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Index Vol 7


<plain_text><page sequence="1">INDEX. Aaron, father of Samson, 32, 78 Aaron le Blund (London), 28 Aaron, Magister, 37, 41, 56, 81 Aaron Molkin, 35, 78 Aaron of Lincoln, 26, 27 Aaron of York, 42, 208 Aaron, son of Benedict of Winchester, 50 seq., 80, 85 seq., 96 Aaron, son of Berechya (Canterbury), 33 Aaron, son of Cresselin (Creyse, Cressy), (Canterbury), 30, 87, 89 Aaron, son of Jacob (Canterbury), 27, 74, 76 Aaron, son of Jose Grubbe, 46 Aaron, son of Jose of Leicester, 34, 37, 76, 77 Aaron, son of Peytavin (Peyteuin, Pey tewyn), 56, 86 Aaron, son of Salle of Canterbury, 41 seq., 77 Aaron, son of Samson of Canterbury, 28, 67 Aaron, " son of the Devil," Colchester caricature, 45 Aaron, son of Vives, 56 seq., 91 seq. Abbe of Dogstreet (Kent), 49 seq., 91 seq. Aboab, Benjamin, 123, 131, 136, 140 Aboab, Ester (wife of Isaac Montezinos), 138 Aboab family, 140 Aboab, Isaac, 299 Aboab, Jacob (son of Benjamin), 136 Aboab, Rachel, 133 Aboab, Rebecca, 132 Aboab, Sara Vaz (widow of Benjamin), 131 Abrabanel (Abarbanel, Abravanel) family in Middelburg, 118, 140 ; in Amster? dam, 140; in London, 140 Abrabanel, Isaac, 118 " Abraham Abrahams," pseudonym used by R. Cumberland, 147 seq. Abraham bar Hiya, 16 Abraham Pernas of Bedford, 55, 89 Abraham, son-in-law of Jose, 27, 75 Abraham, son of Isaac (Canterbury), 77 Abraham, son of Leo of Canterbury, 37 seq., 11 Abraham, son of Salle (Canterbury), 41 seq., 11 Abraham, son of Samuel (Canterbury), 77 Abraham, Victor, 269 Abrahams, Israel, and the foundation of the Jewish Historical Society, 214,220 Abrahams, Martha, 225 Abrahams, Moses (of Poole), 225 Abrahams, Sir Lionel, 47, 58, 183 Abravanel, Ephraim, 119 Abyssinia, 181 Academy, Jewish, proposed by Prof. Graetz, 213 Achen,184 Achmet IV, 230 Adams, John, 235 Adler, Baer, 241 Adler, E. N., 304 Adler, H., 118 seq., 210, 241 seq., 275 seq. Adler, Michael, paper on The Jews of Canterbury, 19 Adler, N. M., 241 Africa, South, Jewish Pioneers of, paper by Sidney Mendelssohn, 180 335</page><page sequence="2">336 INDEX. Africa, South, literature on Jews in, 181 seq. Ageno, M. D', 231 Aguilar, Baron d', 272 Aguilar, Grace, 208 Alan de Wye Ruf us, 34 Albahaly, Haim, 274 seq. Albu, Sir George, 200 Alcuin, 4 seq. Alexander, a Canterbury carpenter, 38 Alexander III (Pope), 21 Alfred, King, and the Mosaic Law, 3 seq. Alicia, daughter of Felipe le Prestre, 87 Alicia, daughter of Richard Deudene, 76 All Saints, Canterbury (Parish of), 23 seq. Almeida, D', see Almeyda Almeyda, Abigail (daughter of Abraham Lopez) de, 136 Almeyda, Esther de (and Sossa), 132 Almeyda (D'Almeida) family, 140 Almeyda, Isaac Lopez de, 132 Almeyda, Rebecca de (wife of Isaac Lopez), 132 Alvares, Luis, 100 seq. Alvarez; Duarte Henriques, 97, 109 seq. American War of Independence, 223 Amerigo Vespucci, 203 seq. Amsterdam and Marranos, 108 seq.; cemetery at, 119 ; synagogue at, 198 ; Rabbis of, 279 seq., 299 seq. Andrew and Roger Bacon, 5 Anesty, Richard of, 20 Angevin, son of Isaac, 67 Anglia-Judaica, Tovey's, 207 Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition, 206 seq. Anglo-Jewish historiography, 1, 206 seq., 294 seq. Angra Pequena, 194 Anjadiva, 203 Ansell family, 240 Antera, widow of Jacob b. Molkin, 38 Aponte, Christoval de, 111 Appolonius, William, 114 Aquila, 5 Archae, 40 seq. Aries, Diego Rodrigues, 109, 111 Aristotle, 7 Arredondo, Jacob (son of Raphael) de, 134 Arredondo, Raphael de, 134 Artom, Benjamin, 241 Aryeh, Rabbi, of Resha, 279 Ashf ord, 32 Ashkenazi, Zewi, 279 seq. Ashkenazim in Middelburg, 117 Atte Br?k, Robert, 87 Atte Br?k, Will., 89 Atteheuene, Rich., 86 Atte Heye, Thomas, 82 Atte Mede, H?mo, 84 Atte Wratere, Peter, 79 Atte Welde, Adam, 93 Atte Wode, Roger, 81 Aubeny, de = Daubeny, 92 Augustine, Abbey of Canterbury, 21 seq. Augustinians, 11 Augustinus, son of Jacob, 87 Austin, Alan, 80 Austria, Leopold, duke of, 26 Autham, Thorn, de, 87 Autos da Fe in Canaries, 100 seq. ; in Cranangor and Cochin, 305 Avegaye, wife of Salle, 39 seq. Aylion, 299 Azevedo, Moses Hacohen d', 276 seq. Azores, 103 Azulai, 273 seq. Azumbuja, Diogo d', 105 Bacon, Roger, 5 seq. Badelesmere, Alexander le Hunte de, 89 Baffin, William, 184 Baggard, Master Elias, 53 seq. Bahia, 116 Baines, Thomas, 204 Baldwin, Archbishop, 21 seq. Balsamo, Joseph (=Cagliostro), 231 seq. Banishment of Cicero, by R. Cumberland, 157 Banister, the actor, 163 Barassa, Diego, 141 Baraza, Abraham, 130 Baraza, Abraham Isr., 129</page><page sequence="3">INDEX. 337 Baraza, Re in a, 130 Barnato, 200 seq. Barnett, Aaron, 238 Barnett, John, 238 Barthelemy, 232 Basingstoke, John de, 7 Baude, Henry, 11 Bayonne, 108 Beards, Lord George Gordon on, 281 seq. Bechuan aland, 197 Becket, Thomas a, 20 seq. Bedel, Thorn, fil. Rog. le, 86 Bedell, H?mo le, 81" Bedford, 42, 46, 47, 49, 55, 56, 89 Beit, Alfred, 200 Beja, R. Abraham of, 182 Bela (Belina) of Stamford, 55, 87 seq. Belaset, daughter of Benedict, 51 seq., 88 Belisario, Isaac, 281 Belle, Sara la, 55, 93 Beltran, 98 Beltyng, Robert of, 83 Bendinges, Peter de, 31 seq. Benedict, Berechya, Dieulebenie, 25 Benedict le Cresp or Crespin (Canter? bury), 29 seq., 75 Benedict, le Petit, of Canterbury, 25 Benedict of Bedford, 47 Benedict of Canterbury, father of Elias, Aaron, and Isaac, 33, 36, 78, 85, 86, 96 Benedict of Rochester, 27 seq., 74 Benedict of Winchester, 50 sea. Benedict, son of Cresse, 61 seq., 77 Benedict, son