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Contributors and Back Matter Vol 36

<plain_text><page sequence="1">Contributors to this volume Gerry Black is author of Lender to the Lords: Giver to the Poor - A Biography of Samuel Lewis, the Victorian Moneylender Philanthropist', Living Up West: A History of the Jews of the West End of London; JFS: A History of the Jews' Free School, London since 1732; and Lord Rothschild and the Barber: A History of the Struggle to Establish the London Jewish Hospital. He has been President of the Society for two successive years and has recently become its Honorary Secretary in succession to Cyril Drukker. He is also a trustee of the Jewish Museum, London. Cecil Bloom lives in Leeds and was, until his retirement, Technical Director of a major multinational pharmeceutical corporation. He has previously pub? lished four papers in Transactions. Naomi Cream is a retired doctor who has been researching the life of her ancestor Solomon Lyon in fits and starts over a number of years and pub? lished an article on his eldest son, Isaac Leo Lyon, in the Journal of the Australian Jewish Historical Society in 1993. Mervyn Goodman, a former general practitioner and medical politician, was President of the Merseyside Jewish Representative Council and the Liverpool Zionist Central Council. Now retired to Bournemouth, he has recently been awarded an MPhil for his research into Zionism on Merseyside. Martin Sugarman is Examinations Officer at Westminster College, Chair of the Hackney-Israel Twinning Association, Assistant Archivist of the Asso? ciation of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women (AJEX) Jewish Military Museum and has written widely on Jewish involvement in the British armed forces. 179</page><page sequence="2">Notes for contributors to Society publications Contributors should follow these guidelines in presenting their texts, in order to keep each stage of publication as simple and as inexpensive as possible. Contributions may be submitted on disk, either in Word or Rich Text Format, accompanied by a printout that should conform to the following standards for typed submissions. Texts and notes should be printed on one side only of A4 paper, with around 30 double-spaced lines on each full page. Please try to avoid ending lines with a hyphen. Pages should be numbered in complete sequence, without added 'a' or 'b' pages. The title of the contribution, the name of the author and any subhead? ings in the text, should be in upper- and lower-case letters, on separate lines, and not be underlined. Please leave additional space above and below to aid recognition. Subheadings should ideally be of no more than 2 grades. Each should be marked 'A' or TT to indicate its grade. The opening paragraph, and the first paragraph after any subheading, should not be indented; others should be indented 5 spaces. No additional space should be left between paragraphs. Quotations should be in English, and appear in single inverted commas. Quotations appearing in the course of these should be in double inverted commas. Longer quotations - of about 100 words or 10 typed lines - should be preceded and followed by an empty line and without inverted commas. Quotations in the course of these should be in single inverted commas. Words omitted in the course of a quotation should be indicated by 3 full stops. If the end of a sentence is omitted, 4 full stops should be used. Square paren? theses should be placed round comments inserted by the author in a quota? tion. In matters of spelling, the Concise Oxford Dictionary is followed, with a preference for V spellings of words ending in 'ize'. For abbreviations, capital? ization and italicization, Hart 's Rules should be consulted. Dates should be written as '27 April 1994'. All measurements should be given in metric form, unless they are quoted directly from a source. Notes, in so far as possible, should include bibliographical material only, and normally not be used for remarks which, however tangential or tentative, could be included even parenthetically in the main text. Their position in the text should be indicated by a complete sequence of 181</page><page sequence="3">Notes for Contributors superior numerals (i.e. 1 or 2) without additional 'a' or 'b' notes and without parentheses, ringing, etc. The numerals should be typed after any punctu? ation. Note numbers must not be repeated if reference is made to a text cited in an earlier note; a new note referring back to the first appearance of the work in question should be used instead. Include the notes themselves at the end of the contribution. They should be arranged and punctuated as follows: 1 R. D. Barnett, 'Diplomatic aspects of the Sephardi Influx . . .' Trans JHSE XXV (1977) 210-22. 