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Index Vol 8

<plain_text><page sequence="1">INDEX. Aaron, son of Benjamin, 79 Aaron of Lincoln, 161, 181, 187 Aaron, son of Vives, 90, 91, 167 Aaron of York, 27, 29, 164, 187 Abacus used in Audit, 21 Abenamram, Jacob, identified with Menasseh b. Israel, 11 Abendana, Isaac, 98 seq. Abendana, Jacob, 98 seq. Abendana, Jacob and Isaac, passes issued to, in 1692, 121 Abraham, son of Deulecresse, 81 seq. Abraham, son of Moses, 187 Abraham, son of Vives, 46 Abrahams, A., 191 Abrahams, I., paper on The Purchase of Hebrew Books by the English Parliament in 1647, 63 seq. Abrahams, I., paper on Isaao Aben dana's Cambridge Mishnah and Oxford Calendars, 98 seq. Abrahams, I., Bibliography of Dr. Joseph Jacobs1 Contributions to Anglo Jewish History, Literature, and Statistics, 150 seq. Abrahams, I., 12, 15, 78, 130, 131, 147, 178 Abrahams, Sir Lionel, Presidential Address, 171 Abrahams, Sir Lionel, vii, 20, 24, 189,195 Abrahams, M., 84 Abrahams, S. S., 55 Abuifeda, 104 Adams, Sir T., 66 Aden, 17 Adler, Benjamin, 16 Adler, Cyrus, 196 Adler, Elkan N., Presidential Address on "The Hebrew Treasures of England," 1 seq. Adler, Elkan N., vii, ix, 78 Adler, Herbert, 197 Adler, Hermann, 122, 126, 127 Adler, Nathan, 9 Aic?n, 8 Aids, 32, 44, 177 seq. Aleppo, 4, 15 Alfequier, 83 Algiers, 16, 125 Almanac, see Calendar Almanzi, Joseph, 9, 11, 64 Americiamenta et perquisita, 31 seq., 35 America, 17 America, Jewish Theological College of, 14, 75 American Jewish Historical Society, correspondence with, viii, 195-196 Anesy, Simon de, 187 Anglo-Jewish Exhibition, 161 Anglo-Jewish History, its typical character, 130 Archae, 39, 43, 53, see Chests Arch-Presbyter, 166 seq. Arrentacio Judeorum Anglie, &amp;c, 34 Arthur Davis, Memorial Lecture, 197 Asher, A., 5 Asia, Central, 16 Asquith, on Lord Chancellorship, 59 Athias, M., 99 Athias, Solomon Da Costa, 8, 13 Audit in Mediaeval Exchequer, 20 seq. Aveline, widow of Gilbert, 88 223</page><page sequence="2">224 INDEX. Axemune, William de, 37 Aymer, Bishop of Winchester, 154 Azulai, J. D., 11 Baal-Shem of London, see Falk Bacher, W., 88 Bacon, Roger, 2, 82, 95 Bagdad, 10, 15, 17 Balkans, 17 Balliol College, 93, 104, 118 Balsham, J. de, 88 Banks, Sir Joseph, 10, 123 Barlaam and Josaphat, ed. by J. Jacobs, 145 Barons' War, 90, 165 Barrow, Vice-Chancellor, Cambridge, 101 Bateson, Miss, 160 Batten, J. D., 131 Beatrice of Savoy, 154 Beatrix, wife of John de Dreux, 155 Bedford, 164, 167 Behrends, Leffmann, 5 " Belager," 92 Belasez of Oxford, 92 Belle-assez, d. of Master Benedict, son of Moses, 79 seq. Benedict, see Belle-assez Benedict atte Thornbrig, 91 Benedict of Norwich, 187 Benedict of York, 187 Benefactors, Commemoration of, at Cambridge, 76 seq. Benjamin, son of Joce Yechiel, 79 Berengaria of Navarre, 153 Berenger, Raymond, 154 Berger, Samuel, 83, 96 Bernard, E., Savilian Professor, 99 seq. Beth Hamedrash, London, 13 Bibles, 12 seq., 