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Contributors to this volume and Back Matter Vol 29
<plain_text><page sequence="1">Contributors to this volume Chimen Abramsky was born in 1917 and studied in Jerusalem, 1936-9. He was Goldsmid Professor of Hebrew and Jewish Studies at University College London. His publications include: Karl Marx and the English Labour Movement (1965, with Henry Collins), Essays in Honour of E. H. Carr (1974, ed.), and papers on Weizmann, Ahad Ha'am and on various aspects of Jewish Art. Richard Barnett passed away while this volume, which was intended as a tribute to him, was in press. An obituary appears on pages 00-00. Eliezer Bashan (Sternberg) was born in Budapest in 1925 and educated at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Bar-Ilan University. He is now senior lecturer in the Department of Jewish History at Bar-Ilan University. His publications include Captivity and Ransom in Jewish Mediterranean Society, 1391-1830 (1980), as well as many articles, reviews and encyclopaedia entries. Malcolm Brown completed the three catalogues of the surviving contents of David Salomons' house, Southborough, Kent, and served as the first archivist of Anglo-Jewish Archives. S. D. Chapman is Pasold Reader in Business History at the University of Nottingham. Bryan Cheyette completed his doctorate in English literature and social history at the University of Sheffield, has been Stroum Fellow in Jewish Studies at the University of Washington, and is now Montague Burton Fellow in Jewish Studies at Leeds University. Kenneth Collins, MB, ChB, MRCGP, born in Glasgow in 1947, is a medical general practitioner in Glasgow and is reading for a PhD at the Department of Economic History, University of Glasgow. He is currently editing a history of Scottish Jewry for the Glasgow Jewish Representative Council, of which he is the honorary secretary. 338</page><page sequence="2">Contributors to this volume Lewis Samuel Feuer was born in 1912 and received a PhD from Harvard. He became interested in mining technology while serving in the army in the South Pacific. He was professor of Philosophy at the Universities of Vermont and California (Berkeley), Professor of Sociology at Toronto, and University Professor Emeritus at the University of Virginia. He has written Spinoza and the Rise of Liberalism, The Scientific Intellectual, and Einstein and the Generations of Science. Judge Israel Finestein QC is President of the Hillel Foundation and a member of the President of Israel's Standing Seminar on Israel and World Jewry. Lloyd Gartner is Spiegel Professor of Modern European Jewish History at Tel-Aviv University. Geoffrey Green, who has had a lifelong interest in the Royal Navy, served on HMS Anson (1947-9) and now runs a bookshop specializing in antiquarian naval and maritime books. He is researching Anglo-Jewry's connections with the Royal Navy. Professor Ursula Henriques was educated at St Paul's Girls' School and Somerville College, Oxford. At one time a schoolteacher, she was for twenty years a member of the History Department at University College, Cardiff. She published Religious Toleration in England, 1787-1833, and Before the Welfare State, as well as many articles. She is now engaged in historical studies on the Jewish communities of South Wales. Ruth Kark is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Geography, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. David Kessler was born in 1906. After commercial experience in London, Paris, Aden and Palestine, he joined the Jewish Chronicle as Managing Director in 1936 and became Chairman in 1958. He has lived in N. Bucks, since 1946. His book on the Falashas appeared in 1982. Zvi Loker has lived in Israel since 1939. He has been Director of the President's Office, and was, until his retirement in 1980, Israeli ambassador to Haiti. 339</page><page sequence="3">Contributors to this volume Norma Perry is Reader in Post-Classical French Studies in the University of Exeter. Her main research interest is the people Voltaire met during his stay in England from May 1726 to the autumn of 1728. These include Huguenot and Sephardi merchants, and especially the Mendes da Costa family. Judith Samuel, who was born in London in 1933, moved to Bath on her marriage in i960. She became interested in local history when her children completed their education, and regards this present research topic as a preparation for larger projects. Adolf Schischa was born in 1915, and came to Britain in 1939 with the help of Rabbi Dr Solomon Schonfeld. He is a member of the council of this Society, of Anglo-Jewish Archives and of the Jewish Museum. Lewis Shane, President of the Jewish Historical Society of England, was born in South Wales. He practised as a lawyer and engaged in business for 40 years in London, and has been treasurer of the Society and of Anglo-Jewish Archives. 340</page><page sequence="4">Notes for contributors to Society publications Editing and printing have become so expensive that we are limited in the amount we can publish. Contributors should follow these guidelines in presenting their texts, and help keep each stage of publication as simple as possible. Texts and notes must be typed on one side only of A4 paper, with 30 double-spaced lines on each full page. A margin should be drawn about 3.5 cm from the left of the page, and another about icm from the right, providing a typing panel 16 cm wide. Each full line should end close to the right-hand margin. Please try to avoid ending lines with a hyphen. Pages should be numbered in complete sequence, with added 'a' or 'b' pages. The title of the contribution, the name of the author and any subheadings in the text, should be in upper- and lower-case letters, on separate lines, and not be underlined. Please leave additional space above and below to aid recognition. Subheadings should ideally be of no more than 2 grades. Each should be marked 'A' or 'B' to indicate its grade. The opening paragraph, and the first paragraph after any subheading, should not be indented; others should be indented 5 spaces. Quotations should