Index Vol 5
<plain_text><page sequence="1">INDEX. Compiled by HERBERT LOEWE, M.A. Aaron (Ireland), 228 n. Aaron (Reader), 171. Aaron, son of Abraham, 254t 255, 272 273. Aaron, Acoen, 175. Aaron, of Ireland, 231. Aaron, son of Jacob, 262, 263, 266, 267, 270, 271. Aaron, son of Josce of York, 251, 255. Aaron of Lincoln, 36. Aaron of Lunel, 190. Abarbanel, Bathsheba, 216. Abarbanel, David, 217. Abarbanel, Ephraim, 216. Abarbanel, Don Isaac, 217? Abarbanel, Samuel, 217. Abderrahman III., 204. Abele, R., 166. Abendana, Isaac, 185 Abendanon, Joseph, 89, 91, 110. Aboab, Isaac, 215, 217. Aboab, Jacob, 19. Aboab, Cardoso, 218. Abraham (Ireland), 228 n. Abraham, Nahmias de Crasto, 213. Abraham, ben Judah, 234 Abraham, son of Moses, 250, 251. Abraham, son of Solomon. {See Nancy, Abraham.) Abraham, son of Tobias, 166, 167. Abraham, son of, 266, 267. Abrahams, Israel, " Note on the Bodleian Bowl," 104 ; Presidential Address, 193 ; 44, 50, 66, 73, 299, 301, 302. Abrahams, Lionel, 238, 239 ?. Abulens, E. Shelomo, 126. Academia Oxoniensis Pictas, 90. A costa, 131. Acosta, d', 141. Acts of Elizabeth awl Edward VI., for not attending church, 17. Act of Toleration, 27, 28. Adam de Bedingfeld, 254, 255, 272, 273. Adam, son of William Wood of Thorn - ham, 264, 265. Adelaide, Queen, 88. Adler, Elkan N., paper on Menasseh ben Israel, 174, 200. Adler, R. Gabriel, 156. Adler, Rev. Dr. H., paper on the Baal Shem of London, 148, 189 {see also Chief Rabbi). Adler, Rev. Michael, 231 n. Afghanistan, 116. Aglio, Augustine, 130. Agnes, wife of Robert de Briggeham, 262, 263. Agmlar, d', 218. Aguilar, Baron d', 216. Aiken, Dr., 212, Alan, Franceis, 256, 257. Alan, de Senior, 248, 249, 252, 253. Alani, 123. Alciato, Terence, 177. Alexander the Coppersmith. 235 n. Alexander the Great, 116, 117, 119. Alexander the Printer, 150, 219. Alexander, Mr., of Whitechapel, 224. Alexander's Memoirs, 153 n, 162. Alexandra, Queen, 93, 147, 278. 331</page><page sequence="2">332 INDEX. Alfonso V., 217. Algat (Aldgate), 7. Alice of Montmorency, 36. Alisandre. (See Alexander.) Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums, 235 n. Allix, P., 91. Alroy, 203. Alton, John d', 232, 236 n, 238 n. Alvares, Duarte Henriques, 10. Alvares, Isaac Jesurun, 85. Alvares, Jessuran, 209. Alvaro da Costa, 20. Amazons, 117, 118, 138. American Celebration, 299. American Jewish Historical Society, 197. Americans No Jew es, 137 n, 141. Amsterdam, 19, 134. Amsterdamsch Jaarboekje, 177. Andrew, son of William Wascelin, 246, 254, 255, 262, 263, 266, 267. Anet, William de, 39, 41. Angel, The, 221. Angevin Fitz Bone vie, 228 n. Anglia Judaica, 184, 185. A nglice Notitia, 28. Anglicised Jews, loss of, 55. Anglo-Israelites, 113. Anglo-Je wish Exhibition, 197. Anian, Straits of, 140. Annals of the Bodleian, 184. Annals of Innisfalien, 227 n. Anne, Queen, 89, 91, 95, 110. Anointment of King, 95. Antiquities of Mexico, 130, 131. Antonio Fernandes de Carvajal. {See Carvajal). Antonio Fereira, 22. Antony de Sousa, 7. Aquila, Sir Walter de, 39, 41. Araxes, 127. Archenholz, 152, 154, 162. Ardoce, 124. Aries, Sin Deego Rodrego?, 7. Arlado, 136. Armenians, 128. Armillae (bracelets), 96. Arnold, Matthew, 285. Aronius' Regesien, 198. Arsaratha, 127. Arsareth, 127. Arundel, W., 268, 269. Ascamoth, 12. Ascanioth, compiled, 27. Ascamoth, revised (1664), 23. Asher, Dr., 191, 192. Ashkenazi, R. Zebi, 151, 234?. Asia, 129. Assyria, 123, 126, 134, 141. Assyrians, 127. Atees, Moses, 7. Athias, Moses, 8, 11, 13, 23. Atlantis, 116. Augustine Coronel. (See Coronel.) Aumery of Mittun, Sir, 39, 41. Aus Heinrich Heine's Ahnensaal, 157 n. Azulai, R. David, 154, 161. Baal Shbm, the, of London, paper by the Rev. Dr. H. Adler, 148. Backwell, Alderman, 19, 23. Bacon, Roger, 228. Bagwell, John, 91, 109. Baker, Sir Richard, 12, 14. Baldwin, Archbishop of Canterbury, 84, 103. Balfour, A. J., 279. Ballybough Bridge, 235. Banishment of Jews under Edward I., 17. Baptism of Jewish children, 37. Barbosa Machado, 22 n. Bardeli, 136. Barnett, Canon, 72. Baroa, 6. Bartholomew de Crek, 256, 257 Baruk, Jacob, 9, 10. Baruk, Moses, 9, 10, 32. Basevi, 203. Basevi, Joshua, 215. Basevi, Miriam (Maria), 214, 215. Basevi, Naphtali, 214. Basevi, Sarah, 215. Basevi, Solomon, 214. Basevi von Treuenburg, 214. Basnage, 129.</page><page sequence="3">INDEX. 333 Bassett, William, 39, 41. Beaconsfield, Lord, 202, 205, 206, 209, 211, 214, 215, 217, 218, 293, 297 (see also Disraeli, Benjamin). Beauis Markes, 6. Bedford, Henry de, 264, 265. Bedingfeld, Henry de, 254, 255, 272, 273. Behilah, Belah, 172. Beira, 17, 20. Belasez, daughter of Moses, 270, 271? Belduque (Bois le Due), 176. Belerman, 6, 9. Belfast, 242. Bellamy the Cooper. (See Belerman.) Belle Sauvage, 221. Belmonte, 208. Bemont, Ch., 41. Bender, Rev. A. P., 241. Benedict, Abbas, of Peterborough, 80, 83, 84, 101. Benedict, Crispin, of London, 252, 2C3. Benedict, Fitz-, 228 n. Benedict, son of Sarah, 228 n. Benedict of York, 81, 82, 101, 102, 104, 106. Beneventa, 131. Benjamin Bunn, 164. Benjamin, Mendes da Costa, 85. Benjamin of Tudela, 126. Benmohel, N. L., 241. Bent, J. T., 184. Benthall, F., 40. Bento de la Coste, 8, 9, 20. Berat Anac, 144. Berkshire, Earl of, 24, 32. Berliner, Prof., 156, Bernal, Jacob, 241 n. Bernal-Osborne, Ralph, 240. Bernard de Casseres. (See Casseres.) Bernays, 284. Berosus, 127. Beth Chayim, 5 (see also Cemetery), Bethencourt, Cardoso de, 44. Bethel, 112. Beues Marks (Bevis Marks), 6, 7 ; Minute Book, 12 n. Beyra, 30, 31. Bible (Coronation), 96. BtUioiheca Anglo- Judaica, 243, 298. Bibliotheca Rabbinica, 176. Biographische Denkm?ler, 155. Bird, 146. Bishop of Lincoln, 37 ; of Chichester, 268, 269 ; of Londonderry, 231. Bishopsgate St., 6, 7. Blanche (daughter of Colonel), 18. Blessing (Coronation), 98. Bloch, Dr. Philipp, 195. Blomfield, Bp., 94. Bhind, Sir Roger, 39, 41, Blunt, Henry, 128. Boaz, R. Simeon, 167 (see also Simeon). Bodleian Bowl, paper by I. Abrahams, 184 seq, (see also p. 91). Bodley, J. E. C, 94 n. Bois le Due, 176. Bolingbroke, 51. Bolt and Tun, 221. Bona, sister of Ellas, 272, 273. Bona, wife of Moses, 228 n. Bonevie, Angevin Fitz, 228 n. Book of Facts, 237 n. Book of Genealogies, 232. Bora, Sir Jacob, 6. Bordeaux, 17. Bosco, William de, 270, 271. Boshipgot (Bishopsgate) Street, 7. Boshippgat (Bishopsgate) Strett, 6. Boturini, 131. Bouquet, Philip, 91, 92, 110, 111. Boyno, Sin Doctor, 7, 10. Bracelets (Armillse), 96. Brahms, 284. Braitun, Hagin, 254, 255. Brazil, 139. Brech, Simon, 112. Breda, 17, 176. Brerewood, Edward, 124, 125, 126. Britannia Hediviva, 90. British Israel Theory, 143. Brito, Domingo Vaz de, 8, 9. Brito, Manuel de Costa, 7, 9. Brothers, Richard, 143. Brow, 6, 9.