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<plain_text><page sequence="1">INDEX Aaron son of Abraham, 14,18, 20, 23, 56 ? Blund, 11, 14, 20, 56 ? Boubon, 58, 63, 70 ? son of Mosse, 17, 20 ? of Norwich, 16, 57 ? son-in-law of Pict, 14 ? of York, 10, 11, 12, 14, 20, 56 Abarbanel, Joseph, 80 Abendana, Isaac, Calendars, 1 ? Isaac de D., 80 Abenyacar, Moseh, 78 Abraham son of Abraham, 15 ? Carnifex, le Matetren, 13 ? son of Jose, 16 ? Levi, 58, 64, 71 ? Mears, 3, 4, 5 ? of Norwich, 57 ? son of Pict, 12 ? le Prestre, 16, 19 ? Kussel, 17 ? of Southampton, 61, 68 Abrahams, B. L., Jewish Quarterly Review, 56 ?, Israel, 92 Abudiente, Rohiel, 77 -?, Simson, 77 Adler, Michael, Jewish Tallies of the Thirteenth Century, 8-23 ?, ?, Inventory of the Property of the Condemned Jews, (1285) 56-71 ?, ?, Jews of Bristol in Pre-Expul sion Days, 57 ??, ?, Was there a Domus Conver? sorum at Oxford f Notes, 29, 30 ?, ?, Medieval Jews of Exeter, 57 Alba-chary, Emanuel, 103 Alexander, A., 2 Allen, Edward, 26 Almeda, Sarah de, 79 Almeda, Abran de, 80 Aluarenga, Isaac, 76 ?, Semuel, 77 Aluares, Aron B. de J., 77 ?, ? de J. Baruch, 78 Alvares, Diogo, 35 Ambrosius, see Campello American Jewish Historical Society, 4 Amsterdam, 1, 73, 76 Ancera daughter of Isaac of Bus, 17 Anchera daughter of Leo, 17 ? Quatrebuches, 18 Andover, Simon of, 58 Andreas de Mikelgot, 22 Andrewes, Matthew, 26 Andrews, Mr., 28 Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of the Eighteenth Century, Malcolm, 7 Angeuin Cokebote, 15, 18 ? de Warwick, 15 Anglia Judaica, see Tovey Anglo-Jewish Association, Report, 86 Anriques, Sim?o, 48, 50 Antony de Beke, 65 Antwerp, 37, 43 Arch-Presbyter, see Elias l'Eveske, Aaron of York Archmologia, H. Jenkinson, 8 Arias, Abraham, 76, 78, 80 ?, Isaac, 76, 78 passim ?, Jacob, 79 ?, Rachel, 77 Asaria, Rabbi, 103 Ashkenazi, Solomon, 85 Ashkenazi, Rabbi Zevi and His Family in England, Kaufmann, 4 Auast, Slema daughter of, 13 Aubrey le Converse, 30 Audin son of Jose, 21 Auigaye daughter of Abraham, 17, 19 -Benjamin, 16</page><page sequence="2">114 INDEX Auigaye daughter of Delecress, 20 -Vives, 13 Auila, De, 75 ?, Isaac, 78, 80 ?, Dr. Isaac, 78 ?, Sarah de, 81 Avial, Hannah de, 78 Aylion, Haham, S., 73-78 ?, Jacob, 76 Azambuja, Jeronimo da, 34 passim Azevedo, David d', 85 ?, Joseph Coen de, 76, 77, 80 passim Badekin son of Abraham, 14, 15 Banbury, Vives de, 15 Barbary States, 85, 87-89 Barnett, Hyam, 98 Barzilay, Esther, 79 ?, Gracia, 76 ?, Joseph, 76 ?, Joseph de Isaac, 76 ?, J. Manuel, 79 Bassena widow of Vives, 15 Bath, Reginald of, 81-83 Baxter and Johnson, Medieval Latin Word-List, 60, 63, 64, 67 Bedford, Peitavin of, 57 ?See also Jacob Beke, Antony de, 65 Bel daughter of Elie, 13 Bel widow of Leun, 13 Belecote of Winchester, 58, 60, 67 See also Salle, Henne, Belina, widow of Isaac Blund, 17 Belisario, Sarah, 76 Bellasez, daughter of Benedict of Lincoln, 57 Bend, Bendi son of Jose, 12, 13 Benedict Crespin, 56 ? of Lincoln, 57 ? of Winchester, 56, 58, 59, 66 Beneit, Beneyt, Leuesq 14, 15 See Diaye, Benjamin son of Aaron, 15 ? of Cambridge, 14 ? son of Isaac, 16 ? son of Jacob of Lincoln, 57 ? of Kent, 13 Benjamin son of Manasser, 15 ? Pernaz, 15 ? Pinkeney, 20 ? son of Preciose, 18 