Index Misc 3
<plain_text><page sequence="1">INDEX Aaron son of Abraham, 16, 25, 27, 28, 31 ? of Lissa, 6 ? son of Salle, 79 Abarbanel, David (Manuel Martinez Dormido), 49, 51-53, 81 Aberle, 57, 59 Abbeville, Theobert de, 18, 20 Aboab, Daniel, 82, 86 Abraham the Jew, 98 ? b. Naphtali, see Naphtali ? bar Samuel, 54 ? de Morais, see Morais ? son of Avegay, 16, 25, 27 ? son of Brun, 25 ? son of Leo, 79 ? fil Rabbi, 15 ? son of Samson, 18, 20 ? son of Simon, 15, 19 See also Aaron Abrahams, Dudley, Jew Brokers of the City of London, 80-94 ?, Israel, 99 ?, ?, Bibliography of, 41-46 Abudiente, Rehiel (Rowland Gideon), 104 Acton, 26, 27 Adam of St. Albans, 32 Adler, Michael, 46, 76 ?, ?, Curiosities from the Records, 98-99 ?, ?, Medieval Jewish MSS. in the Library of St. PauVs Cathedral, 15-33 Adler, Dr. N. M., 94 Alan of St. Paul's, 22 ? of Shoreditch, 16, 28, 29 Alard, Master, Archdeacon, 21 Alliance Assurance Company, 65 Altona, 49, 57 Alulf, son of Arnold, 25 ?-Constantine, son of, 26 -William, son of, 25, 26 Alvarenga, Moses, 90 Alvares (Alvarez), Aaron, 89 ?, Abraham, 92 ?, Duarte Henriquez, 48 ?, Isaac (Isaac Israel Nunes), 12, 100 passim ?, Jacob, 89 ?, Jacob, Jun., 89, 90 ?, Lewis, 102 Alwold the Bell-maker, 18, 20 Amstelslav, Russia, 2 Anesty, Richard de, 15 Anglo-Jewish Exhibition, Catalogue of, 17 Anglo-Jewish Ships1 Names, see W. S. Samuel Anne, Queen, 1, 88 Archis, Gilbert de, 24 ?, Robert de, 27 Archoid, Canon of St. Paul's, 18, 20 Arias, Diego Rodriguez de, 48, 56 ?-, Jacob, 83, 85-87 Arnold, Arthur P., 76 Ascamot, 11, 49, 86 Ashley, W. J., English Economic History and Theory, 41 Ashmole, Elias, 9 Athias, Moses, 12, 56 Auco, Robert de, 18, 19 Augusto, Jacob b. Samuel, 14, 55 Austin Friars, see London Australia, 6, 94-97 Avila, David, 85, 88 Avegay, see Abraham Azevedo, Isaac, 12 ?, Jacob Cohen de, 89 Backwell, Alderman Edward, 103 Baldwin, Canon of St. Paul's, 18, 20 Bampton, Paulinus de, 16, 28, 29, 30</page><page sequence="2">110 INDEX. Banastre, Gilbert, 22 Barbados, 12, 49, 50, 81 Barking, Richarde, 27 Barnett, Rabbi Jacob, 6 Barnett, L. D., El Libro de los Acuerdos, 8-12, 81, 85, 100, 101 Barrow, Moses (Moses Baruch Lousada), 83 passim Barzilay, Isaac, 12 Basinghall Street, see^London Bassingburn, Sir Thomas de, 29, 30, 31 Bedarsi, Behinat Olam, 4 Belger, Mrs., 70 Bell, Walter G., Fleet Street^in Seven Centuries, 48 ?, ?, The Great Fire of London, 14 ?, ?, The Great Plague of London in 1665, 7, 10, 12-14 Belmeis, Richard de, 18 Benedict, Master, 22 ? of London, 15, 17, 19 ?, Parvus, 15 ?, Quatrebuches, 15 ? son of Cresse, 79 -Isaac, 79 -Vives, 15 Bensusan, Jacob Levy, 90, 91 ?, Samuel Levy, 91 Besant, Medieval London,*\?, 26, 30 Beth Hamidrash " Shaare Zion," 2 Bevis Marks, see Synagogues Bishopsgate, see London Blackfriars, see London Bludworth, Sir Thomas, Lord Mayor, 7, 8, 13 Blund, Aaron le, 26 ?, Miriam, 20, 21 ?, Peter, 15, 20-25 Bocuinte, John, 25 Bolton, William, 104 Booker's Gardens, see London Bora, Jacob, 56 Bouquet, Beeueil des Historiens de Gaule et de la France, 37 Bourdonnais, Mahe de la, 71 Bowen, Henry, 83, 84 Boyno, Dr., 56 Brandon, Jacob Israel, 89, 91 ?, Joshua da Fonseca, 90 Bravo, David, 92 Bread, Meat and Coal Charity, 66 Bricklayers' Hall, see London Briggs, W., Genealogical Abstract of