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Index Vol 24

<plain_text><page sequence="1">Index Two symbols are used in this Index, the mathematical sign -j- (plus), to indicate two or more references to that particular entry on a page (= passim), and the capital M, to show that the pages so marked are in the Miscellanies section, a completely distinct part of the volume which at one time (Parts I to VI) was printed separately. Entries in italics indicate publications (books, journals and newspapers, plays, etc.) quoted or given in reference by the various authors, so forming a Bibliography; but the titles of individual essays in books or newspapers are not indexed, although the names of their authors are. 'Mrs.' is used conventionally to indicate a woman's married status even where the person concerned, because of Spanish or Portuguese origin, might have been Donna, Senora, Senhora, etc. Aaron, Rose (Mrs. Moses Simmons) PI.A Abarbanel de Souza?see Souza Abaz, Abraham 76 Hannah (Mrs. Joseph Israel Ricardo) 76, 77 Abendana, Haham Jacob 138,140 Abendana de Brito?see Brito Abensur, Isaac Aaron 61 Aboab?see Cardoso Aboab, Jacob 55 Aboab de Paz?see Paz Abrabanel, David?see Dormido, Manuel Martinez Abrahams, Esther (transportee) 25n Fritz?see Abrahams, Mrs. Israel Henry (1) (transportee) 25n Henry (2) (librettist) PI.XVIII Israel 1-23 (letters), 94, 139 Mrs. Israel (Fritz Singer) 1?23 -h Keith (Birmingham) 34, Pl.C Morris (theatre manager) 154 Percy Pl.C Mrs. Percy?see Blanckensee, Esther Phyllis 1-23 ('The Letters of Israel Abrahams from Egypt and Palestine in 1898') Abrahamson, Abraham (fl. 1660-80) 55 Abramov, Jochanan 186 Abrams, Eliza 154, 157, Pl.VIII Harriet (b. 1760) 154, 157, Pl.VIII Theodosia 154, 157, Pl.VIII Acosta?see Nunez d'Acosta Actors?see Stage Adelman, M. 187n Adelmann, Herr (Jerusalem) 14, 15 Adler, Elkan 4 Hermann Nathan 29, 69, 90 Michael M224 Nahum Isaac 185 Nathan Marcus 69 Adler-Rudel, S. 93n Adventure of Living (J. St. Loe Strachey) 91 n Advice to Officers 168 Aesop 107 African Qon (Robert G. Weisbord) 99n Aguilar, Baron d' M203?see also Pereira, D.L. Ghristoval 124 Diego d' 70 Grace 173 Isaac M204 + John de 42 Ahavath Zion Society (London) 184, 185 Aikin, John 79 Albu, Austin 30, Pl.G Mrs. Austin?see 1, Marks, Rose; 2, Jahoda, Marie Ferdinand Pl.G Mrs. Ferdinand?see Lyons, Beatrice Alexander, L. (fl. 1760) 166 Michael Solomon (Bishop in Jerusalem) 70 Phoebe (Mrs. Joseph Joseph [3]) 36 Alexandria (Egypt) 1, 4, 5 Aliens?see Immigration; Naturalisation Allen, George 109-113 H-see also George Allen &amp; Go. Alliance Israelite 185?see also Evelina School Alman, Leah (Mrs. Abraham Simmons) 31, Pl.B Almeida, Antonio de 132 Diego de 132 Mrs. Diego de?see Ferro, Leonor Enrique de 132 Francisco de 132 Isabel de 132 Joseph d' 158 Leonor de (1) (Mrs. Antonio Lopez de Castro [1]) 132 Leonor de (2) (Mrs. Julian Enriquez de Gastro) 132 Luisa (Gastro) de (Mrs. Antonio Lopez Gortizos) 132 Manuel (Gastro) de 132 Mrs. Manuel (Gastro) de?see Pereira, Felipa Maria (Gastro) de (Mrs. Juan de Fonseca) 132 Mencia (Gastro) de (Mrs. Antonio Lopez Ferro) 119, 132 Sebastian de 132 Serafina de 132 Almosnino, Hazan 175, 177, 180, 182 Alsheich, Isaac 186 Altmann, Rabbi Alexander 85n 243</page><page sequence="2">244 Index Alva, Duke 116 Alvares, Isaac 55, M203 Isaac Jessurun M203 Manuel 55 Ribca (nee Oxeda) M212n Solomon 212n Alvares Nunes?see Nunes Alvarez (Alvares), Duarte Enriques (Henriques) 46, 53, 54, 143, 146 Alvaringa, M. de Costa M201 Amadios, Strellia (Mrs. David Israel) 75 Amber Witch (Meinhold; ed. Joseph Jacobs) 107 Amsterdam 79, 134, 146 Amsterdamsche Wisselbank 76, 77 Ancient Topography of London (J.T.Smith, 1810) 151 Andrade, Isaac 55 Anglia Judaica (D'Blossiers Tovey, 1738) 63n Anglo-Jewish Association 1, 14, 17, 22, 98, 183n Anglo-Jewish Notabilities M212n Anjou, Philip, Duke of 122 Annals of Covent Garden Theatre (H. S. Wyndham, 1906) 152n Anne, Queen 116 Annual Biography and Obituary . . . 1824 74n Antisemitism 26, 92, 93, 94, 127, 153, 187, 189, 190, M214?see also Newspapers, Punch Arias, Diego Rodrigues 42, 50, 55 Aries, Jacob 56 Aristotle 84 Armenians, massacre of 92 Armet, Miss Catherine Ml99 Arne, T. A. 157 Arnold, Arthur P. 137, 149n, M212n Arnold, Matthew 106, 107 Aron, Israel (E. Prussia) 114n Art of Stock Jobbing Explained (1817) 73n Art of Worldly Wisdom (Gracian; cd. Joseph Jacobs) 107 Article Club 97 Asarah Mamarim (Jacob Hart) 82 Aschkenasi, Rabbi Eliezer 187, 188 Asher (clockmaker) 160 Ashkenazim 134, 135, 138, 142, 145 146n, 148, 149, 150 Aspland, Mr. 80 Asquith, Herbert 98 Astley, John 151, 158, 161 Philip 154, 158, 159, Pl.IX, Pl.X Asumar, Count of (Portugal) 123 Athias, Haham David Israel M212 Moses Israel 135, 136, 137, 140n, 142, 150 Sarah 141 Attochia, Gratiosa de 49 Pasquill de 49 Attwell &amp; Hammond (goldsmiths) 129-30 Augusta, Princess 169 Austin, Alfred 99 Australia 24-37 + Australian Jewish Historical Society 24, 33, 37 Ausubel, Herman M209n, M210 Avila, Gomez d' 38, 39, 40, 55 Ayerst, D. 90n Aylion, Haham Selomoh M212n Ayscough, Francis M200 Azevedo, B. G. 79 Haham Daniel Cohen de 177 Isaac de 143 RubiB. 177 Baal Shem 165 Baal Shem of London?see Falk, Samuel Backwell, Aid. Edward 48, 149 Bacon, Sir Francis 60n Baden, Grand Duke of 92 Baer, Isachar (or Bernard Beer or Father Jewell or Barnet Levy [1], q.v.) 27 Mrs. Isachar (or Mrs. Barnet Levy [1])?see Elias, Father Balaban, Leizer 186 Balfour, Arthur James 97 Balfour Declaration 90, 100 Ballantyne &amp; Hanson (printers) 110 Bank of England 74, 77 Barnes, John 74 Barnet, Morris (playwright) 153 Barnett, Aaron (chazan) 161 Prof. Anthony 32, Pl.B Arthur (1) Pl.B Arthur (2), Rev. 83n Mrs. Arthur (1) (Rebecca) Pl.B Barnet (1827-1901) Pl.B Mrs. Barnet?see Stadthagen, Selina Charles Pl.B Charles Zachary (or G. J.) 153, 161 E. (theatre director) 153,161 John (composer) 153, 154, 161 John Francis (composer) 161 Lionel D. 135n, 176n, M211n M. Benjamin (ballet composer) 161 Maida (Mrs. Abraham Joseph [3] ) PI. A Morris (musician) 154. 161, PI.XVII Richard D. 40n, 133, 139, 173-182 ('More Letters of Hazan de Sola'), M211n, PI.II, Pl.XXIX Solomon 32, Pl.B Mrs. Solomon?see Joseph, Florence Baroja, J. Caro 117, 120 Baron, Bernhard 70 Barrow (Lousada), Moses 55?see also Lousada, Moses Baruh</page><page sequence="3">Index 245 Barzilay, Joseph 176, 182 'Moos' 176n Bassadoni, Giovanni Ml96 Bassan, ? 173, 178, 180n, 181, 182 Mrs.?see Sola, Sara de Batten, J. D. 108 Bandet, Prof. H. 73n Bayle, Bernard 87 Beaconsfield, Earl of?see Disraeli, Benjamin Beecham, Michael Pl.B Mrs. Michael?see Nathan, Sylvia Sir Thomas 32 Beer, Bernard?see Baer, Isachar Bein, Alex 79n Belasco, Joseph?see Bland, Joseph Belassez M219 Belinfante, ? 180 Meir Cohen M212 Bellamy, John 42, 47 Benaim, Isaac de Abraham 176n Mrs. Isaac?see Hatchwell, Estrella de Isaac Benas, Bertram B. 24 Bendavid, Lazarus 82 Benedict Crispin M218, M219 Benedict, Julius 164 Ben Jacob, Eliahu 186 Benjamin Disraeli (1952) M210 Benjamin, Sir Benjamin 36 Irma (Mrs. Harry Blanckensee) PI.A Isabelle (Mrs. Julius Blanckensee) PI.A Zipporah (Mrs. Abraham Levy [2]) 34, Pl.A, Pl.C Benjamin family (Melbourne) 36 Bennett, Solomon 83 Bensusan, Arthur Pl.B Mrs. Arthur?see De Lissa, Ethel Bentwich, Helen 191-2 ('Norman Ben tw ich, 1883-1971') Herbert 1,91,94 Jose 17,20 Norman 22, 191-2 Berahel, Jacob (Francisco de Lis) 145-6?see also Liz, Francisco de Berahyah of Nicole (= Lincoln), Rabbi M223 Bergami, Signor 178 Bergenroth, G. A. M214n Bergmann (Australia) 25n Bernal, Benjamin 116 Mrs. Benjamin?see Cortissos, Rachel (1) Bernstein, Morris 66n Rose (Mrs. Hyman Simmons) 31, Pl.B Best Books, The 104,105,107,111 Bethencourt, Cardozo de M212n Bettinson, Mrs. R. C. 37 Bevis Marks Records II (L. D. Barnett) 176n, M211 n Bible and Sword (B. Tuchman) 89n Biblical and Other Studies (ed. A. Altmann) 85n Bibliography of Books on Conjuring (Trevor H. Hall) 168n Bibliography of Conjuring (S. W. Clarke and A. Blind) 168n Biblioteca Espahola-Portugueza-Judaica (M. Kayser? ling) M213n Bidpai 107 Birnbaum, A. S. N. M224n Bischoffsheim, Henri Louis 66, 69 Blackie, J. A. 110 Blanckensee, Aaron PI.A Mrs. Aaron?see Hart, Elizabeth Abraham Pl.C Mrs. Abraham?see Warradyce, Celia Esther (Mrs. Percy Abrahams) Pl.C Harry Pl.A Mrs. Harry?see Benjamin, Irma Isabelle (Mrs. Barnet Joseph [2]) 33, 36, Pl.A Julius Pl.A Mrs. Julius?see Benjamin, Isabelle Mayer 34, Pl.C Mrs. Mayer?see Levy, Julia Solomon 36, Pl.A Mrs. Solomon?see Joseph, Julia (1) Blanckensee family (Birmingham) 36 Bland, Mr. 158 Mrs. (nee Marcia Teresa Romanzini) 154, 158, Pl.XIII Adam 42 Edward 42 (Belasco) Joseph 170 Blind, A 168 Bloom, H. I. 76n, 12Inn, 146n Bloomberg, Lazarus 66n Boase, F. 162n, 170 Boaz, Herman 165, 168-9, 170, Pl.XXVI Bocharach, Solomon 25 Bochart, Samuel 85 Bock, C. W. 165 Bolivar, Simon 77 Bolton, Duchess of?see Fenton, Lavinia Bolton, Frances Elizabeth (Mrs. William Spencer Harris Braham) 158 Book of Delight and other Papers (Israel Abrahams) 17, 21n Book of Job (William Morris; ed. Joseph Jacobs) 108 Book of Prayer of the Spanish &amp; Portuguese Jews'" Congregation, London 171 Book of Tables (Charles Davenant) 50, 51 Book of Wonder Voyages (ed. Joseph Jacobs) 108 Booth, Charles M216 Boxiana 158n</page><page sequence="4">246 Index Braham, John 152, 154, 157, 158, 164, Pl.VII William Spencer Harris 158 Mrs. William S. H.?see Bolton, Frances Elizabeth Brandes, Georg M210 Brants, Goudere 174 Bravo, Israel 143 Joseph Israel Mendez 144 Brazil 3, 38, 46, 50, 53, 54, 135 Bremen, Archbishop of?see Johann Friedrich Breslaw 2 (conjurer) 168 Philip (conjurer) 158, 167-8, 170, Pl.XXI, P.XXII, PLXXIII Brevvster, Bertram 178n Bridges, James 124 Brighton M221 British Folklorists (R. M. Dorson) 108 British Mezzotinto Portraits (J. Ghaloner Smith) 156 British Museum Catalogue of Political and Personal Satires 168 Brito, Mrs. 141, 142 Isaac Abendana de M212, M213 Britto, Domingo Vas de 43, 46 Broadbent, William B. (Liverpool) 186 Brodie, Rabbi Sir Israel 88n, M223n Brokers, City of London 78, 146-50 + Brooke, Sir Robert (fl. 1568) 60n Brown, W. J. M210 Browning, Robert 106, 107 Bruch, Max 163n Brugmans, H. 75n Brunswick, Duke of 154 Bueno, Dr. (1660) 144 Abraham 56 Bueno de Mesquita?see Mesquita Busey, Geoffrey M220 Bute, Earl of Ml99, M200 Butler, Lord 73 Cabrera, Alonso Enriquez de 119n?see also Henriquez y Cabrera Caceres, Simon de 47, 135 Caine, Sir Thomas Hall 98 Cairo 4-12 H-see also Cohen, Rabbi Raphael ben Simon; Geniza Calendar of Letters, Dispatches and State Papers, 1485-1509 (G. A. Bergenroth) M214n Calipha, ? 