15 seq., 65 seq., 71, 74; Bible as wedding gift, 79, 83 seq., 93, 95 seq. Bible Society, British and Foreign, 12 Biblical Archaeology, J. Jacobs' studies in, 136 seq. Bischoff, E., 98, 110 Bislichis, A., 6 Black, Dr., of Mill Yard, 13 Blund, see Samuel Boas family (Abraham and Simon), 124 Bodleian Hebrew MSS., 2; foundation and history of the collection, 3 seq., 9, 11, 103 seq. Boldero, Viee-Chancellor, Cambridge, 110 Bonamy, son of Samarian, 87 Bonevie of Newbury, 88 Boniface, Archbishop of Canterbury, 155 Bonnard, J., 83 Book prices, 72 Borelius, Adam, 98 seq. Bowl, Bodleian, 120 Bradele, Walter de, 88 Breira, 53 Breslau, 6 Bright, George, 100, 108 Bright, J. F., 186 Bristol, 78, 164, 179, 180 British Museum, Hebrew Collection, 8 seq., 64 Browne, Sir W., 66 Browning's Rabbi Ben Ezra, 143 Brun, 187 B?chler, A., viii, xi Bury St. Edmunds, 3, 84, 188 Buxtorf, J., 99 seq. Cabala, 123 seq. Cade, W., 47 Caesar, Sir Julius, 10 Cagliostro, 126 Cairo Synagogue, 7 Calemy, Edmund, 70 Calendars, Abendana's, 104 seq. Cambridge and Parliamentary purchase of Hebrew Books, 63 seq. Cambridge, 90, 92, 98, 164, 165, 167 Cambridge Synagogue, 89 Canterbury Cathedral, 13 Canterbury, Gervase of, 177 seq., 186 Capitula, 43 Castell, 103 Catholic Israel, 133 Cat alia Irrotulata per. Thes., 40</page><page sequence="3">INDEX. 225 "Cautions" at Cambridge, 93 Chaderton, 76 Chamberlains, 24, 39, 46 Chancellor, Lord: The Question Whether a Jew can be Lord Chancellor op England, paper by H. S. Q. Hcnriques, 55 Chancery, 19, 42 Chapitles tuchaunz lc Gywcrie, 90 Charles II, 9 Charlett, Arthur, 105, 118 Cheirographs, 40, 43 Chess, 104 Chester, Kev. G. J., 7 Chests, 25, 41, 166, 167, sec Archae Che vage, 161 Christ's College, Cambridge, 95, 106, 119 seq. Cincia, Countess of Cornwall, 154 Clement, Pope, 160 Cleveland, 71 Cochin, Jews of, 6 Cohen, Isaac Seligmann, 5 Cok, of Cambridge, 165 Coke, 185 Colchester, 182 Coleridge, Lord, 57, 59, 62 Columbia University Hebrew collection, 9, 11 Constantinople, 17 Convent of Mount Carmel (Oxford), 91 Converts, House of, 92 Copyn, see Vivcs Corfu, 16 Cornwall, Richard Earl of, 38, 154 Gorpus College, Oxford, 83, 95 Costessy, Henry of, 98 Cotton, Robert Bruce, 9 Coucy, Moses of, 80 Covell, 106, 119 seq. Cowley, A., Bodleian Catalogue, 2, 74 Cranganor, 6 Oranmer, Archbishop, 9 Crawford, Earl of, 13 Orespin, Moses, 169 Crespyn (Deudone), 187 Cresse, see Hagin, 166 VOL. VIII. Crickladc, Robert of, 84 Crispin, see Josce Crown and Jews, 20, 23 seq., 29, 41 seq., 48, 90, 153 seq., 160, 176 seq. Crump, C. G., 54 Cudworth, Ralph, 100, 108 Custos Judeorum, 52 Da Costa Athias, Solomon, 8, 11, 13, 17 Damascus, 16 Darmesteter, Arsene, 83 David, see Licoricia David of Stamford, 187 Davidson, I., 74 seq. Davis, Arthur, Memorial Lecture, 197 Davis, H. W. C, 179 Davis, M. D., 79, 130, 169 Debita de Judaismo, 40 De debitis diversorum, 45, 49 De la Marc, William, 83 De Lisle, on the Chancellorship, ?l Deportations