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Contributors and Back Matter Vol 41

<plain_text><page sequence="1">Contributors to this volume David Conway is completing a PhD dissertation 'Jewry in Music: The Entry of Jews to the Musical Professions in Europe, 1780-1850', at the Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University College London. Dr Lauren Fogle presented a lecture to the society in April of 2006 on the topic of Henry IIPs devotion to the Domus Conversorum. She received her doctorate in history from Royal Holloway, University of London, in 2006. She has most recently published research in Essays in Medieval Studies: Proceedings of the Illinois Medieval Association (2005). She currently resides in Massachusetts. John Goldsmith, who was born London in 1938 to German-Jewish refugee parents and was evacuated to the USA in 1940-4, read Chemistry at Oxford, leading to a career in the chemical industry. Since 1970 he has been resident in Basel where his own company was established in 1976. Now semi-retired, he is Vice President of the Anne Frank-Fonds (Foundation). Geoffrey L. Green, a naval and maritime bookseller with a lifelong inter? est in the Royal Navy, served on HMS Anson in 1947-9. He published The Royal Navy and Anglo-Jewry 1740-1820 in 1989 and is now preparing the second volume, covering the period since 1820. Dr Claire Hilton qualified in medicine from St Bartholomew's Hospital, London, in 1983. She is now a consultant psychiatrist for older people at Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow. She is married to Rabbi Dr Michael Hilton and has three school-age sons. Bernd Koschland, formerly a Minister and a Jewish Studies teacher at the JFS and City of London School for Girls, currently chairs the London Borough of Barnet Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) and the Barnet Multi-Faith Forum. He is a Trustee and Council Member of the Jews' Temporary Shelter and also the Jewish Trust Chaplain at the Royal Free Hospital, London. Stephen Massil, who served as President of this Society in 2004-06, was an Academic Librarian until 1996, since when he has undertaken projects 301</page><page sequence="2">Contributors to this volume for the Cambridge University Library, Warburg Institute, Huguenot Society, Sir John Soane's Museum, National Trust and Garrick Club. He has been Editor of the Jewish Year Book since 1989, and Convenor of the Hebraica Libraries Group since 1991. Miriam Rodrigues-Pereira, who is of a long-established Amsterdam Sephardi family, is Honorary Archivist of the Spanish and Portuguese Congregation and has co-edited Bevis Marks Records volumes 4, 5 and 6. Edgar Samuel was educated in England, Australia and Canada, is a past President of this Society and a former Director and Curator of the Jewish Museum London. He is author of At the End of the Earth: Essays on the history of the Jews in England and Portugal (JHSE 2004). Dr Gabriel Sivan, who was born in Liverpool, educated at Oriel College, Oxford, Jews' College and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and now lives in Jerusalem, has published several books, contributed over 2500 arti? cles to reference works and scholarly periodicals and served as an editor of the Encyclopaedia Judaic a. He directed the South African Zionist Federation's education and information departments and is currently Chairman of the World Jewish Bible Association. Martin Sugarman, who was born and educated in Hackney and was a secondary-school teacher in Bristol and London for twenty-three years, is a graduate of Bristol University. He is now Examinations Officer at Westminster-Kingsway College, Chair of the Hackney-Israel Twinning Association, Archivist of the Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women (AJEX) Jewish Military Museum and has written widely on Jewish involvement in the British armed forces. 302</page><page sequence="3">Notes for contributors to Society publications Contributors should follow these guidelines in presenting their texts, in order to keep each stage of publication as simple and as inexpensive as possible. Contributions may be submitted on disk, either in Word or Rich Text Format, accompanied by a printout that should conform to the following standards for typed submissions. Unpublished work only should be submit? ted. Please ensure that you leave only one space after each full stop. Please follow closely the conventions for footnotes outlined on the next page. Texts and notes should be printed on one side only of A4 paper, with around 30 double-spaced lines on each full page. Please try to avoid ending lines with a hyphen. Pages should be numbered in complete sequence, without added 'a' or 'b' pages. The title of the contribution, the name of the author and any subhead? ings in the text, should be in upper- and lower-case letters, on separate lines, and not be underlined. Please leave additional space above and below to aid recognition. Subheadings should ideally be of no more than 2 grades. Each should be marked 'A' or 'B' to indicate its grade. The opening paragraph, and the first paragraph after any subheading, should not be indented; others should be indented 5 spaces. No additional space should be left between paragraphs. Quotations should be in English, and appear in single inverted