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Contributors and Back Matter Vol 33

<plain_text><page sequence="1">Contributors to this volume Tito Mesod Benady has, since his retirement from insurance, been involved in publishing and historical research, mostly about Gibraltar. He has written several books and a number of historical monographs. Eugene Black is Ottilie Springer Professor of Modern European History at Brandeis University, Massachusetts, and author of several major works, including The Social Politics of Anglo-Jewry, i88o-ig20 (1988). Gerry Black is author of Lender to the Lords, Giver to the Poor, a biography of Samuel Lewis (1992). He was joint winner of the JHSE's Diamond Prize in 1988. Cecil Bloom lives in Leeds. He was technical director of a major multinational pharmaceutical company until his retirement. This is his third paper to be pub? lished in Transactions. Malcolm Brown compiled the three catalogues of the surviving contents of David Salomons' House, Southborough, Kent, and served as the first archivist of Anglo Jewish Archives. Kaiman A. Burnim is Fletcher Professor of Drama Emeritus, Tufts University, former president of the American Society for Theatre Research, and Honorary Fellow in the Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University College London. He has written numerous articles and books on theatre history. David Cesarani is Director of the Institute of Contemporary History and Wiener Library, London. He is the editor of The Making of Modern Anglo-Jewry (1990), and author of Justice Delayed (1992) and The Jewish Chronicle (1993). Joe Hillaby is a Research Fellow in the University of Bristol. His study of the synagogues of medieval England appeared recently in the Journal of Ecclesiastical History. Arthur B. Hyman was born in London in 1905 and has been a member of the Society since 1924. He was a Professor of Dermatology in New York, and is now a consultant at Shaare Zedek Hospital, Jerusalem. He has published widely in the Jewish and medical fields. 291</page><page sequence="2">Contributors to this volume Alex Jacob, an amateur genealogist, has previously contributed articles to Trans? actions on the Jews of Falmouth, where his father's family settled, and on his mother's grandfather, the Revd A. L. Green. Louis Jacobs is rabbi of the New London Synagogue, London. Anthony Joseph is corresponding member for Great Britain of the Australian Jewish Historical Society, and President of the Society, 1994-5. Sharman Kadish was chairperson of the Working Party on Jewish Monuments in the British Isles, and now lives in Israel. Raymond Kaiman was born in Paris in 1930, and as a mature student took a BA in Philosophy (1973) and an MA in London Studies (1990) at Birkbeck College. His MA dissertation formed the basis of his contribution to the present volume. John D. Klier is Elizabeth and Sidney Corob Reader in Modern Jewish History at University College London, and Head of the Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies. He is the author of Russia Gathers Her Jews: The Origins of the Jewish Question in Russia (1986) and Imperial Russia's Jewish Question, 1855-1881 (1995), and co-editor of Pogroms: Anti- Jewish Violence in Modern Russian History. Lionel Kochan is a distinguished historian and former President of the Society, whose Jews, Idols and Messiahs: the Challenge from History appeared in 1990. Tony Kushner is Parkes Lecturer in Jewish Studies at the Department of His? tory, University of Southampton. Raphael Loewe, Goldsmid Professor Emeritus at University College London, is a former President of the Society for Old Testament Study and of this Society. Frances Malino is Associate Professor of History at the University of Massachu? setts, and co-editor, with David Sorkin, of From East to West: Jews in a Changing Europe, 1750-1870 (1990). Stephen Massil, chairman of the Society's Programme Committee, has edited Anglo-Jewish Bibliography, igji-iggo for the Society, and is editor of Jewish Year Book, Jewish Travel Guide, and Jewish Book News and Reviews. Aubrey Newman is Professor in the Department of History at the University of Leicester and a former President of the Society. 