2 H. Loewe (ed.) Starrs and Jewish Charters II (London 1932) 62-8. 3 R. D. Barnett (see n. 1) 212. 4 A. Newman, 'The Synagogues of the East End', in A. Newman (ed.) The Jewish East End 1840-1 g^g (London 1981) 217-21. $ Jewish Chronicle (hereafter JC) 8 Nov. 1912, p. 18. 6 H. Maccoby, 'The Kamenitzer Maggid .. .', in A. Newman (ed.) (see n. 4) 335 Ibid. 336-7. Indicate the position of illustrations in the text. Supply clear monochrome prints, as near as possible to the final desired size. Two copies should be supplied of the captions: one on a separate sheet, and the other stuck on the back of each plate, starting with the plate number (i.e. 'Plate 1' etc.). Please include a biographical outline of some 40 words in your contribu? tion. 182</page><page sequence="4">Society officers and council (as in January 2001) President: Professor BERNARD WASSERSTEIN, MA, DPhil, DLitt, FRHistS Vice Presidents: Professor CHIMEN ABRAMSKY GERRY BLACK, PhD MALCOLM BROWN CYRIL DRUKKER Professor BARRIE DOBSON, FBA A. A. E. E. ETTINGHAUSEN, OBE His Honour ISRAEL FINESTEIN, QC Dr ANTHONY JOSEPH LIONEL KOCHAN, PhD Professor RAPHAEL LOEWE, MC, MA, FSA Professor AUBREY NEWMAN, DPhil, FRHistS Professor STEFAN REIF, PhD Chief Rabbi JONATHAN SACKS, PhD E. R. SAMUEL, MPhil, FRHistS Honorary Treasurer: RAPHAEL LANGHAM, FCA Honorary Secretary: GERRY BLACK, PhD, FRHistS Editor of Publications: JEREMY SCHONFIELD Administrator: JEANETTE CANNON (Retired April 2000) ANITA BLACK Council: Professor GEOFFREY ALDERMAN, PhD BARRY KOSMIN, PhD M. BENADY GERRY BLACK, PhD Professor DAVID CESARANI, PhD JOHN COOPER BRYAN DIAMOND JEFFREY GREENWOOD, MA, LLM JOE HILLABY SHARMAN KADISH, DPhil, FRHistS RAYMOND KALMAN, MA Professor DAVID KATZ, DPhil, FRSA ANN KERSHEN, PhD, FRSA Professor JOHN KLIER, PhD TONY KUSHNER, PhD Rabbi NICHOLAS DE LANGE, DPhil Rabbi ABRAHAM LEVY, PhD STEPHEN MASSIL His Honour ARON OWEN, PhD MARCUS ROBERTS MIRIAM RODRIGUES-PEREIRA Professor WILLIAM RUBINSTEIN, PhD, FRHistS ADOLF SCHISCHA SIDNEY SHIPTON, LLB, MBA, FRSA Dr BERNARD SPENCER CHARLES TUCKER Hon. Solicitors: NABARRO, NATHANSON Auditors: JEFFREYS HENRY 183</page><page sequence="5">List of Members Individuals Abecassis, M. Teresa Abel, Danielle Ableson, David Abrahams, Mandi Lea Abrahams, Woolf Abrams, Michael E. Abramsky, Chimen Aidelkoff, Stephen E. Alderman, Geoffrey Alman, Clara Alpert, Michael Altman, John Aptaker, V.J. Ashbrook, H.F. Ashley-van den Berg, Maria Askew, Vikki Asserson, Ronald H. Astaire, Edgar Auerbach, G.Y. Avidan, Hillel Baaden, Jacob Baigel, Frank Baigel, Sydney Baker, Elisabeth S. Baleomb, Jean Bale, Anthony Bar, Norman C. Barber, F. Bard, Samuel Barnett, Barbara Barnett, Clara M. Barnett, J.L. Baron, J. Barrett, Harvey Bartlet, Suzanne Beecham, Jean Behr, Harvey D. Bellany, W.I. Belmont, Edward Michael Benady, Tito Bendahan, Samuel Haim Benham, Patrick John Ben-Nathan, Geoffrey Bentley, Simon Bentley, W.D. Berg, Elizabeth Berger, Doreen Berger, Michael Berkley, David Nahum Berlyne, Neville Biber, Simon Bierbrier, M.L. Binstock, Ivan Bira, Janice Black, G.D. Black, LB. Block, Walter Bloom, Cecil Bloom, Martin D. Blumfield, A. Boichover, David Boichover, Richard Louis Bower, Marcus Brand, Paul Anthony Braun, Lavinia Bravo, Renee Brooks, Melvyn H. Brown, Barbara Brown, E. Brown, Malcolm Budd, Sidney Maurice Burman, Eleanor Burns, Steven Burston, Marlene Burton, A.S. Burton, R.M. Cannon, Jeanette Cantor, Geoffrey Cantor, Harold Caplin, Esther T. Carnock, The Lord Carrington, David Cass, Frank Cassel, Karen M. Casson, Daniel Caton, Peter Causton, Ann M. Cesarani, David Chaplain, Samuel Chapman, David Chapman, Leah Chazan, M. Chernett, Jaclyn Chesterman, Harvey A. Chiat, Sheila Cohen, Adrian Victor Cohen, Alfred Cohen, Arnold Cohen, Leo John Cohen, Madeleine 185</page><page sequence="6">List of Members Cohen, Malcolm Meyer Cohen, Michael S. Cohen, Sue Cohn, Henry J. Collins, D. P. Sevitt Collins, Kenneth Collins, Louis Colman, Anthony Conrad, Gerald R. Conway, Joseph Cooper, John Copitch, Sefton Corman, Charles L. Corob, Sidney Courts, B. Courts, Hugh Crawford, L. Cream, Naomi Cross, Robert Cuby, S. S. Daniels, Michael Davids, James S. Davies, A.M. Davis, Alan Davis, Beverley Davis, B. B. Davis, Derek Richard