian ed., see Singerman 132. [153] The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia. C.R., ed.-in chief. New rev. ed. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1966. 30, 1978 col. Also Jeru? salem, Massadah ed. For earlier ed., see Rabinowicz 483 and Singerman 133. Later ed. has title: The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (Singerman 191). number [154] Introduction to: White, William Charles. Chinese Jews; a Compilation of Matters Relating to the Jews of K'ai-FengFu. 2nd ed. New York, Paragon Book Reprint Corp., 1966. Includes 'Note of Corrigenda,' 'Supplementary Biblio? graphy' by C.R. as well as rev. version of Rabinowicz 372. [155] 'Historical implications of the Ethics of the Fathers.' In: Meyer Waxman Jubilee Volume, on the Occasion of his Seventy-fifth Birthday, English Section, pp. 102-12."Chicago, 1966! [ 156] 'Haggadahs of the world.' Hadassah Magazine (New York), Mar. 1966, pp. 6-7. [157] 'On Sephardi Jewry.' In the Dispersion (Jerusalem), No. 5-6 (1966), pp. 40-51. Also in Kol Sepharad (London), Sept.-Oct. 1966, pp. 2^5; Nov.-Dec. 1966, pp. 2-6. Hebrew text in: .9-18 'y (1965) 33 .0? ,nV?H niSIDM [158] 'The reconversion of Simon Deutz.' JJS, Vol. 17 (1966), pp. 83-84. [159] 'The De Bry Psalter and the Norsa family.' REJ, Vol. 125 (1966), pp. 401-5. [160] Gleanings; Essays in Jewish History, Letters and Art. New York, Pub. by Hermon Press for Bloch Pub. Co., 1967. pp. viii 321. See for various essays: Rabinowicz 15-16, 37, 87, 106, 206, 209, 226, 276, 295, 337, 373, 385, 398, 466, 521, 533, 570. [161] The Haggadah of the Chinese Jews. 1st printed ed., from a manuscript of the seventeenth eighteenth century o.e., originating in the Jewish colony of K'ai-Feng Fu, with an introd. by C.R. New York, Orphan Hospital Ward of Israel, 1967. pp. 40. [162] Haggadah. Executed by Arthur Szyk, ed. by C.R.Jerusalem, Massadah, 1967. For earlier ed., see Rabinowicz 251, 461. [163] '.QioiiKn fa miViTtnK?i m' In: Historical Society of Israel. tfYlp D?llV? Vmttr? rvnVina n^iVi^on??! .1967 .tr'wr -93-105 's ,tr??n rvnVinm [164] 'The Haskalah in England.' In: Essays Pre? sented to Chief Rabbi Israel Brodie on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday. Ed. by H. J. Zimmels . . ., Vol. 1, pp. 365-76. London, Soncino, 1967. [165] Joseph Nasi, Duke of Naxos, and the Counts of Savoy.' In: The Seventy-fifth Anniversary Volume of the Jewish Quarterly Review. Ed. by Abraham A. Neuman and Solomon Zeitlin, pp. 460-72. Philadelphia, Jewish Quarterly Review, 1967. Italian text in RMI, Vol. 34 (1968), pp. 464-74. [166] 'Stemmi di famiglie ebraiche italiane.' In: Scritti in Memoria di Leone Carpi; Saggi suW ebraismo Italiano. A cura di Daniel Carpi . . ., pp. 165-84. Milano, Fondazione Sally Mayer, 1967.</page><page sequence="6">248 Robert Singerman number [167] 'Torah silver.' Auction (New York), Nov. 1967, pp. 8-10. [168] 'Caveat emptor Judaeus.' Commentary (New York), Vol. 43 (Mar. 1967), pp. 84-86. [169] 'An only kid.' Commentary (New York), Vol. 43 (Apr. 1967), pp. 82-85. [170] 'The way of the pilgrim.' Jerusalem Post, Jerusalem the Golden suppl., 1 Aug. 1967, p. 23. [171] 'Famous Jewish book collections and collec? tors.' Jewish Book Annual (New York), Vol. 25 (1967/68), pp. 75-80. [172] The Last Florentine Republic. New York, Russell & Russell, 1968. Reprint of Rabino? wicz 