</page><page sequence="4">334 INDEX. Browning, Robert, 283. Bruce, 146. Bruges, 26. Brummagem, 222. Br?ning, Ralph de, 264, 265. Bryce, Rt. Hon. James, 282, 285, 286, 289, 292, 294, 297. Buber, 200. Buckle, 56, 194. Bueno, Dr. Joseph Mendes, 9, 10, 11. "Bull and Mouth," 221. Bungingtun, 274, 275. Bunn, Benjamin, 164. Bury, Prof., 194, 197. Bury St. Edmunds, 185, 189. Button, R., 91, 109. Buxton, 166. Buxtorf, 136. Caceres, De, 15. Caceres, Simon de, 8, 9. Cresar, 137. Cagliostro, 152. Calendars of the Coaching Days, 219 seq. Calendar of Plea Rolls, 198. Calimani, Simon, 210. Canaanites, 135. Cardoso, Aboab, 218. Cardoso, David Aboab, 214. Cardoso, Jacob Aboab, 214. Cardoso, Sarah, 214. Cardoso de Bet hencourt, 44. Carleton, Walter de, 268, 269. Carlyle, 152. Carmen Arabicum . . . literis Bebraieis. . ., 92. Carmen Ilebraicum . . ., 91. Caroline (Queen), 85, 92. Carthaginians, 140. Carvajal, 15, 116. Carvajal, Don Antonio Fernandes de, 7, 8, 9, 216 ; leaves money for communal poor, 11. Carvajal, Maria Fernandes, 14, 15, 26, 28 ; Petition, 28. Casas, Las, 131. Caspian Mountains, 117, 119. Caspian Sea, 122, 124, 126, 127. Casseres, Bernard de, 18 (see also Caceres). Casseres, Henrique de, 18. Catherine of Braganza, 18, 19; her dowry, 19 ; Catherine and Dr. Mendes. 21. Caulfield, Countess, 241. Caursines, 38. Cawton, Thomas, 91. Cecilia, wife of John de Museigros, 230 n. Cemetery, 12 (see also Beth Chayim). Cemetery, Dublin, 235. Cerda, Domingo de la, 10. Chabor. See Habor. Chacao, 30, 31. Chaigneau, 205. Chalbard, Merinus (Meyer), 264, 265. Chamberlayne, Edward, 28. Champain, Ranulf, 252, 253. Change, Jews' representative, 5. Charlemont, Elizabeth Jane, 241. Charles I,, 90, 97-99, 109. Charles I. and Catherine of Braganza, 18. Charles II., 90, 109, 141 ; reply to peti? tion, 25, 33 ; Royalist Jews in Holland and France, 16 ; issues Royal warrant, 16 ; services to, by Jews, 16 ; and Parliament re Jews, 16 ; grant to Jews, 25 ; follows Cromwell's example, 17 ; letters of denization, 18. Charles VI., 216. Charlotte, Queen, 92. Charter of Charles II., 25, 26 27. Charter of Simon de Montfort, 40 seq. Charbres, Due de, 155, 165. Chasdai ibn Shaprut Abu Yussuf, 204, 210, 211, 215. Chauncey, Dr. Charies, 6, 7. Chazan. (See Reader.) Cherem, 144. Chevereuil, Frank de, 264, 265. Chichester, Bp. of, 268, 269. Chief Rabbi, 43, 60, 71, 85, 93, 148 seq., 189, 282; 285, 289, 290, 294, 295. (See</page><page sequence="5">INDEX. 333 also Adler, Athias, Emden, Gaster, Sasportas, &c.) Chillon, Isak Lopes, 8, 9, China, 116. Chrechurch, 6. 7, 10, 17, 22. Chronicon A nglicarum ,81. Chronica Mayistri Rogeri de Hovendeite, 102. Chronol. Sac. Isagage , 170. Church Laine, 7. Churchill, E. F.f 247, Cicero, 201. Cipora, daughter of Merinus (Meyer), 250, 251, 2G8, 269, 270, 271, City Corporation and rights of Jew??, 13, 15. Clare, Thomas de, 230n. Clarendon, 18, Clarke, A., 91. Claver, William le, of Stirstim, 262, 263. Clavering, Robert, 91. Clement (Pope), 103. Clenche-Waretun, Reginald de, 272, 271?. Clerk of Congregation, 11. Cleveland, ex-President Grover, 299* Clifford, Lord, li'8. Clodt, Baronesse von, 227 w, Clyron, 118. Coaching Days> Calendars of tub, paper by Maurice Myers, 219. Coen, Aaron a-f 175, Cohen, Joseph, 87. Cole, Sir Henry, 241 n. Coleman, William, 270, 271. Coleridge, 201. Collonel (see Coroael), 18. Colville, 205, Comeston, Peter, 120. Community in London in 1660, descrip? tion, 12. Conciliador, 176, 177, 180, 181, 183. Conference. (See Whitehall,) Connaught, 242. Connell, Daniel 0\ 238. Conrad and Henry (sons of the Emperor), 119. Consecratory Prayer, 97, 98, Constantine, 147. Copley, 157. Coppus Cotenne, 231 n* Coppus, Joseph, 231 n, Cordillera (Mts.), 140, Cork, 235, 242. Cornherde, John de, 258, 259. Coronations, Jews and, paper by the Rev. S. Singer, 79. Coronation, blessiog, 98 j medal, 9'T 113; oath, 96; order, 99; service (first), 93 ; spurs and sword, 95 ; stone, 112, 144 seq. Coronation of Richard L, 79 seq., 101. Coronel, Augustine, 6 $ becomes Chris' tian, 8; 16, 17, 18. Coronel, -Chacon (^Coronel), 17* Cortez, 131. Costa, da, 16, 17, 218. Costa, Alvaro da, 20. Costa, Benjamin Mendes da, 85* Costa, David da. 8, 9. Costa, Emanuel Mendes da, 6, 7. Costa, Fernando Mendes da, 19, 20, 2'3, 30, 31. Costa, I. M. da, 87. Costa, Jacob Mendez da, 212* Costa, Jorge Mendes da, 20, 30, 3L Costa, Jos>eph da, 211. Costa, Kitty da, 211, 212. Costa, Mendez da, 7, 11, 215, Costa, Mendez Fernando da, 22. Costa, Moses da, 85. Costa, Sarah Mendez da, 209, Coste, Bento de la, 8, 9, 20, Cotenne Coppus, 231 n. Courcelle, 208. Couty, Rabba, 302, Covel, Dr. John, 184, 185, 186, Covilha, 208. Cowley, A. E., 187. Cox, Harold, 292, 295. Crane Lane Synagogue, 233* Cranmer, 94. Crasto, Abraham Nahmias de, 213. Crasto, Rachel de, 214.</page><page sequence="6">336 INDEX. Crechurch Laine, 17, Creechurch Lane, 6, 10. Creechurch Lane Synagogue, 22, Crek, Bartholomew de, 256, 257. Crewe, Earl of, 292, 293. Cromwell, Oliver, 5, 10, 12, 13,14, 16, 90, 143, 175, 217, 233, 281, 282, 285, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 300; admission of Jews, 17; Dormido's Petition, 25 > Jewish privileges, 14; settlement, 13. Cromwell, Richard, 12, 90. Cross Keys, 221? Croua, Marchesa de, 154, 161. Crowning, ceremony of, 96, Crypto Jews. (See Marranos?) Cudworth, Dr. R., 90, 109, Cumanians, 119. Curestun of Keteringham, Robert, 262, 263. Curiosities of Literature, 214? Curreie, William, 262, 263. Curry, John, 236?, 237 w? Cusco, 138. Cypora, daughter of Meyer. (See Cipora.) Cyreti, William de, 268, 269. Czartoryski, Prince Adam, 155, 167. D'ACOSTA, (See Acosta, d\) Da Costa. (See Costa, da?) Daggeworthe, Richard De, son of Osbert, 252, 253. Dallinger, Ralph de, 254, 255, 266, 267? Dalrades, 146. Dameta, daughter of Morel, 264, 265, 270, 271? Danites (Irish), 146. Das geheime Treiben . . ? des Judentum* in Frankreith, 155. David, 147. David, Azulai, R., 154. David, Aboab Cordoso, 214? David, da Costa, 8, 9. David, Sin, the Prest, 6, David, Moses, 150, 151, 158, 159, 160, 161. Davis, M. D? 42, 45, 47, 189, 192 Davis, Nina (Mrs. R. N? Salaman). 