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<plain_text><page sequence="1">INDEX I. (Name Index to the Northampton Donum.) Aaron, Abraham son of, lxviii, lxx ? Benedict brother of, lxix ? Beneit son of, lxvii ? Coc nephew of, lxxiv ? Elias son of, lxviii, lxx ? Viues son of, lxviii, lxix ? See also Jacob Abraham, Benedict son of, lxiii, lxiv ? Elias brother of, lxix ? Juette wife of, lxv ? Samson son of, lxii ? Samuel son of, lxii ? See also Aaron ; Auigai ; Beene ; Ben'; Bone; Brun; Elias; Isaac; Josce ; Leun ; Liun ; Magister ; Meus ; Samsun' ; Sanctus ; Viues Adler, Rev. M., lix al Mest. See Mest, al Aufai, Elias de, lxxi Auigai, lxxi, lxxii, lxxiii ?? Abraham son of, lxii ? Elias son-in-law of, lxii ? Isaac son-in-law of, lxii ? Josce son of, lxxi ? See also Judea Bahama, lxxiii Bard', Hugh, lxx Bedef', Urselms de, lxxi Bedfordshire, Bedford'sir, lxxi Beene, Abraham son of, lxxiii Belasez, Beleasez, lxxi, lxiv ? Josce son of, lxxi ? Judas son of, lxxiv ? Mary daughter of, lxxii Belasez, sons of, lxiv Belin. See Glouo' Ben', Abraham son of, lxix Bendit. See Isaac Benedict, Elias son of, lxx ? heirs of, lxvi ? Josce son of, lxix, lxxi ? Judas son of, lxxi ? le puintur, lxii, lxiv ? Viues son of, lxiii ? See also Aaron; Abraham; Isaac; Jacob ; Jurnet ; Paruus ; Quatre? buche; Viues Beneit. See Aaron; Isaac; Jacob Beniamin, lxviii ? Meus son of, lxv ? See also Samuel Benliuing, lxix Beuerle, Salomon de, lxix Bissop, Josse, lxvii ? Samson, lxvii ? See also Episcopus, Vesk Blund, Aaron le, lxxi ? Luin le, lxii ? Peter, lxxi Bokingeham. See Bukingham bonanfant. See bonenfant Bone, Abraham son of, lxviii Bonefacie, Luin son of, lxvi Bonefant. See Bonenfant Bonel, lxxii Bonenfant, Bonanfant, Bonefant, lxvi, lxxiii ? Mosse son-in-law of (le gendre), lxiii, lxxiv Bristol, Bristowe, lxvi, lxix xi /</page><page sequence="2">lxxxii INDEX I. Bristol, Jews of, lxvi Bruin, lxxii Br?n, Abraham son of, lxii Bukingham, Bokingeham, Buking', William de, lxiv, lxv, Ixviii, lxix, lxxi, lxxii, Ixxiii, lxxiv Bungeia, Bung', Abraham de, lxvii ? Elias or Elyas de, lxvii, lxix ? Isaac de, lxxiv ?? Jacob de, Ixxiii ? Mosse de, lxvii ?? Urselms de, lxvii ?? ?? ?? Isaac brother of, lxvii Burges, Hanna de, lxix Cambridge, Cantebruc', Kantebr', lix, lxvi, Ixviii Cant', Isaac Juuenis de, lxv ?? Jossce Gaudi de, lxv Cantebrig. See Cambridge Canterbury, Cantuaria, lix, lxv Cantuar', Isaac Senex de, lxv -Cressi son of, lxv ?? ? Gosce son of, lxv ? Jacob de, lxv ? Samson de, lxv Carmin, Isaac, lxix Carnum. See Carmin Chbre. See Judea Chichester, Cioestr', lxvi Cioestr', Deulebeneie de, lxvi Cipora, Ixviii ? David son of, lxvi ? See also Hakelot Clanmund, Abraham de, Ixxiii Coc. See Aaron, Samuel Colchester, Colecestr', lxiv Colecestr', Coleo', Aaron de, lxiv ? Abraham, lxiv ? Isaac de, lxiv ? Jacob de, lxiv -Abraham son of, lxiv -Viues son of, lxiv ? Viues de, lxiv -Jacob son of, lxiv Couentr', Elias de, Ixviii Coventry, Coventr', Ixviii Cresp, Benedict le, Ixxiii -Heirs of, lxxii ? Delecresse le, Ixxiii Cressi. See Cantuar' Crispi, Josce son of, lxvii David, Ixviii ? Samuel son of, Ixviii ?? See also Cipora Delesaut, Deulesaut, lxxii ? Josce son of, lxxii ? See also Judeus Deuaie, lxxiv Deudenie. See Samuel Deudone, Deudon', Aaron son of, lxiii ? Jacob son of, Ixxiii, lxxiv ? Josce son of, Ixxiii, lxxiv Deulecresse, Josse son of, lxxi Eleasar, lxx Eli, heirs of, lxvi Elia. See Aaron; Abraham; Isaac; Margarede Elias, lxiv ? Abraham son-in-law of, lxiv ? See also Auigai, Isaac Elies. See Magister Eligai, lxiv Episcopus, Isaac, lxix ? Judas, lxix ? Salomon, lxix ? Samson, lxx ? Samuel, lxx ? See also Bissop, Vesk Excestr', Amiot de, lxvii Exeter, Excestr', lxvii Fillastre, Mosse, lxxii Flurie, lxx ? Heirs of, lxvii ? See also Isaac Furmager, Deulecresse, lxix ? Isaac, lxix</page><page sequence="3">INDEX I. lxxxiii Gabbai, Gabbay, Abraham, lxix ? Judas, lxix Gaudi. See Cant' Gaud in, Josce, lxxiii Gendre, le. See Bonenfant Glouo', Belin Judeus de, lxxiv Gloucester, Gloucestr', lxiii, lxxi ? Jews of, lxvi Gloucestr', Elyas de, lxiii Gosce. See Cantuar' ; Liun Gros, Grosse, Isaac le, lxxiii ? Manasser le, lxix ? See also Lincoln Hakelot, Cipora wife of, lxvi Hampton, Viues de, lxviii Hant, Isaac son of, Josse de, lxiv