10. [173] Introduction to: Davidovitch, David. The Ketuba; Jewish Marriage Contracts through the Ages. Tel-Aviv, Lewin-Epstein, 1968. Introd. pub. separately as: 'The ketuba in Jewish art.' Hadassah Magazine (New York), June 1969, p. 11. [174] 'Rabbi Dr. Isidore Epstein, B.A., Ph.D., D.Lit., 1894-1962: an appreciation. With a bibliography of his published works by Ruth P. Lehmann.' TJHSE, Vol. XXI (1968), pp. 327-36. [175] 'Representation of God in Jewish art.' In: Fourth World Congress of Jewish Studies. Papers, Vol. 2, pp. 139-40. Jerusalem, World Union of Jewish Studies, 1968. [176] 'Benjamin of Tudela: the last stage.' Annuario di studi ebraici (Roma), 1968/69, pp. 47-50. [177] 'Splendor and tragedy: 2000 years of Italian Jewry.' Hadassah Magazine (New York), Jan. 1968, pp. 10-11. Also in Jewish Digest (Houston), Jan. 1969, pp. 29-32. [178] 'Fifty years Jewry, 1918-1968.' Jewish Chronicle Colour Magazine (London), 22 Nov. 1968, pp. 35-H. [179] 'Jewish Society in the Renaissance environ? ment.' Journal of World History (Paris), Vol. 11 (1968), pp. 239-50. Republished in: Jewish Society through the Ages. Ed. by H. H. Ben-Sasson and S. Ettinger, pp. 239-50. London, Valien tine, Mitchell, 1971. Portu? guese text in Vida e Valores do Povo Judeu, pp. 261-73. Sao Paulo, Editora Perspectiva, 1972. French text in Genie du Judaisme. Vol. 1, pp. 229-39. Paris, Berger-Levrault, 1975. [180] 'Una grande opera in preparazione: 1' Encyclopedia Judaica.' RMI, Vol. 34 (1968), pp. 42-45. [181] The History of the Jews of Italy. Westmead, Eng., Gregg International Pub., 1969. Re? print of Rabinowicz 299. [182] The House of Nasi: Doiia Gracia. New York, Greenwood Press, 1969. Reprint of Rabino? wicz 316. [183] A Short History of the Jewish People. Rev. and enl. illustrated ed. Hartford, Hartmore House, 1969. pp. xix, 494. Also London, number East & West Library ed. For earlier East and West ed., see Singerman 111. [184] Boms .nnn^n Vff mDiVp^iK nD'Jh] rm (V?oo) VaVsn :D*wn ,*p:> 2 .1969 ,mo? .prn?i .min Translation of Singerman 153. [185] Foreword to: Narkiss, Bezalel. Hebrew Illuminated Manuscripts. Jerusalem, Encyclo? paedia Judaica, and New York, Macmillan, 1969. [186] 'Birds' heads and graven images.' Commentary (New York), Vol. 47 (June 1969), pp. 80-83. Portuguese text in Comentdrio (Rio de Janeiro), Vol. 10 (1969), pp. 147-52. [187] 'A bibliographical note on the Szyk Hagga? dah.' Studies in Bibliography and Booklore (Cincinnati), Vol. 9, No. 1 (Spring 1969), p. 50. See also Rabinowicz 251. [188] An Archaeological Passover Haggadah. Newly translated by CR. Ed. by Beno Rothenberg. Introd. by Michael Avi-Yonah. New York, Sabra Books, 1970. pp. 75. [189] A History of the Jews; from Earliest Times through the Six Day War. Rev. ed. New York, Schocken Books, 1970. pp. 452. For 1st Schocken ed., see Rabinowicz 514. [190] The House of Nasi: the Duke of Naxos. New York, Greenwood Press, 1970? Reprint of Rabinowicz 327. [191] The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia. C.R. and Geoffrey Wigoder, editors-in-chief. New rev. ed. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1970. 30, 2028 col. Also Jerusalem, Massa dah, and London, W. H. Allen ed. For 1st ed., see Rabinowicz 483. [192] '.l?KSlb onBK Vtt mi?l1? D*np' ?onprifc pip tr?n nso pnxhl jio?-dk ktw ronm npna*? \pw roa ??