of Jews, 164 Deudone, Crespyn, 187 Deudone of Winchester, 90 Deulecresse, see Abraham Devizes, 164 Diaia, son of Soliel, 87 seq. Dlalogus de Scaccario,, 22, 24 Dodford, 94, 96, 97 Domesday, 23 Domus Conversorum, 165, see Converts Doncaster, Elias of, 187 Douceman, 86 Dowell, 172, 188 Dukes, L., 5 Duschinsky, C, ix Ecclesiastical patronage, 57, 60 Economic and Financial Position of the Jews in Medlzeval England, Presidential Address, by Sir Lionel Abrahams, K.C.B., 171 Edmund, son of Henry III, 155 P</page><page sequence="4">226 INDEX. Edward I, 34 seq., 38, 39, 41, 53, 155, 172 seq. Edward III, 177 Edward the Black Prince, 155 Edwards, Jonathan, 104, 118 Elchanan, 132 Eleanor de Montfort, 154 Eleanor of Aquitaine, 153 seq. Eleanor, wife of Henry III, 154 Elias of Doncaster, 187 Elias of Oxford, 167 Elias, son of Moses, 164 Elias, see Jacob, 164 Eli Levesque, 29 Eliot, George, J. Jacobs on, 139 Ely, Isle of, 167 Emmanuel College, 100 Enrolled Accounts, 45 Epping Forest, Falk at, 125 Epstein, M., vii Espan, abbey of, 153 Estreats, 39 Eugene of Savoy, 4 Evesque, 29, 164 Exchequer, Jewish contribution to, 174 seq.; Barons of, 51 Exchequer of the Jews, 20 seq., 161 Expulsion from England, motives for, 163 Fairy Talus, edited by J. Jacobs, 138 seq. Falcon, see Falk Falk, 13, 17, see Hills Faraji, Isaac, and his collection of books, 71 seq. Faraji, Menahem, 74 Farisol, 3, 104 Farley, Henry de, 87 seq. Fetherstone, 63, 65 Feudal aids, 24 Financial Position of Jews in Mediaeval England, 171, seq. Fines, 24, 40 Firkovitch, 7 First Fruits, Court of, 25 Fishberg, Maurice, 136 Fita, Padre Fidel, viii Flack, see Vlacke Floria, wife of Elias, 167 Foorthe, J., 73 Foote case, 57 Foxe, 79 Franciscans, 95 Franconia, 125 Freemasonry, 122 seq. Friedenberg, A. M., viii, 196 Friedl?nder, M., 85 F?rth, 125 seq. Gamaliel, 88 Gamaliel of Oxford, 187 Garderoba de Judaismo, 162 Gascoigne, Thomas, 93 Gasquet, 83 Gaster, M., 14, 15, 111 Geniza, 2, 7, 12, 15, 16 George I, 66 George II, 10 Germany, Hebrew MSS. in, 2 Gervase of Canterbury, 177 seq. Gilbert, see Avelino Ginsburg, C. D., 12 Ginzberg, L., 80 Giraldus Cambrensis, 84 Giuseppi, M. S., 54 Gladstone on Religious Disabilities, 59 Gloucester, 164, 173 Goldie, F., 93 Goldsmid v. Lehman, 127 Goldsmiths' Hall, 67 seq. Gollancz, H., 15 Gollancz, L, ix Gordon Riots, 123 G?ritz, 6 Graeian, Belthasar, 133, 140, 141 Graetz Centenary, ix, x, 165 Green, A. L., 14 Grenville, 10 Greynvill, Simon and Isabel de, 81 Gross, C, 20, 42 seq., 90, 129, 156, 161 Grosseteste, Bishop, 83, 93, 95, 168</page><page sequence="5">INDEX. 