Index Vol 13
<plain_text><page sequence="1">INDEX I (Name Index to " A Review of the Jewish Colonists in Barbados in the Year 1680.")* Abakbanel: David (Manuel Martinez Dormido), 17 Phineas, In Will, 57; Endenization, 96 Abendana, Raphael, Endenization, 96 Abenun, Sarah, In Will, 87 Aboab: Benjamin, Witness to Will, 93 Hester, In Will, 88 (Furtado), David, Witness to Will, 84; Executor, 88, 93 ? Isaac, Census List (as Abof), 64; Muster Roll, 66; Contribution to Levy, 68; Endenization, 96 Abudiente: (alias Gideon), Abraham, 36, 37; Census List, 64; Contributions to Levy, 68; Endenization, 96; Em? barkation, 94; Epitaph, 103 Bathsheba, (wife of Rowland Gideon A.), 38 Esther, see Esther Gideon Moses Gideon, 38 Pagdiel, 37; Contribution to Levy, 68; Endenization, 21, 95; Epitaph, 103 Rachel (wife of Abraham), 37; Epitaph, 103 Rehiel, see Rowland Gideon Acosta: see also Costa, Arosto Abigail de (wife of David de A.), Exe? cutrix and legatee, 92 David de, 13-14, 32; Muster Roll, 91; His Will, 92 Alvares, Hannah, In Will, 78; Epitaph, 100 Antunes: Esther (sister of Lewis Dias), 16-17; Contribution to Levy, 68; In Will, 78; Epitaph, 106 Gabriel, 16-17; Census List, 64; Contribution to Levy, 68 Arosto, David de (prob. Acosta), Census List, 91 Arrobas: Moses, 44; Census List, 64; Muster Roll, 66; Contributions to Levy, 68; In Will, 71 Rachel (wife of Moses A., sister of Jacob Pachecho), 42; In Will, 71 Atkins, Sir Jonathan,Governor of Bar? bados, 6-8f, lOf, 13 Atkins, Sarah, 43; Census List, 64 Azevedo: Abraham (de Moses) De, In Will, 83 David Eliahu (de Moses) De, In Will, 83 Jacob (de Moses) De, In Will, 83 Moses De, Hazan of Barbados, 6, 21, 39f; In WiUs, 56, 75, 92; His WiU, 83; Witness to Will, 54; Acts as Mohel, 11, 78 Moses De, Witness to Will, 83 Solomon (de Moses) De, In Will, 83; Executor, 83 Azuby (Asabee), David or Daniel, 45; Muster Roll, 66; Contributions to Levy, 68 * COMPILED BY HYMAN KLEIN, M.A. Variations in spelling are not recorded. Many of the more important variations will be found on the tables on pp. 68-69. Present-day names are in italics. 379</page><page sequence="2">380 INDEX 1 Baeza, Edmund and Joshua, the last Barbadian Jews, 3, 48 Barrow, see Louzada Barsimon: Hester, 43; Census List, 64; Contri? bution to Levy, 68 Jacob of New York, 43 Baruch: see also Louzada Solomon (Pselo), Witness to Will, 80 Baruch Henriques: Abraham, 32-33; Census List, 64; Muster Roll, 92; Contributions to Levy, 68; Endenization, 96; His Will, 79; In Will, 74; Witness to Will, 79 Esther (de Abraham), Executrix and Beneficiary, 79 Judica (de Abraham), In Will, 79 Rachel (de Abraham), 32; Executrix and Beneficiary, 79 Sarah (wife of Abraham), Daughter of Moses Bueno Henriques of Amsterdam, 32-33; Executrix and Beneficiary, 79 Bates, Colonel WiUiam, 19, 32, 66 Bayley, Colonel Richard, 52 Bleachy, David, see Palache Bond, Annetta, In Will, 74 Borres, Judith, see J. Torres Boyna, see Bueno Henriques Brandon: Abraham (de Moses), Executor and Beneficiary, 84; Witness to Wills, 59, 88 Bathsheba (de Moses), In WiU, 84 Isaac (de Moses), In Will, 84 Jacob (de Moses), In Will, 84; Witness to Will, 86 Moses, His Will, 84; Witness to Will, 83 Rachel (wife of Moses), Executrix and Beneficiary, 84 Bueno: Daniel (prob. Henriques), Muster Roll, 92 Hester Du, Widow, of London, In Will, 59 Joseph, Endenization, 14, 95 Bueno Henriques: Abraham, 32; Muster Roll, 66 Benjamin, Census List, 90 (or Deboyna), Daniel, 15, 32; Census List, 64; Muster Roll, 91, 92; Con? tributions to Levy, 68; Executor and Beneficiary, 92; In Will, 71; Endenization (twice), 95 Joseph, Endenization, 96 Moses of Amsterdam, 32 Rachel (wife of Moses), 32 Sarah (de David de Acosta, wife of Daniel), 15; Executrix and Bene? ficiary, 92 Bueno de Mesquita: Abraham (de Benjamin), 14; Endeni? zation, 96 Benjamin, 14-15; Endenization, 15, 95; Settled in New York, 14 Joseph (de Benjamin), 14 Burgos: Abigail (de David), In Will, 62 I. Abraham (de" Aaron), Wit? ness to Will, 26, 29-30; Census 54 (?Epitaph, List, 64; Muster 106); Contri- I Roll, 66; Contri? butions to butions to Levy, Levy, 68 68 II. Abraham III. Abraham David, In Will, 62 Deborah, 30; Census List, 51 Elias, 30; Muster Roll, 66; Contribu? tions to Levy, 68 Esther (wife of Jeremiah), 30 Jeremiah Emanuel, 30; Census List, 51; Muster Roll, 52; Endenization, 96 Lunah (wife of Mordecai), Executrix and Beneficiary, 88 Mordecai, His Will, 88 Moses, 30; Muster Roll, 66; Contribu? tion to Levy, 68 Rachel (de David), In Will, 62 Rebecca, Contribution to Levy, 68</page><page sequence="3">INDEX I 381 Burgos de Francia, Rachel, daughter of Moses d'Azevedo, 30, 40; Census list, 65; In Will, 83 Burrows, Captain, 33, 66 Caceres : Benjamin de, 17, 18 Esther de, Epitaph, 102 Simon Henrique de, 17, 18 Calvo, Leah (sister of Moses Henriques Lopez), In WiU, 87 Campernell: Daniel, 26; Muster Roll, 52 Mordecai, 25-26; Embarkation List, 93 Campos: Abraham (de Samuel) de, In Will, 59 Esther (de Samuel) de, In Will, 59 Esther (nee Mello, wife of Jacob), In Will, 92 Isaac (de Samuel) de, In Will, 59 Jacob (de Samuel) de, 42; In Will, 59 Jacob of Livorno, In Will, 92 Mrs. Leah de, 42; Census List, 64 Rebeccah de (wife of Samuel), 42; Executrix, 59 Samuel de, 42; His Will, 59 Campos Pereira, Isaac, witness to Will, 88 Cardoza: Moses Jessurun, Endenization, 95 Solomon Haim, Census List, 64; Contributions to Levy, 68; Endeni? zation, 95; Witness to Will, 72; (? Epitaph, 102) Carvalho: Isaac, Witness to Will, 57 Judith (wife of Ralph), In Will, 62 Rachel Nunes, Her Will, 84 Ralph, In Will, 62 Castello: David, Endenization, 96; His Will, 82; In Wills, 55, 56, 57; Witness to Wills, 77, 79; On Epitaph, 98 Ephraim (de David), In Will, 82, 88 Hannah, (de David), In Will, 82 cc Castello: Josua Raphael (de David), Epitaph, 98 Moses (de David), In WiU, 82 Sarah (de Ephraim), In Will, 88 Castria, see Costanho Castro, Joseph de, of London, 84 Chaves: Manoel Nunes, burned by the Inqui? sition, 29 Samuel De, 29, 33; Census List, 65; Muster Roll, 66; Contribution to Levy, 68 Solomon (?Diogo Fernandes), 29; Census List, 51 Chillon, David, 30; Census List, 51; Muster Roll, 52; Epitaph, 105 Codrington, Lieut.