^ot'v '? .363-70 .1970 .nvrrrn [193] 'Ebrei e gentili.' In: Tutto su Gerusalemme Biblica, pp. 273-78 (unsigned). Firenze, Giunti Bemporad Marzocco, 1970. C.R. also revised several other unsigned chapters in this volume. [194] 'La famiglia Basevi e le sue vicende.' RMI, Vol. 36 (1970), pp. 359-62. [195] Judah Abenzara's map of the Mediterran? ean world, 1500.' Studies in Bibliography and Booklore (Cincinnati), Vol. 9, No. 2-3 (Spring 1970), pp. 116-20. Also appeared privately published: New York, 1969. pp. 8. [196] 'Why Anglo-Jewish history?' TJHSE, Vol. XXII (1970), pp. 21-29. Presidential address delivered 17 Sept. 1968. [197] Jewish Art: an Illustrated History. Rev. ed. by Bezalel Narkiss. London, Vallentine, Mitch? ell, 1971. pp. 332. Also Greenwich, Conn., New York Graphic Society ed. For 1st ed.,</page><page sequence="7">Cecil Roth Bibliography: Supplement 249 number see Rabinowicz 513. Contains the following articles by CR.: 'Ritual art,' pp. 118-31, 'Jewish art and artists before Emancipation,' pp. 175-90. [198] 'Illuminated manuscripts of mediaeval He? brew Spain.' In: The Sephardi Heritage. Ed. by R. D. Barnett, Vol. 1, pp. 69-80. London, Valien tine, Mitchell, 1971. Also New York, Ktav ed. [199] 'The amazing clan of Buzaglo.' TJIISE, Vol. XXIII (1971), pp. 11-21. [200] Encyclopaedia Judaica. Jerusalem, Keter Pub. House, and New York, Macmillan, 1972. 16 vol. C.R. was editor-in-chief until his death and contributor of numerous articles. [201] Studies in Books and Booklore; Essavs in Jewish Bibliography and Allied Subjects. West mead, Eng., Gregg International Pub., 1972. pp. ix, 287, 59. See for various essays: Rabino? wicz 28, 31, 45, 57, 183, 230, 237, 249, 302, 339, 355, 380, 395, 413, 415, 419, 423, 425, 452, 453, 478, 500, 512, 542, 562, 571, 572; Singerman 60, 69, 164, 171. [202] A History of the Marranos. 4th ed. With a new introd. by Herman P. Salomon. New York, Hermon Press, 1974. pp. xxiv, 424. For 1st ed., see Rabinowicz 94. Also paperback ed., New York, Schocken Books, 1974. [203] Introduction to: Catalogue of the Permanent and Loan Collections of the Jewish Museum, London. Ed. by R. D. Barnett. London, Harvey Miller, 1974. [204] 'The remarkable career of Haham Abraham Gabay Yzidro.' TJHSE, vol. XXIV (1974), pp. 211-13 (Misc.JHSE, part IX). [205] History of the Jews in Venice. New York, Schocken Books, 1975. Reprint of Rabino? wicz 63. [206] A History of the Marranos. New York, Arno Press, 1975. Reprint of Rabinowicz 94. [207] A Life of Menasseh ben Israel, Rabbi, Printer, and Diplomat. New York, Arno Press, 1975. Reprint of Rabinowicz 133. RABINOWICZ Number 7 1924, not 1923. Italian text in RMI, Vol. 3, no. 1 (1927), pp. 33-39. 8 1925, not 1924. Complete pagination: REJ, Vol. 80, pp. 60^80, 182-206; Vol. 81, pp. 55 78. 12 July 1924, not 1925. See also JC Supplement, 28 May 1926, pp. ii-iv. 14 Italian text in RMI, Vol. 4, no. 2 (1929), pp. 15-20. 21 Italian text in RMI, Vol. 2, no. 3-* (1926), pp. 99-112. 23 Vol. 1, No. 1 (1925), pp. 37-46, not Vol. 2 (1926), pp. 1-10. number 24 1927, not 1926. Italian text in RMI, Vol. 3 (1928), pp. 262-70. 26 1929, not 1927. Should read: 'Leon de Modene, ses riti ebraici et le Saint-Office ? Venise.' Complete pagination: pp. 83-88. 27 1929, not 1927. 28 Italian text in RMI, Vol. 11 (1937), pp. 409 23. 34 Should read: 'Mordekhai Dato et la Scuola dei Quattro Capi ? Rome.' 38 Italian text in RMI, Vol. 5 (1930), pp. 287 309. 