Davis, Harold Davis, Ronald de Lange, Nicholas Denby, Sandra Diamond, B. C. Dicks, Lily Dobson, Richard Barrie Dresser, Madge Dreyfus, C.H. Drucker, N. Drukker, Cyril Dunitz, Alfred Ebner, Ann Edelman, David Edwards, John H. Ekstein, Michael G. Elliot, Maresa Elter, F. Elton, Evelyn Marcia Elyan, David Emanuel, Ralph N. Endelman, Todd M. Engel, Ruth Epstein, Jonathan A. Esterman, Leslie Nathan Ettinghausen, A.A.E.E. Evans, Nicholas J Farmer, Ann E. Feather, Mr Feig, Pia G. Felsenstein, Denis R. Felton, Anton Fenton, L.M. Finestein, Israel Fireman, Maurice Fisher, Jonathan Fox, Cyril Fox, Howard Fox,Joanna Fox, Michael M. Franklin Ellenbogen, Myrtle Franks, Sheila Fraser, Lola Susan Freedman, Lionel Freedman, M.P. Freeman, Michael Freeman, Ralph David Freud-Kandel, Miri Frosh, Sidney Galasko, C.S.B. Garston, E.M. Garth, Maureen B. Gartner, Lloyd Gavron, Jeremy Gellman, Stephen M. Gel wood, Robert Gersten, Florence E. Gestetner, David Gilbert, Harold Gill, Jacqueline Gillis, P.A.C. Glassman, Bernard Glausiusz, Irene Glick, Marjorie Glickman, E. Harold Godfrey, Sheldon J. Godley, A.C. Golby, Amanda J. Gold, D.M. Gold, Maxwell Julian Goldberg, Abraham S. Goldblum, Bernard Golding, M.S. Goldman, Elaine Goldmeier, Michael Goldschmidt, Ruth Goldstein, Andrew Goldwater, Raymond Goodall, S. Goodman, Martin David Goodman, Mervyn Gordon, Raynor Gottlieb, A.Z. Gottlieb, M. Gradon, K. 186</page><page sequence="7">List of Members Grant, Warren L. Green, Geoffrey L. Green, Kathleen Betty Green, Martin Green, R.M. Greenbaum, Leslie Greenwood, Jeffrey M. Gremson, Sara J. Griffiths, Felicity Grizzard, Nigel Gross, Alexander Grossman, Andrew Gubbay, Lucien Guttentag, Michel Max Guz, A. Harding, Barbara Harris, Emma T. Harris, Gertrude Harris, Jonathan Harrison, Elizabeth E. Hart, Laurence Hazzan, M.R. Heilbron, Michael Heller, Michael Herlitz, Lewis Herman, Bernard Hershon, Cyril Herwald, Basil Hill, Paula Hill, Reva Hillaby, J.G. Hillman, Basil Hilton, Michael Hinekley, Asher Hoffman, Morris Honey, Michael Horal, P. Horovitz, Joseph Horwell, A.R. Howard, W.S. Hyam, Elmer Donald Hyams, Paul R. Hyman, David Hyman, Edward M. Hyman, Robin Ifrah, Lionel Inglis, G.H. Isaacs, Edward A. Isaacs, J.E. Isaacs, N.D. Israel, Y. Issroff, Saul Itzhaki, Shaul Jackson, B.S. Jacob, Albert Jacob, Jack Jacobs, John Alfred Jacobs, David M. Jacobs, David Jacobs, Denzil Henry Jacobs, Leslie Jacobs, Louis Jacobs Charitable Trust, The J.P. Jacobson, Dan Jacoby, William Jerichower, Edward Samuel Jerichower, F.F. Jessel, Toby Joels, Norman Johnson III, Willis H. Jolles, Michael Joseph, Anthony Joseph, Jacqueline Kadish, Sharman Kahan, Rachel Kaiman, Raymond Katz, David S. Katz, Jeanne T. Kaufman, Golda Kaufman, Richard Kavanaugh, Sarah Kay, Lorna Kaye, Alan Kaye, David N. Keats, Victor Kedourie, Sylvia Keller, Alex Kershen, A.J. Kessler, Edward Kestenbaum, Daniel Khazzam, Ruth Kikuchi, Tomoko Kirk, L.A. Klier, John ? Knapp, Alexander Kochan, Lionel Koebner, Marion Kolsky, Monty Kopelowitz, Lionel Koschland, Bernard Kosky, Mark Kosmin, Barry A. Kraus, Helen Kritzler, Ed Kushner, Tony Laidlaw, Petra Landau, David A. Landy, Harry Langham, Raphael Lass, Jack Latchman, David S. Laurie, Jerome Ivor 187</page><page sequence="8">List of Members Lawrance, Maureen Lee, Alan Lawrence Leeman, Irene Leibler, Isi J. Lemer, Benjamin Lentin, H.R. Leslie, Paul Lesser, Elizabeth Lesser, Philip R. Leventhall, Gideon Dov Etan Levi, Trade Levine, Anthony Levy, Abraham Levy, Denzil Levy, Elkan Levy, Gerard Levy, Peter L. Lewis, Arnold Lewis, Blanche Lewis, Graham Lewis, Jonathan M. Lewis, Joseph Lewis, Michael Henry Lightman, Gavin Lightman, Helen Lindsay, Paul C.S. Lipfriend, Samuel Lipman, Stephen Lewis Lloyd, CJ. Lloyd, Doreen Agnes Loewe, Raphael Loewy, Giorgio London, Louise Lopian, Simon Lovat, Murray Lumley, John Lunzer, Jack Lutz, L. Magnus, Laurie Malik, Batya Manson, Anthony J. Marcus, Abraham Marks, Geoffrey Mars, Leonard Marsh, Peter Massil, Stephen W. Massil, William Ivor Max, Danielle Mazower, David Mechlowitz, Marcus Mendes da Costa, Armand Mendick, Ruth Meyer, Maisie Miles, A. Milland, Gabriel Millan, Joanna Miller, Martin Jonathan Miller, Rory Miller, T.F. Millman, Ivor I. Mishcon, The Lord Mitilineos, Frances Mitzman, Michael Mocatta, Jocelyn David Monk, Mark Montefiore-Vita, John Morris, Graham S. Morris, Henry Morris, Michael Morris, Rosalind Moscrop, John James Moskowitz, Alan M. Moss, B. Moss, Vivien Lowenstein Mossenson, David Mound, Gloria Mundill, Robin R. Mushin, Bernard Myerson, Arthur