129 Calvin, Christina 78n Cameron, Agnes (Mrs. Cyril Kerr-Smiley) Pl.A Gampardon, E. 166n Canary Company 49 Canho, Solomon del 177, 181, 182 Cansino, Jacob 119?see also Salvador de Gansino Canterbury, Archbishop of 98, 115 Cantillon, Richard 77n Capadoce, Emanuel 178 Capadose, Immanuel 79 Caplan, Hyman Reuben 66n Cardoso (otherwise Aboab) 12In Cardozo, Diego Henriques 41, 42 Carleton, Capt. George 130 Garlos II (Spain) 120, 121, 122 Garlos III (Spain; Karl of Hapsburg) 122 Garmoly 187 Carnarvon, Lord 125 Carolina, Princess 156 Caroline, Queen 173, 178, 179 Carri?o de Payba?see Payba Garrington, David 15In Garter, Lilian (Mrs. Albert Joseph) Pl.A Garvajal, Antonio Fernandez (Abraham Israel) 41-56 + , 115n, 134, 135, 141, 142, 143, 149 Garvalho, Bero( ?) 55 Cassel, Sir Ernest Joseph 69 Gasseres, Samuel de 56 Gastano, Moses 55 Gastelforte, Marquis de?see Castro, Sebastian Lopez Ferro de Castro, de (Portuguese Minister, London) 125 Antonio de 132 Antonio Lopez de (1) 132?see also Almeida Antonio Lopez de (2) 132 Mrs. Antonio Lopez de (1)?see Almeida, Leonor (Castro) de Mrs. Antonio Lopez de (2)?see Nunez, Maria Beatrix de (Mrs. Esplandian Nunez Gortizos) 118, 132 D. Henriques de 12In Diego Enriquez de 12In, 32 Mrs. Diego Enriquez de?see Gastro, Leonor Lopez de Isaac de 55 Jacob de (actor) 154, 158, 159, Pl.X Mrs. Jacob de 159 Julian Enriquez de 132 Mrs. Julian Enriquez de?see Almeida, Leonor de (2) Leonor Lopez de (Mrs. Diego Enriquez de Gastro) 132 Manuel de 132 Sebastian Lopez Ferro (or Hierro) de (Marquis de Gastelforte) 119, 120, 132 Serafina de 132 Gastro Sarmento?see Sarmento Catharine of Aragon M214 Catherine, Queen (wife of Charles II) 50n, 117 Gattan, ? 182 Cemetery : Alderney Road 150</page><page sequence="5">Index 247 Cemetery (cont.) Mile End 135 Velho 134-50 + Century of Anglo-Jewish Life 1870-1970...United Synagogue (ed. S. S. Levin) M216 Century and a Half of Jewish History (C. H. L. Emanuel) 68 Century of Punch (Ron E. Williams) M210 Cerda, Domingo de la 47, 55, 143 Cervetto, Jacob 154 Chacon, Augustin Coronel 143?see also Coronel Chai Olam (1878) 187 Chamberlain, Joseph 97, 98, 99, 184, PI. XXX Chao-Kung?see Trebitsch-Lincoln Charles I, King Ml97 Charles II, King 50, 62, 63, 64,69, 117, 134n, 135 Charles, Emperor 116 Chasanovitz, Joseph (Bialystok) 21 Chazan, Chaim 186 Chevrah Shaare Zion (London) 83 Cheer Boys, Cheer (Henry Russell) 163 Chew, Helen M. M218 Chief Rabbinate 25?see also Adler, Hermann N.; Adler, Nathan M.; Brodie, Sir Israel; Hertz, Joseph H; Hirschel, Solomon Child, Sir Josiah 65 Child mortality 143, 145 Christopher, M. 170 Cicero 85 Clarke, S. W. 168n, 170 Clive, Robert Ml99 Cock, Charles George (judge) 55 Cohen, ? (actor) 158 ? (interpreter, fl. 1821) 178 ? (musician) 163 Aaron Loeb 186 Abraham (1) (1812-74) Pl.D Abraham (2) (1820-1901) 30, Pl.C, Pl.D Mrs. Abraham (1)?see Cohen, Sophia Mrs. Abraham (2)?see Mandelson, Leah Alfred L. 184, 185, 186 Burnett (1779-1857) 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, Pl.D Mrs. Burnett?see Levey, Sierlah Caroline (Mrs. Solomon Joseph [1]) 29, Pl.A, Pl.D David Pl.D Mrs. David?see Nathan, Julia Elias?see Elias Episcopus Emanuel Hyman 29, Pl.D Francis (later Palgrave) 153 Hannah (Mrs. Solomon Marks) Pl.D Harry (b. 1884) 32, Pl.B, Pl.D Mrs. Harry?see Goldsmid, Florence Henry (1) Pl.D Henry (2) (1840-1912) Pl.D Henry (3) Pl.D Mrs. Henry (3)?see Hyman, Sierlah Henry Emanuel (judge) 29 (Gullen) Horace Pl.D Mrs. Horace?see Marks, Hero Ida (1867-1970) 29, Pl.D Jane (Mrs. Hyman Hyman) Pl.D Leonard (Manchester) 183n Levi Barent 30 Levy Emanuel 29, Pl.D Mathilda (Mrs. Nathaniel Levy) 35, Pl.B Moses (1799-1879) 35, Pl.B Mrs. Moses?see Joseph, Kate Nathan 29, Pl.D Mrs. Nathan?see Solomon, Esther Neville Pl.D Mrs. Neville?see Levy, Rose P. J. (Australia) 25 Phoebe (Mrs. Louis Nathan) 34, Pl.G Rev. R. (Dover) 169 Rachel (Mrs. Edward Samuel) 30, 34, Pl.G Rabbi Raphael ben Simon 7 Sir Robert Waley 184n Samuel Wolf 66n Sophie (Mrs. Abraham Gohen [1]) Pl.D Walter 186 Gohen, ? (Jerusalem) 4 ? (son-in-law of Kaminitz, Jerusalem) 13 Helen (Mrs. Hugh Schonfield) Pl.G Gollins, Anthony 84 Gomas, Sieur 168 Comedies (Oliver Goldsmith, ed. Joseph Jacobs) 108 Commissaries?see Contractors, Army Commodities 118, 119, 129, 134, 180, M195 Exports 38-58+ (list, alphabetical 56-7), 146 Imports 27, 38-58+ (list, alphabetical 56-7), 146 Gongreve, William 84, 87 Conjurers 164-70 Contractors, Army 27, 69, 114-33 + Conversion/Conversionists 2, 63, 64, 76n, 80, 121, 164 Convicts, Jewish 24,25,26 Cook, Captain 24 Cook's tours 3, 5, 6, 7, 23 Gooke, John 161 W'illiam 156 Coronel, Augustine 43, 46, 47?see also Chacon Gortez?see Gortissos, Isaac Semagh Cortissos, Abraham 117, 126, 127, 132 Mrs. Abraham?see Farro, Simha Gohen Abraham (Luis) 116, 132 Mrs. Abraham (Luis)?see Musaphia, Rebecca Abraham Semagh (alias Levius or Louis da Gosta) 116, 120, 121, 132</page><page sequence="6">248 Index Cortissos (cont.) Mrs. Abraham Semagh?see Falcon, Miss Antonio da Costa 121 Miss Cynthia 126 Elias 116, 132 Mrs. Elias?see Pimentel, Lea Fonseca Emanuel (1) 116 Emanuel (2) (b. 1758) 116, 120, 132 Mrs. Emanuel (2)?see Mesquita, Leah da Costa Emanuel (otherwise Isaac) 116, 132 Mrs. Emanuel (otherwise Isaac)?see Rodrigues de Parma, Dora Emanuel Joseph ('Marquis de Villa') 116 Esther (Hester) (Mrs. Joseph Cortissos 1 [2]) 116, 132 Isaac 116 Isaac Semagh (alias Cortez) 121, 132 Jacob 116,132 Jacob Semagh (alias Antonio Hidalgo) 121, 132 Joseph (1) (1656-1742) 114-33, PI.Ill Joseph (2) (1731-88) 115, 116, 117, 120, 121, 132 Mrs. Joseph (1)?see Levy, Clara Mrs. Joseph 1 (2)?see Cortissos, Esther Mrs. Joseph 2 (2)?see Lumbroso, Sarah Joshua 132 Judith Semagh 121 Leah 117 Louis 127, 129 Rachel (1) (Mrs. Benjamin Bernal) 116, 132 Rachel (2) 117 Rebecca (Mrs. Moses Manriques) 116, 132 Samuel 132 Mrs. Samuel?see Vaz Martinez, Rachel Sarah (1) (Mrs. Abraham Sarfaty) 117, 132 Sarah (2) 117 Sebastian PI.IV?see Hierro, Sebastian Strella Hatty 117 Cortizos, Antonio 119,132 Antonio Lopez 118,132 Mrs. Antonio Lopez?see Almeida, Luisa de Esplandian Nunez 118, 132 Mrs. Esplandian Nunez?see Castro, Beatrix de Juan 132 Leonor 132 Luisa (1) (Mrs. Sebastian Ferro) 132 Luisa (2) (Mrs. Sebastian Cortizos) 120 Manuel 118-21 + Mrs. Manuel?see Ferro, Luisa Sebastian 119, 120, 132?see Hierro, Sebastian Mrs. Sebastian?see Cortizos, Luisa (2) Cortizos y Vallasante, Manuel Jose (Viscount dc Valdefuentes) 120, 132 Corvorden, John V. 184 Costa (Treasurer Amsterdam Medras) 174 Mrs. ? da?see Ricardo, Rebecca Abraham da 55 Alvaro da 38, 50, 51, 55 Antonio da 40, 41 Benjamin Mendes da 69, 117 David Mendes da 76 Emmanuel Mendes da 70 Gabriel da 39 George Mendes da 50 Isaac da (1) 77 Isaac da (2) 178n Isaac Teiles da 56 Jacob Mendes da 117,127 John da 129 Joseph da 129 Levius or Louis da?see Gortissos, Abraham Semagh Mendez da M202 Samuel da?see Samuel Gosta &amp; Go. ?see also Acosta; Gosta Mesquita; La Gosta; Lopez da Costa; Mendes da Gosta Gosta Alvaringa?see Alvaringa Gosta Mesquita?see Mesquita Goudres, John de (Sheriff of London) M219 Court, Admiralty 38-58 -f Gourt Jew 114, 115 Court Jew (Selma Stern) 114n, 133 Coventry M221 Cowan, Evelyn M221 Cowen, Joseph 97 Gragg, James 125 Grime 27?see also Convicts Cromwell, Oliver 48, 115, 135 Gross (diarist) 156 Grouch, Mrs. 157 Grypto-Jews?see Marranos; New Christians Gullen, Horace?see Gohen, Horace Susan (Mrs. Stephen Gentilli 2) Pl.A, Pl.D Cumberland, Duke of 165 Cumberland, Richard 153 Curiel, Rachel da Silva 77 Cyprus 183-90, Pl.XXX Dammann, G. 165n, 167 Dangerous Estate (F. Williams) 90n Daniel Dewnda (George Eliot) 102, 103, 104, 107 Daphnis and Chloe (Longus; ed. Joseph Jacobs) 107 Darling, Ann (Mrs. Frank Nathan) Pl.B Governor Ralph 26 Darlington, Prof. 28 Davenant, Charles 50 Davidson, Abraham 31, Pl.B Mrs. Abraham?see Joseph, Rosa (2) Isaac (1) 31, Pl.B Isaac (2) (1830-90) 31, Pl.B</page><page sequence="7">Index 249 Davidson (cont.) Mrs. Isaac (1)?see Joseph, Phoebe (1) Mrs. Isaac (2)?see Simmons, Amelia Rosetta (Mrs. Lambert Goldsmid) Pl.B Sir William 50 Davila, Haham 138, 140 Davis, Aaron (transportee) 25n Sir Ernest (Auckland) 33 Israel 169 James (transportee) 25n Jew (singer) 163 Prof. Ralph Ml98, M218 Samuel (transportee) 25 Sarah (transportee) 25n Davy, Maria (Mrs. Joseph Levy [2]) Pl.B Dawes, Prof. E. A. 164n, 165n, 170n, PI.XXVIII Day, Robert 42 Dead Sea 18, 19 Death-rate 140, 141, 144 Defoe, Daniel 127, 130 Deists 84, 87 Delacerda?see Gerda Delema, Elias 143n Sybilla 143n ?see also Lima, de De Lissa, Ethel (Mrs. Arthur Bensusan) 32, P1B Montague 32, Pl.B Mrs. Montague?see Joseph, Julia (2) Delpini, C. A. 154 Delvalle, Abigail (Mrs. Abraham Israel Ricardo) 73, 78 Denization?see Naturalisation De Pinna &amp; Venn (notaries) 115 Deputies of British Jews, Board of 68 Derech Ish Ve'Yashar (Abraham Van Oven) 82 Destitute Alien (Arnold White) 93n Diamond, A. S. 40n, 59, 134-150 ('The Com? munity of the Resettlement 1656-1684: A Social Survey') Diaia, son-in-law of Elias (13 cent.) M219 Diary of Samuel Pepys (ed. H. B. Wheatley) 155 Dias, Emanuel 56 Francisco 56 Mosseh M212n, PI.II Dibdin, Thomas 152 Dictionary of American Biography 101 Dictionary, Hebrew (Jastrow) M224n Dictionary of National Biography 151-170 -f, 178n, M209n, M210 D?ke, Sir Charles 98 D'Israeli, Benjamin 79n Disraeli, Benjamin (Earl of Beaconsfield) M206, M208, M209 + , Pl.XXXII D'Israeli, Isaac (1766-1848) 70, 78, 79?see also Isaac D'Israeli Doctor, congregational 144 Dodsworth, C. 149n Donbrow, Millie M220 Dormido, Daniel 53 Manuel Martinez (otherwise David Abrabanel) 46, 47, 50, 53, 54, 55, 135, 136, 138, 142, 149 Solomon 53, 54 Doroshoff, Sarah Rebecca 66n D'Orsay Pl.XIX Dorson, R. M. 108 Dramatist (play, Frederick Reynolds) 151 Drayan, Dov M220 Dream of Fate, or Sarah