Index Vol 6
<plain_text><page sequence="1">INDEX. Abd-er-Rahman, 143 Abraham, A., Sheriff, 245 Abraham ben David, 146 Abrahams, B. Lionel, 258 Abrahams, I., papers by, 249, 254; speech at Jubilee of Political Emanci? pation, 91 Abudiente, 209 Ackerson, Jacob, 19 Adames, Thomas, 279 Addison, L., 60 Adler, Dr. H., speech at Jubilee of Political Emancipation, 94 Adrianople, 17 Aguilar, Grace, 11 Alfonso X., 147 seq. Alfred, King, and Mosaic Law, paper by Prof. F. Liebermann, 21 Alien laws, 156 seq. Alvaro, Paul, 145 American Colonies, Jews in, 19, 157 Anabaptists, 274 Andrada, Manuel de, 39 seq. Anglo-Jewish Historiography, Pre? sidential Address by the Rev. S. Levy, 1 Anglo-Judaica, Presidential Address by the Rev. Prof. Hermann Gollancz, 56 Antonio, Portuguese Pretender, 37 seq. Antwerp, 36 seq. Arabic language, 144 Arians, 274 Arise Evans, 200 seq. Aristeas, 61 Arundel, Archbishop, 274 seq. Ashley, James, 69 Ashley, Lord, 242 Asquith, H. H., Letter from, 89 Asser assists Alfred the Great, 22 Authorised Version of English Bible, 278 Avila, Gomez d', 46 Bacon, Roger, 58 Balfour, A. J., Letter from, 89 Baring, Sir ?. T., 123 Baring, 249 Barnard, Philip, 114 Barnard, Sir John, 162, 229 Barnwell, 267 Bay on, Bartolome, 39 Bede, 26 Bellamy, J., 80 Bentinck, Lord George, 241 Bibliography of Pamphlets relating to the Jew Bill of 1753, 178 seq. Bicheno, J., 65 Blunt, J. E., 11 Bodleian Bowl, 9 Boemus, John, 278 Bolingbroke, Lord (1753), 212, 227 seq. Botello, 45 Bourne, Henry, 65 Boyer, A., 69 Bract on, 255 seq. Brothers, Richard, 65 Browne, Sir T., 14 Burder, 61 Burghley, 32 seq., 153 Burgundy, 32 seq. 313</page><page sequence="2">314 INDEX. Cabbala, 59 Calais, 49 Calvert, Sir W., 212 seq. Capital punishment in Alfred's Code, 29 Carrington, 238 Carter, J. B., 123 Carter, William, 115 Castilian dialect influenced by Jews, 147 seq. Catalogue of Satirical and Political Prints on the 1753 Bill, 216 seq. Catharine de Medici, 37 Cathari, 262 Cecil, Sir Robert, 32 seq, Chamberlaine, Edward, 66 Channel, Elenor, 192 Charles II. (England), 4, 157, 193 seq. Childers, H. C. E., 210 Childers, Rowlanda, 210 Chilmead, Edmund, 60 Cid, 147 Clarke, Adam, 61 Clark, Andrew, 61 Clavering, Robert, 62 Coggeshall, Roger of, 267 Columbus, 154 Communal takkanoth at Portsmouth, 112 seq. Conciliator (Menasseh ben Israel's), 63 conspiracy, a supposed jewish, in 1753, paper by the Rev. S. Levy, 234 Cooke, George, 177 Cordova Caliphate, 143 Correr, M. Antonio, 20 Creighton, Mandell, 10 Cromwell, 59, 63, 65 seq., 72 Croppedy, 201 Crypto-Jews, 19 Cudworth, 58 DALLAS, Lord, 248 Dashwood, Sir J., 176 seq. Deacon, the, and the Jewess; or, Apostasy at Common Law. Paper by Prof. F. W. Maitland, 260; Pre? fatory Note by I. Abrahams, 254 Derby, Earl of (1851), 241 Dohm, William, 129 seq. Drummond, Archbishop of York, 207 Dupplin, Lord, 163 Dyson, T., 70 Edward I., 57 Edward VI., 274 seq. Egmont, Earl of, 177, 208, 227 seq. Eisenmenger, 132 seq. Elizabeth and Lopez, 33 seq. Emancipation of the Jews, an English Voice on, paper by Dr. Hartwig Hirschfeld, 128 Emanuel, Emanuel, 245 