-Col., 19, 21, 66 Cohen, Abraham, Endenization, 96 Colyer-Fergusson, Sir Thos, 23 (foot? note) Cooper, Mary, In Will, 85 Coor, Benjamin, Witness to Wills, 81, 85 (as Poor) Costa: see also Acosta Angel De (wife of David), In Will, 88 David de, Endenization, 95; In Will, 88; Witness to WTills, 61, 86 Jacob Mendes da, of London, 84 Rachel (de David) De, In Will, 88 Sarah (de David) De, In Will, 88 Costa D'Andrade, David de, Witness to Will, 83 Costanho: Abraham, 44; Census List, 64; Mus? ter Roll, (as Castria), 66; Contribu? tion to Levy, 68 Esther, 44; Contribution to Levy, 68 Coutinho: David, Endenization, 96 Isaac Pereira, 31; Contributions to Levy, 68; Endenization, 95, 96 Moses Henriques (or Haim), 31; Contribution to Levy, 68; En? denization, 96; Embarkation List, 94; Epitaph, 106 Cundall, Frank, 2</page><page sequence="4">382 INDEX I Daniels, E. S., 4, 68, 109, 110 Davis, N. Darnell, 2, 4 Delleon, see Leon Dias: Abraham, Muster Roll, 66 * Abraham (de Isaac), In Will, 84 *Abraham (de Joseph-Lewis), Epitaph 101 *David, (father of Joseph-Lewis), Epitaph (aet 90), 101 * David, Epitaph, 100 *David (de Joseph-Lewis), 16; In WiUs, 78, 79, 84; Epitaph, 101 Esther Fernandes, In WiU, 86 * Esther (wife of Isaac), Proves Will, 84 *Isaac (de Joseph-Lewis), 16; Execu? tor and Guardian, 79; In Wills, 81, 84; Witness to Will, 54 Isaac Fernandes, Endenization, 96 *Jacob (de Joseph-Lewis), Epitaph, 99 *Jael (wife of Joseph-Lewis), 15-16; Her Will, 84; Executrix and Bene? ficiary, 79; Buried in London, 84 *Jael (de Isaac), In Will, 84 * Joseph (de Isaac), In Will, 84 Judica Israel, Epitaph, 102 * Lewis alias Joseph, alias Ludovico Dias Gutteres, 8, 9, 15-16, 17, 22; Contributions to Levy, 68; Endeni? zation, 16, 95; Census List, 64; His Will, 78; In Will, 73; Executor, 71 Manuel Israel, 29, On Epitaph, 105 *Moses (de Joseph-Lewis), Epitaph, 101 ?Rachel (de Joseph-Lewis), Epitaph 101 Sarah (de Manuel) Israel, 29; Her Will, 53; Epitaph, 105 Simha Fernandes, In Will, 86 Eleick, Ephraim (see E. J. Henriques), Muster Roll, 52 Ely, Captain, 66 Enoch, Jacob (c/. J. Tinoco), 30 Enriques, Moses Henjas, Endenization, 95 Espinoza: Esther (wife of Moses), Epitaph, 107 Moses, Witness to Will, 84; Attorney, 90 Ferard (prob. Perera), Sarah Lopes, In Will, 59 Ferrill, Hon Michael, In Will, 55 Fforster, John, Witness to Will, 56 Ffretto, Simon (cf. Preet, Perabo), Cen? sus List, 51 Fletcher, George, In Will, 74 Flores, Dr. Abraham Henriques, 18; Epitaph, 99 Fonseca: Abraham (de Jacob), 28; In Will, 87 David, Muster Roll, 66 Esther (de Isaac), In Will, 60 Isaac, In WiU, 60 Isaac de, Pioneer of Barbados, 29 Jacob de (called Senior), 28-29; Census List, 51; Muster Roll, 53; His Will, 87; Swears Will, 92 Fonseca Meza: Abigail de (wife of Jacob), 29; In Will, 53; Death, 80; Epitaph, 103 Jacob de, 29; Contribution to Levy, 69; Witness to Will, 74; Executor, 54; His Will, 80 Fonseca Valle, Jacob, Mohel, 29, 33; Census List, 65; Muster Roll, 66; Contribution to Levy, 69; Executor 74; Witness, 72; In Will, 71 Franco Nunes: Abraham (de Jacob), Endenization, 96; Executor and Beneficiary, 85,86 Isaac (de Jacob), In Will, 85 Jacob, 35-36; Census List, 63; Muster Roll, 66; Contributions to Levy, 69; Endenization, 95; His Will, 85; Witness to Will, 79; Epitaph, 101 * Otherwise JESSURUN MENDES.</page><page sequence="5">INDEX I 383 Franco Nunes: Jacob (de Isaac), In Will, 85, 86 Leah (de Abraham), In WiU, 86 Luna (wife of Jacob), Epitaph, 107 Moses (de Jacob), His Will, 87; Exe? cutor and Beneficiary, 54, 61, 86 Rachel (de Moses), In Will, 86, 87 Frazon, Samuel Joseph, Endenization, 96; In Will, 73 French, Mrs. Joanna, Witness to Will, 85 Friedenwald H., 2 Frois: Isaac (son of Rachel Nunes Carvalho), In Will, 84 Jacob (son of Rachel Nunes Carvalho), In WiU, 84 Fundano, Jacob, In Will, 73 Furtado, see Aboab Gabay, see Letob, Risson Gago, see Hamis Gaon, Esther, Epitaph, 97 Gideon, see also Abudiente Esther (wife of Rowland), 38, 85 Sampson (son of Rowland G.), 38; Endenization, 96 Rowland (Rehiel), 37-39; Death, 85; Witness to Will, 84; Endenization (twice), 95, 96; Embarkation List, 94 Gomes, Abraham, 17, 46; His Will, 71 Gomes Henriques: I. Abraham, 39; Endenization, 95, 96; Witness to Will, 54; In Wills, 77, 89 II. Abraham, In Will, 89-90 Grace, (wife of Abraham), Witness to Will, 59; In Will, 71 Grace, or Benvenida, (wife of Isaac), Death, 39, 71; Epitaph, 106 Isaac (brother of Hannah B. Lou zada), 39; Census List, 64; Muster Roll, 66; Contributions to Levy, 69; Endenization, 95, 96; In Will, 81; Witness to Will, 75 Gutteres, see Dias Halas, Isaac, In Will, 62 Hamis (Gago): Judicah (wife of Moses), In Will, 71 Moses, 34, 41; Census List, 64; Endenization, 95; Acts as Mohel, 77; His Will, 71; In WiU, 74; Epitaph, 98 Harlow, V. T., 48 Harris, Judith, see J. Torres Hay ay a: Joshua, Epitaph, 100 Sarah (wife of Joshua), Epitaph, 100 Hayem, Abraham, Embarkation List, 94 Henriques: see also Baruch, Bueno, Flores, Gomes, Melhado Ephraim Jessurun (see also Elrick), 31; Epitaph, 98 Rachel Esther, Epitaph, 97 Henriques Lopes: Abraham, In Will, 87 Benjamin, In Will, 87 Moses, His Will, 87 Sarah (mother of Moses), In Will, 87 Horner, Captain Thomas, In Will, 75 Idanha: Abraham (de Jacob), Epitaph, 98 Rachel, Epitaph, 104 Israel: Abraham, 21; In Will, 76 David, 21; Census List, 64; Muster Roll, 66; His Will, 75; Contribu? tions to Levy, 69; Endenization, 21, 95: Epitaph, 97 Elias, Muster Roll, 66 Esther (de David), 21; In Will, 75, 76 Isaac (de David), 21; Muster Roll, 66; Contribution to Levy, 69; In Will, 75, 76 Jacob, 21, In Will, 76 (alias Tedesca), Judith, Census List, 65; Contribution to Levy, 69 Samuel, 21; In Will, 76 Sarah(wife of David), In Will, 75, 76 Solomon of Nevis, 21; In Will, 76</page><page sequence="6">384 INDEX 1 Jessurun : Henriques, see Henriques Mendes, see Costa Judah, 0. F., 2 Kopke, Jacob, Witness to Will, 82 Lambert, Colonel Simon, 52, 91 Leon: Abraham (de Moses I.) Pereira de, Epitaph, 104 Benjamin Pereira de, 27; Contribu? tion to Levy, 68; Endenization, 96; His Will, 57; Mentioned in Will, 56 Daniel Joshua de, 27, On Epitaph, 105 David de, 27, Muster Roll, 52 Esther (de Mathias) de, In Will, 60 Lebanah de (wife of Mathias), 42, Executrix, 60; In Will, 54 Mathias (de Benjamin) de, His Will, 60; In Will, 54, 57 I. Moses Pereira de, 27, Epitaph, 100; On Epitaphs, 98, 104 II. Moses Pereira de, 27, Census List, 51; Muster Roll, 52; Contribution to Levy, 6.8 Rabbi Jacob Judah de, surnamed Templo, 27 Sampson de, 27; Muster Roll, 52 Sarah (de Mathias) de, In Will, 60 Sarah de (wife of Daniel Joshua), Epitaph, 105 Sarah Esther Pereira de (wife of Moses I.), Epitaph 98 Simha de (wife of Benjamin), In Will, 57 Solomon de, of Jamaica, 27 Letob: Benjamin Gabay, In Will, 54 David Gabay, In WiUs, 54, 60 Ishak Gabay, His Will, 54 Jacob Gabay, In Will, 54; Witness to Will, 55 Rebecca, Epitaph, 105 Levi, see Rezio Levy: Emmanuel, His Will, 81; In Wills, 82, 85 Gabriel, In Will, 85 Rachel (wife of Emmanuel), Her Will, 82; Executrix and Beneficiary, 81 Lopes : see also Henriques Lopes Aaron Vaz, In Will, 57 Abraham, Census List, 64; Muster Roll, 66; Contributions to Levy, 69; Embarkation List, 93 Benjamin, mentioned 93 David, Endenization, 95; In Wills, 60, 62; Witness to Will, 63 Eliahu, Haham of Barbados, 6-7, 21, 34; Census List, 64; In WiUs, 75, 92; Executor, 94; Witness to Will, 81 Hester (de Moses), In Will, 62 Judicah (de Sarah), In Will, 72 Moses (son-in-law of Abraham Nunes), Executor and Beneficiary, 62 Moses (de David), In Will, 62 Rachel, Census List, 65 Sarah (wife of David; daughter of Mathias de Leon), In Wills, 60, 72 Lopes Teiles, Abraham, Embarkation List, 94 Louzada: Aaron (or Ar on) Baruch (17th Cen? tury), 9, 21, 22-24, 42; Census