44? Dazevedo, Isaac, 19. De Divinitate Legis Mos&iece, 176. Deflet et gratulatur, 91? Demurrer, 13. Denderici, Joseph, 235. Denkwtterdigkeiten, 155 tt. Denmark Court, Strand, 92. Deodatus, Bpiscopus Judeeorum, 228 n. Deoliverous, Sinor Josep, 7. Deoliverous, Sinor Mihell, 7. Deputies* Committee of, 86? Desousa, Sinor Antony, 7? Deserga, Domingo, 10? Deserga? Sin Domingoes> 7? Deuega, Sinor Samuell, 6, 7. Devonshire, Duke of, 85. Diaia, Franceis, 248, 249, 262, 263. Diaia, daughter of Leo, 264, 265, 270, 271. Diaia, daughter of Samson, 268, 269, 270, 271. Diaia, son of Samson, 250, 25L Diaia, le Scalari?s, 256, 257? Dias, Prosper?, 204. Dias, 131. Diceto, Ralph de, 81, 84. Dieulesaut, 190. Disabilities of Irish Jews, 239? Disney, W., 92, 111? Disraeli. {See Israeli, d'.) Disraeli, Benjamin. (See Disraeli*) Disraeli Family, The, Paper by L. Wolf, 202 seq. Disraeli, 205. Disraeli, Benjamin, 205, 213, 240? Doctor, R? Abraham, 166, 171. Dolaro, Selina, 210? Domingo de la Cerda, 10? Domingo Deserga, 7, 10? Domingo Francia, 10y 19. Domingo Vaz de Brito, 8, 9. Donin, 189. Dormedo, David Abarbanel, 10. Dormedio, 10. Dormido petitions Cromwell, 25. Dormido, Aron, 8. Dormido, David Abarbanel, 25.</page><page sequence="7">INDEX. 337 Dormido, Emanuell Martinez, 32. Dormido, Manuel Martinez, 217. Dormido, Solomon, 5n, 19. Dowry Fund, 22. Dresden, Lina, 171. Druids, 144. Drumont, 155 w, 165. Dublin Congregation, 233 seq.; cemetery, 235. Dubnow, 44. Ducasne, Andrew Coltee, 172. Duck (Duke's) Place, 7. Ducks Place, 6, 7. Duke's Place Synagogue, 86. Dunstable, Jews of, 82. Dunstaffnage Castle, 112. Durie, John. {See Dury.) Dury, John, 133, 134, 135. D?sseldorf, 191. Earl of Berkshire, 24, 32. Earl of Leicester, 36. Earl of Oxford, 184, 186. Earl of Winchester, 37. Ecclesia Hestaurata, 96. Edithfeld, Thomas de, 266, 267. Edward I., 112, 113 ; banishes Jews, 17. Edward II., 98, 99. Edward VI., 17, 94, 97, 113, 114. Edward VII., 89, 93, 278; Davidie descent, 147. Edward, Warin, 256, 257. Edwards, Thomas, 91, 109. Egypt, 127, 131, 134. Elias, son of Vives, 260, 261. Elington, Richard de, 256, 257. Eliot, Rev. John, 133, 141. Elizabeth (Queen), 17, 122. Elizabeth, Viscountess Galway, 218. Ellis, 91. Elmham, William de, 271, 272. Emanuel, 155. Emanuel, Barrow, 241. Emanuel Mendes da Costa, 6, 7. Emden, R. Jacob, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155 n, 158 n, 160. Emek Habacha, 107. VOL. V. Emigration, effects of, 52 seq. Emmanuel, Prince, 167. England und Italien, 152 n, 162. Enquiries touching diversity of Language..., 124.. Enriques, Jahacob Coen, 175. Ense, Varnhagen von, 155 n. Entrance into church, (Coronation), 94. Ephraim, 143. Ephraim, of Bonn, 107. Epistolce Ho-Eliana3, 128. Epping Forest, 166. Esar-Haddon, 123. Esdras, 124, 126, 131. Essay . . . Tartars are Posterity of Ten Tribes, 122. Essingen, Samuel, 152 n. Estrange, Sir Hamon 1', 137, 138, 141. Ethelred II., 97. Eudes de Beckham, 270, 271. Euphrates, 124, 126. Eveahide, 146. Exchequer of Jews of England, 229 n. Expulsions in England and France, 17, 36. Eye, Jacob de, 252, 253, 260, 261, 264, 265. FAIRD ELBACH, 227. Falckon, Dr. (See Falk.) Falk, Chayim Samuel Jacob, 148 seq. Falk, -Scheck, 155, 156, 165. Falk, son of Abraham Gisa, 172. Fanchurchurch Street. (See Fanchurch Stret.) Fanchurch (Fenchurch) Stret, 7. Ferdenadoes, Sra., widow, 7. Ferdenandes, Sra. Antony, 6. Ferdinand I. (Naples), 217. Ferdinand (Emperor), 214. Ferdinand and Isabella, 217. Ferdinande, 6. Ferdinando, Antony, 7. Fernando Mendes da Costa, 19, 20, 23, 30, 31. Fereira, Antonio, (Physician), 22. Fereira, Francisco, (Chamberlain), 22. Y</page><page sequence="8">338 INDEX. Fergus, 112. Ferrar, Doctor Abraham, 175. Finta fixed, 27. Firth, Prof. C. H., 16, 29, 196. Fitzgerald, 155 n. Fletcher, Giles, 122, 123. Fletcher, Phineas, 122. Mores Historiarum, 106. Floteman of Saxlingham, Robert, 264,265. Flury, daughter of Diaia, daughter of Samson, 272, 273. Flury, Emma, 272, 273. Flury, Thomas, 272, 273. Flying machine, 222. Forest of Essex, 166. Foster, Dr. Gregory, 66, 70, 73. Fradche, 168. Fragilidad Humana, 175. Franceis, Alan, 256, 257. Franceis, Diaia le, 248, 219, 262, 263. Francia, Domingo, 19. Francia, Domingo Rodrigues, 10. Francia, Francisco, 10. Francia, George, 19. Francisco Fereira, 22. Francisco Francia, 10. Frank de Chevereuil, 261, 265. Franco, Abraham, 175. Franco, Jacob, 85. Franco, Solomon. (See Frankes.) Frankes, Solomon, 9, 10; Rabbi, 9; teaches Elias Ashmole, becomes Chris? tian, 9, 9n. Frankhes, Sin. Solomon, 7. Franks, Aron, 86. Fraso, Jacob, 18. Freeman, 199. Freinks, 128. Froude, 148, 208. Fnndao, 208. Furtado, Charles, 210. Furtado, Gaspar Mendes, 209, 210. Furtado, Gaspar Mendez, 208, 209. Furtado, Ignes (Rachel) Mendes, 209. Furtado, John, 210. Furtado, Rachael, 209. Furtado, Rebecca Mendez, 208, 210. Furtado, Teresa, 210. F?rth, 150, 151, 157, 167. G, son of Edward, 268, 269. Gabey, Sin. Aron, 7, 9. Gabey, David, 9. Gaby, Sinor David, 7. Gagnier, John, 91, 110, 186. Galfridus ( = Geoffrey) de Qwelnetham, 246, 268, 269. Gallia Judaica, 107, 190. Galway, Viscountess, 218. Garcia, 131. Gregorio, 131, 132. Gardiner, Prof., 292. Gaster, Rev. Dr. Moses, 5, 12 n, 14, 23, 24, 26, 27; charter, 26; Dr. Mendes, 21. Gathelus, son of Cecrops, 112. Gaals, 137. Gay, E., 40. Gedalyah, 152, 166. Gelden, Simeon, 156. Genms of Judaism, 203. Genta, daughter of Isaac de Oxford, 264, 265. Gentleman's Magazine, 223, 224. Geoffrey .... of Abbeton, 266, 267. Geoffrey, son of Richard the Red, 256,257. George I., 85, 91, 110. George II., 85. George III., 85, 92, 93. George IV., 87, 88. George, Bp. of Londonderry, 231. Gerard, Dionysius, 176. Gerard, John. {See Gerard, Dionysius.) German Historical Commission, 197. Geschichte der Israeliten, 195. Geschichte der Juden, 150 n. Gesta Regis Henr. VII. . . .,101. Gibbon, 201. Gilbert, son of Gilbert de Fransham, 254, 255. Gilbert, son of Roger de Fransham, 248, 249. Giles, J. A., 120. Giles de Wechesham, 250, 251, 262, 263, 266, 267.</page><page sequence="9">INDEX. 