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Index Vol 2

<plain_text><page sequence="1">INDEX, ?-??? Aaron, father of Belia, 92. Aaron, father of Bonamy, 92. Aaron, father of Elias, 92. Aaron, son of Benedict of Winchester, 86. Aaron, of Oaerleon, 91, 92. Aaron, father of Cok, 105. Aaron, son of Cresseof Winchester, 88. Aaron, son of Elias, 94. Aaron, son of Elias le Blund, 92. Aaron, son of Isaac of Worcester, 92. Aaron, son of Josce, 91. Aaron, son of Josce of Oaerleon, 87. Aaron, father of Josce G-ilberc, 88. Aaron, of London, father of Vives, 102. Aaron, father of M nser, 97. Aaron, Master, father of Moses le Petyt, 88. Aaron, son of Peytevyn, 88. Aaron, father of Salomon, 91. Aaron, son of Slemme, 97. Aaron, son of Vives, 88. Aaron, of Winchester, 88. Aaron, of Worcester, father of Isaac, 101. Aaron, Barney, 2. Ab, month of, 49. Abba de Dogestrete, 89. Abbey G-ate, principal entrance to Mona? stery at Bury St. Edmunds, 116. Abbeygate Street, 117. Abdoui Medjid, Sultan of Turkey, grants Sir Moses Montefiore firman proclaim? ing innocence of Jews, 169. Abendanon, Joseph ben Jacob, 143; his autograph work: "The Book of the Three Vine Branches," 145 ; descrip? tion prefacing his book, 146 ; comes to London end of 17th century, 147. Abanlanon dos la Hagasa, Moses, names on cover of Abendanon's work, 146. Aberdeenshire, 158. Abib, first month of year of the Torah, 56, 57. Abingdon, Abbot of, 101. Abraham, of Exeter, 91. Abraham, the Jew, son of Moses the Jew, heir to Musick House, 123. Abraham's Hawle (Hall), 123. Abraham Badecock, father of Salomon, 104. Abraham, son of Belia, 100. Abraham Chaplain, 92. Abraham Cokerel, 102. Abraham, son of Cressant, 102. Abraham, son of Dyay, 94. Abraham, son of Elias, 94. Abraham, son of Isaac, 91. Abraham, Israel, 109, 133-140. Abraham, father of Jacob, 94. Abraham, of Kent, father of Lumbard, 104. Abraham Levi, 94. Abraham, of Marlborough, father of Sadekyn, 104. Abraham Ben Meir Ibn Ezra, Jewish scholar who visited England in 12th</page><page sequence="2">198 INDEX. century, 47 ; Reference to Essays on, by M. Friedl?nder, 48 ; his Yesod Mora, 49; Discussion re his Yesod Mora, 50 ; his "Letter of Sabbath," 52 ; his dream, 53, 54 ; his Essays, 56, 57 ; his criticisms re biblical passages on Sab? bath, 58 ; his death, and story in con? nection with, 59 ; his last words, 60; reference to his Commentary on Gen. (viii. 22), 64, 66; reference to his Commentary on Genesis (xxxii. 32), 67. Abraham, son of Miles, 91. Abraham, father of Moses, 92. Abraham Motonn, 97. Abraham Pervas, of Bedford, husband of Popeline, 89. Abraham, Rabbi, son of R. Hiyya Ha Nasi; his Sefer ha-Ibbur, 55, 66. Abraham, of Rising, father of Isaac, 99. Abraham, the Sefardi, 49. Abraham, son of TJrsellus of York, 99. Abrahams, Mr. Israel, 2 ; paper on Paul of Burgos in England, 149-152. Abrahams, Mr. B. Lionel, paper on con? dition of Jews in England at time of Expulsion, 76-84. Abulafia, Michael Bolaffl, musical di? rector to late Duke of Cambridge, 1. Abudraham, reference to, 67. Ack, Adam, 96. Ada, R., his theory of t'kufoth, 57 : re? ference to his tekufa, 66. Adam, 154. Adam de la Holiloma3, 104. Adam le Eseryveyn, father of Johanna, 91. Adar, 70 ; burial of Queen Mary on 28th of, 144 ; Moses Athias' work written in month of, 147. Adler, family of, 160. Adler, Elkan N., 141 ; his lecture re " Hebrew Elegies on English Monarchs," 141-148. Admiralty, Petition to the Judge of the, 30 ; ibid., 31; Court of, 32-34 ; Com? mittee of the, 35 ; Court, Judges of the, 37. Adolphus, Michael, 159. Agen, officer appointed as judge of Jews in (reference to), 171, 175; Seneschal of, 175 (Doc. 9); Treasurer of, ibid. Agnes la Gra, 105. Aguilar, de, family, 159. Aiquardus Forconis frater, 177 (Doc. 13). Albertus Medici, 175 (Doc. 9). Alcy, wife of Mosiac Bandon (tomb? stone inscription), 113. Aldate, parish of St., 101. Aldgate, 122. Alemanda, 173 (Doc. 3). Alexander, Levi, of Colchester, 109, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139. Alexandria, Sir Moses Montefiore in, 169. Alguadez, Meir, Physician and Rabbi of Castile, tortured to death by command of his former friend and colleague Paul de Burgos, 149. "Alhaze," name on cover of Abendanon's work, 146. Ali Mahommed, Pasha of Egypt: grants Sir Moses Monteflore's request for honourable release of Jews, 169. Alice, wife of Nich' de Ostre, 96. Alisaundre, Johannes, 104. Almaricus de Crodonio (Credonio), 176 (Doc. 12), 177 (Doc. 13), 178 (Doc. 14), 179 (Doc. 17). Almosnino, Isaac, Rabbi, 146. Alonzo de Fonseca Meza, 19. Amite, widow of Samuel son of Moses, 91. Amitecote of Exeter, 91. Amsterdam, 17, 18. Amsterdam, Pieter Trip and Co., mer? chants of, 24. Amsterdam, John Lopes Chillon and Phelipe van Hulten, merchants of, 36.</page><page sequence="3">INDEX, 199 Amsterdam, Joseph ben Jacob Abenda non's MS. written in, 1690, 145. Amsterdam, visited by Abendanon, 146. Amsterdam, Samson da Costa Athias lived in, 147, 148. Amsterdam, Henriques de Castro's ac? count of Cemetery at, 155. Amsterdam, Cemeteries in, 158. Ancona, Levantine synagogue at, 162. Andrade, Marrano family; arms regis? tered in this country, 159. Andrew, Prior and Monastery of St., 98. Angleterre, 49, 53, 55 ; substitution of "Arnon" or " Aragon" for, 59. Anglo-Israelites, 158. Anglo-Je wish Song-writers of present century, 1. Anglo-Jewish Musicians of Pre-expulsion period, 1. Anglo-Jewish song-writers, lecture by Rev. F. L. Cohen, 1-6. Anglo-Jewish History, 78, 84. Anglo-Je wish Historical Exhibition, re? ference to papers read at the, 104. "Anglo-Jewish Coats of Arms," by Lucien Wolf, 153-165. Anne, Queen, 141. Ansell, Ansell, of Ipswich, 109, 134-138. Ansell, David, 136, 138. Anteman, Rose, 97. Antere, 91. Aquitania (G-uienne), 170, 172 (Doc. 2), 173 (Doc. 3), 177 (Doc. 13). Aquitania, Edwardus, Duke of, 85. " Aragon," substitution of for Angleterre, 59. Ardre, Elias de, 92. Armorial Bearings, Jewish, inaccuracy of term, 153. Armorial Ensigns, Franco, description of, 166, 167. Arnaldus G-uillelmi de Marsano, 175 (Doc. 9). Arninus, 90. Arnold, 41. Arnold, S. J., his play " The Americans," reference to, 4. Arnold, Thomas, editor of Memorials of St. Edmunds Abbey, 121. " Arnon," substitution of for Angleterre, 59. Arundel Castle, 17, 25. Asher, A., reference to his edition of Travels of Benjamin of Tudela, 58. Ascher, Chazan, 9. Ascher, Joseph, 6. Ashkenazi " Chazones," an ultra loyal Prayer for the Royal Family, 148. Ashkenazi families who have received English grants, list of, 160. Assaillit, Bertrandus, 176 (Doc. 11). Assaillit, Reimundus Guillelmi, 176 (Doc. 11). Assel, David, son of, 92. Association, Jewish, for Diffusion of Religious Knowledge, paper published by, re Ibn Ezra, 47. Association, Tonic Sol-fa, Festival of at Crystal Palace, July 9th, 1892, 11. Astronomy, necessity of study of, 50, 52. Athenasum, at Bury, drawing of Moyse's Hall in, 121. Athias, Isaac da Costa, father of Aben? danon's copyist, Solomon, 147. Athias, Moses Israel, first Rabbi of secret Synagogue in Creechnrch Lane, 20. Athias, Samson da Costa, brother of Solomon ben Isaac da Costa Athias, Poet in Amsterdam, 147. Atonement, Evening of, 10; Services, 12. Auntere, widow of Vives, 97. Avegaye, daughter of Benedict of Win? chester, 101. Avegaye, daughter of Bonne, 94. Avigaye, wife of Dyay, 94. Aylmer family, motto of, 158. Aymericus Forconis, 177 (Doc. 13). Azharoth, 50.</page><page sequence="4">200 INDEX. Bacok, of Colchester, 90. Bacon, Lord, quotation from his " Ad? vancement of Learning," 131. Bacon, Nathaniel, 27, 37. Baggard, Elias, 97. Bailps, S., 42. Baker, Richard, 15. Baker Street, 124. Bandon, Lewis, died 5614 (tombstone inscription), 113. Bandon Mosiac (tombstone inscription), 113. Barned family, 160. Baronial Party, members of engaged in massacre of Jews, 78. Barons' Wars, Jews massacred during, 78, 81. Barrow family, Grants towards received by, 160. Bartholomew. Hospital of St., 101. Bartholomew le Cordwaner, 103. Bartholomew, Henricus, 105. Bassevi van Treuenburg, title conferred by Emperor Ferdinand upon Jacob Batsheba Schmieles, 158. Basy, John, 105. Bate, John, 99. Bateman, Benedict, father of I vote, 91. Bateman, son of Cresse, 97. Bateman, son of Cress, of Stamford, 100. Bateman, father of Pictavinus, Ursellus, Hagin, 100. Baudewyn, Thomas, 105. Baxtergate, 124 (see Wastelgate, 124). Bayly, Thomas, 40, 41, 42, 44. Baynnard, Roger, 90. Baytes, William, 40, 41, 43. Beaconsfield, Lord, assumed Sephardi arms, 159. Bedford, Jews of, 81, 85. Bedford, list of the bonds of the Jews of, 86. Belasco, Aby, 2. Belaset, daughter of Benedict of Win? chester, 88. Belaset, of Wallingford, daughter of Solomon, 94. Belaset, 103. Bele de Stamford, of Canterbury, 89. Belgrade, Joseph Ben Jacob Abendanon, an exile from, 143 sea. Belhus, Ricardus de, 93. Belia, daughter of Aaron, 92. Belia, of Gloucester, 92. Belia, widow of Jacob, 99. Belia, mother of Abraham, 100. Belia, mother of Lumbard, 102. Belisario, Marrano family, unregistered, 159. Bellamy, wine cooper, in league with Carvajal in raid on Customs, 38; condition and practices of, 41. Belliget, William le, 96. Benectus, son of Bonamicus, 105. Benedict, son of Pictavus, baptised in Isle of Ely, 86. Benedict, of Winchester, hanged, 87. Benedict, Bateman, father of I vote, 91. Benedict, son of Elias, 92. Benedict, father of Elias, 92 ; father of Cuntessa, 92. Benedict, Evesque, 92. Benedict, son of Jacob, 94. Benedict, G-ubbay, father of Elias, 94. Benedict, son of Josce, 94. Benedict, son of Sampson, 94. Benedict, Master, of London, 94. Benedict, father of Leon Milca, 95. Benedict, father of Hen, 95. Benedict, father of Hagin, 95. Benedict de G-annok, 95. Benedict, le Comte, 95. Benedict le Eveske, 101. Benedict, son of Mayer, 97. Benedict, son of Jacobus Clericus, 97. Benedict, son of Hagin, 97. Benedict de Cellario, 98 ; of Winches? ter, 101.</page><page sequence="5">INDEX. 