292</page><page sequence="3">Contributors to this volume His Honour Aron Owen, a retired Circuit Judge, was born in Tredegar, Gwent. He holds the degrees BA (hons) and PhD in the University of Wales. Stefan Reif is Director of the Taylor-Schechter Geniza Research Unit, Cam? bridge, and a former President of the Society. Miriam Rodrigues-Pereira is Honorary Archivist of the Spanish and Portu? guese Jews' Congregation, London. Her father was minister of the Montefiore Synagogue, Ramsgate, from 1929 to 1964. Jonathan Romain is rabbi of Maidenhead Synagogue in Berkshire. His books include Signs and Wonders, The Jews of England and Faith and Practice - A Guide to Reform Judaism Today. Edgar Samuel, born in Hampstead in 1928, has written and lectures prolifically on Jewish history. He is Director of the Jewish Museum, London, and a former President of the Society. 293</page><page sequence="4">Notes for contributors to Society publications Contributors should follow these guidelines in presenting their texts, in order to keep each stage of publication as simple and as inexpensive as possible. Texts and notes should be typed on one side only of A4 paper, with 30 double spaced lines on each full page. Please try to avoid ending lines with a hyphen. Pages should be numbered in complete sequence, without added 'a' or V pages. The title of the contribution, the name of the author and any subheadings in the text, should be in upper- and lower-case letters, on separate lines, and not be underlined. Please leave additional space above and below to aid recognition. Subheadings should ideally be of no more than 2 grades. Each should be marked 'A' or 'B' to indicate its grade. The opening paragraph, and the first paragraph after any subheading, should not be indented; others should be indented 5 spaces. Quotations should be in English, and appear in single inverted commas. Quota? tions appearing in the course of these should be in double inverted commas. Longer quotations?of about 100 words or 10 typed lines?should be preceded and followed by an empty line and without inverted commas. Quotations in the course of these should be in single inverted commas. Words omitted in the course of a quotation should be indicated by 3 full stops. If the end of a sentence is omitted, 4 full stops should be used. Square parentheses should be placed round comments inserted by the author in a quotation. In matters of spelling, the Concise Oxford Dictionary is followed, with a prefer? ence for V spellings of words ending in 'ize\ For abbreviation, capitalization and italicization, Hart's Rules should be consulted. Dates should be written as '27 April 1984'. All measurements should be given in metric form, unless they are quoted direcdy from a source. Notes are now printed at the end of each contribution, making them relatively inaccessible, so contributors should include in them bibliographical material only, and normally not use them for remarks, which, however tangential or tentative, could be included even parenthetically in the main text. Their position in the text should be indicated by a complete sequence of super? ior numerals (i.e.1 or2) without additional 'a' or 'b' notes and without parentheses, ringing, etc. The numerals should be typed after any punctuation. Type the notes themselves at the end of the contribution. They should be arranged and punctuated as follows: 1 R. D. Barnett, 'Diplomatic aspects of the Sephardi Influx ..Trans JfHSE XXV (1977) 210-22. 295</page><page sequence="5">Notes for contributors 2 H. Loewe (ed.) Starrs and Jewish Charters II (London 1932) 62-8. 3 R. D. Barnett (see n. 1) 212. 4 A. Newman, 'The Synagogues of the East End', in A. Newman (ed.) The Jewish East End 1840-igjg (London 1981) 217-21. 