Wills, 51 Brito, Domingo Vaez de, 49, 50, 52, 54 ?, Manuel de Costa, 56 Brody, 3 Brotherly Love Society, 7 Brown's Buildings, see London Brun, Walter, 22, 25 ?, William son of Walter, 25 Brunner, H., Deutsche BechtsgeschicJUe, 36 Buckingham, Duchess of, 101 Buckle Street, see London Bury St. Edmund's, 16 Bury Street, see London Caceres, Francis, alias Samuel de, 82, 84, 85, 87 ?, Benjamin, 104 ?, Henrique de, 49 ?, Jahacob (Simon) de, 49, 104 ?, Moses de, 88 Cade, William, 38 Calne, William de, 18, 20 Camberwell, 70 Camomile Street, see London Campan, David, 91 Campbell, G. A., The Knights Templars, Their Rise and Fall, 38 Canariote Inquisition, 48 ? Meeting Place, 50, 52 Canary Isles, 50 Canterbury, "Treaty" of, Origin of, see L. Rabinowitz ?, Christ Church, 17 Capadose, Abraham, 93 Cardenas, Alonzo de, Don, 48 Caro, G., Sozial-und Wirtschaftsge? schichte der Juden im Mittelalter und der Neuzeit, 41 Carpenter, J. R., 63 Carpzov, J. G., Defence of the Hebrew Bible, 63 Carreon, Moses, 84 Carreras, 48</page><page sequence="3">INDEX. Ill Carter (Clothier) Street, see London Carvajal, Antonio Ferdinando, 8,47-50, 52, 54 -?, Joseph, F., 84, 85, 88 Castle Street, see Synagogues Chamberlain, Captain (Peregrine) Clifford, 105, 106 ?, Commodore, 105 ?, Edward, 106 ?, Susannah, 106 ?, William, 22, 25 Charlemagne, 35 Charles IL, 9, 13, 87, 101 Charnock, John, Biographia Navalis, 105 Chasid, R. Simon, 15 Chevra Shass, 6 Child's Bank, 103 Chillon, Isaac (John) Lopes, 50 Chiswell Street, see London Church Court, see London Church Street, see London Civitate, Henry de, 22 Clifford, Susannah, 106 Clive, Robert, 71 "Club of Friendship," 74 Cohen, Jane, 70 ?, Joseph, 92 ?, Levy Barent, 86, 91, 92 Coleman, St. Catherine, parish of, see London Colon, R. Joseph, 77, 78 Constantine, Emperor, 34 Cornhill, William de, 30 Coromandel, 59 Coronel, Augustin, 56 Costa.. Anthony da, 93 ?, Benjamin Mendes da, 93 ?, Emanuel da, 81 ?, Jacob Mendes da, 93 ?, Mendes da, 13, 93 ?, Solomon da, 89 Cotigno, Henry, 84 Creechurch Lane see London. See also Synagogues Cresse, Benedict son of, 79 ?, Leo son of, 32 Cripplegate, see London Cromwell, Oliver, 8, 46-48, 52, 80, 104 Cromwellian London, Jewish Oratories of, see W. S. Samuel Crown Street, see London Crutched Friars, see London Curiosities from the Records, see Michael Adler Cutler Street, see London D'Almeida, Jaspar, 89 ?, Joseph, 90 ?, Mordecai, 85, 89 Dalton, Captain John, 72 Daventry, Hugo de, 27 David, see Mier ? b. Loeb, 3 ? St; Fort, see Fort ?, de Thoke see Thoke Davis, M. D., Shetaroth, 28, 29, 31 ?, N. Darnell, 49 D'Azevedo, Joseph Cohen, 82, 87 ?, Pedro, 106 Delvalle, Isaac, 91 Denmark Court, see London Deserga, Domingoes, 56 Desousa, Anthony, 56 Deulesalt, 21 Devega, Samuel, 56 Devonshire Square, see London Dias, Abraham, 93 ?, Moses Lopes, 93 Diceto, Ralph de, Dean, 16, 20, 21 Directory, Jewish, see Myers, A. I. D'Oliveyra, Antonio, 51 ?, Joseph, 56 ?, Michael, 56 Dormido, Manuel Martinez, see Abar banel ?, Samuel, 82 ?, Solomon, 80 passim Dorset, Lord, 48 Dugdale, History of St. PauVs, 16, 21, 22 Duguid, C, The Story of the Stock Exchange, 80 Duke's Place, see Synagogues Duke Street, see London Dulivier, Pierre, 60 Dupleix, 71</page><page sequence="4">112 INDEX. East India Company, 61 passim, 