201 Benedict de la Cornere, 101 ; de Oaux, 101. Benedict, of Chippenham, 104. Benedict, son of Elias, of Chippenham, 104. Benedict, husband of Sarah, father of Joceus, 105. Benedictas de Thoracio, 172 (Doc. 2). Benjamin family, their crest, 153; grants for arms received by, 160. Benjamin, Tribe of, their seal, 154. Benjamin of Tudela, 58. Benjamin, father of Isaac of Fairfax, 104. Bennyt, Sarah, daughter of, 87. Benyngboigh, Thomas de, 105. Bere, John de la, 100. Berkhampstede, Samuel de, 101. Berlin, 12. Bernal, Marrano family, arms registered in this country, 159. Bernewett, Prior of, 88. Berstreete, 128. Berwick-on-Tweed, 176 (Doc. 11). Betoyne, Wilhelmus de, 97. Bevis Marks, 2 ; origin of name, 122 ; corruption of "Bury Marks," 122; Yehidim of, 159. Beycot, 102. Bible, The: the study of, 50; Christians support their theory of counting days from, 55 ; people of the, historical con? nection between, and Jews, 153 ; heral? dic devices among Jews in, reference to, 154; Hebrew, mottoes derived from, in English armory, 158. Bibol, John, fined for sale of Tripha meat, 129. Bird, Balph, 128. Bland, Mr., 32. Bland, John, merchant, 33. Blasby, Benjamin, bricklayer,of Ipswich, 109, 133, 135, 136, 137. Blomefield, his "History of Norfolk," 123; authority on boundaries of ancient Jewry before, edit. I., 124 ; quoted, 125, 126; confirmation of his previous statement re Norwich Jewry, 130. "Blood Accusation," escutcheon sup? porters, heraldic protest against, 165. Blumberg family, grants for arms re? ceived by, 160. Blund, Elias le, father of Aaron, 92. Blund, Elias le, of London, father of Josse, 92. Blunt, Badulphus le, 97. Boas, Antonio de Villas, his " Nobiliar chia Portugueza," 159. Bodleian Library MSS., Hebrew "Letter of Sabbath " edited in accordance with, 61. Bodleian Rawl., 26. Bohemia visited by Abendanon, 146. Bolaffi, Michael (Abulafia) musical di? rector to late Duke of Cambridge, I. Bon, son of Josce, 94. Bona, daughter of Elias, 92. Bonamico, son of Bunne, 100. Bonamicus, 105. Bonamicus, father of Joceus, 105. Bonamicus, father of Benectus, 105. Bonamy, son of Aaron, 92. Bonamy, son of Bonamy, 95. Bonamy, of York, 97. Bonenfaunt, father of Seleme, 88. Bonenfaunt, of London, son of Aaron of Hereford, 92. Bonenfaunt, son of Elias, 92. Bonefey, son of Lumbard of Cricklade, 101. Bonefy, father of Vives le Petit, 101. Bonefy, de Crickelade, father of Miles, 101. Bonefy, father of Moses, 105. Bonefy, father of Josce, 94. Bonne, daughter of Manser, 94. Bonne, mother of Meyr, Avegaye, 94. Bonthun, Laurence de, 105.</page><page sequence="6">202 INDEX. Bordeaux, 170, 171, 172 (Doc. 2), 173 (Doc. 3), 173 (Doc. 4), 174 (Doc. 6), 174 (Doc. 7), 175 (Doc. 8), 175 (Doc. 10), 176 (Doc. 12), 177 (Doc. 13). Bordeaux, constable of, 170,172 (Doc.2) ; 173 (Docs. 3 and 4); 174 (Docs. 5, 6, 7); 175 (Doc. 8); 176 (Doc. 12); 177 (Doc. 13); controller of the castle of, 175 (Doc. 10); records in the castle of, 175 (Doc. 10). Boteman, Richard le, 128. Botolf, St., Nuns of, 90. Boxtide, Radulfus de, 90. Bradeworth, Manser of, 95. Braham, John (or Abrahams), born 1774, 2, 3, 4 ; description of his appearance, 4 ; anecdotes re, 6, 8, 10. Brakelond, Jocelin de, his allusion to crucifixion of holy child Robert, 121 ; his "Chronicles," found in original Latin under heading " Jocelini Chro? nica," 121. Brandon, Marrano family ; arms regis? tered in this country, 159. Brauncegate, Isaac de, father of Jacob, 95. Brauncegate, Isaac de, father of Isaac, 95. Brauncegate, messuage in, 96. Brazil, Carvajal trades with, 16. Bread and Ale, Statute of, reference to, 124. Breton, son of Josce, 94. Bridewell Land, site of Jewish quarter in Bury St. Edmunds, 122. Bristol, 15, 85, 87 ; Jews moved to, from Gloucester, 80 ; Castle, Moses de Kent hanged outside of, 87. British Museum, 61, 86, 116, 147. Brittany, Johannes, Earl of Richmond, 176 (Doc. 11). Brodewe, Johannes, unus cyrographario rum, 86. Browne, Jo., Cleric, Parliamenter, Peti? tion signed by, 27, 29, 31, 36. Browne, Sir Thomas, 126. Brueh's Kol M?re, 10. Brune, Luke de, 128. Brussels, 19. Brydges Wylliams, Mrs., of Oarnanton, 160. Bullion, transport of, trade in, 17. Bumpstede, Peter de, 128. Bungay, Geoffrey de, 128. Bungeye, Jeffery de, 125, 127. Bunn, John, architect of Jews' Synago? gue at Norwich, 113. Bunne, father of Bonamico, 100. Burdegala, see Bordeaux. Burgensis Bedefordie, Johannis Cule bere, 86. Burgo super Mare, Castellania et villa de (Bourg sur Gironde), 176 (Doc. 12). Burgos, Paul of, 149, 150, 152. Burial, washing of corpses before, 102. Burial Grounds, Jewish, difficulty of access to, 107 ; disused, in East Anglia, 112; in United Kingdom, 114; in Ipswich and Norwich, neglected state of, 115; Sephardi, 158; cemeteries in London, 97; in Northampton, 98; in York, 105. Burke, reference to his Oeneral Armory, 158. Burnet, Gilbert, 18. Burr Street, 112. Burton's Diary, passage in, 22. Burton, Thomas, 18, 41, 42. Bury, Hyam of, 108, 133. Bury, Caroline Hyam of, 140. Bury St. Edmonds, Jews driven from, 79, 112 ; its chief points of interest, 116 ; cemetery of, 116 ; monastery of, 116 ; Mr. Spanton of, 117 ; his production of views of, 118 ; original drawings and prints of Moyse's Hall in Library of Athenaeum at, 121; alleged crucifixion of child by Jews dwelling in, 1179, 121 ; followed by expulsion of Jews from, 1190, 122 ; Jewry in, 122.</page><page sequence="7">INDEX. 203 "Bury Marks," 122, (see Bevis Marks, 122). Butemleyn, Walterus, 98. Butemleyn, Willelmus, 98. Butler, 19. Byron, Lord, Nathan intimate with, 5 ; verses for " Hebrew Melodies " written by, 8, 10. Byry, Robert de, 99. Caceras, Simon de, his association with Carvajal, 21. Cadiz, profits monopolised by English middlemen in, 15; Joseph of, 28; Riarte and Ricalde, merchants of, 33-36. Caerleon, Josce of, 87; Aaron, son of Josce of, 87; Isaac, son of Josce of, 87 ; Hak of, 87 ; Aaron of, 91, 92. Caister, Hugh de, 128. Calf, Hagin, 95. Calne, Deudo of, father of Isaac, 104. Cambridge, Isaac Nathan studies in, 1805, 5. Cambridge, Jews of, 85, 88; Jews moved from, to Huntingdon, 80. Cambridge, Hebrew School, 158. Campeden, Isaac de, 91. Canary Islands, Marrano refugees settled in, 14, 15, 18 ; Carvajal's property in, 36, 37 ; importation from, 40,41. Canterbury, Jews of, 85, 88, 89, 95, 96, 99, 116. Capitalists, Jewish, in Mediasval Eng? land, 83. Carbonel, Johannis, 93. Cardoso family, 159. Carhowe, Nuns of, 99. Carvajal, Alonso Jorge, son of Antonio Fernandez Carvajal, 45, 46. Carvajal, Antonio Fernandez, first English Jew, notes on and biographical documents, 14-46 ; his signature, 16 ; lawsuit re cargo of cochineal and silver, 1646, 17; endenization of, 1655, 18-21 ; died 1659, 22; his charac? ter, 22-25 ; petitions of, 26, 27 ; goods exempted from seizure, 28; petitions of, 29-37; his raid on the Customs, petition against, 38, 41, 42, 44-46. Carvajal, Joseph Ferdinando, son of Antonio Fernandez Carvajal, 45, 46. Cason, Mr., 32. Casson, Edmund, 33. Castello, Marrano family, unregistered, 159. Castile, Don Meir Alguadez, physician and Rabbi of, 149. Castro, Henriques de, 155. Catherine, Parish of St., 166, 167. Catholicism, 76. Caus, Benedict de, 101. Cecily de Handlo, 89. Cellario, Benedict de, 98. Cemeteries, disused Jewish, 106-116. Ceremonial and Ritual, growth of, 77. Ceynterell, Walterus, 104. Chaldees, their manner of counting the years, 57. Chamberlin, Messrs., 127. Chaplain, Abraham, 92. Chaplain, Samuel, the, 99. Chaplain, Deulecress, 90. Chapelyn, Sampson le, 89 ; Vives le, 101. Charice, John, 102. Charles II., 19, 22, 148, 156 ; one of his hiding places after the Battle of Worcester, 106. Charlotte, Princess of Wales, volume dedicated to, 8. Chazan, 5, 9, 11, 12. Cheder, 147. Chepstow, Cok of, 87. Chequer Square, site of Jewish quarter in Bury St. Edmund's, 122. Cherubim, heraldic display of, 156 ; Templo's attention to the study of the,</page><page sequence="8">204 INDEX. 157; his Tratado de los Cherubim, 157. Chester, 174 (Doc. 7). Chillon, John Lopez, Amsterdam mer? chant, 18, 38. Chicch, Thomas, 89. Chippenham, Benedict of, 104 ; Elias of, 104. Chirographers, 85-105, passim, Christ Church, money paid to the Prior of, 89 ; Aldgate, Abbot of Edmonds bury's palace beside, 122. Christians, their method of counting days, 55 ; their manner of counting the years, 57; social relations with Jews, 78. Christina de Yerdur, 89. Church, Catholic, 76 ; decrees of the, 77 ; of Canterbury, Prior of the, 89 ; Christ, Prior of, 89 ; St. Martin's, 90 ; Mother, of Lincoln, 96 ; Mother, of St. Mary's, Lincoln, 96; of St. Martin, 102; Paul de Burgos' conversion to, 149 ; his fame in, 150. Chyverel, William, 104. Cirencester, 174 (Doc. ?). Clare, case of the ship, 28, 29, 30, 32 ; ar? rival at Southampton from West Indies. 33. Clare, Jacob de, 99. Clare, Moses de, of Suffolk, 100. Clarke, his history of Ipswich (1830) re? ferred to, 109. Clarke, John, ironmonger, 134. Clement, the parish of St., 107, 134. Clericus, Jacobus, 97. Clerke, Thomas, servant to Eerdinando Carvajal, 44. Clipton, G-ervasius de, 105. Coats of Arms, Anglo-Je wish, 153; Rothschilds', the basis of their, 154 ; Templo's pamphlet ornamented with, 157, 158 ; registered Sephardi families bearing such, 159; of Mocatta family, design of, 161 ; of Montefiore family, description of, 162, 163 ; Montefiore, device from Kan Zippor, 164 ; Monte? fiore, additions to, 165 ; ancient badges or ensigns of gentility, 166 ; Monte? fiore, warrant for supporters, 168,169 ; Franco, design of, 167. Cochab, Elias, query as to whether same as Elias, son of Solomon, 129. Cochineals, importation of, 15. Cohanim, 10, 12, 153, 155. Cohen family, grants received for bear? ing arms, 160. Cohen, Rev. F. L., lecture, 1-13. Cohen, David of Yarmouth, (tombstone inscription), 113. Cok, son of Benedict, 86. Cok, of Chepstow, 87. Cok, de Strygyl, 87. Cok, de Strygyl and Sara, widow, 87. Cok, son of Benedict of Winchester, 88. Cok, of Winchester, 88. Cok, Hagin, 89. Cok, son of Moses, 91. Cok, 91. Cok, son of Maunsellus, 92. Cok de Hereford, 92. Cok, son of Lumbard, 102. Cok, 104. Cok, son of Aaron, 105. Cok, le Riehe, 103, 104. Cok, the Jew, 104. Ooke, Lord Chief Justice, his use of Mustek House, as City House, 1633, 123. Dokerel, Abraham, 102. Dokerel, father of Jacob, 102. Ookyn, William, 89. Oolcestre, Oliverus de, 90. Dolchester, Jews of 81, 85, 90; Joceus of, 95, 98, 107; Levi Alexander and Samuel Levi, of, 109, 131 ; Samuel Levi of, 134; Levi Alexander |of, 139 ; H. Hyam of, 140.</page><page sequence="9">INDEX. 205 Coleman, 166, 167. College of Arms, extract from records of, 168. Colquit, Proctor, in league withCarvajal in raid on Customs, 38. Comitissa, 91. Comte, Benedict le, 95. Commons, House of, 30 ; Lords and, as? sembled in Parliament, petition to, 28, 29. Commonwealth, " the great Jew of the," 14, 18, 20 ; Oliver, Lord Protector of, 26, 27, 36, 37, 38, 45, 46. Community, Anglo-Jewish, Carvajal founder of, 22 ; Jewish, in England, 77, 83 ; of Jews of Canterbury, 89 ; of the Jews of Colchester, 90; of the Jews of Lincoln, 95 ; of the Jews of London, 97 ; of Northampton, 98 ; of the Jews of Norwich, 99 , of Notting? ham, 100; of the Jews of Oxford, 101; of Winchester, 102 ; of the Jews of York, 105 ; Jewish, of Worcester, 104; of Ipswich, 114, 115. Conisford, Leet of, from quotation in Leet Roll, Norwich, 1286, 128. Converts, see Domus Conversorum. Conystrete, 105. Copin, son of Lumbard, 91. Copin, Jacob, 91. Corlwaner, Bartholomew le, 103. Corn, Jews as wholesale dealers in, 80. Cornere, Benedict de la, 101. Cornwell and Alexander, Messrs., 133. Cornwell, Emerson, 133. Coronel, Marrano family, arms regis? tered in this country, 159. Corporation of City of London, presen? tation of petition by, re right of Jews to trade, to Charles II. on his restora? tion, 1660, 22. Cortissos, Marrano family, unregistered, 159. Co^ta, Da, family, 159. Costa, Isaac, eldest son of Isaac da Costa Athias, 147. Costa Athias, Isaac da, father of Aben? danon's copyist, Solomon, 147. Costa, Mendes da, 160. Costa Athias, Samson da, brother of Solomon ben Isaac da Costa Athias, poet, in Amsterdam, 147. Council of State, 17, 18, 20 ; their ac? ceptation of Robles' defence, 21, 23. Cranley, Capt., 32, 33. Craon, see Crodonio. Craucour, Barnet, died 5595, founder of Jews' Synagogue in Norwich, (tomb? stone inscription), 113, Credonio, see Crodonio. Creechurch Lane, 20, 22. Crespin, Moses, 97. Cress, son of Isaac of Caerleon, 87 ; son of Abraham of York, 99 ; son of Sampson of York, 99 ; of Stamford, father of Bateman, 100 ; son of Jacob, 100. Cressant, father of Abraham, 87, 102. Cresse, of Winchester, father of Aaron, 88 ; father of Leo, son of Elias, 97 ; father of Bateman, 97; and Muriel, 97 ; son of Gente, 100. Cressens, 173 (Doc. 3). Cressey, son of Jacob Levi, 94. Cricklade, Lumbard of, 101, 104 ; Simon of, 101. Crikelade, Bonefey de, 101. Crispin, 92. Crispin, Jacob, 91. Crispin, Deudo, 100. Crodonio (Credonio), Almaricus de, 176 (Doc. 12) ; 177 (Doc. 13) ; 178 (Doc. 14) ; 179 (Doc. 17). Cr ok, Rogerus, 97. Cromwell, Oliver, 18, 45; his Jewish Intelligencers, papers on, 19 ; Menas seh ben Israel's mission to, 20-22, 148 ; Carvajal's petitions to, 26, 27, 36, 37 ; Tymothy Whiting's petition to, 38, 44.