the Jewess (play, G. Z. Barnett) Dreyfus Affair 89 Drury Lane Calendar 1747-1776 157 Dublin 146, 157, 159 Duenna or Double Elopement (R. B. Sheridan) 156, 157 Duguid, G. 147n Dunn, Richard S. M217 Dunton, Theodore W atts 109 Duschinsky, D. 83n Dutch, Leah (Mrs. Barnet Isaacs [Haysack]) Pl.G Dutch Sam?see Elias, Samuel Dyas, Simon 41, 42 Dyos, Prof. H. J. M216 Dyte, David Moses 160 Early History of Banking in England (R. D. Richards) ~149n East African project 93, 95, 97, 98, 99 East India Company 48, 49, Ml99, M200, M204n Ecclesiastes, commentary (Abraham Tang) 84 Economic Activities of the Jews of Amsterdam in the 17th and 18th Centuries (H. I. Bloom) 12 In, 146n Economics?see Ricardo, David Eder, M. D. 99 Edgar, Jean (Mrs. Stephen Gentilli 1) PI.A, Pl.D Edgeworth, Maria 78, 79n Edmund Ironside 172 Egypt 1-23 + Eighteenth Century confronts the Gods (Frank E. Manuel) 85n Eisenmenger, Johann A. M210 Elhanan Isaac ben Yakar, Rabbi M225 Eliakim ben Abraham?see Hart, Jacob Elias Episcopus [Cohen] (Elias le Eveske) M219 Elias, Elias 27, Pl.A, Pl.B, Pl.G Mrs. Elias?see Moses, Miss Esther (Mrs. Isachar Baer or Mrs. Barnet Levy [1]) 27, 28, 30, 33, Pl.A, Pl.B, Pl.G Hart 28, 33, 34, Pl.G Mrs. Hart?see Levy, Sheba Samuel (Dutch Sam) 158, 159, 160</page><page sequence="8">250 Index Elijah of London, Rabbi M224 Eliot, George 101-7 + Eliott, Sir Charles 99 Elizabeth I, Queen 38 Elster, Mejer Samuel 66n Emancipation 164, M205-210 + , PI.XXXI, PI. XXXII Emanuel, C. H. L. 68n Frances (Mrs. Moss Jacob) 33, Pl.A Emanuel family (Portsmouth) 33 Emden, Paul H. 75n, 153n Reuben Zelig ben David 83 Emdon, Caroline (Mrs. Abraham Levy [1]) 30, 31, Pl.C Aid. Eleazar 29, 30, Pl.A Mrs. Eleazar?see Joseph, Eliza Emma (Jane Austen, ed. Joseph Jacobs) 108, 112 Encyclopaedia Britannica 164, 170 Encyclopedia Judaica (Jerusalem) 165n Endenization?see Naturalisation England, South-West, Jews of 24-37 + England's Apprenticeship 1603-1763 (Charles W'ilson) 47 n English Democracy?Its Problems and Perils (Arnold White) 93 n English Folk Lore Society 104, 108 English Hebrew Prayer Book (Meyers and Alexander) 166 English Historic Documents (D. WThitelock) 172 English and the Immigration (John A. Garrard) 98n English Lives of Buddha (ed. Joseph Jacobs) 107 English Merchant Adventurers 39 English Overseas Trade during the Centuries of Emergence (G. D. Ramsay) 45 Enlightenment?see Haskalah Entdecktes Judenthum (J. A. Eisenmenger) M210 Eppenheim, Clara (Mrs. Herbert Harris) Pl.A Epstein, Prof. J. N. M224n Sir Jacob 69 Schloima 66n Escamoth 135-50 H-see also Libro de los Acuerdos Essays and Portraits in Anglo-Jewish History (C. Roth) 165n Essays presented to Israel Brodie, Chief Rabbi 88n Essays and Reviews (Joseph Jacobs) 103, 104n, 106, 107, 108 Esther, the Royal Jewess (play, Elizabeth Polack) 153 Eswy, Adrian M219 Ralph M219 Ethics of the Fathers?see Pirke Avoth Etz Hayyim (Rabbi Jacob Hazan of London; ed. Israel Brodie) M223n, M224n Eusebius 85 Evans, H. Ridgeley 170 Evelina School (Alliance Girls' School), Jerusalem 1, 13, 14, 21, 22 Everybodys Guide to Parliament (W. J. Brown) M210 Expulsion 39 Exter-marriage 25, 29 Fables (Aesop, ed. Joseph Jacobs) 107 Fables (Bidpai, ed. Joseph Jacobs) 107 Fairburn, ? (fl. 1826) 168 Fairfield, Edward 184 Falcon, Rabbi 116 Miss ? (Mrs. Abraham Semagh Gortissos) 116 Falk, Samuel Jacob Hayyim (Baal Shem of London) 165 Falmouth 27, 34, 35, M221 Familiar Letters (James Howell, ed. Joseph Jacobs) 107 Family Qiiarrels (opera, Dibdin) 152, 157 Fano, Salvador Bonaguetti 77 Farro, Esther Gohen (Mrs. Joshua Sarfaty de Pinna) 117 Sample 178 Samuel Gohen 117 Mrs. Samuel Gohen?see Salazar, Sarah Simha 176n Simha Cohen (Mrs. Abraham Gortissos) 117, 132 Feinberg, Jacob Mordecai 186 Fenton, Lavinia (later Duchess of Bolton) 155n Fawcett, ? 152 Felix, Eliza Rachel?see Rachel Ferdinand, King (Spain) M214, M215 Ferdinand of Brunswick, Prince 76 Fernandes, Emanuel 77 Manuel 55 Fernandez?see Carvajal, Antonio Fernandez Antonio 40, 42, 44, 45, 55 Gabriel 38, 39, 56 Jacob Dias M204 + Fernando, Diego 55 Ferro, Ana (Mrs. Sebastian de Almeida) 132 Antonio 132 Antonio Lopez 132 Mrs. Antonio Lopez?see Almeida, Mencia de Ezra 175 Juana 132 Leonor (Mrs. Diego de Almeida) 132 Luiza (Mrs. Manuel Gortizos) 119, 120n, 132 Mancia 132 Manuel 132 Mariana 132 Sebastian (1)?see Castro, Sebastian Lopez Ferro de Sebastian (2) 132 Mrs. Sebastian (1)?see Gortizos, Luisa (1)</page><page sequence="9">Index 251 Ffereira, Antonio Pinto 56 Fincken, C. R. 170n Findlay, J. B. 164-9-f-, Pl.XXVI Finestein, Israel M216 Finkelstein, Meir 186 Finn, Elizabeth (Mrs. James) 183 Fisher, F.J. 44n Flegeltaub family 33 Florence, Duke of Ml96 Florence of Worcester 172 Floria (1239) M219 Fonseca, Aaron M212n Agustin de 132 Mrs. Agustin de?see Ferro, Mariana Alonzo de 43, 51 Alvaro de 55 Juan de 132 Manuel de 50, 55 Fonseca Meza?see Meza Fonseca Pimentel?see Pimentel Fontenelle, Bernard le Bouvier de 87 Ford, Beatrice (Mrs. George Joseph) PI. A Fourdrin v. Gowley (law case) 64n Fraenkel, Josef 89, 184n Francia, Diego 55 Domingo Rodriguez 48-514-, 55, 148n, Ml98 Francis M201 George Rodriguez 48, 49, 55, 148n, M198 Simon 48, 49, 51, 55, 148n, M199, M201 + Franco, Abraham Ml99-M202 -f Anthony 55 David M203 Diego 56 Francisco Lopez 41, 56 Jacob M199-M202 + Joseph M203 Moses M204n Raphael M203-+ M204 + Solomon 46, 53, 143 Frank, A. 75n Franklin, Miss M. 215n Franks, Aaron 156, M198-M204-f Isaac M202 John M203 Moses M202, M203 + Friedenberg, D. M. 160n Friedland, Jonah 186 Loeb 186 Friedlander, David 82, 86 Friedman, Moses 186 Frikell, Wiljaha 170 From Spanish Court to Italian Ghetto (Y. H. Yerushalmi) 119n From Swan Sonnenschein to George Allen &amp; Unwin Ltd. (F. A. Mumby and W. Stallybrass) 105 Frost, T. 170 Fuente, Jose de la 149 Furtado, Miss (actress) 163 Charles (Abraham) 163 Futerman, Israel 186 Gabay, Aaron 143 David 143 Jonas 143 Solomon 55 Gage, Thomas, Viscount 125, 126 William Hall, Lord 125n Lady (William Hall)?see Gideon, Elizabeth Gainer, Bernard M216 Games, Charlotte (Mrs. Ernest Solomon [Simpson (1)]) Pl.A Galloway, Earl of?see Galway, Lord Galv?o, Abraham Perez 144 Galway, Lord 116, 123, 124, 125, 128 Gamliel, Rabbi 85 Gamzu (Gateshead) M220 Garcia, Aby 175 Manuel (musician) 15In Garrard, John A. 98n Garrick, David 157 Gartner, Lloyd P. 70n, 98n, M216 Gaster, Haham Moses 4, 90, 91, 94 Gateshead M220 Genealogical trees: Cortissos 132; Mendes da Costa 171; SouuVWest England Jewry Pis. A, B, C, D Geniza (Cairo) 1, 6, 8-9, M217 Gennadius, P. 184, 185 Gentilli, Adolph Pl.A, Pl.D Mrs. Adolph?see Levy, Madge Stephen 30, Pl.A, Pl.D Mrs. Stephen?see 1, Edgar, Jean; 2, Cullen, Susan George II, King 127, 156 George III, King 75, 160 George IV, King 178n George Allen &amp; Co. 101, 104, 109 George Allen &amp; Unwin Ltd. 104 George, David Lloyd 97 Gereuth?see Hirsch de Gereuth German, Rubi 181 German Jew (play) 161 Geschiedenis der Joden in Nederland (eds. H. Brugmans, A. Frank) 75n Gibbs, Misses 111 Gideon, Elizabeth (Lady [William Hall] Gage) 125n Rowland M. M199, M201 Samson (1) (b. 1592) 44, 55 Samson (2) 44, 70, 125n, M202, M203 +</page><page sequence="10">252 Index Gill, Conrad M199nn Gillray, James Pl.VIII Giordani, Tommaso 157 Gissing, George 106 Gladstone, Herbert 98 Glasgow M221-2 Gleiberman, Edna (Mrs. Arthur Joseph) Pl.C Globe and Traveller 74n Gobat, Samuel (Bishop at Jerusalem) 69 Goda le Gablere M220 Godolphin, Lord 131 Godolphin, Dr. 53, 54 Goldberg, Beer 187 Goldman, S. (fl. 1896) 184 Goldsmid, Aaron Asher 181 n Abraham 75, 157, M203 Col. Albert 94, 98 Benjamin 75, 82, M203 Florence (Mrs. Harry Cohen) 31-2, Pl.B, Pl.D Sir Isaac Lyon 74, 18In Lamert Pl.B Mrs. Lamert?-see Davidson, Rosetta Goldsmith, Oliver 108, 112 Gomes, Francisco 56 Gomeserra, Anthony 51, 55 Manuel 55 Gomez Serra?see Serra, Gomez Gonsales, Abraham Coen?see Gonzales, Gaspar Gonzales, Gaspar (otherwise Abraham Coen Gonsales) 48 Gottheil, Prof. Richard 184, 185 Gould, Bernice F. M222 Gracian 107 Granada, David 175 Graunde Abridgment (Sir Robert Brooke) 60n Great Fire (1666) 136, 137, 147 Great Plague (1665) 136, 137, 140n, 142, 143, 147, 150 Great Synagogue 1690-1940 (C. Roth) 157, 166n Green, Phoebe (Mrs. George Jacob) Pl.A T. H. 106 Greenberg, Leopold J. 91, 97, 98, 99 Greenhalgh, John 138 Grimon, Balthazar de Vergara 41, 49 Thomas di Nova 48, 49 Gross, John 107 Grove's Dictionary of Music 158n Growth of English Overseas Trade in the 17th and 18th Centuries (ed. W. E. Minchinton) 44 Guardian, Biography of a Newspaper (D. Ayerst) 90 Guedalla, H. 94n Guevara, Pedro de 42 Guide to the Taylor-Schechter Genizah Collection (Stefan C. Reif) M217 Guiwisch, Israel 66n Guttentag, G. D. M221 Haas, Jacob de 90, 91, 95 Habermann, A. M. M224n Hadheld, James 160 Haes, ? 