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Contributors and Back Matter Vol 42

<plain_text><page sequence="1">Jewish Historical Studies, volume 42, 2009 Contributors to this volume Michael Alpert is Emeritus Professor of the History of Spain at the University of Westminster. His interests range from the Inquisition, on which he has published Secret Judaism and the Spanish Inquisition (2nd ed. Nottingham 2008), to the Spanish Civil War, where his most recent work is A New International History of the Spanish Civil War (Palgrave Macmillan, 2nd ed. 2004). His translation of Elia Karmona's The Chaste Wife (Constantinople 1925), from Judeo-Spanish is in press (Nottingham: Five Leaves). Cecil Bloom lives in Leeds and was, until his retirement, Technical Director of a major multinational pharmaceutical corporation. He has previously published eight papers in Jewish Historical Studies, and a number of articles on Jewish topics for the New York journal Midstream. Lloyd Gartner was born in New York City, taught at branches of the City University of New York and at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, and moved to Israel in 1970. From 1973 until his retirement in 1995 he was Professor of Modern Jewish History at Tel Aviv University. His works include The Jewish Immigrant in England 18/0-1914 (3rd edition 1970) and A History of the Jews in Modern Times (Oxford 1970). Joe Hillaby, who was President of the Society in 2006-8, is Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Bristol. He has published studies of the English medieval synagogue, ritual-child-murder accusation and Jewish colonization of twelfth-England, and of the medieval Jewries of London, Bristol, Hereford, Worcester and Gloucester. He was Chairman of the Worcestershire Archaeological Society, 1997-2000, and President of the Woolhope Club (Herefordshire Archaeological &amp; Natural History Society) in 1969, 1986 and 2003. Susanne Lachenicht is a lecturer at Hamburg University, Germany, and a research associate of the Laboratoire FRA.M.ESPA - DIASPORAS (CNRS - UMR 5136) Universite de Toulouse 2 - Le Mirail, France. She has edited Religious Refugees in Europe, Asia and North America, 6th - 21st centuries (Hamburg 2007), and several articles on Huguenot migration. 249</page><page sequence="2">Contributors to this volume Raphael Loewe held the Goldsmid Chair of Hebrew at University College London. While his main research interests concern medieval and earlier biblical exegesis and Sephardic Hebrew poetry, he has also concerned himself with Anglo-Jewish history and biography. An example of the latter is his biographically annotated list of Cambridge Jewish gradu? ates in William Frankel and Harvey Miller (eds) Gown and Tallith: In Commemoration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Cambridge University Jewish Society (London 1989). Kenneth Marks, a mature graduate of the Institute of Archaeology University College London, wrote his MA dissertation on the archaeology of London Jewry, 1066-1290 and 1656-1850. Stephen Massil, who served as President of this Society in 2004-06, was an Academic Librarian until 1996, since when he has undertaken projects for the Cambridge University Library, Warburg Institute, Huguenot Society, Sir John Soane's Museum, National Trust and Garrick Club. He has been Editor of the Jewish Year Book since 1989. Irit Miller is a Member of the Centre of Jewish Culture, University of Haifa, Israel, and Head of Museology Studies, University of Haifa. She has written a number of articles on Solomon J. Solomon' and on Anglo-Jewish art and exhibitions at the turn of the twentieth century. Shula Moreland wrote her dissertation for an MA in Local History, Keele University, on the Jews of Staffordshire. The paper published here is the product of further research. Jeremy Schonfield, who has edited this journal since 1981, lectures at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies and at Leo Baeck College, London, and has pubished Undercurrents of Jewish Prayer (Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, 2006). Gabriel Sivan, who was born in Liverpool, educated at Oriel, Oxford, Jews' College and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and now lives in Jerusalem, has published several books, contributed over 2500 articles to reference works and scholarly periodicals and served as an editor of the Encyclopaedia Judaica. He directed the South African Zionist Federation's education and information departments and is currently Chairman of the World Jewish Bible Association. 