commas. Quotations appearing in the course of these should be in double inverted commas. Longer quotations - of about 100 words or 10 typed lines - should be preceded and followed by an empty line and without inverted commas. Quotations in the course of these should be in single inverted commas. Words omitted in the course of a quotation should be indicated by 3 full stops. If the end of a sentence is omitted, 4 full stops should be used. Square paren? theses should be placed round comments inserted by the author in a quota? tion. In matters of spelling, the Concise Oxford Dictionary is followed, with a preference for V spellings of words ending in 'ize\ For abbreviations, capital? ization and italicization, the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors (2000) and the Oxford Guide to Style (2002) should be consulted. Dates should be written as '27 April 1994'. All measurements should be given in metric form, unless they are quoted directly from a source. 303</page><page sequence="4">Notes for contributors Notes, in so far as possible, should include bibliographical material only, and normally not be used for remarks which, however tangential or tentative, could be included even parenthetically in the main text. Their position in the text should be indicated by a complete sequence of superior numerals (i.e. 1 or 2) without additional 'a' or 'b' notes and without parentheses, ringing, etc. The numerals should be typed after any punctu? ation. Note numbers must not be repeated if reference is made to a text cited in an earlier note; a new note referring back to the first appearance of the work in question should be used instead. Include the notes themselves at the end of the contribution or as footnotes. They should be arranged and punctuated as follows: 1 R. D. Barnett, 'Diplomatic aspects of the Sephardi Influx . . .' Trans JHSE XXV (1977) 210-22. 2 H. Loewe (ed.) Starrs and Jewish Charters II (London 1932) 62-8. 3 R. D. Barnett (see n. 1) 212. 4 A. Newman, 'The Synagogues of the East End', in A. Newman (ed.) The Jewish East End 1840-1gjg (London 1981) 217-21. 5 Jewish Chronicle (hereafter JC) 8 Nov. 1912, p. 18. 6 H. Maccoby, 'The Kamenitzer Maggid . ..', in A. Newman (ed.) (see n. 4) 335 7 Ibid. 336-7. Indicate the position of illustrations in the text. Supply clear monochrome prints, as near as possible to the final desired size. Two copies should be supplied of the captions: one on a separate sheet, and the other stuck on the back of each plate, starting with the plate number (i.e. 'Plate 1' etc.). Please include a biographical outline of some 40 words in your contribu? tion. 304</page><page sequence="5">Society officers and council (as at January 2007) President: JOE HILLABY Vice-Presidents: Professor CHIMEN ABRAMSKY GERRY BLACK, PhD, FRHistS PAUL BRAND, DPhil, FBA, FRHistS MALCOLM BROWN, FSA Professor BARRIE DOBSON, FBA His Honour ISRAEL FINESTEIN, QC Dr ANTHONY JOSEPH RABBI ABRAHAM LEVY, OBE, PhD Professor RAPHAEL LOEWE, MC, MA, FSA STEPHEN MASSIL, DipLib, FLA, FRAS Professor AUBREY NEWMAN, PhD, FRHistS Professor STEFAN C. REIF, PhD Professor WILLIAM RUBINSTEIN, PhD, FRHistS Chief Rabbi Sir JONATHAN SACKS, PhD EDGAR SAMUEL, MPhil, FRHistS Professor BERNARD WASSERSTEIN, DPhil, DLitt, FRHistS Honorary Secretary: Dr ROMEO VECHT MB, FRCP, FACC, FECS Honorary Treasurer: RAPHAEL LANGHAM, FIA Editor of Publications: JEREMY SCHONFIELD, PhD Administrator: DAVID FREEMAN Council: Professor MICHAEL ALPERT, PhD TITOBENADY Professor MICHAEL BERKOVITZ, PhD JOHN COOPER BRYAN DIAMOND ANN EBNER, JP Professor MARTIN GOODMAN, FBA JEFFREY GREENWOOD, MA, LLM DAVID JACOBS Dr MICHAEL JOLLES, FRHistS RAYMOND KALMAN, MA ANNE J. KERSHEN, PHD, FRSA Professor JOHN KLIER, PhD Professor BARRY KOSMIN, PhD Rabbi Professor NICHOLAS DE LANGE, DD SHEILA LASSMAN His Honour ARON OWEN, PhD JOANNA NEWMAN, PhD MARCUS ROBERTS Rabbi JONATHAN ROMAIN, MBE, PhD RICHARD SERMON SIDNEY SHIPTON, OBE, LLB, MBA, FRSA Rabbi NORMAN SOLOMON, PhD Dr BERNARD SPENCER CHARLES TUCKER Hon. Solicitors: NABARRO, NATHANSON Auditors: JEFFREYS HENRY 305</page><page sequence="6">Index Aaron, Sam 299 Abelson, Edward Gordon 87 Abendahan, Israel 23-4 Abolaffiah, Hannanel see Bolaffey, Haim Vita Abraham, Ezekiel 201 Abraham, Eliakim ben 114 Abrahams, A. N. 88 Abrahams, Esther 39,40 Abrahams, Harry 77, 88, 90 Abrahams, Israel 113 Abrahams, John 39 Abramovitch, Shea 276 Abrams, Charles 39 Abrams, Eliza 39 Abrams, Flora 39 Abrams, Miss G. 39 Abrams, Harriett 39,40 Abrams, Harold 70, 83 Abrams, Jane 39 Abrams, Theodosia 39 Abrams, William 39 Abramsky, Chimen xiii A-Cohen, Mrs Moseh 18 Adam, Robert 104 Adel, A. 204 Adler, A. 203 Adler, Michael 68, 70 Adolphus, Isaac 82 Aguilar, Abraham 28 Aguilar, Baron d' (I) see Pereira, Diego (Moseh) Lopes Aguilar, Baron d' (II) see Pereira, Ephraim Lopes Ali, Inspector 246 Allen, Ernest 83 Altman, Henry 88 Altschul, Annie 218, 227 Altshuler, Elias 201 Alvarenga Franco, Benjamin 21 Alvares, David 23 Alvares Nunes, Abraham 21-2 Alvares Pereira, Jacob de Moseh 24 Alves, Francisco Manuel 177 Amering, Aaron Van 82 Angelo, Captain 255 Anne (queen) 42 Antoine see Malval, Baron de Ardfert, John 4 Arias, Abraham 29 Arias, Isaac 29 Arie, Tom 225 Arnaud see Rabinovitz, Adam Arne, Thomas 41 Aron, E. M. 83 Arzooni, David 201 Aschenbrenner, C. G. 205 Asher, Leslie Arthur 88 Asser Israel, Moseh