Index Vol 20
<plain_text><page sequence="1">Index Aaron son of Vives, see Aaron of York Aaron of York, 149, 159, 239, 240, 245 Abba Saul, 99 Abdul Hamid, 168, 169, 170, 171, 174, 175, 178, 180, 182, 183 Abendana, Haham Jacob, 2 Abenjoza, H. Joseph, 29 Aberbach, Moses 120n. Aberdeen, University of, 89n. 'Abhoth de-Rabbi Nathan, 67n. Aboab, Hana (Gibraltar), 15n. Aboab, Simha (Gibraltar), 15n. Aboaf, Samuel, 39 H. Abraham ben Asher, 29n. Abraham ben Jacob, 32n. H. Abraham Leb Arye, see Arye, 4. Abraham Leb. Abraham, John (Goodman's Fields), 203n. Abraham ben Michael of Ostrowza 72n. Abraham ben Sebhi (Hirsch), 79 Abraham, Simon, 22 Abrahams, B. L., 157n. Abrahams, Israel, 3, 53, 55, 56, 57, 60, 61, 178, 184, 257 Abrahams, Sadock, 42 Abulafia H. Haim, 28, 30 Acher, Mathias, 161 Acohen, Ishack, 44 Acohen, H. H. Menahem, 43 Acohen, H. Zebulun 24, 42 Adam le Cerf, 240 Adam de Northampton, 157 Adam son of Peter, 245 Adler, Elkan, 29n., 83, 85n. Adler, Herbert M., 54n., 58, 60, 62 Adler, Chief Rabbi Hermann 58, 59, 174, 182 Adler, Rev. Michael 145, 157n., 239, 240 Adler, Chief Rabbi Nathan Marcus 83, 115n., 124n., 136, 141, 142, 143 Adrit, Moseh ben, 42 Adrit, Samuel ben, 42 Affia, Aron, 23, 40, 42 Agudath Israel, 161 Aguilar, Baron Diego de, 22 Ahad Ha'am, 62, 185, 186 Ailyon, Haham, see Ayllon, Rabbi Solomon Aix-la-Chapelle, Conference at, 196, 197, 198 Akiba, Rabbi, 98, 99 Alan of Richmond, 244 Albania, 25 Alevy (Minorca), 14n. Alevy, Jacob, 24n. Alexander, I, Czar, 190, 191, 196, 197, 198 Alexander II, Czar, 216, 217, 218, 227, 228, 230 Alexander III, Czar, 215, 217, 220, 222, 223, 227 Alexander, D. L., 182, 186, 187 Alexander, Prof. Samuel, 55 Alfarin, Moses, 40 Algazy, H. Yomtob, 30 Ali Bey, 30 Allen, Han., 234 Allen, W., 75 Allgemeine Zeitung des Judentums, 120n. Alliance Israelite Universelle, 120, 179, 184 Almeida, Joseph de, 19 Almosnino, Haham Isaac, 15 Altmann, Rabbi Dr. A, 83, 98, 111 Altona, 5 Alvarenga, Abraham Ribeiro Sanches de, see Alvarenga, Manuel da Costa Alvarenga, Manuel da Costa, 5n. Ambrose brother of Thomas, 245 American Hebrew, 53n. American Jewish Committee, 197n. American Jewish Congress, 187 American Jewish Hstorical Society, 1 In., 247, 248, 253. American War of Independence, 16 Amice daughter of Henry atte Ditch, 149 Amsterdam, 5n., 13, 19n., 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 65, 66, 68, 69, 71, 73n., 74, 79, 89n., 235n. Amsterdam, Mahamad at, 4 Amsterdam, rabbinical authorities at, 5 Ancona, 19 Anderson, P. J., Records of Marischal College, 89n. Andrade, J. A. P. M., Record of the Jews in Jamaica, 10n., 11, 12, 247n. Angel, Yehuda, 42 Anglo-Jewish Association, 52n., 53n., 120,173, 178, 179, 180,182, 183, 184, 186, 187 Anglo-Jewish Culture, 52, 59 Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition of 1887, 52n., 53n., 83, 255 Anglo-Jewish Magazine, 124n., 125, 139, 141, 142n. Anglo-Jewish Notabilities, 73n. Anijar, Samuel, wife of (Gibraltar), 15n. Anglo-Sepharad, Golden age of, 33, Antisemitism, 178-9, 180, 184, 222, 224, 225, 226 Apta, Poland, 2In. Arbonis, Poland, 2In. Arditi, Selomoh, 43 Arfwedson, Abraham, 22, 23 Arfwedson, Jacob, 22, 23 Argentine, Jewish colonies in 164, 165, 166, 229 Arha, H. Eliahu ibn, see Benarah, Eliahu Armenian Committees, 168, 170 Armenians, 169, 170, 171, 173, 174, 178, 180, 183 Army, Commissions in, 89 Arnold, A. P., Wills & Letters of Administra? tion, 8n. Arrowsmith, J. W. Dictionary of Bristol, 157n. Arundel, Thomas Earl of, 153-4 Arye, H. Abraham Leb, 32 272</page><page sequence="2">INDEX 273 Arye ben Simcha of Wilna, 6n. Ashmolean Museum, 154 Asmonean, The, 133 Aspern, Josias von, 22 Asquenazi, Hazan Samuel, 42 Asquinazi, see Esquenazy Association for Preserving . . . Rites ... of Israel, 13 In. Astrof, Poland, 2In. Atal (Minorca), 14n. Athias, Solomon da Costa, 90n. Atias, Luna (widow), Gibraltar, 15n. Atias, Menahem, Gibraltar, 15n. Attwood, Matthias, 123n. Audley, Sir Nicholas de, 150 Avigdor, Elim d', 164, 168 Avigdor, Sylvie d', 168, 175 Avignon, 18, 19, 34 Ayllon, Rabbi Solomon, 2n., 26, 44, 45 Azevedo, J. L. de Historia dos Crist?os Novos Portugueses, 9In. Azevedo, Rabbi Moses Cohen de, 8, 31 Azuelos (Minorca), 14n. Azuelos, Salom (Gibraltar), 15n. Azulay, H. Abraham of Hebron, 27n. Azlay, H. Joseph David, 29, 31 Badger, Mr. (apothecary), 92, 93, 94, 95 Baer, F., Die Juden im Christlichen Spanien, 81n. Bakhuizen van der Brink, Prof. Dr. J. N., 89n. Balfour, A. J., 168, 186 Balfour Declaration, 54n., 62, 170, 181, 185, 186, 187, 260 Bamberg, 71 Bank of England, 97 Barantyn, Drue (Drew), 151 Barantyn, Margery, 151 Barbados, 13, 16, 26, 27, 29, 89n. Barber Surgeons' Company, 88 Barelay, James, 253 Barente, Mosen, 25 Barima River, 22 Barned, Israel, 138n. Barnett (bookseller), 142n. Barnett, Rev. A., 145, 258-9 Barnett, L. D., 1, 2, 23n., 25n., 41n., 51, 59, 62, 65n. Barnett, R. D., In., 29n., 51, 59, 65, 162, 213 Baron, S. W., 65n., 121n., 133n., 134n. Baruh, Jacob de Samuel, 40 Baruh, Samuel, 44 Bas, Gilbert le, 149 Bas, Martin le, 149 Bas, Richard le, 149 Basquevy (Poland), 20n. Bassan, Abraham de Moses, 13 Bath, 89n., 206 Bath Chronicle, 206 Bayham Abbey, 148 Bayonne, 18, 19, 34 Bayswater Synagogue, 258 Bazajo, H. H. R. Hayyim Rahamim, 29, 31 Beaconsfield, Lord see Disraeli, Benjamin Beauharnais, Josephine de, 203, 207 Bedford, 157 Beers, Lipman, 21 Beeston, Colonel, 11 Behar, David Sabatey, 24n. Behar, Hananya, 24n. Behar, Jacob, 24n. Behar, Joseph, 24n. Beilis Trial, 225 Bein, Alex, 170 Belfast, 142n. Belgrade, 23, 41 Belmonte, Baron de, 11 Bemen, Jacob, 237 Benarah, H. Eliau, 28 Benasher, H. Abraham, 28 Benatar, Judah (Gibraltar), 15n. Benayahu, M., 24n., 28n., 29n. Bendavid, Sabatay, 43 Bene, Suleme, 25 Benedict le Eveske, 159 Benedict of Fossgate, York, 244, 245 Benedict of Peterborough's Chronicle, 153n. Benedict of Spen Lane, York, 245 Benedict of Winchester, 245 Benedikt, Moritz, 166, 167 Benhar, Salmon, 24n. Benhar, Selomon, 24n. Benisch, Abraham, 119, 120, 125, 131, 132, 133, 141n., 142n., 143 Benjamin ben Aron, 24 Bennett, Solomon, 259 Bensusan, Jacob Levy, 15 Bensusan, Menahem Levy (Gibraltar), 15n. Bentham, Jeremy, 256 Bentwich, Herbert, 53, 167, 176, 180 Bentwich, Margery & Norman Herbert Bentwich 167n., 176n. Bentwich, Prof. Norman, 60 Benzaquen, Isaac (Gibraltar), 15n. Ben-Zvi, Eretz Israel, 29n., 32n. Berlin, 51, 69, 70 Berr, Cerf, 19 Bevis Marks, 1, 6,37, 65, 91n., 127,130,131n., 137n., 139 Bevis Marks, charities of, 33 Bevis Marks Records, In., 4n., 12n., 23n., 65n., 203 Bexley, Lord, 115n. Bicheno, Rev. J., 192 Bidache (Bedaxe), 19 Bikkure Ha'ittim, 70 Billington, Mrs., 205, 207 Bing, E. J., Letters of Tsar Nicholas and Empress Marie, 220n. Bircas, Jos., 25 Birmingham, 10, 126, 142n. Black Hundreds, 225 Blashki (Poland), 20n. Bliokh, I. S., 222 Blomfield, Bishop C. J., 127 Blund, Hugh the tanner, 244 Blund, John, 241 Blund, Richard, 148 Blund, Stephen son of Hugh, 241 Blund, Thomas, 241 B'nai B'rith, First Lodge of, 54n.