List (as Baruch), 63; Muster Roll, 92; Contributions to Levy, 69; His Will 76; Witness to Will, 75; In Will, 75; Endenization, 23, 95; Family records translated, 77 Aaron Baruch (18th Century), Epi? taph, 107; On Epitaph, 108 Aaron (de Solomon) Baruch, In Will, 81 Abraham Baruch, 22-23, 31; Census List (as Barrow), 51; Muster Roll, 53; Endenization, 23,95; In Will, 76 Anthony (Moses Barrow) A London broker, 22; Attorney of Will, 75 David (brother of Aaron Baruch), 22 23; In Will, 76</page><page sequence="7">INDEX I 385 Louzada: David (de Aaron) Baruch, Birth entry, 77; In Will, 77; Endeniza? tion, 95 David (de Simon), In Will, 88 Eliahu Baruch (de Jacob and Re? becca), Epitaph, 101 Esther (de Aaron B.), Birth, 78; On Epitaph, 100 Esther, Sarah B. (wife of Aaron B.), Epitaph, 108 Hannah B. (de Aaron), 46; Birth entry, 78; In Will, 81 Immanuel B. (de Aaron), Birth entry, 78; In Will, 81 Isaac (de Jacob), Epitaph, 101 Jacob B. (de Aaron), Birth entry, 78; In Wills, 80, 81 Jacob (or James) B. (? de David), 31, Muster Roll, 52; Contribution to Levy, 69; Witness to Will, 74; In Will, 77; Endenization, 96; On Epitaphs, 101, 107 Moses B., Mentioned in Will, 76; Endenization, 96; Epitaph, 100 Rachel B. (wife of Aaron B.), 23; Her Will, 80 Rebecca B., 23 (footnote) Rebecca B. (de David de Aaron), In Will, 81 Rebecca B. (wife of Jacob B.), Con? tributor to Levy, 69; Epitaph, 107; On Epitaph, 101 Rebecca (otherwise Barrow), 43; Em? barkation List, 94 Simon B., In Will, 88 Solomon B. (de Aaron), Birth, 77; In Wills, 80, 81 Lucas, Dr. Nathan, 20 (footnote) Lyte, Major Paul, 19, 66 Machorka: Hannah (sister of Moses Hamis), In Will, 72 Jacob (de Hannah), In Will, 72 Marquez: Esther (wife of Jacob), Executrix, 86 Marquez: Jacob (de Peixoto), His Will, 86 ? Peixoto, Executrix, 86 Rachel (de Jacob), In Will, 86 Massiah: Abraham, Witness to Will, 88; In W?1, 88 Angela (wife of Jacob), In Will, 72 Benjamin, Witness to Will, 88 Daniel, In Will, 88 Daniel (de Simon), Epitaph, 104 Deborah (? de Jacob), Epitaph, 103 Deborah (de Simon), In Will, 60 Isaac, In Will, 88 Isaac (de Simon), In Will, 56 Jacob, 28; Census List, 51; Muster Roll, 52; Witness to Will, 59; In Will, 72; Epitaph, 103 Jacob, In Will, 88 Samuel, In Will, 88 Sarah, On Epitaph, 104 Simon, In Will, 88 Simon (de Jacob), 28; Witness to Wills, 58, 84; In Wills, 55, 56, 57, 60, 72; On Epitaph, 104 Medina: Abraham de, 42; Muster Roll, 66 Abraham de, Muster Roll, 66; Epi? taph, 98 Esther de (de Moses Azevedo), In Will, 83 Jacob de, 42; Endenization, 96; His Will, 85; Executor, 59; Witness to Wills, 77, 84 Leah de, 42; Census List, 64; Con? tributions to Levy, 69 Simtia de (wife of Jacob), Executrix, 85 Solomon de; 42, Epitaph, 103 Melhado: Aaron (de Isaac) Henriques, 34; In Will, 83 Abraham (de Isaac) Henriques, In Will, 83 David (de Isaac) Henriques, In Will, 83 Deborah (de Isaac) Henriques, In WiU, 83</page><page sequence="8">386 INDEX I Melhado: Esther (de Isaac) Henriques, In Will, 83 Isaac Henriques (or Lopes), 34; Mus? ter Roll, 66; Endenization, 96; His Will, 82; Witness to WiU, 82; In Will, 80 Jacob (de Isaac) Henriques, In Wills, 80, 83 Jael (de Isaac) Henriques, 34; In Will, 83 Judith (de Isaac) Henriques, In Will, 83 Rachel (de Isaac) Henriques, In Will, 83 Rebecca (de Isaac) Henriques, In Will, 83 Sarah (wife of Isaac Henriques), 34; In Will, 83 Mello, Esther, see Esther de Campos Mendes: see also Dias Abraham (son and executor of Men asseh M.), 24-5; Executor, 57; In Will, 58 Abraham (de Solomon), Executor, 59 Abraham Aron (de Joseph), d. 1692; Epitaph, 102 Benjamin (de Menasseh), In Wills, 57, 58 Deborah (wife of Menasseh), 58 Esther (de Joseph), Epitaph, 98 Isaac, merchant of London, Executor, 59 Isaac (de Joseph), d. 1696 aet. 21 years; Epitaph, 104 Jacob (de Joseph), 24; In Wills, 55, 58; Witness to Will, 80 Jacob (de Solomon), 25 Jael, real name of Jael Dias, q.v. Joseph, 24-25, 28; Census List, 51; Muster RoU, 53; His Will, 54; Executor, 76; Endenization, 95; On Epitaphs, 98, 102, 104 Joseph (de Moses), In Will, 57 Joseph Jessurun, real name of Lewis Dias, q.v. Mendes: Judith (wife of Moses; daughter of David CasteUo), In Will, 58 Lebanah (granddaughter of Moses d Azevedo), In Will, 83 Lunah (de Joseph), In Wills, 55, 57 Menasseh, 24-25; Emigration to Lon? don, 24; Muster Roll, 53; His Will, 57; In Wills, 55, 57; Endenization, 95 Moses (de Joseph), In Will, 82; Exe? cutor, 55, 87; Epitaph, 98 Moses (de Solomon), Removal to London, 25; His Will, 58; On Epitaph, 106 Rachel (wife of Joseph), 42; In Will, 55 Rachel (wife of Simon), 26 Sarah (de Joseph), In Wills, 55, 57 Sarah (de Menasseh), 24; In Will, 58 Sarah Abigail (wife of Moses de Solomon), In Will, 59; Epitaph, 106 Simon 24-26; Census List, 51; Muster Roll, 52 Solomon, 24; Emigration to London, 25; Census List, 51; Muster Roll, 53 Solomon (de Moses de Solomon), In Will, 59 Mercado: Aaron de (d. 1660), 20; Epitaph, 99 Aaron Haim de, 19; Muster Roll, 66; Witness to Will, 80 Dr. Abraham de, 17-18; Endeniza? tion, 95 David (de Isaac), 19-20; Muster Roll, 66; Contribution to Levy, 96; In Will, 75 David (de Moses Hiskia), 20; In Will, 75 David of New York, 20 (footnote) David Raphael or Ralph de, 17-20; Inventor of a sugar mill, 18; Census List, 64; Muster Roll, 66; Contri? butions to Levy, 69; His Will, 74; Endenization (twice), 18, 95; Epi? taph, 97</page><page sequence="9">INDEX I 387 Mercado: Dr. Moses Hiskia de, 18, 20; Census List, 64; Contributions to Levy, 69; In Wills, 73, 75; Endenization, 96 Gracia de (wife of David Raphael; sister of Aaron Barueh Louzada), 19, 42; Executrix, 75 Isaac, 18-20; Muster Roll, 66; In Will, 75 Jacob de, In WiU, 88 Manuel de, In Will, 88 Moses of New York, 20 (footnote) Rachel de (wife of Moses Hiskia) interred at Altona, 18 Samuel (de Jacob) de, In Will, 88 Merrick, Sir Thomas, In Will, 55 Mesquita, see Bueno de Mesquita Meza: see also Fonseca Meza Isaac de, Census List, 64; Muster Roll, 66; Contributions to Levy, 69; Epitaph, 104; On Epitaph, 105 Rachel de (widow of Isaac), Epitaph, 105 Sarah de (sister of Lewis Dias), In Will, 78 Michell, Mary, In Will, 74 Miliade, Isaac Lopes (see I. H. Melhado) Endenization, 96 Monsanto, Rebecca, In Will, 87 Morera, Rachel, In Will, 78 Morris, Captain, 66 Mota, Benjamin, Witness to Will, 81 Murray, Henry, Witness to Will, 81 Naar (or Nahar, or Noare, or Noy, q.v), Isaac, Beadle of the Congregation, 7, 21; Census List, 65; Muster Roll, 66; In Will, 75 Namias: Daniel (prob. David), Census List, 90; Contribution to Levy, 69; David, Census List, 64; Contribution to Levy, 69; In Will, 93; Endeni? zation, 21, 95 Esther (wife of Isaac), In Will, 72 Namias: Isaac, In Will, 72 Luna (wife of David), In Will, 93 Luna (de-Manuel), In Will, 93 Manuel (de David), His WiU, 93; In Will, 56 (Nahamias), Moses Haim, Epitaph, 99 Rachel, Epitaph, 101 Nasy, Daniel, 26; Embarkation List, 94 Navarro: Aaron (de Abraham of Amsterdam), 21, 22, 32, 34, 40-41; Census List, 