Index Vol 10
<plain_text><page sequence="1">INDEX. Aargau, canton of, 210 ff. Aaron of Canterbury, son of Benedict, 193 Abarbanel, David (alias Manuel Martinez Dormido), 51 n., 235 ff. Abendana, Isaac, 221 ff. Abendana, Jacob, 4, 222 Abendanon, Joseph, 4 Abraham of Winchester, son of Benedict 193, 205 Abrahams, Dr. I., 45 n., 221 ff. Adams, John, 102, 107 ff. Alder, Dr. C, 208, 217 Alder, S. Alfred, 164 Aeld, J., 107, 114 Agas, R., 17 n. Albany (Western Australia), 160 Alder, George, 114 Alder, John, 114 Almosnino, Mrs. Solomon, 248 Altham, B., 139 Alvarenga, Samuel da Costa, 245 Alvarez, Isaac, 58 ff. Appleton, John, 216 Ardern, Nicholas de, 201 Arthur, Prince of Connaught, 152 Ashby, T., 43, 107, 110 ff., 130 ff. Asher, son of Licoricia and David, 193 ff., 197 ff., 201 ff. Ashton, A., 39 n. Aspley, widow, 19, 87, 98, 103 ff. Asquenazi, Hah am Zevi, 245 Atees, Sin Moses (also spelt Athias, Atteas), 3, 24 ff., 29 ff., 36 ff., 40, 57 n., 75 ff., 234 Atees, Sarah, his wife, 24 ff. Athias, Selomoh da Costa, 245 Atkinson, Thomas, 110, 133, 135 Aubrey le Convers, 195 ff. Auckland, 152, 163 ff. Avegaye of Oxford, 193, 206 Avernas-le-Gras, Baron, 245 Axe Alley (Sussex Place), 42 n. Ayllion, Haham, 240, 244 Balderede, Anthony (also spelt Val? verde, Balborda), 27 ff., 128 Baptista, Samuel, 85 ff. Barlow, Dr., 223 Barnes, Dutch., 81 ff. Barnett, Dr. L. D., 147, 226, 247 Barw, Moses (also spelt Berrew, Barrow, alias M. B. Louzada), 84, 251 Bassano, No well, 114 Belaset of Canterbury, son of Benedict, 193, 206 Bell, Walter, 226 Bell, W. G., 40 n. Bender, Rev. A. P., 154, 160 Benedict, son of Abraham, 204 Benedict, son of Licoricia, 193, 201 Benedict, son of Peytevin of Lincoln, 199 ff. Benoni, 156 Bentham, Jeremiah, Sr., 12 ff., 44 n., 91, 121, 132 ff. Berkshire, Earl of, 236 Bernard, Prof., 221 Bernays, Mr., 218 Berol, Thomas de, 201 ff. Beth Holim, synagogue, 225 ff. Bevis Marks, synagogue, 1, 3 ff., 23 ff., 40 ff., 58 ff., 122 ff., 147, 237 ff., 242 ff. 287</page><page sequence="2">288 INDEX. Bird, John, 111 Blackwell, Andrew, 69, 112 Blackwell, Richard, 133 ff. Bland, John, 114 ff. Blashki, A., 162 Bloemfontein, 155 Bloyse, John, 130 ff., 136 Boas, Rev. A. T., 160 Boksburg, 156 Bonami, son of Copin, 198 Bonamy, son of Samarian, 203 Bond, Martin, 69 ff. Bond, Wm., 69, 87 ff., 93, 104 ff., Ill ff. Booker, Mr., 33, 73 ff., 77 ff. Boone, Henry, 82, 87, 93 ff., 109 ff., 130 ff. Booth, Mr., 80 Bordeaux, 235 Bowles, John, 42 n. Bowles and Carver, 42 Boyle, Robert, 222 Brampston, John, 111 Brand, John, 111 Bravenel, Jonas, 