</page><page sequence="3">274 INDEX Board of Guardians, 52n., 53n., 60n., 13In., 132n., 140n. Bobruisk, Hellia Coien, 41 Bocham, Goeffrey de, 150 Bodleian Library, 8n., 54, 233, 235n. Bohemia, 21-22 Bolton, Frances Elizabeth, 210 Bonan, H. Masaod, 28 Bonaparte, Jerome, 203, 207 Bordeaux, 18, 19, 27, 34 Bordeaux, Raymond de, 148, 150, 152 Borough Synagogue, 58n. Boswell, James, Life of Johnson, 88n. Botbol, 14n. Bottibol, 14n. Bover, Phillip, 244 Braham, Augustus, 210, 211, 212 Braham, Charles, 210, 212 Braham, Fanny, 210, 211, 212, 213 Braham, Frances, see Waldegrave, Lady Braham, Hamilton, 210, 211, 212 Braham, John, 203-214 Braham, Josephine, 210, 212 Braham, Ward, 210, 212 Braham, William Spencer Harris, 208,211,212 Brand^o, Antonio Suares de Mendoza, 5n. Bravo, Abraham, 93, 94 Bravo, Benjamin, 248, 249, 250 Bredestrete, Emma de, 148 Bredestrete, John de, 148 Bredestrete, Walter de, 147, 150 Bristol, 7, 157, 258 British Museum, Hebrew Mss. in., 54 British Museum Library, 225, 233 Britto, Abraham Lopez de, 44 Brothers, Richard, 191, 192 Brown, H. G., Bristol England, 157n. Browne, Sir Thomas, Religio Medici, 84 Browne, Sir William, 87 Brudo, H. Abraham, 23, 41 Brun, Galfrid, 245 Bruns, Paul J., 8 Buckingham, J. S., 118, 119 Budapest, 163 Budum, Joseph, 42 Buen, Semuel, 42 Buistard, Henry, 241 Buistard, Robert, 241 Bukford, Richard, 240 Bula, H. Rephael Moshe, 30n., see also Burla Bund, The, 229 Burgess, Bishop of St. David's, 195, 196 Burgman, William, 244, 245 Burla, H. Jacob, 31 Burla, H. Moshe, see Bula, H. Rephael Moshe Burton, Sir Richard, 177 Busse, G. W., 83, 98 Buzaglo, H. Shalom, 30w. Cabibi, Dr. Samuel, 39 Cadiz, 24, 41 Cairo Geniza, 54 Calmer, Liefmann, 18n., 34 Cambridge, 51n., 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 62, 89n., 116, 155 Cambridge, Duke of, 122n. Canadian Jewish Archives, 4n. Cansino (Gibraltar), 14n. Cansino, Ishac, 42 Canterbury, 156 Capsutto, H. Daniel, 28 Captives, rescue of see Cautivos, fund of Cardozo, Jacob Henriques, 9 Carlingford, Lord, 213 Carmoly, E. Histoire des Medecins Juifs 72n., 86n. Carpenter, T. Edward, 213 Case of the Jews Stated, 3n. Caspi, 42 Castro, Abraham de, 6n., 9 Castro, Rev. D. I. de, 8 Castro, Hananel de, 13In., 138n. Castro, Henry de, 96 Castro, Jacob de See Sarmento, Jacob de Castro Castro, Moses de, 32 Catherine II of Russia, 216, 217, 218, 230 Cautivos, Fund of, 23-25 Cecil, Robert, 187 Cemetery in Londin, pre-expulsion, 145-159 Cemeteries, pre-expulsion, 155-158, 245 Central Association of Germans of the Jewish Faith, 179 Central Committee for Jewish Education, 59n. Cerf, Dr., 72n. Ceuta, 24, 41 Chajes, Rabbi Dr. H. P., 161 Chamberlain, Joseph, 168, 179, 180 Charing Cross Hospital, 140n. Charity schools, 65, 66, 70 Charities in London, Ashkenazi, 63-81 Charities, non-Jewish, 76 Charles II, 3 Charleston, 17 Chatham House, 162 Chelsea Hospital for Women, 140n. Chief Rabbi, election of, 124n., 130n., 131n.. 141 Chief Rabbinate, 124, 125 Christian knowledge of Judaism, 61 Churchill, Colonel, 201 Cigar makers, strike of, 129 Cigar Manufacturers' Association, 129n. Circumcision Registers, 4n. City of London School, 141 Claget, Wismon, 91 Clapham Sect, 189 Cobbett, William, 118n. Coen, Benjamin (of Dublin), 7 Cohen, see also Acohen, Coen Cohen, Abraham (Gibraltar), 15n. Cohen, Eliezer of Larso, 25 Cohen, Gershom (Charleston), 17 Cohen, Hannah, F., Changing Faces, 141n. Cohen, Israel, 43 Cohen, Jacob (Charleston), 17 Cohen, L. D., 71, 72 Cohen, Lionel Louis, 125, 133, 141 Cohen, Lucy, Claude Goldsmid Montefiore, 178n. Cohen, S., 204n.</page><page sequence="4">INDEX 275 Cohen, S. J., Elements of Faith, 118n. Cohen, Samuel (Hebron), 31 Cohen, Shalom ben Jacob, Shoreshe Emuna, 70 Cohen, Simha, 43 Cohen, Solomon (Gibraltar), 15n. Cok Hagin, See Hagin son of Deulcress Colchester, 157 Collins, A. J., 156n. Colosseum, Regents Park, 211 Colquhcun, Patrick, 65 Colyer Fergusson Collection, 88n. Committee of Reference, 124n. Conder, Colonel C. R., 52, 177 Condris, John de, 149 Conference of Synagogues, 1843, 124n. Coningham, Governor (Jamaica), 11, 12 Conjoint Foreign Committee, 53n., 178, 182, 184, 186, 187 Conservative Judaism, 60 Constable, John, lOn. Constantinople, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 41, 171, 172 Contemporary Review, 176n. Continho, Abraham Diaz, 19 Cooke, Edward, 196 Cope, Thomas, 76n. Coralnik, A., 179 Coram, Captain Thomas, 73n. Corfu, 38, 39 Cork, Jews in, 6, 7 Coron, 37, 38, 39, 41 Corona, H. Jacob, 29 Corpe, Simon, 150 Costa, Abraham Rodrigues da, 5n. Costa, Benjamin Mendes da, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96 Costa, Daniel da, 41 Costa, Isaac da (Charleston), 17 Costa, Jacob Mendes da, 23 Costa, Luis da, 5n. Costa, Moses da, 14, 35 Costa, Moses de Jacob Rodrigues da, 5n. Cotton, William, 122n. Council for Jewish Religious Education, 60n. Cowen, Joseph, 180, 186, 187 Crespino, Jeuda, 41 Crespo, H. Yombtob, 28, 50 Crete, 24 Crimea, 196 Crimea, Tartars of, 23n. Cromwell, Oliver, 3n. Crooll, Joseph, 116, 117, 136 Crowcher, Elizabeth, 89n. Cumberland, Duke of, 21 Curacao, 30n. Cuzy, Samuel, 39 Daily Chronicle, 176n. Daily Graphic, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 173, 174, 177n. Daily Prayer Book, translation of, 58 Daily Telegraph, 169, 174 Damascus, 28 Damascus Affair, 140 Dashkof (Poland), 21n. Dautree, Peter, 245 David Israel, 25 David ben Yehuda (Salisbury), 78 Davids, A. L., 114n. Davies, R., The Mediaeval Jews of York, 157n., 240, 244 Davis, Arthur, 54, 58 Davis, M. D., 145, 152n. Davis, Nina, see Salaman, Nina Davis Sound, 22 Debreczin, 163 Delmar (Gibraltar), 14n. Denmark Court Synagogue, 63 Deputies, Board of, 14, 113, 119, 120, 121n., 125, 129n., 130n., 131, 132n., 134n., 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 178, 182, 183, 186, 187 Derby, 58 Derby, Lord, 118, 123n., 133, 143 Deulecresse son of Moses of Wallingford, 153 Deulecresse of Norwich, see Josce ben Solomon Diamond, A. S., 83 Dias, Abraham, 93, 94 Dias, Moses, 98 Diaz, Raphael Rodrigues, 5n. Dicey, Professor, A. V., 215 Dickens, Charles, 211 Dictionary of National Biography, 192 Dieulecresse, see Deulecresse "Diplomaticus", 163 Disraeli, Benjamin, 115, 116, 122n. Divett, E., 117n., 127 Divorce, rabbinic, 143 Dobrzyce (Poland), 21n. Doggeheved, Nicholas, 243, 244 Dostoevsky, 226, 227 Dover, congregation in, 10 Drach, S. M., 130 Dreyfus case, 163 Drumont, Edouard, 164 Drury Lane, Theatre Royal, 205, 211 Dublin, 15 Dublin, Congregation in, 6-7 Duehring, E., 164 Duke's Place, See Great Synagogue Dunkirk, 3n. Dury, John, 235n. Dyte, D. H., 140n. East India Company, 96 Edinburgh, 142n. Edmund, Earl of Lancaster, 159 Education of the poor, 67 Edward I, 150 Edwards, Lewis, 87n., 145 Ehrenpreis, Chief Rabbi, 188 Eichholz, Alfred, 59, 62 El Arish, 179, 180 Eliabh, Mordecai, Jewish Education in Germany, 69n., 70n., 76n. Eliakim ben Abraham, see Hart, Jacob Elias son of Elias, 155 Elias le Eveske, 159 Elias, Jos., 25 Elias of London, see Elijah of London Eliason, Daniel, 73n.