be in English, and appear in single inverted commas. Any quotations appearing in the course of these should be enclosed in double inverted commas. Longer quotations-of about 100 words or 10 typed lines-should be preceded and followed by an empty line and without inverted commas. Quotations appearing in the course of these should be enclosed in single inverted commas. Words omitted in the course of a quotation should be indicated by 3 full stops. If the end of a sentence is omitted, 4 full stops should be used. Square parentheses should be placed round comments inserted by the author in a quotation. In matters of spelling, the Concise Oxford Dictionary (1976 or 1982) is followed, with a preference for 'z' spellings of words ending in 'ize'. For abbreviation, capitaliza? tion and italicization, Hart's Rules (Oxford 1981) should be consulted, Dates should be written as '27 April 1984'. All measurements should be given in metric form, unless they are quoted directly from a source. Since notes are now printed at the end of each contribution, making them relatively inaccessible, contributors should include in them bibliographical material only, and should normally not use them for remarks, which, however tangential or tentative, could be included even parenthetically in the main text. Their position in the text should be indicated by a complete sequence of superior numerals (i.e. 1 or 2) without additional 'a' or 'b' notes and without parentheses, ringing, etc. The numerals should be typed after any punctuation. Type the notes themselves at the end of the contribution. They should be arranged and punctuated as follows: 1 R. D. Barnett, 'Diplomatic aspects of the Sephardi Influx...' Trans JHSE XXV (1977) 210-22. 2 H. Loewe (ed.) Starrs and Jewish Charters II (London 1932) 62-8. 3 R. D. Barnett (see n. 1) 212. 4 A. Newman, 'The Synagogues of the East End', in A. Newman (ed.) The Jewish East End 1840-1939 (London 1981) 217-21. 341</page><page sequence="5">Notes for Contributors 5 Jewish Chroncicle (hereafter JC) 8 Nov. 1912, p. 18. 6 M. Maccoby, The Kamenitzer Maggid... \ in A. Newman (ed.) (ed.) (see n. 4) 335. 7 Ibid. 336-7. Please indicate the position of illustrations in the text. Plates should be supplied as clear monochrome prints, as near as possible to the final desired size. Two copies should be supplied of the captions: one on a separate sheet, and the other stuck on the back of each plate, starting with the plate number (i.e. Plate 1 etc.). 342</page><page sequence="6">Society Officers and Council President: Rabbi Dr DAVID GOLDSTEIN Vice-Presidents: Professor CHIMEN ABRAMSKY Sir ISAIAH BERLIN, OM, OBE, FBA R. N. CARVALHO, BCL A. A. E. ETTINGHAUSEN, OBE Judge ISRAEL FINESTEIN, QC The Very Reverend Haham SOLOMON GAON, PhD Rabbi HUGO GRYN, DHL Chief Rabbi Sir IMMANUEL JAKOBOVITS, PhD Professor ELIE KEDOURIE LIONEL KOCHAN, PhD VIVIAN D. LIPMAN, CVO, DPhil, FRHistS Professor RAPHAEL LOEWE, MC The Hon. Sir ALAN A. MOCATTA, OBE AUBREY NEWMAN, DPhil, FRHistS ALFRED RUBENS, FSA, FRHistS W. M. SCHWAB DOROTHY STONE, LLB, JP Hon. Treasurer: W. MARGUUES Hon. Secretary: C. M. DRUKKER Editor of Publications: JEREMY SCHONFIELD Mrs Beth-Zion Lask Abrahams M. Benady Malcolm Brown Michael Daniels Professor Jonathan Israel, DPhil, FRHistS Alex M. Jacob, JP A. P. Joseph, MB BChir (Cantab) FSG (Birmingham) Rabbi Dr Nicholas de Lange Dr David Latchman Mrs Sonia Lipman Council Stephen W. Massil Judge Aron Owen, PhD Dr S. C. Reif A. P. Rose, MA Edgar R. Samuel, MPhil, FRHistS Adolf Schischa Jeremy Schonfield A. L. Shane Sidney L. Shipton Professor B. Wasserstein Bill Wilhams Maurice A. Woolf Hon. Solicitors: NABARRO, NATHANSON & CO. Auditors: JEFFREYS HENRY RUDOLF & MARKS 343</page><page sequence="7">Index Numbers in italics refer to illustrations or family trees Abenaes, Solomon 4-5 Aberdeen Universities 77, 78, 94: Infir? mary 82; King's College 76, 79, 82, 85-7; Marischal College 76, 78, 79, 82-5, 86-7; university formed 85 Abraham, Abraham 151 Abraham, Jacob 140,141,147,148 Abraham, Moses 146 Abrahams, Abraham 112 Abrahams, Israel xv, 10 Abramsky, Chimen xii, 340; 'Luden Wolfs efforts for the Jewish communi? ties in Central and Eastern Europe' 281-95 Abravanel, Isaac 6 'Abu, Shmuel 215-16 Adler, Nathan Marcus, Chief Rabbi 149-50,198,277 Adolphus, Edwin 80 Adolphus, Sir Jacob 84, 86, 93-4 Adot, Isaac ben 55 Agricola, George De re metallica 7,10 agriculture in Palestine: development by Egyptians 209-13; land made avail? able to Jews 214-16; Moses Monte fiore and 216-18; sites 219-21, 220; types of farming 223-5 Aguilar, Grace 253 Aguilar, Sarah d', Baroness 136 Aleichem, Sholem 299 Alexander, L. 286 Alexander, Solomon 113 Alexander VI, Pope 85 Alfandari, Aharon Haim, Rabbi 5 5 Alliance Israelite Universelle 199-200, 283, 293 Altmann, Alexander Moses Mendelssohn 320 Alvares, Manuel 29 Alvares Nunes, Isaac 31 America, United States of: emigration of Jews to 299, 301, 302-3, 307; Jews of, in Scotland 94-5. See also Virginia Amsterdam, Jews of 35-6, 39; in London 177; in Smyrna 53, 56, 57, 60 Angeli, Isaac 61 Anglo-Jewish Association 201, 256; Lucien Wolf and 283, 286, 287, 289, 292. See also Conjoint Committee of Board of Deputies and AJA Anne, Princess (later Queen) 31 Anstey, C. The New Bath Guide 135 anti-Semitism: after Napoleonic Wars 182, 183-4, 185, 188; and Anglo Jewish novel 255-6, 258; study of in Britain 305-6; Luden Wolf and 281 95 Antonio, Dom, Portuguese pretender 3, 4 Arditi, Abraham 61 Arditi, Ephraim 61 Arditi, Moses 61 Ariaz, Jacob 63 Arlington, Lord 28, 31 Arnold, Arthur P. 