L. Nabarro, Eric J. Naggar, Betty Nathan, Clemens Nathan, Michael R. Neiss, Elizabeth Nenk, Beverley Newall, Venetia J. Newman, Aubrey Newman, Joanna Newman, Lotte Noskwith, Rolf Nunes-Vaz, D.M. Obermayer, Herman J. Oppenheimer, Arnold S. Orkin, P.A. Osborne, Irving M. Owen, Aron Paiba, Dennis Paisner, Harold M. Paisner, Martin Pariente, D. Parry-Davies, Hedy Partridge, Jo Patterson, David Paul, David Pauli, Dennis Paynter, Frances Lynne Paz, Denis Peltz, Sam Perez, Sidney Persey, Malcolm Persoff, Meir Philipp, E.E. 188</page><page sequence="9">List of Members Pollins, Harold Pollock, Gloria Sarah Polonovski, Max Potter, J.L. Prais, SJ. Prevezer, Henry Prevezer, Mark Primhak, Norman Pringle, Ruth Prior, Roger Rabson, Alan W.K. Radcliffe, Anthony Rapoport-Albert, Ada Rapport, Gerald Rau, Diana Reeves, Carole Reich, JJ. Reif, Stefan C. Reiss, Simon Renton, Peter Reynold, Nick Rich, Danny Richardson, Montague Richmond, John Roberts, Marcus Robinson, Penny Roche, Henry J. Rodrigues-Pereira, Miriam Rokeah, Zefira E. Rollin, Henry Romain, Jonathan A. Rose, Alan P. Rose, David Rose, Paul S. Rosenblatt, Roslyn Rosenzweig, Alexander Ross, Elaine C. Ross, Harold Ross, Maurice Rossiter, Peter Michael Rothman, H. Rowland Smith, Diana Rozin, Mordechai Rubens, Charles Rubens, K.D. Rubin, Lilian Rubin, S.R. Rubin, Sylvia Rubins, D. Rubins, Miri Rubinstein, W.D. &amp; H.L. Rudie, Raymond Rudolf, E. Sacerdoti, CD. Sacks, Jonathan Salbstein, M. Samuel, Andrew P. Samuel, Edgar R. Samuel, Gerald Samuel, Judith A. Samuels, Jacqueline Sandelson, Brian H. Sanders, Philip Sato, Tadayuki Saunders, Shirley Savinson, Richard Schiller, Ralph Schischa, A. Schneider, Walter Schonfield, Jeremy Schroeter, Daniel J. Schwab, H.C. Sealy, June Alison Sebag-Montefiore, Ruth Seligman , Ralph D. Sender, M.B. Serota, Daniel Shack, Neville Shahid, Bahiyeh A. Shapiro, Alec Sharpe, Linda J. Shatzmiller, Joseph Shaw, Martin Shelley, Ronald Charles Sherbourne, Cyril Sherwood, L.M. Shipton, Sidney L. Silver, B.I. Silverman, Jonathan Silverman, V.C. Simmonds, David Simmons, Godfrey B. Simmons, John S.G. Simon, John Ian Sinclair, Leonard Sington, Reginald L. Slade, Michael Phillip Smith, Leonard David Sniderman, S.L. Solomon, Norman Solomons, Cecily B. Soussan, Henry Spector, Maurice L. Spencer, Stewart B.S. Stanton, B. Stanton, Patricia Beryl Stemmer, Salman Sternberg, Sigmund Stone, Victor Stromberg, Raymond Sturgess, Raymond Sulzbacher, Max 189</page><page sequence="10">List of Members Susman, Maurice D. Sussman, Max Sutcliffe, Susan Szlezinger, Sam Tabbush, Simon James Tager, Romie Tahan, liana Tankel, Henry I. Taylor, Stuart Todd, Gillian Toeman, E.A. Tombs, Isabelle Tomlinson, Kayla Sue Tracz, Dalia Trotter, John Tsushima, Jean Tucker, Charles Turk, Theresa Turner, Meir Valman, Thea Vaughan, Laura S. Vecht, RJ. Wagg, Christine Waiman, Bernard L. Warburg, Michael W. Ward, H.S. Wasserman, G.J. Wasserstein, Bernard Webber, Alan Webber, Connie Webber, Jonathan Webber, Wilfred Weinberg, Barry M. Weinberg, Sonja Weiner, Gordon M. Weingott, David John Weinstein, Rochelle Westman, Jula Whippman, Constance Wilcock, Evelyn Willson, George A. Wineman, Devorah Wineman, Vivian Wingate, R. Winston, Lira Wittenberg, A.A. Wix, Ethel Wolfers, Michael Wolfman, Joseph Wolfson, Bernard Woolgar, Christopher Woolwich, J. Worms, F.S. Wright, Dr Yellin, S. Zaidner, Michael P. Zakheim, D.S. Zakheim, Keith S. Ziman, Nicky Zucker, Kenneth Harry Zucker, Mordechai Zylbersztajn, Daniel Organizations Allen County Public Library Alliance Israelite, Paris Australian Jewish Historical Society, Victoria Bancroft Library, London Bar-Ilan University, Tel Aviv Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Birmingham City Council Bishopsgate Institute, London Brandeis University, Waltham British Library Brown University, Providence Columbia University, New York Commission Francaise des Archives Juives Cornell University, New York Dawson UK Ltd Dr Williams Library, London Ealing Liberal Synagogue, London Faculty of Divinity, Cambridge Family History Library, Salt Lake City Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington Freie Universit?t, Berlin Georgetown University, Washington Germania Judaica, Cologne Glasgow University Guildhall Library, London Harvard, Mass. Hebrew Union College, Los Angeles Hebrew Union College Cincinnati Hon. Consul General of Israel, London Huntington Library, San Marino Institut f?r die Geschichte der Deutschen Juden, Hamburg Institute for Jewish Policy Research, London