17 Hai, Rav 86 Halevy, Rabbi Uri 116 Hall, Thomas Ml99, M200 Trevor H. 164, 168n Hallenstein family 30, 33 Halpert, Solomon 186 Halsted, Beatrice (Mrs. Stanley Harris) 30,33, PI. A Ernest 33, Pl.A Mrs. Ernest?see Jacob, Anna Haluli, Zalel 186 Hambro Synagogue 83 Hamburg 134 Hamilton, Lady Ann 179 Hankford, judge (1413) 59n Hanson, ? (printer, Edinburgh) 110?see also Ballantyne &amp; Hanson Harbury, Prof. Colin 34, Pl.C Henry Pl.C Mrs. Henry?see Haysack, Esther Harding, S. 155 Hardwick, Lord 79 Hargreaves, E. L. 75n Harley, Robert (Earl of Oxford) 123 Harmsworth, Alfred (Lord Northcliffe) 90 Harris, Adelaide (Mrs. Harry Joseph) Pl.C Beatrice (Mrs. Charles Lang) 30, Pl.A Cecil Herbert ('Ben') M221 Henry (1; 1787-1872) 32, Pl.A, Pl.B Henry (2) Pl.B Mrs. Henry (1)?see Jacob, Esther Mrs. Henry (2)?see Solomon, Hannah Herbert Pl.A Mrs. Herbert?see Eppenheim, Clara Isabelle (1) (Mrs. Lesser Jacobs) Pl.B Isabelle (2) (Lady [Harry] Moxham) 33, Pl.B John (transportee) 25n Rev. Raphael 29, 30, Pl.A Mrs. Raphael?see Joseph, Sarah Samuel 33, Pl.B, Pl.D Mrs. Samuel?see Levey, Elizabeth Stanley 30, 33, Pl.A Mrs. Stanley?see Halsted, Beatrice William (shipmaster, fl. 1658) 53, 54 Hart, Eddie (Mrs. Hyman Wroolf) 27, Pl.A Eliezer Pl.A Mrs. Eliezer?see W7oolf, Rebecca Elizabeth (Mrs. Aaron Blanckensee) Pl.A Frances (transportee) 25n</page><page sequence="11">Index 253 Hart (cont.) Sir Israel M221 Jacob (Eliakim ben Abraham) 82 Lemon 26, 27, 28, 36, PIA Mrs. Lemon?see Solomon, Mary Rebecca (1) (Mrs. Isaac Jacobs) Pl.A Rebecca (2) (1, Mrs. Walter Jacob Levi; 2, Mrs. Frederick Jacobs) 26, 27, Pl.A S. (Amsterdam) 73n Hartshorne, A. 156 Hartstein, Eva (Mrs. Montague Joseph 2) Pl.G Haskalah 82-8 Hatchwell, Estrella de Isaac (Mrs. Isaac de Abraham Benaim) 176n Haysack?see Isaacs, Barnet; Isaacs, Mrs. Barnet Haysack, Esther (Mrs. Henry Harbury) Pl.G Hebrew Script (A. S. N. Birnbaum) M224 Hebrew University, Jerusalem 192 Hebron 15-18 + Heertje, Prof. A. 73-81 ('On David Ricardo 1772-1823') Heilbert, Samuel 146n, 149 Helman, Israel 186 Henig, Sir Mark M221 Henna (1) M218 Henna (2) M219 Hennipman, Prof. P. 73n Henriques, Francis 55 H. S. Q. 63n, 65n Jacob 56 Jacob Bueno 56 Joseph 56 Lewis 55 Peter 51, 56, M201 Piers 51,56, M201 Sarah 56 Simon 56 Simon Lopes 56 Henriquez, Peter 63n Henriquez y Gabrera, Juan 122n?see also Gabrera Henry VII, King M214, M215 Henry of Bath M218 Henry Esmond (Thackeray, ed. Joseph Jacobs) 108, 112 Herd, H. 91n Herman, ? (Gateshead) M220 Herschel, Sir William 63 Hersh, Alan 37 Hertz, Joseph Herman (Chief Rabbi) 69, 96 Herzl, Theodor 16, 18, 89-100 Herzt Memorial Book 91 n Herzl Tear Book 94n, 184n Herzas Diaries 92n, 95n Hesiod 84, 85 Hidalgo, Antonio?see Cortissos, Jacob Semagh Hierro, Sebastian 120n, PI. IV?see Cortissos, Sebastian; Cortizos, Sebastian Higham, Edward Pl.C Mrs. Edward?see Isaacs, Emmie Hill, Rowland M208 Hillier-Holt, Geoffrey 30, Pl.C Mrs. Geoffrey?see Samuel, Vera Hillsborough, Viscount 129, 130 Hirsch de Gereuth, Baron Maurice de 70, 93, 95? see also Jewish Colonial Association Hirschel, Solomon (Chief Rabbi) 151, 162 Hirshenbein, Moses 186 History of Conjuring and Magic (H. Ridgeley Evans) 170 History of English Drama 1660-1900 (Allardyce Nicol) 152n History of English Law (Holdsworth) 59n History of the Jews in England (A. M. Hyamson) 61n History of the Jews in England (Cecil Roth) 6 In, 65, 70, 75n, M210, M214n History of the Marranos (C. Roth) 118n History of the Oracles (Bernard Fontenelle) 87n History of Political Economy (A. Heertje) 73 History of the Principal Public Banks (J. G. van Dillen) 76n History of 'Punch' (M. H. Spielmann) M205, M210 History of Reynard the Fox (ed. Joseph Jacobs) 107-8 History of the Stock Exchange (C. Duguid) 147n History of the Theatres of London (W. C. Oulton) 160n History of The Times 90n History of the War of the Succession in Spain (P. H. Stanhope, Lord Mahon) 122n History of Zionism (N. Sokolow) 89n Hitchman, Francis M206n, M210 Hogarth, G. 156n, 163n William 156 Holdsworth, ? (legal historian) 59-60n Holt, Geoffrey?see Hillier-Holt Hillier Pl.C Mrs. Hillier?see Lyons, Florence Mary (Mrs. Frederick Warburg) Pl.C Honest Jew of Frankfort (play, C. Z. Barnett) 153 Hooker, Margaret (Mrs. Montague Joseph 1) Pl.C Hopkins, Wm. 157 Hopwood, D. 99n Horace 85 Horace Walpole's Correspondence 156 Horovitz, S. 84 Houdini 170 Hours in a Library (Leslie Stephens) 106 Hovevei Zion 94</page><page sequence="12">254 Index How Profitable the Nations of the Jews Are (Menasseh ben Israel) 134n Howell, James 107 Huguenots 63n, 64 Hunt, William Holman 92 Hutton, ? 106 Hyamson, Albert M. 6In, 65n, 78n, 117, 133, 134n, 137n Hyman, Hyman Pl.D Mrs. Hyman?see Gohen, Jane Louis M221 Sierlah (Mrs. Henry Cohen [3]) Pl.D Hyse, R. 77n lea?see Jewish Colonial Association Iggerot (Theodor Herzl) 90n Immigration 93-100 + , 115, 144, 145, M216, M222?see also Jewish Immigrant in England; Naturalisation Incledon, Charles 152, Pl.VII Inglis, Sir Robert Harry M208, M209 Inquisition 45, 75, 76, 80, 118-21+, 135, 144, 145, 146, M196, M211, M212, M214 Ireland Ml 95 Isaac of Apulia 187 Isaac of Paris M219 Isaac d'Israeli (Ogden) 78n Isaacs, Misses 35 (Haysack) Barnett Pl.C (Haysack) Mrs. Barnett?see Dutch, Leah Rev. Prof. David 34, Pl.C Mrs. David?see Levy, Esther Emmie (Mrs. Edward Higham) Pl.C Fanny (Mrs. Bernard Levy) 30, 31, Pl.C Frederick 35, Pl.C Mrs. Frederick?see Levin, Sarah Henry 160 Sir Isaac 33 Isaac (or John) (actor) 154, 160, PI.XIII Isobel (Mrs. Ernest Jessel) Pl.C John (actor)?see Isaacs, Isaac Lucien 32n Rebecca (singer) 154, 160, Pl.XVIII Isaacson, Barnett 151 Isabella, Queen (Spain) 118n, 119, M214, M215 Ishac bar Abraham 150 Isidro, David Gabay 211?see also Yzidro Israel, Benjamin 75 (Ricardo) David 75, 76, 77 Mrs. David?see Amadios, Strellia Hannah?see Abaz, Hannah Moses M203 (Ricardo) Samuel van Mozes 75, 80?see also Ricardo, Samuel Israel Israel family (Ricardo) 76 Israel, State of 89 Jackman, Clare (Mrs. Harold Joseph) Pl.A Jacob son of Fluria M219 Jacob of Warwick M219 Jacob Hazan of London, Rabbi M223n Jacob, Signor (actor) 158, PI.IX Alex 27, M221 Alexander (1841-1903) Pl.A Mrs. Alexander?see Myer, Leah Amelia (Mrs. Henryjoseph [1]) 33, 36, Pl.A Anna (Mrs. Ernest Halsted) 33, PIA Betsy (Mrs. Barnet Joseph [1]) 35, 36, Pl.C Catherine (Mrs. Benjamin Aaron Selig) 32, Pl.B Emily (Mrs. Joseph Joseph [4]) 33, Pl.A Esther (Mrs. Henry Harris) 32, Pl.A, Pl.B Flora (Mrs. Barnet Asher Simmons) 31, 32, Pl.A, Pl.B George Pl.A Mrs. George?see Green, Phoebe Isaac Pl.A Mrs. Isaac?see Lazarus, Sophie Jacob 33, Pl.A Mrs. Jacob?see Simon, Sarah Judith (Mrs. Isaac Joseph) 31, 34, Pl.A, Pl.B Moses 27, Pl.A, Pl.B Mrs. Moses?see Moses, Sarah Moss 33, PIA Mrs. Moss?see Emanuel, Frances Rebecca (Mrs. Lemon Woolf) 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, Pl.A Samuel 32, Pl.A, Pl.B Mrs. Samuel?see Levy, Sarah Jacob Mendez &amp; Co. M202 + Jacobs (actor) 157 Miss ? (dancer) 157 Abraham (fl. 1660-80) 55 David (transportee) 25n Esther (actress) 154, 157 Frederick 27, Pl.A Mrs. Frederick?see Hart, Rebecca (2) Isaac Pl.A Mrs. Isaac?see Hart, Rebecca (1) Joseph (1) 1, 101-13 (letters), M223n, M224 Joseph (2) (Wizard) 169, 170, Pl.XXVIII? see also Jacobs, M. Lesser 33, Pl.B Mrs. Lesser?see Harris, Isabelle M. 169?see also Jacobs, Joseph (2) Rypinski 33 'Sprightly' 169 Wizard?see Jacobs, Joseph (2) Jacobson, Israel 82</page><page sequence="13">Index 255 Jaffe, Benjamin 89-100 ('The British Press and Zionism in Herzl's Time 1895-1904') Jahoda, Marie (Mrs. Austin Albu 2) PI.G Jahrbuch f?r die Geschichte der Juden (1861) 186 James I, King 60, Ml95, Ml96, Ml97 James II, King 63 Jastrow, Marcus J. M224n Jeremy of Gaxton M218 Jericho 18, 19, 20 Jermans, Aaron Joseph 15-18 + Jerusalem 4, 12-23 + , 192 Russian Jews in 184, 185, 186, Pl.XXX ?see also Evelina School; Kaminitz Hotel Jerusalem, Bishop at?see Alexander, Michael Joseph; Gobat, Samuel Jessel, Ernest PI.G Mrs. Ernest?see Isaacs, Isobel Jessel family 35 Jessop, Bill (Sidney Joseph) 30, PIA Mrs. Bill?see Koppelman, Eleanor Jesurun, Leah (Mrs. David Gomez Serra) 117 Jew, The (play, Richard Cumberland) 153 Jew Bill 1753 65 Jew and Doctor (opera) 152 Jew in Drama (M. J. Landa) 153 Jew of Malta (play, Marlowe) 152 Jew S?ss?see Oppenheimer, Joseph Suess Jewell, Father?see Baer, Isachar Jewish Chronicle 1841-1941 94n Jewish Colonial Association 95, 184, 186?see also Hirsch, Baron Maurice de Jewish Encyclopaedia 102, 113, 117n, 161, 165n, 184 Jewish Folkways in Germanic Lands 1648-1846 (Herman Pollack) 172 Jewish Ideals and other Essays (Joseph Jacobs) 104, 107 Jewish Immigrant in England 1870-1914 (Lloyd P. Gartner) 70n, 98n Jewish Life in the Middle Ages (Israel Abrahams) 1, 9n Jewish Medals (D. M. Friedenberg) 160n Jewish Museum 115 Jewish State (Theodor Herzl) 92 Jewish Year Book 98n Jews of Angevin England (Joseph Jacobs) 108, M223n Jews of Britain (P. H. Emden) 75n, 153n Jews in the Canary Islands (Lucien Wolf) 48n, 134-7nn + Jews' College 1, 14 Jews and the English Law (H. S. Q. Henriques) 65n Jews of Ireland (Louis Hyman) M221 Jews of Medieval Norwich (V. D. Lipman) M218, M219, M224n Joce (Josce) the Jew M218, M219 Joce of Canterbury M219 Joce son of David M219 Joce of Oxford M219 Johann Friedrich, Archbishop of Bremen 39 John fitz Geoffrey M218 Johnson, Samuel 85 Johnston, Harry 99 Jonas (actor) 163 Mr., 2 (conjurer) 165 Elizabeth (singer) 163 Philip (conjurer) 165-7, 168, 170, Pl.XXIV, PI.XXV?see also Pheis Taschenspieler Jordan, River 18, 19 Josce?see Joce Joseph, Abraham (1) (b.1731) 28, Pl.A, Pl.B, Pl.C Abraham (2) (1799-1868) 28, 29, 30, 34, 36, Pl.A Abraham (3) (1868-1912) Pl.A Mrs. Abraham (1)?see Levy, Hannah Mrs. Abraham (2)?see 1, Woolf, Eliza; 2, Joseph, Rosa Mrs. Abraham (3)?see Barnett, Maida Albert 29 Pl.A Mrs. Albert?see Crater, Lilian Anthony P. 24-37 (Jewry of S.W. England and some of its Australian Connections'), 37, Pl.C Mrs. Anthony P.?see Mindelsohn, Jane Arabella (1) (Mrs. Meyer Stadthagen) 31, 32, Pl.B Arabella (2) (Mrs. Solomon Levy) 30, 35, Pl.B Arthur Pl.C Mrs. Arthur?see Gleiberman, Edna Barnet (1) (1801-80) 35, 36, Pl.C Barnet (2) (1833-1907) 33, 36, Pl.A Barnet (3) 36, Pl.C Mrs. Barnet (1)?see Jacob, Betsy Mrs. Barnet (2)?see Blanckensee, Isabelle Mrs. Barnet (3)?see Moses, Fanny Benjamin Pl.C Edward Pl.C Mrs. Edward?see Poland, Beatrice Eliza (Mrs. Eleazar Emdon) 29, Pl.A Ephraim 36, Pl.C Mrs. Ephraim?see Joseph, Rebecca Esther (Mrs. Noah Solomon) 36 Florence (1) (Mrs. Solomon Barnett) 32, Pl.B Florence (2) (Mrs. William Schonfield) Pl.C George 33, Pl.A Mrs. George?see Ford, Beatrice Gertrude (Mrs. Mark Nathan) 32, Pl.B Hannah (1) (Mrs. Henry Nathan [1]) 28, 29, Pl.A Hannah (2) (Mrs. Moses Levin) 35, Pl.C</page><page sequence="14">256 Index Joseph (cont.) Hannah (3) (Mrs. Octave Levy) 29, 30, Pl.A, Pl.D Harold 29, Pl.A Mrs. Harold?see Jackman, Clare Harry Pl.C Mrs. Harry?see Harris, Adelaide Henry (1) (1816-81) 33, 36, Pl.A Henry (2) (1815-99) 35 Henry (3) (1832-88) 28, 29, 31, Pl.A Henry (4) (1895-1938) Pl.C Mrs. Henry (1)?see Jacob, Amelia Mrs. Henry (2)?see Samuel, Maria Mrs. Henry (3)?see Lyons, Rebecca Mrs. Henry (4)?see Moss, Seiina Hyman 28, 29 Irene (Mrs. Schultz) 33, Pl.A Isaac 31, 34, Pl.A, Pl.B Mrs. Isaac?see Jacob, Judith Joseph (1) 28, Pl.A, Pl.B Joseph (2) 31, 32, Pl.B Joseph (3) (1791-1872) 36 Joseph (4) (1851-1913) 33, Pl.A Mrs. Joseph (2)?see Solomon, Fanny Mrs. Joseph (3)?see Alexander, Phoebe Mrs. Joseph (4)?see Jacob, Emily Julia (1) (Mrs. Solomon Blanckensee) 36, Pl.A Julia (2) (Mrs. Montague de Lissa) 32, Pl.B Kate (Mrs. Moses Cohen) 35, Pl.B Katie (Mrs. Lionel Joseph) 36, Pl.C Lionel 36, Pl.C Mrs. Lionel?see Joseph, Katie Lyon 30, 33-6-f, Pl.B, Pl.C Mrs. Lyon?see Levy, Judith Montague 36, Pl.C Mrs. Montague?see 1, Hooker, Margaret; 2, Hartstein, Eva Phoebe (1) (Mrs. Isaac Davidson [1]) 31, Pl.A Phoebe (2) (Mrs. Van Nirop) 32 Rachel (1) (Mrs. Joel Levy) 33, 34, Pl.C Rachel (2) (Mrs. Alexander Levin) 36, Pl.C Rebecca (Mrs. Ephraim Joseph) 35, 36, Pl.C Robert 36, Pl.C Mrs. Robert?see Mier, Clara Rosa (1) (Mrs. Abraham Joseph [2]) 29 Rosa (2) (Mrs. Abraham Davidson) 31, Pl.B Rose (Mrs. Leon Solomon) 28, 30, Pl.A Sarah (Mrs. Raphael Harris) 29, 30, Pl.A Sidney?see Jessop, Bill Solomon (1)* (1834-1900) 28, 29, 31, 32, Pl.A, Pl.D Solomon (2) (1837-1939) 32, Pl.B Mrs. Solomon (1)?see Cohen, Caroline Mrs. Solomon (2)?see Marks, Amy Joshua ben Chananyah, Rabbi 84, 85, 86 Jost,J.