de 22 Assmann, Aleida 294 Astier, Emmanuel d' 239 Atkins, Vera 249 Audouard 240 Aumale, Due d' 60 Avila, David de 31 Avila, Isaac Israel de 31 Bacon, Francis 292 Baer, Max 278, 281, 282, 286, 287 Baer, Mrs Max 278, 282, 287 Bagster, Samuel 112 Bahr, P. L. 205 Bailey, Jack 96 Baker, John 40 Balint, M. 224 Baltazar, Abraham 21 Bandall, Jack Wolfe 70,71 Baptiste (agent, WWII) 240 Barda, Israel 15,28 Bardot, Brigitte 262 Barnato, 300 Barnet, Jacob 105 Barnett, Lionel 9 Barrett, A. G. 263 Barros Basto 176,177-8 Baruh, Naphtaly 19 307</page><page sequence="7">Index Baruh, Raphael 114 Basevi, George 100,127, 130 Basin, Francis 236, 244 Basset, T. 106 Beatty, Admiral 70, 72 Beck, Elizabeth 211 Beck, W. 201 Beer, O. 203 Beere, Richard 105 Behrens, H. 200 Beit 300 Belforte, Moses 23-4 Belisario, David 21 Belkin, D. W. G. 204 Bell, Joseph 107 Bemancho, Jacob 15 Benarus, Adolf 180 Benas, Baron L. 148 Benas, Bertram B. 161 Bendalack 15 Bendalack, Grace de Samuel 119 Bender, Hillel 235 Benjamin, Cecilly Monica 96 Benjamin, Jack 87 Benjamin, John 64 Benjamin, Martin 105 Benjamin, Masaot 15 Benjamin, Moses 63 Benjamin, Nathan Henry 84 Bennett, Solomon 108,118, 120 Bensilum, John de Abraham 119 Benson, Captain 236 Benouville, Guillain de 240 Berch, Victor 204 Berg, Leila see Goller, Leila Bergman, B. 204 Bergmann, Inge 227 Bergmann, Klaus 224 Berlandina, Abraham 131-2 Berlandina, Abraham de David 132 Berlandina, David de Abraham 132 Berliner, F. 211 Bernadete, M. J. 9 Bernal, Mrs A. de Is. 22 Bernard, J. F. 105 Berney 88 Bernfield, H. 201 Bierbrier, Morris L. 298 Bierer, Joshua 227 Binderman, Sidney Lewis 89 Bingham, Barry 72 Birkett, Norman 267 Bitker, Robert Boris 188, 190,191, 201 Black, Gerry 126 Black, Sidney Norman 89 Bland, Mrs 44 Bleiman, Pte 201 Blok, Morris 84 Bloom, Marcus 241, 247-8, 251, 254-6 Bloom, Sidney 89 Blondel, Leonard Maurice 89 Blumson, Benjamin 67, 82 B'nai B'rith 273, 274, 277, 280, 283, 284 Bock, K. 205 Bodington, Major 242 Bogan, Zachary 106 Bogomolsky, Dora see Jacobs, Dora Bolaffey, Grace de Hanniah 119 Bolaffey, Haim Vita 99, 108,112,116-21, 123-4,126,127,128-31,132,133,134-7 Bolaffey, Rebecca 119 Bolaffi, Michael 118, 119 Bolafia, Raphael 118 Bolton, Arthur T. 130 Bolton, Miss 53 Boone, Thomas 106 Bosanquet, Samuel 133 Botibol, Masahod 28 Bouhereau, Elie 112 Bouhereau, Jean 112-3 Boult, Adrian 161 Braham, Charles 60, 61 Braham, Constance 61 Braham, Frances 60, 61 Braham, Hamilton 61 Braham, John 37-61,100 Braham, Sidney 68, 73 Bramah, David 39, 40 Branco, Camilo Castelo 176 Brandon, Isaac 51, 120 Brandon, Jacob Israel 127 Brandon, James 64, 82 Brandon, Sara de Jacob Israel 127 Brandon, Thomas 64 Brewman, D. 105 Bright, Maurice 74 Brinberg, Robert 201 Brindley,J. 109 Brodie, Norris Francis 89 Brooke, Rupert 166 3o8</page><page sequence="8">Index Brookner, Henry 97 Brown, John 23 Brown, Mendel 189, 196, 200 Brown, Phillip 89 Buckmaster, Colonel 235, 249, 250 Buffon 101 Burney, Charles 129 Burnim, Kaiman 37 Burton, Montague 80 Bush, Major 255 Buxtorf in Buzaglo, Eliseba 31-3 Buzaglo, Jacob 33 Buzaglo, Joseph 33 Buzaglo, Lea 33 Buzaglo, Salom 33 Buzaglo, Solomon 33 Byron, George 54, 58, 59,104 Campos, Abraham Mendes 31 Cannon, Nat 231-2 Cantor, Geoffrey 291-92, 293 Cardozo, Is. Henriques 22-3 Cardozo, Jacob 33 Cardozo, Moseh Lopes 15 Cardozo, Samuel 127 Cardozo de Paz, Rephael 20 Carlebach, Alexander 275 Carlton, Morris 89 Carpenter, David 2 Carte see Girard, Andre Carvajal, Antonio Fernandes 173 Carvalho, Abraham 13 Casseres, Francisco de 10 Cassuto, Alfonso 177-8 Cassuto, Leon 177-8 Castro, James De 40, 58 Castro, Ja. de 28 Castro Orobio, Abraham de 18 Castrre, Moses de 23 Cesarani, David 295, 296 Chait, Revd 235 Chambers, William 100,109 Champollion 116 Chancellor, Valerie 48 Chapman, Benjamin 82 Chapman, William 141 Charnah, Rita 233 Cheeseman, Clive 116 Chene, Mme M. T. 241 Cherrick, Bernard 170 Cherry, Thomas 128 Chiswel, R. 106 Chiswell, Richard 106 Christian, Paul 5 Churchill, Peter 236-9, 240, 241, 242-5, 250 Cicero (agent WWII) 246 Clark, J. M. 246 Clarke, Charles Myers Longueville 142 Clarke, Joseph 141 Clarke, Joseph Cuthbert Longueville 142, 143 Clarke, Loftus Longueville Tottenham 135, 141 Clarke, Maria Roberta 141 Clarke, Myers 141 Clarke, Thomas Brook 142 Clavering, Roger 111 Clement, Charles 246, 249 Clements, Henry 106 Coe, Kenneth Benjamin 89 Cohen, Albert 89 Cohen, Arthur 293 Cohen, Bernard 84 Cohen, David 89 Cohen, Ellis 77,90 Cohen, Francis (Revd) 37, 65 Cohen, Francis see Palgrave, Francis Cohen, Henry Harold 199, 204 Cohen, Hyam Elazar 133 Cohen, Isaac (corporal) 96 Cohen, Isaac (Durham) 232, 251 Cohen, Isaac Barnet 139,140 Cohen, Isaac Jack 90 Cohen, Israel 23 Cohen, Israel (author) 158 Cohen, Jacob 15 Cohen, Mrs Jos. de Saul 20 Cohen, Juliana 141 Cohen, Levy Barent 126,132 Cohen, Maurice Myer 90 Cohen, Moses 201 Cohen, P. 234 Cohen, Sarah 140 Cohen, Sheila 235 Cohen, Tpr 199 Coleman, Irving 90 Coleman, Shalom 147,148, 169 Collins, Kenneth 123 309</page><page sequence="9">Index Collins, Lydia 298 Collinson, Peter 292 Colman, Aaron 90 Conway, David: JOHN BRAHAM - FROM MESHORRER TO TENOR 37-6i Conyers, G. 106 Cooper, John 227, 293, 295 Cordova, Francisco de 10 Cordova, Moseh Lopes 15 Cornbleat, Solomon 90 Correa, Joseph Gomes 18 Cowan, A. 84 Cowan, David 90 Cream, Naomi 112,117,134-5 Crewe, Lord no Crutchfield, Elizabeth 