'Anglo-Jewish Wills and Letters of Administration' 81 Ashenheim, Charles 80, 87, 88 Ashenheim, Louis 80, 8i, 87, 88, 93 Asher, Asher 80, 90-1, 92; Gold Medal and Prize 91 Ashkenazi, Shepsil 222 Ashkenazi, Yosef 210, 215, 221, 223 Ashkenazim 15, 168, 169, 195; in Bath 136; as doctors 86; in Jerusalem 208, 213, 214; in Plymouth 97. See also Adler, Nathan Marcus; Great Syna? gogue; Hirschel, Solomon Aubrey, John 2,17 Australia, Jews of 93, 94; Melbourne Hebrew Congregation 94 Austrian Empire 290; payment of sub? sidies to (c. 1814) 181,182,184 Austrian Succession, War of 9 7 Avila, Chaim d' 5 7 Avraham, Ya'akov Ben 223 Bachrach, Yair Hayyim, Rabbi Havvot Yair 300 Bacon, Francis: advocacy of science 5-7; and Joachim Gaunse 15-21; and Roderigo Lopez 2-5, 21; and 'Mar prelate' controversy 17; and mining 7-11; and Puritan fanatics 18; Ad? vancement of Learning 5, 7; Apo? phthegms 6; Commentarius Solutus 16 De Augmentis 10; Essays 5, 'Of Inno? vations' 20, 'Of Plantations' 19; New Atlantis 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 10, 19, 20, 21; Novum Organum 7,10 Bahya ben Joseph ibn Pakuda Duties of the Heart 321 Baines, Richard 16-17 Balfour Declaration 248-50, 281, 286, 287, 291 Bamberger, Harris 146 Bank of England 43,177-8, 231 banking see Rothschild family Bannister (Mr, musician) 28 Baptists, Welsh 267-80 passim Barandon (or Baranton, Prussian merchant) 185 Barclay (Dr, referee for dental student) 85 Baring, Alexander 179 Baring, Sir Francis 178,187 Baring Brothers (bankers) 178, 182-3, 184,187 Barnard, Philip 110 Barnett (Mrs, visitor to Bath) 136 Barnett, Arthur xiv Barnett, Jessie xiv Barnett, Lionel xv, 329 Barnett, Richard David: frontispiece, xi, 329, 340; In Memoriam to xv-xvii; Judaica publications by xviii-xx; 'Mr Pepys' contacts with the Spanish and Portuguese Jews of London' 2 7-3 3 Bartal, Israel 207 Baruh, Daniel 85 Bashan, Eliezer 340; 'Contacts between Jews in Smyrna and the Levant Company of London in the seven? teenth and eighteenth centuries' 53 73 Bath: Assembly Rooms, marriages at 162; cemetery 144, 152, 153, 155; Corn Street Synagogue 148,149,150, 151, 153, officers of 161, marriages at 162; General Hospital 135; Kings mead Street Synagogue 145, 146, officers of 161; Mineral Water Hospital 139, 144, 146, 153; map of 141; St John's Hospital: archives of 161; theatres in 145,146 Bath, Jews of: as visitors 135-6; early community 139-40,144; conversions of 144, 147; decline in community 148-54; Sephardim 147; trades and professions of 136-64 passim Bath Chronicle 135,139,144 Bath Herald 151 Bath Journal 135,138-9,151 Beaconsfield, Lord see Disraeli, Ben? jamin Beaumont, Carleton 31 Beaumont, Thomas 31 Beeley, Harold 250 Beer, Issachar, Rabbi 329, 334; Ohel Issachar 329,330-4 Beer, Rivka334 Belinfante, Simon 81,93 Benazech (engraver) 137 Benecke (bankers) 184 Benion, Samuel 89 Benisch, Abraham 201 344</page><page sequence="8">Index Benveniste, Haim, Rabbi 55 Bergmann, Eliezer 231, 214 Bernal (Mr and Mrs, visitors to Bath) 136 Bernstein, H. 142 Bethell, Sir Richard (later Lord West bury) 240 Bethmann Brothers (bankers) 179, 181, 184,185,190 Bevis Marks Synagogue xvi, 166-9 passim, 174,177 Bey, Boghoz 218 Beyfuss (bankers) 185 Bialik, Chaim Nachman: archives 299; In the City of Slaughter 299; Shirati 299 Bigeh, Aharon Ben Shlomo 215, 221 Birmingham, Jews of 305 Bieichr?der, Gerson von 202 Blessington, Lady 236 Board of Deputies of British Jews 88, 151, 152, 302; and Jewess Abduction Case 270, 277-8; and Jews in Russia and Romania; and Moses Montefiore 197-8, 199, 203; and Lucien Wolf 283, 284, 286, 292-3 Board of Guardians, Jewish 91, 93, 304 Boas, Jacob Boulevard des Miseres: The Story of Transit Camp Westerbork 337 8 Boislecomte, Baron de 212 Bolingbroke, Henry St John, Viscount 46 Bolsheviks 287,291, 292 Bonaparte, Napoleon 181 Borough Synagogue, Walworth Rd 277 Bordeaux, Jews of: in London 177; in Smyrna 53 Boyle, Robert 35, 36 Braham, George 141,148 Braham, John 139 Braham, Lewis 197 Brandeis, Louis D., Justice 285 Brandon, Jacob da Fonseca 169,171 Brandon, Joshua Rodrigues 169,171 Bravo, David 80, 93 Bravo, Moses 80, 93 Bright, Philip 148 Bristol, Jews of 12-14; 153 British Medical Association 88 Brodum, William 84, 85; A Guide to Old Age... 84 Brown, Malcolm xiv, 340; 'The Jews of Bath' 135-64 Buccleuch, Duke of 78 Buckingham, Duchess of 31 Buckinghamshire: Rothschilds and Dis? raeli in 231-52 passim Buckman, Joe 304 Bueno de Mesquita, Rachel 44,49 Burghley, Lord 4, 9,14,15; and Joachim Gaunse 15,19, 21 Bushell, Thomas 7, 8-9; An Extract..of ...Bacons Philosophical Theory in Min? eral Prosecutions 8 Buxton, T.F. 235 Buzaglo, Abraham 137 Caetano de Castro, Miguel 80 Calmann, Marianne The Carriere of Carpentras 338-9 Cambridge University 75, 76, 261 Canada: Canadian Medical Association 89: University of Bishop College 89 Canstatt, Jacob 91 Capadose (Miss, visitor to Bath) 136 Capadose (Mr, visitor to Bath) 135 Cardiff: Baptist Tabernacle 267; East Terrace Synagogue 268; Town Hall 274; Tredegarville Chapel 269 Cardiff, Jews of see Jewess Abduction Case Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian 267, 271, 276,278 Cardozo, Samuel 86 Carpentras, Jews of 3 3 8-9 Carvajal, Antonio Fernandez 27, 29 Carver, Sarah 267-8, 269, 274 Castro Sarmento, Jacob de 78, 82, 83, 86; 'Agoas de Inglaterra' 83 Catherine of Braganza, Queen of England 41,42 Caxaro, Peter 336 Cecil, Robert 14,15 Cesarani, David xiv Chapman, S. D. 340; 'The establishment of the Rothschilds as bankers' 177-93 Charles II, King of England 42 Chatham 97, 111; Navy Agents in 117-18,133 Cheyette, Bryan 340; 'From apology to revolt: Benjamin Farjeon, Amy Levy and the Post-emancipation Anglo-Jewish novel, 1880-1900'253-65 Churchill, Winston S. 291 civil rights see emancipation Clements, R. E. 335 Cochrane, Charles 146-7 Cohen, Arthur 203 Cohen, Barent 233 Cohen, Douglas 80 Cohen, Gershon 320, 321 Cohen, Jacob (?, of Bath) 144 Cohen, Marx 90 Cohen, Mordecai 90 Cohen, S. I. Elements of Faith for the use of Jewish Youth 144 Cohen, Samuel 181 Coke, Sir Edward 7 Collins, Kenneth E. 340; 'Jewish medical students and graduates in Scotland, 1739-1862'75-96 Company of the Mines Royal see Mines Royal Company Conjoint (or Joint Foreign) Committee of the Board of Deputies and the Anglo Jewish Association 283, 284-5, 292 conversionism 165, 167, 171, 201; in Bath 144, 147; in Anglo-Jewish novel 262. See also Jewess Abduction Case Cooper, Sir Astley 88 Corbett (friend of Samuel Pepys) 27,28 Corn Laws, Repeal of 239,240 Costa, Alvaro (Jacob) da 40, 41,42-3 Costa, Anthony (Moses) da 40-3,48, 49 Costa, Beatrice da 40, 42,43,49-50 Costa, Beatriz da 40, 41 Costa, Catharine de 13 5 Costa, (Fern?o) Joseph da 40, 45, 48, 49 Costa, Leonor