250</page><page sequence="3">Contributors to this volume Martin Sugarman, who was born and educated in Hackney and was a secondary-school teacher in Bristol and London for twenty-three years, is a graduate of Bristol University.He is now Deputy Examinations Officer at Westminster-Kingsway College, Chair of the Hackney-Israel Twinning Association, Archivist of the Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women (AJEX) Jewish Military Museum and has written widely on Jewish involvement in the British armed forces. Bruce Watson is a Senior Archaeologist working for the Museum of London, carrying out archaeological investigations in advance of redevel? opment. He directed the archaeological work carried out at Blossom's Inn, which included the properties of 1-6 Milk Street where a medieval mikveh was found during October 2001 (see Jewish Historical Studies 37). This discovery started his interest in the capital's Jewish heritage, which was further stimulated by a visit to the Cuming Museum in 2002, where the unpublished Vauxhall shofar was on display. 251</page><page sequence="4">Notes for contributors to Society publications Contributors should follow these guidelines in presenting their texts, in order to keep each stage of publication as simple and as inexpensive as possible. Contributions may be submitted on disk, either in Word or Rich Text Format, accompanied by a printout that should conform to the following standards for typed submissions. Unpublished work only should be submit? ted. Please ensure that you leave only one space after each full stop. Please follow closely the conventions for footnotes outlined on the next page. Texts and notes should be printed on one side only of A4 paper, with around 30 double-spaced lines on each full page. Please try to avoid ending lines with a hyphen. Pages should be numbered in complete sequence, without added 'a' or V pages. The title of the contribution, the name of the author and any subhead? ings in the text, should be in upper- and lower-case letters, on separate lines, and not be underlined. Please leave additional space above and below to aid recognition. Subheadings should ideally be of no more than 2 grades. Each should be marked 'A' or 'B' to indicate its grade. The opening paragraph, and the first paragraph after any subheading, should not be indented; others should be indented 5 spaces. No additional space should be left between paragraphs. Quotations should be in English, and appear in single inverted commas. Quotations appearing in the course of these should be in double inverted commas. Longer quotations - of about 100 words or 10 typed lines - should be preceded and followed by an empty line and without inverted commas. Quotations in the course of these should be in single inverted commas. Words omitted in the course of a quotation should be indicated by 3 full stops. If the end of a sentence is omitted, 4 full stops should be used. Square paren? theses should be placed round comments inserted by the author in a quota? tion. In matters of spelling, the Concise Oxford Dictionary is followed, with a preference for V spellings of words ending in 'ize\ For abbreviations, capital? ization and italicization, the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors (2000) and the Oxford Guide to Style (2002) should be consulted. Dates should be written as '27 April 1994'. All measurements should be given in metric form, unless they are quoted directly from a source. 253</page><page sequence="5">Notes for contributors Notes, in so far as possible, should include bibliographical material only, and normally not be used for remarks which, however tangential or tentative, could be included even parenthetically in the main text. Their position in the text should be indicated by a complete sequence of superior numerals (i.e. 1 or 2) without additional 'a' or 'b' notes and without parentheses, ringing, etc. The numerals should be typed after any punctu? ation. Note numbers must not be repeated if reference is made to a text cited in an earlier note; a new note referring back to the first appearance of the work in question should be used instead. Include the notes themselves at the end of the contribution or as footnotes. They should be arranged and punctuated as follows: 1 R. D. Barnett, 'Diplomatic aspects of the Sephardi Influx . . .' Trans JHSE XXV (1977) 210-22. 