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Contributors and Back Matter Vol 39

<plain_text><page sequence="1">Contributors to this volume Cecil Bloom lives in Leeds and was, until his retirement, Technical Director of a major multinational pharmaceutical corporation. He has pre? viously published six papers in Jewish Historical Studies. Reva Brown is Professor of Management Research at Oxford Brookes Business School. In addition to researching issues of management and busi? ness, she researches and publishes in the area of medieval Anglo-Jewry. Benjamin Elton was educated at the Manchester Grammar School and Queens' College, Cambridge where he read History, was elected a Scholar and received numerous prizes. He works as Parliamentary Assistant to Helen South worth MP and is researching a PhD in Anglo-Jewish history at Birkbeck College, London. Mervyn Goodman is a former university teacher in general practice and a medical politician. His MPhil thesis was entitled 'From Toxteth to Tel Aviv: the contribution of Merseyside to the establishment of the State of Israel'. He has been president of the Merseyside Jewish Representative Council and Liverpool Zionist Central Council, and has chaired the Liverpool branch of the Society. Sharman Kadish is Director of Jewish Heritage UK and Lecturer in Jewish Studies at the University of Manchester, and has published widely on Anglo-Jewish history and heritage. Her books include Bolsheviks and British Jews (1992), A Good Jew and a Good Englishman: The Jewish Lads' &amp; Girls' Brigade 1895-1995 (i995)5 Building Jerusalem: Jewish Architecture in Britain (ed. 1996), Synagogues in the Heinemann Library Places of Worship series for children (1998) and Bevis Marks Synagogue 1701-2001 (2001). The Synagogues of Britain and Ireland: An Architectural History is in preparation. Raphael Langham, Honorary Treasurer of the Society, served in the RAF in the Suez Canal Zone until July 1954 and then worked as an actuary until his retirement. More recently he studied Jewish History at University College London, where he is pursuing graduate research. 225</page><page sequence="2">Contributors to this volume Sean McCartney is a Professor in the Department of Accounting, Finance and Management at the University of Essex. He is interested in various aspects of nineteenth-century accounting and business history, and in the commercial activity in particular of medieval Anglo-Jewry. Charles Meyers is a retired Law Librarian, two of whose previous papers on Dr Hector Nunes have been published by the Society. William Rubinstein is Professor of History at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, and served as President of the Society in 2002-4. He is the author of The Myth of Rescue: Why the Democracies Could Not Have Saved More Jews from the Nazis (1997) and other works. Martin Sugarman is Examinations Officer at Westminster College, Chair of the Hackney-Israel Twinning Association, Assistant Archivist of the Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women (AJEX) Jewish Military Museum and has written widely on Jewish involvement in the British armed forces. 226</page><page sequence="3">Notes for contributors to Society publications Contributors should follow these guidelines in presenting their texts, in order to keep each stage of publication as simple and as inexpensive as possible. Contributions may be submitted on disk, either in Word or Rich Text Format, accompanied by a printout that should conform to the following standards for typed submissions. Unpublished work only should be submit? ted. Please ensure that you leave only one space after each full stop. Please follow closely the conventions for footnotes outlined on the next page. Texts and notes should be printed on one side only of A4 paper, with around 30 double-spaced lines on each full page. Please try to avoid ending lines with a hyphen. Pages should be numbered in complete sequence, without added 'a' or 'b' pages. The title of the contribution, the name of the author and any subhead? ings in the text, should be in upper- and lower-case letters, on separate lines, and not be underlined. Please leave additional space above and below to aid recognition. Subheadings should ideally be of no more than 2 grades. Each should be marked 'A' or 'B' to indicate its grade. The opening paragraph, and the first paragraph after any subheading, should not be indented; others should be indented 5 spaces. No additional space should be left between paragraphs. Quotations should be in English, and appear in single inverted commas. Quotations appearing in the course of these should be in double inverted commas. Longer quotations - of about 100 words or 10 typed lines - should be preceded and followed by an empty line and without inverted commas. Quotations in the course of these should be in single inverted commas. Words omitted in the course of a quotation should be indicated by 3 full stops. If the end of a sentence is omitted, 4 full stops should be used. Square paren? theses should be placed round comments inserted by the author in a quota? tion. In matters of spelling, the Concise Oxford Dictionary is followed, with a preference for V spellings of words ending in 'ize\ For abbreviations, capital? ization and italicization, the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors (2000) and the Oxford Guide to Style (2002) should be consulted. Dates should be written as '27 April 1994'. All measurements should be given in metric form, unless they are quoted directly from a source. 