63; Contribution to Levy, 69; His WiU, 72; In Will, 76; Witness to Will, 71; Endenization, 95; Epi? taph, 101 Abraham, Contribution to Levy, 69; In WiU, 73 Esther (wife of Aaron), In Will, 73 Isaac, Endenization, 95 Isaac Nunes, In Will, 72 Jacob, In Will, 72, 73 Judith, 41; Census List, 65 Moses, In Will, 72, 73 Moses Jacob (de Aaron), In Will, 73, 74 Samuel, 41; Census List, 64; Muster Roll, 66; Contribution to Levy, 69; In Will, 71 Sarah (de Aaron), In Will, 73, 74 Negresses: Aba, 61; Abbah, 84; Astor, 55; Bashe, 83; Bella, 61; Bessy, 61; Betty, 75; Boss, 61; Casander, 62; Clarina, 85; Consciencia, 71; De bora, 59; Diana, 61, 83; Doegood, 61; Entitta, 73; Esperansa, 61, 76, 81; Esperanto, 83; Evare, 55; Gracy, 60; Great Quasiba, 61; Hagar, 55; Hannah, 73; Isabella, 80; Jenny, 59, 61; Juana, 54; Katy Casandar, 62; Lilly, 61; Mainba, 61; Maria, 83; Maria Arda, 73; Maria Ibo, 76; Mariba, 61; Mary, 55, 58, 83; Moll, 61; Nanny, 61; Obbah, 58; Old Flora, 62; Old Katy, 62; Peggy, 54, 58, 60, 89;</page><page sequence="10">388 INDEX I Negresses:?Continued Peguey, 61; Phillis, 89; Quasheba, 83; Quassiba, 61; Rose, 84, 89; Santo, 89; Sarah, 89; Sary (Indian Girl), 61; Zabelina, 83 Negroes: Antonio, 76; Anthony, 61, 85; August, 61; Cain, 83; Coger Jack, 55; Cudjoe, 89; February, 61; Ger son Catalina, 92; Joe, 59; Ishmael, 62; Jack, 85; John, 62, 85; John Loppy, 61; London, 61; Macaco, 76; Manuel, 61; Matte, 55; Primus, 61, 89; Punch, 89; Purim, 61; Robin, 76; Sammy, 62; Scipio, 59; Tom, 55; Vallenty, 76. Neto, Sarah Nunes, In Will, 62 Newton, Col. Samuel, 52, 91 Nieto, Haham David, delivers funeral oration, 84 Noy, Hester (see Naar), Census List, 65 Nunes: see also Franco, Carvalho Abigail (sister-in-law of Abraham Nunes), In WiU, 63 Abraham, Endenization, 96; His Will, 61; Witness to Will, 85 Esther (de Mordecai), In Will, 62 Isaac Fernandez, Executor, 59, 86; In WiU, 85 Jacob, In Will, 79 Jacob, Fernandez of London, 84 Mordecai (de Abraham), In Will, 62 Moses, Witness to Will, 61 Rebecca (wife and niece of Mordecai), In WiU, 62 Nunes da Fonseca, David, In Will, 92; Contribution to Levy, 68; see also David Fonseca Odri, Esther (prob. Rodrigues), Epi? taph, 102 Oliveira: Judica (de Solomon), In Will, 53 Rachel (wife of Solomon), In Will, 53 Rebecca (de Solomon), In Will, 53 Solomon, In Will, 53 Oliver: Dr. V. L., 3-4, quoted 56, 97 Oppenheim, the late Mr. Samuel, of New York, 77 Pachecho: Abraham, Contribution to Levy, 69; In Will, 71 David (of Jamaica), 42 Dinah, Epitaph, 101 Esther, Contribution to Levy, 69; Her Will, 83 Hezekiah, 42; Executor, 83, 86; In Will, 80 Isaac (de Esther), In Will, 83 Jacob, 17, 42; Census List, 65; Muster Roll, 66; Contribution to Levy, 69; His WiU, 71; Epitaph, 100 Jacob (de Hezekiah), In Will, 80 Moses (de Esther), In Will, 83 Moses (de Hezekiah), In Will, 80 Moses Israel, 26; Endenization, 21, 95 Rachel (de Esther), In Will, 83 Rebecca, Census List, 65; Contribu? tion to Levy, 69; ? Epitaph, 100 Palache: David (see Bleachy), Muster Roll, 66 Mordecai, Census List, 65; Muster Roll, 66; Contributions to Levy, 79 Parra, Samuel Haim de la, In Will, 78 Peixoto, ?, Executrix, 86 Penha, Isaac de la, Endenization, 96 Perabo: Aaron, Muster Roll, 66 Jacob, Census List (Preet), 64; Mus? ter Roll, 66; Contributions to Levy, 69 Pereira: see also Ferard Aaron, Witness to Will, 83 Abraham Lopes, Epitaph, 99 Hezekiah, Witness to Will, 83 Isaac, Census List, 64; Muster Roll, 92 Isaac, Census List, 6</page><page sequence="11">INDEX I 389 Pereira: Jacob Roiz, Witness to Will, 61 Moses, Endenization, 95 Pickering, Major Joseph, In Will, 56 Pinheiro, Moses, Witness to Will, 90 Pinto, Esther, In Will, 72 Piza: Airaham (de Isaac Israel) de, Epi? taph, 102 Abraham Haim Israel de, His Will, 58 David (de Abraham) de, In Will, 58 Elijah Israel de, 45, Contribution to Levy, 69 Hester (wife of Abraham de), Execu? trix and Beneficiary, 58 Isaac (de Abraham) de, In Wills, 58, 88; Son-in-law of Mordecai Burgos, 88; On Epitaph, 102 Isaac Israel de, 44-45; Contribution to Levy, 96; On Epitaph, 102 Israel de, On Epitaph, 98 Sarah (de Abraham) de, In Will, 58 Sarah Simha de, Epitaph, 98 Preet, see Perabo Qay, Abraham, Census List, 64 Rezio : Anthony Rodriguez otherwise Aaron Levi, 18, 21-22; Census List (as Rodriguez), 64; Contributions to Levy, 69; Endenization, 21, 95 Isaac Levi, 22; Epitaph, 99 Jacob Abraham Levi, d. 1661, 22; Epitaph, 99 Jeronimo Rodriguez alias Abraham Levi, Refuses to collect impost in 1666, 22; Endenization, 95 Rachel Levi, d. 1684, 22 Rebecca Levi,Buried in Nevis 1688,22 Richards, Dan, Witness to Will, 55 Risson: Isaac Gabay, Epitaph, 99 Judith, Census List, 64; Contribu? tions to Levy, 69 Sarah Gabay, Epitaph, 99 Riveira, Aaron, Witness to Will, 85 Rochester (Laurence Hyde), Lord, 19 Rodriguez: Alphonso, Endenization, 96 Anthony, see Rezio, Anthony Rod? riguez David Judah, 21; In Will, 76 Esther (de David Judah), 21; Con? tribution to Levy, 69; In Will, 71, 76; (see Odri) Isaac, In Will, 59; Witness to Will, 60 Jacob (de David Judah), 21; In Will, 76 Rachel (de David Israel, wife of David Judah), 21; In Will, 76 Rebecca, Contribution to Levy, 69 Saraiva, see Senior Sarrah: Abraham, 33; Muster Roll, 66 (twice) Mordecai, 33; Census List, 65 Sasportas, Samuel, Endenization, 96 Savido, Moses de ( = d'Azevedo), Census List, 65 Senior: Aaron, In WiU, 53 Hannah (? wife of Joseph), Epitaph, 99 Jacob, 33, Embarkation List, 94 (Senhor) Mordecai, In Will, 73 Sarah (wife of Aaron), In Will, 53 Senior Saraiva, Joseph, 33; Census List, 64; Muster Roll, 66; Contribution to Levy, 69; Endenization, 95; Executor, 74; Witness to Will, 74; Epitaph, 104 Serfati, Joshua, Embarkation List, 93 Serrano: Isaac, 42; Endenization, 95 Jael, 42, Census List, 64; Contribu? tion to Levy, 69; Epitaph, 104 Solomon Mendez, Endenization, 96 Silva: Aaron de, 27; Endenization, 95 (Silver) Abraham de, 27; Census List, 51; Muster Roll, 52 Isaac de David da, Epitaph, 102</page><page sequence="12">390 INDEX 1 Silva: Joseph de, His Will, 60; In Will, 60 Rebecca (de Mathias de Leon, wife of Joseph de, Executrix, 60; In Will, 60 Sober, John, In Will, 56; Witness to Will, 55 Sotto, Abraham del, In Will, 78 Soza Mendes, Abraham de, 39; Census List (Sonsa), 64; Muster Roll (Seises), 66; Contributions to Levy, 69; Endenization, 95; Witness to Will, 77 Suares: Abraham, In Will, 84; Witness to Will, 83 David, Census List, 65; In Will, 92 Esther (de Abraham), In Will, 84 Isaac, In WiU, 80 Jacob, of Curacao, In WiU, 62 Solomon Rodrigues, Epitaph, 101 Tartas : Abraham Teyxeyra, In WiU, 88 Isaac Teyxeyra, In WiU, 88 Rachel Teyxeyra, In WiU, 88 Tedesca, Judith, see J. Israel TeUes, see Lopes Tidcombe, Lieut-Col., 52 Tinoco: see Enoch Abraham, 30; Muster Roll (Tenock), 52 Jacob, 26, 30; Embarkation List, 93 Solomon, 30-31; In Will 92; Epi? taph, 97 Torez, Judicah, Census List, 64; Con? tribution to Levy, 69 Ulloa: (Velloa), David, 30; Census List, 51; In WiU, 87; On Epitaph, 105 