2 H. Loewe (ed.) Starrs and Jewish Charters II (London 1932) 62-8. 3 R. D. Barnett (see n. 1) 212. 4 A. Newman, 'The Synagogues of the East End', in A. Newman (ed.) The Jewish East End 1840-1939 (London 1981) 217-21. 5 Jewish Chronicle (hereafter JC) 8 Nov. 1912, p. 18. 6 H. Maccoby, 'The Kamenitzer Maggid . . .', in A. Newman (ed.) (see n. 4) 335 7 Ibid. 336-7. Indicate the position of illustrations in the text. Supply clear monochrome prints, as near as possible to the final desired size. Two copies should be supplied of the captions: one on a separate sheet, and the other stuck on the back of each plate, starting with the plate number (i.e. 'Plate i' etc.). Please include a biographical outline of some 40 words in your contribu? tion. 254</page><page sequence="6">Society officers and council (as at January 2009) President: Professor MICHAEL ALPERT, PhD Vice-Presidents: Professor CHIMEN ABRAMSKY GERRY BLACK, PhD, FRHistS PAUL BRAND, DPhil, FBA, FRHistS MALCOLM BROWN, FSA Professor BARRIE DOBSON, FBA His Honour ISRAEL FINESTEIN, QC JOE HILLABY Dr ANTHONY JOSEPH Rabbi ABRAHAM LEVY, OBE, PhD Professor RAPHAEL LOEWE, MC, MA, FSA STEPHEN MASSIL, DipLib, FLA, FRAS Professor AUBREY NEWMAN, PhD, FRHistS Professor STEFAN C. REIF, PhD Professor WILLIAM RUBINSTEIN, PhD, FRHistS Chief Rabbi Sir JONATHAN SACKS, PhD EDGAR SAMUEL, MPhil, FRHistS Professor BERNARD WASSERSTEIN, DPhil, DLitt, FRHistS Honorary Secretary: JOANNA NEWMAN, PhD Honorary Treasurer: RAPHAEL LANGHAM, FIA Editor of Publications: JEREMY SCHONFIELD, PhD Administrator: DAVID FREEMAN Council: TITO M. BENADY, MBE, MA, FRHistS Professor MICHAEL BERKOVITZ, PhD Professor DAVID CESARANI, OBE JOHN COOPER BARRY DAVIS BRYAN DIAMOND ANN EBNER, JP Professor MARTIN GOODMAN, FBA JEFFREY GREENWOOD, MA, LLM EMMA HARRIS, PhD DAVID JACOBS Dr MICHAEL JOLLES, FRHistS RAYMOND KALMAN, MA ANNE J. KERSHEN, PhD, FRSA Rabbi Professor NICHOLAS DE LANGE, DD SHEILA LASSMAN His Honour ARON OWEN, PhD ADA RAP APORT-ALBERT, PhD MARCUS ROBERTS Rabbi JONATHAN ROMAIN, MBE, PhD Professor MARC SAPERSTEIN, PhD RICHARD SERMON Rabbi Dr NORMAN SOLOMON, PhD Dr BERNARD SPENCER CHARLES TUCKER Hon. Solicitors: NABARRO, NATHANSON Auditors: JEFFREYS HENRY 255</page><page sequence="7">Index Aaron, Elizabeth see Solomon, Elizabeth Aaron, L 109 Aaron, J. 109 Aaron, Julius 111 Aaron, Moses 28 Aarons, Israel 108,109 Aarons, Julius 108 Aarons, Mrs 108 Aaronson,J. 109 Aaronson, S. 109 Abdi, Aden 227 Abel, I. 109 Abraham, John 108 Abrahams, Alphonse Nathaniel 189 Abrahams, E. 109 Abrahams, L. A. 109 Abrahams, S. 109 Abrams, Harold James 196 Abrams, Nathan 115 Abrams, William J. 196 Abramsky, C. 144 Adelaide (queen) 94 Adler, Michael 1 Adler, Herman 119 Adler, Nathan Marcus 109, 114, 117 Adolphus, John 62 Alderman, Geoffrey 243 Alexander, Adolph 116, 119 Alexander, Alexander 60 Alexander, Jacob no, 115,116, 119 Alexander, Jordan in, 115 Alexander, Regina 115 Alexandra (princess) 236 Alexy, Trudi 202 Alma-Tadema, Lawrence 125, 131 Alpert, Michael: SPAIN AND THE JEWS IN THE SECOND WORLD WAR 201-10 Amery, Charles Frederick 243 Amery, John 243 Amery, Leopold 147, 150, 160, 163, 164, 242-3 Aptowitzer, Avigdor 176 Arlosoroff, Chaim 159,160 Arnold, Matthew 69 Aronsberg, Mr 115 Asher, Ella 194 Asher, John Samuel 194 Asher, Rudolph 194 Askey, Arthur 244 Attlee, Clement 164, 168 Augsburger, George 190 Augsburger, George Stanley 190 Augsburger, Margaret 190 Avni, Haim 203 Bader, Douglas 199 Baer, Yitzhak 181 Bailin, Henry 199 Bailin, William 199 Bakstansky, Levi 153 Bakunin, Mikhael 141 Balcon, Louis 117 Balcon, Michael 117 Baldry, Alfred L. 124 Balfour, Arthur 147, 149, 151 Barber, Louis 112 Barnett, L. 109 Baron, Elias 173-4, Baron, Minna 173, 174 Baron, Salo W. 173-88, 239, 240 Baron, Shoshana 180 Baron, Tobey 180 Bartlestem, B. 109 Basevi, George 67 Bean, Gerald 189 Beard, Paul 219 Beaver, Louis 103 257</page><page sequence="8">Index Beckman, D. N. 77 Beecham, Thomas 37 Behn, Martin 109 Beirnstein, Barnett 117 Belisario, Abraham 245 Belisario, Abraham Mendes 65 Belisario, Esther Mendes 65 Belisario, Isaac Mendes (artist) 244-5 Belisario, Isaac Mendes (rabbi) 245 Belisario, Miriam Mendes 65 Belisario, Miss 65 Bellman, N. 109 Benas, B. L. 41 Ben-Gurion, David 154, 