255 Bravenel, Rachel, wife of Menasseh ben Israel, 255 ff. Bravo, Dr. Joseph Mendes, 237 Brewster, Philip, 7, 58, 88 Bridgeman, Wm., 132 Bridges, Wm., 130 ff., 136 Brito, Balistarius, 196 Broome, Mr., 31 Brown, John, 140 Bryne, J. B., 214 Buchanan, James, 216 Buckham, John, 132 Buckland, Thomas, 114 Bulawayo, 156 ff. Burton, Henry, 132 Burton, Thomas, 37 ff. Butler, Robert, 89, 106, 114 Caceres, Simon de (also known as Jacob), 233 ff. Calgary, 165 Calgoorhe, 160 Cape Peninsula, 153 ff. Cape Town, 153 ff. Capella, L. V., 18, 92 Carrera, Joseph, 82 Carvajal, Antonio Fernando (also spelt Carawayall, Ferd. Carby John, Carby jall, Ffarnando), 7, 20 ff., 25 n., 26 ff., 38, 52 n., 73 ff., 77 ff., 87, 128, 228 ff. Carvajal, Alonzo Jorge, son of above, 230 Carvajal, Esther or Mary (nee Maria Rodriguez Kunes), wife of Antonio. 232 fi\ Carvajal, Joseph Ferdinando, son of Antonio, 230 Castello, M. N., 12, 16, 44 ff. Castro, Joseph de, 58, 65 ff. Charlecote, Thomas de, 202 ff. Charles II., 39, 236 Chauncey, Dr. Charles, 243 Chaux-des-Fonds, 208 Cheese; John, 88, 104, 110 ff. Chesheir, Mr., 116 Childers, Hugh Culling Eardley, 241 ff. Christchurch, 163 Christie, 208 ff. Church, Sara D., 74 Clarendon, Earl of, 208 ff. Clarke, Thomas, 43, 58 ff., 77 ff., 80 ff. Cliffe, Humphrey, 78 ff., 87, 104, 110 ff. Cock, Humphrey, 7, 58, 89, 102, 107 ff., 114 Cockerell, son of Licoricia, 193, 201 ff. Cohen, Rabbi, F. L., 162 Cohen, Sir Robert Waley, 170 ff., 176 Cok of Canterbury, son of Benedict, 193, 206 Cole, Mr., 32 ff., 74 ff. Cooke, Elizabeth, 140 ff. Cooke, J. P., 107 Core,'William, 4, 36, 42 ff., 59 ff., 77 ff. Cornock, Mr., 115 Cortissos, Cynthia, 248 Cortissos, Don Jose, 248 Cortissos, Emanuel Jose, Marquis de Villa, 248 Cox, Joseph, 114 Cranganor, Archbishop of, 246</page><page sequence="3">INDEX. 289 Creechureh Lane, 1 ff., 16 ff., 29, 35 ff., 47, 226 Creechureh Lane, Synagogue of, 28, 37, 54 n. Crompton, Thomas, 49 ff. Cromwell, Oliver, 3, 21 ff., 26 ff., 37 ff., 227 ff. Crouch, Wm., 114 Cudworth, 222 da Costa, Abraham or John, 243 da Costa, Alvaro, 242 ff. da Costa, Esther or Johanna, daughter of above, 243 da Costa, Anthony, 242, 245 da Costa, Elizabeth, daughter of Catherine da Costa Villareal, 242 da Costa, D. Vaz Nunes, 226 da Costa, Emanuel Mendes, 243 da Costa, Philip Mendez, 58, 242 ff. Dance, George, 15, 123, 139, 145 Danvers, Thomas, 140 Darby, Paul, 114 ff. da Veiga, Samuel, 56 n. David of Oxford (also known as David of Lincoln, David of London), 193 ff., 197 ff. Davies, John, 32 ff. Davis, I., 21 Davis, J., 73 