5 Jewish Chronicle (hereafter JQ 8 Nov. 1912, p. 18. 6 H. Maccoby, 'The Kamenitzer Maggid ...', in A. Newman (ed.) (see n. 4) 335 7 Ibid. 336-7. Indicate the position of illustrations in the text. Supply clear monochrome prints, as near as possible to the final desired size. Two copies should be supplied of the captions: one on a separate sheet, and the other stuck on the back of each plate* starting with the plate number (i.e. 'Plate 1' etc.). Please include a biographical oudine of some 40 words in your contribution. 296</page><page sequence="6">Society officers and council President: His Honour ISRAEL FINESTEIN, QC Vice Presidents: Professor CHIMEN ABRAMSKY Sir ISAIAH BERLIN, OM, CBE, FBA R. N. CARVALHO, BCL Professor BARRIE DOBSON, FBA A. A. E. E. ETTINGHAUSEN, OBE The Very Reverend Haham SOLOMON GAON, PhD (deceased) Rabbi HUGO GRYN, DHL Emeritus Chief Rabbi Lord JAKOBOVITS, PhD LIONEL KOCHAN, PhD Professor RAPHAEL LOEWE, MC Professor AUBREY NEWMAN, DPhil, FRHistS STEFAN REIF, PhD ALFRED RUBENS, FSA, FRHistS Chief Rabbi JONATHAN SACKS, PhD EDGAR SAMUEL, MPhil, FRHistS WALTER SCHWAB, MA DOROTHY STONE, LLB, JP Honorary Treasurer: WILLIAM MARGULIES Honorary Secretary: CYRIL DRUKKER Editor of Publications: JEREMY SCHONFIELD Council: T. M. Benady Dr Gerry Black Malcolm Brown Dr David Cesarani Michael Daniels Bernard Davis B. Diamond Professor Mark Geller Mrs M. Glick Alex Jacob Dr Anthony Joseph Dr Sharman Kadish Raymond Kaiman Mrs Ann Kershen Dr Tony Kushner Rabbi Dr Nicholas de Lange Profesor David Latchman Rabbi Dr Abraham Levy Stephen W. Massil His Honour Aron Owen, PhD Miss Miriam Rodrigues-Pereira Alan Rose Adolf Schischa Sidney L. Shipton Professor Bernard Wasserstein Hon. Solicitors: NABARRO, NATHANSON &amp; CO. Audiotors: JEFFREYS HENRY 297</page><page sequence="7">Index Aaron le Blund 39 Aaron of Lincoln 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 29, 33 Aaron of York 39 Aaron s. Abraham 33 Aaron s. Abraham gds. Muriel 39 Aaron gds. Abigail 36 Abenatar, Abraham 48, 49, 51 Abenatar, Moses 50 Abigail of London 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 33? 35 Aboab, Isaac 59 Aboab, Jacob 47 Abraham (loaned gold to Osbert of Lincoln) 11 Abraham Levi 25 Abraham Quatrebouche 25, 33, 34, 36 Abraham le Vesque 25 Abraham br. Isaac 18, 22, 23, 38 Abraham s. Aaron of Lincoln 30, 31 Abraham s. Abigail 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 3i? 33 Abraham s. Bene of Winchester 31 Abraham s. Josce Quatrebouche 12, 17, 19, 20, 21, 36, 38 Abraham s. le Brun 25, 30, 31, 32, 35 Abraham s. Muriel 34, 35, 36, 38, 39 Abraham (Mr), performer (fl. 1793) 91 Abraham (Miss), violinist (fl. 1776) 91 Abrahams, Abraham 128 Abrahams, David Bramah 91 Abrahams, Esther 81, 83 Abrahams, Isaac 137, 138 Abrahams, Israel 217, 226, 233, 235, 236, 237 Abrahams, John (musician) (fl. 1688) 91 Abrahams, John (house-servant) (fl. 1775-9) 9i Abrahams, John (house-servant) (1777 1856) 91 Abrahams, John (Johann) 81, 91 Abrahams and Gluckstein (Messrs) 228 Abrams, Charles 83, 91 Abrams, David 83 Abrams, Eliza 83, 91 Abrams, Flora 83 Abrams, G. (Miss) 83, 91 Abrams, Harriet 83, 84, 91 Abrams, Jane 91 Abrams, Theodosia 83, 91 Abrams, William 83, 91 Abramsky, Chimen (Professor) 263 Abramsky, Yehezkel (Rabbi) 250, 251 Abudarham, Rachel dau. David 56 Abudarham, Samuel, Leon and Joaquin 58 Acris, Aaron 53 Adcock, Abraham 91 Adeliza dau. Ranulf I 11 Aden, Jews of 101 Adler, Cyrus (Dr) 234 Adler, Hermann Nathan (Chief Rabbi) 194, 195, 200, 209, 229, 234, 252 Adler, Marcus 154, 155 Adler, Nathan Marcus (Chief Rabbi) 154, 189, 190, 209, 229, 252 Alan s. Gervase de Cornhill 16 Albredo 34 Ahad Haeam and the Origins of Zionism 279-80 Alderman, Geoffrey 266, 281 Alevy, Abraham de Jacob 53, 57 Alevy ben Zephat, Samuel 48 Alexander II (Tzar) 178, 187 Alexander III (Tzar) 177, 180 Alexander, Aaron 133 Alexander, David 188 Alexander, Judah 128 Alexander, L. 102 Alexander, Levi 128 Alexander, Michael Solomon (Bishop of Jerusalem) 130 Alien Immigration, Royal Commission