159, 170 Benjamin, Walter 206 Bennett, Arnold 98 Bentwich, Norman 149, 154 Berens, Henry 109 Berg, Captain 147 Berkinstadt, P. 109 Berkowitz, Michael: IN ME MORI AM JOHN KLIER, 1944-2007 xv-xviii; 137 Berman, Maimie F. 193 Berman, Maurice 193 Berman, Nicholas 193 Berrge, M. 197 Betsman, Jacob 106 Bey, Hans 70 Biale, David 240 Bicchieri, Guala 1, 2, 3, 4 Biderman, George 190 Biderman, Max 190 Biderman, Sophie 190 Birnbaum, J. 118 Blair, Solicitor-General 30 Blau, Joseph L. 184 Blois, William de 3, 4 Blois, Peter de 3 Bloom, Cecil: AARON LIEBERMANN : THE FATHER OF JEWISH SOCIAL? ISM 139-46; JOSIAH WEDGWOOD AND PALESTINE 147-72 Bodley, Mr 111 Bolaffey, Haim 53, 54, 55, 65, 66 Bonham-Carter, Helena 203 Borochov, Ber 139,146 Bossy, Dr 29 Boult, Adrian 213 Braber, Ben 245, 246 Braham, John 76 Brandenburg, Elector of 8 Brock, Fiona 22 Brodetsky, Selig 150, 167 Brodum, William 29-31, 35 Bromley, Jane 106 Brosky, Arthur 197 Brown, Gordon 241 Brown, Malcolm 65 Brown, Robert Brown Forsyth 70 Buber, Martin 136-7 Buirski, Barnet 111-2 Buirski, Abraham John no, 112 Buirski, Henry 109, 111 Buirski, Philip see Burski, Philip Burski, Philip 108, 112 Butler, Nicholas Murray 179 Byron Bradley, James 49 Byron Bradley, Josephine 49 Byron, Henry James 49, 50 Cabanel, Alexandre 124 Canning, George 41 Canon, Bernard 198 Cantilupe, Walter de 4 Carlton, Morris 189 Chait, Revd 191 Chajes, Hirsch Peretz 176 Chamberlain, Neville 163 Chamberlain, Joseph 242 Charles Louis (Count Palatine) 12, 13 Charpentier, Alan 198 Chase, Tamara et ah THE RADIOCAR? BON DATING OF TWO LONDON SHOFAROT19-22 Chizy, Abraham 194 Chizy, Harold 194 Chizy, Michla 194 Churchill, Winston 147, 150, 163, 164, 168, 244 Clarke, Charles Myers 69, 71 Clarke, Josephine 69, 71 Clarke, Joseph Cuthbert 69, 70 258</page><page sequence="9">Index Clarke, Josephine Edith Longueville 70-1 Clarke, Loftus Longueville Tottenham 53, 67-8, 70 Clarke, Longueville 53 Clarke, Maria Longueville 53, 54, 65, 67-71 Clarke, Tempe 69, 71 Clarke, Thomas 69 Clarke, Thomas Brooke 53, 67, 71 Cobham, Thomas 2 Cohen, Aaron 193 Cohen, Catherine 106 Cohen, Douglas 190 Cohen, Francis 67 Cohen, Hannah 67 Cohen, I. 109 Cohen, Isaac 67, 71 Cohen, Isaac Barent 65, 66, 67 Cohen, Israel 150 Cohen, Issachar see Brodum, William Cohen, Judith see Montefiore, Judith Cohen, L. C. 109 Cohen, Levi Barent 58, 59, 67 Cohen, May 190 Cohen, Meyer 59 Cohen, Monty 190 Cohen, Mrs E. 109 Cohen, Myer 106 Cohen, P. 109 Cohen, Ralph 199 Cohen, Sarah see Samuel, Sarah Coleman, Irving 189 Collingwood (admiral) 79, 81, 83, 84, 87 Collins, Kenneth 58, 246 Cooper, John 241, 246-7 Corley, T. A. B. 23 Costa, Benjamin da 75 Costa, Isaac da 197 Cottret, Bernard 7 Coughlin, Charles E. 182 Court, Joseph-Desire 135 Coutances, John de 3 Cowan, Dr see Solomon, Samuel Cowan, Joseph 156 Cowen Ralph see Cohen, Ralph Cranach, Lucas 127 Cranbourne, Viscount 169 Cripps, Stafford 163 Cuming, Henry Syer 20 Dahan, David 190 Dahan, Simha 190 Dahan, Yaakov 190 Dainow, Zvi Hersch 143 Dance, George 60 Daniell, Ebenezer 45 Danziger, A. 109 D'Arcy Hart, RJ. 57 Davis, G. 109 Davis, Isaac 109 Davis, M. 109 Davis, Rev. Mr 118 Deedes, Wyndham 154 Delacroix 132 Dibdin, Thomas 62 Dimock, Henry 76, 94 Disraeli, Benjamin 67, 243 DTsraeli, Isaac 62, 67 Doniger, Harry see Taylor, Harry Dore, Gustave 127 Dubnow, Simon 239 Dugdale, Blanche 151, 154, 157, 161,164, 170 Duncan, Mary Anna 63 D?rer, Albrecht 127 Dyson, Henry 56 Edgar, Rabbi 218 Eichmann, Adolf 183, 188, 208, 246 Einstein, Albert 182 Elbogen, Ismar 181 Elgar, Edward 213 Emanuel, E. 109 Emanuel, Joseph 109 Epstein, Irving 194 Epstein, Jehudo 137 Epstein, Louis 194 Epstein, Rachel 194 Exchequer Records: Receipt Roll 3 Faibusch, Uri see Hart, Aaron Falk, David 103 259</page><page sequence="10">Index Falk, Fanny 109-10 Falk, Moses 106 Falk, Philip 109-10 Feival, Berthold 154 Feldman, Arthur 194 Feldman, Grace Ellis 194 Feldman, Morris 194 Field, William 70 Fildes, G. P. A. 63 Fildes, Luke 63 Fildes, Pamela 63 Fisher, Isaac 31 Fisher, L. 109 Fishlov, David 136 Fogle, Lauren 1 Ford, Henry 181 Francks, Abraham 100-2 Francks, Charlotte 102 Francks, Frances 102 Francks, Henry 102 Francks, Isaac 101 Francks, Leonora 102 Francks, Mary 101 Francks, Naomi 101, 102 Francks, Rosina 102 Franco, Francisco 201, 203, 205, 208, 209, 210 Frankel, Hyman 106 Frankel, J. 144 Frankel, Albert 190 Frankel, Albert Ernest 190 Frankel, Jane 190 