</page><page sequence="10">206 INDEX. Cromwell, Richard, 23, 41. Crosse, Thomas, 41, 42. Crusaders, numbers of Jews massacred periodically by, 78, 159. Crypto-Jews, Carvajal's relations with, 18, 20. Cunha, Luis da, political testament of, 14. Cuntessa, daughter of Benedict, 92. Cuntessa, daughter of Moses, 92. Curat, John, 127, 129, 130. Curteyne, Sir William, 25. Cyprus, Jews of, 58. Dalman, his recent collection of folk? songs, 12. Damascus, Persecution of Jews at, 165, 168. Dan, Eagle of, 157. Daniel, References of the Yesod Mora to biblical Book of, 49, 58. Daniel de Standon, husband of Lettice, 89. Daniel, Elyas, 90. David, son of Assel, 92. David, husband of Reyne, 103. David, of Oxford, 104. Davidson family, Magen David, Appro? priate coat of arms for, 153 ; Grants for arms received by, 160. Davis, Mr. M.D., 1; his suggestion con? cerning etymology of Hoi tor, 126,128 ; reference to his volume of Hebrew deeds of English Jews before 1280, 129, 131. Decalogue, Tables of the, 155. Demiourgos of Philo, 52. Denization, Patent of, 45, 46. Dermott, Lawrence, Masonic Writer, his rendering of Templo's Hebrew motto on Masonic coat, 156, 157 ; he refers to Templo's brother, Rabi Jacob Jehuda Leon, 157. Dessus, Johannes le, 105. Deudo, Crispin, 100. Deudo, of Calne, 104. Deulecress, father of Moses, 88. Deulecress, Chaplain, 91. Deulecress, father of Lumbard, 91. Deulecress, of London, father of Solo? mon, 94. Deulecress, son of Solomon of Norwich, 94. Deulecress, father of Elias and Hagin, 94. Deulecress, son of Jacob of London, 94. Deulecress, son of Abraham of York, 99. Deulecress, father of Isaac and Pateman the Doctor, 99. Deulecress, father of Joceus, 99. Deulegard, of Winchester, 102. Deulesaut, father of Joceus, 88. Devizes, Jews of Marlborough moved to, 80, 104. Devonshire, 85, 158. Diabella, 95. Diaz of Bouen, correspondent of Carva jal, 17, 28, 33, 34, 35. Dick, John, British Consul in Leghorn, 166, 167. Diel, Sara, 97. Disraeli, assumed Sephardi arms, 159 ; Description of Shield, 159. Documents re Anglo-Jewish Coats of Arms, 166-169. Documents, Contemporary re Carvajal, 14; relating to Carvajal's mercantile transactions, 17; containing various petitions, 24-26. Documents, Official, illustrating the con? dition of the Jews of England in 1290, 85-105. Documents, Original, re History of Jews, from the Gascon Rolls, 170, 171. Documents, Contents of :?1. Petitio Con versorum, London, 172; 2. Pro Benedicto deThoracio Judeo, 172 ; 3. Pro Josse filio</page><page sequence="11">INDEX. 207 quondam Cressentis Judei et aliis in brevi, 173 ; 4. Pro eommunitate Jude orum Vasconie, 173; 5. Edward I. commands leniency of treatment for Jews in matters of taxation, 174; 6. Pro Judeis Vasconie, 174 ; 7. Pro Aaron de London Judeo Burdegale, 174; 8. Pro Judeis Vasconie, 175; 9. De Officio Judicature Judeorum commisso, 175; 10. De Debitis que debebantur Judeis levandis ad opus Regis, 175; 11. 176; 12. De Ju? deis a Oastellania de Burgo eiciendis, 176, 177; 13. De Judeis de Ducatu Aquitanie eiciendis, 177, 178; 14. De Judeis expellendis, 178 ; 15. 178 ; 16. De Judeis a partibus Vasconie depo nendis, 179 ; 17. Pro Rege de Bonis de Judeorum occisorum habendis et de eorum interfectione inquirendo, 179. Dogestrete, Abba de, 89. Domestic servants, Jewish, in Mediaeval England, 84. Domingo, St., 30. Domus Conversorum derived part of its income from poll-tax on Jews, 83; Records of the, 83, 150,151. Donelmum (Durham), 178 (Doc. 14). Dorset, Michael of, father of Salomon, 104. Douer, Dauid, 24. Douer, Pieters of, 24. Dove Lane, anciently called Hoi Tor Lane, 125, 126. Dover, 18, 36. Downing, Family of, 130. Drax, Prior of, 96. Duke's Place, 2; Synagogue, Wealthy Members of, 159. Dulcia, mother of Pigge, 90. Dulcia, of York, mother of Trina, 95. Dunkirk, 17 ; (spelt Dunkerke), 25. Duntere, 91. Durante, Thomas, 89. Durham, see Donelmum. Duteman, 102. Dyay, father of Abraham, 94. Dyay, son of Dyay, 94. Dyay, father of Dyay and husband of Avigaye, 94. Dyaye, son of Samuel, son of Moses, 91. East Anglia, A Ramble in, lecture by the Rev. Hermann Grollancz, M.A., 106-140. Eboracum, see York. Ecardus Furthini, 177 (Doc. 12). Eck! ende, Brotherhood of, 102. Edmondsbury, Abbot of the Monastery of, his palace in London, 122. Edmund, sanctus rex et martir, 104 ; last of the kings of East Anglia, 116 ; reference to as St. Edmund, king and martyr, 121 (see St. Edmund). Edmundsbury, former name of Bury St. Edmund's (q.v.*). Edward, Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal, and Hereditary Marshal of England, 166-169. Edward I., 19; anti-usury legislation of, 80, 81; amount of revenue he derived from Jews, 82 ; writ of, to the Sheriff of York, quoted, 85; ancient Jewry before the time of, 124,125; reference to his banishment of Jews of Norwich, 1286,125 ; quotation of an entry of the 22nd, 128 ; his transmission of site of Norwich Jewry to the Corporation of City of Norwich, 130, 131 ; reference to his expulsion of Jews from England, 149, 151; French letter from Jewish Converts referred to, 170 ; documents of his reign referred to, 170; his wish re Jews referred to, 170 ; reign of, Jews expelled in referred to, 171 ; Doc. 1, copy of French letter from Jewish Converts to, 172 ; Doc. 2 of, 172; Docs. 3 and 4 of, 173; Docs. 5,</page><page sequence="12">208 INDEX. 6 and 7 of, 174 [In Doc. 5 Edward I. expresses wish for lenient treatment of Jews]; Doc. 8 of, 175; Doc. 12 of, 176; Doc. 13 of, 177. Edward II., 125 ; reference to his com? mand re Jews' debts, 171 ; reference to his second mandate for their expul? sion, 171; documents of, 175 (Docs. 9 and 10) ; 176 (Docs. 11 and 12) ; 177 (Doc. 13) ; 178 (Docs. 14 and 15) ; 179 (Docs. 16 and 17). Edward, the Black Prince, 149. Effingham, Earl of, petition to for Franco grant, 166, 167. Ehrentheil, referred to, 160. Eleanor, mother of Edward I., her hos? tility to Jews, 79. Elias, son of Hagin, 88. Elias, Master, father of Leoneo, 88. Elias, 90. Elias, of Colchester, 90. Elias le Blund, father of Aaron, 92. Elias, son of Aaron, 92. Elias, of Gloucester, father of Sarah of Hereford, 92. Elias, father of Henne, Bona (daughters), Benedict, 92. Elias, son of Benedict, 92. Elias, father of Hagin, 92. Elias le Blund, of London, father of Josse, 92. Elias, son of Jacob, 92. Elias, father of Bonenfaunt, 92. Elias de Ardre, 92. Elias, of Gloucester, 92. Elias, son of Deulecress, 94. Elias, father of Meyr, Aaron, Abraham, 94. Elias, son of Benedict Gubbay, 94. Elias, father of Cresse, 97. Elias, son of Moses, heirs of, 97. Elias le Evesk, 97. Elias, Master, father of Moses, 97, Elias Baggard, 97. Elias, son of Elias of Canterbury, 99. Elias, son of Pictavinus, 100. Elias, of Canterbury, father of Elias, 99. Elias, of Chippenham, father of Benedict, 104. Elias the Jew, former proprietor of the Star, 125-128. Elias Cochab, query as to whether the same as Elias, son of Solomon, 129. Elias, father of Elias, 125 ; mentioned in Shtar, 129. Elias, son of Elias, 125 ; mentioned in Shtar, 129. Elias, son of Elias the Jew, 128. Elias, son of Solomon, 129 (see Elias Cochab, 129). Eliezer ben R. Simeon, 146. Eliza, wife of Joel Fox (tombstone inscription), 113. Elizabeth, old act of, Oarvajal and house? hold denounced for not attending church under, 16 ; Statute of the 43rd, 12th, 25, 26 ; Queen, petition to, against use of Logwood and Black wood in dyeing cloth, 39. Elizabeth Rebecca, daughter of Moses Levi, of Ipswich, inscription on tomb? stone, Ipswich Cemetery, 138. Elmham, Kobert de, merchant, 90. Elohim, 52. Eloria, daughter of Josce, 94. Elsynge, H. Cler. Pari. D. Com., 29; resolution drawn up by, 30. Elyas, Daniel, 90 ; son of Isaac, 92 ; son of Josce, 103. Emanuel, Lewis, report as to care of disused synagogues and Jewish burial grounds in the United Kingdom, 114. Emericus Furthini, 177 (Doc. 12). Emma, wife of Bartholomew le Cord waner, 103. England, Oarvajal visited, 1630-35, 14 ; settled in, 15 ; Society of Merchants or, 15, 16, 19 ; Menasseh ben Israel's</page><page sequence="13">INDEX, ^09 arrival in, October, 1655, on mission to Cromwell, 20, 21, 22 ; Commonwealth of, 26, 27, 36, 37, 38 ; article of peace between England and Spain, 27, 34 ; realm of, 39 ; great scare of, 45 ; Ibn Ezra in, lecture by M. Friedl?nder, 47 58 ; Ibn Ezra said to have died in, 59 ; Jews of, their condition at the time of their expulsion, 1290, 76-84 ; Jewish Historical Society of, 76, 141, 170; Jews of, 78; 16,000 Jews expelled from, 79 ; Jews of, 80, 81; Jewish towns of, 82; three classes of Jews expelled from, 82 ; Jewish Community in, 83, 173 (Doc. 1) ; sufferings of Jews expelled from, 84 ; Edward, King of, 85, 90, 98, 104 ; referred to in Elegy on Queen Mary, 145, 148; Paul of Burgos in, 149 ; reference to Jews ex? pelled from, 149 ; no visit of Paul of Burgos to, 150; theological state of, 151; Jacob Jehuda Leon's visit to, 1675, 156 ; Queen Henrietta Maria of, 157 ; Grand Lodge of, 157,158 ; Earl Marshal and Hereditary Marshal of, 166; south, east and west parts of, 166; Marshal and Hereditary Marshal of, 167, 168 ; Jews' Expulsion from, 171 (as Engle tere), 172. Engletere, Juerie de, 172 (Doc. 1). Enne, daughter of Vives of Marlborough, 104. Ephraim, Ox of, 157. Eseryveyn, Adam le, father of Johanna, 91. Esther, wife of David Cohen of Yar? mouth, died 5604 (tombstone inscrip? tion), 113. Evesk, Moses le, 95. Eveske, Benedict le, husband of Sarah, 101. Evesque, Isaac of London, 92. Evesque, Benedict, 92. Exchequer, extant records, 81, 85, 90, 97, 104, 105. Exeter, Jews of, 85, 91; Gamaliel of, 97. Exhibition, Anglo-J ewish Historical, copy of Masonic coat shewn at, 156 ; publications of, 129. Exodus, Abraham ben Meir Ibn Ezra's Commentary on, 1153, 48, 49 ; refe? rence to, 54; referred to, 56 ; reference to, 58, 59. Expulsion, condition of Jews in Eng? land at time of, 76-84 ; English Jews before, 79, 80 ; publication of decree of, 81, 86. Ezekiel, reference to second vision of, 156. Fairfaque, Daniell, 25, 26. Fairfax, Isaac of, 104. Farini, Samuel Moses Refael, name on cover of Abendanon's work, 145. Fayrefax, Thomas, 105. Feltergayte