on, 1902 204-5 Aliens Bills, 1904-5 190, 191, 207 Aliens Act, 1905 208-9, 210, 211 Aliens Defence League 203 Alliance Israelite Universelle 280 Almeida, Sara 126 Almosnino, Moses 56 Ambrose (Miss) (fl. 1739-1813) 85, 91 Ambrose, E. (Miss) 91 Ambrose, John 91 American Jewish Historical Society 225 Ancient Order of Mount Sinai Society 149 Ancient Order of Zion Friendly Society 149 Anglo-Jewish Ephemera, A Collection of 97-123 Anglo-Jewish Historical Exhibition, 1887 225, 232, 233 Anglo-Jewry 1892-1992, Historiography of 215-24 Ansell, Mier 137 Anselm (Archbishop of Canterbury) 3, 4 Anti-Demolition League 231, 233 Anti-Semitism in France 287 Anti-Semitism in the Third Reich 287 Applebaum, Shimon 221 Archaeological Exhibition of Records of Anglo-Jewish History 231 Arne, Thomas 83 Arnulf s. Alulfus 32 Artom, Benjamin (Haham) 168 Asher, Asher (Dr) 189 Ashkenazi, Aaron Selig (Rabbi) 99, 123 Asquith, Herbert H. 208 Associated British Synagogues see Reform Synagogues of Great Britain Association of Jewish Friendly Societies 148, 154 Asdey, Philip 73 Astley's Jews 73, 75 Atal, Estrella 57 Atal, Joseph 53 Avigdor, Mordecai 100, 123 Ayrton, Herta 228 Azuelos, Leon 58 Azuelos, Peceba 53 Baddeley, Robert 68 Baeck, Leo (Rabbi) 255 Baernreitker, T.M. 156 Bakst, I. 182 Baldwin (Archbishop) 28, 29 Balfour, Gerald 204 Banister, Joseph 195 Bannister, John 68 Barnett (Canon) 205 Barnett, Arthur (Revd) 146 Barnett, A.L. 100, 123 Barnet(t), Andrew 78, 92 Barnett, Catherine 92 Barnett, Emanuel 130 Barnett, H. 99, 108, 120 Barnett, Richard D. 69, 219 Baron (Rabbi) 254 Barrow Joseph (Mrs) see Abrams, Theodosia Barry, Helen 70 Basevi, George 72 Basevi, Naphtali 76 Bassevy, Naftaly di Solomon 72 Bedarda, Jacob 58 Bedford: Jews of: medieval 16 Bellasez of Oxford 34 Belloc, Hilaire 194 Benady, Menachem 60 298</page><page sequence="8">Index Benady, T.M.: THE ROLE OF JEWS IN THE BRITISH COLONIES OF THE WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN 45-63 Benedict Parnas of Lincoln 30, 31 Benedict Parvus 8, 25, 30, 31 Benedict of Talmont 22, 34 Benedict br. of Jurnet of Norwich 16, 21 Benedict s. Josce Quatrebouche 25, 30, 3i, 33, 34, 36 Benedict s. Sarah 21 Benedict s. Vives 25, 28 Benedict s-i-1. Master Moses 23 Benider, Abraham 50 Benider, Jacob 50 Benisch, Abraham 229 Benjamin of Cambridge 31 Benjamin, Moses (of Halstead) 131 Benjamin, Wolf 127, 128 Benn, Philip 175 Bennett, Joseph (Colonel) 48 Benoliel, Judah and Isaac 59 Bensimra, Solomon 57 Bensusan, S.L. 133 Bensusan-Butt, John 134, 135 Bentwich, Herbert 189, 234 Berg (Rabbi) 255 Bernal family 126, 128 Bernal, Ralph 128 Bernard of Talmont 37 Bethnal Green Free Library 228 Bevis Marks Synagogue 54, 55, 73, 231, 235 Bialofski, Lewis 206 Bibas, Isaac (Rabbi) 47 Bienheim (Rabbi) 255 Biket de domo Isaac 23, 24 Birnbaum, Pierre 287 Black, Eugene C. xviii Black, Gerry 283 Bland, George 75 Bland, Humphrey (General) 52 Bland, Maria Teresia 66, 73, 74, 75, 92 Bloom, Cecil: THE POLITICS OF IMMIGRATION, 1881-1905 187 213 Blumfield, H. 92 Board of Deputies of British Jews 54, 154, 188, 190 Board of Deputies Education Committee 246 Board of Guardians, Jewish 176, 188, 189, 197, 198 Board of Guardians, Industrial Committee of 132 Boaz, Herman 92 Bocking, conversions at 130 Bologna, Marianne 85 Bologna, Pietro 85 Bonevie dau. Samuel Mouton 36 Bonn, J. 130 Booth (General) 131 Bossi, Cesare 92 Bossy (Dr) 92 Bossy, Frederick 92 Botibol, Sarah 57 Bow, first congregation at 131 Bradford Reform Congregation 249, 256 Braham, John 65, 66, 80, 82, 83, 92 Braintree, Jews at 131 Bramah see Abrahams, David Brandon family 69, 70 Brandon, Charlotte Harris 72 Brandon, Ester Pinto see Pinto, Ester Brandon, Isaac Pinto 70 Brandon, James William (1755-1825) 70, 71, 72, 92 Brandon, James William (d. 1828) 92 Brandon, John (fl. 1789-1813) 72, 92 Brandon, John Raphael 69 Brandon, Joseph 70 Brandon, Joshua Arthur 69 Brandon, Josiah John 70 Brandon, Martha 70, 92 Brandon, Mary Ann 72 Brandon v. Clifford 70 Brangin (Miss) see