227</page><page sequence="4">Notes for contributors Notes, in so far as possible, should include bibliographical material only, and normally not be used for remarks which, however tangential or tentative, could be included even parenthetically in the main text. Their position in the text should be indicated by a complete sequence of superior numerals (i.e. 1 or 2) without additional 'a' or 'b' notes and without parentheses, ringing, etc. The numerals should be typed after any punctu? ation. Note numbers must not be repeated if reference is made to a text cited in an earlier note; a new note referring back to the first appearance of the work in question should be used instead. Include the notes themselves at the end of the contribution. They should be arranged and punctuated as follows: 1 R. D. Barnett, 'Diplomatic aspects of the Sephardi Influx .. Trans JHSE XXV (1977) 210-22. 2 H. Loewe (ed.) Starrs and Jewish Charters II (London 1932) 62-8. 3 R. D. Barnett (see n. 1) 212. 4 A. Newman, 'The Synagogues of the East End', in A. Newman (ed.) The Jewish East End 1840-1939 (London 1981) 217-21. 5 Jewish Chronicle (hereafter JC) 8 Nov. 1912, p. 18. 6 H. Maccoby, 'The Kamenitzer Maggid . ..', in A. Newman (ed.) (see n. 4) 335 7 Ibid. 336-7. Indicate the position of illustrations in the text. Supply clear monochrome prints, as near as possible to the final desired size. Two copies should be supplied of the captions: one on a separate sheet, and the other stuck on the back of each plate, starting with the plate number (i.e. 'Plate 1' etc.). Please include a biographical outline of some 40 words in your contribu? tion. 228</page><page sequence="5">Society officers and council (as at May 2004) President: Professor WILLIAM RUBINSTEIN, PhD, FRHistS Vice-Presidents: Professor CHIMEN ABRAMSKY GERRY BLACK, PhD, FRHistS MALCOLM BROWN, FSA Professor BARRIE DOBSON, FBA CYRIL DRUKKER His Honour ISRAEL FINESTEIN, QC Dr ANTHONY JOSEPH LIONEL KOCHAN, PhD Professor RAPHAEL LOEWE, MC, MA, FSA Professor AUBREY NEWMAN, PhD, FRHistS Professor STEFAN REIF, PhD Chief Rabbi JONATHAN SACKS, PhD E. R. SAMUEL, MPhil, FRHistS Professor BERNARD WASSERSTEIN, MA, DPhil, DLitt, FRHistS Honorary Treasurer: RAPHAEL LANGHAM, FIA Honorary Secretary: GERRY BLACK, PhD, FRHistS Editor of Publications: JEREMY SCHONFIELD, PhD Administrator: ANITA BLACK Council: Professor MICHAEL ALPERT, PhD M. BENADY MICHAEL BERKOVITZ, PhD JOHN COOPER BRYAN DIAMOND ANN EBNER, JP JEFFREY GREENWOOD, MA, LLM JOE HILLABY DAVID JACOBS Dr MICHAEL JOLLES Dr ANTHONY JOSEPH RAYMOND KALMAN, MA ANN KERSHEN, PhD, FRSA Professor JOHN KLIER, PhD Professor BARRY KOSMIN, PhD Rabbi Professor NICHOLAS DE LANGE, DD SHEILA LASSMAN Rabbi ABRAHAM LEVY, OBE, PhD STEPHEN MASSIL JOANNA NEWMAN, PhD His Honour ARON OWEN, PhD MARCUS ROBERTS Rabbi JONATHAN ROMAIN, MBE, PhD SIDNEY SHIPTON, LLB, MBA, FRSA Dr BERNARD SPENCER CHARLES TUCKER Hon. Solicitors: NABARRO, NATHANSON Auditors: JEFFREYS HENRY 229</page><page sequence="6">Society Members ORGANISATIONS Allen County Public Library Alliance Israelite Universelle, Paris Australian Jewish Historical Society, Victoria Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Birmingham City Council Bishopsgate Institute, London Brandeis University, Waltham British Library, London Brotherton Library, Leeds Brown University, Providence Columbia University, New York Commission Francaise des Archives Juives Cornell University, New York Dawson UK Ltd Book Division Dr Williams Library, London Emory University, Atlanta Family History Library, Salt Lake City Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington Freie Universit?t, Berlin Georgetown University, Washington Germania Judaica, Cologne Glasgow University Guildhall Library, London Harvard College, Mass. Hebrew Union College, Los Angeles Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati Huntington Library, San Marino Institut f?r die Geschichte der Deutschen Juden, Hamburg Institute for Marano-Anusim Studies, Gan Yavneh Institute of Historical Research, London Jewish Genealogical Society of Great Britain Jewish Memorial Council, London Jewish Museum, London Jewish Public Library, Montreal Jewish Theological Seminary, New York John Rylands University Library, Manchester Joods Historisch Museum, Amsterdam Judeo-Christian Study Committee, Hull Kingston Upon Hull City Council Leicester University Leo Baeck College, London London Library London Metropolitan Archives