</page><page sequence="5">276 INDEX Eliezer ben Hyrcanus, Rabbi, 97n. Eliezer, H. Joseph, 28 Elijah of London, 148, 149, 157, 158, 159 Eliot, George, Daniel Deronda, 55 Elisavetgrad, pogrom at, 223 Elyashar, H. Joseph, see Eliezer, H. Joseph Emancipation, Anglo-Jewish struggle for, 113-143 Emanuel, C. H. L., A Century and a Half of Jewish History, 137n. Emanuel, Aid. Emanuel, 57n. Emden, Paul, 75, 89n. Emmanuel, I. S., 30n., 31n., 32n. Emmanuel, Joel, 133n. Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 59 Emmunat Omen, 83-111 Encyclopaedia Britannica, 178, 179 Encyclopaedia of Islam, 30n. Enfant, Leb, 86n. England, Bank of, 75 England, readmission of Jews to, 3, 233 English Zionist Federation 54n., 56n., 181, 184,187 Enlightenment, Jewish, 70 Erastianism, 124 Ergas, Moseh de Raphael, 46 Esaguy, Antonio de, 9 In. Esquenazy, Joseph Haim, 23, 40, 42 Evans, Sir Ifor, 256 Exeter, 157 Exeter Jewish Literary Society, 142n. Fano, Isaac, 24, 43 Faudel, Henry, 125n., 126 Feldman, Dr. I., 204n. Ferra, Isaac Henriques, 41 Fetzberg (Germany), 86 Filipowski, Hirsch, 120, 121n. Filos, Abraham Emanuel, 25 Filus, Menahem, 8 Finestein, I., In., 116n., 118n., 139n., 143n. FitzHerlicun, William, 146 Florinsky, M. T., Russia, 223n. Follejaumb, Ranulph, 148 Folshanke, Ranulph, see Follejaumb, Ranulph Foord, A. S., Springs, Streams and Spas of London, 146n. Forster, John, 150 Fortnightly Review, 163 Foundling Hospital, 73n., 74, 75, 76 Fraenkel, J., 163n., 164n., 168n. France, 17-19, 33, 41 Francia, Moseh de, 41 Franco, Abraham de Moseh, 47,48, 49 Franco, Benjamin, 44 Franco Bros., 4, 26, 27n., 29, 43 Franco, Jacob, 19, 48, 49 Franco, Mosseh de Abraham, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 Franco, Raphael, 19 Franco, Raphael de Joseph, 28n. Frankfurt-on-the-Oder, 71 Franklin, Jacob, 119, 123n., 124n., 126, 130n., 131n., 132n., 133n., 136 Franks, Moses, 15 Fraunseys, Robert le, 149, 150 Frederick I of Sweden, 22, 23 Frederick William, Crown Prince of Prussia, 196 Freeman's Journal, 89n. Freemasons, 87n. Freimann, A., 72n. Frey, J. S. C. F., 189, 190, 195 Friedl?nder, David, 69, 70 Friedlander, Michael, 258 Frowyk, Henry de, 146n. Frowyk, Laurence de, 146, 149 Frowyk, Reginald de, 146, 149 Furtado, Abraham Mendes, 203 Furtado, Clara Mendes, 203 Furtado, David Orobio, 5n. Furtado, Elias, 19 Furtado, Isaac Henriques, 12 Furtado, Isaac Mendes, 203n. Furtado, Jacob Mendes, 203 Furtado, Sarah Mendes, 203n. F?rth, 66, 68, 69, 71, 74, 79 Gabala, Dr. Jaime, 41 Gabay, Jacob Haim, 42, 46 Galante, Histoire des Juifs d'Anatolie, 25n. Galante, H. Abraham, 11, 26, 27 Galitzin, Prince, 196 Ganganelli, Cardinal, 21 Ganz, Wilhelm, 213 Garrick, David, 205 Gartner, L. P., The Jewish Immigrant in England, 215n. Gaster, Dr. M., 1, 176, 180, 182, 184 Gates of Light and the Father of Orphans Institution, 65n. Gatinho, Abraham, 25 Gazette ? la Main, 17 Gedalla, H. Abraham, 28 Genoa, 19 Gentleman's Magazine, 154, 204 George II, 21 Ger, Abraham, b. Yisrael, 78 German Jews in Paris, Syndics of, 19 Germany, 41 Gibbs, M., Early Charters of St. Paul's, 145 Gibraltar, 5, 14, 20, 24, 36 Gibraltar, congregation at, 15 Gideon, Sampson, 73n. Giessen, University of, 86, 89n., 96 Gilbert, chaplain of St. Peter the Little, York, 241, 242 Gilbert the spurrier, 241 Gladstein, Dr. Ruth, 70n. Gladstone, W. E., 117n., 122n., 168, 172 Gnesen (Poland), 20n. Gold, H., Die Juden . . . Boehmens, 162n. Goldsmid, Aaron Asher, 125n. Goldsmid, Col. A. E. W., 56, 62, 164, 165, 175, 176, 179 Goldsmid, Abraham, 73n., 75, 206, 210 Goldsmid, Abraham (junior), 75 Goldsmid, Asher, 73, 75 Goldsmid, Benjamin, 70, 73n., 75, 76n. Goldsmid, Francis, 114, 115, 116, 117n., 132, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 141</page><page sequence="6">INDEX 277 Goldsmid, George (Gershon), 75 Goldsmid, Sir Henry d* Avigdor, 62 Goldsmid, Henry E., 56n. Goldsmid, Isaac Lyon, 52n., 70, 75n., 114, 115n., 117, 118n? 121, 123, 124n., 128, 136, 138, 139, 142n. Goldsmid, O. d'Avigdor, 62 Goldsmid Professor in Hebrew, 5In., 126 Goldsmith, Alexander, 245 Goldsmiths, Worshipful Company of, 145, 151, 152 Gollancz, Sir Hermann, 57n. Gollancz, Sir Israel, 57 Gollancz, Rev. S. M., 57n. Gollancz, Victor, 57 Gomel, pogrom at, 220, 228 Gomes, Daniel (New York), 16 Gomes, Moseh (New York), 16 Goodman, Paul, 2n. Goodman, Rev. Tobias, 73 Gordon, Lord George, 9, 78 Goschen, George, 133n. Gosse, P., Dr. Viper, 89n. G?teborg, 22, 23 Graetz, H., 57, 58 Graham, Sir Ronald, 188 Grammaticus, Richard, 245 Grammaticus, Robert, 245 Grammaticus, William, 245 Grant, Sir Robert, 115n., 117n., 135 Gray, Archbishop Walter de, 242 Great Synagogue, 7, 9, 10, 63, 64, 70n., 72n., 73, 78, 79, 80, 87, 124, 130, 131n., 134n., 137, 204, 205, 206 Green, Solomon A., 132n. Greenberg, L. J., 55, 170, 179, 180, 186, 187, 188 Greenberg, Louis, The Jews in Russia, 217, 218n. Gregoire, Abbe, 193 Grey, Lord, 123n. Grimes, Prof. W. F., 145 Grimwade, A. G., Treasures of a London Temple, In., 15n. Grocers' Company, 88 Grossman, Meir, 187 Guedalla, H., 142n. Guedemann, Chief Rabbi Dr. M., 161 Guer, Abraham bar Abraham, 43 Guiana, Dutch, 22 Guiana, Spanish, 22 Guiterman, Mrs. Rosine, 10n. Gutstein, M., To Bigotry no Sanction, 16n., 17n. Guy, John, 150 Haas, Jacob de, 168n., 176 Hadida, Widow (Gibraltar), 15n. Haggard, H. W., Devils Drugs and Doctors, 88n. Hagin son of Deulcress, 149, 159 Halevy, Rabbi Judah of Gibraltar, 5 Halhed, N. B., 191 Hama bar Haninah, Rabbi, 99 Hamar, H. Haim Salom, 32 Hambro Synagogue, 7, 9, 10, 56n., 57n., 63, 64, 71, 72n., 73, 78n., 79, 130n., 137n., 204n. Hamburg, 23, 39 Hamilton, Lady, 203, 209 Hampstead & St. John's Wood Jewish Literary Society, 120n. Hampstead Synagogue, 53n. Hanover, 18n., 166 Hansard, 216 Harben, H. A Dictionary of London, 146n. Hardwicke, Lord, 97 Hareth (Bohemia), 162 Harris, Rev. H. L., 