Hereford, lxiv, lxvii ? Samuel de, lxvii Hertford, Hurtford, lxvi Hicche, Isaac de, lxxi H?ge, Abraham, lxxi Hurtford. See Hertford Isaac, Abraham son of, lxviii ? Bendit son of, lxviii ? Benedict son of, lxx ? Beneit son of, lxviii ? Elias son of, lxxi, lxxii ? Flurie wife of, lxvii ? Josce son of, lxxii, lxxiii ? Josce son-in-law of, lxviii ? Peter son of, lxxii ? Salamun son of, lxix ? Salomun son-in-law of, lxxiii ? Viuelot son of, lxxii ? Viues son of, lxiv ? See also Auigai ; Hant' ; Josce ; Juda; Mosse; Salomon; Sanc tus ; Senex ; Simon ; Ursell' Jacob, Benedict son of, lxix ? Beneit son of, lxvii ? Meus son-in-law of, lxxiii Jacob, Moises son of, lxxiii ? Peiteuin son of, lxvii ? Pulcele son of, lxiii ? Samuel son of, lxv, lxviii ? Simon nephew of, lxv -Aaron son of, lxv ? See also Deudone ; Josce ; Manas? ser ; Samuel ; Simon Jacobs, Dr. Joseph, lix, lx, lxi Jagunce, lxx Janum', lxxii Justelin. See Mosse Jenkinson, Captain Hilary, lix Joie, lxx ? son of, lxx ? son-in-law of, lxx ? See also Jude a Josce, Josse, Abraham son-in-law of, lxxiii ? Isaac son of, lxvi, lxx ? Jacob son of, lxix -? Josce son of, lxiii ? Samuel son of, lxxi ? See also Avigai; Belasez; Bene? dict ; Deudon ; Deulecresse ; Deulesaut ; Isaac ; Judeus ; Magister ; Manasser ; Samuel Juda, Isaac son of, lxix Judas, lxviii ? See also Belasez ; Benedict Jude a, Auigay, lxii ?? Joie, lxvii -Josse son-in-law of, lxvii -Chere daughter of, lxvii ? Muriel, lxiii ? See also Lund Judeus, Deulesaut, lxii ? Josce, lxxiv ? Muriel sister of, lxxiv ? Peter, lxiv ? See also Glouc' Juette. See Abraham Jurnet, lxxiii ? Benedict brother of, lxvii Juueni, Mosse, lxiii ? See also Cant' Jwe, lxxii</page><page sequence="4">Ixxxiv INDEX I. Kanonimos, lxvi Kant', Benedict de, lxix ? Beniamin de, lxvi ? Bonevie de, lxvi ? Juda de, lxvi ? Mosse de, lxii Kantebr', Peter de, lxx ? See Cambridge Kanterberi, Jacob de, Ixxiii Kent, lix, Ixxiii Lafford, Laford, Matatia, Matatie de, lxvii, lxx Le Prestre. See Prestre Le Veske. See Veske Leicester, Josce de, lxx Leui, Abraham, Ixviii, lxxii ?? Deuuelcresse, lxv ? Jacob, Ixviii ? Mosse, lxxii ? Samuel, lxxi ? Simon, lxv Leun, Abraham son of, lxxiv ? See also Marigar Lino',.Jacob de, lxvii Lincoln, Nicole, Jews of, lxvii, lxx ? Manasser Grosse of, lxvii Lincolnshire, Nicol Sir', lxix Liun, Luin, Abraham son of, lxxii ? Gosce son of, lxv ? Isaac son of, lxvi ? See also Bonefacie ; M-gar-te Liz, Fluer de, lxxi Lond, Lund', Isaac de, lxii -Murien' daughter of, lxii ? Simon de, lxiv -Deudenie son of, lxiv ? Slema of, lxxiv London, Londonia, Londr', lxii, lxxii ? See also Lund Luin. See Liun Lumbard, Ixviii ? Anna mother of, lxiii, Ixviii ? Aser, lxvii ? nephews of, Ixviii LuND'i iSfeeLoND' Lung, Josce le, Ixxiii Madling, Simund de, Ixxiii Magareda, Elia son of, lxii Magister, Elies son of, lxxii ? Josce son of, lxxii ? (Magri), Samuel son of, lxvii ? Salomun son of, lxxii ? Simon son of, lxii ? See Mosse Makar, Maker, lxiii, Ixxiii Manasser, Manaser, lxvi, lxix ? Jacob son of, lxvi ? Josce son of, Ixviii ? See also Mest Margaret, Viues son of, lxxii M-gar-t, Luin son of, lxii Marigar, Leun son of, lxxii Marterin, lxx Mary. See Belasez Matatie. See Salomon Melin, lxiv Merdenhostel, Isaac, lxxiv Mest, al, Manasser son of, lxx Meus, Abraham son of, lxvii ? See also Beniamin ; Jacob Moises. See Jacob Morel, lxvi Mosse, heirs of, lxix, lxxi Magister, lxix -Abraham son of, lxix ? Isaac son of, lxxi, lxxiv ? Justelin son of, lxxii ? Peter son of, lxxi ? Samson son of, lxv ? Viues son-in-law of, lxxi ? See also Bonenfant ; Jacob Murie, lxxii Muriel. See Judea Murien'. See Lund Naamia, lxx Naqdan, Berakyah, lxii Nicole, Nicol, Elie de, Ixviii</page><page sequence="5">INDEX I. lxxxv Nicole, Nicol, Ursellus son of, lxviii ? Jacob de, lxix ? Manaser de, lxviii ? Peiteuin de, lxix ? See also Lincoln Nicol Sir'. See Lincolnshire Norewiz, Beneit de, lxvii -Josse son of, lxvii ? Jurnet de, lxvi ? See also Norwich Northampton, Norhampton, lxiii, lxxiv ? Donum, lix et seq. Northamptonshire, Norhamtesir, lxxi, lxxiii Norwich, Norewiz, lxvi Notingeham, Isaac de, lxxiv ? Mosse de, lxiii -Isaac son of, lxiii Nottinghamshire, Notingh' Sir, lxx Oxenef, Oxenf', ' Bonefei' de, lxiv ? Isaac de, lxxiv Oxford, Oxenef', Oxonia, lxiv, lxxiv