Contributors and Back Matter Vol 47 6
<plain_text><page sequence="1">/';-=09 )(8* =-0/']</page><page sequence="2">Following David Cesarani BRYAN CHEYETTE David Cesarani (1956-2015) CHRISTOPHER PROBST A commentary on Dan Jacobson's Holocaust writings AMY SIMON Introduction to papers on Christian missionary activity andtheJews PIET VAN BOXEL Christian Restorationism in Ireland in the early nineteenth century: the strange case of Miss Marianne Nevili PHILIP ALEXANDER Towards a preliminary portrait of an evangelical missionary to the Jews: the many faces of Alexander McCaul (1799-1863) DAVID B. RUDERMAN Evangelical Protestants, Jews, and the Epistle to the Hebrews in mid-nineteenth-century Britain MICHAEL LEDGER-LOMAS Evangelicals, Jews, and anti-Catholicism in Britain, c. 1840-1900 DAVID FELDMAN "Jessey the Educator" and "Jessey the Jew": Henry Jessey, Hebraism, and Puritan pedagogy in seventeenth-century England JONATHAN ADLER The "inhibition" of Morris Joseph: authority and change in late Victorian Anglo-Jewry MATTHEW LAGRONE The quick demise of a nineteenth-century Jewish hospital in London JACK Y. VANDERHOEK Jewish heritage in Scotland SHARMAN KADISH Royal Jews: Jewish life in Berkshire from the Readmission till today JONATHAN ROMAIN REVIEWS IN MEMORIAM: Robin Mundill DEAN IRWIN JOE HILLABY £UCLPRESS www.ucl.ac.uk/ucl-press www.jhse.org ISSN 0962-9696</page></plain_text>