-M. 187 Journals?see Newspapers Judah Halevi 84n Judah the Prince, Rabbi 84n, 85 Judas Maccabeus?see Maccabeans Juden in der Zauberkunst (G. Dammann) 165n Juggler's Oracle (H. Boaz) 169 Kaminitz, ? 13,22 Kaminitz Hotel (Jerusalem) 4, 12, 13, 14, 17 Karl of Hapsburg, Archduke 122?see Garlos III (Spain) Katz, Prof.J. 87 Jacob Eliezer 186 Moses Chaim 186 Kaye, Danny 151 Kayserling, M. M213n Kean, Edmund 153 Kemble,John 159, 160 Kerr-Smiley, Cyril 30, Pl.A Mrs. Cyril?see Cameron, Agnes Hector 30, Pl.A Peter Pl.A Mrs. Peter?see Simpson, Maud Kerslake, Ada (Mrs. Mark Levy) Pl.A Khen Tov, Leib 186 Kilvert, Roger 43 Kimchi, Bechor Yossi 186 Kishinev pogroms 89, 93, 99 Kobez at Tad (Hebrew title) M223n, M225n Koppelman, Eleanor Pl.A Krausz, Ernest 138n Kupfer, E. F. M223 Kupferberg, H. 164n Kusari (Judah the Prince) 84n Kuznetz, Jacob 186 La Costa (otherwise Cortissos) 116, 121 Laguna, Abraham Lopez M211 Ester Lopes M211 Lamago, Jacob M201 Lamb, Charles 106 Lamego, Jeronimo Rodrigues 45 Raphael Rodrigues 45 Landa, M. J. 153n Landau, Miss Annie 14 Lang, Charles 30, Pl.A Mrs. Charles?see Harris, Beatrice Frederick 35, Pl.A, Pl.B Mrs. Frederick?see Van Noorden, Eileen H. W. 97 Rosemary 30, 35, Pl.A Lansbury, George 97 Lara, Miss dc (Mrs. Henry Russell) 163 Lassalle, Ferdinand 80</page><page sequence="15">Index 257 Late Victorians (Herman Ausubel) M209, M210n Lazarus, ? (Berlin) 102 Henry (actor) 154 Sophie (Mrs. Isaac Jacob) Pl.A Lealtad, David 129 Lealtad &amp; Go. (Santa Cruz) 129 Le?o Templo?see Templo Lecture on Heads (George Alexander Stevens) 166, 168, Pl.XXIV Lee (singer)?see Levy Leeds 138 Leeds Jewry (Ernest Krausz) 138n Leicester M220-1 Leicester Hebrew Congregation (Aubrey Newman) M220 Lens, Bernard 155, Pl.VI Leo the Jew M219 Leon, A. Mendes de 175 David?see Moradin, David Leon de Millicent (Mrs. Percy Levy) Pl.G Leoni, Michael or Myer (Meir ben Judah Meir Lyon) 154, 156-7, Pl.X Leopold of Austria 114n Leperer, RabbiS. B. 82-8 ('Abraham benNaphtali Tang?A Precursor of the Anglo-Jewish Haskalah') Letter to a Friend Concerning Naturalizations (Josiah Tucker) 65n Letter of Marque M198, M199-200 Letter on Tolerance (Anthony Shaftesbury) 84 Letters written by David Ricardo during a tour on the Continent 79n Lever, Sir Ashton 168 Levey, Barnet 26, 30, 33, Pl.D Eleazar Pl.D Elizabeth (Mrs. Samuel Harris) 33, Pl.B, Pl.D Frances (Mrs. Lyon Marks) Pl.D Isaac Pl.D Judah Pl.D Martha (Mrs. Benjamin Levy) Pl.D Sierlah (Mrs. Burnett Cohen) 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, Pl.D Solomon 26, 30, 33, Pl.D Susannah (Mrs. Jacob Marks) Pl.D Levi, Benjamin M201 David 82 Jacob (fl. 1660-80) 56 Samuel (Reb Shemuel) 138n, 150 Walter Jacob 26, 27, Pl.A Mrs. Walter Jacob?see Hart, Rebecca (2) Levin, Alexander 36, Pl.G Mrs. Alexander?see Joseph, Rachel (2) Isobel (Mrs. Louis Levy) 35, Pl.G Lionel Barnet (Tonga) 36, Pl.G Moses 35, Pl.G Mrs. Moses?see Joseph, Hannah (2) Salmond S. M216 Sarah (Mrs. Frederick Isaacs) 35, Pl.G Levine, Harry M221 Levinrad, Abraham 186 Levison, Gompertz 82 Levy (Lee), Mr. (singer) 163 Levy, Da van Aaron (1) 25 Aaron (2) (1811-60) 34 Mrs. Aaron (2)?see Myers, Rosetta Abraham (1) 30, 31, Pl.G Abraham (2) (1779-1834) 34, Pl.A, Pl.G Abraham (3) (New Zealand) 34, Pl.G Mrs. Abraham (1)?see Emdon, Caroline Mrs. Abraham (2)?see Benjamin, Zipporah Alfred 35 Amelia (transportee) 25n Amy (1861-89) 35, Pl.G Asher 30, 31, Pl.A Mrs. Asher?see Simmons, Bessie Barnet (1) (otherwise Isachar Baer, q.v.) 28, 30, 33, Pl.A, Pl.B, Pl.G Barnet (2) (New Zealand) 34 Mrs. Barnet (1)?see Elias, Esther Benjamin (1) (hazan) 145, 150 Benjamin (2) (d. 1704; financier) 56, 145, 149, 150 Benjamin (3) Pl.D Mrs. Benjamin (3)?see Levey, Martha Benn 30, Pl.A Bernard 30, 31, Pl.G Mrs. Bernard?see Isaacs, Fanny Betsy (Mrs. Solomon Solomon) 33, 34, Pl.G Caroline (Mrs. Henry Nathan [2]) 34, Pl.G Clara (Mrs. Joseph Gortissos [1]) 116, 132 Edith (Mrs. Emil Van Noorden) 35, Pl.B Ellen (Mrs. Frank Lyons) 30, Pl.G Esther (Mrs. David Isaacs) 34, Pl.G Frederick 34, Pl.G Mrs. Frederick?see Myers, Rosa Hannah (Mrs. Abraham Joseph [1]) 34, 36, Pl.A, Pl.B, Pl.G Israel (d. 1823) Pl.A, Pl.B Mrs. Israel?see Moses, Hannah Joel 33, 34, Pl.G Mrs. Joel?see Joseph, Rachel (1) Joseph (1) (transportee) 25n Joseph (2) Pl.B Mrs. Joseph (2)?see Davy, Maria Judith (Mrs. Lyon Joseph)' 30,33-6 +, Pl.B, Pl.G Julia (Mrs. Mayer Blanckensee) 34, Pl.G Kate 35 Hon. L. W. 29 Lewis Pl.D Mrs. Lewis?see Solomon, Julia</page><page sequence="16">258 Index Levy (cont.) Louis (1) 35, Pl.G Louis (2) (theatre director) 153 Mrs. Louis (1)?see Levin, Isobel Lucy (Mrs. Septimus Marks) 35, Pl.B, Pl.D Lyon Villiers (Mr. Villiers, actor) 154, 161, Pl.XIV Mabel (Mrs. Samuel Singer) 35, Pl.B Madge (Mrs. Adolph Gentilli) Pl.A, Pl.D Mark 30, Pl.A Mrs. Mark?see Kerslake, Ada Markes 30, 34, Pl.A, Pl.G Mrs. Markes?see Woolf, Bella Michael (or Mordecai or Myer) 50, 51, 55, 145, 149, 150 Nathaniel 35, Pl.B Mrs. Nathaniel?see Gohen, Mathilda Octave 29, 30, Pl.A, Pl.D Mrs. Octave?see Joseph, Hannah (3) Percy Pl.G Mrs. Percy?see Leon, Millicent Rebecca (Mrs. Joseph Michael) 34, Pl.G Rose (Mrs. Neville Gohen) Pl.D Samuel (Eliot Lewis) Pl.D Sarah (Mrs. Samuel Jacob) Pl.A, Pl.B Sheba (Mrs. Hart Elias) 28, 33, Pl.G Sidney 31, Pl.G Solomon 35, Pl.B Mrs. Solomon?see Joseph, Arabella (2) Valerie (Mrs. Gayford Minn) 30, Pl.G Zaccaria M204 Lewes, Charles Lee (actor) 166 George Henry 103, 104 Lewis, Eliot?see Levy, Samuel Leyte, ? (Portugal) 124 Libro de los Acuerdos 134-50 + Lichefot, John M218 Liddell, Sir Adolphus 67 Lieberman, S. 85n Liebesbrief (Yitzhak Wetzler) 86n Liebovitz, Isaac 186 Lima, de (Portugal) 124 Eliahu de 136, 143?see also Delema Lindo, Abraham M204 Alexander M204 Elias Haim 182 Linger (plumber) 145 Lipman, Vivian D. 64n, 70n, M211n, M216, M218, M220, M224 Liptzik, Eliahu Joseph 186 Lissa, de?see De Lissa Literary Studies (Joseph Jacobs) 106 Literary Tear Book, 1897 (ed. Joseph Jacobs) 108, 111, 112 Litigation 64, 117, 126, 127, 128-30?see also Court, Admiralty 'Little Ice Age' 140n Lives of the Conjurors (T. Frost) 170 Liz, Francis de 55?see Berahel, Jacob Lobatto, Rehuel 77 Mrs. Rehuel?see Ricardo, Ribca Loewe, Herbert M224 Raphael M217 London, Jews in 1494 M214-15 Medieval M218-20 London Eyre of 1242 (eds. Helen M. Chew and Martin Weinbaum) M218-20 London Merchant 1695-1744 (Lucy S. Sutherland) M204n London Stage 1600-1800 (A. H. Scouten) 155n, 157, 163 London's Lost Theatres of the 19th Century (E. Sherston) 154n, 163n Longus 107 Lopes, Anthony 55 George 55 Lopez, Jeronimo 38, 39, 55 Rodrigo 38, 39, 40 Selomoh 136, 137, 150 Simon 41 Lopes de Castro?see Castro Lopez da Costa, Fernando 41, 55 Harman 41, 55, 56 Lopez Ferro?see Ferro Lopez Franco?see Franco, Francisco Lopez Lopez de Miranda?see Miranda Lord Beaconsfield (Georg Brandes) M210 Lorenzo, Fernand M214, M215 Louandelo (?), Moses 56 Louis XIV 114,122 Lousada, Anthony 55, 146 Emanuel Baruh, the elder M203 Joseph H. Baruh 176n, 177 Moses Anthony Baruch 51, 136, 146?see also Barrow (Lousada), Moses L?wenthal, John 69 Lowndes, William 124 Lumbroso, Daniel 117 Mrs. Daniel?see Serra, Strella Sarah (Mrs. Joseph Cortissos 2 [2]) 117, 132 Lumley, Benjamin 153, Pl.XIX Luria, Abraham de Jacob 181n Mrs. Abraham?see Silveyra, Bilhah de Saa Lyon, Rabbi Hart 83 Meir ben Judah Meir?see Leoni, Michael Lyons, Beatrice (Mrs. Ferdinand Albu) Pl.C Florence (Mrs. Hillier Holt) Pl.C Frank 30, Pl.C Mrs. Frank?see Levy, Ellen Rebecca (Mrs. Henry Joseph [3]) 28, Pl.A</page><page sequence="17">Index 259 Maccabaeans (Maccabeans) (social club) 1, 13 Maccabeans (Palestine) 1, 13-16 + , 18, 21, 22 McCulloch, ? 74n Machado, Moses 115n Macklin, Charles 157, Pl.V Macmillan (publisher) 109 Madai Hayehaduth (Heb. title) (J. N. Epstein) M224n Maddox (formerly Medec; theatre director) 154 Madera 124 Maes, Judaeo 55 Magna Bibliotheca (C. Roth) 160n Magnus, Laurie 94 Maidment, Brian 101-13 ('The Literary Career of Joseph Jacobs 1876-1900') Maimonides 85, 86, M213 Making of Journalism (H. Herd) 91 n Malthus 80, 81 Mamar Hatorah Ve'ha' Hachmah (Gompertz Levison) 82 Mandelson, Leah (Mrs. Abraham Cohen [2]) 30, Pl.C, Pl.D Miriam (Mrs. David Marks) Pl.D Nathan Pl.D Manriques, Moses 132 Mrs. Moses?see Cortissos, Rebecca Mansfield, Sir Robert (c. 1601) 40 Mantua, Duke of Ml95 Manuel, Mr. (theatre) 155 Mrs. (actress) 154, 155 Prof. Frank E. 85 Marcus Aurelius 84 Margoliouth, Chaim 186 Samuel Joseph 186 Maria Theresa 114 Mariner's Dream or The Jew of Plymouth (play, C. Z. Barnett) 153 Marks, Amy (Mrs. Solomon Joseph [2]) 32, Pl.B David Pl.D Mrs. David?see Mandelson, Miriam Hero (Mrs. Horace Cohen [Gullen]) Pl.D Jacob Pl.D Mrs. Jacob?see Levey, Susannah Lyon Pl.D Mrs. Lyon?see Levey, Frances Phyllis (Mrs. Rodolph Megroz) Pl.B Rose (Mrs. Austin Albu 1) Pl.G Sarah Pl.C Septimus 35, Pl.B, Pl.D Solomon Pl.D Mrs. Solomon?see Cohen, Hannah Marlborough, Duke of 115n Marlowe, Christopher 152, 153 Marques, Diego Rodrigues 149 Francisco Henriques 56 Marranos 38, 39, 40, 51, 62, 75, 115, 116, 118, 119n, 121, 126, 134, 135, 138, 141, 142, 144n, 145, 149, M195, M211, M212?see also New Christians; Old Christians Marriage: Consanguineous 28, 33 Rate 144 ?see also Weddings Marseilles 2 Martineau, Rev. J. 105 Martinez?see Vaz Martinez Marx, Karl 70, 80, 81 Mary of Modena 62 Massel, Joseph 183 Mattos, Manuel de 48 Maurice, J. (conjurer) 170 Mead, John 