56n. Harris, Henry, 129 Harris, Rev. Isidore, 56 Harrison, F., 245 Hart, E. M., Merchant Taylors' School Register, 89n. Hart, Jacob, 259 Hart, R. J. D'Arcy, 83 Hassan, H. Selomoh, 32 Havana, 24 Hawkers, itinerant, 8 Hayon, Nehemya, 27n. Hayyim ben Josef of Mannheim, 73 Hazan, H. Jacob Lebet, 30 Heath, J. B., 122n. Hebhra 'Ahabhat Ahim, 73n., 74 Hebhra Qaddisha De-rahme Leghaddel Yathme Qetannim, 63, 72n., 73, 74, 75, 80n., 81 Hebhra Qaddisha Hinnukh Yekadim, 71, 72, 73,74 Hebhra Qaddisha Lesippuq Almanoth Withomim, 78-81 Hebhra Qaddisha Talmudh Tora, see Orphan Charity School Hebhra Qedhosha Meghaddele Yethomim, 66 Hebrew National, 120, 121n. Hebrew Observer, 119n., 125, 128 Hebrew Review, 140n. Hebrew Union College, 53n. Hebrew University, 62, 187 Hebron, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 Hechler, Rev. W. H., 168 Heinemann, William, 166 Hende de Ospitali, 241 Henriques, Gabriel, 41 Henriques, H. S. Q., lOn. Henriques, J. G., 138n. Henriques, Samuel Lopes, 5n. Henry III, 152, 156, 159 Henry III of France, 18, 34 Henry of Bigton, 244 Henry, Henry, A., 142n. Henry of Malton, 244 Henry of St. Michael, 241 Henry le Wayder, 240 Heppner & Herzberg, J., Aus Vergangenheit . . . in den Posener Landen, 2In. Hereford, 157 Hertzberg, Rabbi Arthur, 18n. Herzl, Jacob, 163</page><page sequence="7">278 INDEX Herzl, Theodor, 53n? 56, 57, 58n., 161-188, 229 Hewitt, Wyndham, Strawberry Fair, 212 Heyd, U., Dahir al-Umar, 28n. Highrnore, A., Philanthropia Metropolitana, 76n., Pietas Londinensis, 76n. Hirsch, Baron de, 56n., 164,165,166,173,179, 180, 229 Hirsch, Dr. S. A., 175 Hirschell, Rabbi Solomon, 63, 69, 70, 77 118n., 124n., 259 Hisquiny, H. R., Jahacob, 42 History Today, 30n. Hochschule f?r die Wissenschaft des Juden? thums, 51n., 52, 55 Holderfs London Directory, 72n. Holland, Lord, 117, 118, 123n. Holt, P. M., 30n. Holy Cities, distribution of money between, 26, 27 Holy Land, collection of money for, 4, 25-33, see also Terra Santa, fund for Home for Aged Jews, 52n. Honigern (Poland), 20n. Horeb, 3In. Horwood, William, 151, 152 Houndsditch, 79n., 150n. Hoveden, Roger de Chronica, 153n. Hovevei Zion, see Lovers of Zion Howard, General Sir George, 14 Howes, W. H., The Gibraltarian, 14n., 15n. Howley, William, Archbishop of Canterbury, 116, 117, 127 Hudson, W. & Tingey, J. C, Selected Records of the City of Norwich, 156n. Hugh de Bedford, 150 Hugh, brother of John the chaplain, 244 Hugh son of Serlo, 241, 242, 243 Huhner, L., 6, 17n. H?lse, Sir Edward, 93 Huntingdon, 155 Hurwitz, Hyman, 67, 118n., 126 Hyamson, A. M., 1, 62; History of Jews in England, 154n., 247n.; The Sephardim of England, 2n., 5, 13n., 16n., 18n., 21, 22, 65n., 74n., 91n., 96n., 98n. Ibbitson, Robert, 234, 237 Idelsohn, Z? 203n. Ignatiev, Count, 219, 220, 222, 224 Immigration, Anglo-American Jewish, 51, 127-8, 215-231 Inchiquin, Lord, 10 Inglis, Sir Robert, 117, 118, 133n., 200 Inquisition, 4, 5, 24 Ipswich, 157 Ireland, 6, 7, 15 Isaac da Costa Villareal School for Girls, 65 Isaac of "Neusia", 24n. Isaac of Nevshehir, see Isaac of Neusia Isaac of Norwich, 153n. Isaacs, D. M., 129, 142n. Isaqy, H. H. R., Abraham, 27, 43, 47 Isidro, David Gabay, 26n., 49, 50 Israel, H. Abraham, 29 Israel, H. Isaac, 41 Israel, Judah, 15 Israel, H. Moseh, 28 Italy, 19-20 Izmir, 24, 25 Jabotinsky, Vladimir, 187, 188 Jacob "de Coemitereo" 157 Jacob ben Eliezer of Worms, 73 Jacob le Eveske of London, see Jacob of Oxford Jacob, H. Hayim, 28n. Jacob of Oxford, 148, 159 Jacob ben Salman of F?rth, 79 Jacobs, Joseph, 53, 55, 56, 145, 255, Jews of Angevin England, 153n., 156n., 257 Jacobson, Israel, 70, 76n. Jaffa, 30 Jahrb. der Juden in der Tschekoslovakei, 22n. Jamaica, 5n., 10-13, 17, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 206, 247-254 Jamaica, Jews' Tribute in, 247-254 Janachy (Greek pirate) 24 Jarotschin (Poland), 2In. Jenkinson, Sir Hilary, 257-258 Jerusalem, 4, 19n., 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52 Jerusalem, Bishopric in, 196 Jerusalmy, H. H. Meir, 41 Jew Bill, 1753, 13 Jewbury, York, 157 Jewin Crescent, 151, 152, 155 Jewin Street, 151, 152, 155 Jewish anthropology & ethnology, 61 Jewish Association for Obtaining Civil Rights and Privileges, 115n., 116 Jewish-Christian relations, 61 Jewish Chronicle, 53, 54, 55, 56n., 57, 58, 59, 60, 116, 119n., 120, 121n., 123n., 124n., 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134n., 136n., 138n., 139n., 140n., 141n., 142n., 143n., 167, 175n., 177n., 185 Jewish Colonization Association, 56n., 179, 180, 181, 183, 184 Jewish education, 14In. Jewish Encyclopaedia, 17, 28, 5In., 53n., 56 Jewish Exponent, 163 Jewish Expositor, 20In. Jewish free schools, 67, 142n. Jewish Historical Society of England, 52n., 53n., 58n., 62n., 185, 255, 256, 257, 258 Jewish Hospital, 140 Jewish Institute of Religion, New York, 60n. Jewish knowledge of Christianity, 61 Jewish Lads' Brigade, 56n. Jewish Legion, 187 Jewish Ministers' Union, 58n. Jewish Museum, 88n., 203n., 204n. Jewish National Fund, 56n. Jewish Orphanage, Norwood, 77 Jewish Publication Society of America, 56 Jewish Quarterly Review, 20n., 5In., 53n., 57 58, 184 Jewish Record, 53n. Jewish Relief Act, 1858, 113, 132 Jewish Relief Bill, 1830, 137</page><page sequence="8">INDEX 279 Jewish Religious Education Board, 54n., 56n., 59n. Jewish Religious Union, 52n., 58n., 60n. Jewish renaissance, 62 Jewish Repository, 193, 196n. Jewish Territorial Organisation, 53n., 181, 182, 186 Jewish Theological Seminary, 26n., 5 In., 53n., 59, 83 Jewish Workhouse, 132n. Jewish Workingmen's Club, 53n. Jewish World, 53n., 175n. Jewish Year Book, 53n., 55, 56n. Jews' College, 5In., 52, 53, 54n., 56n., 57n., 58n., 60, 76n., 142, 143, 258 Jews' Free School, 53n., 70, 76n., 77, 123n., 125n., 126, 142n. Jews' Garden, London, 146, 150, 151 Jews' & General Literary & Scientific Institution, 126 Jews' Hospital, Mile End, 64, 67n., 68, 71, 72n., 73n., 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 122n., 126 Jews' Infants School, 124n., 132 John, King, 153 John Bull, 210 John the chaplain called Bovarius, 244 John of Fulford, 245 Johnston, Sir Harry, 181, 182 Joint Foreign Committee see Conjoint Foreign Committee Jones, M. G., The Charity School Movement, 65, 66n., 67n. Jordan, W. K, 65, 74 Josce ben Solomon, 152 Joseph bar Jacob, H., 43 Joseph ben Ruby, H., 32 Judah, G. F., The Jews' Tribute in Jamaica, 11, 12 J?dische Freischule, Berlin, 69, 70 Judith Lady Monteflore College, 255, 256 Kadet Party in Russia, 226 Kadimah, 161 Kahn, Augustus, 60 Kahn, Leon, 18n. Kalisch (Poland), 20, 21n. Kapper, S. Suedslavische Wanderungen, 163n. Kashan, 24n. Katz, Rabbi Moses Yekutiel, 2In. Katz, Yehuda Leb ben David, See Cohen, L. D. Kaufmann, D., 42 Kempernem Waest (Poland), 20n. Kennicott, Rev. Benjamin, 8 Kessler, Leopold, 179, 180 Keyser, Isaac, 75n. Keyser, Leser, 79 Kiev, 228 Kilburn-St. John's Wood area, 54 Kingsford, C. L., 153n. Kingstown, Jamaica, 10, 12, 13 Kirwan, Thomas, 7 Kisch, Albert, 140n. Kishilan see Kashan Kishinev, pogrom at, 179, 220, 225, 228, 229 Kitchener, Lord, 52 Kobler, F. The Vision was There, 190 Koblin (Poland), 20n. Kogan, Maxim, 165 K?hler, M. J., Jewish Rights at the Congress .... 