Rachel da (Lady Suasso) 40,48 Costa, Luis Henriques da 39 Costa, Moses de Joseph da 169 Council for the Rights of Jewish Minor? ities 293 Cree Church Lane Synagogue 27, 31, 168 Cromwell House, Highgate Hill 43,48 Gullen, William 78 Cumberland, Richard The Jew 137 Curteys, Richard, Rev. 13 Cyrus Cylinder xvii Daily Journal 50 Dale (Dr, of Glasgow) 92 Dalmeny, Lord (6th Earl of Rosebery) 232, 241, 246, 248 Damascus Affair (or blood libel) 203, 218 Daniel, Abraham 137 Daniel, Joseph 137 Daud, Abraham ibn Book of Tradition 320,321 Davenant, William The Man is the Maister 28 David, Aaron Hart 80, 88,89 Davis, Derek: book review 335-7 Davis, Elias 197 Davis, Maurice 81, 93 De la Cour, Philip 86 Devey, George 248 Devonport see Plymouth Dock Dias (Mr, visitor to Bath) 135 Dickens, Charles 97 Dinur, Benzion 297 Dionis Musafia, Manuel 29 Disraeli, Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield 165, 166, 237; conversion of 171; as country squire 250, 251; monument to 175; and Repeal of Corn Laws 240; and Rothschilds 236-8, 239, 243-5: Henrietta Temple 236 D'Israeli, Isaac: biography 166-7; In Buckinghamshire 244; desire for re? form 167, 170, 172-3; literary career 165-6; letter to Mahamad 170-2; Commentaries on the Life and Reign of Charles the First 165; Curiosities of Literature 174; The Genius of Judaism 172 Disraeli, Mary Anne 175 divorce 197-9 Dmowski, Roman 290 'Doctors' Plot' 3 Donald, M.B. 15 Dormido, Manuel 29 Doyle, Katherine 267 Drake, Sir Francis 12 345</page><page sequence="9">Index Drebbel, Cornelius 21 Druker-Bek, Israel, Rabbi 222 Duber, Ze'ev223 Dublin, Jewish cemetery in 92 Dubnow, Simon 284, 289, 297 Duke's Place see Great Synagogue Durlacher, Solomon Abraham 141,142 Dutch Levant Company 56-7, 60 Duzdar, Ahmed 209 East India Company 41,43 Edinburgh: Jews of 81, Iii; Royal College of Physicians 78, 84, 85, 91; Royal College of Surgeons 87, 90, 91; Royal Medical Society 88; Town Council 89 Edinburgh University 76, 77, 79, 85, 87-9, 94; Sam Leeds scandal 78; students at (1767-1859) 80, 81 Edoard, Daniel 5 7 Edoard, Joseph 57 Eger, Akiba, Rabbi 329; 334 Egypt: occupation of Palestine 207-27 passim Eliot, George 260-1 Elizabeth I, Queen of England 2-5, 9,11, 18, 54-5 Ellis, Samuel 197,198 emancipation of Jews: in Britain (17th c.) 31; in Britain (19th c.) 165, 196, 198, 199, 240; in Europe (20th c.) 283, 287-8; and Anglo-Jewish novel 253-64 Emanuel, Joel 244, 273,277 Emanuel, Leonard 81,93 Emanuel, Michael 108,113 Emanuel, Moses 108 Emanuel and Levy (greengrocers) 142 Emerton, J. A. (co-editor) Interpreting the Hebrew Bible: Essays in Honour ofE. I. J. Rosenthal 335 emigration of Jews from Europe: (17th c) 53; (i9th-20thc.) 298-303, 307 England, Jewish community in 82, 167-8 Erie, Christopher, Rev. 245, 246 Essex, Earl of 3, 5, 21 Farjeon, Benjamin 257-60; Aaron the Jew 257, 258; Pride of Race 257, 258; Solomon Isaacs 2 5 7-8 Farquharson (Dr, referee for dental student) 85 Fenisch (bankers) 184 Ferdinand, King of Spain 6 Ferrara University 75 Feuer, John 11 Feuer, Lewis Samuel 341; 'Francis Bacon and the Jews' 1-25 Figgins and Moses (drapers) 137 Finch, Sir Henry 19-20; The Calling of the Jews... 19 Finestein, Israel 341; 'Sir Moses Monte fiore: a modern appreciation' 195-205 Finzi, Avraham 223, 224 First World War 248; and Lucien Wolfs efforts for Jews 281-95 Fishel, Myer 148 Fitzgerald (Mr, teacher) 138-9 Fitzroy, Hon. Henry 233 Foley, John 63 Fonseca Meza, Manuel da 29 Fortis (bankers) 182 Fowler, J. K. 235-6, 240, 244, 245-6; Recollections of Old Country Life 239 40 Fox, Joel 197 France, Jews of: in London 177; Mar ranos 29; in Smyrna 53. See also Carpentras Franco (Mr, visitor to Bath) 135,136 Frankau, Julia Dr Phillips 262 Franklin, Abraham 113 Franklin, Colin 318, 319, 321 Franklin, Isaac Abraham 88 Franklin, Lazarus 110 Franklin, Norman 320, 321 Franks, Aaron 135 Franks, Isaac 135 Franks, Jacob (and family) 135,136 Franks, Michael: as secretary for mar? riages 153,162 Franks, Moses 140 Freeman 278 freemasonry 146 friendly societies 304. See also guilds; trade unions Gabbay, Leon 61 Gainer, Bernard 305 Galindo, Charles 137 Gannes, Douglas see Gaunse, Joachim Gans, David 9 Gans, Joachim see Gaunse, Joachim Garrard, John A. 305, 306 Gartner, Lloyd P. 341; 'Eastern Euro? pean Jewish immigrants in England: a quarter-century's view' 297-309; Jew? ish Immigrant in England 297-8 Gaster, Moses xv, 168, 285 Gaunse, Joachim 9-21; study of metal? lurgy 9-10; and Roanoke colony 11-12; in Bristol 12; case against 13-15; as Bacon's Joachim 20-1 Gentleman's Magazine 147,184 George I, King of England 46 Gerson, George 144 Glessen University 83 Gille, Bertrand 186 Glanville, Brian The Bankrupts 260 Glascock, William Naval Sketch Book 98 Glasgow: Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons 77, 89, 91, 94; Garaethill Synagogue 92; George Street Syna? gogue 92; Hebrew Congregation 91, 92 Glasgow Advertiser 84 Glasgow Herald 84, 92 Glasgow University 76-7, 79, 87, 89 92; students at (1787-1862) 80, 81 Glover, George 111 Goldsmid, Abraham 180,187 Goldsmid, Alfred J. 151 Goldsmid, Michael J. 151 Goldsmid Brothers (bankers) 101-2, 178,198 Goldstein, David, Rabbi xii; and Littman Library of Jewish Civilization 318-25 passim; Hebrew Poems from Spain 319, 323 Gontard (bankers) 182,185 Goodman, Theodore 268, 271, 274 Goodridge, H. E. 148 Gordon, Samuel Sons of the Covenant 256, 257, 264; Unto Each Man His Own 264 Gosport: Navy Agents in 118-22,133 Gozo, Jews of 335-7 Gramont, Duke de 246 Grant, Sir Francis 238-9; 239 Great Synagogue (or Duke's Place) 83, 86, 87,144,148,168,169, 257 Green, Geoffrey 341; 'Anglo-Jewish trad? ing connections with officers and seamen of the Royal Navy, 1740 1820'97-133 Greenhalgh, John 27 Grimshawe, T. S. 218 Gross, Reuben 80 Grynbaum, Yitzhak 291 Guedalla, Philip 139 Guedelle, Paul 138-9; A New Idiomatical Guide to the French and English Lan? guages 139 guilds 58, 63-4. See also friendly societies; trade unions Guilford, Lord 139 Gumpertz (Mordecai Gumpel Schnaber) 83 Gutierres, Leonor Mendes 39,40, 49 Haim, Yehuda Leib Ben 223 Halevi, Menahem Arye Ben Shmuel 213 Hallo (translator) 320 Hambro (bankers) 178 