of Isaac, 45, 77, 78 Benedict, son of Tholi, 27 seq. Benedict the Long (Kent), 25 Benedictus Salemon, 95 Beneford le Veyl, John, 83 Beneford, Robert, 83 Benevolent Jew, or, Sherd's Creed, 177 Benjamin, J., 257 Benjamin, Rabbi, of Cambridge, 20 Benjamin (Bonus Amicus, Bonami), son of Meir, 28 seq., 35, 66, 78, 95 Benoit Biscop, 5 Bentley, Richard, 151 Berachya, 11 VOL. VIT. Berbice, 115 Berechya, father of Engelesia, 36 Berg, Moses op den, 234 Berger, Samuel, 7 seq. Bergtheil, Jonas, 190 seq. Berruyo, Pedro, 107 Beth Din in Canterbury, 24, 35 seq.; in London, 278 seq. Bethencourt, Cardozo de, 112 Beus, Matheus le, 88 Bevis Marks congregation, 121, 210, 212 seq., 235, 242, 299, 302 Bigelin, Isaac, 78 Bikkur Holim Society, 299 Binnewith, Arnold, 77 Birmingham, 209, 239 scq. Blunt, John, 207 Boclaunde, 81 Bocton, Joh. de, 87 Bona, daughter of Isaac, 35 Bonami, Bonus Amicus, see Benjamin Bonavie (of Canterbury), 77 Bondia, Ab. Levi, 127, 141 Bondia, Eliau Abenacar, 141 Bondia, Rachel, widow of Raphael Levi, 128 Bondia, Raphael Levi, 128 Bondia, Sara, daughter of Ab. Levi, 125, 141 Bonenfant b. Cresse, 47, 77 Boniface, Charles Etienne, 187 Bordeaux, 108 Boxene, Galfr. le, 86 Boys, John du, 80 Bradford, 40 Brandon, Joseph Pereyra, 257 Brazil, 115 seq., 121, 180 Breteuil, de, 232 Brethe, Gibertus de, 85 Bristol, 52 Brito, 119 Brothers, The, by R. Cumberland, 148 seq. Bruer', Joh. de la, 79 Brun, le, of London, 34, 76 Buchehorn, Ric. fil. Will., de Penecestre, 86 Buller, Mr. Justice, 262 seq. Y</page><page sequence="4">338 INDEX. Burgh, Hubert de, 30 Burgos, Goncalo de, 99 Burke, 228, 261 Bury St. Edmonds, J51 Bute, Marquis of, and the records of the Canariote Inquisition, 97 Buzaglo, Shalom, Jacob Kimchi and, paper by Charles Duschinsky, 272 seq. Cabral, 204 Caceres, Benjamin Dionis de, 137 Caceres, Rebecca (daughter of Benjamin Dionis) de, 137, 141 Cachet, Colman Lion, 198 Cachet, Franz Lion (Levi Zegel), 198 Cachet, Jan Lion, 198 Cadiz, 99 Cagliostro, 231 Caillard, Sir Vincent, 235 Caleman, Jew of Canterbury, 52 Calendar, Nieto on, 301 Calicut, 103, 204 Cambridge, 9, 10, 16, 19, 20, 40, 41, 151, 227 Campo, M. del, 257 Canaries, Crypto-Jews in, paper by Lucien Wolf, 97 Cano, Esther del (wife of Josua), 131 Cano, Josua del, 131 seq. Cano, Mosseh and Joseph de, 141 Cano, Sara del (wife of Joshua), 137, 141 Canterbury, literature on, 60 seq. Canterbury, The Jews of, paper by the Rev. Michael Adler, 19 seq. Caorsini, 52 Cardozo family in London, Amsterdam, New York, Hamburg, 141 Cardozo, Manuel (= Moses del Rio), 135 Caricatures of Lord George Gordon and his associates, 265 seq. Carles, Joseph, 243 Carlyle, 158 (for ' Carlisle' read 4 Carlyle') Carvajal, Antonio Fernandez, 97, 108, 109,111,112 Carvajal, Jorge Fernandez, 108 Carvajal, Maria, 111 Casseres = Caceres, 141 Castiel, see Gastiel Castil Blanco, 103, 105 Castro, Abraham Lopez de, 123 Castro, David de, 276 seq. Catholic emancipation, 223 esq. Cattle, English, 283 Celer, Joh. de, 93 Ceolfrid, 5 Cerda, Domingo de la, 97, 110 Chaka, 189 Chakkeworth, John of, 81 Channoch, R., of London, 286 Chapelen, 88 Chapeleyn, 43, 90 Chapelyn, 93 Chaplain, 36 Charlemagne, 4 Charles I, 114, 185 Charles II, 112, 114 Charles V, 114 Chelwiz, 88 Chelwych, Angotus clericus de, 83 Chera, wife of Augustine (Canterbury), 33 Chevage (poll-tax), 54 Chich, Symon and Eadon, 77 Chich, John, 66, 75 Chich (Chicch), Thorn., 66, 90 Childe, John le (de la), 81 Chileham, 84 Chin, Gilbertus le, de Wy, 84 Chirographers, 40, 41, 44, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 66 Chistelet, Nicolaus et Ricardus de, 85 Christ Church, Canterbury, 21 seq. Christopher, J. S., 191 Clark, J. W. (Fasciculus J. W. C. dva tus), 11 Clarke, Hewson, 149 Clayton, Prof., 117 Clericus, 81, 82, 88, 93, 95 Clerk, le, 50 Clover's portrait of Cumberland, 148 seq. Coats-of-arms in Middelburg cemetery, 117, 124 seq. Cochin, auto-da-fe at, 305</page><page sequence="5">INDEX. 339 Cresse, son of Samson, 52 Cresselin (Cresse), son of Isaac (Hakelin) Senex (Canterbury), 22 seq., 74, 95 Crispin, Berechya or Benedict (London), brother of Moses, 32 Crispin, Jacob (London), brother of Moses, 32 Crispin, Moses (London), brother of Berechya, 32 Cromwell, 116 seq., 185, 207 Cruz, Beatrice de la, 101 Ceypto-Jews in the Canaries, paper by Lucien Wolf, 97 Cumberland, Bishop, 151 Cumberland, Richard, Centenary Memorial Paper, by Louis Zangwill, 147 Cunha, Sara da, 134 Cunningham, 232 Curteis, W., of Kent, 81 D', DA, De, Del, Du. Names are indexed without these prefixes Daly, C. P., 116 Dane, Matilda and Thorn, de la, de Pecham, 85 Daniel de Morlay, 7 seq. Daniel fil. Hubert, 88 Darmsteter, Arsene, 14 Daubeny, Will., 92, 93 David, husband of Milka (Canterbury), 33 David, Shochet in the Canaries, 98 David, son-in-law of Jornin, 49 Davis, Israel, 119 Davis, Myer, 11, 60 seq., 207 seq. Dembitzer, 284 seq. Demurrer, Prynne's, 207 Denifle, Heinrich, 9 seq. Derby, William, 95 Descartes, 304 Deubenie (Berechya) (Canterbury), son of Isaac, 30 Deubeny = Benedict, 48 Deudene, Richard, 34, 75, 76 Deudone or Jonathan, father of Joseph, of Northampton, 27 Coffrer ( = Chirographer), 52 Cohen, Asher, 139 Cohen, Brendla (wife of Jacob), 133 Cohen, Jacob, 131 Cohen, Judah Joseph Nathan (son of Asher Cohen), 139 Coimbra, 108 Coinage, charge of clipping, 46 Cok, see also Koc Cok (Kok) Hagin (Agin), 56, 80, 91, 95 Cokyn, Will., 91 Colchester, 45 Colesberg, 200 