Benider, Jacob, Roth, 84-90 Benjamin, Abraham, 98 Bermondsey, 29 Bernal, Pinhas, 79 Bevis Marks, 71-81 passim Bibliotheca Hebraea, Wolfius, 3 Birmingham Public Library, 8-23 passim Blund, see Aaron; Belina; Elia; Isaac; Leon B'nai Brith, Independent Order of, 90 Boase, Oxford, 30 Bodleian Library, 27 Bonamy of Kaune, Calne, Wilts, 58, 62, 69 Bonaventura, Richard, 9, 21 Bonefey son of Jose, 11 Bonenfaunt son-in-law of Cuntesse, 19 Boubon, Aaron, see Aaron Brandon, Abigail, 78 ?, Abraham, 80 ?, David, 78 ?, Isaac, 78 -?, Jacob, 78 ?, Rachel, 78 Bravo, Dr. Joseph Mendes, 27 ?, Rachel, 80 Bray, Mabil de, 21 Braybeof, Sir William de, 57, 59, 64, 66 ?, Joan de, 59 Brikeville, Richard de, 59 Bristol, 29, 33-56 passim, 57-59, 65 See also Hake le Prestre, Mendaunt Britto, Abraham de, 77, 78 ?, Jacob de, 76-78 Brouche, Ralph de, 64 Brouthon, Ralph de, 66 Butler, Guilermo, 81 Calais, Jose le, see Jose Cambridge, Benjamin of, 14 ?, Vives of, 19 See also Isaac</page><page sequence="3">INDEX 115 Camello, Brysio, 33 Campello, Ambrosio, 35, passim Capadus, Mr., 92 Caracosa, Jeuda, 79 Cardoso, Don Aaron, 86 Cardoso, Mose, 79 Cardosso, Isaac, 78 Cardozo, Deborah, 79 ?, Esther, 78 ?, Isaac, 77 Carion, Abigail, 78 ?, Roza, 79 Carmel, Mount, 103 Carnifex, Abraham, 13 Carte MSS., 27, 28 Carvajal and Pepys, Wilfred S. Samuel, 24-29 Carvajal, Alonzo Jorge, 25 ?, Antonio Ferdinando, 24-27, 29 ?, Joseph Ferdinando, 25 Gary, John, 31 ?, Richard, 31 Cary's Inn, 32 Caseres, Samuel de, 80 Castro, Joseph de, 76, 80 ?, Rachel de, 76 Chamisha Anashim, 93 Chaues, Rachel de, 79 ?, Sarah de, 78 Chera Quatrebuch, 16 Chere, see Milka; Flur Chippenham, see Salum Christian, New, 33, passim Church Row, 98 Clemens, John, 4 Cok (Isaac) son of Ducemon, 58, 61, 68 Coke b?te, Angeuin, 15, 18 Colchester, Mosse de, 18 Cole, Walter, 82 Conegliano, Israel, 85 Converts, House of, see Domus Converse, Aubrey le, 30 Copin, Jacob, 57 Copin son of Milkan, 19 Cordeiro, Manoel, 34, passim Cordoba, Abraham de, 77 Corea, Abraham, 76 Cornwallis, General, 86, 88, 89 Correa, David, 80 ?, Rachel, 78 Costa, Jacob (Alvaro) da, 79 ?, Menasseh da, 2 ?, Moseh (Antonio) da, 79 ?, Rachel (Leonora) da, 79 ?, Sarah (Bianca) da, 79 ?, Abraham da Fonseca da, 81 ?, Jacob da Fonseca da, 80 ?, Joseph Pereira da, 79, 80 ?, Dr. Joseph Pereira da, 78 ?, Joseph Rd. da, 80 Coutt, Isaac, 76 Creechurch Lane, 24, 85 ?, St. Katharine, 26 Creed, Mr., 28 Crespin, Benedict, 56 ?, Jacob, 14, 56 See also Isaac; Mosse Cressant, 16 Cressy son of Le Mestre, 18 Cromwell, Oliver, 24, 27 ?, Richard, 24 Crypto-Jews under the Commonwealth, L. Wolf, 24 Cuntessa (Comitissa) wife of Benjamin, 17 ? daughter of Preciosa, 20 ? widow, 18 See also Bonenfaunt; Leun Curiel, Moses de. 77 Curri, Richard, 60 Cutler Street, 98 Dacus, John, 83 Dalmeida, Abraham, 78 ?, Sarah, 78 Dami?o Mendes, 37, 53 Danon, Jacob, 71 ?, Joseph aben, 77, passim ?, Moses, 79, 80 David Lumbard, 23, 68 ? of Oxford, 14, 16, 20, 30, 31, 56 ? son of Vives, 15 Davis, M.D., Shetaroth, 10, 23, 57 See also Jewish Quarterly Review Davis, S., 98 Deleben, Elie son of, 23</page><page sequence="4">116 INDEX Delecress, Deuleeress, 20, 21 ? Azir (Hazir), 17, 19 ? son-in-law of Elia, 13 ? son-in-law of Isaac, 12 Delesaut son of Isaac, 15 