Institute for Marano-Anusim Studies, Gan Yavneh Institute of Historical Research, London Jewish Memorial Council, London Jewish Museum, London Jewish Public Library, Montreal Jewish Theological Seminary, New York 190</page><page sequence="11">List of Organisation Members Joods Historisch Museum, Amsterdam Kenton Synagogue, London Kingston Liberal Synagogue, London Kingston Upon Hull City Council Leeds University Leicester University Leo Baeck College, London Library of Congress London Library London Metropolitan Archives London School of Jewish Studies Lund University Manchester University McGill University, Montreal N.M. Rothschild &amp; Sons National Library of Canada National Library of Ireland Newberry Library, Chicago New York Public Library Northwestern University, Evanston Office of the Chief Rabbi, London Ohio State University Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies Pennsylvania State University Princeton University Queens College, New York Royal Historical Society, London Royal Library, Copenhagen School of History, Warwick Society of Genealogists, London Sorbonne, Paris Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation Spertus College of Judaica, Chicago Stadt and Universit?tsbibliothek, Frankfurt Stanford University State Library of Queensland Study Centre for Jewish Christian Relations, Cambridge Swets Subscription Service Tel Aviv University Temple Beth-El, Rockford University College London University of Amsterdam University of Arizona University of British Columbia University of California, Irvine University of California, Los Angeles University of California, San Diego University of Connecticut University of Denver University of Florida University of Georgia University of Haifa University of Iowa University of Kent University of London University of Melbourne University of Michigan University of Minnesota University of North Texas University of Oregon University of Penn University of Reading University of Southampton University of Texas at Austin University of Trier University of Warwick University of Washington University of Winconsin University of York Wayne State University, Michigan West London Synagogue Western Australia Jewish Historical Society Wileo Charitable Trust Yale University, New Haven York University Ontario 191</page><page sequence="12">Index Aaron (bib.) 53 Aaron, David Solomon 52 Abady, Yusseff 137 Abendena 39 Abraham, Levi 65 Abrahams, Moses 108 Abrahams, Simeon 8 Abram 137 Adler, Hermann 21, 82 Adler, Nathan 58 Ahad Ha'am 30 Aleph, Leib 33, 35-9 Alexander, D. L. 86 Alexander the Great 113 Alkaim, Isaac 137 Alsheikh, Moses 2 Alten, Baron von 15, 17 Altham, General 128-9 Amarcalim 4, 8 Amery, Leopold 135 Angell, Norman 154 Anzac division 113, 120 Aphrodite 113 Arnold, Matthew 176 Asher, Asher 15 Aspinall-Oglander, Brigadier-General 134 Attlee, Clement 145, 147, 150, 154, 155, 156, 159, 160, 161, 162-5, 166, 168, 169, 170 Auerbach, Rabbi 17, 18, 29, 30 Azulai, Hayyim Joseph David 3 Ba'al ha-Nes, Meir 3 Bak, Israel 19 Bak, Nissan 19 Balfour Declaration 87, 89, 142, 149, 151, 152, 154, 160, 162, 163, 166, 168 Balfour, Lord 142, 143, 157 Banks, Joseph 58 Bardin, D. 133, 136 Bargman, S. 136, 137 Barnett, Richard 81 Baron, Bernhard 71-2, 74, 75, 76-80, 96 Baron, J. M. 9 Baron, Louis Bernhard 75, 78 Baron, Rachael 78 Baron, S. W. 9 Barouch, Moussa 138 B(e)argman, Samuel see Bargman, S. Bearsted family 76, 96 Beckman, Maurice 176 Behrend, Arthur 123-4 Belisario, Mendes 45 Benas, Baron Louis 81, 82-3 Benas, Bertram Baron Benjamin 81-91 Ben-Gurion, David 25, 135, 142, 146, 147, 148, 152, 157, 160, 165 Benisch, Abraham 10, 20 Bent wich, Helen 144 Ben-Yehuda, Eliezer 22 Ben-Zvi, Yitzhak 135, 143 Bergman, Private 133 Berliner, Isador 98 Bevan, Aneurin 154, 155, 158, 159, 161, 162, 171 Bevin, Ernest 141, 145, 148, 149, 150, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159-60, 161, 162-3, 164-9, 170, 171 Bezalel Society 84 Birkenhead, Earl of see Smith, F. E. Bischoffsheim, Clarissa 104, 106 Bischoffsheim, Louis 104 Black, Gerry: BERNHARD BARON: TOBACCO AND PHILANTHROPY 71-80; HEALTH AND MEDICAL CARE OF THE JEWISH POOR IN THE EAST END OF LONDON, 1880-1914, 93-111 Black well, Christopher 175-6 Black well, Joseph 175 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 20 Bloom, Cecil: THE INSTITUTION OF HALUKKAH: A HISTORICAL REVIEW 1-30, THE BRITISH LABOUR PARTY AND PALESTINE, 1917-1948, 141-71 Blum, Leon 157 Bolaffey, H. V. 56 Bonsack, James 73 Bonsack machine 74, 75 Booth, Charles 27, 108 