Davis, M. D., 200 Dawson, Wm., 67 ff., 90 d'Azevedo, Rabbi J. Coen, 245 de Brito, Abraham Israel (c/. Domingo), 24 n., 227 de Brito, Domingo Vaez de (also spelt Vast Degretto, Debretto, de Brighto), 21 ff., 32 ff., 75 ff., 127, 227 de Brito, Judith, his wife, 24 ff., 75, 227 de Brito, Sarah, 37, 75 de Costa (also spelt da Costa), Isaac Tellez, 33, 58, 84 ff. de Lima, Elias, 236 de Medina, Sir Selomoh, 245 de Paiba, Rachel, daughter of Rohyel Abudiente, 241 VOL. X. de Porto, Paul, 128 de Sola, David Aaron, 247 Dennison, Magdalen, 69, 73 Dermer, Wm., 140 Dewbery, Thomas, 66, 107 ff. Digby or Digbey, Mr., 33, 74 ff. do Porto, Antonio (Abraham), 27, 41, 58 ff., 128, 238 Draper, Richard, 132, 136 Dubois, John, 58 Dukes Place, 2, 35 Dunedin, 150, 163 Dunning, Sarah, 85 Dunnington, John (otherwise Samuel) Baptista, 47 ff. Durban, 157 East, Thomas, 7, 58, 88, 109 ff., 114 Edmonton (Canada), 165 Edward I., 226 Elgar, Jeremy, 102, 107 ff. Ellis, Sir Henry, 49 Escudero, Gracia, wife of Jacob, 240 Escudero, Jacob, 240 ff. Fay, Mr., 212 ff. Fernandez, Abraham, 124 ff. Fidanque, Ruby, 35 Finch, Wm., 67, 90, 132 Firth, C. H., 38 Fisher, A., 174 Fisher, James, 140 Fisher, Thomas, 111, 114 Fletcher, James, 102 Flora la Blunde, wife of Benedict, 193, 205 Fogg, Mr., 218 Fonseca, Alvaro de, 58 Fornerod, M., 216 Foster, Henry, 106, 111 ff. Foster, Lord, 152 Francia, Isaac, 124 ff. Francia, Israel Roiz, 237 Francia, Joseph (also spelt Frances), 47, 83 n. Francia, Moses, 116 Francia, Moseh de, 245 ?</page><page sequence="4">290 INDEX. Francia, Simon or Benjamin, 237 Franck, Anthony, 73 Franck, widow, 73 ff. Freedman, Rev. D. I., 160 Fundao (Portugal), 228 F?rrer, 213 Gabbay, Aaron, 47, 82 ff. Gabbay, Jacob, 58 Game, John, 107, 111 Gardiner, Thos., 1, 58, 89, 102 ff., 108, 114 ff. Gaster, Dr. M., 2 ff., 27, 34 ff., 45n.ff., 83 ff., 174, 223 Gayer, Sir John, 30 ff., 69 ff., 129 ff. Germiston, 156 Gideon-Abudiente, Reuel or Rohyel, 240 Gideon-Abudiente, Rowland, 240 Gideon, Rowland, 58, 116 Gideon (c/. also Gideon-Abudiente), Sampson, son of Rowland, Baron Eardley, 140 Gill, Robert, 102, 107 Glover, Robert, 91 Goldsmid, Col.,, 152 Golumb, Mr., 9 Gomaseras, Anthony, 47, 84 ff. Gonsales, Jacob, 58, 83 n. Goodman, P., 147 Goodwin, Wm., 4 n. Gordon, 211 ff. Gray, Peter, 114 ff. Great Gate, 8 Great St. Helens, 35 Great Synagogue (Cape Town), 154 Green, Rev. A. A., 175 Greenhalgh, John, 3, 12, 21 ff., 26, 35 ff., 44 ff.,49 ff. Gregory, John, 102, 107 ff. Guildhall Library, 6 ff., 39 ff., 147 Guild Hall (St. Aldate's, Oxford), 196 Gurney, Wm., 82 