Hamilton (Mr, Glasgow professor) 89, 90 Harbourne, William 54 Haruh, Mordechai 222 Hardenberg, Prince 184,185 Harding, Arthur 306 Harman (financial broker) 181 Harriot, Thomas 11,16-17,19 Harris, Emily Estelle 256 Harris, Henry 28 Harrison, John 109 Hart (Misses, visitors to Scarborough) 136 Hart, Benjamin 113 Hart, David 108 Hart, H. 137 Hart, Henry 112 Hart, Hyman 135 Hart, Joel 80,87,88 Hart, Lemuel 103 Hart, Moses 136 Hart, Samuel no Hart, Solomon no Hasidim 290-1, 297 346</page><page sequence="10">Index Hayya, Abraham bar Meditation of the Sad Soul 320-1 Hayyun, Pinhas 223 Hayyun, Shlomo 223 Hebra,the83,84,85,88 Hecksher (bankers) 184 Heine (bankers) 178 Hellerjoseph 316 Henriques, Ernest 94 Henriques, Horace Leslie Cohen 94 Henriques, Joseph Gutteres 80, 88, 93, 94 Henriques, Moses Nunes 80,94 Henriques, Nathaniel 94 Henriques, Stella 94 Henriques, Ursula 341; Lyons versus Thomas: the Jewess abduction case 267 80 Herbert, Mrs Mark Mrs Danby Kaufman 262-3 Herries, J. C. 179,180-2,190 Herzi, Theodor 282 Hesse, Elector of 178,180-1 Hibbat Zion movement 207. See also Zionism Hillesum,Etty337 Hirschel(l), Solomon, Chief Rabbi 144, 147,160,168,169,174 Historical Register 50 Hoexeter, M. 211,212 Hofman, 1.208 Hollier, Thomas 27 Hollyer (Mrs, of Cardiff) 269,274-5 Hollyer, J. E. 2 71, 2 74-5 Holmes, Colin Anti-Semitism in British Society 1876-1939 305-6 Hope and Company (bankers) 178, 179, 184 Howe, Irving World of our Fathers (Immigrant Jews of New York) 299, 320, 323 Hulbert, George 106 Hungary, Jews of 281,290-3 Hunter, John 83 Hunter, Joseph 154 Hyamson, Albert M. xv, 81-2 Ibrahim Pasha 208-11, 215, 216,218 Iffla, Rachel 94 Iffia, Solomon 94 Illustrated London News 166 immigration of Jews into Britain: (19th c.) 255, 256, 279; (20th c.) 297-301, 303-6 In Darkest Russia 283-4 Inquisition: Spain and Portugal 7, 29, 39-41 Ireland, Jews of 30 Irving, Washington 167 Isaac (Mrs, visitor to Weymouth) 136 Isaac, Levy 108 Isaacs, J. 137 Isabella, Queen of Spain 6 Israel, H. 142 Israel, State of 281. See also Zionism Israeli, Benjamin 166 Istanbul, Jews of 5 5, 5 7, 61 Jacob, Hart 137 Jacob, Judah 104,108 Jacobs, Louis, Rabbi 318, 321, 322 Jacobs, Nathan, Rabbi 151,153,268 Jamaica, Jews of 84, 87, 88,93-4 James, Duke of York 31 James I, King of England 20 Jerusalem: Christchurch 214; Jews in 213-14,222 Jesurun, Isaac 5 7 Jesurun, Joseph 5 7 Jewess Abduction Case 267-80 Jewish Association for the Protection of Girls and Women 301 Jewish Chronicle: on Bath 153; Book Award 319; on communal govern? ment 201, 203; on Jewess Abduction Case 276, 277-8, 279; on Anglo Jewish novel 254, 256, 257, 263,264 Jewish Daily Forward 285 Jewish Disabilities Removal Act 165 Jewish Encyclopaedia 82 Jewish Intelligence 214 Jewish Museum xvi, 248 Jewish Workers' Burial and Trading Society 304 Joint Foreign Committee see Conjoint Foreign Committee Joseph (Mr, corncutter) 136,137 Joseph, Aaron 140 Joseph, Abraham 102, no Joseph, J. (watch- and clockmaker) 140 Joseph, Joseph (Navy Agent) 110, 111 12 Joseph, Joseph Marcus (of Glasgow University) 80, 91 Joseph, Laurence Alfred (Dr Joseph Laurence) 80,90 Joseph, Lyon 143,144 Joseph, Nahum 142 Josephs, Zoe 305 Kahan, Abraham 285 Kalisch (Dr, minister) 242 Kark, Ruth, 341: 'Agricultural land in Palestine: Letters to Sir Moses Monte fiore, 1839' 207-30 Katz, Jacob 297 Keeling, Henry 197 Keep (Mr, of Cardiff) 271, 275 Keep, Ellen 269,271, 273,275 Kepler, Johannes 9,17 Kerstein, Nathan 153 Kessler, David 341; 'The Rothschilds and Disraeli in Buckinghamshire' 231-52 Ket, Francis 16 Ketib, Nachon 336 Ketib, Rafaeli336 Keynes, John Maynard 291 Kishinev (Russia): pogrom 299, 301 Klamborowski, Bernard 147 Knepp (or Knipp), Elizabeth 27 Kochan, Lionel 321, 322, 325 Krotoschin (Poland) 142, 329 Labouchere (banker) 182 Lacour (professor in Bath) 136 Lafitte (bankers) 185 La Motraye (French traveller) 5 3 Lamsdorf, Count 284 land, Jewish ownership of 243. See also Palestine Landau, Ezekiel, Rabbi N?da Biyhudah 300 Lane, Ralph 12 La pa pa, Aharon, Rabbi 55 Lara (Mr and Mrs, visitors to Bath) 13 Lara (Mr and Mrs): excommunication of 16 Lara, Benjamin, 80, 84, 86; 'Dictionary of Surgery' 84 Lara, Joshua 168 Lawrence, Sir William 88 Laxton, C. 63 Lazarus, Samuel 146 Lee, Sir Sidney L. 3 Leeds, Jews of 304, 305 Leghorn, Jews of: in England 169; in Smyrna 53, 57-8, 59.63 le Grand, Louis 139 Lehren, Akiva 213 Lehren, Zvi Hirsch 213 Leib, Arye Ben Yerahmiel Marcus 216, 221,223,224 Leicester, Earl of 5, 9 Lemon Hart (importers of rum) 103 Leo, Luis 84, 86 Leon, Hananel de 80 Leon, Solomon de 80, 87, 93 Levant Company, London 54-5, 58-9; archives of 56, 61, 63, 64. See also Dutch Levant Company Levene, Mark 281 Levenston, Henry 92 Levenston, Michael Jacob 92 Levenston, Samuel 80,91-2 Levenston, Solomon 92 Levenston, William 92 Levi, Mosch 61 Levi, Solomon 61 Levis, Abraham 137 Levis, Benjamin 137 Levy see Emanuel and Levy Levy (Mrs, visitor to Bath) 135 Levy, Amy 259, 264; Reuben Sachs 260-2, 263 Levy, Charles Isaac 94 Levy, E. 146 Levy, Isaac 101 Levy, John 100 Levy, Michael 80 Levy, Samuel 2 7 Lewisohn, George 83 Leyden University 88 Undo (Mr, visitor to Bath) 135 Lion, Heyman 80, 81, 85,88 Lipman, Vivian D. 325; A Century of Social Service 298; Social History of the Jews in England 1850-1950 298 literature, Jews in 136. See also Bacon, Francis; novel, Anglo-Jewish 347</page><page sequence="11">Index Lithuania, Jews of 292, 299 Littman, David 321 Littman, L. T. S. 