Dernegate, Henry of, 57 Dedone, Deudone, 13 ? of Hereford, 16 ? son of Isaac, 16 ? son of Jose le Prestre, 20 ? son of Samuel, 12 ? of Winchester, 57, 58, 64 Devizes, 58, 59 See also Lumbard, Moses Diaia son of Miles, 83, 84 Diaie son of Benjamin of Cambridge,14 ? de Rising, 14 Diaye, 20 ? son of Beneyt Leuesq, 18 ? son of Salomon, 18 Dias, Antonio, 34, 43 ?, Dr., 43 ?, Jafor, 43 ?, Jorge, 46, 49 Dominican Friars of Oxford, 29 Domus Conversorum, Was there a, in Oxford ? H. E. Salter, 29-32 Doselina, 19 Drinkwater, Pepys, His Life and Character, 28 Duarte, Vicente, 36 Du Gange, 67 Ducelina daughter of Abraham, 11 ? widow, 11, 16 Ducemon, Mosse, 17, See also Cok Duke Street, 98 Duke's Place, 97 Early Translators of the Jewish Liturgy in England, see Singer Edward I, 56-58, 65 ? II, 57 Eli, Elia, Elya, ? son of Abraham, 20 ? son of Benjamin, 16 ? Blund, 15, 16 ? son of Deleben, 23 Eli son of Jacob, 16 ? son of Jacob deTurnaye (Tournai),16 ? de Kancia (Kent), 13 ?? of Pontefract, 14 Elias l'Eveske, 9, 14, 17, 18, 20, 21 passim, 56 ? of Gloucester, 58, 63, 70 Emanuel Alba-chry, 103 Engayne, Stephen, 69 Episcopus, see Leveske, Leuesq Escudero, Jacob, 76 Essays in Jewish History, L. Wolf, 32 Esther, Fast of, 45 Evelyn, John, 1 Eversele, Walto' de, 23 Evora, 35 Exchequer, Jewish, 10 ?, Plea Rolls of, 9, 57, 58 ?, Royal, 8 ?, Tallies, 8-23 passim ' Exeter, Medieval Jews of, Michael Adler, 57 Falconer, John le, 57, 59, 65 Farro, Bianca de, 77 ?, David de, 79 ?, Rachel de, 79 Fernandes, The Case of Thomas, before the Lisbon Inquisition, 32-56 Fernandes, Abraham de L, 79 ?, Beatriz, 32-56 passim ?, Branca, 45 ?, Diogo, 42 ?, Esther Lopes, 78 ?, Fillipa, 35 ?, Gasper, 35 ?, Hanah, 79 ?, Pero, 53 ?, Sara Lopes, 78 Fersht, B. A., The Earliest Jewish Friendly Society in England, 90-98 Fil, Joam, 39 Firth, Charles, The Early Life of Pepys, 27 Flor (Floria) daughter of Vives, 13 Flur daughter of Abraham, 16 -Chere, 19 -Gente, 19</page><page sequence="5">INDEX 117 Flur daughter of Samuel, 15 ? widow of Jacob, 21 Fonseca, 75 ? Abraham da, 80 ? Sarah da, 80 Foster, Registrum Antiquissimum of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln, 81 Francia, Jacob, 77 ?, Moses, 76 ?, Ribkah, 76 Franco, Abraham, 79 ?, Binyamin, 77 ?, Rebecah, 77 Fresco, Juda, 79 Friendly Societies, 90-98 Frumkin, History of the Rabbis of Jerusalem, 99 Gabay, David, 76 ?, Jacob, 79 ?, Jacob Haim, 76 Galbon, Rebecah, 77 Gallia Judaica, Gross, 18 Galvon, Abraham, 80 Gamaliel ben Pedahzur and his Prayer Booh, Cecil Roth, 1-8 Gamaliel, Rabbi, I, 5 Garsye, see Ursell Gaster, M., The Ketuboth of Bevis Marks, 71-81 ?, History of the Ancient Synagogue of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews,12 Gedes, Sarah, 78 Gente, Flur daughter of, 19 Gentil widow, 19 ?, Ursell son of, 11, 23 Gentleman's Magazine, 2, 3, 85 Geoffrey le Templar, 9 ? de la Wade, 59 George IV, 106 George, Lloyd, 97 Gibraltar, 86, 87 Gilbert de Grensted, 31 Gloucester, 19 ? Elias of, see Elias ? Manasser of, 19 Godesire, Thomas, 21 Goffe, Captain, 28 Gomes, Abraham, 79 ?, Hazon Coen, 77 ?, Leah, 76 Gonsalves, Anrique, 50 ?, Jacome, 50 Graetz, Geshichte, 85 Great Paxton, 81 Gregory de Rokesley, see Rokesley Grensted, Gilbert de, 31 Gross, H., Gallia