339 Gladstone, W. E.? 282. Gleichen, von, 155w. Gleichen, Comte de, 165. Glover, 146. Glynne, Judge, 25. " God save the King," 92. Godfrey, de Hirminglond, 264, 265. Godfrey, son of Robert de Salle, 260, 261, 264, 265. Goethe, 285. Gog and Magog, 116 seq. Goldsmid, 215. Goldsmid, Aaron, 156, 157, 162,168,170, 172. Goldsmid, Benjamin, 162 seq. Goldsmid, George, 156, 157, 168, 170, 172. Goldsmid, Sir Isaac Lyon,i72, 238, 239 n. Goldsmid, Sir Julian, 69, 72. Goldsmid, Polly, 168. Goldsmid, W. H., 157. Goldsmid, William, 157 n. Goldwin-Smith, Prof., 52. Gollancz, the Reverend Professor Dr. Hermann, 65, 73, 291, 293, 301. Gomara, 131. Gomes, Antonio Enriques, 17. Gomes, Franco, 9. Gomes, Sin Fransco, 7. Gonsales, Abraham Cohen, 8. Gonsales, Jacob, 85. Goodman, Rabbi Tobias, 92, 93 Gorion. (See Joseph ben Gorion.) Goriondes. (See Joseph ben Gorion.) Gortling, George, 172. Goudchaux, Juliet, 155, 165. Gozan, 115. Graetz, 36, 51, 56, 150n, 195, 196, 199, 201. Graphische Requisiten, 234. Gras, Baron d'Avernes le, 212. Grauell Lane, 6. Grecians, 127. Greekes, 128. Greenhalgh, John, 11, 12. Grier, Bishop, 299. Grimaldi, 146. Gris, Robert le, 262, 263. Grol, 176. Gross, Dr. Ch., 42, 107, 190, 191, 229 n. Grossteste, Robert, 37, 39. Grotius, Hugo, 177. Grove, Antony, 210. Guarda, 208, Gumilla, 131. Gunning, the Misses, 208. Gurnai, William de, 260, 261. Guterres, Joao, 30, 31. H. B. (See Blunt, Henry.) Habor, 115, 129. Haddon, Prof., 49. Haes, Frank, 47, 186. Hagin Braitun, 254, 255. Haitho, 125 n. El Hakim II., 204. Hakun, Robert, 256, 257. Halah, 115. Half Moon, 221. Hallifax, Samuel, 92. Ham, 137. Hambourg, Abraham d', 170. Hamon, Ursellius Fitz, 230 n. Hanan, 146. Hannibal, 144. Harold (Coronation of), 97. Harp of David, 146. Harp of Ireland, 146. Harper's Book of Facts, 236 n. Harrington, James, 232. Harris, Alfred W., 241. Harris, Ernest W., 241. Harris, Lewis, 241. Hartigan, M. A., 242. Ha-Shiloach, 155. Hauecrin, Robert, 248, 249. Hawkins, Franks, and Grueber, 114 Heber, 140. Hebraeische Berichte neber die Judenver~ folgungen . . ., 107. Hebrew Standard, 146. Heckham, Eudes de, 270, 271. Hedhill, Rudolf de, 268, 269. Heilden, 146.</page><page sequence="10">340 INDEX. Hennett, Henry, 33. Henrietta Maria (Queen), 175. Henrique de Casseres. (See Casseres.) Henriques, Duarte, 6, 7, 10. Henry II., 227. Henry III., 228, 230. Henry VIL, 96. Henry VIII., 114, 148. Henry de Bedford, 264, 265. Henry, Emperor, son of Frederick, 103. Henry and Conrad, sons of Emperor, 119. Henry de Histeldene, 258, 259. Henry, son of Robert, 258, 259. Henry, the tallowmonger of Kipe, 2u0, 251. Henrycus, Sinr. Duart, 6, 7, 10. Herrera, 131. Herschell, Solomon, 149. Hervey, Lord, 85. Herzl, Theodor, 200. Hewlett, 106. Heylin, 96. Higgins (Governor), 299. Highways and Horses, 224. Hiley, E. V., 40. Hillesum, J. M., 177, 298. Hirminglond, Godfrey de, 264, 255. Hirminglond, Ralph de, 250, 251, 264, 265, 268, 269, 270, 271. Hirsch, Dr. S.A., 200. Hirsch, R., of Dublin, 234. Hirschell, Rev. Solomon, 93. Hirsh, 171. Histeldene, Henry de, 258, 259. Historia . . . Fl. Iosephi . . ., 176. Historia Berum Angl., 103. Historia Scholastica, 120. Historiarium Josephi, 121. Historical Review, 236 n, 237 n. History, value of, 55 ; purpose of his? torical research, 193. History of Domus Conversorum, 231 n. History of Dublin, 233, 236 n, 238 n. History of Jews in Great Britain, 189, 230 n, 234 n. History of Middlesex, 152 n. Holies, Denzil, 15. Hollis, Order of Privy Council, 29. Hope of Israel, 121, 129, 134, 138, 141 Hotham, B., 172. Hottentots, 116. Hottinger, 175. Houghton, Lord, 218. Howell, James, 127, 128, 129, 143. Howlett, 80 n, 103. Hua Brian, 227. Hugh de Lascy, 228 n. Hugh de Lindeseye, 268, 269. H?hner, Leon, paper by, on the Jews of Ireland, 226. Hull, 189. Hunt, Thomas, 92. Hurwitz, Hyman, 92. Hutton, W. H., 41. Hyamson, Albert M., paper by, on the Lost Ten Tribes, 115 seq.; 298. Hyde, Thomas, 91. Imber, J., 91. Imber, L., 91, 110. Irby, Sir Wm., 86. Ireland, the Jews of, paper by Leon H?hner, 226. Ireland, Aaron of, 231. Ireland, Ur of Chaldees, 226 n. Isaac, son of Abraham, 260, 261. Isaac, R., Chazan, 167. Isaac, son of Diaia, 266, 267. Isaac, Dazevedo, 19. Isaac, son of Jurnet, 244, 248-273. Isaac, Little, 224. Isaac, Lopes Chillon, 8, 9. Isaac, son of Moses, 252, 253. Isaac of Norwich, 268, 269, 272, 273, 274, 275. Isaac, son of Solomon, 256,257,258, 259, 260, 261, 266, 267, 270, 271. Isaacs, Hyam, 153 n. Isaacs, Hyman, 164. Isaacs, Rev. Samuel M., 240. Isaiah, 140, 141. Isak. (See Isaac.) Israel, David, 204. Israel, Eliahu, 204.</page><page sequence="11">INDEX. 341 Israel Redux, 122, El-Israeli, 204, 211. El-Israeli, Ishac ibn Suleiman, 207. Israeli Family, 202 seq.; of Vienna, 205. Israeli, Benjamin D', 203, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 212, 213, 214. Israeli, Coningsby D', 215, 216. Israeli, Isaac D', 202, 203, 206, 207, 214, 215. Israeli, Rachael D', 206. Israeli, Ralph D', 215. Israeli, Reyna D', 213. Israeli, Sarah D', 206. 213. Israeli, D', Stoke and Parkins, 212. Israeli, Venturina D\ 206. Ist Jeremias in Irland gewesen ? 227 n. Istun, 274, 275. Itinerary (Benjamin of Tudela), 126. Itinerary (Maaagal Tobh), 161. "J. T.," 91. Jackson, Edward, 224. Jacob, Mr., 171. Jacob, R., 167. Jacob, Aboab Cardoso, 214. Jacob, Baruh, 9, 10. Jacob, Bernal, 241 n. Jacob, Bora, 6. Jacob, Emden. [See Emden.) Jacob de Eye, 252, 253, 260, 261, 264, 265. Jacob, grandson of Meir Eisenstadt, 159. Jacob Mendes da Costa, 87, 212. Jacob of Orleans, 84, 107, 108. Jacob of Paris, 192. Jacob, Paul, 231. Jacob, son of Semuret, 264, 265. Jacob, son of Vives of Colchester, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 266, 267, 270, 271. Jacobs, Joseph, 42, 43, 83, 84, 107, 113, 128, 192, 197, 200, 227. Jacobs, Joseph and Lucien Wolf, 42, 47, 175, 242. Jacques (Jeweller), 165. Jaffe, 240, 284. Jaffe, Sir Otto, 241, 242. James I., 90, 231. James II., 99. Janua, Wall, 34, 35. Janus, 34. Japhet, 137. Jeaffreson, John Cordy, 40. Jeames Tavern, 6. Jericho, 124. Jerusalem, 150; capture of, 120. Jessel, Sir George, 284. Jessey, Henry, collects money for poor Jews, 12. Jewel, 96. Jewes in America, 122, 133, 134, 141 n. Jewish Ceremonies, 153 n, 164. Jewish Community in London, changes by Portuguese marriage, 19. Jewish Community in London in 1660, description, 12. Jewish Community in London previous to 1664, 5. Jewish Community in Cork, 135, 242. Jewish Community in Dublin, 233 seq. Jewish Community in Ireland, 226 seq. ; disabilities, 239. Jewish community in Limerick, 242. Jewish Encyclopaedia, 49. Jewish Expositor, 238 n. Jewish Historical Exhibition, 49. Jewish History, value of, 55. Jewish Ribay (Rabbi), 7. Jewish Statistical Society of Berlin, 197. Jewry, definition by Murray, 35. Jewry of Leicester, 34 seq. Jewry of London, 36. Jewry of Oxford, 36. Jewry of the Restoration, paper by L. Wolf, 5 seq. Jewry-Wall, illustration by Bass, 35. Jewry-Wall of Leicester, 34 seq. Jews of Angevin England, 83 seq., 227 n. Jews' and City Corporations, 13, 15. Jews banished by Edward I., 17. Jews made English citizens, 18. Jews of Dunstable, 82. Jews of Ireland, 226 seq. Jews' rights, 13, 15, 25 ; of residence, 10</page><page sequence="12">342 INDEX. Jews, Wanderings of, Presidential