Daniel, Witness to WiUs, 55, 57 (Velho), Francisco, death in Inquisi? tion, 30 Rebecca (grand-daughter of Isaac Gabay Letob), In Will, 54 Rebecca (wife of David), 30; Epi? taph, 105 Vale: Isaac do, In Will, 71; Epitaph, 102 Rachel (wife of Isaac), In Will, 71 Valle, see Fonseca-Valle Valverde: Aaron (de Jacob), In Wills, 61, 86, 87 Abraham (de David), In Will, 86 Abraham (de Elias), In Will, 88; Executor, 89 (or Greene) Abraham (de Jacob), 34, 35; Census List, 64; Contributions to Levy, 69; Endenization, 96; In Will, 86, 61; Executor, 54, 74, 76 David (brother of Jacob), 35; In Wills, 82, 85, 86; Executor, 61, 87; Wit? ness, 90 David (de Elias), In Will, 89 David (de Jacob), 8; In Wills, 61, 86, 87 Eleazar, His Will, 85; Executor, 59, 61 Elias (brother of Jacob), 35; His Will, 88; In Will, 85; Executor, 63, 85, 87 Elias (de David), In Will, 86 Eliza, In Will, 82 Esther (de Jacob), In Will, 61, 86, 87 Francis, Executor, 82 Isaac (de Jacob), In Wills, 61, 86, 87 Jacob, His Will, 60; Executor, 82; Witness, 93; In Wills, 82, 85, 86, 87 Jacob (de David), In Will, 86 Jacob (de Elias), Executor and Bene? ficiary, 89, 90 Jael (de David), In Will, 86 Jael (de Jacob), In Wills, 60, 86 Leah (de Elias), In Will, 89 Leah (de Jacob), In Will, 86, 87 Lunah, (de Jacob), In Wills, 61, 86, 89 Moses (de Abraham & Jael), Epitaph, 99 Moses (de Jacob), In Wills, 61, 86, 87 Rachel (de Elias), In WiU, 89 Rachel (nee Franco, wife of Jacob), In Will, 86</page><page sequence="13">INDEX I 391 Valverde: Rebecca (de Abraham & Jael), Epi? taph, 98 Rebecca (de Elias), In Will, 89 Rebecca (de Jacob), In Wills, 61, 86, 87 Sarah (de Elias), In Will, 89 Simha (de Jacob), In Wills, 61, 86, 87 Simha (nee Franco, wife of David), In Wills, 86, 87 Vaz: Esther (wife of Isaac and sister of Joseph Mendes), In Will, 56 Isaac, In Will, 56 Veiga, Samuel de, In Will, 73 Velho, see Ulloa Vrede, Paul Jansen de (Abraham), 28; Census List, 51, 64; Muster Roll, 53; Contribution to Levy, 68; En denization, 21, 95 Williams, Elijah, 3, and passim Willoughby of Parham, Lord Francis, 19 Wiltshire, Capt. Samuel W., 20 Ximenes, Abraham of London, 84 Zinha, Esther perhaps a diminutive of Esther, or Esther Simcha (Joy) (grand-daughter of David Israel), In Will, 76</page><page sequence="14">INDEX II (TO ALL PAPERS EXCEPT JEWS OF BARBADOS) Compiled by Miss Margery S. Weiner, B.A. page Aaron le Blund . 121, 127, 128 131, 137 ? of Canterbury, Master 124,309 ? of Lincoln . 114,115,119 ? , son of Abraham 125, 127, 128, 140, 131, 137, 139, ? , sonofVives . . . 121 see also Cok, Isaac Aaron of York, Michael Adler 113-155, 308 Abingdon, Abbot of . . .318 Abraham of Berkhampstead . 139 Abrahams, Israel . . .179 ? , Sir Lionel . . 317 Acres, W. M.271 Adler: Cyrus, Dr.204 Elkan N. . 124, 147, 200, 207 Hermann, Dr. . . .124 Michael, Aaron of York, 113-155, 315 Agudas Yisroel . . . 192, 198 Aguilar, Diego P. de . . . 287 d'Albiniaco (Daubeny), William . 136, 153 Aleph, R. Leib . . 172 passim Alexander, King of Scotland 120, 132 Alexander, Isaac, of Hamburg . 160 Alexander, Sir J. E. . . . 248 Alvaro da Costa . . .272 Alverton, Sergeant Thomas of 134, 152 American Rabbis, Conference of 191, 215 Anglo-Jewish Exhibition Papers 115, 118, 121, 124, 293-322 passim Anglo-Jewry as seen through Foreign Eyes (1730-1830), J. Rumney Antera, daughter of Aaron York . ? , daughter of Jacob Oxford Arch-Presbyter Archenholtz, J. W. von Arches Court of Canterbury Arcy, Sir Norman de . Arran, Earl of . Aschkenazi, Haham Levi Assher, son of Licoricia Audele, Sir Maurice de Austen, C. A. Avegaye, daughter of Benedict of Winchester . . 309; 310, 318, 320 Axemuth, William de . . .310 Azevedo, R. Moses Cohen d5 .177 323-340 of 118, 147 of . 305, 315 122-125, 142, 143, 313 329 passim 272 passim . 316 . 282 . 168 . 319 . 316 . 133 Bacon, Roger . Bailey, Thomas Baldwin, de l'Isle, Lord Baldwin, Sir J. . Ballard, Jos. Balliol, Adam of ? College . Barkergate, York Baron, Benjamin Basset, Philip Bassyn, Jacob, of Exeter Baxter, Sarah . 321 . 281 . 146 199 passim 327 passim . 142 119, 134, 136, 142, 296 . 119 . 290 . 303 . 306 . 291 393</page><page sequence="15">394 INDEX page . 289 . 153 119, 304, 313 . 137 337 314 311 285 . 128 . 118 114-118 315, 316 Beau Mordecai . Beaufoy, Raoul de Bedford ? , Elias of Belasco, Aby Belia, wife of Jacob of Oxford ? , wife of Lumbard of Crick lade Bellamy, Thomas Benedict Crespin . 127, 131, 137 ? de Cauz . . 318, 320 ? de la Cornere . 318, 320 ? l'Eveske . 297, 314, 318 ? , nephew of Aaron of York ? of Winchester ? of York ? , son of Jacob of Oxford . ? , son of Jose of York . 115, 117, 120 ? , son of Licoricia 305, 309, 310 ? , son of Meyr . . 318 ? , son-in-law of Milegoda . 301 ? , son of Master Moses of London . . 313, 314 see also Avegaye, Jose, Sara, Vives Benmohel, Rev. A. L. . . 182 Benson, George . . . .118 Berkhampstead, Abraham of . 139 ? , Samuel of . 318, 320 Berners, Adam de 307 Beth Din in Medieval England . 309 Bettesworth, Dr. ... 275 Be vis Marks Synagogue . 271, 273 Bialik, C. N.204 Bigod, Hugh . . . .135 Bird, John . . . 253, 262 Bloom, Congressman S. 194 passim Blyth, (Notts) . . 277 passim Blund, Aaron le, see Aaron ? , Elias le . . . .137 ? , Isaac . . . .118 Bocage, Mme. du 325 Bodyn, Henry . . . .317 page Bonamy, son of Copin . . 299 Bonefey, son of Lumbard of Cricklade . 303, 311, 319, 320 ? of Oxford . . .137 see also Copin, Jacob Bonevia, son of Vives of Oxford . 305 Bordeaux, Halengrat of Bourne, Cardinal Botha, C. G. Braham, John . Bread Street, London Bretgate, Manser of Breton, Alan Bretun, William le Bridgnorth (Bruges) Bristol Britton, George Brown, C. . Bruges, John of Brus, Peter de Budge Row, London Bull Hall, Oxford Bullington (Lincolnshire), Abbot of . Bundy, Jose Burnell, William Bury St. Edmunds, Riots at . 138 . 227, 243 . 249 . 338 . 319 . 118 . 147 . 300 . 296 304, 331, 336 . 263 . 281 . 132 . 135, 139 . 272, 278 . 320 134 . 300 311, 319 . 117 146 Cahorsins Calendar Committee, League 190 passim Cambridge . . . 197, 300 ? , Jews plundered at . 304 ? , Master Benjamin of .126 Canstatt, D. H.262 Cantelupe, Baron . . .310 ? , William . . .310 Canterbury . . . .158 ? , Archbishop of 190, 213, 214 ? , Master Aaron of 124, 309 Cappadocci, Aaron . . . 337 Carfax, Oxford . . 293, 318, 320 Casanova in England . . .337 Catte Street (Gresham Street) . 120</page><page sequence="16">INDEX II 395 page Chaceporc, Peter 128, 129, 138, 139 Chaka, King . . 252 passim Chambers, Ann . . . . 286 ? , William . . .286 Charles II., King . . .271 Chase, J. C. . . . 249,262 Chateaubriand . . . 207, 324 Chiselhampton, Laurence de .317 Church Row Synagogue . . 326 Churton, Edward . . .250 Cibber, Theophilus . . .289 Clare, Gilbert de, see Gloucester Clare Hall, Oxford Clifford, Roger de ? , Walter de Clifford's Tower . Clifton, Sir Robert Copin, son of Bonefey . ? of Oxford. ? of Worcester 320 135, 308, 310 . 135 116, 118, 135 . 285 . 145 Cobham, Reginald de . Cochrane, see Vega, Juan de Cohen, Israel .... 