197n. Kohn, A., Die Notablenversammlung der Israeliten Boehmens, 162n Kchut, G. A., Ezra Stiles and the Jews, 31n. Kol Sefarad, 30n. K?nig, Henry, 22 Kosher eating houses, 128n. Kosher Soup Establishment, 76n. Krakow (Poland), 20, 21n. Krotochin (Poland), 20, 2In. Kulturverein, 54 Kutaisov, Count, 219, 222, 223 Labrador, 4n. Lamb, Charles, 210 Lammens, H., La Syrie, 28n. Lampeter College, 195 Lamsdorff, Count, 219n. Landau, Rabbi Ezekiel, 70n. Landman, S., 170n. Lange, Michael, 60 Lansdowne, Lord, 181, 182 Lanzemer (Poland), 21n. Lara, Isaac (Gibraltar), 15n. Lara, Isaac Abraham Cohen de, 3 Larso, (Greece), 25 Lascelles, Mr. (Barbados), 89n. Laurence de Wilton, 244, 245 Lawson, Sir Edward, 169 Lazarus ben David, 70 Lebanon, 198 Leeward Islands, 14 Legacy of Israel, 61 Legrant, Thomas, 244 Lemburg, Treves, 90n. Lemos, James de see Valentin, Isaac Fernandez Lemox, Maximiliano, 9In. Lenthall, William, 233 Leo "episcopus" of York, 240, 243, 244 Leon, H. Abraham L'Beth, 25 Leon, Dr. Henri, 203 Leon, Meyer, see Leoni, Michael Leonard, G. H., 153n. Leoni, Michael, 203n., 204, 205, 206 Leontovitsch, V., Geschichte des Liberalismus in Russland, 224n. Lesebuch f?r J?dische Kinder, 69 Letter Book A, 145 Leveen, Solomon, 7 Levien, J. Mewburn, 203 Levin, Rabbi Hirschell, 70 Levin, S. S., 64, 69n., 70n., 71 Levin, Rev. Walter, 258 Levy, Benjamin, 15 Levy, Harold, 83, 85n., 98 Levy, H. Joseph, 27 Levy, Joseph Moses, 169 Levy, Moses (Gibraltar), 15n. Levy, Naftali, 41 Levy, H. M. Samuel, 43 Lewis, Prof. Bernard, 22n., 23n., 28n., 30n.</page><page sequence="9">280 INDEX Lewis, F. H., 129 Lewis, Harry, 60 Lewis, Lazarus, 140n. Leyden, 89n. Liber Albus 145, 153n. Liber de Antiquis Legibus, 145 Liberal Jewish Synagogue, 52n. Libro de los Acuerdos, 1, 2, 23n., 25n., 41n., 51n. Lieben, S. H., Briefe ?ber . . . die Austrei? bung der J?den aus Prag, 22n. Lincoln, 156, 157 Lindo, A. A., A Word in Season, 118n. Lindo, E. H., A Jewish Calendar, 76n. Lindo, Moses, 32 Lipman, V. D., 74n., 145, 152n., 153n., 156 Lisbon, 5n. Liverpool, 129, 138n., 142n. Liverpool Jewish Gazette, 26n. Liverpool Literary Hebraic Association, 142n. Livery Companies, 88 Livorno, 4, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 Lloyd George, David, 186 Locke, John, 66n. Loewe, H. M. J., 60, 61 Loewe, James H. 60n. Loewe, Dr. Louis, 60n. London, 19n., 20,21,22,23,25,26,27,28,29, 32, 33, 39, 52, 70, 74, 77, 88, 113, 148, 149, 152, 153, 155, 159, 166, 183, 203 London Beth Din, 12 London Chronicle, 26n. London, Freedom of City of, 123 London, Gift to Lord Mayor of, 12 London Hospital, 140n. London, No. of Jews in 1663, 3n. London, pre-expulsion cemetery in, 145-159 London, provincial burials in, 153, 155 London, Dr. Schomberg's attack on Jews of, 83-111 London Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews, 76n., 190, 191, 193, 195, 196, 200 London, Solomon Zalman, see Zalman, Solomon London University, 60 Lousada, J. B., 9 Lovers of Zion, 56n., 62, 163, 164, 168, 175, 176, 185 Lowenthal, M. Diaries of Theodor Herzl, 229n. Lowy, Miss Bella, 58 Lucas, Mrs. Henry, 52, 58 Luke of Warthill, 239, 240 Luzzatto, Angelo (Ephraim), 8, 9 Lynch, Sir Thomas, 247 Lyndhurst, Lord Chancellor, 115n. Lyon, Angel, 78 Lyons, Abraham, 7 Lyttleton, Governor (Jamaica), 13 Macaulay, Lord, Essay on Jewish Disabilities, 114n. Maccabean Pilgrimage, 176 Maccabeans, The, 53n., 54n., 56, 57n., 166, 167, 168, 169, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 255 Machado & Pereira, 11 Machzor, translation of 54n., 58 Magnus, Lady, 56, 57, 58 Magnus, Sir Philip, 57n. Mahamad, Jamaica, 10 Mahamad, London, 1-50, 91, 118n. Mahasim Tobim Society, 33, 65 Maiden Lane Synagogue, 130n. Maimonides, 84 Malachi, A. R., 31n. Malaki, see Malquy Malcolm, James A., 170, 171, 174, 187 Maletbe, Galfrid, 243 Malquy, H. Moseh de Raphael Angelo, 26n., 49, 50 Malta, 23n., 24, 25, 39, 40, 42, 43 Malta, Knights of, 23, 24, 40, 43 Malton, Yorks, 89n. Mamulhan, Eleazar, 24 Manasser son of Leo of York, 239, 240 Manchester Hebrew Association, 142n. Manchester Jews' School, 125n. Manchester Reform Synagogue, 60n. Manchester Synagogue, 116, 142n. Mannheim, 73 Mansfield, Lord, 194 Mapes, Walter, 154n. Mar, David del, 14n. Marcus, Jacob R., Communal Sick-care in the German Ghetto, 66n. Mareshal, Thomas, 150n. Mareshal, Thomasina, 150n. Maria Theresa, Empress, 21 Marks, Prof. D. W., 119 Marriage Registration Act, 1836, 125 Marseilles, 49, 50 Martinez, Aaron de Abraham Nunes, 7 Martins, Daniel, 24 Maryport, 15 Matilda daughter of Alan, 240, 241, 242, 243 Mattos, Is. Lumbroso de, 2n. Mattos, Moses Lombroso de, 19 Maurice the vintner, 244 Mead, Richard, 92, 93 Meadows, Canon see Braham, William Spencer Mears, Abraham, Book of Religion Ceremonies & Prayers of the Jews, 97n. Me'assef, 70 Medical profession in 18th century London, 88 Medina, David Haim, 24 Medina, Gabriel de, 45 Medina, Joseph de, 20 Medina, Moses de, 20 Mehemet Ali, 200 Meir Hirsch b. Manus Leb, 79 Meknes, 42n. Melamed, David, 43 Melbourne, Lord, 138n. Meldola, H. Moses, 118n. Menases, Abraham Vaz, 41 Menasseh ben Israel, 3,178,179,233,234,235 Mendelssohn, Moses, 69</page><page sequence="10">INDEX 281 Mendes, Abraham Haim, 42 Mendes, Rev. A. P., 55n. Mendes, Hazan of Bordeaux, 18, 34' Merchant Taylors' School, 89 Meshibat Naphesh Charity, 71, 72n., 76n., 80n., 210 Mesquita, Mosseh Henriques de, 41, 44 Mesquita, Samuel, 5n. Mesquita, Violante de, 91 Mesquita, H. Moses Gomes de, 2n., 6 Metropolitan Free Hospital, 140n. Metz, 86n. MidcUeton, Louisa, 203 Miller v. Salomons, 114n. Mills, John, 117 Milman, Dean, History of the Jews, 135n. Minorca, 14, 15, 35-37 Minto, Lord, 209 Miranda, Abraham Fernandez, 41 Missionary Society, The, 189, 190 Mitchell, Abraham, 72n. Mitchell, Joseph, 131n., 142n. Mizrachi, Joseph, 25 Mizrachi, Mercado, 25 Mocatta & Goldsmid, 52n. Mocatta, David, 138n. Mocatta, F. D., 52, 56n., 182 Mocatta, Jacob, 2 Mocatta Library, 52n., 57, 63, 77, 168, 256 Mocatta, Moses, 138n. Mogadouro, Ishac Roiz, 45 Molho, Eliau Misrahi, 