Judaica, 18 Guiemy, Rogo' de, 23 Guildhall, Oxford, 30, 32 ?, Library, 26 Hake le Prestre of Bristol, 57, 58, 62, 69 Hamersteyn, Solomon, 58, 63, 70 Hanekenton, John de, 31 Hantele, Richard, 39 Harding, Warren Gamaliel, 5 Harris, Rev. Isidore, 2 Hart, Major, 28 Hazir, Dele cress, 17, 19 Heilbut, Hitzlah, 79 ?, Samuel, 79 Henna widow, 11, 13, 16 Henne daughter of Belecote, 58, 61, 68 ? de Perine, 58, 60, 67 Henriques, Benjamin, 77 ?, Esther, 81 ?, H. S. Q., The Jews and the English Law, 27 ?, Joseph, 79 passim ?, Pedro, see Isaac Israel ?, Rachel Alvin, 80 ?, Rachel Israel, 78 ?, Sarah, 77 ?, Simhah, 77 Henry III, 9, 29, 56 ? of Dernegate, 57 Hereford, Deudone de, 16 Hertz, Dr. J. H., 99, 105 Hillel, 5 Hinchingbrooke, 29 Horiprut, Salle, see Salle Huntingdon, 29 ? Starr of, 81 Hyamson, A. M., History of the Jews of England, 30</page><page sequence="6">118 INDEX Infante, Cardinal, 54 Ing'ram Tallur, 22 Inquisitio ad Quod Damnum, 31 Inquisition, Lisbon, 32-56 passim Inventory of the Property of the Condemned Jews, Michael Adler, 56-71 Irwin, Lord, 88 Isaac, 20 ? son of Aaron, 16 ? nephew of Aaron, 11, 22 ? son of Abraham, 16 ? son of Benjamin, 16 ? Blund, 17 ? son of Diay, 12 ? son of Jacob Crespin, 14, 23 ? son of Jose le Prestr, 13 ? of Kaune, 58, 63, 70 ? Leuesq, 18 ? son of Leui, 18 ? of Lincoln, 15 ? of Marlberg (Marlborough), 14 ? son of Meir, 16 ? son of Mosse, 18 ? and Muriel, 15 ? son-in-law of Pict, 11, 13 ? Buff, 20 ? de Rumenal (Kent), 18 ? de Rus, 17 ? son-in-law of Tutebone, 16 ? son of Vives of Cambridge, 19 ? of Wycombe, 18 ? of Winchester, 19 Israel, Isaac (Pedro Henriques), 81 ?, Isaac de R. Samuel, 77 ?, Jacob, 80 ?, Menasseh ben See Menasseh Ivo le Moyne, 83 Jacob Benider, Cecil Roth, 84-90 Jacob Copin, 57 ? Crespin, 14, 56 ? son of Delesaut, 14 ? son of Jose, 16 ? son of Leun, 18 ? of Lincoln, 57 ? son of Peitavin of Bedford, 57 Jacob son-in-law of Pict, 23 ? of Tournai, 16 Jacobs, Joseph, 2 Jews, of Angevin England, 11, 17, 21 Jamaica, 4 Jarum, Manasser of, 23 Jenkinson, Hilary, Archmologia, 8 Jeronimo da Azambuja, see Azambuja Jerusalem, Jews of, in the Seventeenth Century, 99-104 Jessey (Jacey), Henry, Life and Death of, 99 Jewish Chronicle, 91 Jewish Encyclopedia, 2, 30 Jewish Exchequer, 10 ? Friendly Societies in England, 90-98 Jewish Guardian, 92 "Jewish Parliament", 9 Jewish Quarterly Review, 30, 56 See also Davis, B. L. Abrahams Joeta, daughter of Meir, 15 Joett, daughter of Elie, 17 Johan Cleric, 21 John Cary, 31 John de Hanekenton, 31 ?, King, 30 ? Moraund, 60 ? Quilet, 60 ? Randolf, 59 ? de Sandon, 60 ? de Stokes, 60 Jordan de London, Heirs of, 21 Jorge, Anrique, 42 ??, Francisco, 42 ?, Pero, 42 Jose le Calais (Caleys), 58, 68 Jose, Jose, ? son of Aaron, 14 ? nephew of Aaron, 12 ? son of Abraham, 15 ? son-in-law of Cok, 17, 21 ?? son of Flur, 18 ? of Kent, 10, 11, 21, 22 ? son of Moses, 19 ? Panel, 23 ? le Prestre, 20 ? son-in-law of Vives, 17 ? of Wilton, 15 ? Wimbelet, 16, 17</page><page sequence="7">INDEX 119 Joya, wife of Mosse, 16 Julion, Moses, 77 Kaufmann, Rabbi Zevi Ashkenazi and Ms Family in England, 4 Kaune, Bonamy, Isaac of, see Bonamy, Isaac Kent, Benjamin of, 13 See also Eli, Jose Ketuboth of Bevis Marks, M. Gaster 71-81 Kippur, East of, 