39 Vol. XXX, not LXXX; 1927, not 1928. Republished in Menorah (Vienna), Vol. 5 (1927), pp. 256-60. 43 Correct to 7 Dec. 1928, p. 4. See also Singer man 8. 44 Should read: 'L'Accademia Musicale del Ghetto Vcneziano.' 45 1937, not 1928; pp. 125-36, not 125-30. 51 Should read: 'European history and Jewish history. Do their epochs coincide?' 58 1928, not 1929. 59 See also article with same title in JGd, 10 Oct. 1930, p. 9; 17 Oct. 1930, p. 12; 14 Nov. 1930, p. 8. 62 Should read: '?noVxM onirrn ?"?ntrn rvnVinV See also Rabinowicz 59. 67 Toscani, not Tocani. 68, Portuguese text in Ha-Lapid (Oporto), no. 25 71 (1929), pp. 1-5; no. 26 (1930), pp. 3-5. 69 Italian text in RMI, Vol. 8 (1933), pp. 232-39, 304-14. 73 Italian text in RMI, Vol. 6 (1932), pp. 431^5. 74 7 Aug. 1931, not 7 Aug. 1930. Also offprinted: Amsterdam, 1931. pp. 12. 82 See also 'The causes of Jewish migrations.' Current Jewish Record (New York), Nov. 1931, pp. 11-13. Article in Jewish Review (London), No. 1 (June-Aug. 1932), pp. 45-58, is not a republication of Rabinowicz 82 but rather a completely rewritten version of Rabinowicz 107. 83 Italian text in RMI, Vol. 7 (1933), pp. 394 415. 85 See also Jewish Spectator (New York), Nov. 1940, pp. 26-27. 99 Also in Jewish Spectator (New York), Apr. 1938, pp. 10-12 + ; May 1938, pp. 29-31+. 100 Correct pagination: pp. 163-74. 102 Vol. 1, No. 1, not Vol. 2 107 Italian text in RMI, Vol. 7 (1932), pp. 83-92. 117 Date: 2 June 1933, pp. 41+. 122 Subtitle: 'A romantic survival.' May 1933, not Apr. 1933. Correct pagination: 606-12. 130 Correct last sentence to read: Also in French in REJ, XCVII (1934), pp. 169-74. 131 Should read: 'By-gone Chanucahs.' See also 'Old time Hanukah.' AH, 22 Dec. 1933, p. 115 + .</page><page sequence="8">250 Robert Singerman number 138 Italian text of the Report in RMI, Vol. 9 (1935), pp. 483-510. 140 Pub. in Cincinnati, not London. 141 RMI, not Israel; Vol. 8, not 8-12. 150 Also in AH, 24 May 1935, p. 21. 151 B'nai B'rith Magazine, not B'nai B'rith News. Spanish text in Judaica (Buenos Aires), ano 3, no. 29 (nov. 1935), pp. 194-203. 155 Correct pagination: 22. Also in AH, 8 Sept. 1939, p. 30 + . 156 Unsigned article is on pp. 16, 21. See also 'Fruit of the goodly tree.' AH, 11 Oct. 1935, p. 361+. 157 Correct pagination: pp. 20, 24. Also in AH, 2 Oct. 1936, pp. 386-87 + . 159 Also in Canadian Jewish Review (Montreal), 3 May 1935, pp. 4, 8. 165 Correct to: See 191, 271, 328, 410, 420, 514. For Japanese edition see 569. 167 Should read: 'The New Year for Trees.' AH, 18 Jan. 1935, p. 218. 172 Mayors', not Mayor's. 174 Also in Jewish Spectator (New York), July 1945, pp. 14-15. 176 Also in AH, 11 Sept. 1936, p. 284, and Pro? gressive Outlook Monthly (Melbourne), Sept. 1937, pp. 180-81. 178 Also in AH, 6 Mar. 1936, p. 448. 180 Correct pagination: 593-99. 181 Also in B'nai B'rith Magazine (Washington, D.C.), May 1936 and Apr. 1937. 191 Correct to: See also 165, 271, 328, 410, 420, 514. 200 Also in AH, 3 Sept. 1937, p. 12 + , and Pro? gressive Outlook Monthly (Melbourne), Sept. 1938, pp. 377-78 + . 202 Also in AH, 17 Sept. 1937, p. 2. See also Jewish Spectator (New York), Oct. 1941, pp. 16-17. 206 Baptisms, not Baptism; Vol. 27, not Vol. 28. 217 Should read: The Jew as British citizen. 218 Also in AH, 19 Feb 1937, p. 905. 224 Should read: 'The Jews and the French invasion, 1797.' 