227 Guienne, 162 Guildhall Library, 14 Guilelmus Nortomannus, 96 Guilford, 90 Guilford Talliage, 186 Hies, F., viii Hagin (Cok), son of Cresse, 166 Halberstam Collection, 14 Halsbury, Lord, 55 Hampshire, 87 Harleian MSS., 9 Hartlib. S., 99 Hartshorne, C. H., 73 Harwich, 123 seq. Hearn, 104 Hebraic Studies, Society for, viii, xi Hebrew Treasures of England, Presidential Address, by E. N. Adler, 1 SCq. Heidenheim, 9 Henriques, H. S. Q., see Chancellor, 172 Henry I., 20, 27 Henry II, 27, 52, 153, 186 Henry III, 28, 31 seq., 37, 39, 50, 53, 86, 87, 153 seq., 165, 175, 180 Henry VI, 157 Henry VIII, 25 Hereford, 164 Heydon, John, 116 Hickes, G., 106 Hills, Gordon, P. G., paper on Notes on Some Contemporary References to Dr. Falk, the Baal Shem of London, in the Rainsford MSS. at the British Museum, 122 seq. Hirsch, S. A., 2, 9, 82, 83 Hirschel, Solomon, 13 Hirschfeld, H., 14 Hittcote of Oxford, 92 Holinshed, 79 Hough, John, 104, 118 Hugh of Lincoln, 80 Hugh of Lusignan, 159 Hugh of Poitou, 154 Huntingdon, Gregory of, 94, 96, 97 Huntingdon, Robert, 4 Hyamson, A. M., 20 Hyde, Thomas, 104 Ibn Ezra, Abraham, 85 Ibn Yahya, Bonsenior, 104 Indemnity Acts, 56 India, 15, 17 India Office, MSS. in, 13 Inquisitions, 41 Ireland, 173 Irby, Sir Anthony, 67 Isaac of Southwark, 90 Isaac Scrovy, 81 Isaac, see Elias Isaac, see Samuel Isabella, Empress of Germany, 154 Isabella of Angouleme, 153 seq. Italian booksellers, 65 Italy, Hebrew MSS. in, 2 Ivanhoe, 89 Jacob, brother of Elias le Eveske, 164 Jacob of Oxford, 166 Jacob, son of Master Moses, 88 Jacobs, Joseph, Memorial Meeting, 129 seq. Jacobs, Joseph, 2, 19, 46, 47, 80, 82, 85, 92, 156, 173 seq., 186. Also Preface Jacobus Presbiter, 52 James II, 105 James, M. R., 77, 83 Jcnkinson, Hilary, paper on The Records of Exchequer Receipts from the English Jewry, 19; 161, 186 Jerusalem, 16 Jesus College, Cambridge, 99 Jesus College, Oxford, 104, 118 Jew of the King13 Consort, 166 Jewish Ideals, by J. Jacobs, 143 Jewish Relief Act of 1858, 56 seq. Jews' College, London, 13 Joan of Ponthieu, 154</page><page sequence="6">228 INDEX. Joan, Queen of Scotland, 154 Joce, see Benjamin Joce of York, 187 John de Aldefelde, 17 John, King, 20, 21, 28, 32, 47, 50, 52, 153 seq., 179 seq. Johnson, ?., 54 Johnson, Dr., 66 Josce Crispin, 92 Josce, of Gloucester, 173 Josce of Lincoln, 38 Josce of Warwick, 90 Josippon, 84 Judah Romano, 105 Judeism Rolls, 31 seq. Judith, d. of Belle-assez, 79 Jurnet of Norwich, 181, 187 Kayserling, M., 101 Kendale, Hugh de, 38 Kennieott, B., 6 Kybisses, 134 Lambeth Library, 13, 73 Lansclowne MSS., 10 Laud, Archbishop, 3, 63 Law, Scrolls of, in England, 79 Legate (Legatt), John, 64 seq. Lehman, Leman, 124 seq. Leicester, 162 Leland, J., 94, 96 Leopold I, 4 Levy, S., x Lewis, Lady, 141 Liberate Rolls, 23, 26, 30 Licoricia, wife of David of Oxford, 86 seq. Lightfoot, J., 67 seq., 99 seq., 108 Lincoln, 79, 80, 90, 95, 161 Lincoln, Aaron of, 181, 187 Lincoln College, Oxford, 4 Lincoln, see Josce Lincoln, see Rotulus Lincolnshire, 91 Lipson, E., 181 Little, A. G., 93 Loewe, Louis, 14 London Institution Library, 10 London Jewry of 1290, 134 seq. Louis IX, 154 Lowe, 12 L?wy, A., 14, 15 Lumbard, see Elias Lumbard, see Solomon Lusignan, Hugh de, 154 Luzzatto, Ephraim, ix Luzzatto, S. D., 5, 11 Lyon, Hart, 13 Macau lay, 10 MacKenzie, Kenneth, 