Paruus, Benedict, lxii, lxxii Peiteuin. See Jacob Pernas, Abraham, lxix ? Benedict, lxx ? Isaac, lxx -Riehe son of, lxx Peter, Samuel son of, lxxiii, lxxiv ? See also Isaac ; Judeus ; Mosse ; Samuel Pipewell, abbey of, lxxi Pipili, lxiii Pointur, Puintur, Benedict le, lxii, lxiv ? Samuel le, lxix Powell, Miss D. L., lx Precluse, lxix Prestre, Samuel le, lxvii Pucela, Pucele, lxx, lxxiv Puintur. See Pointur Quatrebuche, Benedict, lxii, lxxii ? Isaac, lxxii Rem', William son of, lxiii Riche. See Pernas Rouec, Benedict de, lxv Rume, Samsun de, lxxi Rumenel, Benedict de, lxvi Salococ, lxiv Salomon, Salamun, Isaac son of, lxix ? Matatie son of, lxix ? Salom' son of, lxxiii ? See also Isaac ; Magister Sampson, Samson, Samsun', lxxii, lxxiii ? Abraham son of, lxxiv ? Samuel son of, lxxi ? See also Abraham Samuel, Beniamin son of, lxx ? Coc nephew of, lxxiii ? Deudenie son of, lxxi ? Jacob son of, lxiii, lxxi, lxxiv ? Josce son of, lxx, lxxiii ? Peter son of, lxxiii ? See also Abraham ; David ; Jacob ; Josce; Magister; Mosse; Peter; Sampson Sancte Marie Ecclesia, William de, lxx -W. de, lxvi Sanctus, Abraham son of, lxxiii ? Isaac son of, lxiii, lxxiv Sarre, lxxii Scriptor, Viues, lxvii Scriuein, Viues le, lxx Senex, Isaac, lxviii, lxxiii ? See also Cantuar ' Simon, Isaac son of, lxxiv ? Jacob son of, lxxiii ? See also Jacob, Magister Simund, lxxiii Slema, lxxii ? See also Lund Stanford, Isaac de, lxiii ? Manasser de, lxx Stokes, Dr. H. P., lix Sudhamtesir, lxviii</page><page sequence="6">lxxxvi INDEX I. Ursellus, Ursell', lxx ? Isaac son of, lxx ? See also Nicole Veske, Vesq, Abraham le, lxxii ? Deulesant le, lxxii ? Isaac le, lxvi ? Viues le, lxii, lxxii ? See also Bissop ; Episcopus Viuelot, lxxiv ?? See also Isaac Viues, Abraham son of, lxix ? Benedict son of, lxxii ? See also Aaron; Margaret; Mosse; scriptor; scrivein Walingef', Mosse de, Ixviii ? Samuel de, lxiv Wallingford, Walingeford, lxiv Warew', Warewic, Warewich, Bene? dict de, lxv Warew', Josce son of, lxv ? Elia de, lxv ? Eudo de, lxv ? heirs of Leon de, lxx ? Luin de, lxv ? Salemun, Salomun de, lxv, lxxi Warwick, Warewic, lxv Warwickshire, Warewic Sir', lxx Wincestr', Lumbard de, lxiii ? Manaser de, lxiii ? See also Lumbard Winchester, Wincestr', Wintonia, lxiii, lxxiv Winton', Cassi de, lxiii Wirecestr', Jacob de, lxiv Worcester, Wirecestr, Jews of, lxvi Worcestershire, Wirecester Sir', lxv</page><page sequence="7">INDEX II. GENERAL INDEX. Aarense, Moses, xxxiii Aaron, xi, x? Aaron, hazan, xlvii Aaron bar Joseph, xxxiii Aaron son of Abraham, ix Aaron son of Cresseus, x Aaron son of Vives (Vyves), vi, viii ff. Aarons, David, xxx Aarons, Judith, xxxiii Abendana, Isaac, i, xxvi, xxx, lxxix Abendana, Jacob, xxvi, xxix, lxxix Abendana, Ralph, xxv, xxx Abendaro, Ferdinand, xxx Abendaro, Hana, xxx Aberbanel, Bersebah, xxx Aberbanel, Joseph, xxx Aboab, Abraham, xxxiii Abraham, Dr., xlvii Abraham, Joseph, xxxi Abraham, Phineas, xxxi Abraham. See Aaron Abraham son of Sheloms, xlv Abrahams, Hertog, xxix Abrahams, Heschall, xxviii Abrahams, I., i ff., vi, xxiv ff., xxxv, xli ff., lix ff. Abrahams, Isaac, xxix Abrahams, Jacob, xxix Abrahams, Michaela, xxxi Abrahamz, Symon, xxix Adam de Raveneskelf, xii Aden, lxxvi Adler, M., vii ff., lix Adrian, Henry, xiii Agilar, Isaac, xxix Alan. See Brian Almanzi, Joseph, lxxvi Alphonso of Arragon, vii Alvarano, David, xxviii Alvarenga, Samuel, xxvii ff. Alvarer, Abraham, xxix Alvarer, Jacob, xxix Alvarer, Solomon, xxix Alvares, Abraham, xxix Alvringe, David, xxix Amego, Jacob, xxviii American Hebrew, xxiii Amsterdam, xx, xxxi, xxxvii, lxxviii Andre, A. and J. L., xl Andrea, S., lxxix Angla ( = Anglia ?), lxxvi Arabia, xli Arary, Ephraim, xxxiii Ariez, Jacob, xxvii Arones, Herst, xxxiii Ascana, Mayer, xxxiii Ashridge, xii Asser, Abraham, xxx Athias, S. da Costa, lxxv Avegaya de Wyntonia, xiv Ayllon, Solomon, xxvi ff. Aylon, Sollomoh, xxvii Babossia, Nicholas, xxxi Babullia, Nicholas, xxxi Bacun (Bacoun), Edmund and John, xvi, xvii Badajoz, xviii Baiza, Jacob de, xxviii Bantitta, Jeronimo, xxxi Barbados, xxiii, xxxiii, xxxv lxxxvii</page><page sequence="8">lxxxviii INDEX II. Barents, Isaac, xxvii ff. Baron Munchausen, xliii Baruch, Jacob, xxvii Basset, Marmaduke William, xi Bath, xx Bath and Wells, xi