24 Monatsschrift f?rgesch. u. Wiss. der Judentums, 22n. Monson, Sir Edward, 168 Montagu, Sir Samuel, 172, 175, 176, 177 Monteagle, Lord, see Spring-Rice, Thomas Montefiore, C. G., 52, 53n., 57, 61, 120n., 178,183, 184, 186, 187 Montefiore, Sir Francis, 177, 184 Montefiore, Joseph, 19 Montefiore, Sir Joseph Sebag, 256 Montefiore, Sir Moses, 33, 120n., 121, 125, 127, 133n., 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 163, 176, 177, 200, 256 Montefiore, Nathaniel Mayer, 52n. Montesinos, Antonio, 235n. Montford, Alice de, 150 Montford, John de, 150 Montford, Sir Peter de, 150 Montford, William de, 150 Moore, George, Judaism in the First Centuries of the Christian Era, 97n., 99, lOOn. Morning Chronicle, 205 Morning Post, 207, 224 Moron, Mr., 9 Mortara Case, 120 Moscow, 228 Moses, Dr. A. H., 86n., 88n. Moses of Bristol, 158 Moses ibn Ezra, 42 Moses son of Isaac, 153 Moses Lamego Trust, 65 Moses of London, 148, 149, 158 Moses son of Reuben, 79 Moses son of Salman of F?rth, 79 Motun, Abraham, 152 Mowshowitch, D., 177n. Moxon, Thomas, 75 Mudahi, H., 29 M?nk, W., Roll of the Royal College of Physicians, 87, 88n., 96n. Musical Quarterly, 209 Myers, Asher, 53, 57, 78, 167, 168 Myers, Saul, 128n. Naarden (Holland), 13 Nabon, H. Rephael, 32 Nahon, Moseh (Gibraltar), 15n. Nairun (Nairim), Adam, 241 Nairun (Nairim), John, 241 Najara, Israel, 3In. Naon, Jacob, 43 Napoleon I, 24n. Nathan, I., 209 National Union for Jewish Rights, 187 Naval Asylum, 76 Navarro, Abraham, 5n. Nazarbek, Avetis, 175 Nelson, Admiral Lord, 203, 207, 208, 209 Neubauer, A., 8n. Neue Freie Presse, 163, 164, 166, 167, 174 Neustadt (Poland), 21n. New Synagogue, 72n., 73, 78n., 79, 130n., 132, 137n. New Times, 210 New West End Synagogue, 58n., 172 New York, 15-16 Newcastle, Duke of, 251 Newe Sedheq, See Jews' Hospital, Mile End Newland, A., 75, 76n. Newlinsky, Michael von, 168, 169, 170, 171, 178 Newport, R. I., 16-17 Nicholas, I, Czar, 198 Nicholas, II, Czar, 215, 217, 220, 223, 225, 229, 230 Nicholas of Bretgate, 245 Nicholls, J. F., & Taylor, J., Bristol Past and Present 157n. Nichols, R. H. & Wray, F. A., History of the Foundling Hospital, 73n., 74n. Nieto, H. David, 2, 3n., 5, 6, 65, 91n. Nieto, H. Isaac, 2, 90n. Nordau, Anna & Maxa, Max Nordau, 166n. Nordau, Max, 56n., 166, 172, 181, 185 Norfolk, Duke of, 121 Norris, Rev. H. J., The Origin . . . of the London Society, 201n. North Africa, 25 Northampton, 154, 156 North London Synagogue, 56n. Norway, proselytes from, 9 Norwich, 10n., 152, 153n., 155 Norwich, Bishop of, 67 Nottingham, 157 Nunes, Abraham, 13 Nunes, Frances Carvalho, 42 Nunes, Isaac Roiz, 41 Nunes, N. I., 13 Nussenblatt, Tulo, 161 Nutt, David, 167, 168</page><page sequence="11">282 INDEX Observer, The, 170n. O'Connell, Daniel, 123 Octobrists, 226 Oesterreichische Wochenschrift, 166 Oggell, Robert de, 147 Oggell, Tiphania de, 147 Oliel, Judah ben (Gibraltar), 15n. Oliphant, Laurence, 164, 173 Oral Law, validity of, 85 Orphan Charity School, 64, 65, 67n., 68, 70, 71, 74, 78, 80n. Osbert le Poleter, 148 Osterley, W. O. E., Judaism & Christianity, 61 Ostrowza, 72n. Otewyn, William, 245 Oven, Barnard van, 121n., 123, 135 Oven, Joshua van, 70 Owen, Professor, 63n. Owen, Robert, 124n. Oxford, 153, 156 Pacheco, Sr., 44 Pahlen Commission, 224 Paiba, Isaac Carri?o de, 4n. Pale of Settlement, 217, 218, 221, 222, 223, 227,228 Palestine, 62,163, 164,170,171,173,175,176, 178, 179, 180, 182, 183, 186, 188, 198, 199, 229, 260 Palestine, Ashkenazim of, 3In. Palestine Place, 195 Palgrave, Sir Francis, 257 Palmer, Thomas, 245 Pariente, Abraham (Gibraltar), 15n. Pariente, Jacob (Gibraltar), 15n. Paris, 17, 18, 19, 34, 35 Paris Peace Conference, 53n. Paris, Matthew, 153n. Parkes, Rev. James, 61 Parminter, Miss Jane, 194, 195 Passes for foreigners, 3 Patras, 24 Paulo, Jacob Rodrigues, 5n. Paz, Jacob de, 26n., 41, 42 Paz, Moseh de, 5n. Pedazur, Gamaliel ben, See Mears, Abraham Pedroso, see Patras Peel, Sir Robert, 138 Peirce, Wm., 93 Peiserstrim (Poland), 2In. Peixotto, Moseh, 25 Pellatt, Apsley, 122 Penha, Joseph de la, 4 Penso, David, 42 Percival, Spencer, 114n. Pereira, David, 18, 34 Pereira, David Lopes, 49, 50 Pereira, Elias Lopes, 8, 9 Pereira, Jacob Rodrigues, 18, 33, 35 Pereyaslav, pogrom at, 224 Perez, Abraham, 23, 40, 42 Persia, 24 Pesaro, 19 Pessoa, M., 19 Peter, Leb b. Moshe, 78 Peter son of Robert, 245 Petuchowski, J. J., The Theology of Haham David Nieto, 5n. Peyrehorade, France, 19 Philanthropist, The, 75n., 76n. Philadelphia, 17 Philip the Weaver, 244 Philippson, Ludwig, 120n. Philips, Michael, 6 Phillips, Alexander, 73 Phillips, Benjamin S., 120, 121n. Phillips, Henry, 204, 213 Picart, David, 86n. Picciotto, Moses Haim, 129 Picquigny, Barony of, 18n. Pimentel, David Abenatar, 19 Pina, Isaac Luzitano de, 92, 93 Pinto, Joseph Jeshurun, 16 Pirates, Algerian, 24 Pirates, Greek, 24 PI Society, 60 Pitman, F. W., The Development of the British West Indies, 247n., 248n., 250n., 254n. Pius VI, Pope, 20, 201 Plehve, M. von, 182, 183, 220, 222, 223, 224, 229, 230 Poale Zion, 229 Pogroms, Russian, 218, 219, 220, 222, 223, 228 Polack, A., Joodse Penningen in de Neder landen, 4n. Polack, Hazan Isaac, 204 Poland, 20-21, 42 Polics, Menahim, 25 Pollard, Graham, 234, 237 Pollock, Chief Baron Sir F., 114n. Pool, D. & T. de Sola, An Old Faith in a New World, 16n., 17n., 33n. Poor Law Board, 133n. Poor Law Unions, 133n., 140n. Poors' Aid for the Sabbath Society, 76n. Portello, Ishac Rodrigues, 45n., 46n., 47 Portello, Moseh, 46, 47 Portland, Lord, 11 Port Mahon, Minorca, 14, 15, 35-37 Porto, Abraham do, 25 Porto, Jacob da Silva, 7 Port Royal, Jamaica, 10, 11 Portsmouth Congregation 15, 142n. Portsmouth Jewish Literary Society, 142n. Portugal, refugees from, 4, 27 Portugal, travel to, 5 Portuguese language as vernacular, 2 Posen, 42 Posener, S., 134n. Poteman, Moses, 149, 159 Prado, Isaac de, 93, 94 Prag, J., 175 Prague, 21, 70n. Pressburger, Leb, See Symons, Baron Lyon de Preston, Daniel de, 148 Prideaux, H., 154 Prinsab (Poland), 21n. Pristino, 25</page><page sequence="12">INDEX 283 Privy Councillor, Irish, 89n. Proselytism, 9 Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 223, 224 Pryce, G., A Popular History of Bristol, 157n. Public Advertiser, 90n. Punch, 56n. Quakers, 75 Rabinowicz, O. K., 170n., 187n. Rabinowitz, Rabbi L., 61 Raboth, Samuel, 25 Raine, Rev. Angelo, 240, 245 Ralph son of William de Fossato, 241 Raphall, Morris, 126, 127n., 140n., 142n. Rapoport, S., 225 Raton, Abraham, 93 Rauzzini, Venanzio, 206, 207, 209 Reform Movement, 70, 119, 125, 136, 138n., 139 Resettlement of Jews in England, 3 Reutern, Count, 