41, passim La Mira, Esther, 76 Lambert, Lord, 28 Lampader, Reginald de, 66 Lazarus, Eleazar, 98 Leadenhall Street, 105 Leit?o, Dr. Estev?o, 41 Leito, Bento, 34 Leo, Anchera daughter of, 17 Leo le Mire, 58, 63, 70 ? of York, 56 Leon Blund, 18 Leon, Jacob, 79 ?, Jehudith, 77 ?, Rachel, 80 ? de Melkstrate, 14 ? of Modena, Rites and Ceremonies of the Jews, 5 Lescriuein, Milo, 15 Leveske, Leuesq, see Beneit; Elias; Isaac; Salomon; Samuel Leui son of Salomon, 15 Leun son of Coc, 12 ? son of Cuntesse, 20 ? son-in-law of Mer, 12 ? son of Preciosa, 15 Levi, David, 2 ?, Abraham, 58, 64, 71 ?-, Moseh ha-, 79 ?, Moses, 58 ?, Ursell, 12 Levy, Coleman, 98 ?, H., 98 ?, Rev. S., 105 Ley, William of, 83 Licoricia of Winchester, 30 See also David of Oxford Liepman, Wolf, 91 Lincoln, Bellassez of, 57 ?, Benedict of, 57 ?, Cathedral of, 81 ?, Isaac of, 15 ?, Jacob of, 57 ?, Medieval Jewry, see Roth ?, William of, 11 See also Benjamin; Foster Lindo, Eliahu, 79 ?, Isaac, 78, 79 ?, Jehudith, 79 Lis, Francisco de, 81 Lisbon Inquisition, 32-56 passim Lithuania, Jews of} 100 Lluzada, Isaac, 78 ?, Rebecah, 78 Lobatto, Sarah, 77 Lobo, Fern?o, 36 ?, Martin Lopes, 52 ?, Sarah, 76 Loewe, H., 22, 83 ? A New Starr of Huntingdon, 81-84 -? Starrs in the British Museum, 9, 11, 12, 14, 21, 58 Lopes, Abr?o, 80 ?, Hanah, 80 ?, Jacob, de Lis, 81 ?, Rachel, 77 ?, Sarah, 80 ?, Sarah de Isaac, 77 Losada, Rachel, 79 Lossada, Jacob de, 79 Lozada, Abraham, 79 ?, Abran Dias de, 80 Luda, William de, 57 Lumbard, David, 23, 68 ? of Devizes, 58, 61 Luna, Beatriz de, 47 Masa baArab, Romanelli, 86 Mabil de Bray, 21 Macmillan's Magazine, see Firth Mahomet Bassa, 103 Majaro, Abraham, 77</page><page sequence="8">120 INDEX Malcolm, J. P., Anecdotes of the Man? ners and Customs of the Eighteenth Century, 7 Manser, Ralph le, 60 Manasser, 20 ? of Gloucester, 19 ? of Jarum, 23 ? of Norwich, 15 ? son of Pict, 12 Mannesley, William de, 23 Maranno, 32, 74 Mare, Peter de la, 65, 66 Marlborough, Isaac of, 14 Mar my on, Robert, 18 Martines, Abraham, 77 ?, Daniel, 79 Martos, Sarah, 77 Massiah, Moseh, 77 Matetren, Abraham le, 13 Mattos, Jacob Teixeira de, 77 ?, Joseph de, 77 Maxwell Lyte, University of Oxford, 30 Mears, Abraham, 3, 4, 5 Medina, Debora de A. de, 78 ?, Deborah de S., 76 ?, Mosseh de, 76 ?, Solomon de, 76, 78 Meir son of David, 15 ? le Prestre, 16 Meldola, Haham Raphael, 73 Melkstrate, Leon de, 14 Meilado Isaac, 77 Mementon, Abraham, 80 Menasseh ben Israel, Hope of Israel, 85, 99 -, Tesoro dos Dinim, 25, 27 Mendaunt of Bristol, 58, 61, 69 Mendes, Abraham, 78 ?, Dami?o, 37, 53 ?, Jacob, 79 ?, Moseh (Fernando), 79 ?, Rachel (Catarina), 79 ?, Sarah, 79 Mendesia, Gracia, 47 Mendez, Diogo, 47 Mendoza, Rachel de, 76 ?, Sarah, 76 Mer, Leun, son-in-law of, 12 le Mestre, Cressy son of, 18 Meyer, Rabbi, 103 Meyr son of David, 11 Mignat, Robert le, 31 Mikelgot, Andreas de, 22 Miles, see Diaia Milk Street, see Leon of Melkstrate Milka son of Chere, 16 Milo son-in-law of Rose, 13 ? Lescriuein, 15 Mirabel, daughter of Bonenfant, 17, 21 Mirande, Jacob, 77, 79 ?, Rachel, 79 Mire, Leo le, see Leo Mitre Court, 92, 98 Mocata, Hanah, 79 Mocatta, Esther, 80 Modena, Leon of, 5 Moers, Samson, 4 Mogador, 88 Montagu, Edward, 27, 29 Montemor, 33 Morais, David, 80 ?, Rebecah de, 79 Morales, Jacob, 80 Moraund, John, 60 Mordecai, Lyon, 98 Morell, TJrsell, 15 Moreno, Jacob, 79 Morocco, 85, passim Mosse, son of Ben, 16 ? of Colchester, 18 ? Ducemon, 17 ? and Isaac, sons of Jacob Crespin 14,20 ? son of Isaac, 18 ? son of Jose, 19 ? of Rouen (Rothomag), 18 Moses of Devizes, 58, 61, 68 ? Levi, 58, 62, 69 ? of Winchester, 58, 64 Muriel, 15, 30 See also David of Oxford Nabaro, Sabatay, 76 Namias, Emanuel, 78 Nasi, Joseph, 85 Nathan, Rab., 104</page><page sequence="9">INDEX 121 Ner ha-Maar ab, Toledano, 85 Netherhaven, William of, 59 Neubauer, Collectanea, 30 New Street (Chancery Lane), 29 New York, 4 Nicholas, Bishop of Winchester, 65 ? de Sandresden, 31 ? de Stockwell, 31 Nieto, Isaac, 2 Noah, William, 98 Norsa, Abraham, 78 Northampton, 19 ? Donum, 10 Norwich, 19 ?, Aaron of, 16 ?, Abraham of, 57 ?, Manasser of, 15 Nossa Sehhora da Graca, 54, 55 Nunes, 75 ?, Abraham, 68 ?, Benjamin, 77, IS passim, 79 passim ?, Abraham de Joseph, 78 ?, Heitor, 42, 43, 48, 49 ?, Henrique, 36, 39, 41, 47, 49 ?, Isaac, 77 ?, Jacob, 77 ?, Jehu??th, 77 ?, Moseh, 76 ?, Rachel, 76 ?, Sarah, 80 Obadiah, see Serfdeu Olan, Eskil, Judarna pa Svensh Mark, 85 Oliueria, Abraham de, 79 Ordufia, Benjamin de, 77 Orlando de Podio, see Podio Orobio, Abraham de, 77 Oseney, Annals of, 57 Osorio, Jacob, 79 Oxford, Books of Wills, 31 ?, David of, see David ?, Dominican Friars of, 29 ?, Domus Conversorum, 29-32 ?, Guildhall, 30, 32 ?, Historical Society, 30 ?, Records of the City of, 32 ?, Wood's, 30 Pacheco, Aaron, 76, 78 ?, Esther, 76 Pacifico, Jacob, 86 Paiba, Abraham de, 76-78 Palache, Samuel, 85 Panel, Jose, 23 ?, Salomon, 18 Pardo, David, 78 ?, David b. J., 76 ?, Joseph, 76 Paris, Matthew, 9 ?, ?, Historia Anglorum, 56 Parliament, Houses of, 10 "Parliament, Jewish", 9 Parliament, Worcester, see Worcester Passover, 35, passim Paul, Apostle, 5 ?, Pope IV, 52 Paumer, Thomas le, 60 Paxton, Gilbert of, 83 ?, Great, 81 ?, John of, 83 ?, Thomas of, 81, 82, 84 ?, William of, 81, 82, 84 Paz, David de, 79 ?, Sarah de, 80 Pearse, Dr. James, 26, 27 Pedahzur, Gamaliel and his Prayer Book, Cecil Roth, 1-8 Peitavin of Bedford, 57 Pelerin, Walt, 21 Pembroke, Lord, 29 Pepys, Samuel, 24-29 ?, Pepys, His Life and Character, Drinkwater, 28 ?, Thomas, 28 Pereira, David, 77 ?, Esther, 80 ?, Joseph, 77 ?, Joseph de Menasseh, 77 ?, Rachel, 80 ?, Rebecah, 78 ?, Reyna, 77 ?, Sarah, 77 Perera, Sarah, 80 Perez, Daniel, 78 Perine, see Henne Pernaz, Ben, 15 Pet de Pyrforth, 21 I</page><page sequence="10">122 INDEX Peter de la Mare, 65, 66 Petr son of Simon, 19 Picciotto, Sketches of Anglo-Jewish History, 85 Pict, son-in-law of the widow of Leun, 16 ? son of Mosse, 15, 17 Pige, 16 Pinero, David, 80 Pineyra, Rachel, 78 Pinhel, Abraham, 76 Pinkeney, Ben, 20 Pinto, 2 ? Roberto, 43 Pipe Roll, An Unpublished, Michael Adler, 56-71 Podio, Orlando de, 57, 65 passim Poland, Jews of, 6, 100 Pontefract, Elia of, 14 ?, Vives of, 12 Popham, Mr., 88 Porro son of Jose, 16 Portello, Isaac, 76 Porto, Esther Gomes, 76 ?, Esther do, 77 ?, Moseh do, 79 ?, Rachel do, 77 ?, Sarah do, 77 Poterel, Robert, 60 Preciosa widow, 16, 20 See also Benjamin; Leun Prestre, Le, 16, 57 See also Abraham, Jose, Meir, Samuel Prussia, Jews of, 100 