Batte, Abraham la, xxx Baud, Simon, xvii Bayone, Abraham, xxxi Beaconsfield, Lord. See Disraeli, Benjamin Bebis, Abraham, xxviii Bechesworth (Surrey), xvi Bedford (Bedeford), xii Bele, John, xiv Benadi, Gimulya, lxxx Bendennon, Moses, xxxi Benedict Caus, xiv Benedict de la Corner, son of Meyr, vii, xiv Benedict Levesque (Oxford), xiv Benedict le puintur, lxii Benedict de Wyntonia, xiv Benedict of Lincoln, xiii Benedict. See Hagin Benedict. See Put', x Bengaces, Joseph, xxxii Benjamin bar Jacob, xxxiii ' Bensadi, Stechen,' xli ff. Berakhyah Naqdan, lxii Bercamsted, Samuel de, xiv Berewick, John de, xvi Berkamstede, xvii Bernall, Isaac, xxviii Berners. See Ralph Bernis, Samuel David, xxviii Beth Hamedrash (London), xlvii Betty, Emy, xxx Bevis Marks, xxxviii Bibliotheca Anglo-Judaic a, lxxv Bilisario, Abraham, xxx Boas, Abraham, xlviii Boas, A. and S., xiv Boas, Simon, xlviii Bodleian Bowl, i ff. Boehm, E., xl Bona Dia, Abraham, xxxi Bonamicus, of York, xiv Bonefei son of Lumbard, xiv Bonefeyus de Crickelade, 9 ff. Brabant, John duke of, vii, xvi Brauntegate. See Jacob, xii Bray, Thomas de, xii Brewosa, William de, xv Brian son of Alan, ix Bristle, H., xlvii British Museum, Hebrew MSS., lxxv ff. Bruere, La, xiii Buchanan, Claudius, lxxx Bueno, Joshua, xxxi Bukingham, W. de, lxi Burkitt, F. C, xxxiv ff. Burnell, William, xiv Burrell, Peter, ii Burt, Thomas, xi Buxtorff, lxxvii Bygone Haslemere, ii Byron's Hebrew Melodies, xliii Cairo, Ark, lxxix Cairo, Old, lxxix Caldcoats, xv Caliman, Eliezer, xxxiii Calmet, xxxvi Cambridge, i ff., vii, xii, xv, xvi, lxxviii, lxxx Cambridge under Queen Anne, i Campomaior, xviii Canada, xxiii Cann, x Canterbury, xi, xiii, lix Carleton, William de, xi, xv Carpzov, Defence of the Hebrew Bible, lxxvii Carvajal, Antonio F. de, xviii Carvajal, Ester Fernandez. See Car? vajal, Maria F. de Carvajal, Maria Fernandez de, xviii, xix Carvalho, Antas Roiz, xviii Carvalho, David, xxviii Carvalho, Simas Fernandez, xviii Casares, Francesco de, xxxi Caseres, Abraham de, xxix</page><page sequence="9">INDEX II. Ixxxix Caseres, Francesco de, xxv ff. Castello, Nicholas de, xi Castiliano, Jacob, xxviii Castilio, Hester, xxxii Castillo, Emanuel, xxviii Castilo, Emanuel, xxxi Caus, Benedict, xiv Chaplains of Domus, xvi Chapman, Richard ( = Isaac Fernandez), xxiv, xxxiii Charles II, petition to, xix Cheaps ide, xxx Chest, London, viii Chesterton, vii China, lxxvi Chirographers, viii ff. Christian Hebraists, lxxvii Cinque Ports, xiii Clarendon, viii Close Rolls, 1289-1368, iv ff. Coen, Juda, xxix Coen, Myer, xxix Cogin, David, xxix Cogin, Isaac, xxix Cogin, Sarah, xxix Cohen, Elias, xxx Cohen, Isaac, xxx Cohen, Jacob, xxx Cohen Sedek, Isaac, xxvii Coins, charge of clipping, ix Coliman, Elias, xxxiii Colonial Commerce, xxiii Connolly, R. H., xxxv Constantinople, i Continho, David James, xxvii Convents, vii, xii, xiv, xvi Convents. See Domus Cooper (New York), lxxix Coral Trade, xxxvi, xxxix Corea, Isaac, xxviii Corner, la, xiv Costa, Alvaro da, xxxiii, xxxvii Costa, Esther and Isaac Teiles da, xxx Costa, Joseph de, xxx Costa, Joseph Nunes da, xxx Costa, Mendez da, family, xxxvii Costa, Nuno da, xxx Costa, Solomon da, lxxv Coutinho, Isaac, xxxiii Covel, John, i ff., lxxix Crasto, David de, xxix Crasto, Mosch de, xxviii Crekelad, xiv Cresseus son of Cresseus, x Crickelade, x Cricklade, vii Croce, Joseph, xxix ff. Cumberland's Jew, xli Daniels, David, xxxi Danon, David, xxviii David de Haunford, xvii David, Frantie, xxx David, Gabriel, xxix David, Isaac, xxix David, Samson, xxx Davids, Samuel, xxxi Davids, Solomon, xxxi Davis, Eliza, iv ff. Davis, James P., iv Davis, M. D., lxxx D'Azevedo, Haham, xxii Dejaco, Moses, xxiv, xxviii Delgado, Abraham, xxxi Dematz. See Matz De Denization, xxvi ff. Depas, Moses, xxviii Diamond trade, xxxix Dickens, Charles, iv ff. Dickens, Mamie, v Disraeli, Benjamin, xx ff., xxxvii DTsraeli, Benjamin, xxii ff., xxxvii Disraeli Family, The, xviii DTsraeli, Isaac, xxii DTsraeli, Rachel, xxii Domus Conversorum, vii ff., xvii Domus, keeper, xvi Dousterswivel (in The Antiquary), xliii Downs, The, xxvii Drago, David Franco, xxviii Drax, John de, xiv Dresden, J. L. and M., xlvii Duarte, Moses, xxii</page><page sequence="10">xc INDEX II. Dublin, lxxviii Dutch East India