247 ? , Samuel (Episcopus) of York . . 117, 131, 135, 147, 151 ? , Sarah, The Oxford Jewry in the Thirteenth Cen? tury . . . 293-322 Cok, son of Aaron . . .140 ? , son of Cresse . . .314 ? , son of Hagin . . . 314 Coke, Sir Edward . . .123 Cole, Sir Galbraith Lowry . 262, 263 Colchester, Jose of . . .314 Colechurch Street . . 121, 138 Colenso, Bishop . . .261 Colishull, John de . . .317 Collins, Sir Arthur . . .166 Colquhoun . . . 333, 334 Colton, Moses of 141 Colyer-Fergusson, Sir Thomas . 275 Commons, Journals of the House of 272 Coney (Conyng) Street, York 115 passim Converts, House of, London 122, 297, 318 ? , ?- -, Oxford . . 296 Cooper, T. P.118 page . 299 . 137 294, 307, 308, 310, 311 see also Bonamy, Jose, Vives Copped Hall, Totteridge . 274, 279 Cornere, Benedict de la . 318, 320 Cornwall, see Richard, Earl of Cory, Sir George E. . 247 passim Costa: Alvaro da . . 272, 274, 278 Anne da .... 274 Benjamin da . . . . 290 Catherine da (Villareal) 271-291 passim Catherine Mendes da 272-274, 288 Emanuel Mendes da . .271 Esther (Johanna) da . . 272 Joseph da . . 272 passim Leonora .... 272 Moses (Anthony) da. 271,272,274 Philip, (Jacob) Mendes da 271 passim Cotsworth, M. B. Coventre, Roger de Crespin, Benedict ? , Jacob . Cresse ? , son of Master London ? , Cok, son of Crewe, Marquess of Cricklade, Lumbard of, Curll, Edmund . Curwen, S. 192 passim . 306 126, 131, 137 . 126 . 146 Moses of . 313, 314 . 314 . 271, 282 see Lumbard . 275, 276 . 325 Daniel's Row (Street), Ports? mouth . . . 158 passim Daubeny, see d'Albiniaco David of Oxford . 124 passim, 296 passim Davies, R. . . 115 passim Davis, M. D., Shetaroth 116 passim, Defoe, Daniel .... 332 Derlyngton, Hugh, Prior of Dur? ham ..... 152</page><page sequence="17">396 INDEX II TAGE Deulecresse . . . .140 ? , Hagin son of . 122, 142 ? , son of Jose of Kent . . 153, 155 Deulesaut Koc . . . .126 Devonshire, Duke of . . 286, 288 Diaie (Dyaye), son of Master Benjamin of Cambridge 126 ? , Jornin, son of. . 142, 155 ? , Moses, son of . . . 299 Dingaan, King . . 257, 259-261 Dominicans . . . 296-298 Domus Conversorum, see Converts Duffield, R. de . . . . 296 Duke's Place 324, 326, 327, 333, 334 see also Great Synagogue Durham Cathedral, Clergy of .134 ? ? Library, Docu? ment from . 154 Duschinsky, Dr. C. 165 Eastman, George . 192 passim Eddeworth, Stephen de . .313 Edward, Prince (Edward I.) 126 passim, 299 passim Egglestone (Yorkshire), Abbot of . 134 Egmont Diary . . . .285 Eleanor of Provence, Queen 121 passim, 308 passim Elekin (Elkanah) of Oxford . . 318 Elias, Isaac, son of E. l'Eveske . 140 ? leBlund . . . .137 ? l'Eveske, Arch-Presbyter 121 passim, 313 passim ? of Bedford ? of Pontefract Ellis, Jack Emanuel: Emanuel Ezekiel Hannah Joel Michael Moses Samuel Solomon . 137 . 137 . 289 157, 173, 179 . 173 . 165 . 173 . 173 . 173 160, 164, 165, 172 . 158 PAGE Enveyse, Manasser le . . .317 Ephraim, M. of Berlin . . 338 Espriella, Don, M.A., see Southey d'Estuteville, John . . .154 Eveske, 1', see Elias Exchequer of the Jews 123, 124, 125, 314 Exeter, Jacob Bassyn of . 306, 317 Eye, Peitavin of . . .118 Ezekiel, Abraham Ezekiel . .177 Fano, Rabbi A. da Farewell, Lieutenant Falk. Falkon, R. (Cain Chenui) 337, 338 . 227 253, 254, 256, 262 Fazakerly, Nicholas . . . 280 Feltergayle (Fetter Lane), York . 118 Feteplace, Adam . . 300, 317 ? Family . . .307 ? , Walter . . 318, 319 Fish Street (St. Aldate's), Oxford 293, 307, 311, 320, 321 "Five Sisters" Windows, York Minster.134 Fleet Marriages . . . 279, 291 ? Prison . . . 285, 303 ? Register . . . .279 Fletcher, J. S., Yorkshire 118, 135, 136 Flora of Oxford . . 314, 318, 320 Florence of Worcester . . 298 Fossgate, Jacob of . . .118 Foster, Captain H. 248 Fountains Abbey (Yorkshire), Abbot of . . 118,139,147, 148 Fowler, J. T., Northallerton Starrs 134, 136 Franceis, Isaac le 294 ? , Samuel le . . 294, 299 Franciscans . . . 297, 298 Franklin, A. E.160 Frederick II. of Germany . .125 Freed, Clarence I. 247 Fynn, H. . . . 256, 259, 264</page><page sequence="18">INDEX II 397 page Gal way, Viscount and Viscountess 271, 282, 289 Gamaliel of Oxford . . 305, 307, 312 Garcia of Lincoln . . .126 Gaster, M. 271, 273 Gates, W. G. . . 158, 159, 178 Geistock, Emanuel . . .159 Geneva, see Hertz Gentiliaof York . . .118 Gentleman's Magazine . 158, 164, 271, 279 Geoffrey the Templar . . .127 George I., King, 325; IL, 286, 325; IV., 254, 286; V., 135 Gideon: Family.249 Jane.288 Rowland . . . .288 Samson . . . 286-288,291 "Gilead, Balm of" . . .338 Gloucester, Earl of, Gilbert de Clare . 305, 307, 313 ? , Margolicia of . 318, 320 ? , Vives of . . 318, 320 Goede, C. A. G.333 Gonzales, Don Manuel . 325, 332 Gooch, see Elizabeth Sarah Villareal Gore : Anne.282 Mr. Ormsby- . . . .282 Sir William . . . .282 Grant, Benjamin . . . 249 Gray, Walter, Archbishop of York 129 Great Jewry Street, Oxford . 293, 308 Great Russell Street . . 278, 279 Great Synagogue, London 165 passim see also Duke's Place Green, J. R.121 Grosely, M. . . 325 passim Gross, Dr. C. . .114, 123, 135 Grossetete, Bishop . 297, 298, 301 Haggai of Oxford (Robert of Reading) . . . 298 321, page Hagin, Cok, son of . . .314 ? , son of Deulecresse, Arch Presbyter . . 122, 142 ? , son of Master Moses, Arch-Presbyter 122, 123, 141, 145,147,313 316 Hak of Lincoln . . . .137 Halengrat of Bordeaux . .138 Hallifax: Dr. Robert . . . .283 Elizabeth .... 283 Samuel.283 Hambro' Synagogue . . 167, 168 Hamburger, Mordecai. . .167 H?mo of Hereford . . 131,137 ? ? , Moses, son of . 133 Hannah, wife of Jose of York . 115 Hardwicke, Lord Justice . 277, 280 Hardy, Rotuli de Oblatis . .119 Hare wood, Earl of . .135 Hargrove, York . . . .118 Harris, Isidore . . . .271 Hart: Lazarus ..... 166 R. Aaron . . . 158, 169 Henna (Hannah), wife of Aaron of York . Ill passim ? , wife of Jacob of Oxford 315-317 Henriques, H. S. Q. . . . 277 Henry I., King .... 294 Henry IL, King . . . 114,119 Henry III., King 113-149 passim, 294-321 passim Hereford, H?mo of Herr man, L. . 131, 136 247, 248, 263 Hertz, Dr. J. H., Battle for the Sabbath at Geneva, 189-246, 247, 257, 263 Hexham (Northumberland), Prior of.134 Hispania, Michael de . . 316, 317 Hodsock Priory (Notts) 279, 286, 289 Hogarth, W. 289, 290 Hog Lane (Rag Fair) . . .334 Holden, Wm. C. . . 257, 261 dd</page><page sequence="19">398 INDEX page . 118 . 161 . 316 . 285 . 284, 285 159, 160, 169 . 307 . 285 Hyamson, Rabbi Dr. M. 194 passim Hoppecol of York Hort, Rachel Hose, Sir Henry Howe, Colonel . ? , Viscount . Howell, A. N. Y. Hudde, Hugh Hutchinson, William Ingram, J. F. . . 247, 257 Isaac Blund . . . .118 ? le Franceis . . . 294 ? , nephew of Aaron of York 128, 137, 146, 147 ? Niger .... 119 ? of Norwich . . 131,141 ? of Oxford . 305, 319, 321 ? , Samuel . . . .248 ? , Saul . . . .248 ? , son of Elias . . . 140 ? , son of Jose le Joevene . 147 ? , son of Moses . . . 118 ? , son of R. Jose of London . 137 Isaacs, Nathaniel, and Natal, S. A. Rochlin . . . 