224 Review of Reviews, 176n., 177n. Revue des Etudes Juives, 17-18 Ricardo, David, 75n. Richard I, 153, 156n. Richard de Risseford, 244, 245 Richard of St. Albans, 150 Richardson, H. G., The English Jewry under Angevin Kings, 243 Richmond, Duke of, 14, 35, 36 Rigg, J. M., Select Pleas 153n., 257 Rivkind, Alim Bodedim, 29n. Robert of Canterbury, 148 Robert son of Joce, 245 Robert de tumba, 243 Rocamora, 23 Roger son of Roger, 241 Roger of Thixendale, 244 Romanus, John, 245 Rome, 20, 21 Roper, R. S. D., Treatise of the Law of Property, 143n. Rosamunde, John, 148, 149 Rosenbaum, Rev. Morris, 87n. Rosenthal, E. J., Judaism & Christianity, 61 Roth, Cecil, 20, 33n., 37, 43n., 71, 145, 148n., 155n., 158, 161, 204n., 233n., 235n., 255-6 Roth, Cecil, History of the Great Synagogue, 65n., 66, 73n., 74n., 87n., 89n. Roth, Cecil, History of the Jews in England, lln., 152n., 153n. Roth, Cecil, La pretendue readmission des Juifs ? Paris, 17 Roth, Cecil, The Jews of Malta, 23n. Roth, Cecil, The Jews of Mediaeval Oxford, 146n., 153n., 156n., 157n., 159n. Roth, Cecil, The Jews of Minorca under British Rule, 14n. Roth, Cecil, Rise of Provincial Jewry, 7, lOn. Roth, Cecil, The Ritual Murder Libel, 21 Roth, Cecil, Zionist Emissaries in England before Zionism, 26n. Rotherhithe, 203 Rothschild, Leopold de, 182 Rothschild, Lionel de, 123n., 130, 132, 138n., 139, 143 Rothschild, Meyer de, 139n. Rothschild, N. M. (Lord), 128n., 136,182,187 Roumania, 51, 185 Rovigo, H. Abraham, 27 Royal College of Physicians, 83, 86, 87, 88, 90n., 92-6 Royal College of Surgeons, 88 Royal Commission on Alien Immigration, 179 Royal Exchange, 256 Royal Navy, commissions in, 89, 90 Royal Society, 83, 91, 92 Rubens, Alfred, 78n., 89n., 90n., 197 Rubio, H. Mordehai, 29 Russell, Lord John, 122n., 133 Russian Jews, 28, 165, 166, 182, 185, 196, 198, 201n., 215, 223, 226, 227ff. Russian persecution, 55, 215, 216, 218, 219, 225 Russians, capture by, 24, 25 Russo-Jewish Committee, 53n., 58n. Sabah, H. Yomtob, 29 Sabbetai Zvi, see Zevi, Sabbetai Sacher, Harry, 62 Safed, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 Safed, Deputies, of, 15, 42 Safed, Hahamim of, 11, 27, 42 Safed, repopulation of, 28 Saida (Lebanon), 26n., 49, 50 St. David's, Bishop of see Thirlwall, Dr. N. L. St. Eustatius (Leeward Isles), 14 St. Jago de la Vega, See Spanish Town St. James's Theatre, 211 St. Lawrence, Agnes de, 148 St. Lawrence, Emma de, 148 St. Lawrence, Juliana de, 148, 149 St. Lawrence, Thomas de, 148, 149 St. Paul's Cathedral, 148, 149, 150 St. Paul's School, 89 Salaman, Nina, 8, 54n., 56, 58, 59, 61 Salaman, Redcliffe N., 58n., 61-62, 92n. Salee, 41 Salem, R. Selomon, 28, 3In. Saliah, see Siluhim Salig, Ruby Eliakim de Aser, see Selek, Jacob Salisbury, 78, 79n. Salisbury, Lord, 169, 170 Salman of F?rth, 79 Salom, Rev., 8 Salomons, David, 113, 114n., 116, 121, 123, 125, 126, 128, 129, 132, 133n., 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 143 Salomons, E. P., 73n., 75 Salonika, 8, 24, 25 Salsiem (Poland), 2In. Saltiel, Haham, 26 Saltiel, Leao, 25 Saltiel, Reuben, 25 Salvador, Joseph, 14, 23, 35 Samuda, Ishac de Seguera, 87 Samuda, Simon Lopez, 86, 87 Samuel, A. P., 83</page><page sequence="13">284 INDEX Samuel, E. R., 9n., 86n., 89n., 90n., 111 Samuel, H. Moseh, 28 Samuel, Moses, 129, 134, 142n. Samuel, O. W., 83, 96n. Samuel, Viscount, 56n., 186, 187, 259-260 Samuel, Wilfred S., 3, 10n., 83, 111, 145, 210 Sanches, Abraham, 12 Saphetti, H. Abraham, 25 Sarajevo, 42n., Sardinia, King of, 121n. Sarfaty, A. S., The Jews of Gibraltar under British Rule, 15n. Sarfaty, Jacob (Gibraltar), 15n. Sarmento, Jacob de Castro, 91-96, 97, 98 Sason, Abraham, 25 Saul, Chief Rabbi of Amsterdam, 3In. Saul, H. Jacob, 25 Saul, Semuel, 42 Saunders, Sarah, 7 Scarborough, 89n. Schechter, Solomon, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 67n., 257 Schechtmann, J. B., Rebel and Statesman, 188n. Schensin (Poland), 2In. Schiff, Rabbi David Tevele, 9, 63, 81, 204 Schindler, B., Orient & Occident, 14n. Schindloff (Poland), 21n. Schischa, A., 8n., 21n? 22n., 26n., 29n., 83, 85n., 97n., 111, 204n. Sch?mberg, Alexander, 88, 89, 90 Sch?mberg, Henry, 88, 89, 90 Sch?mberg, Isaac, 87n., 88, 89, 90, 96 Sch?mberg, Dr. Meyer, 83-111 Sch?mberg, Moses, 86n., 88, 89, 90n. Sch?mberg, Ralph, 87n., 88, 89, 90 Sch?mberg, Rebecca, 88 Sch?mberg, Solomon, 88, 89, 90n. Sch?mberg v. Sch?mberg, 89n., 90n. Schweinsberg (Germany), 86, 90n. Sebag, Sir Joseph, 139n. Seesen, Temple at, 76n. Sefunoth, 26n., 30n. Segal, Menahem b. Sanwel, 78 Seguze, H. Meir de, 28n. Seiden, John, 153n., 154, 235n. Selek, Jacob, 21 Selig, Jacob, see Selek, Jacob Selof (Poland), 21n. Semlin, 163 Sequerra, Solomon, 120 Serlo the Tanner, 241 Serra, Isaac, 8 Serra, Isaac Henriques, 4In. Serra, Jacob Gomes, 41, 44, 45 Serra, Phineas Gomes, 28n. Sharpe, W., 248 Shearith Israel Congregation, New York, 15, 29n. Shillman, B., Jews in Ireland 6, 7, lln. Shilstone, E. M., Jewish Monumental Inscrip? tions in Barbados, 13n. Siberia, Southern, 183 Sibony, Jeosuah, 43 Sidorov, N. I., 220n. Silex Scintillans, 236, 237, 238 Siluhim, 4, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 42, 43 Silva, David da, 42 Silva, Raphael Vaz de, 5n. Simlai, Rabbi, 99 Simon of Elstoft, 244 Simon, Sir John, 52, 53, 128 Simon, Sir Leon, 62, 185n. Simon, Oswald J., 53 Simons, Lazarus, 80n. Simonson, S., 26n. Sinai, 28n. Singer, Abraham of Prosnitz, 203 Singer, Dr. Charles, 61, 62 Singer, Dorothea Waley, 61 Singer, Rev. Simeon, 53n., 58, 167, 171, 172, 175 Sinigaglia, 19 Siraf (Persia), 24n. Skaife, R. H., 245 Sliozberg, G. B., 215, 216n., 222, 228 Smuts, General, 56 Smyrna, 24, 25 Society for the Cultivation of Hebrew Literature, 114n. Society for the Diffusion of Religious Know? ledge, 141n. Society for Hebrew Literature, 141n. Society of Jews, 171, 174, 175 Sokolow, N., History of Zionism, 184n., 187 Solomon, Rev. B. N., 195 Solomon ben Nathan, Rabbi, 6n. Solomon, S. G., 129n. Solomon, Solomon, J., 54, 56, 167, 169, 172 Solomon's Boarding School, Edmonton, 53n. Solomons, Abraham, 6, 7 Solomons, Israel, Lord George Gordon's Conversion, 9, 10n., 78n., 91n. Solomons, Nathan, 73n. Sornaga, Jeuda, 43 Soto, Abraham de, 44 Sottomayor y Martines, Christoval del, 5 Spanish Town, Jamaica, 10, 12 Spencer, A., Memoirs of William Hickey, 96n. Spencer, Sir Edward, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237 Spielman, Marion, 56 Spielmann, Sir Isidore, 256 Spiers, Frederick, 60 Spinozism, 5 Spon, C, London Wall, 154n. Spring-Rice, Thomas (Lord Monteagle), 137, 138 Sraffa, P. The Works of David Ricardo, 75 Stamford, 156, 