Address by F. D. Mocatta, 1 seq. Joceus Eboracensis (Judaeus), 104. Joehanan, 167. John II., 215. John IV., of Portugal, 21. John, son of Aaron, 228 n. John, son of d'Alton, 233, 236 n, 238 n. John, son of Geoffrey de Rising, 250, 251. John, son of Henry de Ulvestun, 256, 257. John, son of Herbert, 270, 271. John, son of John de Cornherde, 258, 259. John, son of John de Reinestorp, 252, 253. John, son of Robert de Depham, 252, 253, 260, 261. John, son of Robert de London, 264, 265. John de Stokesby, 264, 265. John de Theestun, 264, 265. John de Ulvestun, 270, 271. John de Upham, 258, 259. John del Wra, 254, 255. Jonathan, R., of Hamburg, 160. Jorge Mendes da Costa, 20, 30, 31. Josce of Gloucester, 227. Josce, son of Merinus (Meyer), 256, 257. Josceus de Lincoln, 228 n. Joseph Coppus, 231 n. Joseph da Costa, 211. Joseph Deoliverous, 7. Joseph the Doctor, 228, 228 n. Joseph ben Gorion, 120, 121, 143, 141, 186 ; Gorionides, 144. Joseph ben Jacob, 226 n. Joseph Mendes Bueno, Dr., 9,10,11. Joseph ben Yechiel, 187,188, 190. Josephs, S. J., 240n. Josephus, 121,126. Josippon, 121, 128. Jost, Isaac Marcus, 195. Judah, Chasid, 150, 151. Judah Lion, son of Samuel, 170 (see also Symons, Lyon de). Judah, Uriah H., 240 n. Judaisme en France, 165. Juden-Sehr einbuch, 198. Juglands Lodge, 212. Julius Baraseh Society, 197. Junerel, William, of London, 270, 271. Jurninus, son of Diaia, 260, 261. Jurninus, son of Jacob de Oxford, 256, 257, 264, 265, 274, 275. KAHANA, R. David, 155 n. Kaufmann, Prof. David, 151 n, 155 n, 187, 192, 234 n. Kayserling and Dr. Fernando Mendes, 21. Kenetewall, Roger de, 228 n. Kenneth IL, 112. Kennicott, Benjamin, 92. Kentewelle, William de, 262, 263, 272, 273, 274, 275. Keteringham, Peter de, 270, 271. Kimhi, R. David, 126 n. King Theodore of Corsica, 155 n. Kingsborough, Viscount, 130. Knaresborough, 128. Kohler, Max J., 299, 303. Kolbo, 190. Kolevill, William de, 268, 269. Konti, Isidore, medal by, 299. Kosman, 167. Kowal, (Poland), 189. La France Juive, 155 n, 165. Landavensis, Robert, 91. Laniado, 150. Lara, 203. Lara, Aaron, 208, 209. Lara, Aaron de, 209. Lara, Aaron Nunes de, 209. Lara, Abigail de, 209. Lara, Clara Henriques de, 208, 209, 210. Lara, Francisco de, 209. Lara, (Jose) Benjamin de, 209. Lara, (Jose) Nunes de, 209. Lara, Moses de, 209. Lark (River), 185. Las Casas, 131. Lascy, Hugh de, 228 n.</page><page sequence="13">INDEX. 343 Lascy, Walter de, 230 n. Laughton, Prof., 292. Lavadores, 12. Lawyers and Act of 1290, 17. Lazarus, 44. Lazarus, Samuel, 240 n. Leadenhall Street, 6, 7. Leah, sister of Elias, 272, 273. Leb ben Samuel JltD^TD, 168. Ledbury, 230 n. Lee, Samuel, 122. Lee, Sidney, 127. Lefevres, 205. Legg, L. G. Wickham, 97 n, 99. Leghorn, 30, 31, 209. Lehman, 172. Leicester, Archdeacon of, 37. Leicester, Bailiff of, 39. Leicester Jewry, Notes on, paper by the Rev. S. Levy, 34. Leinster, 242. Lenald, Robert, of Sweinthorp, 250, 251. Leo, Episcopus of York, 266, 267. Leonard, G. H., 42. Letters of the reign of Henry III., 229 n. Letters on . . . Samaritan Coins, 186. Leuey, Sin., 6. Leui, Sin. Beniman, 7. Leunclavius, 125 n. Levi, Benjamin, 9. Levi, Jonas, 223. Levi, Aaron. (See Montezinos, Antonio.) Levy, Benjamin, 23. Levy, Jonas, 225. Levy, Rev. S., paper by, on the Jews of Leicester, 34 ; paper by, on the Norwich Day-Book, 243 ; 73, 298. Levy, " Turnpike," 224. Leyden, 21. Lia Fail, 112, 144 seq. Liber Regalis, 98, 99. Liberator, The, 238. Lima, Elias de, 32. Limerick, 242. Lincoln, Aaron of, 36; Bp. of, 37. Lindeseye, Hugh de, 268, 269. Lindo, 215, 218; and Dr. Fernando Mendes, 21, 22. Lindo, Antonio Rodriguez, 215, 216. Lindo, Elias, 216. Lindo, Ephraim, 215, 216. Lindo, Isaac, 216. Lindo, Isaac, son of Elias, 216. Lindo, Joao, 215. Lindo, Olivia, 215. Linger, 6. Lisbon, 20, 30, 31, 122. London, Benedict Crispin of, 252, 253. London Jewish community in 1660, 12. London Jewish community, changes by Portuguese marriage, 19. London Jewry, 36. Londonderry, 242; Bishop of, 231 Long Parliament, 7. Lopes, Bento, 204. Lopes, Phelippe, 30, 31, 32. Lord Mayor and Alderman petition against Jews, 13, 14. Lost Ten Tribes, paper by Albert M. Hyamson, 130 seq. ; 115, 226 Louis XVI., 155. Louis Philippe, 155, 165. Lousada, 215. Lousada, Jacob Baruh, 10. Lousada, Moses Baruh, 10. Lovanda, 136. Low, 234. Lowell, James Russell, 284, 285, 293. Luard, 106. Lucas, Henry, 60. Luci, Richard de, 228 n. Luctus et Gaudia, 91. Luctus et Gratulationes, 92. Lunel, Aaron of, 190. Luzzatto, Ephraim, 92, 111. Lyons, Israel, 92. Lyons, Rev. J. J., 240 n. Lyson, 152 n. M'Clellan, Mayor, 299. Maaagal Tobh, 161. Maestricht, 176. Mac Firbis, 232.</page><page sequence="14">344 INDEX. Machado, Barbosa, 22 n. Macleane, D., 94 n, 96. Macray, 184, 185. Madox, 246. Magpie Alley, Leadenhall Street, 86. Maharil, 191. Maimonides, 174. Maistre, Joseph Le, 200. Malteby, Geoffrey de, 264, 265. Malteby, John de, 264, 265. Malvenda, 141. Mann, Sir Horace, 206. Manuel de Costa Brito, 7, 9. Maranatha, 144. Marat, 148. Margaret de Quincy, 37, 38. Margoliouth, 185, 186, 189. Margoliouth, Rev. Moses, 230?, 234 n. Maria Fernandes de Carvajal. (See Car? vajal). Maria Teresa, 216. Marques, Abraham Rodrigues, 22. Marques, Diego, 21. Marques, Isabel (Rachel), 21. Marranos, 8n, 10, 17, 22, 198, 204, 208, 211, 217, 286, 292; immigration, Queen's dowry, persecutions in Por? tugal, safety of, Pope, Charles II., 20. Marshall, B., 91. Martyr, Peter, 131. Mary (Queen), 91, 96, 184. St. Mary Acts ( = Axe), 7. Maskell, 97 n. Mastrick ( = Maastricht), 176. Matthcei Pariensis Chronica maiora, 106. Matthew Paris, 80, 106, 118 seq., 122. Maudesley, Athol, 224. Maundeville, Sir John, 116 seq., 122. Mayhew, Henry, 223. Medallic Illustrations of the History of Great Britain and Ireland, 114. Medals (Coronation), 97, 113. Media, 123, 126, 131. Mello, Francisco Manuel de, 20. Mellish, William, 212. Memoirs of Benjamin Goldsmid, 150?., 162. Memorbuecher, 198. Memorial to Asher I. Myers, 52. Memorial to fallen Jewish soldiers, 51. Menasseh ben Israel, 8, 10, 19, 25, 116, 121, 122, 129, 133, 134, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 216, 217, 281, 285, 290, 298, 300, 302. Menasseh ben Israel, a Letter of, paper by Mr. E. N. Adler, 174. Mendel, 166. Mendelssohn, 284. Mendes, 17. Mendes, Abraham Franco, 175. Mendes, Andreas, 21. Mendes, Antonio, 30, 31. Mendes, Fernando, 20, 21, 22, 211. Mendes, Francisco, 30, 31, Mendes, Henrique Jorge, 8, 9. Mendes, Dr. H. Pereira, 299. Mendez, 218. Mendez da Costa, 7, 11, 215. Mendez, Dr. Fernando, 20, 21, 22, 211. Mendez Fernando da Costa, 22. Mendle, servant of Falk, 171. Menish, 171. Meor Ermiim, 207. Mercado, M. de, 30, 31. Merinus (Meyer), son of Benedict de Oxford, 252, 253, 260, 261, 268, 269. Merinus (Meyer), Chalbard, 264, 265. Merinus (Meyer), son of Ha-Nasaiah, 270, 271. Merinus (Meyer), son of Josce, 250, 251, 252, 253, 260, 261, 264, 265. Mesquita, Moseh de, 175. Metempsychosis, 142. Mexico, 130, 131, 132. Meyer, R., 167. Meyer, Falk's servant, 171. Meyer, son of Moses, 272, 273. Meza, Alonzo da Fonseca, 8. Meza, Manuel da Fonseca, 8. Middleton, General, 16 ; and Amsterdam Jews, 16, 29. Mier, David, 7, 9, 10. Mihell Deoliverous, 7. Mile End, 5; Cemetery, 12.