82 Eben Shoham, 3 Edward I., 16, 32 ? III., 80 Elias, Abraham (Assur b. Eliaser Neimegen), 66, 75 ?, Benjamin (Loeb), 66, 70 ?, Levy (Judas), 66 ? Master, 33 ? son of Margalieia, 25 Eliezer b. Nathan of Mayence, R? 77 ? of Orleans, R., 77 Ellis, Sir H., History of Antiquities of the Parish of St. Leonard, 31 Emden, Jacob, 11 ?, Reuben Zelig b. David, 3 Ephraim of Rosenberg, 64 Espinosa, Moses, 93 Eyre, Sergeant, 94 Family of Mordecai Hamburger and Their Association with Madras, R. J. D'Arcy Hart, 57-76 Faro, David de, 83-85, 88 ?, Isaac de, 89 Fauconberg, Eustace de, Bishop, 16, 25-28 Faulkner, An Historical and Topo? graphical Description of Chelsea, 107 Fenchurch Street, see London Ferdinando, Joseph, see Carvajal Fernandes, Daniel Diaz, 93 Fernandez, Isaac Dias, 93 Ferrars, Count of, 34 Finkelstein, Dr. L., 77 Fire, Great, of London, 9, 14, 100 Fitz Bartholomew, J. (Alderman Jacob), 25 Fitz Isabel, Roger, son of William, 16, 22, 23 Fleming the Jew, 25 Flores, Joseph, 81, 85, 88 Fonseca, Abraham de, 93 ?, Joshua de, 89, 90 Fordyce, Rev, Francis, 72 Fort St. David, 71 Fort St. George, 60 passim Foss, Judges of England, 16 Franciger, Gilbert, 24 Francke (Franks), Abraham, 85, 88, 89 Franco, Abraham Israel, 89, 93 ?, Jacob, 83, 93 ?, R. Solomon, 9, 10, 14 Franks, Aaron, 71, 93 Frederick, Archbishop of Canterbury, 67 Freudchen of Hameln, 57 Friendly Societies, Jewish, of London, 7 Frome, John de, 30 Gabay, Aron, 8 ?, David, 56 ?, Jonas, 82 Garass, Stephan, 30 Gardin, Ralph de, 30 Gaster, M., History of the Ancient Synagogue, 49, 50, 100, 104 Gentleman's Monthly Intelligencer, 103 Geoffrey, the Archdeacon, 18, 19 George I., 89, 107 ? III., 1, 4, 7, 87 ? IV., 6 ? Prince of Denmark, 1 ? Street, see London Gerland, John de, 22 German Synagogue, see Synagogues Gershom, Moses b., 3 ?, Rabbenu, 77 Gideon, Rowland, 104, 105 ?, Samson, 86, 87, 89, 90, 105 Gittele of Rosenberg, 64 Gl?ckel of Hamelyn, 57 Goddard, John, 66 Goldsmid, Asher, 90, 91 Goldsmith, Isaac Berend, 73 Gomes, F., 56 Gompertz, Benjamin, 65 ?, Esther Shapirah, 65 ?, Joseph, 65, 74 ?, Joyce, 66 ?, Lewis, 65 ?, Lion, 65, 74 Gonsales, Abraham Coen, 49 Goodman, Rabbi Tobias (Samuel), 4 Goodman's Fields, see London Gouche, Abraham, 102 ?, Isaac le, 102</page><page sequence="5">INDEX. 113 Gould Square, see London Gravel Lane, see London Great Alie Street, see London Great St. Helen's, see London Great Synagogue (Duke's Place), see Synagogues Greenhalgh, John, 12 Grigsby's Coffee House, see London Grunwald, M., Hamburgs Deutsche Juden, 57, 59, 64 Guildford Tallage, 15 GuildhaU Records, 7, 10, 12, 13, 80, 85, 100, 103 Gulak, Ozar Ha-Shetaroth, 76 Gun Yard, see London, also Synagogues Gutteres, 13 Guttieres, Abraham, 83 Hackett, Henry, 83 Haes, Andrew Leway de, 91, 92 Haggerston, see London Haket, Richard, 27 Hallen, A. W. C, The Registers of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, 8, 55 Hambro' Synagogue, see Synagogues Hamburger, Elchanan Henle (Henry Moses), 57 ?, Mordecai (Marcus Moses), 57-75 passim Hameln, Gl?ckel of, see Gl?ckel ?, Chayim, 57 Hamis, Isaac, 90 Harleian Society, Publications, 51 Hart, Rabbi Aaron, 74 ?, A. H., of Melbourne, 97 ?, Levy, 91 ?, Moses, 55, 58, 86, 88 ?, Rebecca, 74 ?, R. J. D'Arcy, The Family of Mor? decai Hamburger and their