228 Atti, not Attio. 230 Vol. 14, not Vol. 10; pp. 97-104, not 77-104. 234 See also 'The Jew in Europe.' Opinion (New York), May 1938, pp. 8-11; June 1938, pp. 10-12. French text in Revue juive de Geneve, no. 67 (avril 1939), pp. 295-300; no. 68 (mai 1939), pp. 348-53. 246 Correct pagination: 291. 247 Rewritten version in National Jewish Monthly (Washington, D.C.), Feb. 1939, pp. 198-99+; Mar. 1939, pp. 230-31+. 263 Condensed in Jewish Digest (New York), Feb. 1941, pp. 55-60. 271 Correct to: See also 165, 191, 328, 410, 420, 514. 275 See also 'The restoration of Jewish libraries, archives and museums.' Contemporary Jewish number Record (New York), June 1944, pp. 253-57. 280 1942, not 1943. 281 At, not in. 285 See also Jewish Spectator (New York), July 1944, pp. 25-27. 288 Mendes, not Mendez. 290 Should read: T)W2 pTP ^IH Vtt TtTp' ?'(1190) j"pnn 1943, not 1944. See also Rabinowicz 401. 300 Correct to: See for the English original 165, 191, 271, 328, 410, 420, 514. See also 329, 439, 569. 301 Correct pagination: 67-101. 302 1947, not 1946. The Jerusalem, Mekize Nirdamim, 1946 ed. does not contain CR.'s intro. 304 Also in Near East Report (Washington, D.C.), Aug. 1967, Special Survey suppl., pp. B17 B20. 307 See also 'Greece: Can its Jews survive?' National Jewish Monthly (Washington, D.C.), May 1947, pp. 312-131 318 Loukomski, not Loukomkski. 319 Also in National Jewish Monthly (Washington, D.C.), Sept. 1947, pp. 18-19. 321 A. J.A., not Anglo-Jewish Association. 322 June 1948, not 1947. 325 Should read: 'Jewish culture: Renaissance or Ice Age?' 328 Correct to: See 165, 191, 271, 410, 420, 514. 334 Correct pagination: 391-96. 335 Inscripciones, not Inscriptiones. 339 Correct pagination: pp. 215-19. 344 1939-1943, not 1948. 346 1947, not 1948; add Vol. 21; add pagination: pp. 323-26. 347 Should read: *7N*W DTE^? jDNV T' 348 Vol. 24, not Vol. 21; pp. 85-86, not 58-86. 353, Spanish text in Los Jud'ws; su Historia, su 354 Aporte a la Cultura, pp. 183-216, 217-49. Buenos Aires, Sociedad Hebraica Argentina, 1956. 355 Correct pagination: 445-54. 356 Italian text in RMI, Vol. 14 (1948), pp. 190 94. 360 Spielmann, not Spielman. 364 Should read: 'The Cardinals' Hanukah Lamps.' French text in Evidences (Paris), no. 14 (nov. 1950), pp. 27-29; Spanish text in Tribuna Israelita (Mexico), no. 77 (abril 1951), pp. 11-13. Also in Liberal Judaism (Cincinnati), Sept. 1950, pp. 28-31. 365 Spanish text in Tribuna Israelita (Mexico), no. 162 (junio 1958), pp. 18-20. 368 Should read: The Great Synagogue London 1690 1940. Title on cover and spine: History of the Great Synagogue. 370 Should read: Originally in serial form in JM, 1948-1949.</page><page sequence="9">Cecil Roth Bibliography: Supplement 251 number 372 Spring 1949, not 1950. 378 Also in Commentary (New York), Vol. 10 (Dec. 1950), pp. 569-76. 379 Correct pagination: pp. 49-55. (Commentary). 385 Vol. 23:2, not Vol. 23. 386 Correct pagination: pp. 424^6. 387 Should read: 'An early voice for "Reform".' 391 Also in Jewish Life (New York), Sept.-Oct. 1951, pp. 12 -16. 392 French text in Evidences (Paris), no. 17 (fev mars), pp. 5-9 + . 395 Should read: 57*713 ^3 Tfe -N"T OD' '?i?Vix wn apsr nxa 398 Vol. XII, not pp. xii. Also in Gutmann, Joseph, ed. No Graven Images, Studies in Art and the Hebrew Bible, pp. 489-514. New York, Ktav, 1971. 399 Vol. 3, not Vol. 13. 