Coligo, Joseph Carera, 110 ?olvin, Ian D., 182 Comoro Islands, 184 ?onstantin, John, 93 Copernicus, 304 Copnius, son of Molkin (Milkan), 38 Cordova, 100 Cordova, Jacob de, 137 Coronel, de Fullana T? 126 ; his wife, Rachel Haim Fullana, 126 Coronel family in England, 142 Coronel, Rachel, widow of Ag. Coronel, 129 Correctoria to the Vulgate in Middle Ages, 12 seq. Cosin, Galfridus de Wyuelesbyr', 83 Costa, Abraham Mendez da, 127 Costa, Da, family in Lisbon, Antwerp, Amsterdam, and London, 141 seq. Costa, Emanuel Mendez da, 272 Costa, Ester da, 125; Abraham da, 125 Costa, Isaac da, of Cape Town, 188 Costessy, Henry of, 10 Coutinho, Abraham Pereyra, 137, 142 Coutinho family in Amsterdam and Jamaica, 142 Covilham, John Pires, 182 Cranganor, auto-da-fe at, 305 Creechurch Lane, 109 Creft, William of, 85 Cresp, le, 75 Crespa, Rachel (wife of Isaac Crespo), 128 Crespo, Isaac, 128</page><page sequence="6">340 INDEX. Deulecress, son of Genta, 78 Deulecresse Levi le Cresp, of Canter? bury, 20 seq., 27 seq., 74, 78 Deza, Francisco Diego, 99, 100 Diamond fields of South Africa, 195 seq. Dias, Bartholomew, 180 Dias, David Haim Israel, 132 Dias family, 142 Dias, Isaac Gomez, 135 Dickens, Charles, and Lord George Gordon (in Barnaby Rudge), 228 seq. Dieulebenie (Berechya or Benedict), 25 Dieulesaut (Isaiah), (Canterbury), father of Jacob, 30, 31, 78 &lt;: Dimsdale," Sir Harry, 261 Disraeli, Coningsby, 235 Disraelis, the, and the Abrabanels, 140 Divorce case of Rebekah, daughter of Jehuda, 286 Dogestrete, 91 Dominicans, 8 Domus Conversorum, 33, 54, 58, 210 Dorador, Pedro, 101 Dorta, Isaac Suarez, 142 Dorta, Sara, 132, 142 Dover, 19, 38, 40, 52 Dover, John, son of Alexander of, 85 Drach, S. M., 208 Dublin, 110, 147 Duke's Place, 164, 226, 241, 279 seq., 284, 302 Dukes, L., 208 Dun, Geruasius, de Heyrne, 80 Dunstable, 170 " Dunstan," Sir Jeffrey, 261 Duran, Simon b. Zemach, 281 Duraunt, Pet., 91, 93 Durban, 190 Duschinsky, Charles, paper by, on jacob Kimchi and Shalom Buzalgo, 272 Dutch Burial-ground and its Eng? lish Connections, paper by Rev. Isidore Harris, 113 Eastbridge, Canterbury, 30, 32, 81 Eastray, Joh. de, 86 Eastria, Arnaldus de, 88 Eastry, Henry and Rudolph of, 95 Edgeworth, Maria, 226 Edinburgh, 223 Edicroner, Radulfus de, 88, 92 Edmund, Earl of Lancaster, 57, 91 Edward I, 24 seq. Edward IV, 34, 58 Egypt, 203 Eighteenth century in Anglo-Jewry, 272 Eleanor, Queen, 24 seq. Elias JBaggard, 58 Elias, Magister, of Canterbury, 79 seq. Elias, Mordecai, 257 Elias, son cf Berechya (Canterbury), 33,96 Elias, son of Hagin, 36 seq., 57, 90, 92, 95 Elias, son of Samson of Northampton, 48 seq., 66 Elsteuene, Joh. fll. Salomonis de, 86 Emancipation, Jewish, 207 Emanuel of Portugal, 203 Emden, Israel Meshullam Zalman, 275 seq. Emden, Jacob, 275 seq. Engelesia, daughter of Berechya, 36 Erasmus, 7 seq. Especer, Joh. le, 92 Espicieiy Stephan le, 95 Esse, Thorn, de, S5 Esteves, Alvaro, 101 Esther, widow of Jacob, 36, 96 Estry, Henry, 57 Eueringes, Henricus clericus de, 83 Evesham, 40 Evesque, 56 Ewe, Richard del, 83 Exeter, 208 Lxpositio super Psalmos, by Henry of Costessy, 10 Expulsion in 1290, 54 Eybesch?tz, Jonathan, 275 seq. Eylleyygge, Johannes de, 85 Eylvord, H?mo, 85 Fairbairn, 193 Farley, Felix, 244 Fashionable Lover, The, by R. Cumber? land, 161</page><page sequence="7">INDEX. 341 Faversham, 45 seq.; William of, 82 Fees for residence, 41 Fer, Matthew le, 81 Fer, Richard le, 83 Feretro, Andreas de, 93 Fernandez, J., 257 Fernandez, Juan, 101 Fernandez, Louis, 114; Marco, 114 Ferro, Jacob Semach, 134, 146 Ferro, Joseph (son of Jacob Semach), 134, 146 Filipowsky, Hirschell, 208 Foliot, Gilbert, 9 Fonseca (Fonceca), Abraham de, 138 Fonseca family in England, 142, 143 Fonseca (Fonceca), Isaac (son of Abra? ham de Fonseca and Rachel de Sala zar), 138 Fortunate Islands, 102 Foster, William, 185 Frances, Diego, 101 seq. Francia, Domingo Rodrigues, 110 Francia, Jorge, 110 Franciscan students of Hebrew, 10 seq. Francois, Jacob le, 46 Francois, Samuel le, 38 Frankl, P., 279 Franklin, Benjamin, 235 Fraser, General, of Lovat, 222 seq. Fraunceys, Hunfridus le, 88 Fraunceys, Thomas, 81 Frene, H?mo, son of Gilbert de, 79 Frenne, Petrus de, 85 Frenschop, Godmannus de, 80 Frogham, Steph. de, 87 Fubini, Isaac Levi, 131 Fullana, Nicola de Oliver y, 143 Fullana, Rachel Haim, 126, 143 Funez, Diego Ortiz de, 107 Funtayne, Ric. de la, 87 Gam a, Vasco da, 183 seq., 203 seq. Gambia, 189 Garachico, 111 Garrick, 153 Gaspar Da India = d'Almeida = da Gama, 183 seq., 203 seq. Gasquet, Abbot, 4 Gaster, Haham M., Presidential Ad? dress by, 291; 111, 140 seq., 275 seq. Gastiel (Castiel), Ester, 124 Gastiel (Castiel), Jacob, 138 Genta, 78 George II, 222 George IV, 268 Gervase (of Canterbury), 21, 40 Geynvelde, Will, de, 86 Gibraleo, 103 Gideon, Samson, 272 Gilbert de Clare, 39 Gileberd, 56 Gilsonestrete de Bocton', Joh. de, 87 Glasgow, 223 Goa, 203 Godeholte, Henricus, de Newenham, 83 Godeliva (Canterbury), 25 Goldschmit, J., 257 Goldsmid, Abraham, 235 Goldsmid, Benjamin, 235 Goldsmid, Henry Edward, 235 Goldsmid, Major, 211 Goldsmith, Oliver, 154 seq.; his lines on Cumberland, 160 Gomes, Debora, 123 Gomes family in England, 143 Gomes, Isaac Louis, 138 Gomes, Jacob Louis (son of Isaac Louis), 138 Goodman's Fields, 155 Goncales, Alvaro, and family, 101 seq. Goncales, David, 130 Goncales (Gonsales) family in England, 143 Gongales, Pedro (Solomon), 104 Gonsalvo of Cordova, 100 Gordon, Cosmo