124, 125, 126, 128 Richard 124, 126, 128 Medec?see Maddox Medina, Diego de?see Medina, Sir Solomon de Francisco de 43 Moses de 129, 130 Moses Robles de M212n Sir Solomon de 55, 63n, 69, 115n, 133 Megroz, Monica (Mrs. Anthony Taylor) 35, Pl.B Rodolph Pl.B Mrs. Rodolph?see Marks, Phyllis Meimaran (?), Joseph 186 Meinhold 107 Meir ben Barukh 172n Meir of Norwich, Rabbi M224 Meir of Padua, Rabbi 189 Meir of Rothenberg 172 Meldola, Abraham 178 David 180 Haham Raphael 173-82 + Rica (Ribca) (Mrs. David A. de Sola) 175-82+, Pl.XXIX Melville, Lord 65 Memoirs of J. de Castro, Comedian 158n Memoirs of the Life of Daniel Mendoza 159n Memoirs of the Life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan (T. Moore) 156n Memoirs of the Musical Drama (G. Hogarth) 156n, 163n Memoirs of a Royal Chaplain (ed. A. Hartshorne) 156 Memoirs of Samuel Foote (W'm. Cooke) 156 Mena House Hotel (Cairo) 6, 7 Menasseh ben Israel 48, 134n, 135 Mendelson, Kate (Mrs. Phineas Selig) Pl.B Mendelssohn, Felix 154, 164 Moses 82, 164 Mendelssohns, The (H. Kupferberg) 164n Mendes, Alvaro 126, 128-30 Anthony 128-30</page><page sequence="18">260 Index Mendes (cont.) Fernando (Ferdinando) 64, 69, 117, 125-30 + , 133 Isaac Franco 171 James 126, 128-30 Joseph 56 Judica Franco 171 Ludovic (Lewis) 128-30 Menasseh 56 Simon 55 Mendes da Costa, Anthony M201 Armand 17 In Fernando 38, 49, 50, 55 Hananel Ml99, M203 + Jacob M199, M201+, M202+, M203 Moses M202 Rachel 171 Raphael de Abraham 171 Mendes da Costa family 171-2 Mendes de Leon?see Leon, A. Mendes de Mendez, Abraham M201 Jacob?see Jacob Mendez &amp; Co. Lewis M203 Menasses 63n Moses 153 Mendez da Costa?see Costa Mendoza, Daniel 154, 158, 159,160, Pl.XI, Pl.XII Mercado, David Raphael de 146 Fernando de 38, 39, 56 Simon de 39, 41 Merchandise?see Commodities Merchant Assientists (Spain) 43 Merchant Strangers 43, 52 Merchant of Venice (William Shakespeare) 152 Merchants and Mariners of the 18th Century (Conrad Gill) Ml 99 Meredith, George M209n, M210 Mesquita, David Bueno de 117 David da Costa 116 Koo (samas) 175, 177, 181 Messiah, Jacob (transportee) 25n Methuen, Sir Paul 127, 128 Meyer, Jacob (Philadelphia)?see Philadelphia, Jacob Meyer Meyers (fl. 1760) 166 Meyuhas, Mr. 14 Meza, Alonzo de Fonseca 44, 143 Jacob de Fonseca 143 Manuel de Fonseca 143 Michael, Joseph 34, Pl.C Mrs. Joseph?see Levy, Rebecca Michaelis family 30 Michtavim (Theodor Herzl) 96n Middle Ages M218-220?see also Tosafoth Chachmei Anglia Midrash Pinchas (Rabbi Pinchas ben Samuel) 83 Mier, Clara (Mrs. Robert Joseph) Pl.C Mieses, Jakob Jacques 69 Migration and Settlement M211 Miles le Especer M219 Milevic, Dr. (Serbia) 98 Mill, James 73, 74 Miller, Mrs. Evelyn 173 Minas, Marquis das 123, 124, 125 Minchinton, W. E. 44n Mindelsohn, Jane (Mrs. Anthony P. Joseph) 37, Pl.C Minges(?), Cayterius 53 Minn, Prof. Gayford 30, Pl.C Mrs. Gayford?see Levy, Valerie Minnor,John M218 Miranda, John Lopez de 45 Haham Meir 177 Mizrachi, Ezra (Jericho) 20, 22 Haim (Jericho) 20 Moses (Jericho) 20 Simon (Jericho) 20 Mocatta, Moses 56, 143 Modern English Biography (F. Boase) 162n, 170 Modern Jew (Arnold White) 93n Modigliani, Nathan M204 + Modina, Diego de 55 Moises, David 186 Mond, Ludwig 69 Monmouth, Earl of 149 Montagu, Samuel (Lord Swaythling) 67, 92 Montefiore, Charlotte 173 Claude G. 1, 2n, 6, 94 Mrs. Claude (Therese Schorstein) 6 Sir Francis 94, 95 Jacob Barrow 26 Leonard (Robin) 6, 22 Sir Moses 26, 70, 91, 173 Robin?see Montefiore, Leonard Montfort, Simon de 59 Moore, T. 156n Moradin, David Leon de 175 Morais, Abraham de 137, 147 Antonio Rodrigues de 45, 46 Esther 137n Rahel 137n Morea, David 56 Moresco, Salomon 56 Morley, John 91, 106, 107 Morocco, Sultan of (Muley Ismael) 122 Morris, William 108 Moseley, Mathilda (Mrs. Benjamin Joseph) Pl.C Moses the Jew (13 cent.) M219 Moses ben Judah (Moses of Minsk), Rabbi 83, 86 Moses, Miss (Mrs. Elias Elias) Pl.A, Pl.B</page><page sequence="19">Index 261 Moses (cont.) Aaron (fl. 1660-80) 56 Alexander PIA, Pl.B Mrs. Alexander (Phoebe) PIA, Pl.B Fanny (Mrs. Barnet Joseph [3]) 36, Pl.G Hannah (Mrs. Israel Levy) PIA, Pl.B Rose (Mrs. Samuel Simon) PIA Sarah (Mrs. Moses Jacob) 27, PIA, Pl.B Zender 27, 28, 33 Moss (choirmaster) 161 John 34, Pl.G Mrs. John?see Nathan, Mathilda Selina (Mrs. Henry Joseph [4]) Pl.G Mourning Bride (Gongreve) 84, 87 Moxham, Sir Harry 33, Pl.B Lady (Harry)?see Harris, Isabelle (2) MSS Codices Hebraici Bibliotheca I. B. de Rossi M223 Muley Ismael?see Morocco, Sultan of Mumby, F. A. 105 Munday, Jane 137n Murillo 120n, Pl.IV Musaphia, Joseph 116 Rebecca (Mrs. Abraham [Luis] Gortissos) 116, 132 Musurgia Vocalis (Isaac Nathan) 151n Muterfer, Gershon 186 Myer, David (fl. 1660) 134 Leah (Mrs. Alexander Jacob) PI. A Myers, Asher 9, 17 Rosa (Mrs. Frederick Levy) 34, Pl.G Rosetta (Mrs. Aaron Levy [2]) 34 Names, children's 171-2, 179n Namier, Sir Lewis Bernstein 69 Nata (or Opatow), Rabbi Natan 83 Nathan, Barnett (Baron) (theatre director) 153, 154, 161, Pl.XIV Frank Pl.B Mrs. Frank?see Darling, Ann Henry (1) 28, 29, PI.A Henry (2) 34, Pl.G Mrs. Henry (1)?see Joseph, Hannah (1) Mrs. Henry (2)?see Levy, Caroline Isaac (actor) 151n, 154, 162 Julia (Mrs. David Cohen) Pl.D Laura (Mrs. A. E. Mortimer Woolf) 34, Pl.C Louis 34, Pl.C Mrs. Louis?see Cohen, Phoebe Mark 32, Pl.B Mrs. Mark?see Joseph, Gertrude Mathilda (Mrs. John Moss) 34, Pl.C Sylvia (Mrs. Michael Beecham) Pl.B National Debt, The (E. L. Hargreaves) 75n Natural History of Superstition (John Trenchard) 84 Naturalisation 40, 59-72 (statistics 71, 72), 146 Naturalisation Societies 68, PL I Negri, Signor 163 Netto, Isaac M212n Neubauer, Adolph 84 New Christians 118, 119, 135, M211?see also Marranos New Discourse of Trade (Sir Josiah Child) 65 New Grub Street (George Gissing) 106 New London Conjuror (Fairburn) 168 New and Perverse World (Zen Ha'kontros Nikra Olam Hodosh Ve'nikra Olam Hafukh, 1789) 83 New Zealand 29-36 + Newcastle upon Tyne M221 Newdegate, Charles M209 Newman, Aubrey N. 108, 133, M216, M220, M221 Cardinal John Henry 106, 107 Newspaper Circulation 1800-1954 (A. P. Wadsworth) 90n Newspaper Press Directory, 1900 91 n Newspapers and journals: Athenaeum 101, 104, 106, 107 Australian Israelite 29 Birmingham Jewish Recorder 35 Brighton Herald 160 British Academy M224n British Stage 161 n Catholic Weekly 91 Christian Age 91 Christian Herald 91 Columbine 160n Commerce 98 Contemporary Review 91, 92 Courier 179 Daily Chronicle 90, 92, 93, 96, 99 Daily Express 93 Daily Graphic 92, 96 Daily Mail 93 Daily News 90, 96, 99 Daily Telegraph 90, 99 Edinburgh Evening Courant 168 Edinburgh Review 91, 99 Fortnightly Review 91 Gazeteer and New Daily Advertiser 165 Gentleman's Magazine 168 Germ, The 111 Globe 99 Hamburgeshe Correspondent 96n Hierosolymitana 84n Jewish Chronicle 9n, 91-103 + , 107,151,160-3 + , 169, 170, 183, M221 Jewish Guardian 156 Jewish Journal of Sociology 70n Jewish Monthly M220 Jewish Quarterly Review 2</page><page sequence="20">262 Index Newspapers and journals (cont.) Jewish Record 169, 170 Jewish World 96, 98, 99 Journal of Jewish Studies M223n Kos Teshuoth M210 Liverpool Mercury 96 Macmillan's Magazine 102, 103 Magic Circular 165n Magic Wand 170 Manchester Courier 96, 98 Manchester Guardian 90, 95, 99 Manchester Mail 96 Monthly Mirror 152,158 Morning Leader 95n Morning Post 96, 98, 99 News of the World 107 Nineteenth Century 91, 94, 99 Notes and Queries 153n, 168nn Nottingham Guardian 96 Observer 91 Pall Mall Gazette 91, 92, 93, 96 Punch M205-210, PLXXXI, Pl.XXXII Review of Reviews 96 Revue de Geographie 186 Revue Orientale 187 St. James' Gazette 91, 92, 151 Saturday Review 96 Scourge, The 153, 162 Spectator 91, 92, 96, 98 Standard 90 Sunday Times 91 TaW** 91 Tarfe (Heb. title) M224n Theatrical Inquisitor 152-70 + Times, The 89-99+, 155, 179, 191, M210 Town and Country Magazine 163n Welt, Die 95, 99 Western Mercury 96 Westminster Gazette 91, 99 Westminster Review 91 Yorkshire Post 90, 95n, 96 Nichol (Nicholls), Mrs. (Edinburgh) 4, 8, 9 Nicholl, Dr. (Edinburgh) 9 Nicoll, Allardyce 152n, 161 Nigarellis, David de (fl. 1412) 61 Noble Families among the Sephardic Jews (Isaac da Costa, Bertram Brewster, C. Roth) 178n Nordau, Max 95, 96 Norris, Admiral Sir John 127, 128 Norsa, Master 155 Miss, jun. (dancer) 155 Mr. (tavern-keeper) 155 Hannah 154, 155, 156, Pl.VI Northcliffe, Lord?see Harmsworth, Alfred Notes on the Diplomatic History of the Jewish Question (Luden Wolf) M214n Nova Grimon?see Grimon, Thomas di Nova Nunes, Isaac Israel Alvarez 139n, 146n, 147n Jacob Israel 139n Manuel Rodrigues 143 Nunez, Maria (Mrs. Antonio Lopez de Gastro [2]) 132 Nunez dAcosta, Jeronimo 42 Nutt, David 106, 108 Oath of abjuration 66 of allegiance 62-6 H-see Naturalisation Occupations 24-37 + , 69, 70, 75, 76, 150 O'Donogue, Mrs. (Birmingham) 37 Ogden, J. 78n Old Christians 134, 135?see also New Christians Old French Romances (William Morris; ed. Joseph Jacobs) 108 Old Showmen and the Old London Fairs (T. Frost) 170 Olivares, Gaspar Philip, Count of (Minister, Spain) 115, 117n, 119 Oliveiro, Joshua 117 Moses 117 Mrs. Moses?see Pinna, Lea Olivera, Isaac d' 56 Oliveyra, Polycarp d' 45 Ommaney, Sir Montague F. 186 Opatow, Rabbi Natan?see Nata Opera in Dublin 1705-1797 (T. J. Walsh) 157n, 158n O.P. Riots 159 Oppenheimer, Joseph Suess (Jew S?ss) 114n Samuel 114n Orange, House of 75 Orford, Earl of?see W'alpole, Sir Robert Origin of Fables (Bernard Fontenelle) 87n Ortiz, A. D. 117n, 119n Oswald, Amelia (New Zealand) 36, Pl.G Oulton, W. G. 160n Ovid 85 Oxeda, Isaac M212n Mrs. Isaac?see Oxeda, Sarah (2) Michaeide M212 Ribca Alvares?see Alvares, Mrs. Solomon Sarah de (1) (Mrs. Abraham Gabay Yzidro) M212, M213 Sarah de (2) (Mrs. Isaac Oxeda) M212n Oxford, Earl of?see Harley, Robert Pacheco, De Souza 124 Pacifico, Don 70 Paganini 151 Paiba, Moses Ml99 Painter, William 107</page><page sequence="21">Index 263 Palace of Pleasure (William Painter; ed. Joseph Jacobs) 107 Palatz, David 186 Palestine 1-23 + , 89-100-f Palgrave?see Gohen, Francis Palmerston, Lord 89 Panorama of Magic (M. Christopher) 170 Papadopoulo, George 185 Pappe, David (Chicago) 32 Parliamentary Oaths Bill 1858 M205-10 + Parma, General 75 Parma?see Rodrigues de Parma Pasta, Giudetta 154, 163, Pl.XV Patai, Raphael 184n Pavia, Abraham de 56 Francisco de 51, 55 Payba, Abraham Carri?o de M211 Isaac Carri?o de M211 Paz, Isaac Aboab de 121 Peel, Sir Robert 26 Thomas 26 Penha (hazan) 181 Pepys, Samuel 154, 155 Pereira, Abraham M212 Abraham Mendes M204 Diego 55 Diego Lopes (Baron dAguilar) 114n Emanuel Lopes 55 Felipa (Mrs. Manuel de Almeida [Castro]) 132 Francisco Lopez 146 Isaac 115n Isaac Lopez 146 Jacob 55 Mosse de Abraham M212n Peter 56 Perelman, Nehemiah Ber 186 Perera, Joseph 46, M201 Manuel 43, 46 Persecution of the Jews in Russia (Joseph Jacobs) 108 Pesaro, Elie de 186-90 Peter of Shaftesbury M219 Peter Schlemihl (Chamisso [Boncourt]; ed. Joseph Jacobs) 108 Peterborough, Earl of 116, 123, 127, 128, 130, 131 Peters, Glaus 42 Petersen, Christopher 43 Peytevin (son of Slema the Widow) M219 Phaleg and Chanaan (Samuel Bochart) 85 Pheis Taschenspieler 166?see also Jonas, Philip Philadelphia, Jacob Meyer 165, 170, PI.XX Philip II (Spain) 118 Philip III Ml96 Philip IV 115, 118, 119, 120, PI.IV Philip Breslaw's Last Legacy or the Magical Companion ... 