Associa? tion with Madras, 57-76 ? S. A., 6 ? Street, see London Haverilla, Thomas de, 25 ?, William de, 25 Henderson, Gerald W., 15 Hendrie, James, 63 Heneage Street, see London Henriques, H. S. Q., The Jews and the English Law, 48, 81 ?, The Return of the Jews to England, 9 Henry L, 30, 39 ? IL, 39 ? III., 16, 28, 98 ?, Master, Canon of St. Paul's, 18, 20 Herbert, The Twelve Great Livery Companies, 24 Herem Hayyishub, 77-79 Heyman, Moses, 71, 72 ?, Myer, 75 Historical MSS. Commission Report, 16 passim, 99 Houndsditch, see London Hoxton Cemetery, see London Hugo de Daventry, 27 Huguenot Society, Publications, 51 Hulleburn, Richard de, 27 Humframvilla, Richard de, 22 Huntingdon, Earl of, 14 Hyman, Rabbi Aaron, 5 ?, Dr., 6 India, 59 passim Ingram, Jane, see Monday Ipswich, 99 Ironmonger Lane, 32, 33 "Isaac, The," ship, 104 Isaac Alvarez, Court Jeweller, see W. S. Samuel ?, Benjamin (Wolf Prager), 61, 63 ?, Ephraim, 72 ?, Henry, 61, 64 ?, Judith, 63 ? son of Abraham, 79 ? son of Isaac, 79 ? son of Joce, 34, 39 ? son of Margalicia, 25 Isaacs, Benjamin, 62, 63 ?, Henry, 94 Isabella, wife of Adam de St. Albans, 32, 33 Isaiah, Paul (Eleazar), 54 Israel, Menasseh b., see Menasseh ?, Rabbi of Kolin, 4 ?, Solomon, 91 Isseries, R. Moses, 77</page><page sequence="6">114 INDEX. Jacob, son of Joce, 79 ? son of Miles, 79 Jacobs, J., Jews of Angevin England, 15-17, 34, 40 ?, Jewish Ideals, 32 James II., 88 James (Jacob), the Alderman, 25 " Jane Cain," ship, 95 Jeaffreson, J. C, Middlesex County Records, 48 Jenkinson, H., William Cade, 38 Jew Brokers of the City of London? see Dudley Abrahams Jews and the French Invasion, see Cecil Roth Jews of London and the Great Plague, see W. S. Samuel Jewish Journal, The, 103 Jewish Money-Lender and the Charters of English Jewry in their Historical Setting, see James Parkes Jewish Museum, see London Jewish Naval Officer under the Stuarts? see W. S. Samuel Jewish Oratories of Cromwellian London, see W. S. Samuel Joce son of Abraham, 79 ? son of Solomon, 79 John, King, 16, 28, 39 Jones, George, 71 ?, P. E., 80 Joseph, Abraham, of Penzance, 3 Judah, R. Moses b., 2-4 Judith, daughter of Benjamin Isaac, 63 Justinian, 35 " Kalisher Shool," see Synagogues Kaufmann, Dr. David, 59, 64, 65 Ker, Father, 48 Keyser, Alexander, 90, 91 ?, Isaac, 92 "King David," ship, 104 "King Solomon," ship, 104 Kisch, Guido, The Jewry-Law of the Medieval Law Books, 40 Kizur zizat novel Zvi, 11 Kneller, 60 Kolin, R. Israel, 4 Krems, R. Israel, 77 Lacombe, 4 Lamego, Moses, 93 "Lancasterian School, Jews," 70 Lara, Aaron, 90 ?, Abraham, 90, 91 Leadenhall Street, see London Le Neve (Hardy), Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae, 16, 18, 21, 28 Leo of Milk Street, 26 ? son of Abraham, 79 ? son of Cresse, 33 Leon son of Margalicia, 25 Lesser London Synagogues of the \%th Century, see Cecil Roth Levi, Benjamin, 85, 86, 88, 89 Levien, Gotchal, 91 Levy, Abraham, 90 ?, Benjamin, 12, 86 ?, David, 68 ?, Isaac, 89, 90 ?, Leah, 70 ?, Malcah, 70 ?, Mathias, History of the Western Synagogue, 4 ?, Phebi, 70 ?, Rev. S., Bibliography of Israel Abrahams, 41-46 ?, Samuel, 12, 54 Lime Street, see London Lincoln, Isaac Lazarus, 97 Lindenthai, Mr., 95 Lindo, Alexander, 83, 88 ? Elias, 85, 88, 89, 90 ?, Isaac, 83-85, 88, 89 ?, Moses, 92 Lingar the Plumber, 54, 56 Linsted, Robert de, 30 Linton, Richard de, 27 Lissa, Aaron of, see Aaron Little St. Helen's, see London ? Scarborough Street, see London Loeb, David b., 3 ?, Moses b., 57 Loewe, H., Starrs and Charters, 15-31 passim</page><page sequence="7">INDEX. 