George, 222 Gordon, Lord George, 161 Gordon, Lord George, literature on, 223 seq. Gordon Riots, 174 Gordon's, Lord George, Conver? sion to Judaism, paper by Israel Solomons, 222 Gosce, son of Isaac Senex, 74</page><page sequence="8">342 INDEX. Graetz, H., 20, 114, 213, 218, 284, 297 Grahams!own, 194 seq. Great Synagogue (= Duke's Place Syna? gogue, q.v.), 285 Green, Rev. A. L., 210 Greenberg, L. J., 212 Gregory of Huntingdon, 11 Grey, Sir George, 196 Griffith, Dr., 118 Grimaldi, 226 Grimesham, Robertus de, 88 Griqualand West, 197 Gros, see Isaac Grosseteste, Robert, 7 seq. (On p. 10, beginning of last paragraph, read: ' But this Bible may have been com? posed at an early date. It may already have been in the possession,' &amp;c.) Grotius, 116 Grubbe, Jose, 46, 66, 96 Guedalla, Haim, 212 Guiana, 115 seq. Guinea, 190 Habilla, Judique, 119, 125 Habillo, Baruch, 125 Haes, Frank, 213 Hagin fil. Cressy, 89 Hagin, son of Magister Moses, 46 Hagin, son of Popeline, 55, 80 Hague, 120 Hak = Hagin (Isaac) of Canterbury, 44 Hakelin (or Isaac Senex), father of Cresselin, 32 Hakinton, Amisius de, 87 Hale, Sergeant, 58 Halifax, Earl of, 151 seq. Hambro Synagogue, 238, 239 seq., 272 seq, Hamburg, 120 Hamburger, Mardochai, 272 H?mo le Bedell, 81 H?mo, son of Lief win, 76 Handlo, Cecilie de, 91 Hanger, Colonel (Lord Coleraine), 268 Hannah, wife of Samuel Molkin, 35, 95 Harding, Stephen, 12 Hardres, Joh. de, 90 Harrington, by Maria Edge worth, 226 Harris, Rev. Isidore, paper on A Dutch Burial-ground and its English Connections, 113 Harris, Sir David, 200 Hart, Alderman Henry, 23, 59 Hart, Uri Phoebus (Aaron), 272 seq. Hassidism, 305 Hay im, son of Yom Tob, 78 Hebrew MSS. in York in 735, 4 seq. ; France, 5, 13 ; Cambridge, 9 ; Oxford, 10 ; Ramsey Abbey, 11 ; York, ibid. ; Spain, 13 ; Toulouse, 14 Hebrew studies in England, 1 seq. Helles, Joh. de, 89 Henderson, Colonel, 195 Henrietta Maria, 114 seq. Henriques, Leila, 110 Henriques, Leonora, daughter of Joseph Spinosa Henriques, 129 Henry II, 20 seq. Henry III, 28 seq. Henry, Emma, 256 Henry, Michael, 256 Henry, Nathan, 224 Henry of Costessy, 10 Hernandez, Pedro, 105 Herschel, Solomon, 279 seq. Herthanger, Rob. de, 89 Hertlepe, Rob. de, 92 Hertz, Dr. J., 181 secL. Heselden, Roger de, 89 Hethen-manne-lane (Canterbury), 34 Heyrne, Geruasius Dun de, 80 High Street, Canterbury, 22 seq. Hille, Ric. de la, 86 Hirne, Ric. Atteheuene de, 86 Hirsch, S. A., Presidential Address by, 1 Hirschfeld, Hartwig, 303 History, study of, 291 seq. Hiyun, Nehemiah, 304 Holborn, 225 Holcroft, Thomas, 228 Holland, 108, 109, 110, 113 seq., 187, 204, 233 seq.</page><page sequence="9">INDEX. 343 Holland, Jews of, literature on, 113 seq. Holleschau, Jochanan, 272 Holte, Joh. de, 92 seq. Hospringes, Joh. fil. Rob. le Peyntur de, 86 Hospringes, Nich. de, 86 Hond, Louis, 205 Hopetown, 199 Houndsditch, 226 Hubert de Burgh, 30 Hubert, John, 66 Hubert, Mercer, 75 Huggin Lane, 57 Hugo de Sfc0 Caro, 12 seq. Humble Address, by Menasseh ben Israel, 242 Hume, 264 Hunte, Alex, and Will, le, 89 Huntingdon, Gregory of, 11 Hurel, Reginald, 80 Hussey, Abbe, 173 Hutton, Wr., 246 Hyamson, A. M., 275 Ibn Ezra, Abraham, 20, 57 Ichaboe, 194 India, 183, 203, 204 India Company, East, 116, 180, 184, 185, 186 ; West, 115 Indies, West, 120 Inja-ka-Fura, 181 Inquisition in Canaries, 97 seq. ; in Hol? land, 113 ; in Spain and Portugal, 305 Inscriptions, Hebrew, at Canterbury, 53 Inscriptions in Middelburg Cemetery, 117, 123 seq. Ipswich, 240 Isaac Bigelin, 78 Isaac, brother of Berechya (Canterbury), 25 Isaac, father of Vivard, 30 seq. Isaac juvenis of Canterbury, 27, 74 Isaac le Eveske of Northampton, 52 Isaac le Gros (of Kent), 26, 27, 33, 74 Isaac Longus, Canterbury, 30 Isaac, Nathaniel, 188 Isaac, nephew of Brun, 76 Isaac of Kalden, 273 Isaac of Sittingbourne, 37 Isaac of Winchester, 55 Isaac, Saul, 204 Isaac Senex of Canterbury, 26, 27, 30, 74, 75 Isaac, son of Aaron, 46 Isaac, son of Abraham, Canterbury, 36, 41 Isaac, son of Benedict, 36, 47, 51, 56, 96 Isaac, son of Berechya, 33 Isaac, son of Cresse, 40 Isaac, son of Isaac, Canterbury, 44, 77, 78 Isaac, son of Jacob and Joye (Canter? bury), 31 Isaac, son of Jose, 33, 43 Isaac, son of Salle, 41 seq., 78 Isaac, son of Samson, 28, 78 Isaac, son of Zerach, 35, 78, 96 Isaac Top, 56 Isaacs, Nathaniel, 188 Isabella, 103 Israel bar Abraham ( = Lord George Gordon), 255 Israel, Isaac, 131 Isserlein, Moses, 287 Jacob (Canterbury), father of Samuel and Aaron, 34 seq. Jacob, Lazarus, 257 Jacob le Francois, 46 Jacob of Canterbury, 37, 74 Jacob Parvus, 66 Jacob, Rabbi of Birmingham, 243 Jacob, son of Dieulesaut, Canterbury, 30, 31, 78 Jacob, son of Isaac, 36, 78 Jacob, son of Jacob, 78 Jacob, son of Jose Le Clerk, 49, 50, 77 Jacob, son of Miles, 77 Jacob, son of Molkin, 78 Jacobs, Joseph, 20, 26, 213 seq. Jacobs, Simeon, 196 James, M. R., 9 seq. Jane (Mr.), 116 Jarrow, 5</page><page sequence="10">344 INDEX. Jaryam, Fernando, 103 seq. Jay, Henry, 75 Jay, Humr' le, 77 Jay, John, 235 Jehozadak b. Jehozadak, 36, 49, 66, 78 Jerome, 4 seq. Jew of Mogadore, The, by R. Cumberland, 170 Jew, The, by R. Cumberland, 147 seq. Jewish Historical Society of Eng? land, Origin of, paper by Lucien Wolf, 206 Jewry in Canterbury, 22 seq. Joachim, Elias, 235 Joce, Joesce, Josceus, Jose = Joseph, q.v. Joce (Jose), son of Ursellus of York, 56, 80 Jodengang (Middleburg), 117 John (King), 25, 29, 34 John II of Portugal, 182 John de Basingstoke, 