Street, 105. Ferdinand, Emperor, 158. Fernandez. Dias, Marrano family ; arms registered in this country, 159. Ferdinando, Antonio, "the great Jew" (see Oarvajal). Ferre, Guido, 176 (Doc. 11). Feteplace, Walter, heirs of, 101. Flanders, 19. Fleet, De Lazon prisoner in, for twenty one months, 33. Floria, daughter of Isaac de Provincia, 100; la Vedue, 101, 102. Flushing, Royalists' encampment at, 19. Fobinge, 172 (Doc. 2), 173 (Doc. 3). Fonseca, Emanuel de, a Jew, in league with Carvajal in raid on customs, 31, 44. Foppa, Mr., 36. Fountaine, Pieter, 24. Fox, Joel, Warden of Norwich Synagogue (tombstone inscription), 113. Foxlee, Nigel de, merchant, 128. vol. ii. r</page><page sequence="14">210 INDEX. France, Abraham ben Meir Ibn Ezra visits, 48, 58. France, Paul of Burgos' visit to, in 1391, 151. France, King of, 34, 36, 168. Franco family assumed Sephardi Arms, 159 ; their " Armorial Ensign," 161. Franco, David, reference to his " Life of Templo," 157. Franco, Francisco Lopez, Spanish mer? chant, 17, 25. Franco, Jacob Lopez, Coat of Arms con? firmed by Heralds' College to, in 1760, 161; humble petition of, 166; signature of, 166, 167, 168. Franco (Massey Lopez), Grant of Arms, 166. Franco, Moses, merchant, late of City of Leghorn, 16 3 ; father of Jacob Franco, 166, 167, 168. Franco, Ralph, assumes name of Lopez, and succeeds to baronetcy, 161. Franco, Raphael, 186, 167, 168. Frankfort Judengasse, 160. Franks, Aaron, 159. Franz, Robert, song writer, 10. French Revolution, Jews of Ipswich sus p3cted of being favourable to Repub? lican opinions in early part of, 110. Friedl?nder, Dr. his lecture on " Ibn Ezra in England," 47-60. Fuller, reference to " Pisgah Light," 154. Fuller, Richard, 41, 42. Fundao, Carvajal lived in, 14. Farthini, Ecardus, 177 (Doc. 12). Furthini, Emericus, 177 (Doc. 12). G-allopp, burgher, M.P. for Southton, 29. Gamaliel, father of Moses, 95. Gamaliel, of Exeter, 97. Gange, John, 98. Gangy, Hugo, unus Oirographariorum archce Sudburie, 93. Grannock, Benedict de, 95. Garonne, Jews near, 171. Gascon Rolls, Introduction to, by C. Trice Martin, 170,171 ; extracts from, 172-179. Gascony, Seneschal of, 171-179; reference to Edward I.'s command to, re causes of Jews, 170 {see Doc. 4). Gaster, Dr., 58, 145. Gaul, Alfred, composer of Cantata, "Israel in the Wilderness," 11. Geiger, his opinion re time of Solomon Levi's conversion, 151. Genesis, references to, 54, 56; reference to Ibn Ezra's interpretation of, i. 1-5, p. 54 ; reference to Ibn Ezra's Com? mentary on (viii. 22), p. 64 ; reference to Ibn Ezra's Commentary on (xxxii. 32), p. 67. Genfce, daughter of Hagin, 92. Gente, of Cresse, 97, 100. Gente, wife of Sadekyn, 98. Gente, of Gloucester, Jewess, 99. Gente, son of Moses, of Suffolk, 100. Geoffrey de Bungay, 128. George the Second, King of Great Bri? tain, 168. George the Third, 109, 133, 134. George, Parish of St., 168. Gernemuth, Isaac de, 99. Gerrard, Sir Gilbert, Baronet, treasurer of the army, 24, 25. Gersy, Jew, 96. Gervasii de Clipton, 105. Ghent, Royalists' encampment at, 19. Ghetto, life inside the, 77 ; Rothschild Stamm-kaus, 160. Gideon assumed Sephardi arms, 159. Goldsmid Family, English grants re? ceived by, 160 ; crests, motto over, etc., 161. Gilbert, Josce, son of Aaron, 88. Gilbert, Roger, Merchant, 33. Giles, Hospital of St., 99.</page><page sequence="15">INDEX. 211 Glaseock, John, 40, 41. Gloucester, Jews removed from, 80, 85. Gloucester, Elias of, 92. G-loucester, Hagin of (2), 92. Gloucester, Jacob of, 92. Gloucester, Belia of, 92. Gloucester, Gente of, Jewes?, 29. Gloucester, Yives, Jew of, 101. Gloucester, Jeffry de, the Jew, 125. Gloucester, young Duke of, son of Queen Anne, Elegy on, 141. Goldburgh, a spy, 19. Goldsmid, Abraham, 3, 4. Goldsmith, John, the, of Oxford, 101. Gollancz, Rev. Hermann, paper by, "A Ramble in East Anglia," 108-140. Gooding, John, Jewish Synagogue built by, at Ipswich, 110. Gore, T., 25. Gra, Agnes la, 105. Graetz, Prof., reference to his Geschichte der Juden, 54, 77, 157, 153; his argu? ment re letter of Solomon Levi, 150, 151. Grammar, the study of, 50. Grand Masonic Lodge, English, 156 ; muniments of the, 157; Escutcheon of the, 157. Grants, Family of Monymusk, their crest and motto, 158. Grapmel, Henricus, 90. Gravenor, John, 134. Greeks, their manner of counting the years, 57. Greene, Giles, Petition signed by, 32. Greilly, Johannes de, 175 (Doc. 8). Grove, Dictionary of Music, 2. Gubbay, Benedict, father of Elias, 94. Gubbay, Josce, 94. Guienne (see Aquitania). Guilds, hindrance to Jews following trades or professions in towns, 84. Guillelmus, Arnaldus, de Massano, 175 (Doc. 9). G-uitardi, Johannis, clericus, 175 (Doc. 10). Gurden, Mr., 43 (see Jurden, 41, 42, 43). Guthlac, St., the Prior of, 93. Habhdulah, 55. Haddeleye, 179 (Doc. 17). Hagadah, by Rittangel, published at Koenigsberg, 1644, 8. Hagin, son of Belia, of Gloucester, 92. Hagin, son of Cresse, brother of Aaron, father of Elias, 88. Hagin, son of Elias, 92. Hagin, son of Jacob, of Gloucester, 92. Hagin, father of Gente, 92. Hagin, son of Hagin, 92. Hagin, father of Hagin, 92. Hagin, de Weobley, of Hereford, father of Israel, 92. Hagin, son of Popeline, 88. Hagin, Cok, 89. Hagin, son of Deulecress, 94. Hagin, father of Jacob Cok, 94. Hagin, son of Benedict, 95. Hagin, Calf, 95. Hagin, father of Benedict, 97. Hagin, son of Bateman, 100. Hagin, father of Henne, 104. Hagyn, Salomon, son of, 87. Hak, of Caerleon, 87. Hake le Pretre, hanged, 87. Halevi, Todros, of Toledo, description of his seal, 155, 159, 160. Hallel Psalms, Chazan's chant for, 12. Haman, 152. Hambro Family, 160. Hamburger, Jacob, Reader of congrega? tion at Lynn, 114. Hammond, Mr. William, 133. H?mo, le Parker, 90. Handel, Braham as a singer of, 3. Handlo, Cecily de, 89. Hannah, daughter of Lumbard, 102. p 2</page><page sequence="16">212 INDEX. H?rders, John de, 89. Harford, Rapha, 41, 42, 44. Harkavy, Dr., his publication of Solomon Levi's letter, 150; he differs from Graetz as to Solomon Levi's time of conversion, 151. Harrington, Sir Sam, Lord President, 28. Harrod, H., reference to his " Gleanings among Castles and Convents of Nor? folk," 123, 128. Hart, Moses, 159. Harwich, Levi of, 108. Harwich, Jacob Levy of, 139. Hast, Mr., Chazan of Great Synagogue, 11. Haydn, sonnet published by Bolaffi, in memory of, 1809, p. 1. Haye, Simon de la, 101. Haymarket of Norwich, west entrance to New Synagogue and Schools of the Jews, 124 ; 126 ; sketched plan of, 127; of Norwich, site in, 131. "Hebrew Elegies on English Monarehs," lecture by Elkan N. Adler, 141-148. "Hebrew Melodies," collection of, by Braham and Nathan, appeared April 1815, p. 8. " Hebrew Melody in the Concert Room," lecture by Rev. F. L. Cohen, 7-13. Hedon, Jacob de, 95. Hegning, Prioress of, 96. Helbert, 160. Hempson, David, 24, 25. Hen, son of Benedict, 95. Hendrix, Adrian, 24. Henne, daughter of Elias, 92. Henne, daughter of Jospin, 103. Henne, daughter of Hagin, 104. Henrietta Maria, of England, Queen, 157. Henry le Meier, 99. Henry II., New Synagogue built in time of, 125, 126. Henry III., extortions from Jews prac? tised by, 81 ; Converts' house founded by, 170 (Doc. 1), 172. Henscheye, Thomas de, 101. Hepham, William de, 98. Heraldry, European, systematisation of, in the 13th century, 151; Jewish Mythology of, 154. Heralds, their former attitude towards the Israelitish people accounted for, 153, 154 ; Supporters not granted by, 165 ; Office of, 169. Heralds1 College, 153 ; Arms registered at, by certain wealthier Jewish fami? lies soon after settlement in this coun? try, 159,161 ; Montefiore Coat of Arms first registered at, 164. Hereford, Festivals, anecdote re Braham, 4 ; Jews moved from Worcester to, 80, 104; forty-one Jewish creditors in, 82 ; 85; 92. Hereford, Jews of, 92, 93. Hereford, Aaron of, 92. Hereford, Cok de, 92. Hereford, Sarah of, 92. Hereford, John Bibol of, 129. Herne, Charles, 42 (see Charles Heron, 40). Heron, Charles, 40, 43. Herschell, Solomon, late Chief Rabbi, description of official seal of, 155. Higham, T., his view of Moyse's Hall, 1818, 121. Hiyya Ha-Nasi, R., father of R. Abraham, 55 ; reference to his Sefer ha-Ibbur, 66. Hodesh, Hebrew name of month, 56. Hog Hill, east entrance to New Syna? gogue and Schools of the Jews, Nor? wich, 124 ; description of, 124 ; now Orford Hill, 126. Hog Market, former name for Hoghill, 1660, p. 124. Holdtor, or Holter, ancient name for Dove Lane, 125 ; Mr. M. D. Davis's suggestions concerning etymology of, 126. Holilomae, Adam de la, 104.</page><page sequence="17">INDEX. 213 Holland, 18; Israel ben Menasseh dies in, November, 1657, p. 21 ; 158. Holies, Mr., 35. Holter, ancient name for Dove Lane, 125, Holy Trinity, Prior of, 105. Horns Lane, 112. Hotton, Philippus de, 98. Hudson, William, the Rev., 123, 124,130. Hulten, Philip Yan, Amsterdam mer? chant, 18, 36. Huntingdon, Jews of, 85, 88; moved from Cambridge to, 80. Huntingdon, Manser of, 88. Hunton, Nathan, 40, 41. Hyam of Bury, 108, 133. Hyam, Caroline, of Bury, 140. Hyam, H., father of Joseph Hyam, 140. Hyam, Joseph, son of Hannah and H. Hyam, tombstone inscription in Jew? ish Cemetery, Ipswich, 140. Hyam, Lawrence, 136, 138, 140. Hyam, Moses, 136, 138. Hyde, Abbot of, 102. Hyems, Hyem, 109, 134-138. Hyem, Simon, 100,134-138. Ibn Ezra (see Abraham ben Meir). Indies, East and West, Carvajal trades with, 16. Indies, West, ship laden with silver from, 29, 34 ; arrival of ship Clare from, 33. Images, graven, Biblical prohibition anent, 155. Inquisition, Fundao ruined and depopu? lated by, 14, 15. Ipswich, Jews of, 81, 85 ; list of bonds lost, 93 ; 100 ; 106 ; disused cemetery at, 107; neglected condition of ceme? tery at, 108, 111, 115, 138. Ireland, Commonwealth of, 27, 36, 38, 45, 133, 134. Irish March*, English ship from London to Canaries, 37. Isaac, son of Josce of Oaerleon, 87. Isaac, of Chepstow, 87. Isaac, father of Sampson, 88. Isaac Top, 89. Isaac, father of Joce, 91. Isaac, son of Josce, 91. Isaac, son of Solomon, 91. Isaac de Campenden, 91. Isaac, father of Abraham, 91. Isaac, of Worcester, father of Aaron and Sampson, 92. Isaac, father of Elyas, 92. Isaac, father of Moses, 92. Isaac, father of Josse, Mirable, 92. Isaac, son of Hagin de Weobley, 92. Isaac rEvesque, of London, 92. Isaac, son of Jose, 92. Isaac, son of Manser, 94. Isaac, son of Moses, 95. Isaac, of London, father of Moses, 95. Isaac de Brauncegate, father of Jacob, Isaac, 95. Isaac, son of Isaac de Brauncegate, 95. Isaac, of Southwark, husband of Thippa, 97. Isaac, son of Deulecress, 99. Isaac, son of Abraham of Rising, 99. Isaac, son of Samuel, the Chaplain, 99. Isaac de G-ernemuth, 99. Isaac, son of Moses of Suffolk, 100. Isaac de Provincia, father of Floria, 100. Isaac le Grendre Lumbard, 101. Isaac, son of Salaman, 101. Isaac, son of Aaron of Worcester, 101. Isaac, of Fairfax, son of Benjamin, 104. Isaac, son of Deudo of Caine, 104. Isaac, Benjamin, 159. Isaac's Hall, named after Isaac the Jew, 123. Isaac the J ew, son of Abraham the Jew, from whom he inherited Mustek House, to which he gave the name Isaac's Hall, 123. Isaac, father of Ursell, 125, 129.