London School of Jewish Studies Lund University McGill University, Montreal National Library of Canada National Library of Ireland Newberry Library, Chicago New York Public Library Northwestern University, Evanston Ohio State Universities Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies Pennsylvania State University Queens College, New York Royal Historical Society, London Royal Library, Copenhagen Sion Centre for Dialogue and Encounter, London Society of Genealogists, London Sorbonne, Paris Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation, London Stadt und Universit?tsbibliothek, Frankfurt Stanford University State Library of Queensland Swets Subscription Service University College London University of Trier University of Amsterdam University of Arizona University of British Columbia, Vancouver University of California, Los Angeles 231</page><page sequence="7">Society Members University of California, San Diego University of Chicago University of Connecticut University of Denver University of Florida University of Georgia University of Haifa University of Iowa University of London University of Melbourne University of Oregon University of Pennsylvania University of Southampton University of Texas at Austin University of Warwick University of Washington University of Wisconsin University of York Wayne State University, Michigan Yad Yizhak Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem Yale University, New Haven Aarons, Ronald Abel, Danielle Abeles, L. Abelson, David Abrahams, Eileen Abrahams, Mandi Abrahams, Phyllis Abrahams, Woolf Abrams, Michael Abramsky, Chimen Abramson, Tony Ackerman, Philippa Adler, Eric Aidelkoff, Stephen Alderman, Geoffrey Aldihisi, Sabah Alpert, Michael Altman, John Angel, Anthony Ansell,Vera Aptaker,V. J. Arnold, David Aronson, Patricia Ashbrook, H. E Askew, Vikki Asserson, Ronald Astaire, Edgar Astaire, Mark Auerbach, G. Y. Baaden, Jacob Baigel, Frank Baigel, Sydney Baker, Elisabeth Balcombe, Jean INDIVIDUALS Bale, Anthony Balinska, Maria Bar, Norman Bard, ZildaJ. Barnett, Barbara Barnett, J. L. Baron, J. Baron, Lindsey Barrett, Harvey Barrie, Cyril Bartlet, Suzanne Beare, Arlene Beaver, Muriel Beck, Betty Beecham, Jean Behr, Harvey Belmont, Edward Benady, Tito Bendahan, Samuel Benham, Patrick Ben-Nathan, Geoffrey Bentley, Simon Bentley,W.D. Berg, Elizabeth Berger, Doreen Berger, Michael Berger, Tonie Berkley, David Berkowitz, Michael Berlyne, Neville Biber, Simon Bierbrier, M. L. Bitton, Maurice Black, G. D. Black, I. B. Block, Walter Bloom, Cecil Bloom, Martin Boichover, Richard Bower, Marcus Bowman, Mark Brand, Paul Bravo, Renee Brooks, Melvyn Brown, Barbara Brown, E. Brown, Malcolm Budd, Sidney Burman, Eleanor Burston, Marlene Burton, A. S. Burton, R. M. Butler, Penny Butler-Smith, Alice Cantor, Geoffrey Cantor, Lily Caplin, Esther Carlebach, Myrna Carnock, The Lord Carr-Smith, Garry Carter, Rosemary Cass, Frank Cassel, Karen Caton, Peter Causton, Ann Century, Daniel Cesarani, David Chalmers, P. M. 232</page><page sequence="8">Society Members Chaplain, Samuel Chazan, M. Chernett, Jaclyn Chesterman, Harvey Clark, Michael Cohen, Adrian Cohen, Alan Cohen, Arnold Cohen, Madeleine Cohen, Michael Cohen, Sue Cohn, Henry Cohn, Leo Collins, D. P. Collins, Kenneth Collins, Leon Colman, Anthony Conrad, Gerald Conway, David Conway, Joseph Cooper, John Cooperman, Martyn Gorman, Charles Corob, Sidney Courts, Hugh Coussin, Daniel Crawford, L. Cream, Naomi Crook, Michael Cross, Robert Cuby, S. S. Daffin, Barbara Daniels, Michael Davies, A. M. Davis, Alan Davis, B. B. Davis, Derek Davis, Diana Davis, Franklyn Davis, Harold Davis, Pauline Davis, Ronald de Lange, Nicholas De Saxe, David Diamond, Andrew Diamond, B. C. Diamond, S. V. Dicks, Lily Dixon, Penelope Dobson, Richard Dolmar, Trust Dorras, Nicholas Dresser, Madge Dreyfus, C. H. Drucker, Graham Drucker, Nina Drukker, Cyril Dunitz, Alfred Dunner, Pini Dwek, Maurice Ebner, Ann Edwards, John Eimer, Christopher Ekstein, Michael Elter, F. Elton, Evelyn Elyan, David Emanuel, Ralph Endelman, Todd Engel, Ruth Epstein, Jonathan Evans, Nicholas Faerber, Mark Farmer, Ann Feather, Robert Feig, Pia Felsenstein, Denis Felton, Anton Fenton, Beryl Fenton, L. M. Fertig, David Finestein, Israel Finlay, Irma Fireman, Maurice Fischer, Lars Fishburn, Jonathan Fisher, Jonathan Fogle, Lauren Fox, B. Fox, Bella Fox, Cyril Fox, Howard Fox, Joanna Fox, Michael Franklin Ellenbogen, Myrtle Franks, Gordon Franks, Sheila Fraser, Lola Freedman, Lionel Freedman, M. P. Freeman, Michael Freud-Kandel, Miri Friend, Pam Frosh, Sidney Galasko, C. S. B. Garfleld, Maurice Garston, E. M. Garth, Maureen Gartner, Lloyd Gavron, Jeremy Gellman, Stephen Gelwood, Robert Gersten, Florence Gestetner, David Gilbert, Harold Gill, Jacqueline Gillis, P. A. C Glassman, Bernard Glausiusz, Irene Glick, Marjorie Godley,A. C. Golby, Amanda Gold, Anthony Gold, D. M. Gold, Donald Gold, Maxwell Goldberg, Abraham Goldblum, Bernard Golding, M. S. Goldman, Elaine Goldmeier, Michael Goldstein, Andrew