Gutteres, Fernao Mendes, 241 Gutteres, Lianor Mendes, sister of above, 242 Halifax, 150, 167, 190 fr. Hall, Benjamin, 132, 136 Harben, H. A., 16 n. Hare, Thomas, 71 Hawkins, John, 140 Hayon, Nehemiah, 246 Heneage Lane, 3, 17 Heniricus, Joseph (also speit Henriques), 47, 83 n. ff. Henrietta Maria, Queen, 239 Henriques, H. S. Q., 2 ff., 21, 38, 45 n., 116 n. Henriques, Jacob Cohen, 250 Henry III., 194, 196, 202 Henry de Dernegate, 205 Hertz, J. H., Chief Rabbi, 149 ff., 152 ff., 156 ff., 160 ff., 163 ff., 168 ff., 170 ff., 176 ff., 182 ff. Highmore, D., 121 ff., 140 Hill, Henry, 114 Hillesum, J. M., 256 Hirschel, Solomon, Chief Rabbi, 150 Hobart, 161 Hokitika, 164 Holden, John, 140 Holditch, Jacob, 109 Hollins, Wm., 100 ff., 104 ff., 110 ff. Honolulu, 165, 188 ff. House of Converts, London, 196 ff. How, Wm., 34, 77 ff. Howard, Thomas (First Baron Howard de Waiden and Earl of Suffolk), 17, 92 Hugh le H?re, 197 Hughson, David (pseud. Edw. Pugh), 16n., 31 n. Hyamson, A. M., 2, 84 n. Hyde, Thomas, 223 Ibn Ezra, 223 n. Ibn Yahya Bonsenior, 223 n. Inskipp, John, 106, 114 Isaac of Oxford, 195 Isaacs, Rev. H., 154 Israel, Dr. J. D., 147</page><page sequence="5">INDEX. 291 Jacobs, Joseph, 32 n. Jeff er y, Thomas, 41 ff. Jellicoe, Lord, 152 Jennings House, 14 Jennings, Richard, 140 ff. Jennings, Robert, 132, 140 ff. Jerrard, Henry, 79 n. Joctean, M., 210 Johannesburg, 154, 155 ff. John, King of England, 196 Joseph, Rev. Morris, 174 Kaufmann, Prof. David, 232 Kemp, R., 16 n. Kennett, White, 49 n. Kimberley, 154 King, David, 10 ff., 68 ff. King William's Town, 157 Knipe, Sir Randall, 132, 136 Krugersdorp, 156 Lambert, Isaac, 33, 73 ff., 106, 114 Lapley, Richard, 102, 107 ff. Lawes, Nicholas, 117 ff. Lea?, Rachel, wife of Jahacob Jeuda, 239 Lenzer, Rev. J., 161 Lesseps, E. de, 218 Lethaby, W. R., 8n. Levi, Samuel, 50, 53 n. Levy, Aaron, 150 Levy, Benjamin, 50 n. Levy, Lewis, 120 Levy, Rev. S.,254ff. Lewes, H., 43, 88, 114 Licoricia, wife of David of Oxford, 193 ff., 197 ff., 201 ff. Lindo, Antonio Rodriguez, 252 Lindo, E. A., 226, 250 Lindo, Joao Rodriguez, father of Antonio, 252 ff. Lindo, M. A. N., 252 Lingar, Thomas, 35n., 36 ff., 56n., 74, 107 Lingard, John, 7, 58, 74, 88, 90 Lingham, Richard, 87, 96 ff., 104 ff., 109 ff. Linton, Richard, 107 Lipton, Marcus, 207 ff. Locky (Lockey), 78 n., 88, 113 ff. Long, Walter, 201 Louis Philippe, 208 Lousada, Moses Baruh, 236, 251 Lumbard, son of Licoricia, 193 ff., 201 ff. Lumbard of Winchester, son of Benedict, 193 ff. Lysons, D., 56 n., 238 Machardo, Moses, 124 ff. Macray, W. D., 