Bordacki, Yeshayahu 18 Boult, Adrian 91 Braham, John 49 Brailsford, H. N. 153 Brandeis, Judge 154 Brandeis, Louis 24 Briggs, C. R. 88 Bronski, D. 137 Brown, Malcolm 176, 177 Buchan-Hepburn, Patrick 91 Burgess, Thomas 59 Burton, Montague 76 193</page><page sequence="13">Index Cannon, Jeanette xi Caplane, I. 137 Carnegie, Andrew 76 Carreras, Jose 74, 78, 79 Cassel family 76 Castel, Elia 137 Catholic Times 79 Chancellor, John 152 Chapman, Mary 37 Charlotte (Princess) 56 Chilcot, Master 51 Churchill, Winston 146, 147, 152, 156, 157, 162, 164, 166, 176 Citrine, Walter 146 Clynes, J. P. 142 Cogan, Zalman, 132, 134, 137 Cohen family 76 Cohen, Arthur 49 Cohen, Barnett I. 137 Cohen, Benjamin 49 Cohen, Harold 90 Cohen, Ishail 137 Cohen, Levi Barent 49 Cohen, Louis 86, 90 Cohen, Michael 137 Cohen, Sol 83, 85 Collier 42 Corri, Domenico 49 Coward, Noel 175 Cradock, Joseph 44 Craven, Earl of 74 Cream, Naomi: REVD SOLOMON LYON OF CAMBRIDGE, 1755-1820, 31-69 Creech-Jones, Arthur 145, 150, 156, 159-60, 168, 171 Cripps, Stafford 161 Crool, Joseph 56 Crossman, Richard 148, 155, 157, 165, 169, 171 Cubitt, B. 128 Crum, Bartley 170 Cumberland, Duke of 51 Daily Herald 142 Daily Telegraph, The 99 Dalton, Hugh 144, 146, 147-8, 150, 154, 155, 158, 159, 161, 164-5, 171 Danziger, Hillel 29, 30 D'Arbella, Isaac 23 Darsan, Daniel 138 David (bib.) 53, 55 David, David 137 Deutsch, Oscar 76 Dizengoff, Meir 24 Djemal Pasha 124 Douro, Lord see Wellesley, Arthur Richard Drukker, Cyril xi Dugdale, Blanche 157 Dyer, George 39 Eden, Anthony 146 Eder, David 150 Edward (Prince of Wales 1927) 77 Eichenstamm 84 Eichholz, Dr 108 Eleanor (Queen) 39 Elizabeth I (Queen) 64 Elizabeth (Queen Mother) 81 Elkaim, H 137 Elkaim, Isaac 137 Elkin 39 Elkin, Rose 40 Ellingford, Herbert F. 88 Engleman 137 Erchkovitz, Mayer 126 Eshkol, Levi 135 Ettinger, Akiva 115 Ewing, Revd Dr 135 Faingott, A. W. 136 Fazaldeen, Private 138 Finestein, Israel 176 Finn, James 10, 15 Fleming, Ian 175 Flynn, Errol 175 Foot, Michael 155 Ford, John 118 Forster, H. W. 127-8 Fox, Colonel 107 Fraenkfel, Simon 10 Frank, Abram 122, 129, 136, 137 Frank, Esther 129 Frank, Meir 129 Frankl, Ludwig August 11, 13 Franklin family 76 Franklin, Mrs Arthur E. 105 Freedman, I. 137 French, Daniel 67 Frend, William 43, 48 Friendlish, Jacob 137 Frumkin, Israel Dov 19, 22 Gaster, Moses 94 Gentleman 's Magazine, The 57, 64 George VI (King) 164 Gestetner, Sigmund 76 Gidney, W. T. 100-1 Gildesgame, Leon see Hildesheim, Ehe Gluskin, Victor 115 Godley, Alexander 116 Goldberg, Ephraim 76 Goldberg, Michael 76 Goldsmid family 76 194</page><page sequence="14">Index Goldsmid, Julian 106 Goldsmid, Louisa 106 Goldsmit (of Finsbury Square) 44 Gompers, Samuel 71 Goodman, Mervyn: BERTRAM B. BENAS: FORGOTTEN ZIONIST 81-91 Gordenzik 136 Gordon, George 64 Gordon, H. L. 133 Gordon, Mr 116 Gorny, Joseph 146 Gorodissky, Alexander 128, 131, 132, 136 Grady 158 Graetz, Heinrich 8, 9, 12-5, 16, 20, 29 Graham, Ronald 115 Gray Hill, John 84, 85 Gray Hill, Lady 84, 85 Green, A. A. 97 Greenberg, Leopold J. 98, 108 Greenwood, Arthur 155, 156, 161, 171 Griffiths, James 160-1 Groushkowsky 123, 127 Grubin, Helen xiii Gye, Lieutenant 133 Hagiz, Moshe 6 Haham Bashi (Jerusalem) 14, 26 Halimi, Mordechay 133, 136 Hall, George 155, 156, 157, 159 Halper, J. 10 Halutzim 141, 151 Hamburger, Sidney 177 Hamilton, Ian 114, 120, 126, 127, 128, 133 Hannah d. Leib Aleph 37 Harrison, Earl 163 Hart (tradesman) 39 Hart, Jonas 45 Hart, Rachel see Lyon, Rachel Havatzelet 19 Helbert 49 Helen of Troy 113 Helena aunt B. B. B. Benas Henderson, Arthur 142?3, 152 Henriques, Basil 76-7, 78, 127 Henry VIII (King) 43 Henry, Abraham 65 Henry, Alfred 68 Henry, George 65 Henry, Michael 67 Henry, Nathan 53 Herem 10, 15, 16, 22, 28 Hero 113 Herschell, Solomon 57 Herzl, Theodor 23, 83, 84 Hildesheim, Elie 123 Hildesheimer, Rabbi 14 Hill, Rowland 84 Himmo, Solomon 137 Histadrut 143, 151, 153 Hitler, Adolf 167 Hocohen, Eliahu 18 Hocohen, Mikhal 18 Holdich, Captain 116 Holland, Eardley 96 Hornblower, Mr 114, 116 Hos, Dov 143, 151, 156, 165, 168 Hottinger 54-5 Hunter-Weston, General 122 Hurwitz, Hyman 52 Hyam 137 Irgunl 50, 170 Isaac (soldier) 137 Isaac, Gustav 137 Isaacs, George 160-1 Isaacs, Isaac 52 Isaac, Levy see Aleph, Leib Israel, Manasseh ben 2 Italiaander, Isaac 72 Jabotinsky, Ze'ev 115, 117, 133, 135 Jacey, Henry see Jessey, Henry Jacobs 39 James I (King) 43 Janner, Barnett 145 Jebb, Gladwyn 167 Jehiel, Rabbi 1 Jessey, Henry 2 Jewish Agency 90 Jewish Chronicle 10, 16, 18, 20, 66, 67-8, 80, 83, 87, 