Ernanuel, Michael, 114 Embleton, 10 Ermell, Jane, 209 Essex, Earl of, 32 seq., 153 Exhibition, Anglo-Jewish, 1 Fables, 150 Fawkes of Breaut<3, 264 seq. Ferdinand II., 154 Filmer, Sir R., 58 Fitzherbert, 275 Flanders, 33, 48 seq. Florence of Worcester, 258 Foster, Dr. T. Gregory, speech at Jubilee of Political Emancipation, 108 Francia, 69 Francis III., 135 Franklin, Eliezer, 116 seq. Franklin, Jacob, 240 Franks, David, 19 Franks, Moses, 19 Franks, Naphtali, 126 Franks v. Martin, 247 Frederick the Great, 128 seq. Frederick William III., 136 Freidenberg, A. M., paper by, 247 Fuentes, Count de, 49 Fuller, Thomas, 280 Gabikol, 144 seq. Gallipoli, 17 Gama, Ferreira da, 46 seq. Gascoyne, Sir Crisp, 225</page><page sequence="3">INDEX. 315 Gaster, Dr. M., speech on Jubilee of Political Emancipation, 98 Gessly, Dr., 122 Gideon, Sampson, 158 seq., 208 seq. Gladstone, W. E., 83 Godwyn, 58 Goldschmidt, D., 15 Goldsmid, Aaron, 126 Goldsmid, F. H., 79, 86, 91 seq. Goldsmid, I. L., 80, 249 Gollancz, H., papers by, 56, 189 Goodman, Isaac, 19 Gordon, Lord George, 69 Gostellow, various members of the family, 190 seq. Gothic Spain, 139 seq. Gottlib, Christian, 234 seq. Graetz, 257 Grant, Robert, 91 seq., 249 seq. Grattenauer, 133 Gregory, Prior of Ramsey, 57 Gross, Charles, 15 Habershon v. Vardon, 248 Hakam II., 144 Halhed, Brassey, 65 Hanbury, Mrs. Culling, 210 Hardinge, Nicholas, 163 Hart, Aaron, 247 Hart, Benjamin, master of the Maria, 19 Hart, Jacob, 19 Hart, Moses, 124, 247 Hart, Simcha, 247 Hasdai ibn Shaprut, 145 Hatherley, Lord, 244 Hayter, Bishop of Norwich, 207 Hebrew books at Huntingdon and Stam? ford, 57; Christian students of Hebrew, 61 seq. Henley, Lord Keeper, 248 Henry II. (of France), 135 ; Henry IV., 33 Henry, Moses, 19 Heresy laws in England, 254 seq. Herschell, R. H., 65 Hirschel, Solomon, 80, 112 seq. Hirschfeld, H., paper by, 128 Hoare, see Sells v. Holinshed, 272 Holland, Lord, 92 Howel, James, 280 Hume, M., papers by, 32, 138 Hunt, Rev. Dr. W., speech at Jubilee of Political Emancipation, 105 Hurwitz, Hyman, 80 Hyamson, A. M., paper by, 156 Ibarra, 49 Ine's Laws, 25 Inglis, Sir Robert, 92 Innocent III., 261 seq. Ionna, Mrs., 242 seq. Isaacs, Dr. Samuel, 19 Isabella, 154 J. B. d. V. S. J. D. R., author of pamph? let on Jewish Emancipation, 136 Jacob, Captain (Major), 19 Jamaica, 158 Jehuda b. Jacob, 122 Jehuda Halevi, 145 Jennings, 61 Jesuits, 33 Jew Bill of 1753, paper by Albert M. Hyamson, 156 (see also " Satirical and Political Prints," &c. ; and " Con? spiracy, a Supposed," &c, 72) Joel b. Joel Ha-levi, 126 Joel, Captain, 19 John of Basingstoke, 269 seq. Jonas, Simon and Solomon, 234 seq. Joseph I., 114 Joseph b. Jacob, 122 Joseph, Rev. Morris, speech on Jubilee of Political Emancipation, 100 Joseph, Saml., 114 Joseph II., 130 Joshua, Mr., 117 Josippon in England, paper by Lucien Wolf, 277 Josippon, 58 Jugge, Richard, 278 seq. Justice, administration of, in Alfred's Code, 29</page><page sequence="4">316 INDEX. Kirwan, F. D., 76 Langton, Stephen, 260 seq. Lavater, 64 Law Cases, A Note on Some Anglo Jewish, paper by Albert