Wewitzer, Ralph (Mrs) Brangin, Rhoda 92 Brent, Charles 92 Breslaw (Mr) (d. 1783) 92 Breslaw, Philip 73, 75, 92 Brethren of Biala 148 Brethren of Bresk 148 Brethren of Courland 148 Brethren of Vilna 148 Brewda, Alina (Dr) 245 Bristol: Jews of: medieval 16 Bristol Hebrew Congregation 165 British Academy 217 British Brothers' League 188, 202-3 British Colonies of the Western Mediterranean, the role of Jews in 45-63 Brodie, Israel (Chief Rabbi) 253, 261 Brody (Galicia) 180, 188 Brodetsky, Selig (Professor) 157 Brooke, C. and Keir, G. 7 Brown, Malcolm 275, 279 Brown, Malcolm: AN IPSWICH WORTHY PORTRAYED BY JOHN CONSTABLE 137-9 Brown, Malcolm: THE JEWS OF ESSEX BEFORE 1900 125-36 Bungay: Jews of: medieval 14, 15, 16 Burleigh, Michael 284 Burnim, Kaiman A.: THE JEWISH PRESENCE IN THE LONDON THEATRE, 1660-1800 65-95 Burns, John 207 Bury St Edmunds: Jews of: medieval 15, 16, 27 Busnach, Abraham 53 Busnach, Abraham Hay 53 Busnach, Habram 53 Busnach, Moses s. Naftali 53 Busnach, Naoftali 53 Butz, Arthur 239 Buxton, Sydney 195, 198, 208 Buzaglo (Mr) (fl. 1792-7) 92 Buzaglo, Abraham 92 Buzaglo, Louis 92 Cabanel family 75 Cabanel, Eliza 92 Cabanel, Harriot 92 Cabanel, M?ns 92 Cabanel, Rudolph 92 Cabanel, Victorie 92 Cabesa, Isaac 46 Cade, William 17, 18, 19, 20 Calamod 23 Cambridge: Jews of: medieval 14, 15 Cambridge Genizah Collections 265 Campbell-Bannerman, H. (Sir) 208 Cansino, Isaque 56, 58 Cansino, Jacob ben Haim 56 Cansino, Jacob de Salvador 49 Cansino, Joshua (Salvador) 56 Cansino, Moses 56, 58 Cansino, Moses d'Salvador 56 Canterbury: Jews of: medieval 16 Capon, William 4 Cardoso, Sarah de Jacob 72 Cardozo, Aaron 58, 59, 60 Carey, George Saville 86 Carney (Mr) 92 Carvalho, David Diaz 58 Cashden (Rabbi) 254 Cassell (Rabbi) 255 Castle Rising: Jews of: medieval 15 Castro, Daniel Jacob de 73 Castro, David de 73 Castro, James (Jacob) de (1758-1824) 73, 79, 93 Castro, James de (Mr) 93 Castro Sarmento, Jacob de 73 Caues, Ester de Aharon de 83 Central British Fund 159 Cervetto, Giacobbe 'Nosey', 72, 76, 77, 92 Cervetto, James 72, 77, 92 Cesarani, David 287, 290 Ceuta, Jews in 50 Chaim bar Sender 99, 108 Chamberlain, Joseph 199, 207 Charlotte (Queen) 99, 120-1, 122 Charnley, John (Dr) 239 Charter of Liberty, 1201 7 Charter Rolls see Exchequer Records Chelmsford, Jews in 126-7 Chichester: Jews of: medieval 16 Chmielnicki Massacres 187 Churchill, Randolph (Lord) 188 299</page><page sequence="9">Index Churchill, Winston (Sir) 207, 239 Cimador, Giovanni Battista 92 Clairon 183 Clapham, John (Sir) 217 Clarice 23, 24 Clarke, Hyde 236 Clauberg (Professor) 244 Close Rolls see Exchequer Records Coen, Salomon 57 Cohen (Mr) (Musician) 77, 92 Cohen, Abraham 47 Cohen, Abraham (Revd Dr) 251 Cohen, Benjamin (MP) 189, 201, 207 Cohen, Jacob 127 Cohen, Joseph (of Braintree) 131 Cohen, Joseph (of London) 57 Cohen, Lionel 189 Cohen, Morris 149 Cohen, Perla 57 Cohen, Philip 254 Cohen, Robert 265 Cohen, Sarah 1 Cohen, Solomon 57, 58 Cok de domo Abraham 23 Coker 23 Colchester: Jews of: medieval 16 Colchester: Jews of: modern 128, 129, 130, 131 Colechurch Lane 17 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 60, 99 Collis, Abraham 146 Colman, George, jr 68 Collins, Henry 73 Collins, Josephine (Lady Innes Kerr) 73 Collins, Lala 73 Conegliano, Emanuele 92 Congreve (Colonel) 49 Conquy, Jacob 57, 58 Constable, John, An Historical Worthy portrayed by 136-9 Converts, Jewish 2, 3, 4 Cooke, William 83 Cornwell (Vice-Admiral) 49 Corry, John 67 Costa, Uriel da 271-2 Cotton, Stanhope 49 Coventry: Jews of: medieval 16 Craggs, James 49 Cramer (Mr) (d. 1781) 92 Cramer, Charles (d. 1799) 92 Cramer, Franz 92 Cramer, Johann Baptist 92 Cramer, Wilhelm 92 Crillon (Duke of) 57, 58 Crispin, Gilbert (Abbot of Westminster) 3&gt;4 Crookes, Will 20 Cumberland, Richard 67, 68 Curtis, Michael (Rabbi) 255, 258, 259 Cyonia dau. Leo le Blund 32 Dacre (Lord) 239 Da Ponte, Lorenzo 92 Davies, Anna (fl. 1786-1836) 85, 86, 88, 93 Davies, 'Jew' (fl. 1795-1819) 86, 93 Davis, Israel 230 Davis, Moses 