</page><page sequence="15">INDEX. 345 Millenarians, 143. Milner, 146. Min-Haadumim, 207, 210. Miravall, William of, 39, 41. Mittun, Sir Aumery of, 39, 41. Mocatta, B. Elkin, 72. Mocatta, F. D., Presidential Address, 1 seq. ; 43, 47, 65 seq. Mocatta, Jacob, 87. Mocatta Library and Museum, 65. Mocatta, Lumbrozo de Mattos, 215. Mocatta, Moses, 88. Mocatta, Mrs., 72. Moediga, 7. Mommsen, 148. Monatsschrift, 198. Monk, General, 16, 18. Monkswell, Lord, 73. Montanus, Arias, 140. Montefiore, 208, 215. Montefiore, Claude, 43. Montefiore, Sir Moses, 88, 298. Montezinos, Antonio, 133, 134, 135, 139, 140. Montfort, de. (See Simon de Montfort.) Montmorency, Alice of, 36. Monumenta Hungarian Judaicai, 197, 198. Mordecai, 171. Mordecai, clerk of Congregation, 11. Mordecai, Senor, 9. Mordihay, Sin., 6. Morgan, 237, 238. Morley, William de, 270, 271. Mortemer, William de, 264, 265. Morwyng, Peter, 120, 121, 128. Moses, 116. Moses, Atees, 7. Moses, Athias, 8, 11, 13, 23. Moses, Baruh, 9, 10, 32. Moses, da Costa, 85. Moses, Rabbi of New Synagogue, 171. Moses, High-Priest of Jews, 10. Moses, Sin., the Prest, 6. Moses, sons of, 120. Moses, son of Abraham, 248, 249, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 270, 271. Moses, son of Isaac, 272, 273. Moses, son of Sarah, 228 n. Moses, the Shochet, 167. Moses, son of Solomon, 254, 255. Muleton, Eudes de, 248, 249. Mundham, Alan de, 268, 269. Munster, 242. M?nster, 121. Murdoch, Ralph, 228 n. Murray, James A. H., 35. Murray, John, 216. Musce Cantabrigienses, 91. Musaphia, Manuel, 23. Musarum Cantab. Luctus et Gratulatio, 90. Muscigros, Robert Le, 230 n. Museum, Plan for a Permanent, 47. Myers, Asher I., Memorial to, 52. Myers, Maurice, paper on Calendars of the Coaching Bays, 219. Myers, Moses, 156. Nachmanides, 190. Nancy, Abraham, 171, 172. Nathan, J., 172. Nebuchadnezzar, 120, 136. Nesta, 147. Neto, David, 185. Neubauer, Dr. Adolf, 149, 187, 190, 191. Neubauer, Dr. Adolf and Stern, 107. Neubuerger, Dr., 151 n. Neuhoff, Baron Theodor de, 154. New-Spain, 138, 140. Nicholas, son of John de Mundham, 274, 275. Nichols, John, 41. Nicholson, 189. Nieto. (See Neto.) Nigel, Richard Fitz, 80, 81. Noah, 137. Noah, Major Mordecai M., 240 n. Norden, Salli, 167. Norfolk, Duchess of, 218. Northampton, Lord, 186. Norwich Day-Book, The, paper by the Rev. S. Levy, 243 seq. Norwich, Isaac de. (See Isaac of Nor? wich.)</page><page sequence="16">346 INDEX. Nunes, Coustanza, 215. Nunes, Isaac Fernandes, 85. Nunes, Manuel Rodrigues, 9. O'Beien, Henry, 226 n. Occident, The, 240 n. Oceana, 232, 233. O'Conor, 227 n. Odin, 146, 147. Oesterreichische Wochensschrift, 227 n. Of the Busse Common Wealth, 123. Ollam Fola, 227. Olmes D', 131. Oliveira, Joseph d', 9. Oliveira, Michael d', 9. Oliver Cromwell. (See Cromwell.) Onias, Temple of, 72. Ophir, son of Jokton, 140. Orange, Prince of, 175. Orchoth Hayyim, 190. Order in Council (Aug. 22, 1664), 32. Order in Council (Dec. 7, 1660), 28. Orenoque, 138. Origen de los Indios, 131. Orleans, Duke of, 155, 156, 165. Orleans, R. Jacob of, 84, 107, 108. Orobio, Joao Francisco, 208. Osborne, Sir Thomas, 240. Oven, I. van, 87. Oxford, Earl of, 184, 186. Oxford Jewry, 36. Oxonian, 146. Panopea, 233. Parentat et Gratulatur, 91. Paris, Comte de, 155. Paris, Matthew, 80, 106, 118 seq., 122. Payba, Isaac Carriao de, 213. Peel, Sir Robert, 88. Pentateuchal Blessing (Coronation), 98. Pepys, Samuel, 24. Pereira (two brothers), 7, 9. Pereira, Diego Lopes, 216. Pereira, Rachel, 216. Perera, 6, 7. Perera, Abraam Isac, 183. Persians, 127. Peru, 140. Peter de Rivall, 229 n. Peter, son of Peter of Cacalton, 252, 253. Peter, son of Syrik de Len, 272, 273. Peter, son of William del Frith, 252, 253. Peterborough, Benedict of, 80, 83, 84, 101. Petitions to Charles II., 27. Petitions to Richard Cromwell, 12. Petrie, Prof. Flinders, 72. Pettingal, John, 91. Phelippe (Lopes?), 30, 31. Philip of France, 103. Philip, son of John de Estun, 248, 249. Philip, son of Miles de Hasting', 260, 261. Philip, son of Robert, 262, 263. Philippe Egalite, 155, 165. Phillips, Isaac, 240 n. Phillips, Jacob, 235 n. Phillips, Jonas B., 240 n. Phillips, Michael, 235. Phillips, William, 235. Phoenician Ireland, 226 n. Physician to Congregation, 11. Picciotto, James, 21, 150, 234 235 n., 236 n., 237 n., 238 n.. 239 n. Pictavinus, 228 n. Pietas et Gratulatio, 91, 92. Pietas Acad. Cantab. (1738), 92. Pigge of Rudenhall, Woolmene, 256, 257. Pineda, John, 176. Pinero, 210. Pinto, 216. Pluto, 137. Pococke, Ed., 90. Podhayce, 150, 151, 158, 160. Poland, 150, 155, 158. Poniatowski, Stanislaus Augustus, 155. Porto, Antonio de, 8. Portuguese Ambassador and Coronel, 18. Prayer, Consecratory (at Coronation), 97, 98. Precursory Proofs that Israelites came . . . into Ireland, 226 n. Presentation of Bible (Coronation), 96.</page><page sequence="17">INDEX. 347 Rashi-Stiftung, 200. Kastel, 96. Rawlinson, Dr. Riehard, 184. Read, Charles, 189. Reader (Chazan), 171. Reay, Lord, 65, 69, 71, 72, 73. Reflexions Critiques, 216. Regesten (Aronius'), 198. Regina, daughter of Flury, 254, 255, 2C2, 263. Reginald de Clenche-Waretun, 272, 273. Remarks upon . . . Corke, 235 n. Rephael (the Sephardi), 150, 158, 168, 169. Restoration, the Jewry op the, paper by Lueien Wolf, 5 seq. Restrictions on Jews of Ireland, 239. Reydon, William de, 266, 267. Rhys, 146. Ricardo, 284. Ricaut, 24. Richard I., 101, 103,; Coronation of, 79 seq. Richard Cromwell. (See Cromwell.) Richard de Daggeworthe, 252, 253. Richard de Elington, 256, 257. Richard de Luce, 228 n. Richard, son of Eustace de Saxlingham, 250, 251. Richard Fitz Nigel, 80, 81. Richard, son of John de Cornherde, 258, 259. Richard, son of Philip Sauringes, 254, 255. Richard of Poictiers, 228 n. Richard of Saxlingham, 264, 265. Richard, son of Simon Soham, 258, 259. Richard, son of Wiliiam de Reunham, 260, 261. Richaut, 