Goldwater, Raymond Goodall, S. Goodman, Brenda Goodman, Martin Goodman, Mervyn Gordon, Erica Gordon, Raynor Gottlieb, A. Z. Gottlieb, M. Gould, Godfrey Gould, Harold Gradon,V. Gray, Victor Green, Abigail Green, Angela Green, Geoffrey Green, Kathleen 233</page><page sequence="9">Society Members Green, Martin Green, R. M. Greenbaum, Leslie Greenwood, Jeffrey Gremson, Sara Griffiths, Felicity Grizzard, Nigel Grossman, Andrew Gubbay, Luden Guttentag, Michel Guz,A. Haberman, L. Haffner, Isaac Leslie Hall, Hephzibah Halpern, S. G. Harris, B.V. Harris, Emma Harris, Laurence Hart, E. Hart, Laurence Hassell, Graham Hay, Yvonne Hazzan, M. R. Heilbron, Michael Heller, xMichael Herlitz, Lewis Herman, Bernard Herman, Gabriel Hersh, A. L. Hershon, Cyril Herwald, Basil Hill, Paula Hill, Reva HillabyJ. G. Hillman, Basil Hilton, Michael Hinckley, Asher Hirshman, Robin Hoffman, Morris Honey, Michael Horovitz, Joseph Howard, W. S. Hyams, Paul Hyman, David Hyman, Edward Hyman, Robin Ifrah, Lionel Isaacs, Edward Isaacs, J. E. Isaacs, N. D. Israel, Y. Issroff, Saul Itzhaki, Shaul Ivis, John Jackson, B. S. Jackson, Stanley Jacob, Albert Jacobs, David Jacobs, David, M. Jacobs, Leslie Jacobson, Dan Jacoby, William James, Flora Jerichower, F. F. Jessel, Toby Jessener, Cyril Joels, Norman Jolles, Michael Joseph, Anthony Joseph, Jacqueline J. R Jacobs Charitable Trust Julius, A. R. Kaiman, Raymond Karobik, Norman Karp, David Katz, David, S. Katz, Jeanne Kaufman, Richard Kay, Lorna Kaye, Alan Kean, Michael Kedourie, Sylvia Kershen, A. J. Kesselman, Neville Kessler, Edward Kestenbaum, Daniel Kikuchi, Tomoko King, Norman Kirk, L. A. Klier, John Knapp, Alexander Kochan, Lionel Kochberg, Searle Kolsky, Monty Kolsky, Rachel Kopelowitz, Lionel Koschland, Bernard Kosky, Mark Kosky, Sonny Kosmin, Barry Kosmin, Freda Kudenko, Irina Lachs, Edith Laidlaw, Petra Landau, David Landy, G. Langham, Raphael Langton, Daniel Lanyado, M. D. Lass, Jack Lassman, Sheila Latchman, David Lawrence, Malcolm Lee, Alan Leibler, Isi Lemer, Benjamin Lentin, H. R. Leslie, Paul Lesser, Elizabeth Lesser, Philip Levan, Arnold Levi, Trude Levy, Abraham Levy, Denzil Levy, Elkan Levy, Gerard Levy, Paul Levy, Peter Lewis, Arnold Lewis, Blanche Lewis, Graham Lewis, Jonathan Lewis, Joseph Lewis, Michael Libson, Maxine Lightman, Sir Gavin Lightman, Helen Lightman, Naomi Lindsay, Paul Lipfriend, Samuel Lipman, Stephen Lloyd, C.J. Lloyd, Doreen Lloyd-Briden, William Loebl, Walter Loewe, Raphael Lopian, Simon Lumley, John Lunzer, Jack Lutz, L. 234</page><page sequence="10">Society Members Magnus, Sir Laurence Malik, Batya Manning, Richard Manson, Anthony Marcus, David Margolyes, Miriam Marks, John Mars, Leonard Marsh, Peter Masinovsky, Naomi Massil, Stephen Massil, William Maynard, Alan Mazower, David Melcher, David Melcher, Joan Melnick, Judith Mendes da Costa, Armand Mendes da Costa, Ayee Mendick, Ruth Meyer, Maisie Meyers, Charles Millan, Joanna Miller, Martin Miller, Rory Miller, Shirley Millman, Ivor Mishcon, The Lord Mitzman, Michael Mocatta, Jocelyn Mocatta, Yvonne Monina, Maurice Monk, Mark Morris, Graham Morris, Henry Moscrop, John Moss, B. Mound, Gloria Mundill, Robin Mushin, Alan Musil, James Myerson, Arthur Narvey, Mayda Nathan, Clemens Nathan, Michael Needleman, C. M. Neiss, Elizabeth Nenk, Beverley Newall,Venetia Newman, Aubrey Newman, Joanna Newman, Lotte Noack, Lutz Noskwith, Rolf Nunes,Vaz, D. M. Obermayer, Herman Oppenheimer, Arnold Orkin, R A. Osborne, Irving Osen, Maurice Owen, Aron Paiba, Dennis Paisner, Harold Paisner, Martin Pariente, D. Partridge, Jo Patterson, David Paul, David Pauli, Dennis Paynter, Frances Paz, Denis Perez, Sidney Persoff, Meir Philipp, E. E. Pollins, Harold Pollock, Gloria Polonovski, Max Potter, J. L. Prevezer, Henry Prevezer, Mark Primhak, Norman Prior, Roger Prooth, Stanley Puritz, Jan Rabson, Alan Raine, Evelyn Rapoport-Albert, Ada Rapport, Gerald Rau, Diana Reeves, Carole Reich, J.J. Reif, Stefan Reiss, Simon Rich, Danny Rich, Geoffrey Richardson, Montague Richendoller, Alex Richmond, John Roberts, Marcus Robinson, Penny Roche, Henry Rodrigues-Pereira, Miriam Rokeah, Zefira Rollin, Henry Romain, Jonathan Rose, Alan Rose, Elaine Rose, Paul Rosenberg, Helena Rosenberg, Irene Rosenberg, Sue Rosenblatt, Roslyn Roseneil, Joe Ross, Elaine Ross, Harold Ross, Maurice Rossiter, Peter Roth, Joseph Rothman, H. Rowland-Smith, Diana Rozin, Mordechai Rubens, Charles Rubens, K. D. Rubin, Joseph Rubin, Lilian Rubin, Miri Rubinoff, Jeffrey Rubins, D. Rubinstein, H. L. Rubinstein, W D. Rudie, Raymond Rudolf, E. Russell, Paula Sabel, Michael Sacerdoti, C. D. Sacks, Chief Rabbi Jonathan Salbstein, M. Samuel, Andrew Samuel, Edgar Samuel, Gerald Sato, Tadayuki Saunders, Shirley Savinson, Richard Schacter, Marilyn Schiller, Ralph Schischa, A. Schneider, Walter Schogger, Sidney Schonfield, Jeremy 235</page><page sequence="11">Society Members Schwab, H. C. Scrivener, Michael Sealy, June Sebag-Montefiore, Ruth Seedman, Victor Seligman, Ralph Sender, M. B. Sermon, Richard