168, Pl.XXII Phillips, Henry (musician) 151n Picciotto, James 160 Pike, Stephen 35n Pimental, Sellie (Mrs. Manne Sante Groes) 181 Pimentel, Abraham Fonseca 116 Lea Fonseca (Mrs. Elias Gortissos) 116 Pinchas ben Samuel, Rabbi 83 Pines, Rabbi E. D. M222, M223, M224n Pinna, David Sarfaty de 117 Isaac Sarfaty de 117 Jacob de 115, 127?see also De Pinna &amp; Penn Jacob Sarfaty de 117 Joseph Sarfaty de 117 Joshua Sarfaty de 117 Mrs. Joshua Sarfaty de?see Farro, Esther Lea (Mrs. Moses Oliveiro) 117 Rebecca Sarfaty de 117 Samuel Sarfaty de 117 Pinto, Abraham de M211 Anne Lopes 40, 41, 56 Emanuel 55 Esterde M211 Francisco 40, 41, 55 Galipulus 55 Pirkei Avoth (Abraham Tang, English transl.) 84, 87, 88 Plague 187?see also Great Plague Plato 84, 85 Playwrights?see Stage Plehve 93 Plutarch 85 Plymouth 37 Pogroms?see Kishinev Polack, Elizabeth (b. 1794) 153 Polak, J. B. 73n Poland, Beatrice (Mrs. Edward Joseph) Pl.G Politicay Hacienda (A. D. Ortiz) 117n, 119n Pollack, Hermann 172n Pollock (Cyprus) 185 Walter 110 Poor relief 148 Port Books, London 38-58 + Porto, Abraham de 56, 143 Abram de 64 Anthony de 146 Prado, Abraham 69 Prais, ? 70n Pratt, H. E. 164n, Pl.IX, Pl.XXII, Pl.XXV, Pl.XXVII Press, Mendel 186 Press, British 89-100H-see also Newspapers Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (David Ricardo) 73, 74 Proceedings against the exportation of Silver by the Jews and others, 1690 (C. Dodsworth) 149n</page><page sequence="22">264 Index Prosecutions of Infidel Blasphemers briefly indicated in a letter to David Ricardo (W. B. Whitehead) 80n Public Life of the Earl of Beaconsfieldy K.G. (Francis Hitchman) M206, M210 Pueblo, de (Spanish Ambassador 1498) M215 Pugilists?see Elias, Samuel; Mendoza, Daniel Putnam (publishers) 1 Pyncebrok, Alfred de M219 Isabel de M219 Pyramids (Egypt) 6-7 Pyzer, ? 181 Quakers 79 Question whether a Jew... (Philip Carteret Webb) 63n Quieres, Fernando de 55 Rabbinate of the Great Synagogue (D. Duschinsky) 83n Rabinowicz, Oskar K. 89, 184n Rabinowitz, Jacob 186 Rachel (Eliza Rachel Felix) (actress) 154, 164, Pl.XVI Racine Pl.XVI Rafelowitch, ? 4 Ramirez, Lopo 42 Ramsay, Dr. G. D. 45 Reasons for Naturalizing the Jews in Great Britain and Ireland (John Toland) 65 Reb Shemuel?see Levi, Samuel Rees, Abraham (cyclopaedist) 151 Reich, Emile 94 Reif, Stefan G. M217 Remember the Days (ed. J. M. Shaftesley) 82n Reminiscences of Thomas Dibdin 152 Representative Actors (W. Clark Russell) 158n Resettlement 51, 134-50, Ml95-7 Restoration 47, 135 Reuter, Baron Paul Julius de 69 Reuter's 92 Reuveni, Mrs. (Hebron) 17, 18, 22 Reynolds, ? 157 Frederick 151 Ribiero, Nunes M211n Ribello, David Alves M212n Ricardo, Abigail 172 Abraham Israel 73, 77, 78 Mrs. Abraham Israel?see Delvalle, Abigail Birtha 73 David 73-81 Mrs. David?see Wilkinson, Priscilla Anna David Hizkiau 77 David Israel?see Israel, David Israel 76 Joseph Israel 70n, 76, 77 Mrs. Joseph Israel?see Abaz, Hannah Mordechay 77 Moses 74, 78 Mozes Israel 77 Osman 73 Rebecca (Mrs. Da Costa) 77 Ribca (Mrs. Rehuel Lobatto) 77 Miss S. 173 Samuel Israel 77, 78?see also Israel, Samuel van Mozes Rich, ? M224 J. M. M221 John 155 Richards, R. D. 149n Richardson, H. G. M224 Rijxman, A. S. 73n Rintel, J. B. (mo he I) 31 Rise and Fall of the English Man of Letters (John Gross) 107 Rise, Progress and Termination of the O.P. War... (Thos. Tegg) 159n Rise of Provincial Jewry 1740-1840 (Cecil Roth) M220 Rise of the Rothschilds (play, C. Z. Barnett) 153 Rise of the Shipping Industry in the 17th and 18th Centuries (Ralph Davis) M198n Rishon Lezion (Palestine) 19 Roach, Major John Ml99, M200 Mrs. John M199, M200 Robeson, W. S. 97 Robles, Antonio Rodrigues (alias Adrian Turin) 43, 47, 49, 55, 135, 136, 143, 149 Rodrigo, Manuel 55 Rodrigues, Alfonco 55, 56 Anthony 55 Belchior 42 Diego 55 Domingo 49 George 40, 55 Gomez 50, 51, 55 Peter 56 Simon 40, 55 Rodrigues Arias?see Arias Rodrigues Lamego?see Lamego Rodrigues de Morais?see Morais Rodrigues de Parma, Dora (Mrs. Emanuel [otherwise Isaac] Cortissos) 116, 132 Rodrigues Robles?see Robles Rodriguez Francia?see Francia Rodriquez, Gomez 49 Roman Catholics 60, 62, 66, M205-10 + Romanel, B. 177 Pinhas 175 Romanzini, Maria Teresa?see Bland, Mrs. Ronald, Sir Landon 163 Rose, E. J. B. (Jim) 30, Pl.D</page><page sequence="23">Index 265 Rose (cont.) Ernest Pl.D Mrs. Ernest?see Lewis, Julia Rosenblum, Beatrice M205-10 ('Punch and the Jews') Rosenfeld, Miss Sybil Rosenheim, Lord 35, Pl.B Adele (Mrs. Eric Van Noorden) 35, Pl.B Rosomond, Miss 168 Ross, J. M. 59-72 ('Naturalisation of Jews in England') Rossa, Ester Baruh 140n Rossetti, William Michael 111 Rossi, I. B. de M223 Rossignole, Signor 168 Roth, Cecil 37, 61n, 62nn, 63n, 65, 70n, 75n, 82n, 83, 88, 118n, 157, 160n, 165, 166n, 178n, M210, M211-13 ('The Remarkable Career of Haham Abraham Gabay Yzidro'), M214, M220, M223n, M224n, Pl.II Rothschild, Lord 93, 99 Baron (1850) 173, M208 Ferdinand James Anselm de 69 Baron Lionel de 14 Nathan Meyer 69 House of 93, 96 Rouen, Berner M219 Rowlandson, Thomas 152, Pl.VII Royal Warrant 28 Rozovsky, Saul Nahum 186 Rubens, Alfred 151-170 ('Jews and the English Stage 1667-1850') Charles 114-33 ('Joseph Cortissos and the W7ar of the Spanish Succession') Rubinstein, H. F. 160 Rumania 95, 96, 98, 100 Rumbida, Marcus de la 44 Ruskin, John 109, 112, 113 Ruskin's Dictionary ([Misses] Gibbs) 111 Russell, Henry (singer) 154, 162-3, Pl.XIX Mrs. Henry?see Lara, Miss de Henry Lloyd 162 Moses 162 William Clark 154, 158, 162, 163n Russia 99, 100 Russian Presence in Syria and Palestine 1843-1914 (D. Hopwood) 99n Ryland, Frederick 113 Saa, Mrs. and Misses 182 Saa Silveyra?see Silveyra Saadia Gaon 86 Sabei De'bei Atunah (Abraham Tang) 84, 87 Sacks, Rabbi M. Y. L. M223n, M224n Sacrament, taking the?see Naturalisation Saintsbury, George 110, 111 Salazar, Sarah (Mrs. Samuel Cohen Farro) 117 Salisbury, Marquis of M195n, Ml97 Salisse,J. 164 Salmon, Jacob (fl. 1660-80) 56 Salomon of Pisa 187 Salomons, Sir Julian 35 Salvador, Francis Ml 99, M201 -f, M202 + , M204n Jacob M203 Joseph M199, M201, M202 + , M203 + Salvador family Ml98 Salvador de Cansino, Moses M202, M203 Samuda, ? 177 David M203 + Samuel Juda (fl. 16 cent.) 189 Samuel, Edgar R. 39, 40, 41, 50n, 132n, 133, 171-2 ('The Selection of Jewish Children's Names?Some Emendations'), 179n, Ml95-7 ('Sir Thomas Shirley's Project for Jewes...') Edward 30, Pl.C Mrs. Edward?-see Cohen, Rachel Herbert 99 Maria (Mrs. Henry Joseph [2]) 35 Moses M210 Sir Saul 30, 35, Pl.C Vera (Mrs. Geoffrey Hillier-Holt) 30, Pl.C Wilfred S. 40, 50, 59, 63, 64, 65n, 70n, 133, 135n, 137n, 139, M198, M199 Samuel da Costa &amp; Co. M202 + Sands, M. 157 Santa Croes, Manne 181 Mrs. Manne?see Pimental, Sellie Santillama, Moses 61 Santos, Marcos dos 63 Sarfaty, Hazan 117 Abraham 117,132 Mrs. Abraham?see Cortissos, Sarah (1) Grace 117 Sarfaty de Pinna?see Pinna Sarmento, Jacob de Castro 126,133 Sasportas, Haham Jacob 136, 137, 150 Samuel 136, 137, 147, 150 Sassenay, Marquis of 186 Sasson, Jacob 186 Savoy, Duke of Ml96 Say, Jean-Baptiste 73n Schabrach family 117 Schechter, Solomon 4, 6, 9, 10, 14, M217 Schiller-Szinessy, Solomon Marcus 69, 173 Schirman, Prof. J. 84 Schischa, A. 177n, 184n, 187n,M214-15 ('Spanish Jews in London in 1494'), M225, Pl.I Schmool, ? 70n Schonfield, Hugh 36, Pl.C</page><page sequence="24">266 Index Schonfield (cont.) Mrs. Hugh?see Cohn, Helen Major William 27n, 36, Pl.G Mrs. William?see Joseph, Florence (2) School for Prejudice (opera) 152 Schoorl, E. 73n Schorstein, Gustave Isidore 5, 6, 7 Therese?see Montefiore, Mrs. Glaude Schreiber (Schreiber-Sopher), Rabbi Abraham M222, M223, M224 Schultz, Mark Pl.A Mrs. Mark?see Joseph, Irene Schwab, Moise 186-90 -f Schweich Lectures 1 Scott, G. P. 90 Scott-Robertson, J. W. 91n Scouten, A. H. 155n Scriveners Company 115 Sefer Eben Shoham (Rabbi Moses ben Judah) 83 Sefer Gidul Banim 82, 86 Sefer Tetzirah M225 Selig, Rev. Benjamin Aaron 32, Pl.B Mrs. Benjamin Aaron?see Jacob, Catherine Phineas 32, Pl.B Mrs. Phineas?see Mendelson, Kate Semah (otherwise Cortissos) 116, 121 Semaq (Heb. title) M223 Semon, Sir Felix 69 Sendall, Sir Walter 184, 185 Sense and Sensibility (Jane Austen, ed. Joseph Jacobs) 108 Sephardim?see Resettlement; Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation Sephardim of England (A. M. Hyamson) 78, 117n, 133, 134n, 137n Sermon predicado neste K.K. de Talmud Tor ah por Ribi Abraham Gabay Izidro M212n, PI. 11 Serra, Antonio Gomez 49, 50, 51 Daniel Gomez 117 David Gomez 117 Mrs. David Gomez?see Jesurun, Leah Leah Gomez 117 Strella (Mrs. Daniel Lumbroso) 117 ?see also Gomeserra Serra &amp; Lousada (firm) 51, 56 Seven Years War 76, 77 Seyac, Samuel 177 Shaftesbury, Anthony, Earl of 84, 183 Shaftesley, John M. 82n, 151n, 183-90 ('Jewish Colonies in Cyprus?Further Information'; 'Letter from Cyprus 1563'), M221 Shakespeare, William 152n, 153 Shakespearean Miscellany (F. G. Waldron) 155, 156 Shaw, George Bernard 98 William 63nn Shepheard's Hotel, Cairo 4-12 + Sherenbeck, ? (Rochester) 152, 153 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 156 Sherston, E. 154n, 163n