221 ff. Malcolm, J. P., 46 n. Mallory, Mr., 33, 77 ff. Marie Christina of Sweden, 233 Maritzburg, 150, 157 Markett, Zephaniah, 132, 136 Marlborough, Duke of, 244 Marlborough, 204 Marquez, Antonio Haim, 242 Marquez, Diego Rodriguez, 242, 248 Marriot, John, 106, 110 ff. Martin, Abraham, 14, 122 ff. Martin, Jacob, 14, 117 Martin, Robert, 140 ff. Masters, Simon, 107 Mayhew, John, 132, 136 Meadowes, John, 111 Medina, Sir Solomon de, 58, 127 Melbourne, 160 ff., 182 ff. Meldola, Raphael, 244 Meldola, Raphael, grandson of, 247 Meldola, Raphael, grandson of above, 247 Meldola, Rica, daughter of second Raphael, wife of David Aaron de Sola, 247 Menasseh ben Israel, 21 ff., 26, 37 ff., 229, 239, 254 ff. Mendes, Dr. Fernao or Moses, son of F. Mendez Gutteres, 241 ff. Mendes, Rachel Marquez, wife of above, 242 Mendes, Rachel Catherine, daughter of above, 242 Mendes, Moses, grandson of Fernao, 241</page><page sequence="6">292 INDEX. Mendes, Dr. H. Pereira, 226 Mendes, Solomon (also speit Mendez), 8 ff. Mendez, Jacob, 5, 58, 65 ff., 241 Mesquita, Rev. D. Bueno de, 225 ff. Mile End, burial ground at, 3, 23 Mills, Matthew, 111 Mills, Richard, 20, 87 ff., 93 ff.,109,130 ff. Mills and Boone, 30 Milner, Viscount, 153, 173 ff. Mocatta, Abraham, 245, 253 Mocatta, F. D., 253 Mocatta, Moses, 246 Mogadour, Pantaleao Rodriguez, 58 Mogadouro, Ishac Rodrigues, 245 Molloynes, Mr., 33 Monash, Sir John, 160 ff., 164, 174 Montreal, 166 ff. Morais, Abraham de, 235 Morden, Robert, 42 n. Morley, Lord, 172 Moses, son of Isaac, 197 Muizenberg, 157, 181 Muriel, wife of David of Oxford, 193 ff., 197 ff., 201 ff. Muriel, wife of Sweteman, 204 Murray, 209 Murray, W., 139 Myers, J. M., 161 n., 188 ff. Nathan, Sir Matthew, 162 Nelson (N.Z.), 164 Neubauer, Dr., 196 Newcome, Henry, 45 n. Nicholas de Stockwell, 196 Nicholl, Harrison, 91 Nicholson, John, 140 ff. Nieto, David, 244 ff. Norman, P., 16 n. Norton, Arthur, 18, 92 Nunes, Abraham Fernandez, 245 Nunez, Isaac Alvarez (Israel) 56 n., 238 ff. Nunez, Gracia, daughter of Isaac, 238 Nunez, Jacob Israel, son of Isaac, 238 Nunez, Jacob Fernandes, 124 ff. Nunez, Moses Fernandes, 125 Oechsli, Prof., 219 Ogilby, John and Morgan, Wm., 46 Oldenbury, Henry, 222 Oldfield, John, 95, 99, 104 ff. Olivaro, Policarpa, 36, 40, 79 Olivaro, Soloman (also spelt Oliveira, Olivira, d'Oliveyras, Olivero), 33 ff., 40, 77 ff. Oudtshoorn, 157 Over ton, John. 42 n. Owre, Mr., 110, 130 ff., 135 Oxford, 193 ff. Oyly, Henry de, 195 Paarl community, 154 Parish of St. Edward, Oxford, 197 Parish Workhouse, 14 Parker, Thomas, 107, 111 