Serota, Daniel Shack, Neville Shapiro, Alec Shapiro, Leslie Shapiro, Rene Sharman, Jessica Shaw, Howard Shaw, Martin Shelley, Ronald Sherbourne, Cyril Shipton, Sidney Silver, Janice Silverman, Jonathan Silverman, Lesley Silverman, V. C. Simmonds, David Simmons, Godfrey Simmons, John Simon, John Simon, John Simons, Harry Simpson, Samuel Sington, Reginald Slade, Michael Smith, Dorothee Smith, Leonard Soller, Ben Solomon, Norman Solomons, Cecily Solomons, Malcolm Soussan, Henry Sovin, Stanley Spanier, R G. Spector, Maurice Spencer, Stewart Spero, Jill Stanton, B. Stanton, Patricia Stein, Clive Stekel, Ronnie Stemmer, Salman Sternberg, Sir Sigmund Stock, Gill Stone, Victor Streeter, Patrick Sturgess, Raymond Style, Sally Sugerman, Eric Sulzbacher, Max Susman, Maurice Sussman, Max Sutcliffe, Susan Szlezinger, Sam Tabbush, Simon Tager, Romie Tahan, liana Tankel, Henry Taylor, Derek Taylor, Stuart Temerlies, Laurence Timan, Eli Titon, David Toeman, E. A. Tracz, Dalia Tsushima, Jean Tucker, Charles Turk, Theresa Valman, Thea Van Tendeloo, Dorothee Vaughan, Laura Vech, RJ. Wagg, Christine Waiman, Bernard Walters, Jonathan Warburg, Michael Warburg, Tanya Wasserman, G. J. Wasserstein, Bernard Watson, Bruce Waxman, Rosemary Webber, Alan Webber, Connie Webber, Jonathan Webber, Wilfred Weiner, Gordon Weingott, David Weinstein, Rochelle Westman, Jula Whippman, Constance Wilcock, Evelyn Williams, Peter Wineman, Devorah Wineman, Vivian Winer, Murray Wingate, R. Winroope, Josef Winston, Lira Wiseman, S. M. Wittenberg, A. A. Wolfe, Beatrice Wolfers, Michael Wolfman, Joseph Wolfson, Bernard Woolf, Susan Woolgar, Christopher Woolwich, J. Worms, E S. Wright, Peter Yellin, S. Yew Woo, Chong Zaidner, Michael Zakheim, D. S. Zamet, John Ziman, Nicky Zimmels, E. Zucker, Kenneth Zucker, Mordechai 236</page><page sequence="12">Index Aaron of Canterbury 12, 28, 29 Aaron of York 9 Abraham, Israel 146 Abraham of Canterbury see Abraham of Kent Abraham of Kent 5,14,15,18, 28, 30 Abraham of Winchester see Abraham of Kent Abram, Cyril Henry 181-2 Abraham s. Benedict (s. Licoricia of Winchester) 28, 30-1, 32 Abraham s. Cokerel 24 Adler, Hermann 53,121-2,123-4,127~9-&gt; 131-3, 134-41, H4,145, 147-9,156 Adler, Michael 177 Adler, Nathan Marcus 51, 53, 93,121-2, 123,128,130,135-6,138, 147-8 Aizenberg, Jack 180 Alberic s. Isaac of Oxford 10 Alderman, Geoffrey 131,150 Alexander II (tsar) 153 Alexander, Alex 97 Alexander, Lionel 162 Alexander of Scotland (king) 9 Alice of Bickton 18 Aligny, Vicomte d' 189 Altholz, Josef 97 Amery, Leopold 167, 168,170,172 Andrews, Kenneth 43 Antonelli, Cardinal 80, 83-4, 100 Antonio, Don 35 Apple, Raymond 137, 138,139,146 Asher s. Benedict (s. Licoricia of Winchester) Asher s. Licoricia of Winchester 5, 11-12, 15,18, 25-7,32 Atkins, Vera 184,191,192,193,194 Attlee, Clement 172,175 Audsley, George 58-9, 61, 62, 64 Avegaye of Oxford 28, 32-3 Aves, Ernest 109,111,113,114,116 Avis, Joseph 47 Bale, Anthony 219 Balfour, Arthur James 168 Barnet,J. M. 181 Bardet, Roger 189 Bartlet, Susan 24, 219 Bassett, George 42 Baumgart, Franciszek 179 Bear, A. 128 Beck, Paul 193 Belaset of Canterbury 28, 29 Belassez w. Benedict (s. Licoricia of Winchester) 6,19 Belia d. or sis. Licoricia of Winchester 6,14, 18 Ben-Shammai, H. 218 Benedict s. Licoricia of Winchester 5,7,15, 18,19-23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32 Benedicts. Peytevin of Lincoln 12 Benedict the Gildsman 20 Bergmann, O. 180 Berlijn,A.R 182 Berman Brown, Riva: DAVID OF OXFORD AND LICORICIA OF WINCHESTER: GLIMPSES INTO A JEWISH FAMILY IN THIRTEENTH CENTURY ENGLAND 1-34 Bevan, Aneurin 206?7 Bevin, Ernest 175 Bigge, Richard de la 24 Bigge, Thomas de la 24 Bigge, William de la 24 Bird, Thomas 54 Birkenhead, Earl of 200 Blainbury, Mr 139 Blomme, N. 180 Bloom, Alex 183 Bloom, Bernard 183,184,187,189,191,192 Bloom, Cecil: ARNOLD WHITE AND SIR WILLIAM EVANS-GORDON: THEIR INVOLVEMENT IN IMMI? GRATION IN LATE-VICTORIAN AND EDWARDIAN BRITAIN 153-66 237</page><page sequence="13">Index Bloom, Harry Pizer 183 Bloom, Jenice 183 Bloom, Marcus Reginald 183-95 Blum, R. 180 Blumenthal, Carlo Alessandro see Scott, Charles Alexander Blund, Floria le 6,19, 22 Bonamy s. Samarian of Winchester 24 Bonefey s. Moses of Oxford 14 Booth, Charles 106,109,111,112,113, 116 Boothby, Robert 171 Bosco, Richard de 31 Bossanyi, Erwin 66-7 Bracken, Brendan 171,172 Bradlaugh, Charles 160 Brand, Paul 219 Braun, M. 182 Brayboef, William de 22 Breaute, Nicholas de 10 Bretun, William le 10 Brito the Crossbowman 10 Brodie, Israel 121,124,130, 131,1332, 133-5, HI-4,145,150 Brooks, Anthony M. 188 Bryks, Josef 181 Buchowski, Captain 187 Buckman, Joe 115 Buckmaster, Maurice 184-6 Burghley, Lady 35 Burghley, Lord 35, 41 Burke, Edmund 171 Burnell, William 33 Burton, Montague 204 Caesar, Dr Julius 42-3 Cahen-Salvador, G. 180 Cantor, Eddie 200 Castillo, Antonio de 36-41 Cavour 81, 86, 98,100 Cazalet, Victor 172 Cecil, Robert 220 Chamberlain, Neville 170 Chaumbernum, Henry de 26 Chelwarton, Thomas de 26 Chene, Mme M.T Le 