Co., xxxvii Dyve, Ralph de, xvii East India Company, xxxvi ff. Edinburgh, lxxvi Edmund Bacun, ix Edmund, Earl of Cornwall, viii ff. Edmund, Earl of Lancaster, vi ' Edmund's Jew,' Aaron son of Vyves, ix Edrehi, Moses, lxxvi Edward I, vi, vii, xi Edward II, vii Eleanor de Sancto Paulo, vii ff. Eleanor, Queen, vii, x, xvi Eleazar, Moses, xxx Elias, David, xxviii Elias, Isaac, xxx Elias, Israel, xxx Elias, Master, vii, xvi ' Eliza ' (in Theodore Gyphon), xliii Ellis, Mr., xxiv Emanuels, Arent, xxviii Emanuels, Solomon, xxviii Episcopus, vii, lxi. See also Evesq, Levesque Ereira, Abraham, xxxi Ereyrer, Michael, xxix Ergase, Abraham, xxvii Escheats, xii Essex, x Esteves, Jeuda Carmy, xxix * Eve's ' Hymn, xlii Evesq, xv Exchequer of Jewry, viii ff. Exchequer Documents, lvii Excixa, Abraham, xxix Expulsion of Jews, vi, x Fables of Berakhyah, lxii Fagin, iv ff. Falck, Nathaniel, xxviii Falcon, Joseph, xxxii Faleyse. See William, ix Falk, Dr. S., xlv Fansaca, Jacob de, xxxii Fansaca, Rachel de, xxxii Faro, Isaac Gabay, xxxii Ferares, Israel, lxxx Fermes, Moses, xxxi Fermi (Fermy), Angelo, xxvi, xxix, xxxi Fernandez, Isaac, xxiv, xxxiii Ffalk. See Falk Fince, Simon, xxviii Flanders, xxxii Floria la Vedue, xiv Floria, wife of Miles, viii Foa, Jacob, Ixxv Forde, Francis, xxxix Forest, * trespass of,' vii, x Foresta, Guy de, xiii Formula Book, xxv Fort St. George, xxxviii Forthingbrigg, ix France, Moses, xxviii Francia, Isaac, xxix, xxxii Francisco, Carlos, xxxi Franck, Salomon, xxx Franco family, xxxviii ff. Franco, Isaac, xxxii Franco, Jacob, xxxviii ff. Franco, Moseh, xxxviii ff. Franco, Rafael Solomon, xxxviii ff. Frank, Moses, xxxiii Frank, Simon, xxxiii Frankco, Isaac (otherwise Franco), xxxii Franks, Abraham, xxxii Free, J. and N., xl Fremeany, J., xl Freras, Samuel, xxv, xxx Friedenberg, Albert M., xxiii Frois, Abrahams, xxviii Fulham, Robert de, xv ff. Fundon, Abram, xxxiii Furtado, Rebecca Mendez, xxii Gad's Hill, iv Garcia, Abraham, xxxii Garcia, Isaac, xxxii Garcia, Jacob, xxxii</page><page sequence="11">INDEX II. xci Garcia, John, xxx Garcia, Joseph, xxx Garcia, Eicha, xxxii Garmon, Lazarus, xxxii Gascony, xiv ff. Gaster, M., xxvi Gaterno, David, xxxiii Gatty, E., lvii Gembloux, xxvi General Mvening Post, ii Georgia, Jews in, iii Gerson, Solomon, xxx Gerstensberg, Adolff, xxviii Gibraltar, lxxviii ff. Gidlon, Sanson, xxxii Gloucester, x Godiah, Mr., xxvi ff. Godolphin, Lord, xxvi Goldsmid, Aaron, xlv ff. Goldsmid, Abraham, xxxviii, xli Goldsmid, George, xlv Gomez, Isaac, xxxiii Goodmansfields, xlvi Gorizia, lxxix Graham, Mr., lvi Grand Alliance, xxiv Gravesend, xxv ff. Grey, John and Reginald de, xvi Guarda, xviii Guigon, Abraham Mendez, xxxi Guilady, Barzilay, xxviii Guy de Foresta, xiii Haes (or Hess), lxxix Hagin son of Benedict, xv Hall, Hubert, xxv Hamburg, xxxii Hamburger, Solomon, xxxii Hamelton, William de, xvii Hardy, W. J., xxvi Hart, Mr., lviii Hartogh, Joseph, xxx Hartogh, Levy, xxx Harwich, xxv ff. Haslemere, Petition from, ii ff. Hautwirthe, x Havering, x Hebrew Deeds of English Jews, lxxx Hebrew inscription at Netherbury, xxxiv Hefes family, lxxix Hegham, Roger de, xv Henricus, Isaac, xxxii Henriques, H. S. Q., xlv ff. Henriques, James, xxix Henriques, Rebecca, xxix Henriquez, Isaac, xxxiii Henry III, vi Henry, Adrian, xiii Henry de Ingleby, vii Henry de Lacy, xiv Hereford, x ff. Hereius, Isaac, xxviii Herrera (Herera), Abraham, xxxii ff. Herse, Nathan, xxx Hill, G. P. G., xlv Hillsborough (Ship), xli Historical Account (by Edrehi), lxxvi History of the Ancient Synagogue of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews, xxvi Holland, xxv ff., xxxii Hollander, Levy, xxx Hollander, Simon, xxix Hoppendorp, Juan, xxvi Hornicroft Manor, xi Hudson, Charles Grave, xl Hugh de Kendale, xiii Hugh de Raveneskelf, xii Hugh de Staunford, xii Hugh, Prior of Neweham, xii H?hner, Leon, iii Hyamson, Albert M., ii ff. Ibri characters, xxxvi India, ii, xxxvi ff., lxxx Ingleby. See Henry, vii Ingram, Francis, lvi /. 