78, 93 Davis, Myer 229, 230 Davis, Rosetta 164, 165 Dawson, Jane 127 Deintosa w. Josce Quatrebouche 23, 34 Delmar, David 56 del Mar, Isaac 56 Delmar, Judah 57 Delmar, Manuel (Emanuel) 56, 57, 58 Delpini family 75 Delpini, Carlo Antonio 93 Delpini Carlo (Mrs) 93 Deputies, Board of see Board of Deputies Dering v. Uris and others 243-8 De(h)ring Wladylaw Alexander 244, 245, 246, 247, 248 Deulesalt (Episcopus) 25, 31 Deudonne the Crooklegged 23 Deudonne l'Eveske 21 Deulebene de Juvigny 23, 24 Deulesault 11 Delesault Episcopus 23, 30, 31, 32 Deusaie dau. Rana 23 Dialogue of the Exchequer, The 19 Dibdin, Charles 78 Dickens, Charles, jr 166 Digby, Kenelm (Sir) 205, 206, 207 D?ke, Charles 199, 203, 207, 209 Dobson, Barry (Professor) 29, 219 Donum of 1159 14, 15, 21, 31 Dorfler (Rabbi) 255 Dr Herzl and Sons of Jerusalem Friendly Benefit Society 146, 148 Drabkin, A.N. (Rabbi) 181, 182 Dressier, John 93 Drukker, Margaret 238 Dubourg, Matthew 78, 93 Ducrow family 75 Ducrow, Andrew 93 Ducrow, John 93 Ducrow, Peter 93 Dunraven (Lord) 196, 198 Duplessis, John Simon 78, 93 Duplessis, Lewis 78, 93 Duschinsky, Charles (Dr) 97, 98 Dutch Jewish History, Symposium on 270-1 Dwork, Deborah 284 Eadmer (Anselm's chaplain) 2, 3 East Ham Synagogue 133 Eden, Frederick Morton (Sir) 142 Edgware Reform Congregation 256 Edinburgh Jewish Literary Society 228 Edmonton Research Group 134 Egerton (Mrs) see Ambrose (Miss) Egerton, Daniel 93 Egerton, Daniel (Mrs) 93 Elias le Blund 32 Elias (Master) s. Moses (Master) see Elijah Menahem s. Master Moses of London Elias s. Margarede 25 Elias s. the Magister 25 Elijah Menahem s. Master Moses of London 9 Elliott, Roger (Colonel) 47, 48 Emden, Paul 219 Emma the Changer 8 Endelman, Todd M. (Professor) 66, 67, 219, 220 Englander, David 275 English Zionist Federation 150, 157 Ephraim of Bonn 13, 27, 30 Ernulf (Prior of Christ Church, Canterbury) 4 Essex, the Jews of, before 1900 125 139 Ethiopia, the Jews of 101 Evans-Gordon, William (MP, Major) 202, 203, 204, 205, 210 Evershed (Lord) 241 Exchequer Records: Charter Rolls 1 Exchequer Records: Close Rolls 1 Exchequer Records: Fine Rolls 1 Exchequer Records: Liberate Rolls 1 Exchequer Records: Memorandum Roll, 1199 1 Exchequer Records: Patent Rolls 1 Exchequer Records: Pipe Rolls 1, 3, 8 12 Exchequer Records: Plea Rolls 1 Exchequer Records: Receipt Roll of 1194 see Northampton Donum Exeter: Jews of: medieval 16 Exeter: Jews of: modern 164 Exner, W.L., Ltd 240 Falk, Samuel Jacob Chaim de 73, 93 Faudel-Phillips, George (Sir) 130 Faulkner, Wilhelm 240 Faurisson, Robert 239 Feldman, David 227 Feokistov, E.M. 178 Federation of Synagogues 200 Federation of Synagogues Cemetery: Edmonton 147 Fersht, B.A. 145 Filipowsky, Hirschell 227, 229 Fine Rolls see Exchequer Records Finestein, Israel (Judge) 219 Finestein, R. (Sister) 151 Firmin s. Leo le Blund 23 Fisch, Aaron H. 265 Fisher, Abraham 78 Fisher, John Abraham (Dr) 78, 93 Fishman, William J.: Festschrift for 281-3 Floria w. Episcopus 23 Foresters, Ancient Order of 169 Fox, Stephen 195 300</page><page sequence="10">Index Francesco see Hyam, Nicola Francesco Francia family 126 Frankfurter v. W.L. Exner Ltd 240 Freak(e), Charles 198, 201 Frey, J.S.CF. 98 Friendly Societies, Origin of 141-3 Frost, George 137 Furtado, Abraham (or Charles) 93 Furtado, John 93 Galfon, Zacarias 57 Galindo, Peter (or Charles) 68 Gardner (Lord) 246, 248 Garrick, David 76, 86 Gartner, L.P. 191, 221 Gaster, Moses (Haham) 229 Gemeinde Zeitschrift 231 Geoffrey of Anjou (Count) 20 Geoffrey II de Mandeville 11, 35 Geoffrey of Monmouth 27 George III (King) 97, 99, 102, 103 George IV (King) 99 Germany 193 3-1945: the Racial State 284 Gerush we-shibah: Yehudey Anglia be-hilluphey ha-zemanim 265 Gervase of Canterbury 22 Gervase de Cornhill 16, 35 Gervase s. Peter fitz Alan 16 Gibraltar, Jews in 47-52, 58-9 Giffard, Hugh 8 Gilbert fitz Richard 11 Gintsburg, Horace (Baron) 176, 180 Giordani, Tomasso 79 Girelli Aquilar, Maria Antonia 93 Gladstone, W.E. 199, 210, 211 