247-270 Isabel, Princess . Israel, Menasseh ben 126 290 Jacob, son of Bonefey of Oxford . 300 ? Crespin . . . .127 ? of Exeter . . .317 ? ofFossgate . . .118 ? , Gedaliah ben . . .161 ? , Joseph .... 161 ? of London, Arch-Presby? ter ... 122 ? , Moses, son of . . . 131 ? of Oxford (Jacob le Clerk) . 124, 297 passim Jacob's Hall, Oxford . . .320 Jacobs, Dr. Joseph 113-149 passim, 294 ? , Nathan . . . 159, 160 Jenkinson, Hilary "Jew-Bail" Jew Boy, The Jewbury, York . Jews' Lane, Portsmouth Jew's Walk, London . Joan, Princess . Joevene, Jose le John of Bruges . ? , King page 113-149 passim, 293-322 passim . 334 . 331 118, 120 . 160 . 332 119, 120 118, 147 . 132 114, 115, 122, 310, 321 Joiette, wife of Solomon of Marl borough . . . .311 Joigny, R. Yom Tob of . .117 Jornin, son of Diaie . . 142, 155 ? , son of Jose of Kent . .155 Jose (Josce) Bundy . . . 300 ? , Isaac, son of 147 ? le Joevene . . .118, 147 ? , nephew of Aaron of York 114 passim, 151 ? of Colchester . . . 314 ? of Kent . 128, 137, 151, 155 ? of Oxford . . 296, 300, 321 ? , Presbyter of London, Arch Presbyter 122, 136, 152, 315 ? , son of Benedict . . . 300 ? , son of Copin . 125, 151, 307, 311 Joseph, Levi .... 290 Jospin of Basingstoke . . .311 Kappel, Jacob . . . .163 Karaites.326 Kaverlink, Walter le . . .154 Kay, Stephen . . . 252, 260 Kent, Jose of, see Jose Kepeharm Family . . . 307 ? , John . . 318, 319 Kielmansegge, Count . . . 337 King, Lieutenant . 251 passim Kirschstein, S. . . . .161 Kitty Villareal, the Da Gostas and Samson Gideon, M. J. Landa 271-291 Kyme, Philip de 135</page><page sequence="20">INDEX II 399 page Lacombe, M. . . 325 passim Landa, Gertrude and M. J., see Kitty Villareal ? , The Jew in Drama . . 290 Langton: Simon.134 Stephen .... 134, 298 Walter.134 Lascelles, Picot de . 135, 141, 148 ? , William de . . 135, 313 Leadenhall Street Synagogue . 326 League of Nations . 189 passim Leib, R. Judah, see Aleph, R. Leib Leo of Lincoln .... 137 ? of York (Episcopus) 117 passim Leukenore, Geoffrey de . 316, 317 Levi: Benjamin . . 161, 171, 172, 176 Elias Elizabeth Grand Rabbin Israel Isaac Jacob Judah Minke . Moses Naphtali Samuel . Solomon Jacob Lewenstein, Rabbi Dr. T. Lewes, Archdeacon of, Robert Passelewe Licoricia of Winchester . 161, 176 . 161 192 passim . 161, 176 161, 176, 178, 179 162 161 173 162 162 161 192 passim Lincoln . 121 132, 133, 305, 309, 310, 318 ? ? , Assherson of . 319 ? ? , Benedict son of . 305 . 299, 307, 309, 314 Aaron of, see Aaron Bishop of, see Grossetete David of, see David of Oxford page 126 137 304 137 122 Lincoln, Garcia of ? , Hak of . ? , Jews plundered at ? , Leo of . ? , Master Moses of ? , Peitevin (Pictavin) of 137, 309, 314 ? , Ritual Murder Charge at. 298 L'Isle, Margaret de . .136 ? , Lord Baldwin de . .146 Little, A. G.298 Little Jewry Hall, Oxford . . 320 ? ? Lane (Street) 293, 296, 318, 320 Loewe, H.113-149 passim Lomb, Lady .... 285 London, Elias l'Eveske of, see Elias ? , Jacob of, Arch-Presbyter 122 ? , Jose of, Arch-Presbyter 122, 152 ? , Master Moses of . .124 Lord's Day Observance Society 200, 242 Louis IX., King . Loukynge, Peter Lovel, Philip, Archdeacon Coventry Lucas, T. J. Lumbard of Cricklade . 129 . 319 of . 135, 146 . 253, 257 307, 311, 312, 317 , Bonefey son of Solomon son of Lusignan, Aymer de Lynn, Riots at . Lyon, R. Hart . Lyte, Maxwell . Lytton, Bulwer . Mackenzie, John Madden, Sir F. . Madox, T. . Magdalen College 319 311 . 301, 304 . 117 . 165, 167 . 301 . 274 . 261 . 164, 178 113 passim . 321</page><page sequence="21">400 INDEX Magnus: Lady Laurie . Sir Philip Malebis, Sir Richard . Mallory, Anketil Manasser l'Enveyse Manasses (Doomsday Book) Manning, Cardinal Mansel, John Manser of Bretgate Mansfield, Lord Manuel, Isaac Margalicia, widow Gloucester Marlborough, Solomon of Marmion, William of . Marsh, Adam Marshal, Ralph . Marshall, William the . Marvin, Dr. C. F. Massie, J. W. Meister, Henry . Meldola, Raphael Mellish: Ann Charles . page 157, 173 . 157 . 157 . 116 . 136 . 317 . 294 . 274 . 303 . 118 . 334 . 262 of Vives of 318, 320 . 311 . 140 . 298 . 136 . 294 216 passim 248, 249 334, 338 . 178 . 286 . 279, 283, 286, 290 Edward.278 Eliza . . . . .286 Henry Francis . . . 286 Joseph .... 279, 282 Robert.278 William . . . 277-279,281 283, 290 William, son of William Mellish. 282 Mendelssohn, S. . Mendes: Catherine (da Costa) Dr. Fernando Dr. H. Pereira Isaac James Moses Mendoza, Dan Merton College ? , Walter de . 247 . 271, 272 271, 272, 274 . 178 . 161 . 274 . 274 . 337 306, 317, 320 . 317 page . 289 . 337 . 318 . 296 . 118 310, 311 Mesquita, Rev. D. B. de Meyer, Jeremiah Meyr, Benedict, son of ?- , of Oxford Micklegate, York Milegoda . ? , Benedict, son-in-law of . 303 Milk Street, London . 120, 142, 314 Milo (Meir) . . . .319 ? of Northampton . . .121 ? of York . . . .119 Montefiore, Esther Hannah . .161 Montfort, Earl Simon de 114, 139, 304, 305, 308, 310 Moodie, D. C. F. . . 251,253 Mordecai, Beau . . . 289, 290 Moritz, CP.330 Moses, Isaac . . . .171 ? , Lazarus .... 162 ? , Mordecai . 162, 169, 174 ? , Phineas . . . .176 ? ofColton . . .141 ? of London, Master . .124 ? , son of H?mo of Hereford . 133 ? , son of Isaac . . . 320 ? , son of Jacob of Oxford 315, 318 see also Benedict, Cresse, Hagin, Isaac, Jacob, Elias Moses' HaU, Oxford . . .320 Moss Family . . . 249, 263 Mugnier.122 Muriel of Oxford 124, 303, 304, 309 Musard, Ralph . . . .316 Natal .... 247-270 Natal Advertiser .... 260 Nathan, Gabriel . . . .166 ? , Philip . . . .159 Nathaniel Isaacs and Natal, S. A. Rochlin . . . 247-270 Neubauer, Jews of Oxford 293-322 passim New Synagogue . . . 167, 168 Newbury, William of . . 114, 115 Newcastle, Duke of . 278 passim</page><page sequence="22">INDEX II 40 i page Newton Pagnell (Bucks), Abbot of 134 Niger, Isaac Noah, Morde cai Manuel Norden, Benjamin Normanville, Balph de Northampton ? , Donum . ? , Isaac of ? , Milo of ? , Sadekin of Norwich Day Book . ? , Isaac of ? , Samuel of Nottingham ? , Chirographers of ? , Sampson of 119 . 340 . 263 . 145 116, 119, 148, 304, 312, 313 . 117 . 151 . 121 . 125 . 119 131, 141 . 141 119, 141 . 153 . 126 Odinelli d'Albiniaco . . 136, 153 Oecumenical Patriarchate . .213 Orfeuere, John le . . .318 Oriel College . . . . 320 Osney, Oxford . . 298 passim Otho, Cardinal . . . .301 Oven, Joshua van . . .334 Oxford Jewry in the \%th Century, Sarah Cohen . 293-322 passim Oxford, Bonefey of . 137 ? ,Copinof . . .137 ? , David of, see David ? , Gamaliel of, see Gamaliel ? , Haggai (Robert of Read? ing) . . . .298 ? , Isaac of ... 305 ? , Jacob of, see Jacob ? , Josce of . 296, 300, 321 ? , Meyr of . . . .296 ? , Muriel of 124, 303, 304, 309 ? , Slema, wife of Isaac of . 303 ? , Vives of . . 300, 303 Oyster Street, Portsmouth 158, 159, 166 Pady, John . . . 318, 319 Paris, Matthew . 122-149 passim, 297-299 page Parmenter, Thomas le . .312 Parnaz, Mosey . . . .317 Passelewe, Robert . . .121 Peckwater Quad, Oxford . . 293 Peitavin of Eye . . .118 ? of Lincoln . 