Pyrforth, Pet de, 21 Quaker, 29 Quatrebuches, see Anchera; Chera Quilet, John, 60 Radulf de Rose, Heirs of, 21 Ralph de Brouche, 64 ? de Brouthon, 66 ? le Manser, 60 ? le Salsarius, 64 Randolf, John, 59 Rawlinson, Mr., 24 Record Office, Public, London, 8-24, passim, 58 Rees, William le, 59 Reginald de Lampader, 66 ? of Bath, 81-83 Religion, Ceremonies and Prayers of the Jews, Book of, 1-8 passim Ribeiro, Jorge Gonsalves, 52 Richard I. Ransom Tallage, 10 ? de Brikeville, 59 ? Cary, 31 ? Curri, 60 ? Hantele, 39 ? de Stockwell, 31 Rising, Diaie of, 14 Robert Marmyon, 18 ? le Mignat, 31 ? Poterel, 60 " Rodphea Sholom", B. A. Fersht, 90-98 Rodrigues, Alfonso, 77 ?, Isaac, 77 ?, Jacob, 81 Rogo' de Guiemy, 23 Roiz, Antonio, 34 passim ?, Sirnao, 43, 47, 49 ?, Violante, 36 Rokesley, Gregory de, 57, 65 passim Romanelli, Jacob, 86 Rose, Radulf de Rose, Heirs of, 21 Ross, Alexander, 1, 3 Roth, Cecil, Gamaliel ben Pedahzur and his Prayer Book, 1-8 ?, ?, The Case of Thomas Fernamtes before the Lisbon Inquisition, 32-56 ?-, ?, Medieval Lincoln Jewry, 57 ?, ?Jacob Benider, 84-90 ???, ?, Records of the Western Syna? gogue, 91 ?, ?, The Jews of Jerusalem in the Seventeenth Century, 99-104 Rouen, Mosse of, 18 Royal Family, An Unusual Form of the Prayer for the, 105, 106 Ruff, Isaac, 20 Rumenal, Isaac de, 18 Rus, Isaac de, 17 ?, William le, 17 Russel, Abraham, 17</page><page sequence="11">INDEX 123 Russia, Jews of, 100 Sabbath observance, 7, 34 St. Eustatia, 4 ? Frideswide, 32 ? John, Hospital of, 31 ? Martin's, 30-32 ? Katharine Creechurch, 26 Sam, 88 Salle son of Belecote, 58, 60, 61 ? Horiprut, 58, 62, 69 ? of Wilton, 58, 61, 68 Salomon son of Isaac, 10 ? son of Jose, 12, 14 ? son of Jose de Lond, 12 ? Leuesq, 15, 17, 18 ? nigro, 12 ? Panel, 18 ? son of Samuel, 15, 18 ? le Th?rk (de Thoarc), 18 Salter, H. E., Was there a Domus Conversorum in Oxford ? 29-32 Salum of Chippenham, 58, 61, 68 Sam Miguel, 32-56 passim Sampson son of Sampson, 14 ? Ursell son of, 22 Sampson, Consul, 89 Samuel son of Cok (Isaac), 10 ? son of Delecress, 16 ? son of Isaac, 12 ? son of Jacob, 16 ? Leuesq, 12, 22 ? le Prestre, 17 See also Cok; Deudone; Flur Samuel, Rabbi, 103, 104 Samuel, Wilfred S., Carvajal and Pepys, 24-29 Sandon, John de, 60 Sandwich, Lord, see Montagu Sandresden, Nicholas de, 31 ?, William, 32 Sta Cruiz, 88 Santarem, 36 Santo Ant?o, 35 Santon son of Aaron, 20 S?o Miguel, Francisco de, 53 Sarfati, Joshua, 80 ?, Rebecah, 78 Sarra mother of Meyrott (Meir), 23 ? widow of Pict (avin), 12, 18 Sarruco, Mosseh, 80 Sasportas, Moseh, 76 Scaccarium Judeorum, 10 Schudt, J?dische Merkw?rdigkeiten, 4 Schulchan Aruch, 6 Segal, Salomon, 80 Selborne, William de, 60 Sequeira, Joseph, 69 ?, Sarah, 77 Serano, Jehudith, 80 Serfdeu, 9, 21 Serra, Jacob, 69 ?, Joshua, 80 passim ?, Phineas, 77 ?, Sarah, 79 Serrao, Manuel, 48 Serrarius, P., 100 Shealtiel, Joseph, 76 Sheply, Mr., 28 Shetaroth, see Davis Silva, Benvenida de, 77 Simon of Andover, 58, 63, 70 ? de Stowell, 21 Singer, S., Early Translators of the Jewish Liturgy in England, 1, 4, 5 Skelton, Oxonia Antiqua, 30 Slema daughter of Auast, 13 ?? widow, 19 Smythe, Obituaries, 26 Sokolow, History of Zionism, 99 Soleil son of Jacob, 17 Solomon Hamersteyn, see Hamersteyn Southampton, 58, 