</page><page sequence="18">211 INDEX. Isaacs, Harris, 133. Isaacs, Rabbi of Jews' society or meet? ing at Ipswich, 136,138. Isaiah, Ibn Ezra's Commentary on, M. Friedl?nder's translation of, 47, 58. Israel, family, grants for arms received by, 160. Issachar, Tribe of, their seal, 155. Isserles, Moses, Rabbi, 146. Ivote, daughter of Benedict Bateman, 91. Iyar, 70. Jacob, reference to blessing of, 154. Jacob of Maudville (see Joseph of Maud ville, 49). Jacob, son of Pictavus, hanged for felony, 86. Jacob, father of Jacob, 97. Jacob, son of Jacob, 87. Jacob de Porta, 89. Jacob, son of Samuel, 91. Jacob, son of Peter, 91. Jacob, son of Perez, 91. Jacob Crispin, 91. Jacob Copin, 91. Jacob, son of Sadekyn of Hereford, 92. Jacob, of G-loueester, 92. Jacob, father of Elias, 92. Jacob, son of Hagin, 94. Jacob, of London, father of Deulecress, 94. Jacob, father of Benedict, 94. Jacob, son of Abraham, 94. Jacob, son of Sampson Levi, 94. Jacob, Levi, father of Cressy, 94. Jacob, son of Isaac de Brauncegate, 95. Jacob de Hedon, 95. Jacob, son of Bonamy, of York, 97. Jacob, father of Moses, 98. Jacob, husband of Ruth, 99. Jacob de Clare, 99. Jacob, father of Cress, 100. Jacob, of London, father of Moses, 101. Jacob, son of Cokerel, 102. Jacob de Winton, 99. Jacob Nade, 99. Jacob Jehuda Leon, Rabi, Hebrewist, architect, 156, 157 (see Templo). Jacobs family, 160. Jacobs, Mr. Joseph, references to his "Jews of Angevin England," 78, 79, 81, 103, 116, 121, 131. Jacobus, Clericus, father of Benedict, 97. Jacobus, Norhamtune, 98. Jacques, of Dunkercq, 25. James, abbot of S. without Northamp? ton, 98. James I., Jewish converts in England up to the reign of, 150. James II. unfilial conduct of Queen Mary to, 143. Jebe, Song arranged by, 12, 13. Jeffery de Bungeye, 125, 127. Jeffry de Gloucester, the Jew, 125. Jerusalem, 49, 67. Jerusalem, R. Joseph ben R. Isaac Al mosnino, from, 146; Hebrew inscrip? tion of on banners of " supporters," 165, 169. Jessel, family, 160 ; crest, jewels in the, 161. Jessel, Zadoc, father of the Master of the Rolls, 161. Jeubury, plot of land shared in common by Jews of York and Lincoln, 105. Jew, two English families named; de? scription of their shield, 158. Jewry, wealth of, revenue derived from, 81 ; Old, 116 ; structure of mediaeval English, 117; difficult to determine limits of, in Bury St. Edmunds, 122; of Norwich in mediaeval times, 122 132, 123, 124; boundaries of, before the time of Edward I., 124; old term for, 124, 125 ; boundaries of, 125; ancient, of Norwich, 126, 128 ; syna? gogue of the, of Norwich, 129 ; site of, 130.</page><page sequence="19">INDEX. 215 Jews, question re readmission of, to Eng? land, 19 ; official petition for expulsion of, presented to Charles II. on his res? toration, 1660, p. 22 ; of Cyprus, 58 ; Lithuanian, 13 ; information con? cerning last generation of, before expulsion, 79; of England, condition of, at the time of their expulsion, 1290, paper read by Mr. B. Lionel Abra? hams, 76-84; their political rela? tions with their masters; martyrs of the Middle Ages, 77; of England, their relations with Christians, 78 ; their numbers, 79; their occupations, 80, 84; of Bury St. Edmunds and Lei? cester, 79 ; of Marlborough, 80 ; leave England within three months after de? cree of expulsion, 81; the revenue they yielded to Edward I., 82 ; financial condition of, in the thirteenth century, 83; in England, no knowledge of poorer classes of, 84; list of houses held in 1290 on fee for a term of years by, 85 ; list of bonds belonging to, 86 ; hanged for felony, 86; hanged outside Bristol Castle, 87; of Bedford, 86; of Bristol, 87; contribute towards Lan gavel, 87; towards ferm of Winchester, 102; of Cambridge and Huntingdon, 88; of Canterbury, 89 ; of Colchester, 90; of Exeter, 91; of Hereford, 92; of Ipswich, 93 ; of Lincoln, 94 ; of London, 97 ; of Northampton, 98 ; of Norwich, 99 ; of Nottingham, 100 ; of Oxford, 101; of Southampton and Winchester, 102; of Stamford, 103; of Warwick, 103; of Wiltshire, 103; of York,105; In? denture on behalf of society or meeting of, at Ipswich, 109 (seq.) ; of Norwich, 122, 123; the New Synagogue and schools of the, 124; Bishop of the Jews (High Priest), 125; Reference to expulsion of the, 130 ; their apprecia? tion of Queen Mary (1694), 141 ; date assigned by Meto for their return to England, 141; 148 ; reference to their expulsion from England, 149, 151 ; their connection with people of the Bible, 158 ; denied right to bear arms by the early heralds, 154 ; antiquity of heraldic devices among, 154; obtained presents of arms before rights of citi? zenship, 158; Escutcheons of, their origin, 160 ; persecutions of, at Damas? cus and Rhodes, 168 ; Proclamation of innocence of, 169 ; reference to Edward I.'s leniency towards, 170 ; reference to murders of, 1320, p. 171. Jewish Chronicles, Mediaeval, reference to, in connection with Ibn Ezra's death, 59. Joce, son of Isaac, 91. Joceus, son of Deulesaut, 88. Joceus, son of Samuel, 90. Joceus, of Colchester, 95, 96. Joceus, son of Deulecress, 99, 102. Joceus, son of Benedict, 105. Joceus, of Kent, 105. Joceus, son of Bonamicus, 105. Joeuene, Richard le, 89. Johannes de Britannia, 176 (Doc. 11) (see Brittany). Johannes le Dessus, 105. Johannes de Greilly, 175 (Doc. 1). Johannis de Litegrene, 105. Johannis de Lodelowe, 104. Johannis le Megre, 98. Johannis de Pabeham, 86. Johannis de Oddebourgh, 93. Johannis de Segate, 105. John, King, extortions from Jews prac? tised by, 81. Johanna, daughter of Adam le Esery veyn, 91. John de la Bere, 1C0. John, the Goldsmith, of Oxford, 101. John de H?rders, 89. John de Legrave, 87.</page><page sequence="20">216 INDEX. John de Norwich, 96. John the pastymaker, fine of, 128. John de Sculthorpe, narrative re his daughter, 128. John de Selby, 105. John, Parish of St., 103. John de Standon, 89. John de Stoketon, 105. John de Thory, 98. John de Wroxham, 125. Jones, Col., 28. Jorvin, Sakerel, 97. Josce, son of Bonefy, 94. Josce, of Caerleon, father of Aaron, 87, 81 ; father of Isaac, 87. Josce, father of Josce, Elyas, Lumbard, 103. Josce G-abbay, 94. Josce Gilbert, son of Aaron, 88. Josce, son of Josce, 103. Josce, father of Leon, Floria, 94 ; Breton, Benedict, Bon, 94. Josce, father of Moses, Aaron, Isaac, Leonin, 91. Josce, of Newbury, 101. Josce, son of Peter, 94. Josce, son of Phille, 100. Josce, son of Salaman of Marlborough, 103. Josce, son of Samuel of London, 94. Josce, son of Saulot, 88. Josce, son of Ursellus, 88. Josce, son of Ursellus of York, 99. Jose, father of Isaacs, 92; son of Maunser, 92. Joseph family, English grants received by, 160. Joseph of Cadiz, 28, 32. Joseph of Maudville, Ibn Ezra's pupil, 49. Joseph ben Jacob of Maudville, Ibn Ezra's pupil, 59, (see Jacob of Maud? ville, Joseph of Maudville, 49). Joseph, Maurice, trustee of Jews' Syna? gogue at Norwich, 113. Jospin, son of Salaman of Marlborough, father of Henne, 103. Josse films Cressentis, 173 (Doc. 3). Josse, son of Aaron of Caerleon, 92. Josse, son of Elias le Brand of London, 92. Josse, son of Maunser, 92. Josse, son of Worcester, father of Maun sellus, 92. Jost, his Geschichte referred to for par? ticulars of Templo's life, 157. Joye, widow of Jacob de Porta, 89. Joye, son of Israel, 92. Joye, of Canterbury, 95. Judah, tribe, their seal, 154 ; Lion of, 157, 161 ; language of, 158 ; tribe of, 158. Judas, 95. Jurden, 41-43. Kaddish, 9, 12. Kalir, 146. "Kan Zippor," MS. in Ramsgate College written by Joseph Montefiore, 163; description of, 163. Kat, Miles, 99. Katharine, Brethren of St. without Lincoln, 96. Katharine, wife of Peter de Bumpstede, 128. Kayserling, 14. Keizer, Mr., 9. Kenney, his song "Sweethearts and Wives," Nathan's music to, 6. Kensington House, Queen Mary's resi? dence, 141. Kent, Moses de, hanged outside Bristol Castle, 87. Kent, Abraham of, 104. Kent, Joceus of, 105. Kent, County of, 85, 164, 168. Kenyngton, 175 (Doc. 9). Kerby, William, 41, 42.</page><page sequence="21">INDEX. 21 7 Kiddush, 55. Kilbuert, Mr., 32. "Kinah Mara" pun on Queen Mary's name, 143. King, Robert, 133 ; of Ipswich, 134. King Street, Norwich, 123. King's Lynn, 131. Kirklington, the Whethams of, 158. Kirkpatrick, John, reference to his Streets and Lanes of the City of Norwich, 123; reference to his Memoir, 123 ; quoted 125,126. Kisch, Moses, trustee of Jews' Synagogue at Norwich, 113. " Kol-Nidrei," classical melody, 10, 12. K?nigsford, name of present King Street, Norwich, 128. Kremsyr, visited by Abendanon, 146. Kyng, Richard, resident of Moyse's Hall, 1514, 122. Labourers, Jewish, in Mediaeval Eng? land, 84. Lakenham, Roger of, accused of selling Jewish meat, Tripha, 128-9. Lancky, Walter, 40, 42. Langavel, 87. Langford, Lord, 5. Langton, Cardinal, Archbishop of Can? terbury, 116. Lansdowne MSS. in British Museum, 86, 88, 89, 90, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105. Lara, Marrano family; unregistered, 159 ; arrests, 160. Lathebur, Robertus de, 98. Laurence, de Bonthun, 105. Law, Crown of the, 155 ; Scroll of the, 155 ; reading of, 9 ; Oral, 51. Lawson, family, 160. Lay, Henry, cobbler, 104. Lazarus, Hospital of St., 96. Lazon, Martin de, 30, 31, 32 ; Petition of, 33, 34, 35, 36. Leadenhall Street, Oarvajal established home and warehouse in, 16. Leake, S. Martin, Principal King of Arms, his signature to confirmation of Jacob Franco G-rant of Arms, 168. Lebanon, 183. Lectoria (Lectoure, in Lomagne), 173 (Doc. 3), 174 (Doc. 6). Lectoure, Jews of, reference to Edward I.'s giving up of claim on, 171. Leet of Conisford, quotation from entry in Leet Roll, 1268, 128. Legay, merchant, 29. Leghorn, synagogue at, 161, seq.; Moses Franco of, 166 ; City and port of, John Dick, Consul in, 166, 167. Leicester, Jews driven from, 79. Lely, son of Milca, 95. Leo filius Cressentis, 91; son of Cresse, 97: son of Mauncellus, 100; son of Manser, 101 ; father of Manser, 101. Leo, 173 (Doc. 3). Leon, Jacob Jehuda (Jew) ; his study of Heraldry, 166 ; his visit to England, 156 ; his work, 156. Leon, son of Josce, 94. Leon, son of Benedict, 96. Leonard, Hospital of St., of York, 105. Leoneo, son of Master Elias, 88. Leoni, operatic singer (Myer Lyon), 2,3,10. Leonin, son of Josce, 91. Letters of Intelligence, preservation of two of Carvajal's original, 19. Letters of Marque, 26, 37. Letters of Sabbath, Essay by Ibn Ezra, 52 ; Hebrew transcript of, 61-75. Lettice, wife of Daniel de Stanton, 89. Levi, in heraldry, 153. Levi, Abraham, 94. Levi, Abraham Asher, 136, 138. Levi, Benjamin, 159. Levi, of Harwich, 108. Levi, Isaac, the elder, 136, 138. Levi, Isaac, the younger, 136, 138,</page><page sequence="22">218 INDEX. middlemen in, 15 ; Society of Mer? chants of England established in, 1605, 15 ; 16 ; City of, Carvajal, merchant in, 1649, 17; 18; 19; 20; 21; Cor? poration of City of, presentation of its petition to Charles II., 22 ; 26 ; Ship " Cleare," of, 29 ; 30; merchants of, 35; 36 ; 37 ; Port of, 38 ; 43 ; 44 ; Ibn Ezra in, 1158, begins to write Yes od Mora, 48 ; 49 ; 67 ; 81 ; House for Jewish Converts in, 83; 85; 172; Aaron de (Doc. 7), 174 ; Bonenfaunt of, 