List of Suggested Books Upon Jewish Religion, Literature and History Circulated to Public Free Libraries
<plain_text><page sequence="1">JEWISH LITERATURE AND HISTORY. 341 LIST OF SUGGESTED BOOKS UPON THE RELIGION, LITERATURE AND HISTORY OF THE JEWS Circulated to Public Free Libraries (1935) Abbott (G. F.).Israel in Europe. Abrahams (I.).Jewish Life in the Middle Ages. ...... Judaism. ? ? . . . . Some Permanent Values in Judaism. Bentwich (N.).The Jews and a Changing Civiliza? tion. Bevan (E. R.) & Singer (C.) . . The Legacy of Israel. Browne (L.).Story of the Jews. Cohen (A.).Everyman's Talmud. Cohen (I.) . . . . . Jewish Life in Modern Times. Dark (S.).The Jew To-day. Einstein (A.).About Zionism. Friedlander (M.) .... The Jewish Religion. Goodman (P.).History of the Jews. ? ? . . . . The Synagogue and the Church. ? ? & Lewis (A. D.) . Zionism. Herford (R. Travers) . . . The Pharisees. ? ? ... Judaism in the New Testament Period. Hertz (J. H., Chief Rabbi) . . Book of Jewish Thoughts. Hyamson (A. M.) . . . . History of the Jews in England. Joseph (M.) ..... Judaism as Creed and Life. Josephus ...... The Antiquities of the Jews: Books 1-4. ?.The Jewish War: Books 1-3; trans. by H. St. J. Thackeray. Land a (M. J.).The Jew in Drama. Macalister (R. A. S.) History of Civilization in Palestine. Magnus (Lady) .... Outlines of Jewish History. Magnus (L.).The Jews in the Christian Era from the 1st to the 18th century, and their Contribution to its Civiliza? tion. Montefiore (CG.) .... Outlines of Liberal Judaism. ? ? . . . . Rabbinic Literature and Gospel Teachings.</page><page sequence="2">342 LIST OF BOOKS UPON JEWISH RELIGION. Morrison (W. D.) . . . Jews under Roman Rule. Myers (J. M.) ..... The Story of the Jewish People. Olmstead (A. T.) . . . . History of Palestine and Syria. Osterley (W. 0. E.) & Box (G. H.) Short Survey of the Literature of Rabbinical and Medieval Judaism. Osterley (W. 0. E.) & Robinson (T. H.) Hebrew Religion. ? ? ? ? History of Israel. 2 vols, Parkes (J.) . . . . The Conflict of the Synagogue and the Church. ? ? . . . . . The Jew and his Neighbour. Roth (C.).A Jewish Book of Days. Rtjppin (A.) . . . . The Jews in the Modern World. Sidebotham (H.) .... England and Palestine. Stein (L.).Zionism. Stokes (H.P.).Short History of the Jews in England. ? ? . . . . . Studies in Anglo-Jewish History. Wolf (Ltjcien) ..... Essays in Jewish History. Yates (G. A.).In Spirit and in Truth. Zangwill (I.) . . . . . Dreamers of the Ghetto. For the Reference Library Daily Prayer Book (authorised) Hertz (J. H., Chief Rabbi) Jewish Encyclopedia Lowenthal (M.). Maimonides .... Waxman (M.) . Wiener (L.) . Hebrew and English, Rev. S. Singer, annotated edition. . English Commentary on the Penta? teuch. . 12 volumes. . A World Passed By. (Memorials of Jewish History.) . Guide to the Perplexed: English version (Routledge.) . A History of Jewish Literature. . History of Yiddish Literature.</page></plain_text>