138 Crystall, Leonard Sydney 90 Cuckle, Lionel 250 Cuckle, Rita 233,236, 245,251 da Costa, Abraham 127 da Costa, Hannah 29 da Costa, Isaac 83 da Costa, Ribca Rod 19 da Costa de Franca, Jacob 19 da Costa Villa Real, Catherine 11 Dabelstein, Kenneth 199 Daguilar, Grace 67 Daguilar, Henry 67 Dance, George 100,101, 109, no, 122 Darby, J. 106 Dashwood 104 David s. Hananya de David Bollaffia Davie, John 139 Davies, David 214, 222, 225 Davies, Richard 106 Davila, Hannah see Hannah d. Abraham Salom Morenu Davis, Harold 90 Davis, Mary 20 Dawood, Albert 90 D'Boissier Tovey 111 Defries, Nathan 293 Delgado, Isaac 126 Despenser, Antonina 121 Desvaux, Denise 246-7 Diaz, Selma Vas 158 Dibdin, Thomas 45-50,122 Diderot, Denis 101,106 Disraeli, Benjamin 60 D'Israeli, Isaac 100,114,115,121,130,135 D'Israeli, J. 120 Dobias, Premsyl 255-6 Dodsley, R. 101,109,114 Donath, Pavel V. 205 Donin, Nicholas 5 Douro, Lord 135 Dowden 263 Draper, R. 111 Draper, S. 111 Dreyfus, Charles 293 Drisin, Bob 204 Duarte, Manuel Levy 10 Dub, O. 205 Dux, Harry 285 Eager, Cpl 201 Edelman, Cyril Laurence 90 Edgar, Cpl 235 Edward I (king) 2,4, 5 Eimerl, Teviot 76 Elitzur-Epstein, Barukh 171 Elliot, Mathieu 236 Emanuel, Philip 64 Embroiderer, Moses 21 Emihovich, J. A. 201 Endelman, Todd M. 46, 48, 126 Engberg, Harry V. 188, 201 Epstein, Mortimer 283 Epstein, Olga 283 Evans, Nicholas J. 296,297 Eveske, Elias P 3 Eysenck, Hans 227 Ezikiel, D. 204 Ezra, Edward 185 Falk, Paula 286 Falk, Walter 286 Farington, Joseph 128,129 Farley, F. 109 Farley, S. 109 Farro, Sara de Selomoh 132 Fawcett, John 46-7 Fechtner, Emil 253 Feder, D. 205 Fedorovsky, P. E. 205 Feld, Isaac 150 Feldman, Alex 201 Feldstein, Julius 201 3io</page><page sequence="10">Index Fellor, Pte see Fodor, Pte Feltz, F. C. 199 Fernandez Henriques, Abraham 29 Fertig, Joseph 274 Feuchtwanger, Arthur 275 Feuchtwanger, J. 276, 279 Fielding, John 122 Finestein, Israel 298 Finkelstein, Isaac 201 Finn, James 115 Fisher, John Abraham 44 Fisher, John 68 Fleming, Brigadier 188 Flesher, Miles 106 Fodor, Pte 201 Fogle, Lauren: THEDOMUS CONVER SORUM: THE PERSONAL INTER? EST OF HENRY III 1-7 Foley, Frank E. 263-4 Fomil, E. 201 Foot, M. R. D. 242 Fordyce, George 123 Fortescue, Chichester 60 Foulkes, Sigmund 222,223,224,225 Fox, Jacob Samuel 147 Fox, Sergeant 255 Frager, Henry 240 Franco, Abraham Haim 13 Frank, D. 201 Frank, E. 205 Frank, I. 201 Frankl, Liselotte 211 Franks, Louis 74 Franks, Naphtali 121 Frederick II (Emperor) 5-6 Freedman, Basil Kenneth 90 Freeman, Frank 91 Freeman, Hugh 216, 217 Freshwater, Osias 289 Freud, Anna 223 Freud, Sigmund 209, 222, 223 Freudenberg, Rudolph 218, 227 Fried, J. 204,205 Friedberger, E. 205 Friedlander, Cecil Arnold 91 Friedman, Charles 224 Froh wein, Messrs 281 Fryer, Edward 142 Fuchs, Freddie 201 Furman, A. 201 Gaberman, Anthony 201 Gaberman, Macky 191, 201 Gabriel, Eric 201 Garrick, David 100,103 Geffen, Stoker 91 Gekas, Sakis 297 Gelles, Edward 297 Genese, Benvenida see Mendoza, Bienvenida Genese, David 24-6 Genese, Isaac 25,26 George III (king) 138 Gideon, Sampson 132,133 Ginsburg, Mr 147 Girard, Andre 240,241, 242,243,244 Gladstone, William 60 Glatt, Max 227 Glyn, Lynn 112 Godkin, Simon 191,201 Godtschalk, Albert Stanley 84 Godwyn, Thomas 106 Goering, Hermann 262 Goetkin, Simon see Godkin, Simon Gohwald, J. 206 Gold, D. 84 Gold, Raphael 201 Goldberg, Ike see Goldfield, Ike Goldenberg, William 191, 201 Goldenberg, Jackie 204 Goldfield, Ike 201 Golding, Louis 147 Goldman, Harry 91 Goldsack, Cpl 199 Goldschmidt. G. T. 188, 204 Goldschmidt, Helen 227 Goldsmid family 41,42 Goldsmid, Abraham 127,133 Goldsmid, Benjamin 126, 292 Goldsmid, Isaac Lyon 108,121 Goldsmith, John D.: MAC GOLDSMITH 257 Goldsmith, Mac 257-8,260-8 Goldstein, Isaac 71, 84 Goldstein, Jay 73 Goldstein, Jonathan 297 Goller, Annie 145 Goller, Dora 145 Goller, Elie 145 Goller, Harris 145,146 Goller, Izak 145,146-66,168-70 3"</page><page sequence="11">Index Goller, Judah Simon 145,146 Goller, Leila 145,149 Goller, Malkah 147 Gomes, Deb 27 Gomes da Costa, Isaac 24 Gompertz, Barent 121, 133 Gompertz, Benjamin 108,121 Gompertz, Joseph 121, 133 Goodman, Paul 178 Goodman, Yehudah 171 Goodwin, Thomas 105-6 Gordin, P. 201 Gordon, Aubrey 233 Goreil, Lord 272 Gotfried, M. 204 Goth, Vilem 254 Goulstine, Leornard 78, 91, 96 Green, Benjamin 78,96 Green, Geoffrey: ENGLAND EXPECTS...: BRITISH JEWS UNDER THE WHITE ENSIGN FROM HMS VICTOR Y TO THE LOSS OF HMS HOOD IN 1941 63-97 Greenberg, Ivan 284 Greenberg, Leopold J. 147,149,163 Greenberg, Louis 201 Greenberg, S. 205 Greenberg, Sammy 201 Grey, Richard 99, 100, 101, 110-12, 113, ii5,132 Griffel 297 Griffin, B. 106 Grossman, Z. 205 Gruenberg, Pte 201 Grumber, Pte 201 Grundt, E. 206 Grunfeld, Judith 276 Gualo 6 Gubbins, Major General 246, 249 Guets 29 Gumpertz, E. 199 Guri, Yaacov see Goldenberg, Jackie Guttman, Eric 210-n, 212, 213, 218 Habilho, Joseph 15-18 Habilho, Raphael 18 Habilho da Fonseca, Benjamin 19 Haddow, Lt 239 Haimovitch, Serge 201 Halpern, Joseph 278 Hamilton, Max 216-7 Hammerstein, L. K. 204 Handler, Arieh 276 Hanin, David 201 Hanin, Leo 201 Hankey, Augustus Robert 140 Hankey, Thomas 141 Hannnah d. Abraham Salom Morenu 31-3 Harbin, Yonah see Kligman, Yonah Harcourt, George 60 Hardisty, Dorothy 276,279 Hardwicke, Thomas 108 Hare, Francis 111,113 Harfield, A. 199 Harringstock, Pte 201 Harris, Douglas