401 See also Rabinowicz 290. 402 Should read: 'Two Livornese Jews in England: Michael Bolaffi, Musician, and Hayim Vita Bolaffey, Linguist.' 408 1953, not 1952; correct pagination: pp. 138? 40. 418 Should read: 'Educational abuses and reforms in Hanoverian England.' 420 Correct to: Also 191, 271, 328, 410, 514. 422 Also in Eisenberg, Azriel, ed. The Golden Land, pp. 27-40. New York, T. Yoseloff, 1954. Spanish text in Comentario (Buenos Aires), no. 3 (abril-junio 1954), pp. 58-69. 425 Should read: 'Who printed Zacuto's tables?' 428 Spanish text in Tribuna Israelita (Mexico), no. 119 (oct. 1954), p. 31. 435 Correct pagination: p. 19. Spanish text in Tribuna Israelita (Mexico), no. 123 (feb. 1955), pp. 1-2. 436 Spanish text in Davar (Buenos Aires), no. 65 (julio-agosto 1956), pp. 98-100. 441 Originally published as Introduction to Fleg, Edmond. The Land in which God Dwells, pp. 7 10. London, Lincolns-Prager, 1955. 446 Should read: 'Messianic symbols in Pales? tinian archaeology.' 448 Correct pagination: 42, 167, vi pp. 452 Should read: Bulletin of the John Rylands Library. 454 Should read: 'European influences on Anglo Jewry.' 455 Should read: 'Main currents of Anglo-Jewish history, 1656-1956.' 458 Article in the Jan.-Feb. 1956 issue. 461 Correct to: Other Israel editions in 1960, 1961, 1962. 468 Also in Art in Judaism; Studies in the Jewish number Artistic Experience. Ed. by Robert Gordis and Moses Davidowitz, pp. 64-71. New York, National Council on Art in Jewish Life and Judaism, 1975. 471 Correct pagination: pp. 13-16. See also 'Was there a herem against the return to Spain?' Judaisme Sephardi (London), no. 15 (oct. 1957), pp. 675-77. 472 French text in Evidences (Paris), no. 65 (juin juil. 1957), pp. 37-43; Portuguese text in Comentario (Rio de Janeiro), vol. 1 (1960), pp. 42-49. 476 Should read: 'An Italian family in Oxford in the eighteenth century.' 478 1959, not 1958; correct pagination: 299-308. 483 Also in Israeli ed. by Massadah, Jerusalem. 488 Sub-title should read: 'A re-examination of some evidences.' 490 French text in La Vie Juive (Paris), no. 48 (fev. 1959), pp. 16-20; no. 49 (avril 1959), pp.22-25. 492 Should read: 'The background story of the fall of Jerusalem in the year 70 c.e.' 493 Correct pagination: pp. 16-28. 494 Second title should read: 'Ancient Jewish hero.' 495 This number should be omitted. Item is identical to C.R.'s article 'The resettlement of the Jews in England in 1656' (Rabinowicz 517). 498 Polish text in Biuletyn Zydowskiego Instytuto Historycznego (Warsaw), no. 30 (1959), pp. 3 11. Vol. No. in Oxford Slavonic Papers is IX, not II. 504 Tesoro de los judios sefardies (Jerusalem), not Sefarad. 513 Also an Israeli ed., Tel-Aviv, Massadah P.E.C. Press, 1961. 514 Should read: A History of the Jews. 524 Should read: '.OIDIW IlT'nS?n m)Hn' See also Rabinowicz 562. 534 Correct pagination: 248-51. 535 Should read: 'Membership of the Great Synagogue, London, to 1791.' 538 Also an English language ed. published in Beo grad, 1963. 539 Publisher: Ner Tamid Verlag. 2 vols. 540 Should read: The Cecil Roth Oxford Haggadah written in 1753 and subsequently owned by Jospa b. Leizer Speier. New York, Orphan Ward of Israel, pp. 40. 542 Vol. 28, not Vol. 27. 556 Spanish text in Comentario (Buenos Aires), no. 41 (enero-marzo 1965), pp. 40-49. 565 Ariel, No. 10 (Spring 1965), pp. 45-48.</page></plain_text>