7 John Fitz-Robert, 66 John of Dover, 52 John of Peckham, 54 John of Verdon (Verdun), 29, 35 John, son of Vivian, 34, 175 Johnson, Lionel, 228 Johnson, Samuel, 149, 226, 227 Johnstone, Colonel, 194 Jonathan ben Uziel, 10 Jornin, son of Meir, 41, 49 Josce, son of Isaac (Kent), 27, 75 Josceus, son of Abraham, 77 Josceus, son of Solomon, 77 Jose, brother of Samson of Canterbury, 29 Jose, father of Salle (Canterbury), 32 Jose (Jossce) Gaudi, 27, 74 seq. Jose Gileberd, son of Aaron,' 56, 87 Jose Grubbe, 46, 66, 96 Jose, of Northampton, 41 Jose Presbyter (London), 28 Jose, son of Salle, 41, 45, 46, 78 Jose, son of Samson (Canterbury), 28, 29, 42, 66, 96 Joseph, brother of Samson, 78 Joseph, Captain Benjamin, 184 Joseph, Meyer (Michael Josephs), 238 seq. Joseph, Morris, 224 Joseph of York, 27 Joseph (Rabbi), 10 Joseph, son of Deudone or Jonathan of Northampton, 27 Joseph, son of Isaac, 34, 76 Joseph, son of Joshua, 78 Joseph,!son of Moses, 32, 78 Joseph, son of Samson, 30, 66 Josephs, Michael, 238 seq. Joye, widow of Vives, 42, 55, 91, 93 Joye, wife of Jacob (Canterbury), 31 Juliana, a converted Jewess, 47 Jurdan, John de Estbrugg', 83 Jurnet, of Canterbury, 27, 75 Juuene, Richard le, of Chileham, 84, 91 Kaffraria, 196 Karkaconi, Mordecai Hezekiah, 124, 143 Kaufmann, David, 239, 272, 275 seq. Kayserling, 116 seq., 203 seq., 213 Kent, see Jews of Canterbury, passim Ketuboth, written by Nieto, 304 seq. Khazars, 303 Kimberley, 195 Kimchi, David, 273 Kimchi, Isaac, 272 Kimchi, Jacob, and Shalom Buzaglo, paper by Charles Duschinsky, 272 Kimchi, Joseph, 273 Kimchi, Samuel, 273 King, Lieut., 189 King's Bench Prison, 224 seq. King's Bridge, Canterbury, 22 " King's Jew," 49 Kisch, T. B., 200 Koc, son of Benedict, of Winchester, 84, 86 seq. Koc, see also Cok Koenen, 117 Krotoschin, Joseph, 273 Kruger, President, 205 Kuzari the Second, by Nieto, 303 seq. Lagarca, Joseph de, 119, 125 Lagarto, Jacob Franco, 127, 143</page><page sequence="11">INDEX. 345 Laguna, Abraham Lopez, 257 Laguna, Daniel Israel Lopez, 307 Lambert the Fleming, 77 Lambinus the Fleming, 67, 75 Lamego, Rabbi Joseph of, 182 Lancaster, Sir James, 184 Landau, Ezekiel, 288 Langdale's Distillery, 225 Langevijlepoort, 117 Langhod, Thorn., de Witstapele, 86 Langton, Stephen, 12, 22 seq. (On p. 12, lines 22, 23, for 4 apparently about 1230' read ' who died in 1228.') Larere, Joh. de, 85 Las Isletos, 107 Las Palmas, 99, 100 Laurens, Henry, 235 Le. Names are indexed without this prefix Leden, Will, de, 80, 81, 89 Lee, Sir Sidney, 210 Legal Fire, by Nieto, 304 Leghorn, Izaque Serano of, 126 Lehman, Joseph, 14 Leicester, 34, 37 seq. Lenham, Robert clericus de, 82, 88 Leo, son of Elias Baggard, 53, 58 Leo (Leoneo, Lok), son of Master Elias, 56, 84, 88, 90, 92 Leo, son of Solomon, 41, 47, 78 Leon, Rodrigo de, 98 Leopold (Duke of Austria), 26 Ler, Juan de, 101 Lessing's Nathan, 163 Leticie, widow of Daniel, 91 Levi, Isaac = Diego de Valera, 105 Levi, Mordecai, 257 Levi, Polly, 262 seq. Levie, Michael, 187 Levy, Mathias, 269 Levy, Myer, 269 Levy, Phoebus, 288 Lewes, 46 Lexicon, English and Hebrew, by Michael Josephs, 238 Lex talionis, Rabbinic interpretation of, adopted by Alfred the Great, 3 Liebermann, F., 2 seq. Lilienfeld, Martin, 199 Lima, 111 Lima, Elias de, 164 Lima, Joseph Suasso de, 187 Lima, Rebecca Lobo de, 133, 204 Lincoln, Aaron of, 26 seq. Lindo, Antonio Rodrigues, 111 Lindo, Elias, 229 seq. Lindo, Lourenco Rodrigues = Isaac Lindo, 110 Lindo, Manuel, 110 Lindo, Moses A. N., 235 Lindo, Perpetua, 110 Lira, Nicholas de, 11 Lisbon, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 182, 204 Little Chart, 31 seq. Liverpool, 209 Livorno, 299 Lloyd, A. C. G., 188 Lo Bengula, 204 Lobo, David, son of Daniel, 126 Lobo, Rebecca Lobo de Lima, 133 Lobo, Selomoh, son of Daniel, 126 Loeb, Isidor, 14, 213 Loebel, Hirsch ( = Hart Lyon), 275 seq. Loewe, Dr. L., 304 Longus, 30, 35, see Isaac Lopez, Rodrigo, 210 Lorenco, Benjamin Dias, 164 Lorenco, Samuel, 128 Lorenzo, Benjamin, 275 seq. Lourenco, Rebecca, 128 Los Santos, 98 Lovat, Lord, 223 Lucena, Ester de, 126 Lucena, Rachel Dias de, 126 Ludgershall (Wiltshire), 223 Luna, David Alvares de, 135 Luna, Sara Alvares de, 135 Luria, 277 Luzena, Abigail de (wife of David San ches), 135, 146 Lymmynge, Adam de, 95 Lynden, Count van, 229 Lyon, Angel, 249 seq. Lyon, Hart ( = Hirsch Loebel), 275 seq.</page><page sequence="12">346 INDEX. Lyon, Isaac, 240 Lyon, Rev. Solomon, 256 Lyon, Sarah, of Ipswich, 239 seq. Lyons, Israel, 227 Maccabbans and Jewish Historical Society, 214 Mackenzie, Rev. John, 197 Macray, W. Dunn, 11 Madagascar, 182 Madalena, Anton de, 101 Maddocks, 185 Madling', Simund de, 75 Madox, 207 seq. Madrid, 173 Magister, 37, 41, 44, 46, 48, 53, 56, 77, 84 seq. Mahamad, powers of, 278 seq. Maidstone, 27 Maimonides, 10, 16, 280 Malabar, 182 Malays in Cape Town, names of, 187 Malemeyns, William, 81 Mailing* Simon of, 27, 29 Man, John le, 81 Man, Thomas, 50, 66 Manchester, 209 Manser, son of Isaac, 46 Mansfield, Lord, 227 Manuel, Don, 103 Marais, Prof., of Stellenbosch, 198 March, Earl of, 242 Marchena, 109 Mare, William de la, 12 seq. Margoliouth, Moses, 208, 238 seq. Marie Antoinette, 229 seq. Marks, Rev. D. W., 225 Marks, Samuel, 200, 205 Marranos, 97 seq., 114, 184 Marsden, Robert de, 49 Marsh, Adam, 7 Masonic coat-of-arms, 115 Master, see Magister Matthew of Canterbury, 35 Mauch, Karl, 204 Maurice, Prince, 113 Mauritius, 194 Mayorga, 100 Meat, price