'The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization' 311-2 5 Littman Library of Jewish Civilization: finding a publisher 316-18; Routledge & Kegan Paul and 318-24; early projects 318-19; aims of 319-20; choice of projects 321-2; production and finance 322-3; Oxford University Press and 324 Liverpool, Jews of 111-12 Liz, Francisco de 31 Lloyd George, David 286 Loewe, H. 6 Loewe. Louis 213-14, 215 Loewe, Raphael 335; 'In Memoriam Richard David Barnett' xv-xvii Loewenstam (Dr) 316 Loker, Zvi 341; 'English contemporary opinions on the Sabbatean movement' 35-7 London 39-50 passim, 87; attraction of to Jewish traders 177; banking in 177-91; East End 256-7, 263-4, 277, 305, 306-7; immigrants in 256-7, 299, 305, 306-7; Navy Agents in 125-30, 133; Samuel Pepys and 2 7-33 London Gazette 106,112 London Society for Promoting Christian? ity Among(st) the Jews 214, 277 London synagogues see Bevis Marks; Borough; Cree Church Lane; Great; United; Western; West London Lopes Pereira see Pereira Lopez (Mr, visitor to Bath) 136 Lopez, Roderigo 2-5, 21 Lopez, Sarah 4 Louis XVIII, King of France 183 Lousada, Isaac de Emanuel Baruh 169, 171 Luzzatto (of Bath) 136 Lyon, Solomon Theological Grammar and Lexicon 142 Lyons (Mrs, mother of Esther) 268, 274 Lyons, Barnett 267-80 passim Lyons, Dinah 269, 274 Lyons, Esther 267-80 Lyons, Israel 21 Lyons, Reuben 267, 268, 271, 272 Lyons Case, the see Jewess Abduction Case Macauiay, Thomas 254-5 Macklin (playwright) Love ? la Mode 140 Macnin, Meir Cohen 169,171 Madison, James, President of USA 87 Magnus, Simon 197 Mahamad 174; D'Israeli's quarrel with 168-72; offices of 16 9 Mahmud see Mehmed Mainzer, Isaac 146 Malta, Jews of 3 3 5-7 Manchester, Jews of 88-9, 304, 305 Manopoli, Juda6i Manuel (Mr, friend of Samuel Pepys) 28-9 Manuel (Mrs) 2 7 Manuel, Joseph 13 7-8 Marischal, George Keith, fifth Earl 8 5 Marks, David W. 173-4 Marlowe, Christopher 16-17, 19; Dr Faustus 3 Marprelate controversy 17-18 Marranos: in England 3-5, 15, 21, 167; in France 29; in Portugal 293; in Scotland 81, 83; in Spain 6-7; in Smyrna 53. 59~6o marriage 197-8; ceremonies (in Corn Street Synagogue, Bath) listed 162 Marryat, Frederick Peter Simple 108 Marshall, Louis 285 Mdina 335-7 Mechanicus, Philip 337 medical schools: in England 75, 76, 77, 93; in France 75; in Italy 75, 83 medical schools in Scotland: admission and graduation 77-8; 'Scotch Degree' 78; student records 80-1. See also Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews Mehemet Ali see Muhammad Ali Mehmed IV, Ottoman Sultan 55,59 Mekhaseh Evyonim Society 147 Meldola, Raphael 169 Mendelsohn (bankers) 182,184 Mendelssohn, Moses 165 Mendes (Mr and Mrs, visitors to Bath) 136 Mendes, A. 136 Mendes, Alvaro, Duke of Mitylene 4-5 Mendes, Anthony 44,48 Mendes, Catherine 40, 42, 43, 44, 45; 'Madame Acosta' 48 Mendes, (Fernao) Fernando (Moses) 41 2,43 Mendes, James 44,48 Mendes da Costa, A. R. 80, 81, 87 Mendes da Costa, Abraham 42, 43, 44; bankruptcy of 45,49 Mendes da Costa, Alvaro 42, 43, 44, 45, 49 Mendes da Costa, Anna 44,49 Mendes da Costa, Anthony (Jacob) 42, 43,44,45-9 Mendes da Costa, Antonio Jacob 39, 40, 41 Mendes da Costa, Emanuel 48 Mendes da Costa, Felipe 39,40 Mendes da Costa, Fernao 39,40-1 Mendes da Costa, Francisca 40 Mendes da Costa, Hananel 80, 88 Mendes da Costa, Jo?o 39-40 Mendes da Costa, Qoao) John (Joseph) 39-40,42-6 passim, 50 Mendes da Costa, Jorge 39 Mendes da Costa, Rachel 42, 44, 45 Mendes da Costa, Sarah 42,44,45 Mendes da Silva, Sarah 44,49 Mendez (visitor to Bath) 135 Mennons, John 84 348 Merrick, Leonard Violet Moses 262-3 Metternich (bankers) 184 Meyer, John 86 Meyes, Richard 13 Michaels, David 135 Mines Royal Company 9,14-15? 18,19, 21 mining of copper 9-15 Minorities Treaties 281, 292 Mizrahi, Nahum 215-16 Mocatta, Daniel 169,171 Mocatta, Manuel (or Immanuel) 29 Mocatta, Moses 174 Montara Affair (or Case) 199-200, 278-9 Montefiore, Charlotte 253 Montefiore, Claude 286,287, 290 Montefiore, J. M. 277-8 Montefiore, Joseph Barrow 86 Montefiore, Judah Israel 86, 94 Montefiore, Sir Moses 88, 151, 270; adulation of 195, 199; on Board of Deputies 198, 199; character of 196, 200; and Damascus Affair 203; and Montara Affair 199-200, 278-9; and Morocco 200; and Palestine 207-30; and Russia 202, 203 Monthly Mirror 166 Montpellier University 41-2, 75 Moore, Henry 144 Morocco, Montefiore and 200 Morris (Mr, seller of ostrich feathers) 137 Mortimer, Cromwell 78 Moses, Abraham (Prize Agent) 105,106 Moses, Abraham (silversmith) 139-40 Moses, Joseph 137 Moses, Lewis 105,106 Moses, M. 142 Moses, Marcus 135 Mosley, Oswald 306 Moss, Barrow 112 Moss, Celia 253 Moss, Elias 112 Moss, Marion 253 Motzkin, Leo 291 Mowschowitch, David 282, 284, 290, 291 Muddiman, Henry 35 Muhammad (or Mehemet) Ali: and Damascus Affair 203; in Palestine 207-30 passim Murad III, Ottoman Sultan 54 Musaphia, Joseph 135 Myers, Florizel de Lome 94 Myers, Isaac 112 Myers, Joseph Hart 80, 86, 87, 88 Myers, Levi 80, 87, 89-90 Myers, Naphtali Hart 87 Namier, Louis 291 Napoleonic Wars 177; financing of 180-2, 187, 231; Jewish traders and 103,108, no Nash, Richard (Beau) 135,136 Nathan, Samuel 139 Navy Agents, Jews as 102-14; registers</page><page sequence="12">Index of 117-33 Nedham, George 10 Netherlands, Jews in 3 3 7-8 Neveh Zedek, hospital, Mile End 142 Newman, Aubrey: preface, xi-xiv Newman, J. Levin 139 Nicolayson, John, Rev. 214 Nieto, David 83 Noah, Benjamin 138 North, P. 56 North Atlantic Shipping Ring 302-3 Northumberland, Henry Percy, Earl of 16 novel, Anglo-Jewish 253-64 Nunes, Rodriques see Rodrigo, Manuel Nunez, Hector 4 Nyman, David 148 Oldenburg, Henry 35, 36 Ommaney and Druce (Prize Agents) 106,108 Orsay, Alfred d', Count 236, 237, 238, 239, 246 Ouvrad (bankers) 182 Oxford University 75, 76,165 Paciflco, Emmanuel 85-6 Padua University 75, 83 Paiba, Isaac de 139 Palestine: British policy towards 285-7; First World War campaign in 248; Jews in (17th c.) 36; legal status of land under Egyptian rule 210-13; Moses Montefiore and 201, 202, 204, 207-30; purchase of land by Jews (19th c.) 213-27; taxes paid in 210-13; villages in 207, 212, 219 2 7, See also map 220 Paris: Peace Conference 281, 287, 289, 291,292 Parish (bankers) 184,185 Parnther, Robert 236, 238, 243 Parsons, Robert 17 Paxton, Sir Joseph 242 Peel, Sir Robert 198 Penzance, Jews of 15 3 Pepys, Samuel: and Spanish and Portu? guese Jews of London 2 7-3 3 Pereira, David Israel 94 Pereira, David Lopes 29 Pereira, Francisco (Abraham?) Lopes 29 Pereira, Gaspar Lopes 29, 30 Pereira, Manuel (or Isaac Rephael Haim) Lopes 29-30, 31 Pereira, Moses 135 Pereira, Moses (Mrs) 135 Pereira de Castro, Joao 80 Perry, Norma 342; 'Voltaire and the Sephardi bankrupt' 39-52 Pesani family 62 Philip II, King of Spain 3,4. 