Glanvill (law treatise) 20 Glasgow Jewish Literary Society 228 Glasgow Reform Congregation 256 Gloucester: Jews of: medieval 14, 15, 26 Godfrey de Lucy 28 Goldberg, Percy (Rabbi) 254, 255, 256 Golditch (Dayan) 259, 260 Goldschmidt, Lazarus 230, 232 Goldsmid, Isaac Lyon 67 Goldsmid (Major) 229 Gollancz, Hermann (Sir) 230 Gollop (Dayan) 250, 251 Golos ('The Voice') 176 Gomez da Costa, Aaron de Abraham 72 Gompertz, Samuel 126 Gooch, William (Mrs), nee Villareal 93 Goodfellows, Loyal and Independent Lodge of 145 Gordon (Mrs) see Lyon (Miss) Gosden, H.J.H. 156 Gotovtsev, D.V. 179 Grabezinski (Dr) 245 Graetz, Heinrich 232, 235 Graf (Rabbi) 255 Graml, Hermann 287 Grand Order of Israel Friendly Society 149 Grand Order of the Sons of Jacob 150 Great Synagogue, London 65, 78, 79, 81,83 Green family in 19th-century Whitechapel 163-73 Green, Aaron 171 Green, Aaron Asher (Revd) 165, 167, 171 Green, Aaron Levy (Revd) 165, 168, 170, 230 Green, Abraham 163, 166, 171 Green, Amelia 164 Green, Asher (1826-91) 165, 171 Green, Ephraim 163, 164, 165, 169, 171 Green, Judah 163, 171 Green, Leah 165, 171 Green, Levi Ephraim 164, 165, 171 Green, Lewis Abraham 167, 171 Green, Mark L. 172 Green, Michael Levy 164, 165, 167 Green, Sarah = Isaac Vallentine 169, 171 Green, Solomon (1853-1923) 165, 171, 172 Green, Solomon Abraham (Sholey) 163, 167, 168, 171 Green, L. &amp; Co. 165 Greenberg, Leopold 206 Green's Motzo Factory 165-6 Gronoman, Sybilla 77 Gross, John 268 Grou, Moses 130 Guibert de Nogent 2, 3 Guildford Tallage of 1186 22, 23, 31 Gutwirth, Eleazar 268 Haes, Frank 233 Hakelin s. Josce see Isaac s. Josce Halevy, Elie 194 Halford, Timothy 134 Haliva, Abraham 100 Halpern, Georg 156 Halstead, Jews at 131 Hambro Synagogue 146-7, 169 Ha-Melits 181 Hamet Basha (of Tetuan) 50 Hammersmith and West Kensington Zionist Mutual Aid Society 157 Hand-in-Hand Asylum 167, 169 Hanna do domo Abraham s. Episcopus 23, 24 Hannah Curi 23, 24 Hardie, Keir 198, 199, 203 Hardwicke (Earl of) 201, 202 Hargrave (Colonel) 50 Harris, Isidore (Revd) 233 Harris, Thomas 73 Hart, Aaron (fl. 1775) 93 Hart, Moses 125 Harwich, Jews at 130 Hautval, Adelaide (Dr) 246, 247 Haydn, Joseph 76 Haym, Nicola Francesco 93 Haym, Nicolina 93 Hebrat see Hevrat Hebrew Antiquarian Society 229 Hebrew Austrian Benefit 148 Hebrew liturgical poems 101 Hebrew Review 229 Helbut, Isaac 125 Helme (Mrs) see Cabanel, Harriot Helme, (Jack?) 93 Henna L'Eveske 36 Henriques, Basil (Sir) 254 Henriques, Jacob 93 Henry I (King) 9, 10, 11 Henry II (King) 14, 15-21 Henry de Gray 37 Herbert (Abbot) (1121-40) 3 Herbert fitz Dudemann 10 Hereford: Jews of: medieval 15, 16 Herschel, Alexander 93 Herschell, Ridley (Revd) 130 Herschell, Solomon (Chief Rabbi) 95, 100, 106, 107, 123, 126, 164, 165 Hertford: Jews of: medieval 16 Hertz, J.H. (Chief Rabbi) 250, 251, 252, 256, 267 Hervey, Augustus (Captain) 54 Herzl, Theodor 206, 208 Herzl Nordau Zionist Friendly Benefit Society 148 Hevrat Ahavat Achim Benefit Society 145 Hevrat Ahavath Zedek veShalom 146 Hevrat Benefit M'Shivat Nefesh 145 Hevrat Derech Yesharim 146 Hickman, Samuel 137 Highfill, Philip H. jr (Professor) 65 Hillaby, Joe: THE LONDON JEWRY: WILLIAM I TO JOHN 1-43 Hinrichsen, Hans 241 Hinrichsen, Henry 240, 241 Hinrichsen, Max 241 Hirschell see Herschell Hispano-Jewish Culture, Ten Centuries of 268 Hobsbawm, Eric 156 Hobson, J.A. 195 Hogarth, William 68 Holmes, Colin 281 Holocaust in English Law Reports, References to 239-48 Holocaust Testimonies 285 Holy Calling Benefit Society (Fashion St) 147 Homa, B. 98 Home (Lord) 52 Home for Aged Jews 169 Hospetaro 23 Howard (General) 54 Hugh de Bigod 14, 15 Hugh Foucault (Abbot of St Denis) 28 Hugh of Lincoln 220 Huntingdon (Earl of) 28 301</page><page sequence="11">Index Hurwitz, Hyman 99, 112-13, IIO-I75 118-19 Hyam (Mrs) 93 Hyam, Hyam 128, 129 Hyam, Lawrence 129 Hyam, Nicola Francesco 78, 93 Hyam, Simon 128 Hyam, Uriah Sabbathai 100, 123 Hyams, Aaron 164 Hyamson, Albert M. 77, 219 Hyman, Aaron (Rabbi) 98 Hyman, Arthur B.: A COLLECTION