Morris 84 Harris, Hugh 159 Harris, Moss Leslie 91 Hart, David 91 Hart, Hannah 23-4 Hart, Jacob see Abraham, Eliakim ben Hart, Moses 139 Hart, Solomon Alexander 109 Hartog, Numa 293 Hassan, Mrs Moses 23 Hassar, Eric 201, 207 Hayward, Gerald 279 Hazelrigg, Arthur 267 Hawtrey, Edward Charles 135 Haydn, Joseph 40 Heaviside, Matthew 33, 35 Hefferman, Joseph Nelson 91 Henkin, Pte 201 Henriques, Mrs Eliau 19 Henriques, Moseh 30 Henriques, William A. L. Q. 65-7 Henriques Cardozo, Simha de Ishac 19 Henriques Pimentel, Abraham 26 Henriques Valentine, Rachel 26 Henry III (king) 1-7 Herbert, Mary 241 Herman, Zara 285 Herschel, Caroline 43 Herschel, Isaac 43 Herschel, William 43 Hertz, J. H 169,234, 287 Hertzberg, A. 199 Hertzberg, H. A. see Howard, William Herz, V. 205 Highton, Mr 276 312</page><page sequence="12">Index Hilaire (agent WWII) 240, 241 Hilton, Captain 255 Hilton, Claire: A JEWISH CONTRIBU? TION TO BRITISH PSCHIATRY: EDWARD MAPOTHER, AUBREY LEWIS AND THEIR JEWISH AND REFUGEE COLLEAGUES AT THE BETHLEM AND MAUDSLEY HOSPITAL AND INSTITUTE OF PSCHIATRY, 1933-66 209-29 Himmelweit, Hilde 227 Hincks, Edward 116 Hindmarsh, R. 105 Hirsch, Eli 204 Hirsch, J. 275 Hirschell, Chief Rabbi 134,135 Hirschorn, David 202 Hitch, C. 109 Hitler, Adolf 248, 261 Hoffer, Willi 222-3, 224&gt;22 5 Hogarth, William 100,103,104 Hoi way, Louis 91 Horovitz, Jacob 263 Horowitz, Annie 189 Howard, William 75 Howley, William 129 Hulbert, Max 216 Hume, Everard 108 Hunt, Leigh 54-5, 59 Hunter, William 123,124 Hurwitz, Hyman 112,116,120,133 Hyamson, Albert M. 118, 173 Hyman, Abraham Leopold 84 Hyman, Bertram 91 Idelsohn, Abraham 48 Imber, Naphtali Hart 150 Incledon 45,49, 57, 60 Innys, W. 109 Isaac s. Levy Barent Cohen 126 Isaac, Henry 84 Jabotinsky, Ze'ev (Vladimir) 191,196,207 Jacob, David see Arzooni, David Jacob, Henry 120 Jacobedis 224 Jacobi, C. W. 204 Jacobs, Dora 185, 200 Jacob(s), Elias 202 Jacobs, George 67 Jacobs, Jacob 140 Jacobs, James 83 Jacobs, John George 92 Jacobs, Leah 126 Jacobs, Lewis 85 Jacobs, Lorna 200 Jacobs, Louis 289 Jacobs, Michael 126 Jacobs, Noel S. 185,189,190, 193,196, 199-200 Jacobs, Trevor 85 Jacoby, Ernst 227 Jackson, David 92 Jaffe, Maurice 289 Jalan, Emmanuel Monia see Talan, Emmanuel Monia James, Henry 142 Jellicoe, John 68, 73 Jessel 293 Jessel, Albert 80 Jessel, Richard 80 Joel 300 Joel, Dudley Jack Barnato 92 John nephew Joseph Hart Myers 139,140 Jonah, Sam 28 Joseph, B. B. 199 Joseph, Coleman 92 Joseph, Jack 92 Joseph, Morris 96 Joseph, Nahum 121 Josephs, Jacob 140 Joshua s. Hanaya de David Bollaffia 119 Julian, Mrs Jacob H. 19 Kadoorie, Elie 193 Kagan, Jack 300 Kaiman, Raymond 300 Kanterek, A. 205 Kanterek, V. 205 Kaptzan, Mark 202 Karlikoff, S. 202 Karlish, H. 85 Karman, J. 202 Katovitch, Lolia 202 Katz, David 115 Katz, M. 204 Katzman 202 Katznelson, Alex 189,191,192,196,199, 200,202,203 Katznelson, Daniel 202 313</page><page sequence="13">Index Keate, Dr 135 Keitel 248 Kemble, Henry 104 Kemble, John Philip 44, 55 Kemble, Stephen 104 Kemp, Samuel 88 Kenefick, William 297 Kennicott, Benjamin 113-4,115 Kestler, Oldrich 254 King, John see Rey, Jacob Klein, Abraham Moses 166,167,169 Klein, H. 205 Klein, Joe 254 Klepetar, H 206 Kligman, Yonah 202 Klingenberg, R. 204 Koch, C. 199 Koch, L. H. 199 Kochan, Lionel xiii-xiv, 133 Kochan, Miriam xiv, 266, 267 Koestler, Lewis Charles 92 Kohn, P. 206 Kon, Rabbi 277 Koschland, Bernd: KINDERTRANS? PORT: TYLERS GREEN HOSTEL FOR YOUNG JEWISH REFUGEES 271-290 Koschland, Ruth 274, 277, 280, 284 Kossick, Lewis 85 Kossick, Louis 92 Kosterlitz, W. 204 Kounin 199 Kulka, E. 205 Kramer, Jacob 158 Krauss, S. 224 Kreisel, Henry 284 Kreitman, Norman 221 Kroha, R. 205 Krupnick, Joseph 202 Kurz, W. 202,206 Kushner, Tony 297 Kuzmin, V. L. 199 Lacey, John 23 Lachmann, Gustav 266 Lackington, James 114 Ladar, Isaac 202 Laevsky, Abraham 202 Lafereira, Pedro Henriques 10 Lamb, Charles 51-6, 57 Lan-Davis, Cyril Frederick 85 Landey, Samuel 88 Last, Samuel 227 Laster, Herbert 289 Laurence, John Zachariah 293 Lazarus, James 92 Lazarus, Leonard 92 Leake,J. 109 Lear, Edward 61 Lee, Major 255 Lee, Rachel Fanny Antonina 117-9 Lemoine, Henry 114 Leon, Sarah de 20 Le'on, Yehi'el 136-7 Leoni, Michael 38,40,41,44, 55, 56, 57,60 Lerass, Miryam 22 Lerner, Chanoch 281 Lessner, M. L. 199 Lettsom, John Coakley 125 Leusden 111 Levene, M. 85 Leverton, Bertha 271 Levey, Frank 73-4, 85 Levi, David 105,114,126 Levi, Henry 64 Levi, Joseph Benjamin 93 Levien, J. Mewburn 37,41, 56 Levine, Abraham 290 Levine, Ephraim 272 Levine, Frederick Dennis 93 Levine, Reginald Leo 93 Levinsky, B. 202 Levison, Mordechai Gumpel Schnaber 114 Levitin, Alex 202 Levoff, Aaron 199 Levoff, Zelic 202 Levy, A. 123 Levy, Albert Edward 93 Levy, Albert Phineas 78,93,96 Levy, Alfred 271 Levy, Col 281 Levy, Harold 280 Levy, Is. 26 Levy, Jacob 23 Levy, John Edward 93 Levy, Keith 93 Levy, Lou 80 Levy, Louis 238,239 Levy, Moses Isaac 292 Levy, Raymond 214, 224 314</page><page sequence="14">Index Levy, Reginald Moss 85 Levy, Simha de Ishac 132 Lewis, Arnold 170 Lewis, Aubrey 209, 210, 213-7, 2I9&gt; 221 ?