M. Frieden? berg, 247 Lazarus ( = Abraham Susman), 116 Lazarus, D., 114 Leicester, Earl of, 36 seq. Leland, 57 Lessing, 129 Levi, David, 64 Levy, George, 114 Levy, Joshua, 19 Levy, S., papers by, 1, 234; speech at Jubilee of Political Emancipation, 102 Lex talionis in Alfred's Code, 30 Liebermann, F., paper by, 21 Lindo, E. H., 63 Lindo v. Unworth, 248 List of English editions of Josippon, 282 seq. Locke, John, 67 Lollards, 274 seq. Lopez, the so-called Conspiracy op Dr. Ruy, paper by Major Martin Hume, 32, 280 Louis XIV., 135 Luis de Saint Angel, 154 Luzzatto, Marco, 63 Lyndwood, 274 Lyon, Joseph, 19 Lyons, Captain, 19 Macaulay on Grace Aguilar, 12; on Civil Disabilities of Jews, 84 Madox, Thomas, his contribution to Anglo-Jewish History, 8 Maimonides, 15, 146 Maitland, F. W., paper by, 260 Mandell, W., 59 Manning, S. J., 248 Manuel, Luis, 47 Margoliouth, Moses, 12 Marlborough, 68 Marriage, Alfred's Code on, 27 Martin, see Franks v. Matthew Paris, 256 Medina, Sir S., 68 Meiseis, I. S., paper by, 111 Menasseh ben Israel, 5, 7, 62, 66, 70, 131 seq., 189 seq., 223 Menasseh ben Shaprut, 146 Mendelssohn, Moses, 63, 131 Mendoza, Bernardino de, 35 seq. Meyer, Dr. Goldston, 122 Michel, M., 237 Mills, Mr., and Lopez, 45 Mocatta, F. D., 81 Mocatta Library, 16 Mocatta, M., 80 Modena, Leo de, 60 Mosheh and Hanoch at Cordova, 145 Mollines, Dr., 201 Money, S., 248 Monua, secretary of Philip II., 43 Montefore, M., 81, 244 seq. Montezinus, 192 seq. More, Henry, 58 Morvyn, Peter, 58, 278 seq. Mosaic and Saxon Law, 21 seq. Mosenthal, Aaron, 278 Moses, Isaac, 114 Moses, Joseph, 114 Moses, S., 114 Moses Sephardi, 150 Moslems and Jews in Spain, 141 seq. Moura, Cristobal de, 55 Mozarabes, 144 MS. Sidelights on Anglo-Jewish Emancipation, paper by Maurice Myers, 240 M?nster, Sebastian, 279 Myers, Benjamin, 19 Myers, I., 114 Myers, M., paper by, 240 Myers, Rachel, 19 Naphtali Herz b. Joseph, 126 Nathan and Sabbatai Zevi, 17 Newcastle, Duke of (1753), 175, 207 seq., 217 seq. Newdegate, 97, 176</page><page sequence="5">INDEX. 317 Newman, Alfred A., 13 Nieto, David, 64 " No Jews, no wooden Shoes," 156 seq. Northey, William, 160 seq. Norwich, Bishop of (1753), 168 Norwich, Bishop of (1848), 240 Nugent, Robert, 158, 163 Nye, Thomas, 5, 7 Ockley, S., 61 Oriental influence on European litera? ture, 149 Oseney, 261 seq. Oxford Election (1753), 212 seq. Paalzow, C. L., 133 Paiba, Rachel de, 210 Pamphlets on the 1753 Bill, 170 Parents, honour of, in Alfred's Code, 26 Parker, Lord, 176 Parliamentary Oath, 91 seq. Peel, Sir R., 240 Pelagius, 262 Pelham, 156 seq., 207 seq., 217 seq. Peppercorn, J. W., 62 Perez, Antonio, 46 Petitions in connection with the 1753 Bill, 165 Philip IL, 32 seq. Picciotto, James, 2, 13, 259 Pilger, H. F., 132 Pitt, 176 seq. Pococke, Edward, 62 Political Emancipation, the Jubi? lee of, Commemorative Dinner, 88 Pollock, Sir F., 254 seq. Portsmouth, the Jewish Congrega? tion of (1766-1842), paper by the Rev. I. S. Meisels, 111 Powell, F. York, 15 Priestley, 65 Proverbs, 151 Prussia, Jews in (1753), 235; (after 1812), 128 seq. Prynne, William, 