0. Court Booh, xxxvii Ireland, xxiii ff. Isaac de Berkamstede, xvii Isaac, Judica, xxxii Isaac, Mordecai, xxx Isaac son of Vives, xvii Isaacks, Hendrick, xxxi</page><page sequence="12">xcii INDEX II. Isaacs, Aarons, xxviii Isaacx, Abraham, xxx Isaax, Rachel, xxx Isolda, wife of William le Brun, ix Israel, Abraham, xxxii Israel, David, xxxii Israel, Isaac, xxix Israel, Jacob, xxix Israel, Reina, xxxii Israels, Jacob, xxix Israels, Moses, xxx Italy, xxv, xxxvii Ivanhoe, xlii Jacob, Aben Amram, Ixxvii Jacob, Benjamin, xxix ff. Jacob. See Miles, viii Jacob. See Moses Jacob de Brauntegate, xii Jacob, Lemmel, xxxiii Jacob son of Samuel, ix Jacobites, xxiv Jacobs, Aron, xxx Jacobs, Alexander, xxxii Jacobs, Anna, xxxii Jacobs, Benjamin, xxix Jacobs, Calme, xxix Jacobs, Joseph (1691), xxvii Jacobs, Joseph (1692), xxviii Jacobs, Joseph (Dr.), xxix, lix ff., lxxv Jacobz, Moses, xxix Jamaica, xxiii ff. Jenkinson, Hilary, lx Jerman, Raphael, xxxii Jermy, Argel, xxvi ff. Jerusalem, Abraham, xxxi ff. Jerusalem, Isaac, xxxi ff. Jew, The, xli Jew, The Benevolent, xlii Jewish Historical Society of America, iii; of England, i, vi Jewish Theological Seminary, New York, lxxix Jewry, law and custom of, xv Jews of Angevin England, lix Joan la Ropere, xvii Joceus son of Moses, xv John Bacun, xvi John Bele, xiv John de Berewick, xvi John de Drax, xiv John de Grey, xvi John de Sancta Maria, vii, xvii John de Wanton, xvi John, duke of Brabant, xvi John le Breton, viii John le Moyne, vii ff. John Tregoz, xii Johnson, John, xxx Jonge, Levi Lutz de, xxix Josepht, Samuel, xxviii Josephus, xxxv Juda, Salomon, xxxii Jupel, Anna, xxxiii Justices of Jews, viii ff. Kancia, Richard de, xvii Kanton, LB., lxxv Karaites, lxxix Kayserling, M., lxxviii Kendale, Hugh de, xiii Kennicott, lxxix Kent, lix Kethuboth, lxxx King's Clipstone, xi Kingston, viii Kipling, R., xlii Knap, la (manor), xv Koran, lxxix Kroks, L., xlvii La Corner, Benedict de, vii L?bo, Joseph, xxix Lacy, Henry de, xiv Lamego, Isaac, xxi Lara, Aaron Nunez, xxii Lara, read ' Joshua ' for ' Jacob ' in table, xxii Lara, Joshua, xxii Laxton, xii Le Breton, John, viii</page><page sequence="13">INDEX II. xciii Le Brun, William, ix Le Moyne, John, ix Leadenhall St., xxxvii Leghorn, xxxviii Levesque, vii Levesque. See also Episcopus, Evesq, vii Lehman, Cosman, xlv ff. Lehman-Goldsmid Litigation, xlv ff Lema, Jacob, xxxiii Lemon St. (London), xlvi Lessing, xliii Letters of Charles Dickens, iv Levi, Isaac, xxxii Levi, Joseph, xxviii ff. Levi, Lazaro, xxxiii Levi, Marcus, xxx Levi, Michael, xxx Levi, Moses, xxx Levi, Nathan, xxx Levi, Simon, xxix Levi, Soesman, xxix Levi, Solomon, xxix ff. Levi, Sosman, xxx Levies (and loans) on Jews, xxvi ff. Levy, Abraham, xxx Levy, Elias, xxxi Levy, Jacob, xxxiii Levy, Joseph, xxx Levy, Michael, xxvii Levy, Sal., xxxiii Levy, Samuel, xxxi Levy, Solomon, xxx Lickerish, Richard, xxxiii Lima, xix Limburg, xvi Lincoln, x ff. Lindo, Antonio Rodriguez, xviii ff. Lindo, Francisco Rodriguez, xviii Lindo, Joao Rodriguez, xviii Lindo, Joseph, xix Lindo, Lourenco Rodriguez, xix Lindo, Manoel Rodriguez, xix Lion, Abraham, xxxi Lisbon, xviii ff. Loewy, A., lxxv London, Abraham b. Isaac, lxxvi London, Jacob b. Judah, lxxv ff. London, Bishop of, xvi Lope, Jacob, xxvii Lopes, xxix Lopez, Aaron, xxiii Lopez, Isaac, xxvii Lorrain, xvi Lota, Joseph, xxxii Louis XIV, xxiv Louzada, Abraham, xxxiii Louzada, David, xxv, xxxiii Louzada, Rebecca, xxxiii Ludlow, Lord, xxxviii Lumbard. See Bonefey Luzzatto, Ephraim, lxxvi, lxxix Luzzatto, Raphael, lxxv Madras, xxxviii Maggs Bros., Catalogue, iv Magical arts, Ii ff. Magnoni, Anthony, xxxiii Maharil, lxxvi Manchorra, Rebecca, xxxii Manser son of David, xvii Mar, David La, xxxi Marces, Moses, xxx Marcus, Moses, lxxvii Margalicia, wife of Vives de Gloucestria, xiv Margaret, Princess, vii Margate, xxviii Margoliouth, G., lxxv Marks, Moses, xxxii Marlowe, xliii Marques, Moses, xxxi Marranos, xxiv Mary, Queen, xxiv Masacane, Augustin, xxxi Massachusetts Historical Society, xxiii Massey Lopes family, xxxviii Matos, Samuel de, xxxiii Mattos, Joseph de, xxxiii Matz, de, Daniel, xlv ff. Mayer, Kindly, xxxiii Mayer, Reby, xxxi Mayor, J. E. B., i Medina, Eli de, xxviii</page><page sequence="14">xciv INDEX II. Medina, Joseph de, xxviii Medina, Rachel de, xxviii Menasseh b. Israel, lxxvii Mendes, Isac, xxxi Mendes, Jacob, xxxi ff. Mendes, Samuel, xxxiii Mendez, David, xxviii Mendez, David, xxvii Mendez, Isaac, xxv Mendez, Jacob, xxvii Mendez, Moses, xxv Mendez da Costa family, xx Mendez da