5 physicians, Jews as 41-2. See also Hebra, the; Lopez, Roderigo; medical schools Picciotto, James Sketches of Anglo-Jewish History 167 Pierce (Mr and Mrs, friends of Samuel Pepys) 27, 28 Pierce, Jeremy 13 Pinto, Hakham Reuven 222 Pinto, Thomas 137 Pius IV, Pope 75 Platt, Hugh 21 Plymouth 97,102, no, 113; Ashkenazi synagogue in 97; Navy Agents in 122-5,133 Plymouth Dock (Devonport) 110-11; Navy Agents in 122-5, *33 pogroms 297,282,292 Polack (portraitist) 137 Polack, A. (stencil seller) 137 Poland, Jews of 2 81, 2 8 8-9 3 Poor Jews' Temporary Shelter 299, 302 Poor Law 147 Portsea 107, 110, 112; Navy Agents in 118-22,133; synagogue in 110 Portsmouth 97, 98, 105, 107, 108, 110, 113; Hebrew Congregation 108; Navy Agents in 118-22,133 Portugal, Jews of: in London 27-31, 39_50 passim; Marranos 293; in Smyrna 53, 56-7, 63. See also Inquisition; Lopez, Roderigo; Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation Portuguese National Archives 39 Posen (Poland) 329 Poynter, F. N. L. (ed.) The Evolution of Medical Education in Britain 76 Prado (Abraham or Samuel) 136 Pratt, Samuel 140,142 Primrose, Neil 232, 248 Prize Agents, Jews as 100-2, 104, 106, 108, no Prussia: loans to 184, 185; subsidies to 181,182,183 Pulvermacher, Moses ben Samuel see Samuel, Moses Raleigh, Sir Walter 11,16-17,19 Ramon, Juan 30 Raye, William 59 Rees, Abraham 144,154 Rees, D. 154 Reform movement in Judaism: congre? gation 197-8; Isaac D'Israeli and 165-75; marriage contract in 197-8; Moses Montefiore and 197-205. See also West London Synagogue Registration Act (1836)198 Reid, Marilyn (nee Alberga) 94 Reid Irving & Co. (bankers) 179-80, 182,186 Reif, S. C. (co-editor) Interpreting the Hebrew Bible: Essays in Honour of E. I. J. Rosenthal 335 Responsa 55, 299-301 Ricardo, David 139,178,187 Ricardo Brothers & Co. (bankers) 186 Richelieu, due de 182 Rischin, Moses 298-9 Roanoke Colony see Virginia Roberts, Robert The Classic Slum 306 Rodrigo, Manuel 29 Rodrigues, Branca 40-1 Rohan-Chabot (poet) 47 Romania, Jews of: Moses Montefiore and 277-8; Lucien Wolf and 281, 282, 283,289-93 Rome University 75 Rose, George 104,112 Rosebery, 5th Earl of 232, 241 Rosebery family 248. See also Dalmeny, Lord Rosenbaum, Morris, Rev. 'Jews in Free? masonry' 81 Rosenzweig, Franz Star of Redemption 320 Roth, Cecil xv, 3, 142, 165, 171, 247, 336 Rothschild, Alfred Charles de 232, 243 Rothschild, Alice de 248 Rothschild, Amschel 181,188 Rothschild, Anselm de, Baron 247 Rothschild, Anthony de 231-52 passim, 239,245 Rothschild, Arthur de 243 Rothschild, Carl 181,184,188,189 Rothschild, Charlotte de, Baroness 232, 238,244 Rothschild, Constance (Lady Battersea) 232,233,245 Rothschild, Edmond de, Baron 248 Rothschild, Evelina, Baroness 232, 247 Rothschild, Evelyn de 248 Rothschild, Ferdinand James de, Baron 232,247, 248,250 Rothschild, Hannah (nee Cohen) 232, 233,235,238 Rothschild, Hannah (Countess of Rose? bery) 232,242,248 Rothschild, Hannah Meyer 232,233 Rothschild, James 181, 182, 183-4, 188,190 Rothschild, James de, Baron 248 Rothschild, Leopold de 232, 235, 246, 248, 286 Rothschild, Lionel de, Baron 231-52 passim, 232,239 Rothschild, Lionel Walter de, (later) Baron 232, 249, 250 Rothschild, Louise de 242 Rothschild, Margaretha Alexandrine von 246 Rothschild, Mayer Amshel 231-50 pas? sim, 232,239 Rothschild, Mayer Carl von 246 Rothschild, Miriam 232, 233, 242, 250 Rothschild, Nathan 101 Rothschild, Nathan Meyer 178, 180; as Austrian Consul 184; in Buckingham? shire 231-5, 232; as 'Court Jew' 190, 191; financial genius of 187-8, 189, 190-1; payments to Britain's allies 181; raising money for British army 180,182 Rothschild, Nathaniel 232, 233, 238, 239,241,243,246 Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer, ist Baron 349</page><page sequence="13">Index 219,232,235.247.252 Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, 3rd Baron 232, 252 Rothschild, Philippe de, Baron My Lady Vine 243 Rothschild, Solomon 181, 182, 184, 188,189 Rothschild family, as bankers 177-93; anti-Semitism and 183-4; competition with Barings 182-3; as 'Court Jews' 189-90, 191; policy of 186-7; raising of loans by 184-5, 186; success of 188-9 Rothschild family, in Buckinghamshire: contribution of 2 50; Benjamin Disraeli and 236-8, 240, 243-4; mansions of 233. 234, 235, 241-4, 242, 247-8; position in county society 245, 250; reputation of 231-2; stag-hunting 235, 238-41, 246, 247 Rothschild family tree 232 Rothschild, House of (bankers) 187,283 Rothschild, M. A. (bankers) 178,179 Rothschild Buildings 305 Rotterdam University 83 Rowse, A. L, 2 Royal College of Physicians: of England 77,85. See also Edinburgh Royal College of Surgeons: of England 77, 86. See also Edinburgh Royal Commission on Alien Immigration (1902)306 Royal Hunt 236, 238 Royal Navy: Greenwich Hospital 98, 102, 112; Pay Offices 98, 100, 103, 112; Slop Office 102. See also seamen; Navy Agents; Prize Agents Royal Society 3 5-7 Rumania see Romania Russia: 'Doctors' Plot' (1953) 3; Jews in, and Moses Montefiore 202-3, 277-8; Jews in, and Lucien Wolf 282-5, 293; Kishinev pogrom 299, 301; Revolu? tion (1905) 284, 301; subsidies to (1814) 181,182 Russian Correspondence 283-4 Rustum, Asad 211,212 Rycaut, Paul 56 Sabbatean movement 35-7, 297 Sabbetai (or Shabbetai) Zvi 35-7, 56 Sachs, Moshe 213,214 Safardi, Abraham, Rabbi 336 St Andrews University 76, 77, 78, 79, 93; students at (1839-62) 81 St James Gazette 256 Salerno medical school 75 Salford, Jews of 306 Salomon, Don 4 Salomons, Sir David 196,198,199 Salvador (Mr, visitor to Bath) 135 Salvador, Joseph 136 Salvador, Sarah 147 Sampson, Samuel & Emanuel (solicitors) 270-1,272 Samuel (Mr, umbrella maker) 142 Samuel, Benjamin 148-9 Samuel, Edgar 39 Samuel, Herbert 285 Samuel, Judith 342; 'The Jews of Bath' 135-64 Samuel, Levy 106,109 Samuel, Moses 142, 143, 144-5, I48? 