92 ; Elias le Blund of, 92; Deule cress of, 94; Jacob of, 94; Samuel of, 94 ; Isaac of, 95 ; 106 ; Isaac l'Evesque of, 92; Deulecress of, 94 ; Jacob of, 94 ; Master Benedict of, 94 ; Isaac of, 95; 97; community of Jews of, 97; Sara of, 98 ; Jacob of, 101 ; converts of, 101; Committee of Deputies of British Jews, 114, 115 ; 121 ; Abbot of the Monastery of Edmondsbury's Palace in, 122 ; Lazarus Levy of, 138 ; Aben danon comes to, at end of 17th century, 147; Moses Athias' work written in, 1717, 147 ; 148 ; 149 ; Solomon Levi's visit to, 150 ; his long residence in, at an unfortunate time, 151 ; his solitary Purim spent in, 152; Sephardi ceme? teries in, 158 ; City of, 164 ; Joseph Montefiore, resident of, 164 ; City of, 166, 167, 168; Sir Moses Montefiore, late Sheriff of, 168; Committee of Deputies of British Jews, General Meet? ing of, 168 ; (as Lundres) 172 ; Petitio conversorum, 172. Lopes, Marrano family, arms registered in this country, 159. Lopez, Sir Manasseh, 162. Lopez, Massey, family, escutcheon of, 191. Lords, House of, Petition to the, 24, 25, 27-30, 35. Lorimers' Row, north side of Norwich Levi, Joseph, 109, 134-138. Levi, Lazarus, 109, 134-138. Levi, Michael, 136, 138. Levi, Mier, 136, 138. Levi, Moses, 136, 138. Levi, Sampson, father Jacob, 94. Levi, Jacob, father of Cressy, 94. Levi, Sampson, father of Ursellus, 94. Levi, Samuel, of Colchester, 109,134-138. Levi, Solomon, 150 (see Paul of Burgos, 149-152) ; his visit to London, 150 ; his letter, 150; his isolation in London, 151 ; his letter describing Purim spent in London, 152. Levin, family, 160. Levine, Myer, trustee of Norwich Syna? gogue, 113. Levite, description of design on tomb? stone of a, 108. Levites, Temple choir of, 7. Leviticus, references of the Yesod Mora to, 49. Levy, reference to Siegel %. Gemmen, 154, 156. Levy, Dayan R. Aaron, 148. Levy, Jacob, of Harwich (inscription on tombstone in Jewish Cemetery, Ipswich), 139. Levy, Morris, son of Lazarus Levy, of London (inscription on tombstone in Ipswich Cemetery), 138. Lewandowski, musician, 11, 12. Leygrave, John de, 87. Licoricia, of Winchester, 102. Lincoln, 85, 94, 95, 96 ; Jew holds messuage from " Mother Church of, " 96; Church of St. Mary's, 96; 103,105. Lindehurst (see Lyndhurst). Lisle, Lo. Comr., 28. Litegrene, Johannis de, 105. Lithuanian Jews, 13. Lodelow, Johannes de, 104. Logic, Ibn Ezra's definition of, 50. London, profits monopolised by English</page><page sequence="23">INDEX. 219 Jewry, so called in Edward II.'s time, 125. Louise, wife of Anthony White (tomb? stone inscription), 113. Lousada, Losada y, Marrano family, re? gistered in this country, 159; their coat of arms, 161. Low, Leopold, his opinion on Hebrew heraldic terms, 154. Lower Beira, (Portugal), 14. Lucca, Ibn Ezra in, 1145, 48; time of sunrise in, 67. Luis da Cuna, political testament of, 14. Luke de Brune, 128. Lumbard, son of Deulecress, 91. Lumbard, son of Solomon, 91. Lumbard, husband of Tercia, 91. Lumbard, father of Copin, 91. Lumbard, father of Symme, 91. Lumbard, of Cricklade, 104. Lumbard, of Criklade, father of Bonefey, 101. Lumbard, G-endre Isaac, 101. Lumbard, son of Deulegarde of Win? chester, 102. Lumbard, father of Hannah, 102. Lumbard, son of Belia, 102. Lumbard, father of Cok, 102. Lumbard, son of Salaman of Marl borough, 103. Lumbard, son of Josce, 103. Lumbard, son of Abraham of Kent, 104. Lundres, see London. Lung, Osbert le, 96. Lyndhurst, 173 (Doc. 4) ; 174 (Doc. 5). Lynn, Jacob Hamburger, Reader of Con? gregation at, 114. Lyon, My er, operatic singer, 2. Lyon, Sarah, Jewess of Ipswich, died 1808, aged 105 years, 110; supposed to be buried in Jewish Cemetery of Ips? wich, 111, 112 ; her portrait, 111. Macaulay, quotation of passage in his History dealing with Queen Mary's death, 1694, 141 ; his confirmation of MS. relating to dates of Queen Mary's death and burial, 144. Macledon, William, 87. Magen David, 153 (see Davidson family). Mahommed Ali, Pasha of Egypt, grants Sir Moses Montefiore's request for honourable release of Jews, 169. Mancroft, St. Peter (entry to Jews' schools in), 128 ; Street, 129. Mansell, de Tykehill, 95. Manser, son of Aaron, 97. Manser, of Bradeworth, 95. Manser, of Huntingdon, 88. Manser, father of Isaac, Samuel, Bonne, 91. Manser, father of Leo, 101. Manser, son of Leo, 101. Manser, son of Samuel, 95. Manser, son of Solomon, 94. Manser, father of Ursellus, 91. Mar, Peter de la, constable, 87. Marcello, Benedetto, his Psalms pub? lished, 1725, 8. Marcos de la Rombide, 28. Margalicia, widow of Vives of Gloucester, 101. Margery, Poldre, 89. Marketplace, Norwich, 123, 127. Marlborough, Jews of, 80, 103, 104. Marranos, Fundao, seat of large and flourishing community of, 14,159,160 ; Marrano merchants and manufac? turers, 14; they benefit by Menasseh ben Israel's mission, 20; their petition to Protector for certain Jewish privi? leges, 21, 158. Marsano, Arnaldus Guillelmus de, 175 (Doc. 9). Martin de Lazon, 28, 30-32 ; petition of, 33-36. Martin, Parish of St., 96 ; Church of St., 102.</page><page sequence="24">220 INDEX. Martin, Stephen, Garter Principal King of Arms, 166; his confirmation of Grant of Arms to Jacob Franco, 166 168; inscription of his name thereto, 168. Martin, Mr. 0. Trice, Introduction to Gascon Rolls, 170-171. Martini, S., 85. Martyn, Johannes, 90. Mary, Queen, reference to her death, 1694, 111; two elegies on her death, 141. Masonic Coat, designed by Jacob Jehuda Leon, 156. Masora, the study of, 50. Mathematics, necessity of study of, 50, 52. Matthew, J., his view of Moyse's Hall, 1826, 121. Maudville, Jacob of, 49 ; Joseph ben Jacob of, 59. Maunsellus, son of Josse of Worcester, 95. Maunsellus, father of Cok, 92. Maunsellus, father of Leo, 100. Maunser, father of Josse, 92. Maunser, father of Jose, 92. Maurice de Worms, 161. Mayer family, English grant received by,160. Mayer, father of Benedict, 97. Medici, Albertus, 175 (Doc. 9). Medina, family, assumed Sephardi arms, 159. Megre, Johannes le, 98. Meir Alguadez, Physician and Rabbi of Castile, tortured to death by command of his former friend and colleague, Paul de Burgos, 149. Melbourne, Lord, and Nathan, 6. Meier, Henry le, 99. Menasseh ben Israel, his arrival in England on mission to Cromwell, October, 1655, 20 ; disappointed at his failure to obtain unconditional re admission of his co-religionists into England, returns to Holland where he dies, November, 1657, 21, 22. Mendes da Costa, 160. Mendez, family, 159. Mendoza, Daniel, 2. Merchants of England, Society of, trade between Spain and Portugal organised by, 1605, 15 ; Society of Spanish, 16 ; Portuguese in London, 17. Merton family, 160. Meyer family, 160. Metsgate Street, York, 105. Meyr, son of Elias, 94. Meyr, son of Bonne, 94. Meyr, father of Tony. 103. Meza, Alonzo de Fonseca, 19. Michael Bolaffi (Abulafia), musical di? rector to late Duke of Cambridge, 1. Michael, of Dorset, 104. Michael, Walter, 100. Michael, Parish of St., 103. Michaeli, St., the Archangell, Feast of, 39 ; Feast day of, 135. Middle Ages regarded as the great re? ligious ages of European history, 76 ; inquiry concerning character of Jews during, 77; Judaism of, Jewish martyrs of, 77 ; book credit unknown in, 82 ; poorer classes of Jews in, 84. Middlesex, County of, 168; Sir Moses Montefiore, late sheriff of, 168. Midrash, the study of, 50 ; sweet charac? ter ascribed to Miriam by, 143. Milca, son of Benedict, 95. Milca, father of Lely, 95. Mile End, land leased in, for Jewish Cemetery, by Carvajal and Simon de Caceras, 21. Miles Kat, 99. Miles, son of Isaac, 95. Miles, son of Bonefey de Crikelade, 101. Milton, reference to, in connection with Elegy on William III., 144.</page><page sequence="25">INDEX. 221 Mirable, daughter of Isaac, 92. Minor Prophets, Commentary on, by Ibn Ezra, 1157, 48, 49, 59. Mitton, Edward, in league with Carvajal in raid on Customs, 38, 41, 42, 43. Mocatta family assumed Sephardi arms, 159; coat of arms, design of, 161 ; shield, description of, 162. Money lenders, Jews as, 80. Montagu family, 160. Montefiore family, arms assumed by, 159 ; coat of arms, description of, 162, 163; transcript of English rendering of in? scription, 163; escutcheon, earliest rude form of, 163; arms, design of, from Joseph Montefiore's Kan Mppor, 164 ; baronetcy, 165; coat of arms, additions to, 165. Monymusk, the grants of, 158. Montefiore, Joseph, his MS. " Kan Zip por," 163 ; grant made to, 164. Montefiore, Mr. Joseph Barrow, 163. Montefiore, Leone (or Judah), his gift to the Levantine Synagogue at Ancona, 162, 193. Montefiore, Sir Moses, grant made to, 164 ; his eoat-of-arms, enlargement of, 165 ; his mission to the East, referred to, 165, 168; his visit to the East in in defence of his people, 169; Koyal permission granted him to bear sup? porters to his family arms, 169. Moraunt, John, 102. Moraunt, Jordano, 176 (Doc. 11). Mordecai, 152. Morel, 123. Morgan, Sylvanus, reference to his " Sphere of G-entry," 154. Moses Tachau, of Vienna, opponent of Ibn Ezra's writings, 59. Moses de Kent, hanged outside Bristol Castle, 87. Moses, son of Deulecress, 88. Moses, le Petyt. son of Master Aaron, 88. Moses, son of Salle, 89. Moses, father of Samuel, 91. Moses, son of Samuel, 91. Moses, son of Josce, 91. Moses, father of Isaac, 91. Moses, father of Cok, 91. Moses, son of Isaac, 92. Moses, son of Abraham, 92. Moses, father of Cuntessa, 92. Moses, of Suffolk, 93. Moses, le Evesk, 95. Moses, father of Isaac, 95. Moses, son of Isaac of London, 95. Moses, son of G-amaliel, 95. Moses, son of Master Elias, 97. Moses, father of Auntere, 97. Moses, Crespin, 97. Moses, son of Jacob, 98. Moses, de Clare, of Suffolk, 100. Mo3es, of Suffolk, father of Isaac, G-ente, and Moses, 100. Moses, gendre of Isaac de Provincia. Moses, son of Moses, of Suffolk, 100. Moses, son of Jacob, of London, 101. Moses, son of Bonefey, 100. Moses, le Veil, 105. Moses family, English grants received by, 160. Moses Hall, 117. Moses' House, 123 (see Musick House, 123). Moses, the Jew, former owner of Musick House, 123. Moses, Moss, of Ipswich, 136, 138. Moses, Philip, 136, 138. Moses, only surviving son of Ralph Franco, 166, 167. Moses, Samuel, 136, 138. Moss family, English grants received by, 160. Motonn, Abraham, 97. Mowyn, 89. Moyse's Hall, 116-122; description of, 116, 117; part of it used by Great</page><page sequence="26">222 INDEX. Eastern Railway and Castle Hotel, 117 ; picture view of interior, 118 ; description of interior, 118 ; its use as a police station, 119; picture view of south-east, 119; its use as House of Refuge, 120 ; picture view, 1895, 120 ; description of, 121 ; mentioned in will of Andreus Scarbot, 1474, as the 'Hen. Angnet' Regis, vocat'?Moysehall," 122. Muriel, daughter of Cresse, 97. Murrell's Yard, 123. Musafiah, Jacob, R., 67. Musick House, co.rupfcion of "Moses' House," description of, 123. Myers, Asber I., his copy of Abendanon's work, 147. Myrail, Reginaldus, constabulario Burde gale, 174 (Doc. 6). Naphtali, Tribe of, their seal, 154. Narboni, David, R., 66. Narbonne, nativity of child calculated by Ibn Ezra in, 59. Nathan, singing master and