Franklin, Arthur Ellis 48 Franklin, Benjamin 106 Franks, Benn 102 Franks, Harry 102 Franks, Jacob 101 Franks, Joseph 102 Franks, Naphtali 60 Frederick the Great 10 Frederick William (Elector of Brandenburg) 9, 14 Freedman, David Isaac 198 Freud, Sigmund 176 FreyJ.C. S. 57 Fridlander 109 Friedan, Betty 241 Friedlander, Cecil 196 Friedlander, D. 109 Friedman, Henry 195 Friedman, Lee M. 184 Friedman, Maurice Wybert 195 Friedman, May 195 Gaiman, Sheila 212, 219, 220, 224 Gartner, Lloyd P.: SALO BARON, UNIVERSAL JEWISH HISTORIAN 173-88 Gensberg, A. 109 George III (king) 29 George VI (king) 228 Gloucester, earl of 1 Gluckstein, Edna Louise 199 Goldberg, Casimir 106, 107 Goldbloom,J. 109 Goldenberg, I. L. 190 Goldman 109 Goldsmid, Abraham 31, 58, 60 Goldsmid, Francis 67 Goldstein, Elsie Emily 190 Goldstein, Lewis 190 Goldstein, Mary Elizabeth 190 Goldstein, Maurice 190 Goldstone, Emma 190 Goldstone, George 190 Goldstone, Harry 190 Goldstone, James 190 Goldstone, Jessie 190 Goldstone, L. 191 Goldstone, Lilian Beatrice 190 Goldstone, M. 191 Goldstone, Miriam 190 Goldstone, Samuel n 7-8 Golightly, Thomas 35 Gollop, Rabbi 218 Gompertz, Miss 67 Goodheim, Sampson 104 Goodheim, Samson see Goodheim, Sampson Goodheim, Samuel 104 Gould, Barry Barnett 191 Gould, Daisy Florence 191 2?0</page><page sequence="11">Index Gould, David Charles 191 Gould, Ethel Maud 191 Graetz, Heinrich 175, 178 Green, A. A. 114 Green, David 218 Green, Geoffrey 58, 189, 190,196 Green, Jack 218 Greenblatt, Eva 194 Greenblatt, Joseph 194 Greenblatt, Moses 194 Gregg, Julius 111 Grossman, David 136 Grossman, Samuel 195 Hagon, Lyons 107 Haig, Earl 199 Halevi, Judah 185 Hann, Wireless Operator 198 Hapgood, Norman 148-9 Harding, Robert fitz 1, 2 Hare, John 71 Harris, Mark L. 114 Harris, Samuel 99-102,103, 104 Harrison, James 121 Hart, Aaron 54, 57 Hart, Solomon Alexander 125 Hasele, Robert 2, 5 Henning, Captain 71 Henry I (king) 2 Henry II (king 2, 5 Henry III (king) 1, 5 Herman, Gertrude 194 Herman, Isaac 194 Herman, Joseph 194 Hertz, J. H. 170 Herzfeld, Levi 178 Hess, Moses 139, 146 Heyman, Myer 57 Heymann, Elle 191 Heymann, Hans 191 Heymann, Hans Peter 191 Hillaby, Joe: A DOMUS CONVERSO R UM AT BRISTOL? 1-5 Hitler, Adolf 161, 168, 183, 209 Hoare, Samuel 201 Hodgson, Robert 201 Hoffman, Clara 195 Hollander, Annie 117 Hollander, Joel 117 Honorius III (pope) 3 Horan, James 63 H?lst, Roger A. 129 Hurwitz, Henry 178 Hyams, L. 109 Hyams, Philip Isaac 197 Hyman, Iris 191 Hyman, Louis 25, 27, 38, 50 Hyman, S. 191 Innocent III (pope) 3 Ionides, Alexander George 191 Ionides, Alice Wynne 191 Ionides Anne Joyce 191 Ionides, Theodore Alexander Maurice 191 Irwin, Lord 154 Isaac, R. C. 43 Isaacs, Raphael 121 Isaacs, Solomon 60 Israel, Jacob 12 Israel, Jonathan 240 Israel, Josef 137 Jabotinsky, Eri 160 Jabotinsky, Ze'ev 152, 157-60,163-4, Iu5&gt; 171 Jacob (pedlar) 101 Jacob, George 214 Jacob, Margaret Liebet see Latutin, Margaret Jacob, Phoebe 214 Jacobs, Abigail 60 Jacobs, Abraham 106 Jacobs, Charles no, 115 Jacobs, Dinah 193 Jacobs, Henry 193 Jacobs, Hyam 112 Jacobs, John 193 Jacobs, Katharine 64 Jacobs, Leah see Myers, Leah Hart Jacobs, Lewis 104 Jacobs, Michael (19th century) 106 Jacobs, Michael (18th century) 59, 64 2?I</page><page sequence="12">Index Jacobs, Rosetta 106 Jacobs, Susan 193 Jamilly, Edward 78 Janner, Barnett 149-50 Janner, Greville 241-2 Jewel, Cyril 197 Jochelson, Vladimir 140 Joel, Henry Douglas 193 Joel, Mrs L. B. 193 John (king) 1,3, 5 John William (elector) 13 Jolles, Michael 243 Josef, George 193 Joseph, Jack 196 Joseph &amp; sons 109 Joseph, Morris 196 Joseph, Elias 42-3 Joseph, M. 109 Joyce, James 50 Kahn, Agnes Rebecca Fanny 191 Kahn, Alan Frank 191 Kahn, Cecil Henry Benedict 191 Karpf, Anthony 198 Kemp, Samuel 196 Ken worthy, J. M. 150, 159, 160, 163 Klier, John xv-xviii Knox, Robert 227 Kraftchek, Fradel see Vlatutin, Freda Kraftcheck, Pearl 212, 220, 224 Krebs, Emmanuel 191 Krebs, Henry 191 Krebs, Sarah 191 Krieg, Flight Sergeant 198 Labson, Gabriella Auspitz 171-2 Lachenicht, Susanne: EARLY MODERN GERMAN STATES AND THE SETTLEMENT OF JEWS: BRAN? DENBURG-PRUSSIA AND THE PALATINATE, SIXTEENTH TO NINETEENTH CENTURIES 7-17 Lamb, Charles 36 Landau, Mrs Ian 78 Landel, H. 109 Lascelles, Lord 199 Lassalle 142 Latutin, Anne 218, 219-20, 221, 223, 226, 230, 233,235,236 Latutin, Blanche 211,216, 223, 224, 230, 235 Latutin, Elisabeth 221, 230, 236 Latutin, Margaret 214-5, 2185 