&gt; 222,223,224, 225, 226, 228, 229 Lewis, D. M. 117 Lewis, George James Ernest 93 Lewis, M. 109 Lewis, Michael 74, 85 Lewisohn, Victor 158 Lewkowicz, Bea 294-5 Leymanstein, M. 202 Liebrich, Richard 293 Liedke, Rainer 297 Lie wer, Phillipe 245 Lightstone, Simon 85 Liker, Sigi 284,287 Limentani, Amadeo 218-9 Lindo, Abigail 127,131 Lindo, Ben 23 Lindo, David Abarbanel 127 Lindo, Isaac 121,135 Linley the elder, Thomas 55 Lion, Neville Isidore 88 Lipkovsky, B. 204 Lishman, Alwyn 220,223 Lissauer, Kurt 284 Lobell, Maurice 93 Locke, John 292 Loewe, Raphael 119,136 Loewenberger, K. P. 204 Loewy, M. 205 Longman, T. 105 Lopes, Abraham 21 Lopes, Is. 25 Lopes the younger, Isaac 18 Lopes Cardozo, Abraham 21 Lopes de Oliveira, Abraham 18 Louis IX (king) 4-5 Lousada, J. B. 127 Lucena, Sarah 29 Luftig, E. 202 Lumley, Benjamin 39 Luria, I. 19 Lustig, O. 206 LuxJ. 205 Lyall, Frances 138 Lyon, A. M. 266 Lyon, Emma 120 Lyon, Myer see Leoni, Michael Lyon, Solomon 112,113,117,120,121, 123,127,134-5 Lyons, Israel (Hebraist) 111-2,113,115 Lyons, Israel (scientist) 292 Lyons, Israel junior 112 Lysons, Daniel 122 MacAlister, Lance Corporal 235 Macaulay, Thomas Babington 142 Macclesfield, Lord 104 Mackenzie, K. W. 254 Maclay, Walter 210 Magnus, Laurie 175 Maitland, Henry 202 Makin, Myer 171 Malraux, Andre 248 Malraux, Claude 248 Malval, Baron de 242 MalyJ. M. 254 Mann, Sidney 93 Manuel, Joseph 64 Manuel, Nathan 64 Mandel, B. 206 Man waring, Edward 106 Mapother, Edward 209-10, 212, 213, 215 Marcus, Jacob Rader 123 Marguleff, Mara 196, 202 Markitant, B. 205 Marks, Dorothy 233 Marks, Elizabeth 61 Marks, Henry 23 Marks, Leo 235 Mars, Alistair 237-8 Marsh, Archbishop 112-3 Martinec, Sergeant 254 Martines, Ishac Nunes 20 Martines, Moseh Nunes 19 Martines, Sarah de Joseph de Moses Nunes 22 Mary I (queen) 296 Massil, Lewis 93 Massil, Stephen: TWO HEBREW GRAM? MARS AND THE ENLIGHTEN? MENT 99-143 Mattos, Ishac de 15 Mayer-Gross, Willi 210,211-2,213,220 Mazower, Mark 294 McCairns, Mac 245 McMichael, E. H. 200 Medina, Aaron de 29 315</page><page sequence="15">Index Medina, Solomon de 132 Medovoy, Mike 202 Meir, Joseph 173,175,179,181 Meldola, David 119 Meldola, Raphael (Haham) 117,118,119, 120,134,135,136-7 Meldola, Raphael (professor) 293 Meldola, Stella 119 Mendelssohn 55, 57, 60 Mendes, David 28 Mendes, Hannah 28 Mendes, Menasseh 18 Mendes, Mordy22~3, 28 Mendes da Costa, Emanuel 114, 292 Mendes da Costa, H. 21 Mendes da Costa, Jacob 11 Mendoza, Abraham 22, 24-5, 26 Mendoza, Mrs Abraham 26 Mendoza, Abigail 29 Mendoza, Aron de Ab. 22 Mendoza, Aron de Daniel 20 Mendoza, Bienvenida 24-6 Mendoza, Daniel 24,46,121,127 Mendoza, Judah 23, 26 Mendoza, Miryam de Ja. 23 Mendoza, Solomon 27 Mendoza, Selomoh 20,27,29 Merry, Julius 216 Merton, Robert 291 Meyer, Alfred 210, 211, 212, 213 Meyerbeer 57 Miller, Abe 202, 203 Miller, Abraham 204 Miller, David 202, 204 Miller, Emmanuel 214, 218 Miller, George 200 Miller, Isaac 202 Miller, Leo 202 Miller, Mischa 202 Milman, Henry Hart 107 Milner, Henry 104 Minden, Mrs Henry 275 Miriam d. Hananya de David Bollaffia 119 Misrahy, Joseph 15 Mocatta, Abraham 133 Mocatta, David 100,129-30 Mocatta, Jack 71-2, 93-4 Mocatta, John Mitchell 93 Mocatta, Moses 100,108,121,129,130-1, 135 Mock, Wolfgang 257,258,259,269 Mond, Ludwig 293 Money, D. K. 13 Monro, William 105 Montanha, Jose Antonio Furtado de 177 Montefiore, Jacob 133 Montefiore, Joshua 120 Montefiore, Judith 126,139 Montefiore, Moses 108,126,128 Montfort, Simon de 2 Montgomery, Miss 253 Moravia, Mordy 27 Moravia, Rachel 27 Mordecai, Solomon 22 Moreira, Jacob Rodrigues 20 Morenu, Abraham Salom 31 Morris, Maurice 96 Mortlock, D. W. 206 Mosberg, D. Karl C. 199 Moses, A. L. 199 Moses, Hester 121 Moses, Simon Jacob 121 Moses, Susannah 121 Mount Edgcumbe 54, 56-7 Mountbatten, Louis 77 Moysky, F. H. 199 Mozart, W. A. 44, 59,100 Muller, F. 205 M?nk, Eli 274,275,276,280,281, 287 M?nk, Mrs Heinrich 275 Murray, John 107 Myers, Aaron 67-8 Myers, Hester 138 Myers, Hester Hart 138-9 Myers, Isaac 94 Myers, John Matthew Powell 138-9 Myers, Joseph 121,122,138 Myers, Joseph Hart 121-5,126,127,133, i34&gt;i37&gt;138,139-40,141,142,143 Myers, Leah Hart 139,140 Myers, M. 86 Myers, MissM. 135 Myers, Maria Hart 139,140,141-2 Myers, Miriam 126 Myers, Naphtali Hart (1711-88) 110, 121-2,137-8 Myers, Naphtali Hart (b.1796) 141 Myers, Rebecca Hart 122,126,138 Myers, Simeon Hart 122,138 Myers, Simon 138 3i6</page><page sequence="16">Index Nabarro, Abraham 15 Nash, 'Beau' 42 Nathan, Isaac 54, 58-9,119,127 Nathan, Samuel Montague 96 Nelson, Horatio 41, 63, 64 Nelson, Lady 41 Nelson, Louis Cyril 94 Neubauer, G. 206 Newcastle, Lord 103 Newman see Barnato Newman, Benny 231 Newman, Cyril 94 Newman, Eric 245 Newman, Isidore, 231-52 Newman, Joseph 231, 233, 247, 250-1,252 Newman, Montague 231 Newman, Tilly 231, 233,247, 251, 252 Newman, William Wolfe 245 Newton, Isaac 101,105, 108 Nieto, David 114 Nissenbaum, Grinka 202 Nissim, M. R. 204 Nixon, Cordelia 129 Nixon, Francis Russell 128,135 Nixon, G. R. 135 Nixon, John 128 Nixon, Robert 127-9, x35 Noehden, G. H. 127 Norris, Captain 75 Novinsky, Anita 178 Nugent, Richard 104 Nunes, Abraham 18 Nunes, Hector 296 Nunes, Henrique 296 Nunes Cardozo, Sarah 27 Nunes Cardozo, David 27 Nunes Lara, Benjamin 28 Nunes Martines, Abigail de Isaac 28 Nunes Martines, Agar de Joseph de Abraham 28 Nunes Martines, Mrs Jos. de Mos. 29 Nunes Martines, Moses 26 Nunn (bookseller) 105 Oliel-Grausz, Evelyne 295 Olive (agent WWII) 240,242 Oliveira, David Lopes 15 Oliver, Ronald 250 Olmert, Ehud 202 Olmert, Elijah 202 01szowy,J. 113 Oppenheim 300 Ornstein, P. 204 Osborn,J. 105 Oseland, James 23 Oven, Abraham van 114 