Shipowners 134, Ml98-204 Ships 41 -7 +, 49, 52-5 +, M198-204 Shirley, Sir Anthony Ml96 Sir Thomas, the elder Ml96 Sir Thomas, the younger Ml95-7 Shovell, Admiral Sir Cloudesley 128 Sidro, Abraham?see Yzidro, Abraham Silva, David de 55 Diego de 40, 55 Francis de 55 Haham Jehoshua de 138 Silveyra, Bilhah de Saa (Mrs. Abraham de Jacob Luria) 181 Simmons, Abraham 31, Pl.B Mrs. Abraham?see Alman, Leah Amelia (Mrs. Isaac Davidson) 31, Pl.B Rabbi Barnett Asher 31, 32, PIA, Pl.B Mrs. Barnett Asher?see Jacob, Flora Bessie (Mrs. Asher Levy) 30, 31, PIA Hyman 31, Pl.B Mrs. Hyman?see Bernstein, Rose Moses 31, PIA Mrs. Moses?see Aaron, Rose Simon, Oswald John 94 Samuel PIA Mrs. Samuel?see Moses, Rose Sarah (Mrs. Jacob Jacob) 33, Pl.A Simpson (formerly Solomon), Ernest (1) 30, Pl.A Ernest (2) 30, Pl.A Mrs. Ernest (Solomon) (1)?seeGaines, Charlotte Mrs. Ernest (2)?see Warfield, Wallis Maud (Mrs. Peter Kerr-Smiley) Pl.A Sinclair, Archdeacon (of London) 98 Singer, Charles 35, Pl.B Miss Fritz?see Abrahams, Mrs. Israel Samuel 35, Pl.B Mrs. Samuel?see Levy, Mabel Rev. Simeon 1, 35, 82, 83, Pl.B Sketches ofAnglo-Jewish History (James Picciotto) 160 Slema the Widow M219 Sloman, Charles 153, 154, 161, P1.XV(?) Henry 153, 154, 161, P1.XV(?) Smith, Adam 73, 79, 80 G. (Registrar-General, Cyprus) 185 J. Chaloner 156 J. T. 151 Soares, Ester 140n Social History of the Jews in England 1850-1950 (V. D. Lipman) 64n, 70n Sociedad Criptojudia en la Corte de Felipe IV (J. Caro Baroja) 117n</page><page sequence="25">Index 267 Society of Cyprus, Jerusalem 186 Society of Hebrew Literature 104 Sokolow, Nahum 89n Sola, Aaron de (1) 181 n Aaron de (2) 173-82 + Mrs. Aaron de (2)?see Torres, Sara Abraham de Aaron de 173,181 Mrs. Belle de 173 David A. de 173-82, Pl.XXIX Mrs. David A. de?see Meldola, Ribca Sara de (1) (Mrs. Bassan) 173-82 + Sara de (2) 178 Solomon, Aaron (formerly Simpson) 30, Pl.A Esther (Mrs. Nathan Cohen) Pl.D Fanny (Mrs. Joseph Joseph) 31, Pl.B Hannah (Mrs. Henry Harris [2]) Pl.B Israel (New York) 28, 34, Pl.C Julia (Mrs. Lewis Levy) Pl.D Leon 28, 30, Pl.A Mrs. Leon?see Joseph, Rose Mary (Mrs. Lemon Hart) 31, Pl.A Noah 36 Mrs. Noah?see Joseph, Esther Solomon 33, 34, Pl.C Mrs. Solomon?see Levy, Betsy Sonnenschein, Walter Swan 104, 105, 107 Sopher, Rabbi Shlomo (Avi Ad Sar Shalom) M222, M223, M224n Soria, Diego de M214, M215 Sousa, Abraham de 56 South Africa 29, 34, 36 Souza, Daniel Abarbanel de 171 Sara Abarbanel de 171 Simon de 46, 54, 143 Souza Pacheco?see Pacheco Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation (Bevis Marks) 78, 126, 134-50, 173, M211?see also Resettlement; Sola, David A. de Spectacles de la Foire (E. Campardon) 166n Spector, David M221 Spender, J. A. 91 Speyer, Sir Edgar 69 Spielmann, M. H. M205nn, M209n, M210 Spinoza 104 Spira, Saul 186 Spring Remembered (Evelyn Cowan) M221 Sraffa, P. 73, 74nn, 76nn, 78nn-81n + Stade (Germany) 39 Stadthagen, Rev. Meyer 31, 32, Pl.B Mrs. Meyer?see Joseph, Arabella (1) Selina (Mrs. Barnet Barnett) Pl.B Stage, Jews on the 151-70, Pls.V-XXVIII Stallybrass, W. 105 Stanhope, C. C. (Earl) 125 P. H. (Lord Mahon) 122n Statistics of Jewish Population in London 1873-1893 ((Joseph Jacobs) 108 Stead, W. T. 91, 96 Steers, James 74 Stein, Prof. Siegfried 82 Steinitz, Wilhelm 70 Steinschneider, Moritz 102 Stellung des Aristoteles bei den Juden des Mittelalters (S. Horovitz) 84n Stephen, Leslie 106 Stern, Selma 114n, 133 Stevens, George Alexander 166, 168, Pl.XXIV Stock Exchange 74, 75, 126, 146, 147 Stokes, ? M219, M224 Storace, Anne 158 Story of Geographical Study (Joseph Jacobs) 108 Story of the 'Pall Mall Gazette' (J. W. Scott-Robertson) 91n Story of the 'Spectator' (W. B. Thomas) 91 n Stowe,John Ml 98 Strachey, J. St. Loe 91 Strangford, Viscountess 183 Straus, B. S. 97 Streelen, Miss 176 Studies (Stokes) M219 Studies in Biblical Archaeology (Joseph Jacobs) 108 Studies in Jewish Statistics, social, vital, and anthropo metric (Joseph Jacobs) 108 Stundists, Russian 186 Suares, Abraham M211 Suarez, Isaac 56 Suasso, Alvaro Lopes M201, M202 Sugar and Slaves: the Rise of the Planter Class in the English West Indies 1624-1713 (Richard S. Dunn) M217 Sulivan, Lawrence Ml99, M200 Sutherland, Lucy S. M204n Swan Sonnenschein &amp; Go. 104 Swaythling, Lord?see Montagu, Samuel Swinburne, Algernon 106 Synagoge der Portugeesch-Israelitische Gemeente de Amsterdam 1675-1875 (D. Henriques de Gastro) 121n Syria/Syrians 3, 4 Syrian Colonization Fund 183 Talbot, Lord M200 Tales from Boccaccio (William Morris, ed. Joseph Jacobs) 108 Tang, Abraham ben Naphtali 82-8?see alsoTaussig Leib ben Naphtali 83 Naphtali 83, 88 Taussig family 83?see also Tang Taussig(k) Neu or Neuen Greschel, Rabbi Abraham ben Moshe 83</page><page sequence="26">268 Index Taylor, Anthony (New Zealand) 35, Pl.B Mrs. Anthony?see Megroz, Monica Tegg, Thomas 159n Tel Aviv University 89n Teiles, Rab(?) 56 Templo, Haham Jacob Jehuda Le?o, 140n, 143 Rachel 140n, 143 Tennyson, Lord 107 Tennyson and 'In Memorial?an appreciation and a study (Joseph Jacobs) 107 Theatre?see Stage Thespian Dictionary 157 They Docked in Newcastle?and wound up in Gateshead (Millie Donbrow) M220 Thomas, W. B. 91 n Three Centuries of Anglo-Jewish History (ed. V. D. Lipman) 133 Thimble-riggers 165, Pl.XXVII Tifereth Israel M223n Toland,John 65,84 Tonga 36 Torres, Alvaro de 56 Bram 176, 177 E. N. 174, 175, 178 Jacob de 63 Sara d'Amias (Mrs. Aaron de Sola) 174 Tosafoth Chachmei Anglia (eds. E. D. Pines, Abraham 'Schreiber, Shlomo Sopher) M222-5 Tosaphists: their history, writings and methods (Heb. title) (E. E. Urbach) M223n Touar, Abraham de 143 Tovey, d'Blossiers 63n Tower of London?see London Eyre Townly (goldsmith) 42 Trading?see Commodities; Ships Tradition and Crisis (J. Katz) 87 Trebitsch-Lincoln (Tribich-Lincoln), Ignatius Timothy (otherwise Chao-Kung) 69 Trenchard, John 84 Trial of James Hadfield ... in attempting the life of the King [George III] 160n Trietsch, Davis 184 Tuchman, B. 89n Tucker, Josiah 65n William (mariner) 55 Turin, Adrian?see Robles, Antonio Rodrigues Turkey 92, 95, 96, 97 Tuscany, Duke of 75, M196, M197 United Synagogue, London M216 Unwin, Rayner 104 Urbach, Prof. E. E. M223, M224 Usury M220 Vajda, Prof. G. M225 Valdefuentes, Viscount de?see Cortizos y Villa sante, Manuel Jose Valentine, A. Henriques 156 Van Dillen, J. G. 76n Van Nirop, ? 32 Mrs.-see Joseph, Phoebe (2) Van Noorden, Eileen (Mrs. Frederick Lang) 30, 35, Pl.A, Pl.B Emil 35, Pl.B Mrs. Emil?see Levy, Edith Eric 35, Pl.B Mrs. Eric?see Rosenheim, Adele Van Oven, Abraham 82 Joshua 82, 173 Van Rijkdom en Regenten (J. G. van Dillen) 76n Vansmotsky, Judah 186 Vas de Britto?see Britto Vaz Martinez, Rachel (Mrs. Samuel Cortissos) 132 Vega, Aaron de 55 Abraham da 77 Lope de 119 Mozes Raphael Hisquia da 77 Samuel de 137n Veiga, Aharon de 136 Sampie 178 Samuel da 137n, 145, 146n Venice 134, 186, 187, 189 Vergara Grimon?see Grimon, Balthazar de Vergara Villa, Marquis de (Emanuel Joseph Cortissos) 116, 117, 120 Villa, Simon de 56 Villasante, Manuel de 119?see also Cortizos y Villasante Villiers, Mr.?see Levy, Lyon Villiers Virgil 85 Virly, Martin de M219 Vital statistics?see Child mortality; Death-rate; Marriage Voltaire 87 Vorintetsky, Moses 186 Wadsworth, A. P. 90n Waldron, F. G. 155, 156 Wales, Arthur, Prince of M214 Wallassa, Rabbi Menahem 190 Walmisley, Mr. 66 Walpole, Horace 155, 156 Lord (Robert) 155 Sir Robert (Earl of Orford) 155 Walsh, T. J. 157n, 158n W7ar of the Spanish Succession 114-33-f Warburg, Frederick Pl.C Mrs. Frederick?see Holt, May</page><page sequence="27">Index 269 Warburg family (publishers) 30 Warfield, Wallis (1, Mrs. Ernest Simpson [2]; 2, Duchess of Windsor) 30, PI. A Warradyce, Gelia (Mrs. Abraham Blanckensee) Pl.G Warren, Samuel M209 Ways, Gonsalo 42 Wealth of Nations (Adam Smith) 73, 79 Weatherall, David 73n Webb, Philip Garteret 63n Weddings 151 Egyptian: Jewish 9 Mohammedan 9, 12 Weil, ? (Frankfort) 18, 19 Weinbaum, Prof. Martin M218 Weinberg, Isaac 186 Weintraub, Aaron 186 Weisbord, Robert G. 99n Weizmann, Ghaim 69, 90, 95, 100 Weizmann Institute of Jewish History (Tel Aviv) 89n Weizmann, Letters and Papers 95 Wesley, Charles 156 West Indies M217-18 Wetzlar, Yitzhak 86 White, Arnold 93, 94 Whitehead, W. B. 80 Whitelock, D. 172n Wilberforce, William 80 Wilhelm II, Kaiser 92 Wilhelm, J. D. M224n Wilkinson, Edward 79 Priscilla Anna (Mrs. David Ricardo) 73, 79 William III, King 115 William IV, King 26 William of York M218 William son of Bernard M218 Williams, F. 90n Ron E. M210 Wilson, Charles 47n Windsor, Duchess of?see Warfield, Wallis Windsor, Duke of Pl.A Windsor, Lord (17/18 cent.) 130 Wise, T.J. 109 Wolf, Lucien 1, 38, 41, 45-8 + , 62n, 89, 92, 95, 96, 99, 134-7nn+, 139, 151, 167, M214, M215 Woodbridge, ? 115 Woolf, A. E. Mortimer Pl.G Mrs. A. E. Mortimer?see Nathan, Laura Amelia 28 Bella (Mrs. Markes Levy) 28, 30, 34, Pl.A., Pl.G Benjamin Pl.A Eliza (Mrs. Abraham Joseph [jun.] [1]) 28, 29, 30, PIA Hyman 27, Pl.A Mrs. Hyman?see Hart, Eddie Lemon 27, Pl.A Mrs. Lemon?see Jacob, Rebecca Maurice 38-58 ('Foreign Trade of London Jews in the 17th Century'), 137n, 183n, Ml 98-204 ('Eighteenth-Century London Jewish Shipowners') Rebecca (Mrs. Eliezer Hart) Pl.A Rose 28 Woolfe, Benjamin (theatre) 160 Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo (ed. P. Sraffa) 73n World's Work (1903) 97n Writings of Rabbi Elijah of London (Heb. title) (M. Y. L. Sacks) M223n W?rttemberg, Duke of 114n Wyndham, H. S. 152n Yaari 177nn Tad Abraham (Abraham Gabay Yzidro) M212n, M213 Yehuda Sir Leon, Rabbi M223n Yellin, David 14, 18, 21 Yerushalmi, Y. H. 119n Yurman, Aaron Loeb 186 Yzidro (Sidro), Haham Abraham Gabay M211 13, PI.II?see also Isidro Mrs. Abraham Gabay?see Oxeda, Sarah de (1) Zagache 134n, 143, 144, 145 Zaltzman, Nahum 186 Zangwill, Israel 91, 95-9 + Louis 9 In, 153 Old (Jerusalem) 4 Zante (Greece) 187 Zeh Ha'Kontros JVitha Olam Ho-Dosh Ve'mikra Olam Hafukh?see New and Perverse World Zionism 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 89-100 Zionist Federation 97 Zophnat Paneach (Abraham Tang) 84, 85 Zukertort, J. H. 70 Zunz, Prof. Leopold 173 Zwier, J. 73n</page></plain_text>

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