song-writer, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10. Nathan family, 160. Nathan, Harris, d. 5613 (tombstone in? scription), 113. Natural Philosophy, necessity of, as a study, 50. Navigation, Act of, 40. Navy, Commissioners for the, 33. Navy, Committee of the, 30 ; petition addressed to, 32, 33, 34, 35. Neilah, closing service, 12. Neubauer, Dr. A., reference to works edited by, 59. Newbury, Josce of, 101; J. de, 104. Newenham, Prior of, 96. Nieto, I., date assigned by, for return of Jews to England, 141. Nietos, Poems about the, 148. Nigel de Foxlee, Merchant, 128. Nisan, 70. Nonconformists, their appreciation of Queen Mary, 1694, l4l. Norden family, 160. Norfolk, 85 ; Archaeology Society, 123; History of, Blomefield authority on, 123 ; Edward, Duke of, Earl Marshal and Hereditary Marshal of England, 166, 167, 168 ; Bernard, 169. Norhamtune, Henricus Burgensis, 98. Norman Conquest, first coming of Jews to England shortly after, 78. Norman Tower, principal entrance to Cemetery of St. Edmund, 116, 122. Northampton, Jews of, 85, 98. Norton, a packer, in league with Carvajal in raid on Customs, 38, 41 ; condition and practices of, 41, 42, 43. Norwich, Jews of, 82, 85, 86,99 ; Solomon of, father of Deulecress, 94; John de, 96; 99; Burial Grounds of, 112 ; Hebrew Congregation, 113 ; Jews' synagogue in, 99, 113 ; synagogue of, board in western wall with Hebrew inscription, 114 ; neglected state of Burial Grounds in, 115 ; Jewry of, in mediaeval times, 122,132; Jews of, 122,123, "Wise Men of," 123; Archaeological Society of, 123 ; Musick House in, 123 ; St. Wil? liam of, 123 ; Ancient Jewry of, 126 ; Jewish Quarter of, sketched plan, 127; Jewry of, 128 ; synagogue of the Jewry of, 129; Commonalty or Cor? poration of City of, 130 ; Rev. Mr. Hudson of, 130 ; site of Haymarket in, 131 ; Ursell, Bishop of the Jews at, 125 ; John, Episcopus, 179 (Due. 11). Nottingham, Jews of, 85, 86, 93,100; com? munity of Jews at, 100 ; 179 (Doc. 16). Nuls, John, 30. Oak Church, 112. Oddebourg, Johannis de, 93. Onington, Roger de, 103.</page><page sequence="27">INDEX. 223 Oldtor, ancient name for Dove Lane, 125. Oliveri de Oolcestre, 90. Olivers, Thomas, 10. Olivetti (see Rachel nee Olivetti), 162, 163. Orabuena, Paul de Burgo's Letter to, 151. Oral Law, 51 ; beauties of the, Aben danon's work dilates on, 146. Orford Hill, 156 (see Hogg Hill, 126). Osbert le Lung, 96. Ostend. Royalist shipping seized by Com? monwealth frigates at, 19. Ostre, Nich' de, 96. Oxford, Jews of, 82, 85, 86 ; 97 ; 101 ; 104. Pabeham, Johannis de, 86. Pape, William, 90. Parker, H?mo le, 90. Park Lane, 168. Parliament, leading merchants of City petition for protection of Oarvajal, 17; Petition to Lords assembled in, 24, 25 ; Act of, 27; Petition to Lords and Commons assembled in, 29, 30 ; both Houses of, 31; Houses of, Lords in, 36; Session of, 39. Passover, Hymns, transcription of, by Rittangel in his Hagadah, 8; offering, 50 ; first day of, 108. Pateman, the doctor, son of Deuleeress, 99. " Paul of Burgos (in London)," by Mr. Israel Abrahams, 149-152 ; born 1551 ; his fame after the Spanish persecu? tions ; his conversion from Synagogue to Church, 149 ; his visit to London (before his conversion) as Solomon Levi, 150; his visit to Prance, 1391, 151 ; his Purim Letter, 152. Payne, Ephraim, 41, 42. Pedro the Cruel, his kindness to the Jews, 149. Pennington, Alderman, 28. Pentateuch, Ibn Ezra's Commentary on the, 52 ; Commentary on the, by Rabbi Samuel ben Meir, 54, 56, 58. Perez, father of Jacob, 91. Perez, Poems about the, 148. Persians, their manner of counting the years, 57. Pervas, Abraham of Bedford, 89. Peter de la Mar, Constable of Bristol, 87; Duraunt, 89; father of Jacob, 91; father of Josce, 94. Peter de Bumpstede, 128. Petyt, Moses le, son of Master Aaron, 88. Peytevyn, father of Aaron, 88, 95. Phille, father of Josce, 100. Phillips, appropriate coat of arms for, 153. Philo, Demiourgos of, 52. Pictavinus, son of Sampson, 98. Pictavinus, son of Bateman, 100. Pictavus, 86. Pieters, of Douer, 24. Pigge, son of Dulcia, 90. Pirmund, John, 125. Plunket, 113. Poceril, Robert, 102. Poland, Saul Vahl said to have been King of, for one day, 161. Poldre, Margery, 89. Poll-tax cn Jews of England, 83. Popeline, mother of Hagin, 88. Popeline, widow of Abraham Pervas, of Bedford, 89. Porta, Jacob de, 89. Portugal, 14 ; war with, 1650, 17, 18, 20; king of, 28. Poverty of Jews of Mediaaval England, 83, 84. Prior of Newenham, 86. Provencia, father of Floria. 100 ; Isaac de, 100. Public Record Office, 85. Purefoy, Col., 28. Purim, letter of Solomon Levi, 151 ; Bay of, how spent by Solomon Levi, 152.</page><page sequence="28">224 INDEX. Puritan Regime, period of, 18. Pya, wife of Benedict de Oaus, 101. Quakers Lane, old Norwich Jewish Cemetery, situate in, 112. Rachel, nee Olivetti, wife of Leone Montefiore. Parochet embroidered by, 162, 163. Rachel, daughter of Lawrence and Caroline Hyam of Bury, tombstone inscription in Jewish Cemetery, Ips? wich, 110. Radulfus, de Boxstide, 90. Radulfus, le Blunt, 97. Ralph, de Selveston, 98. Ramus, assumed Sephardi Arms, 159. Raphael family, 160. Raphael, Mr., Jewish native of Ipswich, 107. Rashbam (see Samuel b. Meir). Rebecca, Elizabeth, daughter of Moses Levi of Ipswich, inscription on tomb? stone, Ipswich Cemetery, 138. Record, Court of, 40 ; Public Office, 81. Redham, Wilhelmus de, Sheriff of Nor? folk and Suffolk, 93. Reuben (tribe), Man of, 157. Reuchlin, his volume on the Accents, 1518, 8. Reyne, wife of David, 103. Rbodes, Jews persecuted at, 168. Riarte, merchant of Cadiz, 33, 34. Ricalde, merchant of Cadiz, 33, 34. Ricardo, assumed Sephardi Arms, 159. Ricardus de Belhus, 93. Richard le Joeuene, 89. Richard I., 158. Richard II., 153. Richard le Boteman, 128, Rising, Abraham of, father of Isaac, 99. Rittangel, 8. Robert, the holy child, Bury St. Edmunds, 121. Robert de Elhani, merchant, 90. Robert de Bury, 99. Robert de Wylashaw, 100. Robert, of Ipswich, 13! ; his signature, 134. Robertus, clericus, 93. Robertas de Laitsebury, 98. Robertus de Stivington, 86. Robles, Deposition in case, 14 ; denounce? ment of, and confiscation of property, 21, 41, 42. Rocolf, Wilhelmus, 104. Roger de Tudenham, 99. Roger de Offinton, 103. Roger of Lakenham, 128 ; accused of selling Jewish meat, Tripha, 128-9. Rogers, Mrs. Anna, 133. Rogers, John, of Ipswich, 133, 134. Rombide, Marcos de la, 28. Rome, Ibn Ezra in, 1140, 48. Rope Lane, Ipswich, 109. Rosa, uxor Aaronis de London, 174 (Doc. 7). Rose, 95. Rose, Anteman, 97. Rose, la Vende, 101. Rossi, Salomo de, of Mantua, 8. Rothelan, 175 (Doc. 8). Rothschild, Jeannette de, 161. Rothschild, Mayer Amschel, his death? bed exhortation to his five sons, 160. Rothschild, derivation of their name, 154 ; their coat of arms, 160. Rouen, 17 ; Anthony Dias of, 28 ; Diaz of, 33 (spelt Bouan), 34, 35. Rowell, Abraham, 100. Royal Arms, Lions in the, 158. Royal Warrant, supporters conferred by, 165. Royalists' encampments at Flushing and Ghent, levies, numbers of, 19. Rudland, Miles, surgeon, 134. Rye, Walter, reference to his book, The Norfolk Antiquarian Miscellany, on</page><page sequence="29">INDEX, 225 Norwich Jews, 123 ; to his Index to Norfolli Topography, 123. Rylands, Mr. W. H.} 157. Sabbath, letter of (Essay by Ibn Ezra), 52; personification of in Hebrew lite? rature, 52-56 ; traditional law of, 58. Sabbath, Hebrew text, 61-75. Sadekyn, husband of G-ente, 99. Sadekyn, son of Abraham of Marl borough, 104. Sadlegate, northern side of Norwich Jewry, so called in Edward I.'s time, 125. Sakerel, Jorvin, 97. Salaman, Charles, English musician, 11. Salaman, son of Salaman, 91. Salaman, father of Israel, 101, and (daughter) Colette, 103. Salaman, son of Simon of Marlborough, 103, 109. Salaman, of Marlborough, father of Simon, Jacob, Lumbard, and Jospin, 103. Salaman, father of Josel, 103. Salle, father of Moses, 89. Salomo de Rossi, Mantua, 8. Salomon, son of Aaron, 91. Salomon, son of Abraham Badecock, 104. Salomon, son of Michael of Dorset, 104. Salomon, son of Hagyn, 87. Salomons family, appropriateness of their adopting a Clavicle for coat of arms, 153, 160. Salomons, Sir David, 161. Salomons, Levy, interpretation of his crest, 161. Salvador 28, 32. Salvador family, 159. Sam, Dutch, 2. Samme, conversion of, 102. Sampayo, Marrano family, registered in this country, 159. Sampson de Wynton, 87 ; son of Isaac, 88. Sampson le Chapelyn, 89. Sampson, Levi, father of Jacob and Ur sellus, 94. Sampson, son of Ursellus, 94. Sampson, father of Benedict, 94. Sampson, father of Pictavinus, 98. Sampson, of York, father of Cress, 99. Samuel filius Josse, 173 (Doc. 3). Samuel, Lewis, 136, 138. Samuel, Moses, 136, 138. Samuel Moses Refael Farini, name on cover of Abendanon's work, 145. Samuel, ben &gt;Meir, Rabbi, his commen? tary on the Pentateuch, ref. to, 54. Samuel, Tekufa of, 66. Samuel, Joceus, son of, 90. Samuel, son of Moses, husband of Amite, 91. Samuel, Samuel, member of Jews' So? ciety at Ipswich, 138. Samuel, Wolf, 136, 138. Samuels family, received English grant of arms, 160. Sancte, 90. Sara, widow of Cok de Strygyl, 83; of London, 97. Sarah, daughter of Bennyt, 87 ; of Here? ford, 92 ; of Oxford, 97; wife of Bene? dict le Eveske, 101 ; widow of Bene? dict, 105. Sarphati, Joseph, name on cover of Abendanon's work, 146. Sarphati, Nathaniel, 146. Sarra, la Petite, 89 ; la Bele, 89. Sartus, Thomas de, 98. Sassoon family, assumed arms, 159 ; coat of arms, description of, 161. Saul family, received English grant of arms, 160. Saul de Vahl, 161. Saulot, father of Josce, 88. Scarbot, Andreus, mention of Moyse's Hall in his will, 122. Schafir of Cracow, 12. Q</page><page sequence="30">226 INDEX. Schmieles, Jacob Batsheba, title bestowed by Emperor Ferdinand, 158; his coat of arms, 158. Schola Judseorum, explanation of, 124 ; Blomefield's reading, 124. Sch?mberg family, received English grant of arms, 160. Sehudt, reference to his " Merkw?rdig? keiten," 154. Scot, 28. Scott, Gilbert, his designs used for re? pairing Moyse's Hall, 121, 122. Scotland, Commonwealth of, 26, 27, 36, 38, 45. Sculthorpe, John de (narrative re his daughter), 128. Seafortune, vessel of Dover, 18, 36. Seals, description of those of the early Hebrews, 154; Jewish, description of some still extant, 155 ; G-reat Seal of Britain, 167. Seal symbolism, language of, 154. Sefardi, Abraham the, 49. Sefer Ha'ibbur, quotation from, 55 ; re? ference to, 57, 58 ; of R. Abraham ben Hiyya, reference to, 66. Segate, Johannis de, 105. Selby, John de, 105. Seiden Society, 128. Seleme, son of Bonenfaunt, 88. Selichoth, formula recited in, 114. Selveston, Ralph de, 98. Seniors, poems about the, 148. Sepher, 155. Sepher Hashoam, 52. Sepulchre, St., Nuns of, 89. Seville, 15. Shanah, Hebrew name of year, 56. Shedim, 59. Shene Ha-meoroth, reference to, 59 (see Steinschneider, 59) ; reference to, 66. Sherman, William, suggested prosecution of, as a recusant, 27. Shtar, reference to, 128 ; Elias Tontres and Son, mentioned in, 129. Shtaroth, 154. Sh'taroth, commercial records, 47. Silling, 8. Silva, da, family, 159. Simeon, Rabbi, 146. Simon de Caceras, his association with Carvajal, 21. Simon, 90. Simon, of Oeribdade, 101. Simon de la Haye, 101. Simon of Marlborough, 103, 104. Simon, son of Simon, 99. Simon, father of Simon, 99. Sleme, widow of Vives, 102. Slemme, father of Aaron, 97. Sloman, Charles, musical entertainer, 1. Smalegale, ancient name for Dove Lane, 125. Solomon, Temple of, 157. Solomon, father of Lumbard, 91. Solomon, father of Isaac, 91. Solomon, son of Deulecress of London, 94. Solomon, father of Belaset of Walling ford, 94. Solomon, father of Manser, 94. Solomon, of Norwich, father of Deule? cress, 94. Solomon, father of Elias, 129. Solomon Levi, Paul of Burgos, 149-152. Somers, known also as Butler and G-old burgh, 19. Song-writers, Anglo-Jewish, lecture by Rev. F. L. Cohen, 1-6. Southampton, 28 ; ship " Cleare " in port of, 29, 30 ; Cochenill and silver landed at, 31; arrival of ship "Clare" at, from West-Indies, 33, 36, 85, 86; Jews of, 102. Southwark(e), Borough of, 44 ; Isaac of, 97. Spain, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17 ; war with, 18 ; King of, 19, 20, 25; Article of peace between, and England, 27 ; Carvajal's</page><page sequence="31">INDEX. 