ff., 114 Parker, Wm., 129 Parris, Thomas, 100 ff., 106, 110 ff. Parrott, Philip, 140 Pawling, John, 107, 114 Penso, David, 58 Pepys, Samuel, 1, 39 Perera, Manuel, 127 Perry, Richard, 132, 136 Perth, 150 Peterson, Robert, 87, 93, 104 ff., 110 ff. Petit, James, 132, 136 Peytevin of Lincoln, 199 ff. Picciotto, C. M., 147 Picciotto, James, 2 ff. Pindar, Samuel, 102, 107 ff. Pittance Hall, London, 197 Plummer, Wm., 129 Pocock, 222 Pool, Thomas, 102, 107 ff. Pope, Wm., 58 ff., 80 Port Elizabeth, 157 Portello, Isaac Roiz, 66 Pretoria, 152, 156 Prideaux, 222 Priory of Holy Trinity (also known as Thrums Gate, Kings Gate, Mopp Gate), 17</page><page sequence="7">INDEX 293 Qtje Que, 157 Ralph de Rothomago, 196 Ralph le Walle, 194 ff. Rash, Samuel, 102, 107 ff. Rawlinson, Dan, 39 Reading, Earl of, 153 Regina, 165 Kendall, Benjamin, 102, 107 ff. Renwick, Edward, 69 ff., 112 Revett, H. J. (also spelt Rivet), 130 ff .,135 Richard, Earl of Cornwall, 198 Richardson, Richard, 111, 130 ff., 135 Robert, chaplain warden, 196 Robert le Mignot, 196 Robles, Antonio (also spelt Robello), 21, 26 ff., 47 ff., 229 Robles, David de, 125 Robles, Isaac, 124 ff. Robles, Moses, 124 ff. Rodrigues, Stephen, 27 ff., 127 Rodriguze, Alphonso (also spelt Rod? riguez), 47, 83 ff., 116 Rodriguze, Antonio, 47 (alias Aaron Levi Rezio), 83 n. Rodriguze, Simon, 47, 83 n., 84 ff., 116 Roger le Viniter, 197 Rolfe, Thomas, 111 Rosamund de Ernham, 205 Roth, Cecil, 45 n. Roth, Dr. Leon, 245 Rothschild, L. de, 149 ff., 170 Row, Samuel, 67, 90, 107 ff. Ruddick, H. A., 147 Ruivos, Symon Rodriguez, 74 Rutt, J. T., 37 ff. St. John, 167, 191 ff. St. Katherine Creechurch, 5, 17, 25, 31 ff., 39 ff. St. Katherine Cree, parish of, 4 St. Peter le Bailey, Oxford, parish of, 196 Salisbury, 157 Salmon, John, 129 Salvadore, Jacob, 82 Samuda, Dr. Isaac de Sequeira, 245,247 Samuel, Rev. Herbert, 165 ff. Samuel, W. S., 1 ff., 222 ff., 230, 235 Sarmento, Dr. Jacob de Castro, 244 Sarphaty, Josua, 245 Saskatoon, 165 Sasportas, Haham, 236 Sasportas, Jacob, 40 Schmidt, Bernard, 47, 83 Scott, Daniel, 90, 102, 107 ff. Selseby, N., 87, 107, 114 Sequeira, Abraham Israel, 81 n., 83 n. Serra, Antonio Gomez, 58 ff., S3n., 89, 115 ff. Serra, Jacob Gomes, 238, 244 Shepherd, John, 140 Silayor, B., 107 Slaney, John, 102, 107 ff. Smith, John, 111, 133 ff., 147 Smuts, General, 156, 178 ff. Smyth, Richard, 25 n. Sohiere, Hester, wife of Jonas Bravenel, sister of Menasseh ben Israel, 256 Solomon le Eveske, 205 Solomon, J. M., 161 n., 187 ff. Solomon, Rose, 14, 126 Sparks, Samuel, 140 ff. Spikes, Peter, 