Contributors and Back Matter Vol 47 5
<plain_text><page sequence="1">SOCIETY OFFICERS AND COUNCIL (after Annual General Meeting of 19 November 2015) Council: President: Professor Philip Alexander Honorary Treasurer: Michael Franki Professor Michael Berkowitz Arnold S. Lewis Professor Geoffrey Cantor David Mazower Dr Kenneth Collins Dr César Merchán-Hamann Bryan Diamond Alan Morris Ann Ebner, JP Professor Ada Rapoport-Albert Jeffrey Greenwood Marcus Roberts Gabriel Herman Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain, mbe David Jacobs Malcolm Sender Dr Michael Jolies Rabbi Dr Norman Solomon Professor Tony Kushner Dr Bernard Spencer Sheila Lassman Charles Tucker Vice-Presidents: Executive Committee: Professor Michael Alpert David Jacobs (Chairman) Dr Gerry Black Professor Philip Alexander (President) Dr Paul Brand Professor Michael Berkowitz Malcolm Brown (Editor, Jewish Historical Studies) Joe Hillaby Dr Piet van Boxel (ex-officio) Dr Anthony Joseph Michael Franki (Treasurer) Raphael Langham Gabriel Herman (website) Rabbi Dr Abraham Levy, obe Alan Morris (Honorary Secretary) Stephen Massil Professor Ada Rapoport-Albert Professor Aubrey Newman (Chair, Awards Committee) Professor Stefan C. Reif Professor William Rubinstein Edgar Samuel Professor Bernard Wasserstein 270 Jewish Historical Studies, volume 47, 2015</page></plain_text>