227 petition to King of, 28 ; proprietaries in, 30 ; petition of Carvajal subject to the King of, 31, 33, 34, 35 ; King of, 36, 37, 67, 148; Northern, Anglo Jewish settlers in, 149. Spanish Ambassador's Chapel, 20. Spanish merchants in London, profits of, 15. Spanton, Mr. of Bury St. Edmunds, his production of views of Moyse's Hall, 117, 118. Sparewe, Henry, 99. St. Aldate, parish of, 101. St. Andrew, Prior and Monastery of, 98. St. Bartholomew, Hospital of, 101. St. Botolf, Prior of, 90. St. Catherine, parish of, 166, 167. St. Clement, parish of, 107, 134 ; Jewish Cemetery of, at Ipswich, 138. St. Edmund, sculpture representation of, 121 ; of East Anglia, reference to re? cords of, by J. E. Thompson, 121. St. Frideswide, Prior and Convent of, 101. St. George, Hanover Square, Parish of, 168. St. Giles, Hospital of, 99. St. Guthlac, Prior of, 93. St. John, Parish of, 103. St. John's Lane, ancient name for Dove Lane, 125. St. Katharine, 96. St. Lazarus, Hospital of, 96. St. Leonard of York, Hospital of, 105. St. Martin, Church of, 90, 102 ; Parish of, 96,112 ; St. Martin at Oak Church, 112. St. Mary, 96. St. Michael, parish of, 103 ; the Arch? angel, 135. St. Peter, Church of, 105. St. Peter Mancroft, Jews' school in, 128. St. Sepulchre, Nuns of, 89. St. Swithin, Prior of, 102. St. Swithin's Lane, 164. St. William, of Norwich, 123. Stafford, Benedict, shipmaster, 29. Stamford, Jews of, 81, 98, 103 ; Bele de, of Canterbury, 89, 95, 103; no record of existence of archa for Jews who lived there, 103. Standon, John de, 89. Standon, Daniel de, 89. Stanton, John, 41, 42. Stapeley, Colonel, 28. Star, Elias the, Elias the Elder so called, 129. Star Inn, the, former house of Elias the Jew, 125 ; plan of, 127 ; query as to whether Elias the Star received his name therefrom, 129. Star Yard (Norwich), 124, 126 ; plan of 127. State Papers, references to Carvajal, 14 ; calendars of, various petitions in, 16, 17; Thurloe, 18 ; Domestic, 27, 28, 36, 38. Steinschneider, reference to his Shene ha-meoroth, 59, 66; his opinion re time of Solomon Levi's conversion, 151. Stivington, Robertus de, 86. Stockwell Street, 90. Stoketon, John de, 105. Storace, Nancy, Braham's companion, 3. Stowe, Mr., his Survey of London, refer? ence to, 125. Stoyl, John, 96. Strygyl, Cok de, 87 ; Sara, widowr of Cok de, 87. Stureye, William le Dopere de, 89. Sturhull, Thomas de, unus Cirographa riorum, 93. Suasso, family, 159. Sudburie, 93. Suffolk, 85 ; Moses of, 93, 100 ; County of, 109, 134, 136; Moses de Clare of, 100 ; Vives of, 93, 100. " Sulima," name on cover of Abendanon's work, 146.</page><page sequence="32">228 INDEX. Supporters, description of, 165 ; to Monte fiore Arms, Queen Victoria's Warrant for, 168-9; privilege of bearing limited to Peers of the Realm, Knights of the Orders, and Proxies of Princes of the blood, 169. Swallow, Richard, 40, 41, 42. Sweet man, son of Licoricia of Winchester, 102. Sweetman, son of David of Oxford, 104. Swinock, Samuel, merchant, in league with Carvajal's raid on customs, 38 ; condition and practices of 41, 42, 43, 44. Symme, son of Lumbard, 91. Symons, De, family, 160. Synagogue, Jews', in Canterbury, 89; in Colchester, 90; in Hereford, 93; in Northampton, 93; in Nottingham, 100 ; in Oxford, 101; in Norwich, 113, 114; of Moses, Moyse's, i.e., Moses' Hall, boundaries, 117 ; plan of the old, at Worms, to which Moyse's Hall bears striking resemblance, 117 ; and school, Blomefield's rendering of Schola Judaeorum, 124 ; the New, at Norwich, 125; of the Jewry of Norwich, references to, 129 ; of Jews of Nor? wich, remains of, 130 ; Levantine at Ancona, Parochet presented to, 162 ; of Jewish nation, Franco Arms repre? sented on marble monument in, 166, 167. Synagogues, English, style of melody found in, 10; disused, 114; Duke's Place, 159 ; Hambro', 159. Syria, Carvajal trades with, 16. Tachau, Moses of Vienna, opponent of Ibn Ezra's writings, 59. Tailor, Antony, solicitor, in league with Carvajal in his raid on Customs, 38. Talmud, 7 ; study of the, 50. Temple, model of the, 156 ; of Solomon, Templo's monomania for the study of everything relating to, 157. Templo, 156 ; motto on original Masonic coat, composed by, 156, 157. Tennant, combines with Carvajal in raid on Customs, 41 ; Will, 42 ; William, 43. Tercia, widow of Lumbard, 91. Tetragrammaton, 52. Theobalds, Thomas, 41, 42. Thippa, wife of Isaac of Southwark, 97. Thompson, J. R., reference to his records of St. Edmund of East Anglia, 121. Thoracio, Benedictus de, 172 (Doc. 2). Thorp, John de, 98. Thurloe, 18, 19. Tienen, van, 25. T'kufoth, two kinds of, 57. Toledo, Todros Halevi of, 155 ; the Halevi's of, 159, 160. Tombstones, description of inscriptions on, 108 ; necessity of preserving in? scriptions on, 115 ; at Ipswich, inscrip? tions on, 138-140; Jewish emblems on, 155; in Sephardi cemeteries, their coats of arms, 158. Tomlins, T. E., 121. Tomlyns, RL, 43, 44. Tony, son of Meyr, 103. Top, Isaac, 89. Torah, 50, 51, 54 ; year of the, 56, 57. Torkes, Prior of, 96. Townley, Charles, 166. Trades of Jews in Mediaeval England, 80, 81, 84. Trefa meat, sale of, 128. Trina, daughter of Dulcia of York, 95. Trip &amp; Co., of Amsterdam, 17 ; humble petition of Anthony Fernandez Car? vajal, on behalf of, 24. Treuenberg, Bassevi van, title conferred by Emperor Ferdinand upon Jacob Batsheba Schmieles. 158.</page><page sequence="33">INDEX. 229 Tudela, Benjamin of, 58. Tudenham, Roger de, 99. Tuite family, their motto, 158. Tykehill, Mansell de, 95. Ursell, son of Isaac, Bishop of Jews at Norwich, 125, 129. Urselhis, father of Josce, 88. Ursellus, son of Manser, 91. Ursellus, son of Hagin of Gloucester, 92. Ursellus, son of Sampson Levi, 94. Ursellus, of York, father of Abraham and Josce, 99. Ursellus, son of Bateman, 100. Yahl, de, family, English grants of arms received by, 160 ; crest, description of, 161. Yedue, Floria la, 101. Veil, Moses le, 105. Verdur, Christina de, 89. Victoria, Regina, 168 ; warrant for sup? porters for Montefiore Arms, 168-9. Villareal, family, 159. Villas Boas, Antonio de, his Nobiliarehia Portuguem, 159. Violet, his definition of Antonio Fer? nandez Carvajal, 14, 16; his pamphlet on advancement of merchandise, 17, 20, 21. Vives, father of Aaron, 88. Vives, of Winchester, 88. Vives, of Suffolk, 93. Vives, son of Master Moses, 97. Vives, of Suffolk, 100. Vives le Petit, son of Bonefay, 101. Vives, of Gloucester, 101. Vives, Jew of Gloucester, living at Ox? ford, 101. Vives, le Chapelyn, 101. Vives, son of Aaron, of London, 102. Vives, of Marlborough, father of Enne, 104. Tos, Pieter de, 25. Vpton, burgher, M.P. for Southton, 29. Waley family, received English grants of arms, 160. Wallingford, Belaset of, daughter of Solomon, 94. Waryn, Master William, 90. Warwick, Earl of, seizes Carvajal's gun? powder for "Parliament service," 17. 24. Warwick, County of, 85,103. Warwickshire, Jews of, 103. Wastel-gate (see Wastel-market, 124); origin of name, 124; called also Baxter-gate, 124; now called Red Lion Street, 126. Web, Richard, 37. Weobley, of Hereford, Hagin de, 92. Westgate, Alderman de, 89. Westminster, lists of chests of deeds brought to the Exchequer at, 85 ; Archa delivered at the Exchequer at, 86 ; Exchequer at, 90 ; Archa depo? sited at, 93 ; bonds brought to, 97 ; record of delivery of Archa at, 98; Exchequer at, 104, 105; documents dated at, 177 (Doc. 12); 178 (Docs. 13 and 15). Whetham family, of Kirklington, their arms and motto, 158. White, Anthony (tombstone inscription^, 113. White Hall, 27, 37, 46. White, Richard, 41, 42. Whiting, Tymothy, his petition against Carvajal, 38; his petition to Oliver, Lord Protector, against Ferdinando Carvajal, 39, 41-44. Wilde, Richard, 24. Wilhelmus de Redham, Sheriff of Nor? folk and Suffolk, 93. Wilhelmus de Betoyne, 97. Wilhenbrook, Mr. and Wife, 41, 42.</page><page sequence="34">230 INDEX. Willelmus, Butemleyn, 98. William, Cokyn, 89. William le Dopere de Stureye, 89. William Pape, 90. William, Master Waryn, 90. William le Belliget, 96, William de Hepham, 96. William II., 127. William III., Dutch King, firm resettle? ment of the Jews in this country due to, 148; elegy on, 141; remarks on, quoted in Hebrew, 144 ; English ren? dering, 145. William, St., of Norwich, 123. Wiltshire, Jews of, 85, 86, 103, 104. Winch Street, 87. Winchelsea, Jews removed from, by order of the King, 79. Winchester, 85 ; Benedict of, who was hanged, 87 ; Cresse of, father of Aaron, father of Hagin, 88 ; Cok, son of Bene? dict of, 88 ; Cok of, 88 ; Benedict of, 88 ; Aaron of, 88 ; Vives of, 88 ; Bene? dict of, 101 ; Deulegard of, 102; Licoricia of, 102 ; community of Jews at, 102. Windsor, Jew3 removed from by order of King-, 79. Wolf, Lucien, paper by, on "The First English Jew," 14-23; reference to work, 20, 131, 147, 153; paper on " Anglo-Jewish Coats of Arms," 53-65. Wolff family, received English grant of arms, 160. Woods, Albert W., G-arter, signature to confirmation of Franco grant, 168. Wool, Jews as wholesale dealers in, 80. Worcester, Jews moved from, 80, 85; Josse of, 92 ; Isaac of 92; Aaron of, 101; Jewish community of, 104 ; Bat? tle of, referred to, 106. Worms, old Synagogue at, 117. Worms, De, family, English grant of arms received by, 160; reference to escutcheon of, 160. Worms, Maurice de, 161. Wright, Mr., 32 ; Nathan, 33. Wroxham, John de, 125. Wycliff, 151. Wygornia, 104. Wylashaw, Robert de, 100. Wylton, John de, 99. Wylliams, Brydges, Mrs., of Carnanton 160. Wynton, Sampson de, 87 ; Jacob de, 99. Ximenes,Marrano family, arms registered in this country, 159. " Yigdal," 9, 10. York, Jews of, 81, 85, 105. Zahalon of Rome, Jacob, R., reference to his " Speaker's G-uide," 148. Zedner, introduction to his Catalogue referred to, 147. Zemiroth, domestic hymns for Sabbath, 12, 52. Zunz, 129, 160. Wertheim eh. Lea &amp; Co., Printers, Circus Place, London Wall.</page></plain_text>

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