of, 277 Medina, Moses de, 301 Meir, see Me us, Mor Meir (Canterbury), 41, 49, 52, 66 Meir, son of Edra, 77 Meir (Mero), son of Isaac, 35, 65, 78, 95 Meir, son of Zerach, 35 Melbourne, Lord, 223 Meldola, David, 286 Melo, Emanuel Abenatar, 140 Memoirs of R. Cumberland, 149 seq. Menahem ben Saruk, 12 Menasseh ben Israel, 109, 115 seq., 242 Mendelssohn, Moses, 226 Mendelssohn, Rev. Meyer, 197 Mendelssohn, Sidney, paper by, on Jewish Pioneees of South Africa, 180 Mendes, Hector, 103 seq. Mendez, Moses, 208 Mendoza, Daniel, 267 Mero, see Meir Mesgoro, Jacob, 281 Meshullam Halevi, 78 Meus = Meir, 27, 74 Mexico, 180 Mickle's edition of the Lusiad, 203 Middelburg, 114 seq. Middelburg family names found in Lon? don, 121 Miles, 84, 88 Milka (Canterbury), wife of Rabbi David, 33, 95, 96 Milkan, 38 Mint (Canterbury), 31 Mint, private, 65 Miranda, 277 Miranda family in England, 144 Miranda, Jacob Nunes, 136 M'Manus, Bow Street runner, 243 seq. Mocatta, F. D? 213 seq. Mocatta, Moses, 305 Mohair industry in S. Africa, 195 Mohammedans and the Canariote In? quisition, 101, 102, 107 Mohilla, 184</page><page sequence="13">INDEX. 347 Molkin, 35, 78, 91, 93 Molteno Ministry, 196 Monomotapa, 181 Montesinos, Isaac, 136, 137, 138 Montesinos, Moses (son of Isaac), 136 Montesinos (Montezinos), Rachel, 129, 130, 137 Montesinos, Sara, 125,127 Montezinos Library in Amsterdam, 302 Montford, see Simon of Mor = Meir (of Canterbury), 28 seq. Morales, Daniel Hezekiah de, 133, 146 More, Hannah, 228 Morlay, Daniel de, 7 seq. Morocco, 105, 106, 113 Mosely, Alfred, 201 Mosenthal Brothers, 195 Moses, father of Joseph (Canterbury), 32 Moses (Mosseus) le Petit, son of Magister Aaron, 39, 41, 48, 57, 58, 65, 68, 79, 81, 85, 88, 90, 92, 96 Moses, nephew of Brun, 76 Moses of Bedford, 46, 49 Moses of Oxford, 208 Moses (Mosseus), son of Abraham, 44, 50, 66, 77, 96 Moses, son of Jacob, 32, 78 Moses, son of Joseph (Joce), 67, 78 Moses, son of Salle, 41, 78, 84 Moses, son of Samson (Canterbury), 28, 29, 38, 78 Moss, Mr., choirmaster, 238 Mosseus, Magister, 77 Moswell, Radulfus de, de Edicroner, 88, 92 Mowyn, Solomon, of Dover, 84 Moyses Adarsan, 11 Muros, Bishop Diego de, 99, 101 Muscovy Company, 184 Myers, Aster L, 214, 249 Nadah, character by R. Cumberland, 170 Nagtglas, F., 114 Namaqualand, 194 Nantes, 108 Naphtali, character by R. Cumberland, 161 Napoleon, 170 Nassi, Joseph, 113 Natal, 183 Nathan, Sir Matthew, 204 Naturalisation Bill of 1753,161, 207, 226, 272 Neta, Ester (wife of Moses Netto), 128 Netto, Moses, 128, 144 Netto, see Nieto, 299 Neubauer, A., 57, 118, 209 Neuman, Joh. le, 92 Neumann, Sir Sigismund, 200 New Amsterdam, 116 New Bridewell, 225 Newcastle, 209 Newgate, 225 seq. Newman, Alfred Alvarez, 210 seq., 249 Newnham, Alderman, 268 New York, 116 Nicholas, armourer, 91 Nicholas Conversus (Canterbury), 31, 33 Nicholas de Lira, 11 Nicholas, secretary, 116 Nicholas, son of Gervase, 82 Niebla, Luis de, 1C0 Nieto, David, 276 seq., 298 seq. Nieto, Isaac, 275 Nieto, Phineas, father of David, 299 Nigel Talebot, 66 Nolloth, 194 "No Popery," 224 Norden family, 192 seq. Normandy, 29, 46 Normanvill', Thorn, de, 91 Northampton, 30, 38, 41, 48, 50, 52, 56, 66 Northampton Donum, 26, 74 Northewode, John of, 81 Northumberland, 5 Norwich, 19, 41 Nouinton, 87 Nunez, Abraham, 130 Nunez, Antonio Fernandez, 111 Nunez (Nunes) family in England, 144 Nunez, Rachel (wife of Abraham), 139 Observer, The, by R. Cumberland, 147 seq. Ocana, Gutierruz de, 101</page><page sequence="14">348 INDEX. Odes, by Ii. Cumberland, 149 Odonis Isagoge, 9 Old Market Street Synagogue, 224 Oliveira family in England, 145 Oliveira, Rebecca de, 128 Oliveros, Abraham de Castro y, 136 Opus Majus of Roger Bacon, 16 Oral Law, King Alfred and, 3 ; Nieto on, 303 seq. Ormuz, 182 Orotava, 110 Oseword, John (of Thanet), 82 Osorius, 203 Ospring, 39, 41 Oswald, Richard, 235 seq. Oudekerk, 119 Owen, John, 117 Oxford, 8, 9, 10, 19, 20, 30, 57 Pabley, Simon, 40, 66 Padilia, Luis de, 106 seq. Paiva, Affonso de, 182 Palache, Samuel, 113 seq. Palestine, 203 seq. Pantoja, Hanna (wife of Samuel), 130 Pantoja, Samuel, 130 Parco, Mathew de, 82 Paris, 4, 7, 14, 229 Parliament of Worcester, 36 seq. " Parvus," 66 Pascalogia, by Nieto, 301 Pass, Aaron and Elias de, 194 seq. Patriark, Joh. and Will., 87 Paumer, Henry, son of William le, 84 Peckham, 51 Peddinges, Thomas de, 41 Pedrianis, 107 Penecestre, Ric. fil. Will, de, 86 Pere, Trenelle, 257 Pereira, Abigail, 124 ; David Lopez, 124 Pereira, Manuel, 110 Pereira family in England, 145 Peres, Abraham, 115 Peres, Abraham van, 145 Peres, Rachel Lea Barua, 123, 145 Perez, Duarte, 107 Pernas, 55, 89 Peschor, Stephen, son of Matthew le, 84 Peter de Bendinges, 31 seq. Peter de Blois, 28 Peters, Carl, 181 Petit, Stephen, 66 Petite, Sara la, 55 Petyt, see Moses Peyntur, Robert le, 82, 86 Peytavin, 35, 56 Peytewyn, 86 Philip, son of Jervoise, 36, 95 Phillips, Sir Lionel, 200 Phineas, father of David Nieto, 299 Phipps, Captain C. J. (Lord Mulgrave), 227 Picciotto, James, 210, 248 Pictavin, son of Joseph, 35 Pimentel family in England, 145 Pimentel, Rachel, 125 Pinto, Fernan, 108 Pinto, Mathias, 111 Pinto, Paulo Jacomo de, 117 Pinto, Rachel, 133 Pires, see Covilham Planaz, Susanna de, 34, 71 Plato, 7 Pocock, Thomas, 118, 119 Polack, Solomon, 269 Poland, 203 seq., 257 Polder, Margery, 90, 91 Pomare, Queen of Tahiti, 270 Popeline, widow of Abraham Fernas, 89 Porta, Jac. de, 90 Porto, Antonio de, 97 Portraits of Richard Cumberland, 148 seq.; Sarah Lyon, 240; Lord George Gordon, 265 seq.; Jacob Kimchi, 274 ; David Nieto, 306 Portugal, 103, 104, 108, 109, 121, 182, 203 Presbiterus (Presbyter), 36, 43, 77 Presidential Addresses, 1, 206, 291 Prester, John, 181 Prester, le, 43 Prestre, Felipe le, 87 Pretre, 66 Prik, William, 82</page><page sequence="15">INDEX. 