95, 98, 101, 106, 108, 116, 119, 122, 126, 131-2, 135, 137, 146, 169 Jewish Guardian 79 Jewish Messenger 20 Jewish National Fund 91 Jhuda, Budsh 138 Joel s. Leib Aleph 37, 39 Joseph, Aaon Ben 126 Jowett, Viscount 162 Jutznumik, S. 137 Kaplan, Eliezer 157 Kaplan, G. 115 Kaplan, Mr 130 Kaplan, Nathan 137 Kaplansky, Shlomo 142 Kassab, Marcus 137 Katzenellenbogen, Saul Wahl 81 Katznelsohn, B. 124, 136 Katznelsohn, Berl 153, 163 Keezlia, Z. 137 Kilmuir, Lord see Maxwell Fyfe, David 195</page><page sequence="15">Index Kirshner, Private 133 Kirzner, I. 136 Knutsford, Viscount 96, 97, 98, 109 Kopf, Isaac 137 Kramrisch, Jacob 73 Kronenberg, Leopold 72 Lansbury, George 154 Laski, Harold 146, 149, 154-5, 158, 165, 167 Laski, Nathan 86 Lawrence, Susan 144, 145 Leb, Shub 137 Lebus, Mrs Harris 106 Lee, Joseph 52 Leeser, Isaac 8 Lehren, Akiva 8 Leander 113 Leo XIII (Pope) 80 Levi (glassdealer) 39 Levi, Solomon 137 Levontin, Meshulam 118 Levontin, Z. D. 115 Levy, Abraham 107 Levy, Albert 75 Levy, W. B. 96 Lew, Solomon 137 Lewis, Ada 106 Lewis, Aubrey 68 Lewis, Samuel 96, 103, 106 Lindo 45 Lindo family 174 Lindo, Abraham 175 Lindo, Abraham Alexander 175 Lindo, Alexander (Elisha de Isaac) 174-5 Lindo, Alexandre (Elisha de Abraham) 174, 175 Lindo, Ant?ol75 Lindo, Blanche 175 Lindo, David 176 Lindo, David Abarbanel 65 Lindo, David de Eliau 175 Lindo, Elias 65 Lindo, Elias (Eliau de Isaac) 174, 175 Lindo, Frederick 175 Lindo, Hilda Violet 175 Lindo, Isaac (f. Alexander and Elias Lindo) 174-5 Lindo, Isaac (s. Alexander Lindo) 175 Lindo, Joseph 175 Lindo, Leah 175 Lindo, Louren90 Rodrigues 174 Lindo, Percival 175 Lippman, Abraham 137 Liverpool Courier, The 87 Lloyd, Henry 42, 43, 49-51 Lloyd George 102, 104, 142 Locker, Berl 156 Loewe, Raphael xi Loewe, Rose 77 London Gazette 45, 53 Lowell, Godfrey 75 Lowy, Bella 105 Luck, S. I. 132 Lunz 22 Lyon, Abraham Septimus 65 Lyon, David 65 Lyon, Eliza 65 Lyon, Emma 49, 55-6, 64, 66-7 Lyon, Hart 65 Lyon, Isaac Leo 64, 65-6, 68 Lyon, Jacob 65 Lyon, James 65 Lyon, Joshua 65 Lyon, Kate 65 Lyon, Louisa 65 Lyon, Nathan 65 Lyon, Rachel 35, 37, 64 Lyon, Solomon (Cambridge) 31-41, 42, 43-4, 45-9, 51-64, 66, 67, 68, 69 Lyon, Solomon (London) 45 Lyon, Susan 65 Lyons, Israel (d. 1770) 44-5 Lyons, Israel s. Israel Lyons d.1770 44 Maccabee, Judah 119 MacDonald, Malcolm 145 MacDonald, Ramsay 77, 79, 151, 152, 153, 154, 164, 165 Machnifea, Israel 138 Maimonides 108 Makaryov, Mamoun 122 Malki, Moses 3 Mansel, William 43 Mapai 146, 156, 157 Margolin, Eliezer 135 Margolin, Mordechai 115 Margolis, Mordechai see Margolin, Mordechai Marks, Simon 76, 85-6 Matin, James 123 Maurice, Frederick 108 Maxwell, John 114, 115, 128, 134 Maxwell Fyfe, David 91 Mayhew, Christopher 168 Mayhew, Henry 72, 94 McDonald, Lyn 113 McNeill, Hector 157 Meir s. Saul Wahl 81 Melchett, second Lord see Mond Henry Melhado, Second-Lieutenant 137 Mendes da Costa, Benjamin 68 Mendes da Costa, Sarah Miriam 65 Milisten, Menaseh 129 196</page><page sequence="16">Index Milisten, S. 129 Misrah, Israel 138 Missulam, Daniel 137 Mocatta family 76 Mocatta, F. D. 106 Model, Alice 105, 106 Mohilever, Shmuel 21 Mond, Alfred 76 Mond, Henry 76, 91 Montagu, Samuel 8, 9, 12, 15-7, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25-6, 29, 30, 76 Montefiore, Claude 86 Montefiore family 76 Montefiore, Moses 3, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 28, 29, 49 Morris, Bernhard 105 Morrison, Herbert 143, 149-50, 154, 156, 157 8, 161, 163, 164, 167, 171 Moscowitz 122 Moseley, Sidney 134 Moses (bib.) Mouhlan, Teram 138 M(o)uscovitz, David 135 Moyne, Lord 147, 150 M?nschhausen, Baron von 17 Napoleon Bonaparte 175 Nathan, Isaac 49 Neuberger, Julia 176 Neumann, Bernhard 29 New Statesman 142 Nissenbaum, S. 121 Noel-Baker, Philip 145, 160 Norris, Thomas 52 Okuka, Matatiya 137 Orbach, Maurice 170 Ormonde, second Duke of 57 Palmerston, Lord 8 Passfield, Lord 142, 152, 153, 154, 165, 168 Patterson, John Henry 114, 116, 117, 119-20, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127-8, 129-33, 134-5, 136, 138 Peel Commission 145, 162, 165 Pekidim 4, 8 Pelham, Lord 51 Perceval, Spencer 58 Pergola, Raphael de la 116, 117 Peretz, Meir 122, 136, 137 Perg, Mayer 137 Petrov 117 Phineas uncle B.B.B. Benas 81, 82 Picciotto, J. 57 Pines, Yehiel Michael 22 Pirbright, Lord see Worms, Henry de Pitt the Younger 49 Poalei Tzedek 12 PoaleiZion 141, 142-3, 145-6, 148, 150, 154, 157, 162, 169-70 Polani, Private 129 Porter 42 Prafer, Mathilde 176 Prince Regent (1780, 1815) 40, 56, 58 Rachmiloff 137 