85 Staneire, Samuell, 85, 115 Stanley, Philip, 140 Stanyan, Abraham, 19 ff., 30, 69, 74, 76, 87 ff., 93 ff., 104 ff., 109 ff., 130 ff. Staverton, Edward, 114 Stedman, Wm., 106 Stibbs, Joseph, 140 ff. Stokes, Canon, H. P., 193 ff. Stonehall, John, 130 ff., 135 Stroock, Mr., 208 Strype, John, 16 n. Suasso, Antonio Lopes, 245 Surenhusius, 222 Sutton Nichols, 42 n. Suva, 165 Sweteman, son of Licoricia and David, 193 ff.,201 ff. Switzerland, 207 ff. Sydney, 152, 161 ff., 186 ff. Symans, J., 17</page><page sequence="8">294 INDEX. Tattem, Joseph, 132, 136 Taylor, Robert, 114 Thomson, Wm. (also spelt Thompson), 18, 92 Thornley, Thomas, 140 Thorp, G., 110 ff., 133 ff. Thorpe, John, 106, 114 Timaru, 164 Toowoomba, 162 Toronto, 166 Totten, Samuel, 132 Tuck, Gustave, 153, 171 Turlington, Mr., 34, 77 ff. Turner, Mr., 33, 74 Turvile, Richard, 107, 114 Valentia, Isaac Semah de, 47, 83 n. ff. Valentine, A. H., 156, 167 ff. Vancouver, 165 Velley, Wm., 100 ff., 104 ff., 110 ff. Venables, General, 233 Victoria (B.C.), 165 Villareal, Catherine da Costa, 242 Villareal, Ishac da Costa, 249 Villareal, Joseph da Costa, 249 Vogel, Sir Julius, 164 Walewsky, M., 218 Walker, John, 132 Walker, Robert, 102, 107 Wall, Henry, 102 Wallingford, 195 Walter de Witteneye, 197 Walthall, Hanbury, 90, 132 WTar Memorial, Jewish, 149 ff., 158 Warre, Ernald, 9 Watford, Wm., 132, 136 Watson, Elizabeth, 68 n. Webster, Daniel, 210 Wellington, 162 Weston, Richard, 114 Wheatley, H. B.,29n. Wheeler, Groves, 91 Wheeler, James, 140 Whitbey, family of, 6 ff., 18 ff., 29 ff., 86 ff., 92 ff., 102 ff., 109 ff., 130 ff. Whitbey, William, 6 ff., 18 ff., 92 ff. Whitbey, Mary, wife of William, 18 ff., 92 Whitbey, James, son of above, 6, 8, 10, 18 ff., 30 ff., 86, 102 ff., 109 ff., 130 ff. Whitbey, Ellen, wife of James, 20, 31, 87, 109 Whitbey, William, son of above, 6, 18 ff., 30 ff., 73, 87, 93, 109, 130 WThittaker, James, 140 ff. Whittingham, Hills, 8, 102, 134 Wickens, Wm., 107 Wigram, W. A., 69 Wilkins, Mr., 114 William de Vallibus, 196 Williams, Major, 43, 80 Williams, Wm., Ill Winchester, 193 ff. Winnipeg, 152, 165 Wix, Edward, 140 ff. Wolf, Lucien, 1 ff., 20 ff., 37 ff., 48, 207 ff., 226 ff., 252 Woodcock, Edward, 58, 116, 132 Wooley, Robert, 7, 58, 88, 114 Woolf, A. M., 149, 168 ff., 170 ff., 173 ff., 176 Wylde, Nicholas, 111 Wynberg, 154 Ximenes, Solomon, 124 ff. Yaeway, Robert, 96, 99, 103 ff. Zevi, Shabbetai, 246 Printed in England at The Ballantyne Press Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd. Colchester, London & Eton</page></plain_text>