349 Property of Jews in Canterbury, 55 Proselytism in England, 241 seq. Protestant Association, 223 seq. Provincial Synagogues in England, his? torical sketches of, 209 Prussia, 307 Prynne's Demurrer, 207 Pupelinus, 80 Pykering, W., 66 Pymesdene, Bartholomeus de, 89 Pyn, Hugo fil. Hamonis le, de Wy, 89 Pyn, William le, 82 Pyrard, Francois, 184 Quaestionibus Hebraic is, de, 7 Queenstown, 196 Question and Response, by Jacob Kimchi, 274 Rabbi, Chief, date of title, 285 Rabbins Francais, by A. Neubauer, 209 Rabinowitz, Joel, 188, 197 seq. Raculve, Alexander de, 75 Ramsey, Gregory, monk of, 11 Rapaport, Rev. Samuel, 197 Rashi, 10 seq., 280 Raven, Nicholas, 57 Raymond, Sir Charles, 231 Rebekah, daughter of Jehuda, divorce case, 286 Recife, 115 Red Sea, 203 Removal of residence, fees for, 46 Resettlement of Jews in England, date of, 111 Reuchlin, Johann, 5 seq. Reviczy, Comte de, 231 Rhodes, Cecil, 197 Rhodesia, 181 seq. Ricardo, Abraham Israel, 242 Richard I, 24, 26, 49 Richard Deudene, 34, 75, 76 Richard, Earl of Cornwall, 39, 42 Richard le Jeovene, 57, 95 Richard of Anesty, 20 Richard, Primate of Canterbury, 20 Riebeeck, Van, 185 Rio, Moses del ( = Manuel Cardozo), 135 Rios, Amador de los, 98 Robert le Serdere, 66 Robert of Marsden, 49 Robert of Westgate, 76 Robinson, Sir Hercules, 198 Robles, Antonio Rodrigues, 97, 109 seq. Rochelle, 108 Rochester, 51 Rochester, Benedict of, 29 Rod of Judgment, by Nieto, 302 seq. Rodrigues, Ana, 100 Rodrigues, Hernan, 103 seq. Rojas, Diego and Tomas de, 110 Rokinge, Thom. de, 88 Romenal, Romehal, 80 seq. Romney's portrait of Cumberland, 148 seq. Ropere, Will, le, de Stureye, 90 Rose of Jacob, by Jacob Kimchi, 273 Rose, widow of Moses, 51 Rouen, 108 Royz, Selomoh Chizkiau (Hazan), 127 Rozanes, Jehuda, 273 Rufus, Alan de Wye, 34 Rymer, 207 seq. Sabbatai Zebi (Sebi, Zewi), 300 seq. Sabbath and the Inquisition, 103 Saffi, 105 Salazar, Abraham Ishac Fernandes, 145 Salazar, Rachel de, 138 Saldanha Bay, 184 Sale, Joh. de la, 82 Salle, son of Jose (Canterbury), 31, 32, 37, 38, 41, 43, 44, 48, 49, 66, 77 Sampson le Pretre, 66 Sampson of Kent, 74 Samson, father of Aaron (Canterbury), 25 seq. Samson of Norwich, 41 Samson presbiterus, 43 Samson, son of Aaron, 32, 76 Samson, son of Isaac, 56, 96 Samson, son of Jose, 41, 47, 95 Samson, son of Meir, 52 Samson the Chaplain, 36</page><page sequence="16">350 INDEX. Samuda, Dr. Isaac Sequeira, 307 Samuel le Francois, 38 Samuel of Ospring, 39 Samuel, Sir Stuart, 225 Samuel, son of Aaron Molkin, 35, 38, 78 Samuel, son of Benjamin, 35, 78, 95 Samuel, son of Isaac, 36, 66, 78 Samuel, son of Jacob (Canterbury), 27, 74, 76 Samuel, son of Menasseh ben Israel, 117 seq., 127 Samuel, son of Mesbullam Halevi, 78 Samuel, son of Samson, 47, 78 Sanchez, David, 135 Sancto Claro, Hugo de, 88 Sandwich, Lord, 222 Sandwich, Sir Thomas of, 45 San Lucas de Barremeda, 99, 106 San Miguel, 103 Santa Cruz, 97, 101 seq. Sara la Belle, 55, 91 seq. Sara la Petite, 55, 91 seq. Sarmento, Dr. Jacob de Castro, 307 Saul, Rabbi of Amsterdam, 279 Schiff, D. Tevele, 241 seq., 284 Scot, Michael, 7 Scott, Sir Walter, 168 Seisspoort (Middelburg), 120 Serano, Izaque (of Leghorn), 126 Serdere, Rob. le, 66 Serra, Gomez, 118 Serra, Jacob Abrabanel de, 124, 140 Sersted, Joh. de, 89 Seville, 98 seq. Shechita, dispute concerning, 274 seq. Sheridan's caricature of Cumberland, 150 Sheva, character in Cumberland's Jew, 147 seq. Shylock, 163 Shylock, Macklin as, 226 Silva, Abraham Gomes da, 137 Silva, da, family in England, 145 Simon Bar Yeuda, 132 Simon, nephew of Jacob of Canterbury, 27, 34, 74, 76 Simon of Mailing, 27, 29 Simon of Montfort, 39, 40, 43, 46 Simons, Benjamin, 188 Simund of Kent, 74 Singer, S., 114 seq. Sircha, 282 seq. Sittingbourne, 37, 41 Slema, widow of Jornin, 49 Smith, Sir Harry, 192 Soderini, 231 Soeira, Rachel, 118 Soeiro, Ephraim, 116 Sofala, 182 Soles, Johanna fllia Joh. de, 87 Soliz, Hanna, 138, 146 Solomon b. A?ret, 278 seq. Solomon b. Isaac, 48 Solomon family of St. Helena, 192, 204 Solomon, monetarius (Canterbury), 31 Solomon, Nathan, 229 seq. Solomon of Cambridge, 41 Solomon of Stamford, 41 seq., 66 Solomon, S., 188 Solomon, son-in-law of Isaac (Senex), 27, 75 Solomon, son of Isaac, 77 Solomon, son of Jornin, 49 Solomons, Israel, 302, 306 Solomons, Israel, paper by, on Lord George Gordon's Conversion to Judaism, 222 Solomons, Samuel, 225 Sommerfeld, William de, 46 Somner, 24 Sorel, Thomas, 75 Sossa, Benjamin Gomes de, 134, 146 Sossa, de, family, 204 Sossa, 132, see Almeyda South Africa, Jewish Pioneers of, paper by Sidney Mendelssohn, 180 seq. Southampton, 53, 56 Souza, Simon de, 97, 146 Spain, 12, 13, 15, 99, 104, 108, 109, 111, 121, 154, 173 Spanish War of 1656, 97 Spielmann, Sir Isidore, 206 seq. Spinozism, David Nieto accused of, 280, 300 seq. Spitzbergen, 184</page><page sequence="17">INDEX, 351 Sprigg Ministry, 197 Sprot, Dan., de Wyuelesberye, 85 Stablegoti, Jacob de, 75 Stamford, 41 seq., 66, 87 Standon, Job. de, 91 Stanwick, 151 " Star of South Africa " jewel, 200 Statute de Judaismo, 53 St. Augustine (Canterbury), monks