137,309,314 Pembroke, Earl of, see William of Valence Penny farthing Street, Oxford 293, 294, 311, 317, 320 Pennyman, Hon. Lady Margaret . 276 "Philalethes" . . . 275,276 Picciotto, Cyril . . . .113 ? , James . . 271, 278 Piercy, J. S.281 Pinkenny, Ralph de . . .312 Pinkerton's Travels . . . 324 see also Gonzales Pippard, Alexander . . .312 Pontefract, Elias of . 137 Pope Gregory XIII. . . .233 Pope Pius XI. . . . 214, 227 Portsmouth Community and its Historical Background, Cecil Roth . . 157-187 passim Preston, Gilbert de . . 302, 310 Provence, Queen Eleanor of, see Eleanor ? , Sanchia of . . .130 Prynne, Short Demurrer . .123 Pueckler-Muskau, Prince von . 338 Pugeys, Hubert . . .303 Pullet, Isaac de . . . .306 Pya, widow of Benedict de Cauz 318, 320 Rag Fair (Hog Lane) . 334, 335 Raine, York . . . .118 Raine, John .... 278 Ralph de Normanville . . 145 Ramsay, Prof. Sir J. 113-149 passim Ranzon, Count de 337 Reading, Robert of, see Haggai Redhan, Bartholomew de . .316 Reinbach, Moses ben Meir . 163, 170</page><page sequence="23">402 INDEX PAGE Retford, Notts . . . 281, 283 Reyner, William . . .288 Rich, Samuel . . . .313 Richard I., King . 115-117,123, 294 ? , Earl of Cornwall 126 passim Rigg, J. M. . 113-149 passim, 293-322 passim Ripon, Baldwin, Earl of . . 136 Robert of Reading, see Haggai Roche, Sophie de la . .337 Rochlin, S. A., Nathaniel Isaacs and Natal . . . 247-270 Roland, Mme.324 Roth, Cecil . . 121, 124, 196 passim, 277 ? ? , The Portsmouth Com? munity and its Hist? orical Background 157-187 passim Rothschild, Alfred de . .271 Rothschild, Nathaniel M. de 336,338-340 Rubens, A., Anglo-Jewish Por? traits .... 174, 275 Rufford, Sir Geoffrey de . . 147 Rumney, J., Anglo-Jewry as seen through Foreign Eyes . 323-340 Sabbath, Battle for the, at Geneva, see Hertz Sadekin of Northampton . . 125 St. Anne's, Soho . 273, 279, 280 ? Alban's . . . 129, 142 ? Aldate's, Oxford . 293 passim ? Bartholomew, Hospital of, Oxford . . . .318 ? Constant, Ferri de . 326, 329, 332 334 ? Ebbe's, Oxford . . .297 ? Edward's, Oxford . 293, 296, 308 ?- Frideswyde's, Oxford 293, 294, 301, 306, 316, 318, 319 ? George's, Bloomsbury . . 279 ? Gregory's, Oxford . . . 288 St. Helena ? John, Hospital of, ? Martin's, Oxford . ? ? Church, York ? Michael's, Oxford . ? Peter, Sir Brian de ? Peter's le Bailey Salter, H. E. PAGE 248 passim Oxford 296, 310, 311, 317 293 passim . 117 . 317, 319 . 313 . 319 294, 296, 297, 319 Sampson of Nottingham . . 126 ? of Stamford . . 148 ? , Ursel, son of . . 128 Samuel Cohen (Episcopus), see Cohen ? le Franceis . . 294, 299 ? , Mordecai . . .162 ? , nephew of Aaron of York 138, 143 ? of Berkhampstead . 318,320 ? of Norwich . . . 141 ? , son of Jose of York 115 passim ? , WilfredS. . . .334 see also Henna Sanchia of Provence . . .130 Sander of Halberstadt . 163, 174 Sanders, W. H. . . . 158, 166 Sara, widow of Benedict l'Eveske 297, 318, 320 Saussure, Cesar de Sehechter, Frank Schiff, R. David Tevele . 325, 332 . 114 168, 169, 171, 177 Sch?mberg: Sir Alexander . . . .291 Isaac ..... 291 Dr. Meyer Low . . 274, 291 Scott, G. G.132 Selby, Hugh de . .118, 119, 129, 151 Seiden, John . . . .123 Seiden Society . . . 118, 145 Semon, the crossbow-man 127, 132, 308 SerlbyHall . . . .290</page><page sequence="24">INDEX II 403 page Seventh-Day Adventists 193 passim Shooter, Rev. Joseph . . . 263 Silliman, B. . . 326 passim Slema, wife of Isaac of Oxford 305, 318, 319 Slight, H. and J. . 158, 176, 178 Smith, Dr. Andrew . . .263 Smuts, General . . . .199 Sokolow, N. 204, 226 Solomon: Dr. Samuel of Liverpool . .338 Joseph .... 262, 337 Moss, Gideon & Co. . . 249 of Marlborough . . .311 of St. Helena . . . .248 Saul . . . 248, 249, 253 son of Lumbard . . .311 Somerset, Lord Charles . . 262 Southey, (Don Manuel Alvarez Espriella) Souza, Daniel da ? , Sarah da . Spen Lane, York Stamford . ? , Sampson of Standel, Isaac ? , Joseph . Staines, Richard de Stockwell: Family . Geoffrey de Nicholas de Philip . Stokes, Canon H. P. Straus, Ralph Stubbs, Canon . Suasso: Alvaro Lopez Baron Antonio Rachel, Lady . Sunegod, Robert Sunninges, Elias de Swinebroke, Robert de 204, 226, 324 passim 180 180 115, 116, 118 117 148 163 163 317 306 300 297 318 118-149 passim, 300, 313, 314, 317 . 276 113-149 passim . 276 273, 276, 287 . 273 . 321 . 300 . 316 Tallies, Jewish Tarn, Rabbenu . Templar, Geoffrey the Theal, Dr. G. McCall . Thorpe, B. Totteridge . Tout, Professor . Tovey, Anglia Judaica Ursel son of Sampson Ursel of Winchester . Ursellus Medicus page . 127, 128 . 121 . 127 247 passim . 298 . 274 122, 123, 127, 121 passim, 303 passim . 128 . 126 . 119 Valence, William of, see William Van Oven, see Oven Vatican, The . . 190 passim Vavasour, Earl of . . .134 Vega, Juan de . . 324 passim Vernon, Dr. Edward . . . 279 Vigore, Thomas de Sancto . . 306 Villareal : Abraham (William) . 273 passim Catherine da Costa (Kitty) 271-291 passim Corner.291 Elizabeth, Gooch . 283, 285, 286 Farm.290 John da Costa . . 272, 273 Joseph (Ishak) da Costa 273, 274, 277, 278, 280 Kitty, the Da Gostas and Sam? son Gideon, M. J. Landa 271-291 Sarah (Elizabeth, . 273, 280, 282, 290 School.273 Vives.119 ? , Aaron, son of . . . 121 ? , Bonevia, son of. . . 305 ? of Gloucester, Margalicia, widow of . .318, 320 ? , son of Benedict . 318,319 ? , son of Copin . . . 299 Vogel, Sir Julius . . .160</page><page sequence="25">404 INDEX II page Wadingham, Nicholas de . . 305 Wadworth, Peter de . . . 135 Waleden, Abbot of . . 133, 134 Waley: Arthur.162 Rabbi Simeon . . .161 Simon ..... 162 Walpole, Sir Robert . . .278 Wardrobe, Royal . 127 passim Wells, Archdeacon of, see Peter Chaceporc Wendeborn, G. F. A. . 326 passim Westham, Thomas de . . .317 Westminster Abbey, Jews and 133, 309 ? ? , Documents from . 153 White's Row (Curzonhowe Street), Portsmouth . . 158 passim Wigram, Cartulary of St. Frides wyde ..... 294 William of Marmion . . .140 ? ofNewbury . . 114,116 ? of Valence, Bishop . . 122 ? ? ? , Earl of Pem? broke 126, 139, 146 ? , Prior of York . .116 ? , the Marshall . . .294 Wilson, President Woodrow . 206 Winchester .... 294 ? , Benedict of . . 118 ? , Jews plundered at . 304 ? , Licoricia of, see Licoricia page Winchester, Ursel of . . . 126 Winterton, Earl . . . .282 Wise, Dr. Stephen . . .194 Wolf, Lucien . . 158, 171, 190 passim, 272, 278, 289 Wood, Anthony . 293-322 passim Woolfe, Abraham . . .171 ? , Benjamin . . . 176 Worcester . . . .308 ? , Bishop of . . .310 ? , Copin of, see Copin ? , Florence of . . 298 ? '' Parliament'' and Tallage . . 128, 299 Yom Tob, Rabbi of Joigny . .117 York.294 ? , Aaron of . . . .308 ? , Aaron of, Michael Adler 113-155 ? , Abbot of . . . 133, 140 ? , Archbishop of . . .309 see also Gray, Walter ? , Benedict of . . 114-116 ? , Jose of . 114-117 ? , Leo of . 117 passim ? Minster . . 115, 120, 134, 149 ? , Samuel, son of Jose of . 117 ? , Samuel (Cohen) of, see Cohen Zachartah, Isaac Zevi, Haham Zululand . . 160 . 168 250-270 passim</page></plain_text>