3 seq., 256 Puritans, 33 Raleigh, Sir W., 153 Reader, Thomas, 65 Readmission of the Jews, a Con? tribution to the History of, paper by the Rev. Prof. Hermann Gollancz, 189 Rebecca, daughter of Abraham, 122 Reccared, 140 Resurrectionists, 119 Reynold, Admiral, 118 Robert de Redingge, 259 Robert Grant's Bill (1830), Text of, paper by Israel Abrahams, 249 Robertson, W., 59 Rooche, David, 201 Rothschild, Baron L. de, 82, 92, 244 seq. R?ssel, Lord John, 83 Ryley, 5 Sabbatai Zevi in English State Papers, 17 ; English tracts on, ibid., 61 Salomons, David, 81 Samuel, Herbert, speech on Jubilee of Political Emancipation, 96 Samuel ibn Nagrela, 146 Samuel, John, 245 Samuel, Michael b., 123 Samuels, M.? 63 Sanchez, Gabriel, 155 Sander (Zellwill), 116, 124 Sanhedrin in France, 76 seq. Sautre, 260 Sassoon, Sir Edward, speech on Jubilee of Political Emancipation, 99 Satirical and Political Prints on the Jews' Naturalisation Bill, 1753, paper by Israel Solomons, 205 Schiff, David Tewele, 126 Scott's Marmion, 273 Seeker, Bishop of Bristol, 207, 233 Sells v. Hoare, 248 Serra, Phineas Gomes, 210 Shem Tob of Carrion, 152 Shuit, 201 Shylock and Lopez, 35 Simons, Henry, 69 Simpson, S., 114</page><page sequence="6">318 INDEX. Sisebut, 141 Slavery in Alfred's Code, 27 Smith, Lady Culling, 210 Smith, Mr., of Frankfort (1753), 237 Smyrna, 17 Solomon, Lieut. John, 19 Solomon, M., 114 Solomons, L, paper by, 205; on Sabbatai Zebi tracts, 17 ; on publications con? nected with the 1753 Bill, 178 Sorcery, Alfred's Code concerning, 26 South Sea Bubble, 239 Spanish Jews, Some Debts the world owes to the, paper by Major Martin Hume, 138 Stafford, James, 280 Strangers, treatment of, in Alfred's Code, 27 Stubbs, 267 Surinam, 123 Susman, Abraham, 116 Swain, J. H., 65 Sydenham, 168 Symonds, Hart, 80 Talavera, Archbishop, 154 Tama, D., 76 Tayler, .Francis, 60 Ten Commandments prefixed to Code of Alfred the Great, 21 Tinoco, 49 seq. Toledo, Eighth Council of, 141 Touro, Isaac, 19 Tovey, D'Blossiers, 9, 256 seq. Trevelyan, Charles, Letter from, 90 Trevelyan, Sir George, Letter from, 89 Tucker, Josiah, 73, 207 Turner, Sir E., 215 Unworth, see Lindo v. Usque, Samuel, 257 Vald^s, Pedro de, 39 Van Braam, Captain, 19 Van der Poel, Isaac, 19 Van Norden, Gabriel, 19 Van Oven, B., 82 Vandam, 19 Vardon, Habershon v., 248 Venetian State Papers, 19 Venning, 245 Veiga, Antonio da, 38 seq. Verga, Ibn, 257 Vindicice Judceorum, 63, 131, 134 Waad, Sir W.,35 Wallie, John, 279 Wall, Moses, 192 Walpole, 158 seq., 230 Walsingham, 37 seq. Walter of Coventry, 267 Walton, 59 Warburton, 65 Warren, 97 Watreman, William, 278 Waverley (Surrey), 266 Webb, P. C, 9, 11, 211 Weemse, John, 58 Wendover, Roger of, 265 Wharton, 5 Whately, Archbishop, 84 Whitehall Conference, 5, 7, 8, 10, 58, 68 Wolf, L., paper by, 277 Wood, Mr., of Youghall, 201 Wykes, Thomas, 271 Yahya, Gedaliah ibn, 256 seq. Yoell, Y., 114 Young, R., 62 Yurex or Yurrick, Isaac, 19 Zakut, Isaac, 148 Zangen, Carl George von, 132 Zevi Ashkenasi, 64 Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. Edinburgh & London</page></plain_text>