Oven, Joshua van 125-6,135,140 Owen, W. 105 Ozer, Joseph 202 Ozeriansky, David 202 Pacifico, Emanuel de Asher 127, 135 Pacquot, Henri 246 Pagninus 111 Palache, Jacob 22 Palache, Jacob de Joseph 24 Palgrave, Francis 107,108,114,121 Palmer, Monty 202 Parke, W. T. 40 Parker, Lord 104 Parry, Mr 38 Parsons, J. 105 Parsons, Rt Revd Dr 120 Paulson, Ronald 104 Paz, Aron de 31 Paz, Luis de see Morenu, Abraham Salom Paz, Solomon de 31 Paz de Leon, Mordy 27 Peard, Catherine 138 Pearl, Chaim 147 Pennick, Joseph Robert Albert 94 Percival, Spencer 134 Pereira, Diego (Moseh) Lopes 12 Pereira, Eliau Lopes 12 Pereira, Ephraim Lopes 13 Peres, Aron see Vitta, Benjamin Peres, Jehuda 29 Perleman, A. 202 Philip Augustus (king) 5 Philip the Convert 6 Phillipps, Oscar 276 Phillips, Harry 86 Piasetsky, Ezra 202 Picart, Bernard 101,105 Picciotto, James 41,44, 126 Pickering, John 139 Picot, Dr 240 Pine,J. 109 Pinna, J. de 135 Pisk, George 205 317</page><page sequence="17">Index Pitzer, Alfred 78-9 Polack, Ephraim 58 Polack, Isaac 41 Polack, Maria 58 Polatska, Yvsei 202 Pollack, W. 206 Popper, F. 205 Porthos (agent WWII) 243 Porto, Sarah 26 Posner, Raphael 170 Post, Felix 218, 219-21, 224, 228 Poumbura, N. G. 205 Prado, Abraham 292 Prado, Jer?nimo de 104,109 Pressburger, F. T. 204 Prober, Nathan 94 Rabinovitch, Gabriel 203 Rabinovitz, Adam 240,241,242 Rabinowitz, Samuel Jacob 149 Rachel d. Isaac Hamis 33 Rachel d. Samuel de Saa 33 Rakusen, Montague 94 Rapaport, Pte 192,203 Raoul see Churchill, Peter Rauzzini, Venanzio 41,42, 43,44, 56 Rayleigh, Lady 284 Rawlinson, Henry 116 Rebenfeld, O. 205 Rebhun, R. 205 Reeve, William 45, 51 Reif, Stephan 113 Reitler, K. 205 Reitman, F. 224 Renaudi, Germaine 242 Renaudi, Roger 242 Resauer, P. 206 Revett, Nicholas 102 Rey, Henri 224 Rey, Jacob 14 Ribeiro, Mrs Selomo Rodrigues 27 Ricardo, David 115,120 Rigaud, J. F. 128 Robinson, Henry Crabb 49, 54, 56, 60 Roches, Peter des 3-4 Rodrigues, Isaac de Daniel 23 Rodrigues-Pereira, Miriam: AN EIGH? TEENTH-CENTURY SEPHARDI LADY : HER RELATIONS AND HER PROPERTY 31-5 Rogercoffsky, Louis 86 Roiz de Le?o, Moseh 18 Romain, Gemma 295, 296 Romano, Judith 22 Rose,Judah 233-4 Rose, Rhoda 233 Rosen, Kopul 170 Rosen, Leon Alexander 97 Rosen, Philip 94 Rosenbaum, G. P. 204 Rosenberg, Elizabeth 210, 218 Rosenberg, Isaac 166 Rosenberg, Lou 271 Rosenblatt, Mrs 275 Rosenfelder, Cissi Z. 271, 275,276, 277, 278, 279, 281, 284, 286, 287-8, 290 Rosenfelder, Max 276 Rosenthall, Daniel 94 Rosenthall, Henry Clifford 78, 96 Rosenthall, P. 204 Rosenfeld, E. P. 206 Roth, Cecil 116,118-9,177,298 Roth, Joseph 298 Roth, Martin 212, 217, 219, 224 Rothschild, Dolly de 283 Rothschild, James de 271, 284 Rothschild, N. M. 130,132 Rothschild, Nathan 108, 133 Rothwell, Edward 94 Rott, Wilfried 262 Rouseau, Jean Jacques 1 o 1 Rousset (captain) 247, 248, 249 Rowlandson, Thomas 48 Rubens, Alfred 37,125 Rubinstein, William D. 298 Ruby, Marcel 249 Ruderman, David 105,113-4, II5&gt; :I7&gt; 126,132 Rupert, Linda 296 Russell, Ernest Kingsley 94 Saa, Isaac de 33 Saa, Ishac de 19, 20, 21 Saa, Samuel de 33 Saa, Silveira, Ishac de 12 Saa Silveira, Samuel de 31 Sachs, Ernest 262 Sachs, Gunther 262 Sachs, Leonard 159 Sachs, Willy 262 3i8</page><page sequence="18">Index Sael, G. 105 Sakel, Manfred 218 Sakker, Moses 203 Salaman, Lewis 86 Salter, Henry 94 Salvador, Joseph 13 Sampson, Alex 204 Samsonovitch, Pana 203 Samuda, Jacob 293 Samuda, Joseph 293 Samuda, Mr 127 Samuel s. Hananya de David Bollaffia 119 Samuel, Catherine, 139,140,141 Samuel, Edgar: THE MAHAMAD AS AN ARBITRATION COURT 9-30; JEWISH MISSIONARY ACTIVITY IN PORTUGAL BETWEEN THE WARS 173-81; 297, 298 Samuel, Henry 23 Samuel, Horatio 141 Samuel, John 140 Samuel, Maurice 147 Samuel, Phineas Moses 139,140,141 Samuel, Rebecca 141 Samuel, Sarah 140,141 Samuel, S. M. 135 Samuel, Wilfred S. 173, 175,176,178 Sanders, H. 86 Sanders, Herbert Israel 86 Sands, Mollie 37 Sanguinetti, Hannah 21 Sansom, Odette 236, 241 Sarah w. Isaac Hamis 33 Sarfaty, Yehiel 15 Sarmiento, Jacob de Castro 114 Sargant, William 217 Sarna, Alexander 158 Saxl, V. 206 Schafran, Boris 203 Schapiro, Monte 227 Scheer, Admiral 68 Schiff, Gerald 88 Schiff, Otto M. 266 Schleier, A. 204 Schlesinger L. 204 Schlobohm F. W. 199, 206 Schneerson, Victor 203 Schneider, M. 206 Sch?mberg, Isaac 102,103 Sch?mberg, Ralph 42,114 Schonfeld, Solomon 271, 276, 290 Schonfeld, Victor 276 Schreiber, Vivian George Edward 86 Schulef, J. 206 Schultz, E. 206 Schultz, Malcolm see Shields, Malcolm Schusterovitz, Louis E. 206 Schwab, Hermann 275 Schwarz, M. 206 Schwarz, Samuel 175,178 Scot, R 106 Scott, Gilbert 129 Scott, Walter 104,121 Seba, J. 204 Sebag-Montefiore, Ruth 253 Seelig, 1204 Selassie, Haile 202 Semon, Felix 293 Serge (agent WWII) 246, 247 Serra, Moseh Gomes 31 Sevel, Harry 95 Sewall, Stephen 111 Shadbrisky, Isaac Jacob 86 Shakespeare, William 100 Shapiro, Mr 278, 280-1, 283, 285, 289 Shapiro, Mrs 278 Shapiro, Ordinary Seaman 95 Sheflan, Samuel Israel 203 Shepherd, Michael 214, 222, 225 Sheridan, R. B. 55 Sherman 203 Shields, Malcolm 234-5 Shor, Isaac 202, 203 Shornick, Sam 203 Shorvon, Hyam 215 Shriro, Walter 204 Shussle, Max 203 Shuttleworth, N. 268 Singer, Simeon 113 Silva Porto, J. 21 Silver, Samuel 86 Simmons, Lesley 233 Sivan, Gabriel A: IZAK GOLLER(i89i-i939): ZIONIST POET, PLAYWRIGHT AND PREACHER 145-71 Slater, Eliot 212 Sloane, Hans 