154 Sapir, Eliyahu2i9 Sarfati, Isaac 57 Sarmento see Castro Sarmento Saunders (Dr, of Aberdeen) 84 Scharf, Andrew History of Byzantine Jewry 321 Schechter, Solomon 297 Schiff, Jacob 283, 285 Schischa, Adolf 324; 'Dr Richard Bar nett?a recollection' 329 Schnaber, Mordecai Gumpel 83 Schnitzer, Yitzhak 223 Scholem, Gershom 297; Sabbetai Sevi 320 Sch?mberg, Alexander 144 Sch?mberg, Meyer 83, 86-7; Emunat Omen 87 Sch?mberg, Ralph 83, 86,135 Schwadron, Shalom Mordecai, Rabbi 300 Schwarz, C. 271, 272-3, 275, 277, 279 Schwarz, Joseph 219 Scotland, Jews of 75-96; Marranos 81, 83 seamen: conditions on board ship 98; pay 97-8, 99, 100, 103, 114; slops 102-3. See also Royal Navy Second World War 3 3 7-8 See, Euguene 292 Seforim, Mendel Mokher 299 Seliger, Martin 208 Sephardim: in Bath 136, 147; in England 15, 31, 39; in Jerusalem 222; in London 39-52 passim, 173-4, 177> in Anglo-Jewish novel 262; in Smyrna 53. See also Bevis Marks Synagogue; Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Con? gregation Sequira, Joseph 86 Storno, Hananel 5 7 Shabbetai Zvi see Sabbetai Zvi Shane, A. L. iv, xii, 342; 'Isaac Disraeli and his quarrel with the Synagogue? a reassessment' 165-75 Shatz-Uffenheimer, R. 297 Sheerness 97, 99, 100; Navy Agents in 117-18,133 Shemesh, Yizhak 222 Sherrard, William 57 Shimshon of Brad (Brody) 222 Shiprut, Esther 166 Shiprut, Isaac 166 Shiprut, Sarah 166 Shoshana, Avraham 216 Sidgwick, Cecily Isaac Eller's Money 260, 262 Siena University 75 Sigmond, George Gabriel 142 Sigmond, Joseph 137, 140, 142; A Short Essay on the Teeth 137 Silva, Joshua da 30 Simon, Oswald John The World and the Cloister 256 Siprutini, Emanuel 137 Sleeman (Mrs, minister's wife) 269,276 Sleeman, Rev. 271 Sloane, Sir Hans 78 slopsellers 99,102,103,104,105,112, 114 Smith, Adam 78; The Wealth of Nations 139 Smollett, Tobias 136 Smyrna, Jews of 53-73; as borrowers 63; as brokers 56; as customs officials 62-3, 64; as dragomans 55, 61-2; in import and export trade 57-8; and guilds 58; numbers of 53; payment of fees by 59-60; protection of 60-1; Marranos 53, 59-60; and messianic trend 35 Soares, Maria 39-40 Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Jews 277 Society of Apothecaries 86 Solomon (Mr, corncutter) 137 Solomon, Abraham 80, 89 Solomon, Alexander 137,141 Solomon, Elijah 148 Solomon, S. (of Bath) 143,144 Solomon, Samuel (Liverpool quack) 84 5.89.139 Somers, Reuben 153 Soncino (customs official) 62 South Africa, Jews of: in Scotland 94-5 Souza, Daniel de 110 Spain, Jews of 6-7; in London 27-31; in Smyrna 63. See also Inquisition; Span? ish and Portuguese Jews' Congrega? tion Spain: England and 3-6,10,12 Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congrega? tion: in Aberdeen 83; in London 27, 168. See also Bevis Marks Synagogue Spanish Armada 3-5,10,12-13 Spinoza, Benedict de 21, 35, 36 Spithead and Nore mutinies 98,100 Standard 278,279 Stern, Moritz 80,93 Stern, Selma The Court Jew 189 Stern (bankers) 185 Sternberg Centre xiv Stevenson, (Dr, professor of medicine) 90 Stewart, Alexander 78 Stott's chapel, Abbey Road, London 271 Suasso, Alvaro Lopes 48 Suasso, Antonio Lopes, Baron 40,48 Suffrage movement 261 Sulam, Moseh 57 Swaddle (clerk to Lord Arlington) 28, 30,31 Sykes, Mark 286 Synagogue: offices of Mahamad 169; quarrel with Isaac Disraeli 167-75. 350</page><page sequence="14">Index See also London synagogues, Reform movement Talmud 75,172 Taragano, Israel 55 Taragano, Sabbetai 55 Teixera de Matos, Siporah 44,45,49 Territorialism 283 Test Acts, abolition of 75 Thelmar (bankers) 182 Thicknesse, Philip 135 Thomas, Brinley Migration and Economic Growth 299 Thomas, Laura Emily Ann 267, 268, 269-70,271, 274, 276-7 Thomas, Nathaniel, Rev. 267-80 passim Thon, Joshua 291 Times, The 279, 284 Tishbi, Y. 297 Tishby, Isaiah Mishnat ha Zohar 321 Tocatle, Elias 58 Tournefort, L. 53 trade unions 304. See also friendly societies; guilds trades and professions, among Jews: banking 172-93; in Bath 138-64; in English seaports 97-8, 99, 100; as immigrants in England 303-4; in London (17th c.) 27-8, 41-2; in Palestine 207-30; in Smyrna 13, 41, 43. 53_73- See also medical schools; Navy Agents; physicians; siopsellers Tredegar, anti-Jewish riots in 279 Trilling, Lionel 260-1 Tring Museum of Natural History 250 Turner, Betty 28 Turzeman, Yitzhak 222 Ukraine, Jews of 281,289, 291, 292 ?lker, N.63 United Synagogue 91 Vansittart, Nicholas 179 Victoria, Queen of Great Britain 250 Villanoses, Abram 57 Vinaver, Maxim 284 Violet, Thomas 27 Virginia: Roanoke colony 11-12, 17, 18, 21; Francis Bacon writing on 19; Virginia Voyages from Hakluyt 12 Voltaire: bankruptcy 45-6; early career 46-7; reasons for visit to England 46; and Rohan-Chabot affair 47; meeting with creditor 48-9; La Henriade 48 Wallich, George Charles 80, 89 Wallich, Nathaniel 83, 89 Walker (Dr, purveyor of patent medi? cines) 86 Walsingham, Sir Francis 4, 5, 9,10, 14, 18, 21; as patron of Joachim Gaunse 15 war see Austrian Succession, War of; First World War; Napoleonic Wars; Royal Navy; Second World War; Spanish Armada Weiss, J.G. 297 Weizmann, Chaim 281, 285, 286, 287, 293 Weld, C. W. 63 Wentworth, Vernon 240-1 Werblowsky, Zvi 320 Wessels, Hart 86 Westerbork (Netherlands), transit camp 337-8 Western Synagogue 144,198 West London (Reform) Synagogue xiv, 173,174,198 Wettinger, Geoffrey The Jews of Malta in the Late Middle Ages 335 White, Jerry 305 Wigoder, Geoffrey 321 Wilberforce (Dr), Bishop of Oxford 245 Williams, Bill 304; Making of Manchester Jewry 1740-1875 305 Williams, Irene: book review 337-8 Williamson, Joseph 3 5 Wilson, Woodrow, President of USA: 'Fourteen Points on Europe' 288-9, 290, 292 Winchester, Bishop of 17 Wolf, Lucien xv, 3, 86; and Anglo Jewish novel 256, 260; background 281-2; efforts for European Jews 281-95;as opponent of Russia 283-5; and Territorialism 283; anti-Zionist 286-93 Wolfe, Solomon, Rev. 141, 143, 144, 146, 148, 151, 154; as secretary for marriages 146,162 Wood (Lieutenant, commander of Nile) 101-2 Wood, A. C. 56,63 Woolfe, Raymond 'The Abduction of Esther Lyons' 267 Ximenes, Nicolas 137 Ximenes, Sarah 168 Yerahmiel, Arye Leib Ben 212 Yogev, G. 177 Young, William Tanner 217 Yule (Dr, referee for dental student) 85 Zachariah, Jacob 113 Zachariah, John 110,111 Zaleski (Polish minister) 290 Zangwill, Israel 260, 263-4, 283; Child? ren of the Ghetto 260, 263; Grand? children of the Ghetto 263 Zeigler, Alexander 80, 81 Zionism: Moses Montefiore and 201-2, 203, 204; Lucien Wolf and 281-95 Zoref, Mordechai 210, 212, 213, 221, 223,224 Zvi, Mordechai 56 Zvi, Shabbetai (or Sabbetai) 35-7, 56 351</page></plain_text>