187 Chernett, Jaclyn 133,134 Chmiel, Mieczslaw 179 Churchill, Peter 184,194 Churchill, Randolph 167 Churchill, Winston 165,167-76 Clarke, Cyril 204 Clein, C. 180 Clark, Eli 141 Clement, Casimir 194 Clifton, Ignacius de 18 Close Rolls see Exchequer Records Clothal, Robert de 21 Cohen, Dora 197 Cohen, Dudley 133,138,141,148 Cohen, Francis L. 127-8 Cohen, Henry 197-216 Cohen, Isaac 197 Cohen, J. N. 119 Cohen, Levi 207 Cohen, Mrs Francis L. 128 Cohen, Norman 134,146 Cohen, Samuel 181 Cok of Canterbury 28, 29 Coks. Cresse 21 Cokerel s. Licoricia of Winchester 5, 7, 15, 17,18, 19, 20, 24 Cole, William 111 Collins, Hyman Henry 54-5 Compton, Anne 197 Cooper (carver) 112 Cooper, John 222, 223-4 Copin of Oxford 9 Cordeau, Roger 181 Cowen, Samuel see Cohen, Samuel Cowley, Lord 88, 89 Cressant 21 Crispin, Benedict 9 Crispin, Jacob 9 Cromwell, Oliver 46,121 Cullen, Paul 98 Danzig, N. 218 David of Lincoln see David of Oxford David of Oxford 1, 3, 5-7, 8-10, 14,15, 16-7, 18,19, 20, 24, 25, 28, 30, 33 Davidoff, Anna Sadie 183 Davies, John 50-1, 54, 61 Davies, Seaborne 199 Davis, Henry David 72, 74 Derby, Earl of 87 Derngate, Henry de see Henry of Winchester 23 Deudone s. Abraham 18 Deulcress. Isaac 18 Didier, P. Francis 180 238</page><page sequence="14">Index Diehl (SS) 193 D?ke, Charles 165 Disraeli, Benjamin 83, 87, 90 Dobias, R 194 Dobson, Barry 219 Dreyfus, Alfred 168 Dreyfus, Captain 180 Drummond, Henry 87 Drury, Michael 208 Dunraven, Earl of 156 Eagles, Joseph 112 Eardley, Culling 82-3, 85, 86, 95-6, 98 Eden, Anthony 171,173,175 Edeworth, Stephen de 26 Edmund of Sutton 30 Edmundson, R. B. 59 Edward I (king) 2,11, 22, 23, 25,27, 29, 31-2, 46,219 Edward III (king) 33 Edward VIII (king) 171 Edwards, John 219 Eisenhower, President 175 Eisenstone, I. 119 Elath, Eliyahu 175 Eleanor(queen)20,21, 22 Eleanor of Provence 25 Elizabeth I (queen) 35, 37,40,41, 42,43, 220 Elton, Benjamin J.: DID THE CHIEF RABBINATE MOVE TO THE RIGHT? A CASE STUDY: THE MIXED-CHOIR CONTROVERSIES, 1880-1986 121-51 Emanuel, Barrow 54, 72, 74 Epstein, Isidore 143 Ernham, Rosamund de 20 Essex, Earl of 220 Evans-Gordon, William Eden 153, 162-6 Eveske, Solomon le 19, 22 Exchequer of the Jews see Exchequer Records Exchequer Records: Close Rolls 9,11,12,26, 33 Exchequer of the Jews 17,18, 26 Fine Rolls 23, 27 Liberate Rolls 15 Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer's Memoranda Roll 5 Memoranda Roll 26 Patent Rolls 22, 23, 26 Pipe Roll 23 Plea Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews i7,3i Ezra, Edward Isaac 222 Fajerman, Henry K. 179 Farkas (Blockf?hrer) 193 Fassel, Werner 193 Feldman, David 115 Feletti, Father 98 Fenton, P. 218 Ferreira da Gama, Estev?o 220 Fevrier, Germaine 184,189,191 Field, J. A. 134 Fine, Gary 134 Fine Rolls see Exchequer Records Fineman, Sid 118-9 Finestein, Israel 121,131,136,137 Foot,M.R.D. 188,189 Forster, Ludwig von 64 Foulds, Achille 90 Freire, Peter 36, 38, 42-3 Freud-Kandel, Miri 121 Friedlander, Michael 149 Friedman, M. 268 Froyle, Rosamund see Ernham, Rosamund de Gandhi, Mahatma 171 Garibaldi 86 Gartner, Lloyd 115 Gershom of Mainz (rabbi) 13 Gideon, Sampson 95 Gifford 40 Gladstone, William 87,158 Gockel (SS) 194 Goetz, Josef 190 Goitein, S. D. 217, 219 Goldman, Solomon Sydney 179 Goldsmid, Francis 57 Goldstein, Monty 134 Gomes, Duarte 221 Goodman, Mervyn: HENRY: A PHYSI? CIAN OF DISTINCTION - THE RT HON. LORD COHEN OF BIRKEN HEAD, CH 197-216 Gramont 100-1 Gray, Walter 12 Green, Dominic 220 239</page><page sequence="15">Index Green, Julius 180-1 Griew, Isaac 119 Grudzinski, Jerzy T. 179 Gumbiner, Abele 125 Gyna w. Abraham R?ssel 22 Ha-Cohen, Shimon 180 HaLevi, Judah 218 Halfin, Edith 181 Halfin, Israel 181 Halfin, Solomon Dennis 181 Halifax, Lord 173 Halpin, Solomon Dennis see Halfin, Solomon Dennis Harn, Harry 112 H?mo of Hereford 9 Handel (composer) 127 Hanndred, Richard de 17 Hardoon, Silas 222 Harrison, Rex 200 Hartog, L. de 182 Hast, Marcus 127 Hatton, Christopher 40 Hauptman, Mayer F. 179 Healey brothers 70 Helie 14 Heneage, Thomas 40 Henry III (king) 2, 7, 11, 12, 21, 23, 26, 219 Henry VII (king) 43 Henry of Winchester 23 Herbert, Mary 187 Hertford, Ellis de 21 Hertz, J. H. 121,124,131,132-3,134-5, 137,138,139-40, Hi, H4,145-6,148, 222 Hillaby, Joe 219 Hinton, David 219 Hirsch, A. 180 Hirsch, M. 180 Hirsch, Maurice de 157-9,161 Hitler, Adolf 172,173,174-5, x92 Hockman, Joseph 140,146 Hodsell,E 178 Holliday, William 42 Howard, Lord Admiral 36,42-3 Hudson, James 89 Hugh s. Otto 26 Hunsdon, Lord 220 Hutchins, S. 178 Isaac of Oxford 10 Isaac s. Simeon 14 Isaacs, Mr 112 Israel, Menasseh ben 46 Jabotinsky, Vladimir 169 Jacob of Oxford 12,17-8 Jacob s. Cokerel 24 Jacob s. Jose le Clerk 29 Jacobs, Joseph 135 Jacobs, Louis 132, 133,141,143 Jacobovits, Immanuel 121,124,130, 131, 133, 134, H3-4, 202 James of Hereford, Lord 160 James, Robert Rhodes 170 Jamilly, Edward 45 Jarrasse, Dominique 47 Jasinski, Bernard R 179 Jerome, Jenny 167 Jerome, Leonard 167 Joan sis Henry III 9, 25 Jo?o III (king) 220 John (king) 10 Johnson (carver) 112 Johnstone, John 57 Jolson, AI 200 Jones (tradesman) 111 Jones, Owen 61 Joscepin 5. Isaac of Oxford see Alberic s. Isaac of Oxford Joseph, Delissa 67, 68-9, 72, 73, 74 Joseph, Morris 140,146 Joseph, Nathan Solomon 54, 57, 58-9, 62, 64, 72 Jowell, Carol 132, 134 Kadish, Sharman: THE 'CATHEDRAL SYNAGOGUES' OF ENGLAND 45-77 Kadoorie, Elly 222 Kagan, Yehiel Meir HaKohen 126 Kahana, M. 217 Kaiserling 221 Karo, Joseph 125,126 Karpf, Anthony 'Fish' 179 Kay 74 Keitel, General 192, 193 Kelly, Robert 204 Kershen, Anne 115 Kertzer, David 80, 92 240</page><page sequence="16">Index Kilmuir, Viscount 200 Kisch 194 Kister, M. 217 Klein, Michael 218 Klein, Second-Lieutenant 180 Klemer (SS) 193 Knight, W.H. 49 Knoblauch, Edward 62 Knowles (cabinetmaker) 111 Kossuth 155 Kraemer, J. 218 Kun, Bela 169 Kurnedz, Pinkus 180 Lainson, Thomas 57 Lanceley, Miss 210 Langham, Raphael: THE REACTION IN ENGLAND TO THE KIDNAPPING OF EDGARDO MORTARA 79-101 Larive, L. F. 182 Lebus, Harris 114 Lee, Sylvia 134, 143 Leo of York 9 Levy, Isaac 146 Levy, Joseph 127 Levy, P. 180 Levy, R. 180 Levy-Ginsburger, A. 180 Lewin, Martin 141 Liberate Rolls see Exchequer Records Licoricia of Winchester 1, 3, 5-7, 11-2,13, 14-9, 20, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33 Lincoln, Abraham 171 Lipman,V. D. 132,150 Livingstone, Revd 132 Lloyd George, David 168,172 Loewe, Raphael 219 London, Jack 103 Lopes, Antonio 220 Lopes Gallo, Juan 220 Lopes Gallo, Ruy 220 Lopez, Rodrigo 220 Lord Treasurer's Remembracer's Memoranda Roll see Exchequer Records Lovel, Henry 17 Lovel, Philip 17 Luis, Bernardo 220 Lumbard, Asher 5,15, 30 Lumbard / Licoricia of Winchester 5 Lumbard s. Benedict (s. Licoricia of Winchester) 19, 21, 28, 30 Lumbard s. Licoricia of Winchester 5,15, 24-5,27,32 Lung, Isaac le 30 Lusignan, Aymer de 12 MacDonald, Ramsay 170,171 Macgraith, Brian 198 Macmillan, Harold 172 MacWhannell, Ninian 57 Magnus, Simon 55 Maimonides, Moses 67,125 Malmesbury, Earl of 81, 87, 88-9, 94 Manheimer, P. 180 Mare, Thomas de la 19 Marks, Frederick W 58 Marks, Percy L. 67 Marlowe, Christopher 220 Marsac (resistance leader) 187 Martin, Robert 188 Marx, Karl 169 Maxwell Fyffe, David see Kilmuir, Viscount Mayhew, Henry 105,114 Mazzini 155 McCartney, Sean: DAVID OF OXFORD AND LICORICIA OF WINCHES? TER: GLIMPSES INTO A JEWISH FAMILY IN THIRTEENTH CENTURY ENGLAND 1-34 Mclntire, C. T 87 McLeod, John 57 Meade, Thomas 43 Meirovitch, H. 132,134, 143 Melville, H. 51 Memoranda Roll see Exchequer Records Mendelson, Dora see Cohen, Dora Mendelssohn (composer) 127 Mendoza, Bernardino de 40 Meres, Francis 220 Merewelle, Alexander de 23 Meyer, Maisie J. 221, 222 Meyers, Charles: ALIEN DIPLOMAT 35-43 Miertchak, Benjamin 179 Miller, Henry 208 Milner 168 Mirwitch, Simon (Joseph) 58, 61, 62 Mocatta, David 49 Montagu, Ewen 133 Montagu, Samuel 155 241</page><page sequence="17">Index Montefiore, Moses 81, 82, 83-5, 86, 87, 89, 90,95-6,100 Montfort, Henry de 18 Montfort, Simon de 9 Montgomery, Field Marshall 174 Mortara, Edgardo 79-95, 97-100 Mortara, Momolo 85, 95, 99 Moses of Banbury 12-3 Moses of Bristol 10 Moses of Kent 22 Moses of London 12 Moses of Oxford 14 Moses s. Isaac of Oxford 10 Mosley, Oswald 161,172 Moyne, Lord 174 Muller, Wilhelm 193 Mundill, Robert 29, 219 Muriel of Oxford 11-3, 16, 26 Muriel w. Asher (s. Licoricia of Winchester) 25, 26 Mussolini, Benito 172 Napoleon III 82, 83, 88,90, 91-2, 93 Nasi, Gracia 221 Nasser (president) 175 Nathan, I. 128 Neagle, Anna 200 Neave, Airey 180 Neuwirt, Karel 193-4 Newman, Isidore 194, 195 Niedenthai, Adam 179 Norman, Edward 97 Northampton, Adam de 21 Nunes, Hector 35-43, 220 O'CallaghanJJ. 57 O'Leary, Pat 194 Oliver, George 97 Oliver, J.L. 109 Orsini 155 Paisley, Ian 95 Pady, John 14 Pardo, Geronimo 37, 38-9,41 Patent Rolls see Exchequer Records Pelzer, Josef 194 Pereira, A. J. A. 182 Perrott, John 35 Pertschuck, Maurice 188,189-90 Pevsner, Nikolaus 62 Peytevin of Lincoln 12-3 Peytevin of Winchester 14 Peytevin s. Peytevin of Lincoln 13 Philip II (king) 36 Picton, James 74 Pipe Roll see Exchequer Records Pistora, Vaclav 193-4 Pius IX (pope) 79, 84, 99 Platt, Thomas 111 Plea Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews see Exchequer Records Pollins, Harold 115 Poznanski, Colonel 179 Prela,Viale 99 Pruet, Matilda 30-1 Pugin 57 Purdy 181 Ra'avia 126,129 Raffalovitch, Isaiah 198, 201 Ralph (saddler) 18-9 Read, Conyers 36-8,41 Redgrave, Michael 200 Reif, Shulamit 217 Reif, Stefan C. 217, 218-9 Reinowitz, Jacob 149 Richard of Cornwall 9,17, 24,24 Richards, B. 187 Richards, John 111 Rokeah, Zefira 219 Rose of York 6, 28 Rosenberg, E. 180 Rosenfelder, Ruth 142 Rosenheim, Lord 202 Roth (SS)i93 Roth, Cecil 10, 24,121, 221 Rothschild, Elie de 180 Rothschild family 59, 66,142, 167 Rothschild Lionel 80, 87, 97 Rothschild, Lord Nathaniel 160,162,165, 166,201 Rothschild, Rozsica 66 Rousset, Captain 191,193 Rubinowicz, Benjamin J. 179 Rubinstein, Hilary 92 Rubinstein, William D. 92; WINSTON CHURCHILL AND THE JEWS 167-76; 224 Rudolph of Rouen 