Ranston, Jackie 174 Raphael family 96 Reading, Lord 77, 106 Redstone family 75 Reid, Thomas 170 Rivlin, Yosef Yizhak 21 Robinson, Edward 8 Robinson, Robert 44-5 Robson, W. S. 83 Rollo, C. J. 126, 127, 130 Roosevelt, Teddy 134, 163 Rose, Felix 86 Rosenberg 130 Rosenberg, Nissel 125, 137 Rosette, Maurice 143-4, 145, 149, 170 Rossoff, D. 29 Roth, Cecil 31, 39 Rothman, Louis 75 Rothschild family 76, 93, 96, 107, 109 Rothschild, James 29 Rothschild, Lady 105, 106 Rothschild, second Lord 99 Rothschild, Nathaniel 96, 97, 98, 103, 109, 110 Rothschild, N. M. 58 Rotman, Yaacov 133, 136 Rouah, Yosef 136 Roxby, P. M. 90 Rupert, Anton 75 Ruppin, Arthur 22, 27, 85 Russell, Edward 89 Saban, Isaac 137 Sacher, Harry 76, 177 Sailman 56 Salant, Rabbi 6, 17-8, 21, 28-9, 30 Salford, Bishop of 90 Solomon, Mordecai 18 Salomon, Yoel Moshe 19, 21 Salomons family 76 Samuel, Edgar 173, 174, 176, 177 Samuel, Herbert 87, 142 Samuel, Lady 105 Samuel, Marcus 106 Samuel, Stuart 87 Saphira, Nathan 2 Sarah d. Leib Aleph 37 197</page><page sequence="17">Index Sassoon family 76 Sauver, Samama 138 Savitsky, Isaac 139 Savitt, Martin 138 Schiff, Jacob 76 Schmelz, O. 9 Schneersohn, Hayyim Zevi 11 Schoenthal, Harry 126 Schonfleld, Jeremy xiii Schoub, Leib 122 Schreiber, Moshe 1 Scott, Leslie 83 Scrope, George Poulett Julius 44 Selig, Aaron 3, 9 Seligman, Isaac 102 Selim, H. K. 90 Sharett, Moshe see Shertok, Moshe Shaw Commission 151-2 Shertok, Moshe 156, 157, 167 Shinwell, Emmanuel 155, 160 Shulhan Arukh 1 Shullman 137 Sibourg, Elie 137 Sidebotham, Herbert 90 Sieff family 177 Sieff, Israel 76 Sigismund III (King) 81 Sike 43 Silberman 137 Sims, Revd 90 Smith, Eustace 107 Smith, F. E. 83 Snel, H?rmen 173 Snell, Harry 151 Snowden, Philip 151, 153 Spielman, Isadore 106 Stem family 76, 96 Stem, Bezalel 8 Stem, Hirsch 136 Stem Gang 150, 169, 170 Sternheim, Dr 17 Stokes, Richard 170 Stopford, General 123 Strachey, John 162 Strassburg 56 Strauss, George 154 Suares, Edgar 117 Sugarman, Martin: THE ZION MULETEERS OF GALLIPOLI, MARCH 1915-MAY 1916, 113-139 Sussex, Duke of 56, 57, 65 Swetschinski, Daniel M. 173 Sydenham, Lord 44 Taylor-Guthaitz, Lindsey xiii Tchenelow, Yehiel 85 Tehiyat Israel 22 Thomas, J. H. 142, 151 Thompson, Charles Perronett see Scrope, George Poulett Julius Thompson, Charles Poulett see Scrope, George Poulett Julius Thompson, Lord 153 Thompson, Thomas Perronet 43 Times, The 86, 90 Truman, President 158, 163 Trumpeldor, Joseph 115, 116, 117, 120, 123, 124, 125, 127, 129, 130-1, 133, 134 Turner, Alfred 131 Tyrwhitt, Robert 43 Uriah (soldier)137 Ussishkin, Menachem 27 Valpy 57 Varshavsky, Isaac 138 Verdooner, Dave 173 Voice of Jacob 10 Wagg, John 49 Waite, F. 134 Warren, Charles 11 Wavell, Lord 166 Webb, Beatrice 153 Webb, Sidney see Passfield, Lord Wedgwood, Josiah 151, 153 Weitz, Drll5 Weizmann, Chaim 23-5, 84, 85-6, 87, 147, 152, 153, 155-7, 159, 161, 162, 163, 166, 167, 170, 177 Weizmann, Vera 24, 161 Wellesley, Arthur Richard 58 Wellington, Duke of 58-9 Wertheimer, Ben Z. 125, 133, 136 Wigg, George 168 Williams, Bill 177 Williams, Tom 145, 160 Wilson, Harold 162, 168 Wix, Julius 75 Wolf, Lucien 174 Wolffsohn, David 83 Worms, Henry de 81, 83 Wurth 137 Xerxes 113 Yehuda, Nechemiah 124 Yellin, Yehoshua 19 Yorkshire Evening Post 127 Zaoui, M. 133, 136 Zangwill, Israel 131 Zionist Review 87 Zlotnik, Second-Lieutenant 120 Zonnenfeld, Yosef Hayyim 29, 30 198</page><page sequence="18">JEWISH HISTORICAL STUDIES Contents Volume 36 1999-2001 CECIL BLOOM The institution of halukkah: a historical review 1 NAOMI CREAM Revd Solomon Lyon of Cambridge, 1755-1820 31 GERRY BLACK Bernhard Baron: tobacco and philanthropy 71 MERVYN GOODMAN Bertram B. Benas: forgotten Zionist 81 GERRY BLACK Health and medical care of the Jewish poor in the East End of London, 1880-1914 93 MARTIN SUGARMAN The Zion muleteers of Gallipoli, March 1915-May 1916 113 CECIL BLOOM The British Labour Party and Palestine, 1917-1948 141 Book Notes Trouwen in Mokum; Jewish Marriage in Amsterdam, 1598-181 /, Dave Verdooner and Harmen Snel 173 Reluctant Cosmopolitans: The Portuguese Jews of Seventeenth-century Amsterdam, Daniel M. Swetschinski 173 The Linda Legacy, Jackie Ranston 174 Anglo-Jewry in Changing Times, Israel Finestein 176 The Jewish Brigade: An Army with Two Masters, 1944-5Morris Beckman 176 Sir Sidney Hamburger and Manchester Jewry, Bill Williams 177 Main cover illustration: courtesy of The Jewish Museum, London ISBN 0-902528-34-3 1</page></plain_text>

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