157 Stanhope, Lady Hester, 198 Stansfeld, James, 133n. Stationers' Register, 234, 235, 237, 238 Stauemis (Poland), 2In. Stead, W. T., 176 Stein, Leonard, 62 Stein, Professor S., Beginnings of Hebrew Study at University College, 67n., 70n. Steinherz, S., Jahr, fuer Gesch. der Juden in der Czechoslovakischen Republik, 162n. Steinschneider, M., J?dische ?rtzte, 72n. Stephen le Tailor, 148</page><page sequence="14">INDEX 285 Stiles, Dr. Ezra, 16 Stirling, A. M. W., The Ways of Yesterday, 189n. Stirling, E., Old Drury Lane, 211 Stokes, H. P., 145, 155n., 159n. Stolypin, Prime Minister, 228, 230 Stourdza, M. A. de, 198 Storace, Anna Selina, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 212 Storace, Stephen, 206 Strachie, Lord, 203, 213 Strassburger, R?chele, 71 Strassburger, Salman {Bamberg), 71 Subbotin, A., 222n. Sudbury, 8 Sunday Times, 173 Surgeons' Company, 88 Susan, Nisim Abraham, 43 Sussex, Duke of, 122n., 142n., 203, 211 Sussex Hall, 126, 128, 131n., 141n. Sweden, 22-23 Swedish East India Company, 22, 23 Swedish-Polish War, 21n. Swedish West India Company, 22 Swords, carrying on Sabbath, 97 Sydney, Australia, 10n., 55 Sykes, Christopher, Two Studies in Virtue, 170n. Sykes, Sir Mark, 170, 187 Symmonds, I. J., 140n. Symons, L. de, 7 Symons, Baron Lyon de, 79n. Taha^i, Elacar, 44 Takel, Thomas, 241 Tallboy, Justice of the Peace, 91 Taqqanoth, revision of 63, 64 Tarbiz, 28n. Tartars, 23, 24 Tedesquiny, Jexiel, 15 Temporary Laws, 1882, 220, 222, 227 Terade, Durande, 150 Terra Santa, fund for, 23, 25-33 Tettenborn {mohel), lOn. Tetuan, 25 Thackeray, W. M., 211 Thelluson & Co., 75 Theodore le Burser, 149 Thicknesse, Philip, 89n. Thirlwall, Dr. N., Bishop of St. David's, 122n., 135 Thomas son of Warin, 245 ThornborroWj William, Advocacy of Jewish Freedom, 121 Thorneton, John, 15In. Thorowgood, Thomas, 235n. Tiberias, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32 Tiesenhausen, Baron, 22 Times, The, 55, 124, 174, 180, 181, 182, 184, 187, 215, 216, 224 Titus, Emperor, 31 Toledano, Abraham, widow of, 15n. Toledano, Jacob, 8 Tombstones in London, Hebrew, 153-4 Torres, Jacob, 41 Touro, Isaac Abraham, 16-17 Touro Synagogue, Newport, 16 Tovey, D'Blossiers, 3n. Toynbee Hall, 60 Trebizond, 43 Trelawny, Edward, 12, 250, 251 Treves, 86n. Treviso, 43 Trinity College, Cambridge, 90, 96 Tripoli, 24, 42 Tuck, Gustave, 255, 260 Tunis, 42 Tunis, Isaac, 24, 43 Turco-Venetian War, 37n. Turkey, 25, 168, 169, 170, 171, 173, 188 Turks, capture by, 25 Uganda, 180, 181, 182, 184, 186 'Umar, Dahir el, 28, 30 Union of Austrian Jews, 179 Union of Hebrew & Religion Classes, 59n., 60n. Union of Jewish Literary Societies, 57n. Union of the Russian People, 225, 229 United States, attraction of Jewish scholars to, 59 United Synagogue, 56n., 78, 80n., 125, 258 United Synagogue of America, 5In. University College, London, 113, 126, 256 University College School, 141 Urbino, 19 Urusov, Prince, 228, 229 Utrecht, Treaty of, 14 Uziel, Rabbi Eliezer, 19n. Vahbendanon, H. Simon b. Jahacob, 27 Valensia, Ishack de, 44 Valentin, Hugo, Judarnas Historia i Sverige, 22 Valentin, Isaac Fernandez, 5n. Vandercruis & Dourem, 49, 50 Varicas, Widow (Gibraltar), 15n. Vaughan, Henry, 237, 238 Vega, Selomo, 40 Veiga, Yehuda, 42 Venice, 19, 20, 24, 27, 28, 29, 37, 40, 41, 42, 44 Ventnor Consumption Hospital, 140n. Ventura, H. Hayyim, 28 Vezinha, Sara Lopes, 42 Victoria, Queen, 138n., 196 Vienna, 21 Vienna, Congress of, 196 Villareal, Jacob da Costa, 97 Villareal, Rachel da Costa, 97 Voice of Jacob, 115n., 119, 120n., 122n., 123n., 124n., 125, 126, 128n., 129n., 130, 131n., 134, 135n., 136, 138n., 142n. Waldegrave, Francis Lady, 203, 210, 212, 213 Waley Cohen, Sir Robert, 61 Wall, Moses, 234n. Wallingford, 153 Walpole, Horace, 205 Walter son of Joce, 245 Walter of Norfolk, 245 Wanderers, The, 51-62</page><page sequence="15">286 INDEX Warmiczek, J,, Geschichte der Prager . . . Schule . . ., 70n. Warsaw, 220 Watts, Isaac, 67 Way, Benjamin, 189 Way, John, 194 Way, Lewis, 189-201 Waysen (Poland), 21n. Weizmann, Chaim, 162, 170, 180, 187 Wellington, Duke of, 117 Welt, Die, 177n., 178n., 179n. Western Synagogue, 130n., 142n., 258, 259 West Indies, siluhim to, 28n. West London Synagogue, 53n., 56n., 57n., 138 Westminster Abbey Deeds, 152 Westminster, Duke of, 169 Westminster Gazette, 165 Westminster Jews' Free School, 132 Westminster Synagogue, 73 Weston, John, 150 Weston, Richard, 150 Weston, Rohesia, 150 Weston, Rose, 150 Wetherby, Hugh, 151 Whyte, Frederic, William Heinemann, 166n. Wiener, Harold, 60 Wilberforce, Samuel, 117n. Wilberforce, William, 189 Willett, Samuel, 89n. William III, 3, lln. William of Bretgate, 245 William le Caller, 148 William of Dunwich, 244 William le Mazeliner, 149 William of Norman, 241 William of Parlington, 245 William of Turgisius, 241 Wilson, Colonel, 115n. Winchester, 154, 155, 156 Witherby, Thomas, 192-4 Witte, Count, 182, 229 Wolf, Edward, 162, 163 Wolf, Israel of Dublin, 7 Wolf, Joel of Dublin, 7 Wolf, Lucien, 1, 3, 53, 56, 139n., 161-188, 215, 224, 227, 233n., 234n., 255 Wolf, Lucien, Essays in Jewish History, lln., 162n. Wolf, Lucien, Notes on the Diplomatic History of the Jewish Question, 22n., 219n. Wolf, Lucien, The Queen's Jews, 55 Wolf, Lucien and Theodor Herzl, 161-188 Wolf, Nathan, 163 Wolfe, Abraham (? of Dublin), 15 Wolfe, General, 89 Wolff, Joseph, 195 Wolffsohn, David, 175, 185 Women, participation in Jewish scholarship, 57 Wood (solicitor), 12 Wood, William, 248, 250 Worms, 73 Xeres, Abraham de, 42 Ximenes, Is., 18, 34 Ximenes & Lousada, 16 Yaari, A., Shiluhe Eretz Israel, 26n., 27n., 28n., 29n., 30n., 31n., 32n., 33n. Yabez, Mosseh, 42 Yerushalayim, 32n. York, 146n., 153, 156, 157, 239-245 York Minster, Vicars Choral of, 239, 240, 243 Yorkshire Archaeological Journal, 157n., 240 Yosele ben Gershon, 79 Zacharias, Lazarus, 21 Zalman, Solomon, 204n. Zalmer, see Calmer, Liefmann Zangwill, I., 33, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 166, 167, 172, 173, 174, 176, 179, 181, 184, 186 Zante, Island of, 19n., 24, 38, 39, 43 Zebi, Haham, 5, 6 Ze'ebi, H. Abraham Israel, see Ze'ebi, H. Haim Israel Ze'ebi, H. Haim Israel, 31, 32 Zeiby, Ruby Haim Israel, see Ze'ebi, H. Haim Israel Zeitschr. f?r Hebr. Bibliographie, 72n. Zevi, Sabbetai, 27n., 59, 178, 184 Zichron Jacob, 60 Zimmels, H. J., Ashkenazim and Sephardim, 97n. Zionism, 62, 121, 200, 229, 231 Zionism, cultural, 185, 186 Zionism, Links with Holy Land before, 33 Zionism, political 161, 166ff. Zionist Organisation, 176, 177, 179, 182, 185 Zunz, L., Zur Geschichte und Literatur, 8 In. Zwerim (Poland), 2In.</page></plain_text>