115 Loftie, London, 19-24 London ?, Aldgate, 14, 51 ?, All Hallows, Parish of, 65 ?, Austin Friars, 82 ?, Basinghall Street, 91 ?, Bishopsgate, 14, 19, 56 ?, Blackfriars, 9 ?, Booker's Gardens, 89, 90 ?, Bricklayers' Hall, 1 ?, Broad Street, 14 ?, Brown's Buildings, 91, 92 ?, Buckle Street, 5 ?, Bury Street, 74, 86, 89, 90, 91 ?, Camomile Street, 89, 101 ?, Carter (Clothier) Street, 6 ?, Castle Street, 5 ?, Chiswell Street, 90 ?, Church Court, 91 ?, Church Street, 90 ?, Cook's Court, 89 ?, Creechurch Lane, 8, 47 passim, 89 passim ?, Cripplegate, 19, 22 ?, Crown Street, 92 ?, Crutched Friars, 14 ?, Cutler Street, 6 ?, Denmark Court, 2 ?, Devonshire Square, 90 ?, Duke Street, 89 ?, Fenchurch Street, 1, 56, 88, 91 ?, George Street, 91 -?, Goodman's Fields, 5, 58, 70, 91 ?, Gould Square, 90, 91 ?, Gravel Lane, 56, 90 ?, Great Alie Street, 5 ?, Great St. Helen's, see St. Helen's ?, Grigsby's Coffee House, 92 ?, Gun Yard, 5, 90 See also Synagogues ?, Haggerston, 31 ?, Hart Street, 74 ?, Heneage Street, 6 ?, Houndsditch, 5, 6, 90, 91 ?, Hoxton Cemetery, 57 ?, Jewish Museum, 3, 64, 99 ?, Leadenhall Street, 1, 50, 55, 56, 89, 90, 92 ?, Lime Street, 66 London, Little St. Helen's, 89 ?, Lombard Street, 103 ?, Magpye Alley (Church Row), 61, 67 ?, Mansell Street, 6, 66, 91 ?, Mile End Road (Cemetery), 7,11, 49 ?, Milk Street, see Leo, Moses ?, Minories, 91 ?, New Broad Street, 6 ?, Newgate, 81 ?, Old Fish Street, 16, 22, 24 ?, Pier Head, London Docks, 66 ?, Prescott Street, 5, 91, 92 ?, Queenhithe Ward (Knightrider Street), 24 ?, "Rag Fair," 4 ?, Rosemary Lane, 4 ?, St. Andrew Undershaft, 9, 101 ?, St. Botolph, 8, 30, 55, 69 ?, St. Catherine Coleman, 74 ?, St. Dionis Backchurch, 51 ?, St. Helen's, 47, 52-56, 96 ?, St. John Baptist, 13, 24 ?, St. Katherine Creechurch, 8 ?, St. Lawrence Jewry, 21 ?, St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, 51 ?, St. Mary Aldermary, 13 ?, St. Mary Axe, 56, 65, 74, 89, 90-92, 101 ?, St. Mary Magdalene, 24 ?, St. Nicholas, 24 ?, St. Olave, 74 ?, St. Paul's Cathedral, 15-33 passim ?, Sandy's Row, 6, 7 ?, Savage Gardens, 92 ?, Scarborough Street, 5 ?, Shoemaker's Row, 56 ?, Shoreditch, 16, 28, 29 ?, Southampton Street, 70 ?, Spital Square, 6 ?, Throgmorton Street, 92 ?, Tower Bridge, 4 ?, Trafalgar Street, 70 ?, Warnford Court, 90 ?, Wallbrook, 13 ?, Westminster Coffee House, 92 London Magazine, 103 London, Survey of, L.C.C., 31 Lopes, Solomon, 12 Lopez, Andrew, 104</page><page sequence="8">116 INDEX. Lopez, Isaac, 83, 84, 88 Lord Mayor and London Jews, see W. S. Samuel Lord Mayor's Waiting Books, 7, 10, 12, 13 Louis the Pious, King, 37 Lousada, see Barrow Love, H. D., Vestiges of Old Madras, 59, 71, 72 Lowenthal, M., Memoirs of Gl?ckel of Hameln, 57 Lucy, Geoffrey de, Dean, 26 Lyon, Rabbi Nathan, 73 "Maarib biZemanah Oheb Shalom" Society, 7 Madras, 57-76 passim Magna Carta, 38 Magpye Alley, see London Mahazike Torah, see Synagogues (Rose? mary Lane) Maimonides, 76, 78 Marcus, Moses, 63 Margalicia, Elias son of, 25 ?, Isaac, 25 ?, Leon son of, 25 ?, Vives son of, 25 Marlborough, Duke of, 86 Marquez, Diego Rodrigues, 102 ?, Joseph, 93 Martin, F., History of Lloyds, 50 Mascarenhas, 53 " Mashkimim Umaaribim," see Syna? gogues (Gun Yard) Mattos, Abraham de, 89, 90 ?, Isaac de, 90 ?, Moses de, 90 Mazahod, Jacob, 82, 84, 88 Mazante, Jacob, 88 Mears, Sampson, 57, 58 Medina, Francisco de, 93 ?, Solomon de, 86, 91 ?, Sir Solomon de, 86 Meir son of Edra, 79 ? of Rothenburg, R., 76, 78 Melbourne Community, Early Days of, Letter of 1848, 94-97 Menasseh ben Israel, 8, 46-49, 51-53, 81 Mendes, Anthony, 93 ?, Dr. Fernando, 13 ?, James, 93 ?, Lewis, 93 Mendez, Abraham, 58 Mesquita, D. B. de, The Historical Associations of the Ancient Burial Ground of the Sephardi Jews, 100 Meyers, Benedix, 70 ?, Frances, 70 "Michael, The," ship, 103 Michael son of John, 25 Midrash Phineas, 4 Mier, David, 47, 53, 55 Mile End Road (Cemetery), see London Milk Street, see London Milman, Annals of St. Paul's, 21 Minories, see London Minz, R. Moses, 77 Miscellanea, 94-107 Mocatta, Moses, 92 Mocatto, Abraham, 89, 90 Moediga, Sin., 56 Mole, Christopher, 62 Monday, Abraham, 7-9, 12, 13, 55 ?, Jane, 9, 12, 13 Montepessulan, Robert de, 30 "Moore's Shool," see Synagogues Mora, William de, 30 Morais, Abraham de (Anthony Rodri? guez), 11, 82, 84, 86, 88 ?, Ester, 11 ?, Rachel, 11 Mordicai, Mordicai, 2 Moron, Isaac, 90, 91 Moses son of Abraham, 79 ?, Eleazer, 67, 75 ?, Elizabeth, 74 ?, Frances, 67 ?, Hannah, 67, 70 ?, Henry, 66 ?, Hester, 74 ?, Hyam, 61, 63, 64 ?, Isaac, 70 ?, Jacob Nathan, 65, 75 ?, Joseph, 64, 74, 75 ?, Rabbi, b. Judah, see Judah ?, Judith, 67 ?, Levy, 71-73</page><page sequence="9">INDEX. 117 Moses, Lipman, 73, 74 ?, b. Loeb, 57 ?, Lucky, 67 ?, Marques, 58 ?, Master of Canterbury, 79 ? of Milk Street, 26 ?, Minkey, 70 ?, Sampson, 58 ?, Samuel, 73 ?, Sarah, 66 ?, Simon Jacobus, 64, 74 ?, Susannah, 74, 75 ? of Taku, R. 77 Mottley, Survey of the Cities of London, etc, 87 Myers, A. I., Jewish Directory, 5 ?, Joseph, 75 ?, Rebecca, 75 ?, Simon Hart, 75 Nantzick, Abraham, 70 Naphtali, Abraham b. (Tang), 3 Nathan, Abraham, 57, 58 ?, A Short Account of the Life and Transactions of Levi, 2 Neimegen, Assur, see Elias, A. Neubauer, Additions to Notes on the Jews of Oxford, 54 ?, Catalogue of Hebrew Manuscripts in Jews' College, 3 New Broad Street, see London Newcourt, Bepertorium of St. Paul's, 16, 18, 21, 28 Newgate, see London Newport, see Peter New Synagogue, see Synagogues Nicholas, Canon of St. Paul's, 18, 19 Nieto, Chacham D., 11 Nogueira, Mordicai, 90 Norden, 66 Norseman, William the, 23 Northampton Donum, 15, 18, 21, 25 Norton, City of London, 21 Nunes, Abraham, 89 ?, Benjamin, 82, 84-86, 88 ?, Isaac Israel, see Alvarez ?, Jacob Fernandes, 93 Old Fish Street, see London Oratories, Jewish, see W. S. Samuel Osbert the Smith, 18 Osorio, Abraham, 93 Osterberg, Miss, 6 Oxoniana, 9 Oystergate, Stephen de, 30 Pachuo, Rodrigo, 93 Paiba. Abraham de, 83, 85, 88-90 ?, Isaac de, 89 ?, Jacob Pereira de, 93 ?, Moses Correon de, 88, 89 Palk, Rev. Robert, 72 Pariente, Judah de Jacob, 65, 75 Parkes, James, The Jewish Money Lender and the Charters of English Jewry in Their Historical Setting, 34-41 Parole, Alric, 18, 19 ?, Edward, 18 "Path of Peace" Society, 7 "Path of Rectitude " Society, 7 "Path of Righteousness " Society, 7 Paz, Elias, 85, 88, 93 Peers, Sir Charles, 85 Peregrine, Abraham, 106 Pereira, Francis, 93 ?, Manuel, 54 Perry, Micajah, 100 Peter son of Isaac, 15 ? son of William son of Alulf, 25 26, 28 ? de Newport, 28, 29 "Phillips' Shool," see Synagogues Phillips, P. A. S., 101 Picciotto, James, Sketches of Anglo Jewish History, 99, 104, 105 Pinto, Father, 50 Piscaria, see Old Fish Street Pitt, Thomas, 60 ?, William, 60 Plague, Great, of London, 7-15 passim, 100 Polish Minyan, see Synagogues (Gun Yard) Pondicherry, 60 Porto, Esther do, 105</page><page sequence="10">118 INDEX. Postlethwayt, M., The Universal Dic? tionary of Trade and Commerce, 80 Prager Wolf, see Isaac Prescott Street, see London Prynne, 48 Quatrebuches, Benedict, see Benedict Queenhithe Ward, see London "Queen Hester," ship, 105 Rabinowitz, L., The Origin of the Canterbury " Treaty," 76-79 Radenors, Reginald de, 27 "Rag Fair," see London Ralph de Gardin, 36 ?, Master, Canon of St. Paul's, 18, 20 Ramos, Isaac, 82, 86, 88 Reigate, John de, 27 Reynolds, Rachel, 70 Ricardo, Abraham, 87, 91 ?, David, 87 Richard L, 34, 39 ? II., 80 ?, archdeacon of Middlesex, 18, 19 ? de Barking, 27 ? de Belmeis, 18 ? Haket, 27 ? de Hullebrun, 27 ? de Humframvilla, 22 ? de Linton, 27 ? de Storteford, 21 ? the Younger, 22 Richards, R. D., The Early History of Banking in England, 103 Rigg, Select Pleas of the Exchequer of the Jews, 76 Roach, John, Lieut., 59 Robinson, Sir John, 8, 13 Robles, Antonio, 48 ?, Emanuel, 89 Rodphi Shalom Society, 7 Rodregoes, Domingus, 56 ?, Francisco, 56 ?, M., 56 ?, Steauen, 56 Roger de Desert, 25 ? de Toni, 24 ? Master, Canon of St. Paul's, 22 Rosemary Lane, see London. See also Synagogues Roth, Cecil, The Jews and the French Invasion, 97, 98 ?* ?, The Lesser London Synagogues of the \%th Century, 1-7 -, Records of the Western Synagogue, 2, -, 11, 14 Royal Exchange, 12, 34, 80 passim R.S.P.C.A., 65 Rubens, Alfred, Anglo-Jewish Portraits, 107 St. Albans, Adam of, 32, 33 St. Andrew Undershaft, see London St. Botolph, see London St. Dionis Backchurch, see London St. Helen's, see London St. John Baptist, see London St. Katherine Creechurch, see London St. Lawrence Jewry, see London -, John de, 22 St. Martin Pomer, 35 St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, see London St. Mary Aldermary, see London St. Mary Axe, see London St. Mary Magdalene, see London St. Nicholas, see London St. Olave, see London St. Paul's Cathedral, see London Salema, Jacob, 89 Salle, Aaron son of, 79 ? son of Joce, 79 Salomons, David, 65, 89, 90 ?, Eleazar Philip, 91 ?, Henry, 90 ?, Levy, 66 ?, Rebecca, 65 ?, Reuben, 66 ?, Solomon, 65, 71 Salvador, Francis, 93 ?, Joseph, 93 Salvadore, Benjamin, 103 ?, Isaac, 93 Samson (Sanson), Abraham, son of, see Abraham ? Presbyter, 79</page><page sequence="11">INDEX. 