Costa, Abigail, xxii Mendez da Costa, Abraham, xx ff. Mendez da Costa, Daniel, xx Mendez da Costa, Isaac, xxi Mendez da Costa, Juliet, xxi Mendez da Costa, Sarah. See Willyai Brydges Mendle, Mr., xlvii Mentor, Francisco, xxxi Mercado, Abraham de, xxxiii Mercado, Deborah de, xxxiii Mercado, Judith de, xxxiii Meread, Jacob Moses, xxxiii Mesas, Joao de Alfonseca, xviii Messiah, Moses, xxxiii Mexico, xix Meyato, Elias, xxxii Meyer, Hertog, xxxi Meyer, Jacob, xxx Meyer, Joseph, xxx Meyer, Mardochay, xxx Meyr. See Benedict Meza, Alonzo da Fonseca, xix Meza, Manuel da Fonseca, xix Michael, Jacob, xxvii Michell, M., xxviii Michielse, Aaron, xxix Michielse, Abraham, xxix Michielse, Isaac, xxix Michielse, Jacob, xxix Michielse, Sarah, xxix Michielsz, Nathan, xxix Michielsz, Solomon, xxix Middlesex, xiv Mieg, J. F., lxxix Miles son of Jacob, viii Mines, Rachel, xxix Minories, xli Mitchell, Horace, xxxvi Mocatta, D., lxxv Mocatta, Moses, xxxi Modigliani, N. and H, xl Montefiore, Sir M., lxxv Montesinos, Jacob, xxx Montezenus, Rodrigos, xxix Mor, J., xxi Mordecai bar Sadun, xxxiii Morenu, Gabriel, xxxiii Morin, Ralph, xvi ff. Morrish, Mr., xlvii Moses. See Joceus Moses, Mr., xlvii kins, Moses, Aaron, lxxviii Moses, Aaron b., lxxvi Moses, Abraham, xxxiii Moses, Hanna, xxxiii Moses, Hertog, xxx Moses, Jacob, xxx Moses, Mark, xxix Moses, Meyer, xxix Moses, Nathan, xxx Moses, Poris, xxxiii Moses son of Jacob, vi, xiv, xvii Moses, Master (London), xvii Moyne, John le, vii Moyses, Aaron, xxxii Muilman, P. and R., xl Munion, Mordochai, xxxi Musafia, Joseph, xxxii Nancy, Abraham, xlvii Nathan, Abraham, xxvii, xxx, xxxii Nathan der Weise, xliii Nathan, L, xliii Nathans, Abraham, xxviii Nathman, Rabby, xxxii Naton, Abraham, xxviii Naturalization Bill, 1753, ii ff. Negroes, xxix Netherbury Tombstone, xxxiv New England, xxv ff.</page><page sequence="15">INDEX II. XCV New Synagogue, London, lxxx Neubauer, A., lxxv Neweham, xii Newport* Mass., xxiii Nicholas de Castello, xi Norsa, J. and M., xl Northampton, x ff. Northampton, Donum of, 1194, lix ff. Nottingham, xi Nottingham, Earl of, xxvi ff. Novogroden, lxxvi Nunes, Abigail, xxviii Nunes, Jacob, xxxi Nunez (Ana), Anna (Marquez), xviii Nunez, Antao Rodrigues, xviii Nunez, Antonio Fernandez, xviii ff. Nunez, Constanca, xviii Nunez, Dr., iii Nunez, Isaac, xxxii Nunez, Jacob, xxxi Nunez, Leonor, xviii Nunez, Manuel Rodriguez, xviii Nunez, Marie, xviii Nunez, Rodriguez, family, xviii Obediente, Abraham, xxxi Obediente, Samuel, xxxi Ockley, Simon, lxxviii Oglethorpe, James, ii ff. Oliver Twist, iv ff. Omachor, Abraham ben, xxx Or Sarua, lxxv Orbo, Antonio de, xxvii Orlaveston, William de, xv Oseni, Jacob, xxxii Our Mutual Friend, iv ff. Oxford, vi ff. Oxford, Earl of, lxxvi Pachecho, Isaac, xxviii, xxix Pacheco, Mosch, xxviii Pacheco, Rachel, xxviii Pain, Charles and Mary, xxxv Pardo, Jacob, xxxii Pardo, Judica, xxxii Pards, David, xxviii Parensa, Salbador, xxxi Passes issued to Jews, xxiv Paxton, R., lxxvii Penecestre, Stephen de, xiii Penso, Jacob, xxxi Pereira, Francisco, xxviii Pereyra, Francis, xxix Pereyra, Isaac, xxv ff. Perle, ix Perrer, Eliza, xxvii Pharo, Moses, xxxii Picciotto, James, iv Plympton, xiv Polack, Benjamin, xxx Polack, Daniel, xxx Polack, Elias L, xxviii ff. Polack, Jacob, xxix Polack, Moses, xxviii Polacke, Isaac, xxxii Polak, Elias Isaac, xxx Polaque, Elias, xxxi Ponsergy, Zacharias, xxxiii Pores, Moses, xxxiii Porta Veritatis, lxxvii Powell, Miss D. L., Ix Preto, Isaac, xxviii ff. Put' son of Benedict, x Pya, wife of Benedict Caus, xiv Rachel, wife of Meyer, xlvii Rachell, Moses, xxxi Ralph de Berners, viii Ralph de Dyve, xvii Ralph de Silveston, xvii Ralph Morin, xvi ff. Randolveston, ix Rapas (Rapes), Abraham, xxviii Rapas (Rapes), Ben, xxviii Raspe, R. E., xliii Raveneskelf. See Adam and Hugh de ' Rebecca's ' Hymn, xlii Recando, Samuel, xxx Recessional, Kipling's, xlii Reeth, xv</page><page sequence="16">xcvi INDEX II. Reeves, Thomas, xxvii Reginald de Grey, xvi Repeal of Naturalization Bill, 1754, iii Reyna, xxv Reyna, Abraham, xxxii Reyna, Isaac, xxxii Reyna, Rebecca, xxxii Reyna, Sarah, xxxii Rhode Island, xxiii Riah, in Our Mutual Friend, iv ff. Ribas, Moses de, xxxi Richard I, lix ff. Richard de Kancia, xvi Riches, Mary, xxi Riches, Richard, xxi