219-20, 222-7, 229, 230, 233, 234, 235, 236 Latutin, Simmon 211-38 Lavrov, Peter Lavrovich 141, 146 Law, James 71 Law, John Sutherland 71 Lazarus, Benjamin 106 Lazarus, I. 109 Leberman, Esther 108, 110, 112 Leberman, Herman 108, 109, no, in Leberman, Hyman 112 Leiberman, Hyman 112 Leighton, Frederic 125, 127, 129-30, 131 Leitner, Elisabeth see Saphir, Elisabeth Lelend 4 Lemkin, Raphael 246-7 Lemon, Meyer 27 Lemon, Moses 28, 49 Lennard, Jack 198 Lenz, Bernard 191 Lenz, Doris Annie 191 Lenz, Herman Carl 191 Lessing, G. E. 11 Lettsom, Dr 58 Lettsom, John Coakley 67 Lettsom, Miss 67 Lever, Mavis 199 Levey, Annie Amelia 191-2 Levey, John 191 Levi, David 60 Levi, Paul Solomon see Lieb, Paul Solomon Levin, N. 146 Levy, Albert 196 Levy, Hyman 5 5 Levy, Isaac 234 Levy, John Edward 196 Levy, Judah 61 Levy, Keith 196 Levy, Minka 61 Lew, Maurice 218 2?2</page><page sequence="13">Index Lieb, Paul Solomon 107 Liebermann, Aaron Samuel 139-46 Liebermann, Max 137 Liebert, Michael 234-5 Liersch, Pilot Officer 198 Lilien, Ephraim M. 137 Lindo, Abigail 65 Lindo, Alexandre 245 Lipman, Sonia 66 Lipschitz, Chaim 202-3, 206, 207, 210 Livingston, J. 109 Livingstone, George 112 Livingstone, Revd 234 Lloyd George, David 147, 148 Lobell, Laurence 190 Loewe, Louis 66 Loewe, Raphael 66; A HEBREW POEM ON THE DEATH OF NELSON 75-96; 173 Longueville, Henry Brooke de 70 Lourie, Arthur 166 Lousada, Mrs 67 Lowenthal, Dr see Solomon, Samuel Luzzatto, Samuel D. 184 Lyall, Frances 57-8 Lyon, Emma 65 Lyon, Solomon 66 Lyons, Nathan 102 Lyons, Samuel 102 MacDonald, Malcolm 166-7 Macdonald, Ramsay 147, 148, 151 MacKenzie, Alexander Garrioch 70 Mahler, Alma 206 Maimonides, Moses 185 Malnick, Marlene 216 Mann, Thomas 176 Mantegna, Andrea 127 Marin, Jennifer et ah THE RADIOCAR? BON DATING OF TWO LONDON SHOFAROT19-22 Marcus, J. R. 54 Marks, Amelia 197 Marks, Cecilia 195 Marks, Ernest 195 Marks, Frank Ernest 195 Marks, Joseph 107 Marks, Ken et ah THE RADIOCARBON DATING OF TWO LONDON SHOFAROT19-22 Marks, Lewis 197 Marks, Louisa 195 Marks, Mr 108 Marks, Nathan 197 Marks, Samuel 197 Marks, Thomas 195 Marks, Thomas Leslie 195 Marshal, William 1 Martin, Jane 43 Marx, Karl 141, 142 Massil, Stephen: 'THE LADY OF LONGUEVILLE CLARKE': MARIA HART MYERS (1974-1868) AND HER FAMILY 53-73 Mayer, Amelia 103, 107 Mayer, Fanny 103 Mayer, George 103, 104, 107, 108, 109 Mayer, Nathan 103 Mayer, Rachel 103 Mayer, Saul 103 McKinstry, Arthur 224, 226 Mean, Aylward 2 Mean, Bristic 2 Meinertzhagen, Richard 171 Meisel, Jeannette 180 Mendelssohn, Moses 11,15 Mendes, Aristide Sousa 209 Mendes, Miriam 65 Mer, Gideon 198 Michelangelo 129, 130 Miller, Irit: SAMSON BY SOLOMON J. SOLOMON: VICTORIAN ACAD? EMY AND JEWISH IDENTITY 121-138 Miller, Linda R. 178 Mocatta, Moses 66 Mocatta, Mrs 67 Moliere 29 Monk, Barnet 61 Montagu, Samuel 242 Montefiore, Judah Israel 67 Montefiore, Judith 56, 66-7 263</page><page sequence="14">Index Montefiore, Moses 56, 66, 67, 108, 109 Moore, Joseph 31 Moreland, Shula P.: JEWISH SETTLE? MENT IN STAFFORDSHIRE: THE EARLY YEARS, 1811-1901 97-120 Morris (donor) 109 Morris, Henry 189 Morris, Sydney 102 Moscowitch, M. 193 Moses, Bilhah 55, 56 Moses, Hester Jacob see Myers, Hester Moses, Moses 109 Moses, Rebecca 57 Moses, Simon 54, 55, 57, 62, 63 Munday, P. R. 225 Murray, Gerald 69 Myers &amp; Son 109 Myers, Arthur Bowen Richards 63 Myers, Bernard 63 Myers, Catherine see Smyth, Catherine Myers, Charity 63 Myers, Fanny Stephenson 63 Myers, Feibusch 57 Myers, Frederick William 63, 64 Myers, George Edward 192 Myers, Hester Hart 54, 55, 56-7, 58 Myers, Isaac 58 Myers, Jane 59 Myers, John Duncan 63 Myers, John Powell Matthew 56, 62, 63-4 Myers, Joseph Hart 53, 54, 57, 58-9, 60, 61-2,63,64, 65,67 Myers, Leah Hart 59, 61, 63, 64, 67, 69, 71 Myers, M. 196 Myers, Maria Hart see Clarke, Maria Longueville Myers, Mary Anna 64 Myers, Mary Isabella 63 Myers, Naphtali Hart 53, 54-6, 57, 60-1, 62, 63 Myers, Naphtali 64 Myers, Rebecca Hart (b. 1756) 55-6, 57, 65, 67 Myers, Rebecca Hart (b. 1793) 57 Myers, Simeon Hart 55-6, 58, 61-2 Napoleon 40 Nathan, A. 109 Nathan, Elsie Florence 192 Nathan, Frederick Joseph 192 Nathan, Gerald Frederick Joseph 192 Nelson, Horatio 75-9, 81, 84, 94, 95 Newbolt, Francis George 50 Newbolt, Henry John 49 Newman, Abraham 192 Newman, Derek 192 Newman, Violet 192 Newman, Revd 234 Nixon, Richard 66 Noah, E. 109 Noah, Henry 61 Nordau, Israel see Norden, Israel Norden, Israel 