119 Samuda, Jacob, 86, 91 ?, Joseph d'Aguilar, 86, 103 Samuel, Abraham bar, 54 ?, Benjamin Wolf b., 4 ?, Jacob b. (Augusto), 14, 55 ?, Lyon, 70 ?, Moses, 3 ?, Philip (Phineas), son of Moses, 3 ?, Rabbi Phineas b., 3 Samuel, Wilfred S., Anglo-Jewish Ships' Names, 103-105 -, Isaac Alvarez, Court Jeweller 100-103 -, Jews of London and the Great Plague, 7-15 -, Jewish Oratories of Cromwel lian London, 46-55 -, A Jewish Naval Officer under theStuartsI 105-107 -, The First London Synagogue of the Resettlement, 7, 47, 49, 52, 100 -, The London Jews' Yearly Gift to the Lord Mayor, 99-100 -, 63, 76, 85 Sandy's Row, see London Sasportas, Rabbi Jacob, 9, 11, 81 ?, Samuel, 12, 81, 85, 86, 88 Savage Gardens, see London Scarborough Street, see Synagogues Sch?mberg, Sir Alexander, 107 ?, Dr. Meyer Loew, 107 Sequiera, Abraham Israel, 86 ?, Isaac, Jun., 91 Serra, Moses Gomez, 93 "Shaare Zion," see. Synagogues Shoemakers' Row, see London Shoreditch, see London Silva, David da, 82, 84, 86, 88 Simmonds, Woolf, 70 Simon, Andre" L. The Bolton Letters, 104 Simons, Lazarus, 61, 86, 88, 90 Simpson, W. S., Registrum Statutorum Ecclesiae S. Pauli, 21 Smith, F. Raymond S., 100 Solomons, Levy, 94 ?, Michael, 91 ?, Rubens, 94 Southampton Street, see London Spital Square, see London Stead, M. T., William Cade, 38 Stebbeh, (Stepney) Walter de, 27 Stokes, Studies in Anglo-Jewish History, 32, 79 Storteford, Richard de, 21 Stow, Survey of London, 16, 24, 25, 26 Stubbs, Select Charters, 16, 40 Suasso, Alvaro Lopes, 93 ?, Anthony Lopez, 92 ?, Rear-Admiral, 103 Sumatra, 59 Super, Newton, 97 Supino, Judah, 93 Surat, Bombay, 66 Synagogues (London) see C. Roth --, Bevis Marks, 1, 7, 56, 89, 90, 91, 99 ?, Buckle Street, 5 ?, Castle Street, 5 ?, Creechurch Lane, see London ?, German, 6 ?, Great (Duke's Place), 1, 3, 4, 6, 55, 56 ?, Gun Yard (Polish Minyan), 5 ?, Hambro', 1, 3, 4, 6, 57 passim ?, "Kalisher Shool," 5 ?, "Mashkimim Umaaribim," 5 ?, "Moore's Shool," 5, 6 ?, New, 1, 2, 5, 96, 99 ?, "Phillips' Shool," 5 ?, Polish, 6, 7 ? Rosemary Lane ("Mahazike Torah") 4, 5 ?, St. Mary Axe, 57 ?, Sandy's Row, 6 ?, Scarborough Street, 5 ?, "Shaare Zion," 2, 3 ?, Western, 2, 4 ?, "Zemirath Israel," 5 Tarn, Rabbenu Jacob, 77, 79 "Tang," see Naphtali Tawney, R. H., Thomas Wilson, 41 Templars, Knights, 37 Templo, R. Jacob Judah Leon, 86 Theobert de Abbeville, 18, 20 Theodoric, Canon of St. Paul's, 18, 19</page><page sequence="12">120 INDEX. Theodosius the Great, 35 Thoke, David de, 27 Throgmorton Street, see London Thurroc, 34 Tom's Coffee House, 92 Toni, Roger de, 24 Tower Bridge, see London Trafalgar Street, see LAidon Trivatore, 59 Turco, Francis, 82, 88 Turstan, William son of, 24 Valentine, A. H., 94 Valentino, Daniel, 89, 90 Vega, Samuel da, 11 Victoria County History, 16, 24 Violet, Thomas, 48 Vives son of Margalicia, 25 ? of Winchester, 79 See also Benedict Warnford Court, 90 Walker, G. Goold, 7 Wallbrook, see London Walter, Canon of St. Paul's, 18, 19 ? de Wandsworth, 30 Walworth, 70 Watson, John, Consul, 97 Webb, P. Carteret, 17 Weill, R. Jacob, 77 Western Synagogue, see Synagogues -, History of the, see Mathias Levy -, Records of the, see C. Roth Westminster Coffee House, see London Whiston, W., 63 William III., 88, 105 Wolf, Lucien, 52 -, CromwelVs Jewish Intelligencers, 52 -, Essays in Jewish History, 9, 12, 52, 80, 82-84, 106 -, Jewry of the Restoration, 47 -, Menasseh ben Israel's Mission, 46, 51 -, The Treves Family in England, 106 Woolwich Dockyards, 103 Worth, Lieutenant John, 72 Wright, Dudley, 41 Zarik, Poland, 2 "Zemirath Israel," see Synagogues Zevi, Sabbatai, 11, 15 Zuzarte, Solomon, 84, 88 Printed in Great Britain by Purnell and Sons, Ltd., Paulton (Somerset) and London.</page></plain_text>