128 Maeray, 103 Madox, 20, 24, 43, 45, 47, 86 seq., 187 Magdalen College, Oxford, 103, 105, 111 Mander, Hoger, 104, 118 Manser le Petit, of Stamford, 91 Mapletoft, Vice-Chancellor (Cambridge), 109 Marcaria, 74 Margaret of Scotland, 155 Margarina of Oxford, 91 Margoliouth, G., 11 Margoliouth, M., 92 Marlborough, 164 Marriage settlements, royal, 158 seq. Marsh, Adam, 93 Marshall, Stephen, 70 Marshall, Thomas, 4 Martin, Robert, 63 Master, 79 seq. Matthew Paris, 179, 187 Meelf?hrer, 111 Meir of Dover, 14 Memoranda Rolls, 21, 47, 50 seq. Menahem of London, 14 Menassch ben Israel, 4, 11 Mendelssohn, Moses, 5 Mercurius Progmaticus, 69 Merton College, Oxford, 4 Mesmer, 126 Michael, Heimann Joseph, 5, 9, 11</page><page sequence="7">INDEX. 229 Michlol Yofi, 100, 107 Mieg, J. F., 99 seq. Mill Yard Library, 13 Milton, John, 71 Mishnah, translations of, 98 scq. Mitkotzi, see Coucy Mocatta, F. D., 15 Mocatta Library, x, 14 Money, metallic in twelfth and thirteenth centuries, 182 Montcfiore Library, 14 Montfort, Simon de, 162, 168 Morcll, 92 Morocco, 16 Mortgaging the Jewry, 109 Moses of London, 14 Moses, see Belle-asscz Moses, see Elias Moses, see Jacob Mosseus fuiz Aron, 39 Moulton, R. G., 139 M?ller, Frederic, 11 Mullinger, 69 Nablotts, 16 Neubauer, A,, 3, 6, 13, 16, 74 Newbury, 88 Newman, J. H., J. Jacobs on, 139 Nolan, E., 83 Norman Scaccarium system, 22 Northampton, Donum of, 1193-4, 28, 178 Northampton, Samuel of, 187 Norwich, 78, 164 Norwich, Benedict of. 187 Norwich, Jurnet of, 181, 187 Nottingham, Earl of, 121 Nieto, David, 100, 104, 117 Oath moue Judaico, 80 seq. Office and Oath Act, 1867, 57 Offices open to Jews, 55 seq. Oppenheimer collection of MSS., 4 Ordinances of Jewry, 161 Oriental studies in England in eighteenth century, 63 Oxford, 66, 78, 86, 88, 91, 92, 93, 94, 99, 103 seq., 163, 166, 167. See also Bodleian Oxford, Gamaliel of, 187 Oxfordshire, 91 Oxholme, 79 Padua, 6, 9, 64 Panizzi, 10 Papyri, Aramaic, 8 Paris Convent, 125 Parliament and the purchase of Hebrew books in 1647, 12, 63 seq. Parliament of 1294, 172 Particulars (in Audit), 39 Patent Rolls, 25 Peckham, Archbishop, 167 Pembroke College, Cambridge, 84 Pereyra (Pereira), Isaac (fshack), 103, 108 Peritsol (Farissol), Abraham, 104 Persia, 16 Peter, Earl of Richmond, 155 Petrograd Jewish Hist orico-Ethno? graphical Society, letter to, 197 Picciotto, C. N., 191 Pipe Rolls, 19 seq. Placita et amercianienta, 36 Plea Rolls, 19 seq. Poeocke, Edward, 3, 105 Poole, R. L., 22, 23 Population, Jewish, in England in 1200 and in 1290, 175 Portugal, 17 Frage, see Faraji Pre-Expulsion MSS. and Documents possessed by Jews, 78 seq. Presbiter, see Jacobus, 52 Price, Dr. James, 125 Prices in thirteenth century, 174 Promissory Oaths Act of 1871, 57 seq. Prynne, 20, 79, 130, 157, 187 Publications, Reports on proposed, vii, xi, 189, 191 Pulleyn, Octavian, 63 Pusey, 4</page><page sequence="8">230 INDEX. Qualification for Offices, Abolition Act of 1866, 