196 Norman, Henry 244 Oliphant, Laurence 147 Opas, Abraham Louis 194 Opas, Bessie 194 Opas, Lottie 194 Opas, Maurice 194 Oppenheimer, Joseph Suess 12 Orme, Nicholas 2, 4 Otto, Archduke (Habsburg) 204 Oven, Barnard van 67 Palencia, Julio 209 Palmer, Tempe Sophia 69, 70, 71 Patterson, J. H. 163, 170 Peard, Catherine see Smyth, Catherine Perlasca, Giorgio 208 Phillips, Celia 192 Phillips, Claude 121 Phillips, J. 193 Phillips, John Jonas 192 Phillips, Marion 144 Phillips, Max 192 Picciotto, J. 60 Piratin, Phil 244 Poliert, Maria 107 Pollins, Harold 189, 196 Poyninski, Eleanor 107 Poyninski, Rebecca 107 264</page><page sequence="15">Index Poyninski, Solomon 107 Pointer, Edward 125 Pressman, Esther 192 Pressman, Hyman 192 Pressman, Mark 192 Price, A. G. 109 Pries, D. 109 Propper de Callej?n, Eduardo 203-4 Ranston, Jackie 244-5 Raphael, A. V. 193 Raphael, Editha 193 Raphael, Philip 193 Raphael, Philip Reginald 193 Rashi 185 Rathe, Ronald Alan Mac 192 Receipt Roll see Exchequer Records Reinhard, Wolfgang 7 Rembrandt 127, 128,135 Resnick, Bess 195 Resnick, Harold 195 Resnick, Michael 195 Ricardo, David 104, 243 Ricardo, Hannah 104 Ricardo, Jacob 104 Ricardo, John Lewis 104-6 Richard I (king) 5 Richards, G. 75 Richardson, Dorothy 147 Richardson, H. G. 1 Robert, Ist Earl of Gloucester 2 Robert, L. 109 Rocker, Rudolf 139 Rogers (donor) 109 Rojas, Jose 209 Rolland, Bernard 207, 209 Romilly, Giles 199 Rosebery, 6th Earl of 244 Rosenau, Helen 66 Rosenberg, A. 118 Rosenberg, Harry 197 Rosenberg, L. 109 Rosenberg, Leslie 197 Rosenberg, Marie 197 Rosenthal 109 Rosenthal, Arthur 192 Rosenthal, Florence Beatrice 192 Rosenthal, Helen Amelia 192 Rosenthal, Henry 192 Rosenthal, Henry Clifford 192 Rosenthal, Hubert 192 Rosenthal, Kathleen 192 Rosenthal, Mary 192 Rosenthal, Victor Raymond 192 Rosenthall, Daniel 196 Rosman, Moshe 239-41 Rossi, Azariah de' 178 Roth, Cecil 1, 25, 54, 55, 62, 103, 177 Rothbaum, Harry Isaac 194 Rothbaum, Lionel 194 Rothbaum, Minnie 194 Rothenstein, William 123, 124 Rothschild, Hannah 71 Rothschild, Hannah Primrose 71, 244 Rothschild, James de 70 Rothschild, Mayer Amschel 71 Rothschild, Nathan (Lord) 242 Rothschild, Nathan M. 67, 70, 71, Rowlandson, Thomas 29 Rubens, Peter Paul 127, 128, 129, 135 Rubinstein, William D. 244, 247 Rupert I (king) 12 Ruttledge, John Knox 70 Saadia 185 Sack, Joe 234, 236 Saimer, M. 109 Salaman, Julia 65 Salomon, Mrs E. 197 Salomon, R. 197 Salomons, Eleazar Philip 59 Salomons, Jacob 59, 61 Samuda, Hannah see Ricardo, Hannah Samuda, Jonathan 104, 106 Samuel, Edgar 245 Samuel, Herbert 148 Samuel, Horatio 64 Samuel, John 63 Samuel, Juliana 71 Samuel, Phineas Moses 64 Samuel, Rebecca 64 Samuel, Sarah 64, 67, 69, 70, 71 265</page><page sequence="16">Index Samuel, Stuart S. 125 Samuels, Mrs 109 Sanders, Herbert Isaac 196 Sanz Briz, Angel 208, 209 Saphir, Elisabeth 242-3 Sapir, Boris 139 Sarasohn, Rachel 145 Sarna, Jonathan 54 Schiff, Rev. Dr 59 Schilling, Heinz 7 Schneizel (officer) 198 Scholem, Gerschom G. 181 Schonfield, Jeremy et ah THE RADIO? CARBON DATING OF TWO LONDON SHOFAROT19-22 Schwarz, Karl 137 Scott, C. P. 148 Sefton, Lord 40-1 Segelman, Samuel 117 Seyb, Rebecca 107 Shaw, George Bernard 122 Sherman, Ellen 192 Sherman, Joseph 192 Sherman, Solomon 192 Shertok, Moshe 159 Shillman, Bernard 25 Shinewald, Jean 195 Shinewald, Sydney James 195 Shinwell, Manny 244 Shire, Angela 57 Shochet, Amiram 196 Shorthase, Wm J. 70 Shwadron, Shalom Mordecai 174 Sinclair, Archibald 163, 164 Siranca (donor) 109 Sivan, Gabriel A.: SAMUEL SOLOMON (1745-1819): QUACK OR ENTRE? PRENEUR? 23-51 Slezkine, Yuri 241 Slossman, Benjamin 199 Smolenskin, Peretz 141, 144 Smyth, Catherine 56, 62, 63 Smyth, John Greatrix 56, 63 Snyder, Dr 60 Snyder, Holly 54 Soane, John 54, 61 Sokolow, Nahum 154 Solomon, A. 109 Solomon, Abraham (f. Samuel ?.1745) 25, 26 Solomon, Abraham (?.1790) 49 Solomon, Eliza 49 Solomon, Elizabeth (d. Samuel #.1782) 45 Solomon, Elizabeth (^.1760) 28, 41, 42, 43 Solomon, Henry (?.1797) 41 Solomon, Henry (s. Samuel b.1782) 45 Solomon, Isaac (br. Samuel b.1745) 26 Solomon, Isaac (br. Abraham) 26, 27, 28, 41 Solomon, Jane 108 Solomon, John 48 Solomon, John Isaac 45 Solomon, Jonah 45 Solomon, Joseph 107-8, 109, no, 116, 119 Solomon, Leah 108 Solomon, Maria (?.1795) 28, 49 Solomon, Maria (?.1840) 45 Solomon, Philip 135 Solomon, Rachel 26 Solomon, Samuel (#.1745) 23-51 Solomon, Samuel (?.1781) 45 Solomon, Samuel (?.1782) 