10 Rushton, James 200 242</page><page sequence="18">Index Ruskin, John 57 R?ssel, Abraham 22 Russell, Charles 113,115 Russell, John 87, 89, 96 Russell, Odo 84 Sa'adyah 218 Sacks, Jonathan 121,143,144 St Cruse, Marquis de 39 Salisbury, Lord 157 Salomons, Edward 55, 57, 70 Samuel (rabbi) 124-5 Samuel, Edgar 219, 220, 221 Sansom, Odette 187,189,194 Sassoon, Elias 222 Sassoon family 55, 58, 66 Schaeffer,R. 180 Schechter, Solomon 217 Schire, Isidore see Schrire, Isidore Schrire, Isidore 180 Schulz, Karl 193 Schulz, Obersturmf?hrer 193 Sclatiere, John le 19 Scot, Hugh 20 Scott, Charles Alexander 81 Scurre, Roger le 19 Seccheville, Ralph de 26 Seeler, Adam Le 19 Shakespeare, William 220 Sharot, S. 149 Shepherd, T. H. 51 Shubert, Jacob 200 Shubert, Lee 200 Shubert, Sam 200 Shuckburgh, Evelyn 175 Silkin, Lord 200 Simpson 112 Singer, Simeon 71 Skinner, Patricia 219 SmitJ.G. 182 Smith, EE. see Birkenhead, Earl of Smith, Leonard D.: GREENERS AND SWEATERS: JEWISH IMMIGRA? TION AND THE CABINET MAKING TRADE IN EAST LONDON, 1880-1914 103-20 Smuts 168 Sofer, Hatan 129-30,137 Sofer, Moses 125,129 Solomon, Norman 143 Solomon, Solomon J. 71 Solomon s. Lumbard (s. Licoricia of Winchester) 24 Sommerfield, William de 20 Spatzenger (SS) 193 Spielmann, Isidore 66 Spiers, Dov Ber 126 Spiers, F. B. 126 Spiller,James5i,52, 54 Stacey, Robert C. 1 Staier, Bernard see Stajer, Bernard Stajer, Bernard 179 Starr, George 187, 188 Stein, Jakub 179 Steinmetz, Francis 182 Steinschneider 217 Stern, Martin 132,136 Sternberg, A. 180 Stiller, Henryk 180 Stokes, HP. 15 Sugarman, Martin: TWO NOTES ON JEWS ON ACTIVE SERVICE 177-82; LIEUTENANT MARCUS BLOOM - A JEWISH HERO OF THE SOE 183-96 Sunegod, Robert 10 Sunninges, Elias de 10 Swetemans. Licoricia of Winchester 5,19, 21 Szubert, Henryk E. 180 Tavenau, Michel de 183 Taylor, Charles 217 Taylor of Harlow, Lord 197 Thomas of Charlecote 17 Thomason, Henry R. Yeoville 50, 52 Thomson, Alexander 'Greek' 61 Thorold Rogers, J. E. 219 TickellJ. 187 Tinoco, Manuel Luis 220 Trotsky, Leon 169 Tunkel, Victor 132 Turcan, Leopold 190-1 Usque, Salomon 221 Vaalyn 12 Ventura, Bension 177 Victor Emmanuel (king) 83, 86, 96 Victoria (queen) 54 243</page><page sequence="19">Index Villa Real, Pedro de la 37 Vincent, Master 12 Vinter, Roger le 11 Vives 28 Vog?e, Charles Melchior de 62 Vries, L.T.W, de 182 Walewski, Count 88 Waley Cohen, Robert 124,142, 146 Walsingham, Francis 35-41 Walter of Witney 27 Walton, Lord 197 Warren, Charles 62 Wasserstein, Bernard 167 Watel, John de 21 Wayford, Baldwin de 20 Wedgwood, Josiah 172 Weinberg, Y.Y. 128,129-30,137 Weizmann, Chaim 165,166,168,169,172, 174 Wertheimstein, Rozsica see Rothschild Rozsica Westlake, Nigel 66 Wetherall,H. 177 Whatley, John de 21 White, Arnold 111,153-62,163,164,165, 166 William I (king) 1, 46 William the Conqueror see William I (king) William of Chichester 19 William of Malmesbury 1 William of Ockham 204 Williams, Bill 115 Wilson, Thomas 35 Winton, Andrew de 20 Winton, Benedict de 21 Wire, Alderman 96 Wiseman, Cardinal 93, 97 Wolfson, Isaac 124,142,143 Wren, Christopher 47, 59 Wyleby, Philip de 23 Wylie, Thomas 54, 74 Wynton, Simon de 23 Wynyard, Diana 200 Yahalom, J. 218 Zangwill, Israel 164-5, J66 Zavan, Gabriella 221 Ziereis, Kommandant 193,194 244</page><page sequence="20">JEWISH HISTORICAL STUDIES Contents Volume 39 reva berman brown and sean McCartney David of Oxford and Licoricia of Winchester: glimpses into a Jewish family in thirteenth-century England i Charles meyers Alien diplomat 35 sharman kadish The 'CathedralSynagogues' of England 45 raphael langham The reaction in England to the kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara 79 Leonard d. smith Greeners anaI sweaters: Jewish immigration and the cabinet-making trade in East London, 1880-1914 ' 103 benjamin j. elton Did the Chief Rabbinate move to the right? A case study: the mixed-choir controversies, 1880-1986 121 cecil bloom Arnold White and Sir William Evans-Gordon: their involvement in immigration in late-Victorian and Edwardian Britain 153 William d. rubinstein Winston Churchill and the Jews 167 martin sug arm an Two notes on Jews on active service 177 martin sugarman Lieutenant Marcus Bloom: a Jewish hero of the SOE 183 merv yn goodman Henry: a physician of distinction - the Rt Hon. Lord Cohen of Birkenhead, CH 197 Book Notes 77?? Cambridge Genizah Collections: Their Contents and Significance, eds Stefan Reif and Shulamit Reif 217 Jews in Medieval Britain: Historical, Literary and Archaeological Perspectives, ed. Patricia Skinner 219 The Double Life of Doctor Lopez: Spies, Shakespeare and the Plot to Poison Queen Elizabeth I, Dominic Green 220 Gli ebrei, I marram e la figura di Salamone Usque, Gabriella Zavan 221 From the Rivers of Babylon to the Whangpoo: A Century of Sephardi Life in Shanghai, Maisie J. Meyer 221 Pride Versus Prejudice: Jewish Doctors and Lawyers in England, 1890-1990, J^hn Cooper 223 \ ISBN 0-902528-38-6</page></plain_text>

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