115 Slossman, A. 203 Slossman, B. A. 193 319</page><page sequence="19">Index Slossman, Reuven 203, 207 Smallbones, R. T. 263, 264 Smith, Mrs 279 Smithson, Harriet 104 Soane, Elizabeth 101 Soane, George 104,121 Soane, John 38,99,100-4,106-10,115, 116,129-30,133,137,143 Soane, John the younger 104 Soares, Daniel 28 Soares, Ishac 18 Soares, Judith 28 Soffer, J. 206 Sokoloff, V. A. 199, 204 Solomon, Benjamin 64 Solomon, Dr 296 Solomon, Maurice 87 Solomons, Henry 169 Sonnenfeld, A. 204 Soyka, F. 206 Spanier, Henry Magnus 71, 87 Sparks, Elizabeth 20 Spencer s. John Braham 42, 60 Spiller, James 110 Spiro, Henry William 95 Spunt, Joe 204 Stanberg, Elias 67 Stanton, Walter 289 Starr, George 241, 247 Starr, John A. R. 241 Statman, Montague 95 Stebbing-Allen, Sergeant 255 Stein, Siegfried 278 Steinberg, Jacob Eli 95 Steiner, J. 206 Stembera, M. J. 206 Stengel, Erwin 211, 217, 221, 224-5 Stephen, Miss 59 Stern, William 68, 87 Sterne, Benjamin Seivill 78,95,96 Storace, Nancy 38,40,44,45,48, 53, 59, 60,100 Storace, Stephen 44 Storr, Anthony 217 Strachey, Edward 61 Stransky, E. 206 Strauss, Eric 215 Strauss, Moritz 260 Subert, S. 206 Sutcliffe, Adam 295 Sufott, Zev 171 Sugarman, Martin: HAGEDUD HA-SINL THE JEWISH COMPANY OF THE SHANGHAI VOLUNTEER CORPS, 1932-42 183-208; CAPTAIN ISIDORE NEWMAN, SOE 231-56; 253, 254 Sultan, Baruh 15 Sullivan, Wilbor 95 Supplejack, Charles 45 Sussex, Duke of 109,121,123-4,134 Sutton, Isaac 227 Swift, Harris 147 Swift, Isaac 147 Swift, Morris 147 Swift, Moshe 280 Sylvester, James Joseph 292 Symmer, Alexander 105 Talan, Emmanuel Monia 188,190, 191, 203 Tang, Abraham ben Naphtali 114 Taussig, V. G. 206 Taylor, Frederick Kr?upl 211,219, 220, 225 Taylor, John 130 Teff, Leonard Asher 95 Temkin, SeftonD. 147, 170 Temple, Anthony Angel 95 Tesler, A. 203 Thackary, Mrs see Myers, Hester Hart Thackrah, George see Tharkrah, George Thackrah, John 139 Tharkrah, George 138,139 Thorns, N. 185, 189 Thorndyke, Sybil 159 Tishler, V. F. 203 Todd, C. 185 Tonson,J. 105 Torres, David Joseph 95 Trivellato, Francesca 295 Trois Fontaines, Albert des 6 Trusler, Elizabeth 44 Tsipiris, V. F. 203 Tucker, E. R. 281 Turner, J. M. W. 128 Turner, R. F. 255 Tzatskin, M. 203 Uberti, Carlotta Ferrara degli 296 Uhlick, R. 206 Ulanofsky, Abe 203 320</page><page sequence="20">Index Ulysse (agent, WWII) 241, 244 Unterman, Isser Yehudah 170 Uvadieff, Naftali 203 Uzilly, Joseph 24 Valenca, Emanuel 73, 87 Valentine, Daniel H. 19 Valentine, Helen 96 Valpy, A.J. 108 Van Cleff, Alexander 95 Vardy, David see Volovick, David Velenca, Emanuel see Valenca, Emanuel Villalpandus 104, 109 Vilna Gaon 299 Vincent, Nicholas 2, 3, 4 Vitta, Benjamin 21 Volovick, David 203 Wagner, Richard 55, 57 Wagner, Thorsten 295 Wahl, Thomas de 65, 83 Waidegrave 60 Wallich, Nathaniel 108, 292 Walpole, Horace 60 Warburton, William 111 Warhaftig family 290 Watkin, David 109 Watt, Major 255 Weber, Carl Maria von 59 Weber, Klaus 295 Weber, Max 291 Webster, Charles xiii Weideman, Eddy 205 Weidner, Eddy see Weideman, Eddy Weil, Louis Marcus Basil 87 Weingart, E. 205 Weinstein, G. 205 Weinstein, R. 206 Weissenberg, G. 203 Weizmann, Chaim 293 Werner, Oscar 147 Wertheimer, W. 205 Wesselow, Roger de 255 Weston, Alexander 70 Whiston, William 107 White, Edmund 141 White, George 67 Whitgob, Idel E. J. 203 Wieder, Naftali 278 Wilde, James no William of Gloucester (prince) 101 Williams, John 45, 51 Wilner, Pte 203 Winberg, H. 206 Winchester, Henry de 6 Winetroube, Warren 250 Winsloe, Richard 138 Winter, R. 206 Winton, Nicholas 271 Wittkower, Eric 213 Wltzek, V. 206 Wolf, Gerhard 267 Wolf, Lucien 116,175-6, 296 Wolff, Heinz 222, 223, 225 Wolff, Mr 249 Wolnizer, B. A. F. 206 Wolnizer, W. C. A. 206 Wood, John 109,122 Woolf, Mr 278, 287 Woolf, Mrs 278, 287 Wotton, M. 106 Wreschner, B. 278 Wreschner, Mrs B. 278 Wright, J. 106 Zahowsky, N. 206 Zamiro, David 15, 19 Zangwill, Israel 147 Zats, Boris 203 Zedner, Joseph 137 Zeff, Edward 236-9 Zimmer, Fini 287, 290 Zimmer, Jenny 275 Zimmer, Menki 275, 276 Zimmer, Nathan 287, 290 Zinkewitch 203 Zunterstein, A. 203 321</page><page sequence="21">JEWISH HISTORICAL STUDIES Contents Volume 41 In memoriatn Lionel Kochan xiii LAUREN FOGLE The Domus Conversorum: The Personal Interest of Henry III i EDGAR SAMUEL The Mahamad as an arbitration court 9 MIRIAM RODRIGUES-PEREIRA An eighteenth-century Sephardi lady - her relations and her property 31 DAVID CON WAY John Braham - from meshorrer to tenor 37 GEOFFREY GREEN England expects ...: British Jews under the white ensign from HMS Victory to the loss of HMS Hood in 1941 63 STEPHEN MASSIL Two Hebrew grammars and the Enlightenment 99 GABRIEL SI VAN Izak Goller (1891-1939): Zionist poet, playwright and preacher 145 EDGAR SAMUEL Jewish missionary activity in Portugal between the Wars 173 MARTIN SUGARMAN Hagedud Ha-Sini9 - the Jewish Company of the Shanghai Volunteer Corps, 1932-42 183 CLAIRE HILTON A Jewish contribution to British psychiatry: Edward Mapother, Aubrey Lewis and their Jewish and refugee colleagues at the Bethlem and Maudsley Hospital and Institute of Psychiatry, 1933-66 209 MARTIN SUGARMAN Captain Isidore Newman 231 JOHN GOLDSMITH Mac Goldsmith 257 BERND KOSCHLAND Kindertransport: Tylers Green Hostel for Young Jewish Refugees 269 Book Notes 289 ISBN 978-0-902528-41-3</page></plain_text>

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