of, 32 seq. Stayl, Will., 92 Stepesdon, John of, 84 Stephen Petit, 66 Sternberg, 203 St. Gregory, monks of (Canterbury), 33 St. Laurence Jewry (London), 44 St. Mary Bredman (Canterbury), 22 seq. St0 Caro, Hugo de, 12 seq. Stopyndon, Gilbert of, 84 St. Thomas's Hospital, Canterbury, 22 seq. Studies in Anglo-Jeioish History, by the Rev. Dr. H. P. Stokes, 227 Stutyng, John of, 84's Tale, The, by R.Cumberland, 157 Surinam, 116 Surrey (Earl of), 25 Susanna de Planaz, 34, 67, 75 seq. Sushene = Susanna Suza, Isaac Gomes de, 129, 146 Suza, Simcha, daughter of Isaac Gomes de, 129, 146 Swaythling, Gladys, Lady, 235 Swynefeld, Joh. de, 86 Symmachus, 5 Synagogues? Amsterdam, 114 Berkeley Street (London), 224 Bevis Marks (London), 235, 242, 299, 302 Birmingham, 246 Canaries, 98 seq., 101 Canterbury, 21, 22, 24, 27, 31, 34, 54, 55, 91, 93 Canterbury (new), 59 Cape Town, 190, 197 Central (London), 239 Synagogues (continued)? Creechurch Lane (London), 109 Great Synagogue, Duke's Place (Lon? don), 241, 284, 285, 302 Hambro (London), 238, 239, 284, 285 Kimberley, 197 London in 1282, 54 Middelburg, 117 seq., 120 New Synagogue (London), 235, 238, 269, 285 Old Market Street (London), 224 Port Elizabeth, 197 Provincial (England), 209 seq. Western (London), 269 Talebot, Nigel, 66 Talebot, Roger, 36 Talebot, Will., 80 Tallages, 37, 39, 42 Talliators, 42 "Talmud Torah," founded by Nieto, 299 Tarn, Rabbenu, 20 Tanet, Henry de, 82 Tapeton, Rich, de, 80, 81 Tapeton, Will, de, 80 Tarifa, Juan de, 106 Taylleur, William le, 24, 58 Tebli, David, 131 Tebli, Isaac (son of David), 131 Templo, Jacob Judah Leon, 114 seq. Teneriffe, 97 seq. Terry, Rev. Edward, 185 Theal, historiographer of South Africa, 182 seq. Thellusson, 231 Theodore Cyphon, by G. Walker, 169 Theron family, 188 Tholi, father of Benedict, 27, 34 Thomas a Becket, 20 seq. Thomas de Peddinges, 41 Thomas le Bede), 86 Thomas the Spicer, 66, 75 Thomas Wallensis, 7 Thrale, Mrs., 226 Titterman, Isaac, 239 seq. Toledo, 7, 15 Top, Isaac, 56 seq., 90, 193</page><page sequence="18">352 INDEX. " Tosaphoth," English Jews in, 209 Toulouse, 13 seq. Tovey's Anglia-Judaica, 207 Travels in Eastern Africa, by N. Isaacs, 189 Tribaldo, Bartholome Lopez, 100 Trindham, Joh. de, 88 Trineham, Joh. de, 89 Troya, Juan de, 101 Tulbagh, Ryk, 186 Tunbridge Wells, Cumberland at, 173 Turkey, 113 Turte, John, 77 Ursellus of York, 56 Utrecht, Union of, 113 Vaale (Valle), Isaac del, 275 seq. Vaes (Vaez), Gongalo Rodrigues, 110 ; Lucina Rodrigues, 110; Mencia, 105 Valera, Diego de ( = Isaac Levi), 103 seq. Valera, Sebastian, 106 Valoynis, Waresius de, 88 Vaz, Abraham Havila Dias, 132, 146 Vaz, Sara Vaz Aboab, 131 Vega, Francisco Porteros de la, 111 Veiga, Joseph Abravanel da, 124, 140 Veiga, da, family (Samuel and Aaron), 140 Velosinos, Elijah, 134 Velosinos, Judith (wife of Elijah), 134 Verac, Marquis of, 234 Verd, Cape, 107 Verdon, John of, 29 Verdun, Christine de, 91 Vergas, Aldonca de, 106 Villa Franca = London, 305 Villaviciosa, 104 Villiers, J. de, 113 seq. Vincent, William (= Thomas Holcroft), 224 seq., 228 seq. Vivard (Hayim) (Canterbury), son of Isaac, 30, 32 Vives of Winchester, 36, 42, 43, 55, 56, 57, 66, 77, 78, 83, 91, 93, 95 Vivianus, 34, 75 Vossius, 116 Vosune, Joh., de Chileham, 87 Vulgate, 4 seq., 12 Wagenaar, 284 Waldis, Adam de, 95 Walker, George, 169 Wallace, Robert, 195 Wallensis, Thomas, 7 Walpole, Horace, 228, 264 Wandering Jew, 226 Ward, Harriet, 193 Washington, 237 Watson, Robert, 223 seq. Webb, Carteret, 207 Wemyss, Millicent E., 238 West Gate, Canterbury, 22 West India Company, Dutch, 115 West Indian Islands, 180, 222 West Indian, The, by R. Cumberland, 148 seq. Wheel of Fortune, The, by R. Cumberland, 148 Whitehall Conference, 111 Whiteway, R. S., 183 Wiel, M., 257 Wilard, Will-,77 William I, 7 William de la Mare, 12 seq. William le Taylleur, 24 William of Orange, 113 William, son of Baldwin, 75 Williams, Gardner, 200 Winchester, 36, 42, 51, 52, 55, 56, 66 Wingeham, 87 Witherby, 170 Witstapele, Joh. de, 86 Wivelesver', Will, de, 85 Wodegate, Henricus de la, 83 Wodehouse, Sir Philip, 200 seq. Wodeton, Joh. de, 87 Wolf, George Garcia, 201 Wolf, Lucien, paper on Crypto-Jews in the Canaries, 97 Wolf, Lucien, Presidential Address on Origin of the Jewish Historical Society of England, 206 Wolf, Lucien, 115 seq., 225</page><page sequence="19">index. 353 Women as financiers, 45, 54, 55 Worcester Parliament, 36 seq. Wycham, John of, 84 Wydus le Taylur, 77 Wye, Alan de, 34; G-ilbertus le Chin de (Wy), 84 Wylmynton, Richard of, 95 Wyngate, Yuo of, 84 Wyuelesbyr', Galfr. de, 83 Wyweus (Wyneus, Wyueus) = Vives of Winchester, 83 Ximenes, Martin, 101 seq. Yarrow, Alfred Fernandez, 235 Yates and Samuel Families of Liverpool, by Lucien Wolf, 225 Yates, Mrs. Samuel ( = Martha Abra? hams), 225 Yanez, Alonzo, 103 seq. Yanez, Juan, 108 Yente, sister of Rabbi Tevele Schiff, 241 Yom Tob, son of Isaac, 78, 96 York, 4 seq., 24, 42 Yue Chyrch, 80 Zambajo, 203 Zangwill, I., 213 Zangwill, Louis, paper by, entitled Richard Cumberland Centenary Memorial Paper, 147 Zarfatti, Jehoshuah, 300 Zayas, Bravo, 107 Zedner, Joseph, 272 Zeeland, 114 seq. Zerach, son of Benjamin, 35 Zerach, son of Meir, 78, 95 Zimbabwe, 204 Zimbabye, 181 Zulus, 189 vol. vir. z</page><page sequence="20">Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson &amp; Co. Edinburgh &amp; London</page></plain_text>

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