32. Ridolfo, Marquis Luigi, 210. Rieti, Abraham Vita, 214. Rieti, Rebecca, 214. Rieti, Solomon, 214. Rigg, J. M., 44, 199, 231 n. ; letter from, Preface. Rights of Jews, 25 (see Jews). Presidential Addresses, by F. D. Mocatta, 1; Sir I. Spielmann, 43; I. Abrahams, 193. Primrose, Sir Henry, 292. Prior of Penton, 268, 269. Privy Council, 13; petitions to, 13. Prospero, Diaz, 204. Prothero, Dr. G. W? 292, 295, 298. Prynne, 13, 24, 120, 197. Ptolomy, 127. Purchas, 137 n., 138 n. Pye, 213. Queen Adelaide, 88. Queen Alexandra, 93, 147, 278. Queen Anne, 81, 91, 95, 110. Queen Caroline, 85, 92. Queen Charlotte, 92. Queen Elizabeth, 122. Queen Henrietta Maria, 175. Queen Mary, 91, 96, 184. Queen Victoria, 88, 94. Quincy, Margaret de, 37, 38. Qwelnetham, Geoffrey de, 246, 268, 269. Qwelnetham, Walter de, 268, 269. Rabba Couty, 302. Rabbi, 10, 11, 23 (see also Chief Rabbi). Rachel de Crasto, 214. Rachel, wife of Meyer, 171. Radulf de Warham, 268, 269. Raleigh, Sir Walter, 201. Ralph, son of Alan, 252, 253. Ralph, Bernal-Osborne, 240. Ralph de Br?ning, 264, 2?5. Ralph of Coggeshale, 81, 84. Ralph de Daliinger, 254, 255, 266, 267. Ralph de Diceto, 81, 84. Ralph the Giant, 264, 265. Ralph, son of Godfrey de Irminglond, 250, 251, 264, 265, 268, 271. Ralph de Thurstun, 270, 271. Ramucius Jacobi, 231 n. Rannulfus de Glamvilla, 105. Ranulf Champain, 252, 253. Ranzow, Comte de, 152, 162. Raphael the Sephardi, 150,158,168,169.</page><page sequence="18">348 INDEX. Roger, brother of Thoke, 272, 273. Roger de Verli, 260, 261. Roger of Wendover, 80, 83, 106. Rogers, 146. Romans, 127. Roosevelt, Theodore, 279, 304. Rose, daughter of Jacob, 266, 267. Rosenthal, John D., 241. Rossi Dei, 207. Rossi, Azaria dei, 207. Rossi, Flaminio de, 209. Rossi, Rica (Eurichetta), 207. Rossi, Signor de, 210. Rossi, Vittorio de, 209. Rothschild, 215, 282, 288. 289, 293, 295. Rothschild, Baron Gustave de, 46. Rothschild, Baron Lionel de, 284. Rothschild, N. M., 87, 88. Rouen, 17, 30, 31. Round, J. H., 80. Round Towers of Ireland, 226 n. Rousseau, 285. Rowton, Lord, 202, 217. Russell, Lord John, 284. Sabugal, 208, 209. Sadler, John, 10, 139, 140, 143, 144. Sahagun, 131. Sahara, 116. Salisbury, Miss E., 247. Salmanezer, 135. Salomons, Alderman, 284. Salomons, Meyer, 87. Salvador, Isaac, 85. Salvador, Jacob, 212. Samarchian, 124. Samaria, 124. Sambatia. (See Sambatyon.) Sambatyon, 120, 121. Samoeds, 137. Sampson, 268, 269. Samuel, Deuega, 6, 7. Samuel, son of Isaac, 260, 261. Sandys, George, 116, 128. " Saracen's Head," 221. Sarah, wife of Alexander Qwelnetham, 266, 267. Rights of the Kingdom, 139, 143. Ring (Coronation), 95. Rivall, Peter de, 228 w, 229 n. Robert Cureston of Keteringham, 262, 263. Robert, Earl of Leicester, 36. Robert Floteman, 264, 265. Robert, son of Geoffrey of Hemington, 262, 263. Robert le Gris, 262, 263. Robert Grossteste, 37, 39. Robert Hakun, 256, 257. Robert Hauecrin, 248, 249. Robert Lenald, 250, 251. Robert le Muscigros, 230 n. Robert, son of Peter de Sweinstorp, 270, 271. Robert, son of Robert de Hulme, 266, 267. Robert, son of Roger de Nortun, 264, 265. Robert de Schardelawe, 230 n. Robert, son of Simon de Soham, 254, 255, 266, 267, 270, 271. Robinson, Rev. T., 35, 36. Robles, Antonio (Rodregus), 6, 7. Rochelle, Richard de la, 230 n. Rodregoes, M'uell, 7. Rodregoes, Steaven, 7. Rodregous, Domingus, 6. Rodregous, Francisco, 6. Rodrigues, Domingo, 10. Rodrigues, Francisco, 9, 10. Rodrigues, Gomes, 19, 23. Rodrigues, Manuel. (See Nunes, Manuel Rodrigues.) Rodrigues, Stephen, 9. Rodrigues, Yeosuah Yesurun, 175. Roger, son of Alan, 252, 253. Roger, Blund, 39, 41. Roger of Hoveden, 80, 82, 83, 84, 102. Roger, son of John de Swerdeston, 274, 275. Roger de Kenetewall, 228 n. Roger, son of Otho, 250, 251. Roger, son of Philip de Ho, 256, 259. Roger, son of Richard de Cringesford, 272, 273. Roger the Saracen, 147.</page><page sequence="19">INDEX. 349 Sarah Cardoso, 214. Sarah Mendez da Costa, 209. Sasportas, Jacob, 11, 23, 27. Sassoon art collection, 46. Sassoon, Sir Edward, 282, 289. Scalarius, Diaia le, 256, 257. Sceptres (Coronation), 96. Schardelawe, Robert de, 230 fi^ Schaff-Scharfenstein, Hermann von, 155. Schechter, Prof. 9., 151, 161. Scherer, 195. Science of Jewish Histoey, The, Presidential Address by I. Abrahams* 193. Schiff, Jacob H., 299, 303, 304. Schiff, R. Tebele, 156, 157, 166. Schmieles, Jacob Ratsheba, 214. Scholas Academicce, 89. Schroepfer, 152, 162. Scota, daughter of Pharoah, 112. Scotland and the Protectorate, 16 n, 29* Scott, Dr., 243. Scythia, 126, 127, 129. Select Pleas . . ., 231 n., and Preface. Selina Dolaro, 210. Semuret, 256, 257. Senior, Alan de, 248, 249, 252, 253, Sething Laine, 6. Sevilla, Juan de, 217. Schbracq, Joseph, 170, 172. Shakespeare, 95. Shalmanezer, 135. Shalsheleth hak-Kabbalah, 190. Shammatha, 144. Shaprut, Abu Yussuf Chasdai ibn, 204, 210, 211, 215. Sharp, Archbp., 95. Sheknopzh, Joseph, 171, Shem, 137. Sherenbeare, 224. Shesnowzi, Susman, 153, 158, Short Demurrer, 197. Showmakers Row, 6. Shirley, 229 n. Sidmouth, Lord, 87. Silvas, Diego. (See Silva, Duarte da.) Silva, Duarte da, 18, 19. Silva, Francisco da, 18. Silverman, Dr? 299. Simeon, R? 166, 167 (see also Boaz). Simon, Mrs Barbara Anne, 130 seq. Simon Brech, 112. Simon de Caceres, 8, 9. Simon Calimani, 210. Simon, son of Sarah, 250, 251, 262, 263, 264, 265. Simon the Mercer, 272, 273. Simon de Montfort, 37, 39 seq. ; Anti Jewish Charter, 40 seq., 37. Simonsen, Dr., 187. Simpson, 146. Singer, Rev. S., paper on Jews and Coronations, 79 seq. Skene, W. F., 112. Skerret, Martin, 260, 261. Sketches of Anglo-Jewish History, 150 w, 234 n, 235 n, 236 n, 237 n, 238 w, 240 n. Skippon, Philip, meets Abraham de Touar in Venice, 9, 9 n. Slemmote, son of Vives, 263, 263, 270, 27L Smiles, 216. Smith, Shirley, 146. Smith, Thomas, 90, 109. Societas Litt. Hungar. Jud? 197. Societe des Etudes Juives, 198. Sollom, David, 231. Solomon, son of Dormedio, 7a Solomons, Israel, 176, 234. Solomons, Maurice E., 241. Sophair, R. Aaron, 234, Sousa, Antony de. See Simon de. Sousa, Simon de, 9. Sparrham, Stephen de, 248, 249. Sparrow, J., 92. Spectator, The, 303. Spero, Rev. E., 58, 60. Spicer, William, 258 259. Spielmann, Sir I., 43 seq? 58, 65, 66, 68, 71, 73, 183, 193. Spinoza, 284. Spurs and sword (Coronation), 95. Stanley, 112. St. Dyonis Backchurch, 18.