45 Solomon, Sarah (d. Joseph) no Solomon, Sarah (d. Samuel ?.1782) 45 Solomon, Sarah (w. Samuel ^.1745) 45 Solomon, Sarah (?.1808) 45 Solomon, Solomon Joseph 121-38 Solomon, Sophia 41, 43 Solomons, Abraham see Solomon, Abraham Solomons, Mrs see Myers, Jane Soloveitchik, Haym 241 Solow, Herbert 178 Soref, Harold 243-4 Southey, Robert 36 Spiers (donor) 109 Spiller, James 61 Stainart, E. 109 Stainart, S. 109 Stalin, Joseph 244, 247 Stallard, Kathleen Rose Clementine 71 Steimatsky, Mr 158 Stein, Joshua B. 147 Stein, Leornard 103 Steinart family 108 266</page><page sequence="17">Index Steinhart, S. in Steinschneider, Moritz 178 Stephen (king) 2 Stern, Malcolm 53-4, 55, 56-7, 59, 62 Stern, Wallis 197 Strabolgi, Lord see Kenworthy, J. M. Strachey, Edward 71 Strachey, Jane 71 Strachey, Jane Maria 71 Strachey, Lytton 71 Stubbs, Emily Bradnock 49 Stubbs, George Bradnock 49 Sugarman, Martin: AMENDMENTS TO 'ENGLAND EXPECTS...' 189-99; CAPTAIN SIMMON LATUTIN, GC -HERO OF MOGADISHU 211-37 Sullivan, Wilbor 190 Sumberg, Samuel 118 Sutherland, Duke of 116 Switzer, Benjamin Thomas 192 Switzer, Harry 192 Switzer, Mary John 192 Sylvester (Bishop of Worcester) 3-4 Talan,, Emmanuel 199 Tashlicky, Revd 234 Tavely, Rev Mr 61 Taylor, Abraham Nathan 192 Taylor, Alexander 70 Taylor, Derek 241-2 Taylor, Harry 198 Thackrah, John see Tharkrah John Tharkrah, George 56, 62 Tharkrah, Hester 63 Tharkrah, John 56 Thimbleby, Mr 69 Thomas, J. H. 163 Thorne, Richard E. 225 Tissot, James 127 Tobias, Mick 216 Tobias, Samuel 41, 43 Trotsky, Leon 139 Tussaud, Madame 40 Urlich, James Ivan 195 Urlich, Joseph John 195 Urlich, Julia 195 Ury, Lesser 137 Uzielli, David 199 Uzielli, Diana 199 Vallentine, Nathan Isaac 75, 79, 81, 88, 94 Van Dyck, Anthony 127, 128, 135 Varnhagen, Rahel 11 Victoria (queen) 69, 121, 134 Vlatutin, Freda 211, 213, 224, 233 Vlatutin, Moses 211, 223, 224, 226 Voorsanger, Rebecca 104 Waley-Cohen, Bernard 234 Wallis, H. 197 Watson, Bruce et at THE RADIOCAR? BON DATING OF TWO LONDON SHOFAROT19-22 Watts, George Frederic 125 Webb, Beatrice 150 Webb, Sidney 150 Webber, Bernard 195 Webber, Esther 195 Webber, Nathan 195 Wedgwood, Josiah Clement 147-72 Wedgwood, Veronica 147 Weizmann, Chaim 148, 151-2, 153, 156, 157,162, 164, 169, 170-1 Weizmann, Vera 157 Whitbread, Samuel 59 Whittington-Egan, Richard 43, 51 Whyte, Mark B. 70 Wickham, D. H. 226 Wilford, Sally 60 Williams, Dr 94 Wilson, President 148 Winchevsky, Morris 145 Winsloe, Catherine see Smyth, Catherine Winsloe, Richard 62 Wise, Stephen S. 177 William (2nd earl of Gloucester) 4 Williams, Bill 26, 41 Wittmayer, Hirsch 174 Wolf, Israel 60 Wolf, Lucien 56 Wolfindale, Ann 111 267</page><page sequence="18">Index Wolfson, Harry A. 178 Wood, Henry 213, 215 Woolf, Leonard 243 Woolf, Sidney 243 W?olf, Virginia 243 Woolman, Reka 192 Woolman, Wilfred 192 Worms, Lewis 106 Wrubel, Eisig 174, 183 Yofeh, Katriel 196 Zbarsky, Esther 195 Zbarsky, Jack 195 Zbarsky, Ralph 195 Zeffert, Rhoda 220, 221, 224 Zeitlin, Solomon 181 Zhitlovsky, Chaim 146 Ziporkin, Arnold 195 Ziporkin, Jack 195 Ziporkin, Lorna Louise 195 Zundelovitch, Isaakovich 140, 141 268</page><page sequence="19">JEWISH HISTORICAL STUDIES Contents Volume 42 In memoriam John Klier, 1944-2007 xv joe hillaby A Domus Conversorum at Bristol? 1 susanne lachenicht Early modern German states and the settlement of Jews: Brandenburg-Prussia and the Palatinate, sixteenth to nineteenth centuries 7 tamara chase, jennifer marin, ken marks, jeremy schonfield and bruce watson The radiocarbon dating of two London shofarot 19 gabriel sivan Samuel Solomon (1745-181 q): quack or entrepreneur? 23 s t e p h e n m a s sil The Lady of Longueville ClarkeMaria Hart Myers (ijg4-i868) and her family , 53 raphael loewe A Hebrew poem on the.death oj^Nelson 75 shula p. moreland Jewish settlement in Staffordshire: the early years, 1811-1 go 1 97 irit miller Samson by Solomon J. Solomon: Victorian academy and Jewish identity 121 cecil bloom Aaron Liebermann: the father of Jewish socialism 137 cecil bloom Josiah Wedgwood and Palestine 147 lloyd p. gartner Salo Baron, universalJewish historian 173 martin sugar man Amendments to 'England Expects...' 189 michael alpert Spain and the Jews in the Second World War 201 martin sugarman Captain Simmon Latutin, GC- hero of Mogadishu 211 Book Notes 239 ISBN 978-0-902528-44-4</page></plain_text>

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