66 ? Sheriff of, see Brayheof ? See also Abraham Spira, Rabbi Nathan, 100 Spry, Admiral, 88 Starrs in the British Museum, see Loewe Stephen Engayne, 69 Stockwell, Nicholas de, 31 ?, Richard de, 31 Stokes, H. P., Studies in Anglo-Jewish History, 8-10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 22, 57 -, A Short History of the Jews of England, 30 Stokes, John de, 60 Stoney Lane, 98 Stowell, Simon de, 21</page><page sequence="12">124 INDEX Studies in Anglo-Jewish History, see Stokes Susan, Jehudah ben, 76 Sweteman of Winchester (or Wilton), 58, 64, 71 Swetota daughter of Salomon, 17 Synagogue, First of the Re-settlement, 24 ?, New, 91, 105 ? Sephardi, 24 ?, Western, 91 Tallages, see Jewish Tallies of the Thirteenth Century, 8-23 Tangier, 88 Tavel, Reuben David, 100 Templar, Geoffrey Le, 9 Templars, Knights, 17 Tetuan, 88 Thomas Diogo, 34 ? Godesire, 21 ? Heitor, 36 ? le Paumer, 60 Thorngate, Hundred of, 64 Th?rk, Salomon le, 18 Toledano, Hayim, 85 Torres, Abran, 80 ?, Samuel, 80 Tournai, Jacob of, 16 Tours, 60 Tovey, Anglia Judaica, 9, 29, 56 Tower of London, 57 Trenchard, Henry, 9, 21 passim Tuderle, 64 Turner, W. H., Records of the City of Oxford, 32 Turo, 74, 75 ? Deborah, 76 ?, Judah, 74 Tutebone, Isaac son-in-law of, 16 Twyne, MSS., 32 Urban, Mr., 3 Ursellson ofGarsie, (Garsye), 16, 19, 23 Ursell son of Gentill, 11, 23 ? Leuy, 12 ? Morell, 15 Ursell son of Sampson, 22 Usque, Consolacam as Tribulacoens de Israel, 33 Valencia, Isaac de, 76, 79 Valensin, Salomon, 76 Valentin, Moseh, 77 Valle, Abigail del, 77 Vaz, Jurd?o of Viana, 32, 34, 35, 43, 46 ?, Pero, 45 Vega, Jacob da, 78 Veiga, Manoel, 50 ?, Rodrigo da, 48-50 Verley, Hugh de, 9, 21 Velio, David, 80 View of the Jewish Religion, Ross, 1 Viana, 35 Violet, Thomas, 27 Virgil's Head, 1, 3 Vives of Banbury (Bannebir), 15 ? of Cambridge, 19 ? son of Copin, 15 ? son of David, 19 ? son of Isaac, 18 ? of Pontefract, 12 ? son of Salomon, 18 Voltaire, 7 Wade, Geoffrey de la, 59 Waine, Susan, 26 Walker, Mr., 28 Walto Pelerin, 21 Walto de Eversele, 23 Wardemann, 16, 18 Warwick, Angeuin of, 15 Wesley, John, 7 Weston, Michael de, 64, 65 Whiston, E., Life and Death of Henry Jessey, 99 Whitehall Conference, 1 William de Braybeof, see Braybeof ? de Luda, 65 ? of Lincoln, 11 ? de Mannesley, 23 ? of Netherhaven, 59 ? le Rees, 59 ? le Rus, 65</page><page sequence="13">INDEX 125 William Sandresden, 32 ? de Seiborne, 60 Wilton, Jose of, 15 See also Salle Wimbelet, Jose, 16, 17 Winchester (Winton), 58, 59, 64 ?, Benedict of, see Benedict ?, Bishop of, see Nicholas ?, Licoricia of, 30 ?, Peter of, 59 See also David of Oxford; Deudone; Isaac; Moses; Sweteman Wolf, Benjamin, 79 ?, Luden, 5, 24, 73 ?, ?, Essays in Jewish History, 32, 33, 73 ?, ??, Jews in Elizabethan England, 43 Wolf, Lucien, Jew in Diplomacy, 85 Wolfius, Bibliotheca Hebraea, 3 Wood, Oxford, 30 Worcester (Wigorn), 19 ? Annals of, 57 ? "Parliament", 8-23passim ? Tallage, 9, 10 Wright, Antonio, 77-79 Wy combe, Isaac of, 18 York, 10 ?, Aaron of, see Aaron ?, Leo of, 56 Zachary, Sepulchre of, 102, 103 Zangwill, Louis, 5 Zion, 99 Printed in Great Britain by Purnell and Sons, Ltd., Paulton (Somerset) and London.</page></plain_text>

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