</page><page sequence="20">350 INDEX. Steele, J., 92. Steele, Judge, 25. Steinschneider, Dr. M., 92. Stephen de Sparrham, 248, 249. Stephens, J., 91. Stevens, Henry, 172. Stevenson, F. S., 38. Stewart, 146. St. Helens, 6, 7, 10. St. Mary's Church (York), 81, 82, 101, 102. St. Nicholas Church, 34. Stokesby, John de, 264, 265? Stow, Henry de, 272, 273. Stow, Julia de, 272, 273. Stow House, 155. Straus art collection, 46. Strongbow, 227. St. tellens. See St. Helens. Stubb, J., 92. Stubbs, Bp., 80, 101, 102, 194, 196. Stubbs, V., 91. Suasso, Francisco Lopes, 212. Sulzberger, Judge Mayer, 299? Susman, of Amsterdam, 171. Susman, Eliezer, 160, 161. " Swan with two Necks," 221? Sweetman. H. S?, 227 n, 228?. Swinock, Samuell, 6, 9. Sykes, Arthur Ashley, 91. Sylva, Abraham da, 210. Sylva, Duarte da, 19, 20. Sylva, Francisco de, 19? Sylva, Luis da, 19. Sylvester, 284. Symons, Lyon de, 157, 103, 164, 168, 170, 172. Synagogue, 22, 86, 92, 233, 236, 238, 242; Sephardic in London, 10, 11, 12; Minutes, 12 n, 22. Syprut, Esther, 210, 213, Syprut, Isaac, 210, 211. Syprut, Sarah, 213. Syracuse (N. F.) Telegram, 242. Tabor, 124. Tabor, Mt. (Tartary), 124, Talinudie Miscellanies, 156. Tarn (Rabbi), 107. Tamerlane, 126. Tara, 112, 145, 227. Tartars, 119, 122, 123, 125, 129, 135,140. Tartary, 116, 126, 127. Taylor, Dr. Charles, 200. Tedesco, Angiolo (Mordecai), 209. Tedesco, Hannah, 209. "Tedesco, Rebecca (eldest daughter), 209. Tedesco, Samuel, 209. Temple, destruction of, 120. Templo, Jacob, 26. Ten Tribes, 115, 130 seq., 226. Theestun, John de, 264, 265. Thoke, the Smith, 272, 273. Thomas de Clare, 230 n. Thomas de Edithfeld, 266, 267. Thompson, James, 241, 242. Thorne, W., 90, 108. Thorowgood, 122, 133, 135, 136, 137, 138, 141, 142. " Three Nuns," 224. Threno-ihriambeuticon, 90. Throko, Levi, 171. Throsby, J., 34, 35, 41. Thurton, Ralph de, 270, 271. Tiberius, 148. Titus, 121, 207. Tivill, Maude de, 268, 269. Tobias, R., 166, 167. Torna, Marquis de, 154, 161. Torquemada, 131, 215, 217. Touar, Abraham de, 89. Toulouse, 36. Toulouse, James, 172. Tovey, 91, 184, 185, 187, 191. Townsend, S., 91. Tregoz, Peter, 272, 273. Treves, 218. Treves, Joseph, 212, Treves, Messrs. Joseph and Pellegrin, 208, 210. Treves, Pellegrin, 218. Treves, Mrs. Pellegrin, 213. Treves de Bonfili, 212. Trevor, Charles, 215.</page><page sequence="21">INDEX. 351 Trevor, Grace, 215. Triballi, 123. Tribes, The Lost, paper by A. M. Hyamson, 115, seq.; 226. Trough ear, J., 91. Tuck, Gustave, 65. Tudela, Benjamin of, 126. Turkes, 128. Tyril, Mr. Justice, 13. Tyrol, 150. Ugolinus, Thesaurus, referred to, 186, Ulster, 242. Ulveston, John de, 270, 271. Union Jack Club, the Library, 64. Universities and Coronations (Hebrew verses), 89, 108. TJrirn and Tummim, 234 n. Ursell, son of Samson, 270, 271. Ursellus Fitz Hamon, 230 n. Varnhagen VOff Ekse, 155 n. Vanegas, Alexis, 140. Vaux, Hubert de, 254, 255. Veen, L. J., 177. Vega, Samuel de, 19. Vega, Ynca Garcilasso de la, 141. Veiga, Samuel da, 9, 23. Venice, 150. Verli, Roger de, 260, 261. Vespasian, 136, 207. Vestiges of . . . Anglo-Hebrews in East Anglia, 185. Victoria, 88, 94. Villareal, 215, 218. Villareal, Abraham da Costa, 211, 212. Villareal, Elizabeth, 212. Villareal, Jonas Gabbai de, 211. Villareal, Jose da Costa, 211. Villareal, Kitty, 218. Villareal, Sarah, Shiprut de Gabai, 210, 212. Villareal Schools, 211. Villareal, William, 212. Vindieiai Judaiorum, 176. Violet, Thomas, 5?., 10, 13, 14, 15, 24. Vitalis, son of Alan de St, Edmunds, 262, 263. Vivo, 228 n. Voltaire, 285. Voss, Gerard, 176. Vossius, Isaac, 177. Vota Oxoniensia, 91. Voyage into the Levant, 128. Wales, Princess Dowager of (mother of George III.), 86. Wall, John, 91, 109. Wallis, J., 91. Walter, son of Alexander of Waltham, 244, 248, 249. Walter de Aquila, Sir, 39, 41. Walter de Carleton, 268, 269. Walter, son of Hugh, 270, 271, Walter de Lascy, 230 n. Walter de Qwelnetham, 268, 269, Walter, son of Richard de Bradenham, 260, 261. Wanderings of the Jews, Presidential Address by F. D. Mocatta, 1 seq. War Memorial proposed, 51; unveiled, 57 seq, Warendorf, 152 n. Warham, Radulf de, 268, 269. Warin, Edward, 256, 257. Wascelin, Andreas, 246, 254, 255, 262? 263, 266, 267. Waterford, 242. Waterford, Lady Blanche, 147. Wechesham, Giles de, 250, 251, 262, 263, 266, 267. Wesel, 176. West Indies, 140. Weston, Agnes de, 230 n, Westminster Abbey, 89, Whately, Archbp., 239. Wheeler, B., 92. Whitehall Conference, 25, 27, 276 seq. Whitehall and Walsh, 233 n. Whilt, 6, 9. Wiener's edition of Emek Eabacha, 107. Wilke, Anna, 226 n.</page><page sequence="22">352 INDEX. Wilkinson, W., 9L William III., 89, 91, 96, 110, 184. William IV., 88. William de Anet, 39, 41. William, son of Arnold, 270, 271. William, son of Arnold de Finingham, 262, 263. William Bassett, 39, 41. William ( = Benedict of York), 81, 82, 83 ; dies at Northampton, 83, 84, 101, 102. William de Bosco, 270, 271. William le Claver of Stirstun, 262, 263. William the Conqueror, 97. William Curreil, 262, 263. William de Cyreti, 268, 269. William de Elmham, 271, 272. William de Gurnai, 260, 261. William Junerel, 270, 271. William de Kentewell, 262, 263, 2 2, 273, 274, 275. William de Kolevill, 268, 269. William of Miravall, 39, 41. William, son of Matthew de Gurnai, 258, 259. William de Morley, 270, 271. William de Mortemer, 264, 265. William of Newburgh, 80, 83, 84, 103. William, Prior of York, 81, 82. William, son of Ranulf de Swerdestun, 250, 251. William de Reydon, 266. 267. William, son of Robert de Bukeham, 272, 273. William, son of Robert de Reidun, 248, 249. William, son of Robert de Reydon, 272, 273. William, son of William le Dene, 2C0, 261. William, son of William, son of Gilbert de Colevill, 272, 273. William of York (Prior), 101, 102. Willyams, Mrs. Brydges, 209. Winchester, 89. Winchester, Countess of, 38. Winchester, Earl of, 37. Wolf, Lucien, paper by, on the Jewry of the Restoration, 5; paper by, on the Disraeli Family, 202 ; 43, 44, 121, 133, 134 n., 135 n., 157 n? 175, 199, 201, 223, 231, 240 n., 276,277, 278, 288, 295, 297, 298. Wolff, G. W., 240 n. Wonderful . . . History of. . . Jews, 128. Woolmene Pigge of Rudenhal, 256, 257. Wordsworth (Scholoz Academicce), 89. Wra, John del, 254, 255. Xaprut. (See Shaprut.) Ximenes, 215. Yates and Samuel families, 223. Yechiel, father of Asheri, 190. Yechiel of Paris, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192. Yellin, David, 44. Ymagines Historiarum, 81, 84. York, Benedict of, 81, 82, 101, 102, 104, 106. Yucaton. See Yukatan. Yukatan, 140. Zaeah, son of Judah, 146, 147. Zebi, Sabbattai, 150, 151. Zinganaes, 128. Zohar, 139. Zouveiro, de, 175. Zunz, 195, 196, Printed by Ballantyne, Hanson & Co. Edinburgh 6s London</page></plain_text>