7, 56 seq. Queen Gold, 157 seq. Queens of England and the Jews, 163 seq. Queen v. Ramsay and Foote, 57 Race, the Jewish, J. Jacobs on, 142, 145 Radcliffe Library, 6 Rainsford, Charles, 122 seq.; Rainsford MSS., see Hills Ramsay, 156 Ramsay case, 57 Ramsay Library, 94, 96 Rapoport, 5 Rashi, 80 Reading, Lord, 57, 115 Recepta, 21, 23, 27 Record Office, 13 Reggio, I. S., 6 Religious Disabilities Act of 1846, 55 seq. Remembrancer, King's and Lord Treasurers, 21, 46 Rcntzow, Count, 124 Reubeni, David, 6 Reyna, widow of David of Stamford, 187 Rich, Consul at Bagdad, 10 Richard I, 32, 42, 43, 153, 178 Richemus dc Gobert, 17 Rigg, J. M., 20, 24, 78, 81, 86 seq., 90 seq., 165, 172, 185, 187 Roger lc Clerk, 91 Roger of Wendover, 179 seq. Rogers, Thorold, 174, 185, 186, 188 Roman Catholic Relief Act of 1829, 57 seq. Mose and Crown, 64 Rosenbaum, M., 122, 191 Rosicrucians, 123 seq. Rothenburg, Abraham of, 13 Rothenburg, Meir of, 13, 79 Rothomagum, 96 Rotulus Christianorum pro Judeis, 33 Rotulus de Judeismo, 31 seq. Rotulus Judeorum, 31 seq. Rotulus de particulis, 38 Rotulus de placitis, &amp;c., 35 Rotulus de nominibus Judeorum Lincolnie, 40 Rotulus de scrutino . . . apud West monasterium, 41 Round, J., 27 Royal Income and Expenditure in thir? teenth century, 156 seq. Royal possessions, 158 seq. Russia, 17 Rylands' Library, Manchester, 13 Rymcr, 81 Salnt Germain, Count, 126 Salaman, R. N., 136, 197 Salaman, Mrs. R. N., ix, 79, 197 Salomons, Sir David, 14 Salomons, Levy, 15 Salomons, Philip, 14 Samarian, see Bonamy Samson, Abbot, 84 Samuel, Blund, 90 Samuel, son of Isaac, 169 Samuel of Northampton, 187 Sanderson, on Religious Disabilities, 60 Saphir, Jacob, 75 Sassoon, David S., 15 Saxe-Gotha princes in Oxford, 104 Saxon Treasury, 22 Sayce, Prof., 7 Sayle, C. E., paper on The Purchase or Hebrew Books by the English Parliament in 1647, 63 seq., 101 Scaccarium Aaronis, 161 Scaccarium Judeorum, 20, 43 seq. Schechtcr, P., 160 seq. Schechter, S., 2, 12, 16, 129, 132 Scheidt, Balthasar, 98 Scherer, 160 Schiff, Jacob, 172, 185 Schiller-Szincssy, 12 Sch?nblum, 6 Schorr, 6 Schryver, Mrs. S. B., 197 Sclater, William, 73 ' Scot, Michael, 83</page><page sequence="9">INDEX. ,231 Scottish Army at Newark, 68 Scrovy, see Isaac Secchi, F., 74 seq. Seiden, John, 3, 9, 65, 71, 80 Shakespeare in Hebrew, ix Shakespeare Tercentenary, ix Shandel, 15 Sheringham, Robert, 103, 116 Shetars, 10 Shylock, ix Siddur, English, 84 Simon de Anesy, 187 Singer, S., 82 Sloane, Sir Hans, 8 Smeetymmius, 70 seq. Soliel, see Diaia Solomon of London, 14 Solomon, son of Lumbard, 88 Solomons, Israel, x, 15,117,121, 191, 193 Soncino Abarbanel, 75 Sources of Anglo-Jewish History, pro? posed publication of, 189 Southwark, 90 Spain, 17, 137 Spencer, John, 100, 108, 110 Spielmann, Sir I., 135 Spinoza, 133, 141 St. Albans, 188 Stamford, 78 Stanford, 91 Stanford, David of, 187 Stanford, Reyna of, 187 Star Chamber, 63 Statistics, researches by J. Jacobs, 135 seg: Statute de la Jeweri? (1275), 161 Statute Law Revision Act of 1863, 62 Steinschneider, M., 5 seq. St. Frideswilde, 84 St. John's College, Oxford, 83, 95 St. Katharine-by-the-Tower, 166 St. Mary, Monastery, 17 Stokes, Rev. Dr. H. P., Presidential Address: Records of MSS. and Documents possessed by the Jews in England before the Expulsion, 78 stq. Stokes, Dr. H. P., Address at Joseph Jacobs' Memorial Meeting, 129 seq. Stokes, Dr. H. P., Presidential Address on The Relationship between the Jews and the Royal Family of England in the Thirteenth Cen? tury, 153 seq. Stokes, Dr. H. P., vii, viii, 75, 99, 150, 186, 189 Strickland, Miss, 159 Strongbow, 173 Stubbs, 156/160, 163, 172 seq. Subterranean chambers, 89 seq. Sulzberger, M., 14, 75 Surenhusuis, 98 seq. Surrey, 88 Sussex, Duke of, 10 Swedenborg, 120 Sweteman, 86 Synagogue Records, 193, 194 Synagogues at Huntingdon and Stan? ford, 96 Syria, 165, 169 Talliages, 29, 32 seq., 173 seq., 186 Tally, 21, 23, 26 Talmud, Papal Mandate concerning, 85 Taylor-Schechter Collection of Geniza MSS., 2, 12 Temple Emanu-el, New York, 11 Temple (London), 38 Tenths, Court of, 25 Tests, religious, 56 Thomas of Flanders, 155 Thomason, George, 10, 63 seq. Thornbrig, 91 Tin-mines in Cornwall, 158 Totemism, 136 seq. Tovey, 92, 172, 185 seq. Tower of London, 38 Traill, H. D., 188 Treasurer of Exchequer, 24 seq. Trinity College, Cambridge, 12, 76, 83, 95, 99 Trinity College, Dublin, 4 Trinity Hall, Cambridge, 76</page><page sequence="10">232 INDEX. Tripoli, 16 Tuck, G., 129, 197 Tunis, 16 Type, Hebrew at Oxford, 3 Ulmann, Johann, 110 University College, Oxford, 105, 118 Ussher, Archbishop, 9 Valence, William, Bishop of, 154, 155 , Values in thirteenth century, 175 Van Straalen, 9, 11 Venables, E., 80 Victoria, Queen, 55 Vinaver, M., 197 Vives, see Aaron, 91, 167 Vlacke, Adrian, 63 Walter de Kent, 166 Walter, herdsman, 81 Walton's Polyglot, 4 Warwick, 89, 90 Wassingburn, 91 Wellclose Square, 123 Wells, Vice-Chancellor, Cambridge, 110 Wendover, Roger of, 179 Wertheimer, Aaron, 7 Wcstcott, Dr. Wynn, 128 Westminster, 13,*41, 78, 87 Wheelock, Abraham, 73 seq., 104 Whitaker, Richard, 63 Whitehall Conference, 100 Wilkins, ed, of Seiden, 80 Willard, Prof., 48 Wihnot, John, 105 Wimpole, Henry de, 91 Winchester, 87, 90 Witeby, Philip de, 92 Wolf, C, 5 Wolf, Lucien, Address in Memory of Joseph Jacobs, 147 Wolf, Lucien, vii, ix, 78, 130, 131, 135, 150 Wood, Anthony a, 93 seq., 104 Worcester, 164 Worthington, John, 98 seq. Wright, Aldis, 12 Yechiel, see Benjamin York, 78, 164 York, Aaron of, 187 York, Benedict of, 187 York, Isaac of (Ivanhoe), 89 York, Joce of, 187 Zangwill, Israel, Address in Memory of Joseph Jacobs, 131 seq. Zangwill, Israel, ix, x, 150, 172, 185 Zedner, 9 seq. Zionism, 141 Zunz, 5, 14 AT THE BALLANTYNE PRESS PRINTED BY SP01TISWOODE, BALLANTYNE AND CO. LTD. COLCHESTER, LONDON AND ETON, ENGLAND</page></plain_text>



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