Rigg, J. M., vi Robert de Fulham, xv ff. Robert de Shireland, x Robinson, W., xl Robles Case, xix Rodrigues, Mr., xxiv, xxxiii Rodrigues, Branca, xxix Rodrigues, Gomes, xxxvii Rodriguez, Brittes, xix Rodriguez, Maria. See Carvajal Roff, xii Roger de Heghan, xv Roger de Seton, xvi Roger de Wellesworth, xvi Roghenor, ix Rome, xix Ropere, Joan la, xvii Roselis, Isaac, xxviii Rozales, Aaron, xxxiii Rozales, David, xxxiii Rudd, Dr., lxxvii Salekin de Marleberbe, x Salomon, Jacob, xxx Salthiell, Joseph, xxviii Salvador family, xxxvii Salvador, Joseph, xxxviii Salvador, Joshua, xxix Samaritan script, xxxvi Sambatyon River, lxxvi Sampson son of Sampson, xii Samson, Meyer, xxx Samuel de Bercamsted, xiv Samuel. See Jacob, ix Sancta Maria, vii Sancta Maria, John de, xvii Sandwich, xiii Sano, Francesco, xxxii Sarah wife of Benedict Levesque, vii, xiv Saraina, Isaac, xxxiii Saranu, Simon, xxxiii Sarmon, Mr., xlvii Sarportis, Joseph, xxviii Sarucco, Hester, xxxii Sarucco, Moses, xxxii Saruch, Moses, xxxi Sasportas, Aaron, xxxiii Sasportas, Moses, xxvii, xxxiii Saulotus, vii Saulotus son of Samuel, xv ff. Scola Judeorum, xiv Scott, Walter, xii ff. Scrafton, Luke, xxxix Segre, Samson, lxxv Select Cases, vi Serra, Jeosuah Gomes, xxvii Serra, Phineas, xxvii, xxxviii Seton, Roger de, xvi Sheleford, ix Shelford, vii Shenoptgh, J., xlvii Sheriffs and Expulsion, x Shireland, x Silba, Abraham de, xxxiii Silveira, Luiza da, xv Silveston, Ralph de, xvii Simon bar Jacob, xxxiii Simon Baud, xvii Simon de Hautwirthe, x Simons, Isaac, xxviii Simons, Samuel, xxviii Simonse, Judith, xxxiii Simpson, Joseph, lxxix Sketches of Anglo-Jewish History, iv Slaves, Redemption of, xxvi Smart, P., lxxvii Soares, Benjamin, xxxi Societies, London in 1784, xlvii</page><page sequence="17">INDEX II. Solomon de Rolf, xii Solomon, Jude, xxxii Solomon, M. A., xl Solomons, Israel, iv ff. Solomons, Mark, xxx Solus, Benjamin, xxviii Somerset and Dorset Notes and Queries, xxxiv Southampton, x Souza, Antonio de, xviii Souza, Simao de, xix St. Aldate (Oxford), xiv St. Dunstan West (London), xvi St. Katherine, Convent, xv St. Martin, parish (Oxford), xiv Statute of Jewry, vi Staunford, xii Staunford, David de, xvii Stephen de Penecestre, xiii Stokes, Dr. H. P., i, vi ff., lix, lxxx Stuarts, xxiv Stud es in Anglo-Jewish History, vi, lix Suarez, Abraham, xxxii Supino, Judah, xl Surrey, xvi Swanton, E. W., ii Sweeres, Isaac, xxxiii Sydney, Viscount, xxvi ff. Symes, Bettey, xxxiv ff. Symes, Daniel, xxxiv ff. Symonds, Joseph, xxvii Symons, Isaac, xxix Symons, Lyon de, xiv Symons, Nathan, xxx Synagogue (Oxford), xiv Synagogues, London, in 1784, xlvii Syprut, Sarah de, xxii Tavistock House, iv Templars, xiii Ten Tribes, lxxvi Teuy, Solomon, xxvii Theodore Gyphon, xii Thomas de Bray, xii Tierney, J., xl XCV? Toledano, Hagrin, xxvi Tower of London, viii Traves, Raphael, xxxii Treasury of Jewry, ix Tregoz, John, xii Treves family, xxxvii Treves, Merian, xxxiii Treves, Vossa, xxxiii Tuscany, xxxii Uffenbach, Z. C. von, i ff. Vaes (or Vos), Joseph, lxxix Vaes, Samuel, xxix Valensin, Mosen, xxviii Vallat, Levi, xxvii Vansittart, Henry, xxxix Vare, Samuel Coen, xxv, xxxi Vavasur, William le, xiii Vedue, Flora la, xiv Venice, xviii Vernon, James, xxvi ff. Verrall, Pincha, xxxii Vidall, Aser (otherwise Vidal, Asar), xxxii Vives. See Aaron Vives. See Isaac Vives de Gloucestria, xiv Vos. See Vaes Walker, George, xii ff. Wanley, Humphrey, lxxvi Wauton, John de, xvi Well, John Van, xxix Wellesworth, Roger de, xvi Wells, xiv Westminster, viii ff., Iv Whitelock, Bulstrade, lxxvi i Will of Dr. Falk, xiv ff. William III, xxiv William Burnell, xiv</page><page sequence="18">xcviii William de Brewosa, xv William de Carleton, xi, xv William de Hamelton, xvii William de la Faleyse, ix William le Brun, ix William le Vavasur, xiii Willyams, Col. Brydges, xxii Willyams, Mrs. Brydges, xx ff. Windsor, xvi Wisviler, Levine, xxx Wolf, L., lxxv INDEX II. Woods, P., ii Wyntonia, Benedict de, xiv Ximenes, David, xxii Ximenes, Isaac, xxii Ximenes, Sarah, xxii York, x, xiv, xvii Ysaac de Cann, x Printed in England at The Ballantyne Press Spottiswoode, Ballantyne &amp; Co. Ltd. Colchester. London &amp; VAon</page></plain_text>



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