OF ANGLO-JEWISH EPHEMERA 97-123 Ignatiev, N.P. (Count) 177-83 Ignatiev Commissions 178, 179, 180, 183 Immigration 1881-1905, The Politics of 187-213 Independent Order of Beni Brith 149 Independent Order of Oddfellows, Manchester Unity 150 Inquisitions, Miscellaneous &amp; Post Mortem 1 Institute of Jewish Studies 215 Institution for the Relief of the Distressed Sick of the Jewish Persuasion (Meshanat Lecholim) 164 Ipswich, Jews in 128 Ironmonger Lane 4, 5 Irving, David 239 Isaac (Rabbi) 34 Isaac the Jew 17, ?i8 Isaac le Gros of Canterbury 30, 31, 37 Isaac Medicus 9, 23 Isaac Quatrebouche 25 Isaac of Canterbury 33 Isaac de Juvigny 23, 24 Isaac of Norwich 17, 33 Isaac of Oxford 34, 35 Isaac s. Josce = Henna l'Evesk 36 Isaac s. Josce the presbyter 39 Isaac s. Josce Quatrebouche 12, 17, 19 21, 23, 33, 34, 35 Isaac s. of the Rabbi 36, 37, 38 Isaac s-i-1. Abigail 25 Isaac (Mr) (fl. 1631-1716) 93 Isaac (Mr) (fl. 1730) 93 Isaac, Henry 126 Isaac, Matthew see Dubourg, Matthew Isaacs family 66 Isaacs, Henry (Naphtali ben Mosheh) 99, 116-17, 118-19 Isaacs, J. (d. 1820) 93 Isaacs, John (1791-1830) 93 Isaacs, Rufus see Reading (Lord) Israel s. Abraham 36 Italiener (Rabbi) 255 Iwens, Sidney 287 Jacob, payment to Crown by 9, 10 Jacob (Signor) 73, 94 Jacob of Canterbury 30, 31 Jacob of Lincoln 30 Jacob of London (1130) 3, 11, 12, ?i8, ?2i, 33 Jacob of Orleans (Rabbi) 30 Jacob of Paris 23, 24 Jacob of Winchester, of London 23 Jacob s. Samuel of Northampton 30, 31, 37 Jacob, Alex: NO ORDINARY TRADESMEN: THE GREEN FAMILY IN 19TH-CENTURY WHITECHAPEL 163-73 Jacob, Alex 277 Jacobs family 66 Jacobs (Mr) (fl. 1768-83) 94 Jacobs (Mr) (d. 1784) 94 Jacobs, (Mr) (d. 1793) 94 Jacobs (Mrs) (d. 1790) 94 Jacobs (Miss) (fl. i78i?~92) 94 Jacobs, C. 94 Jacobs, Chapman 128 Jacobs, E. (Miss) (fl. 1798-1814) 94 Jacobs, Ester (fl. c.1760) 94 Jacobs, Joseph 217, 226, 227, 230, 233, 234, 236 Jacobs, Louis 281 Jacobs, R. (Miss) 94 Jacobs, Richard 94 Jacobs, Richard (Mrs) 94 Jacobs, T. (fl. 1800-1) 94 James of Hereford, (Lord) 205 Jenkinson, Hilary (Sir) 20, 219 Jervis, St John (Earl St Vincent) 59, 60 Jessel, Zadok Aaron 164 Jewish Association for the Diffusion of Religious Knowledge 228 Jewish Book Week 237 Jewish Chronicle 155, 156, 160, 169, 197, 200, 210, 220, 226, 227, 229 32, 234, 235, 236, 237, 267 Jewish Congregational Union 205 Jewish Dispersion Committee 205 Jewish Directory 169 Jewish Free School 98, 164 Jewish Friendly Societies of London 141-61 Jewish Heritage in British History 277-8 Jewish Historical Society of England 217, 225-38 Jewish Immigrants in Britain 275-7 Jewish Pedlars and Hawkers 275 Jewish Quarterly Review 229 Jewish Record 196 Jewish Year Book 144, 148 Jewish Youth in Nazi Europe 284 Jewish Working Men's Club &amp; Institute 228 Jewish World 230, 231 Jews' College Literary &amp; Debating Society 228, 233, 235 Jews' and General Literary and Scientific Institution 228 Jews in the History of England, 1485 1850 266 Jews' Orphan Asylum 166 Jeyes, S.H. 194 Jocelin of Brakelond 27 Jocelyn s. Peter fitz Alan 16 John (King), Charter of 1201 16 John of Lincoln 8 John Marshal 28 Johnson, James (Colonel) 54, 55 Jona (Mr) (d. 1756) 94 Jonas (Mr) (fl. 1776-1815) 94 Jonas, Philip 73, 94 Jones, Leif 210 Josce the Jew 8 Josce Mauritii 23 Josce the presbyter 39 Josce Quatrebouche 21, 33, 34, 36 Josce (Rabbi) see Rubigotsea Josce de domo Sampson 23, 24 Josce s. Bonnevie 38 Josce s. Clarice 23 Josce s. David 23, 29 Josce s. Deulesault 25, 32 Josce s. Isaac of London 21, 25, 30, 31, 35&gt; 36, 37, 38 Josce s. Magister 25 Josce s. Medicus 9, 23 Josce gds. Josce (Rouen) 12 Jose de Silva, Antonio 273-4 Joseph s. Isaac 34 Joseph, Aaron 100, 123 Joseph, Anthony 284 Joseph, Hirsch 100, 123 Joseph, Morris (Revd) 254 Joseph, Nathan 189, 206 Journal de St Petersbourg 177 Juda, Michael 128 Julian (Mme) (fl. 1784-8) 94 Julian, (Francis) (fl. 1733-48) 94 Julian (Hons) (fl. 1786-8) 94 Jung, J. 98 Jurnet of Norwich 12, 16, 18-22, 24, 30, 3i&gt; 37 Jurnet s. Episcopus 23 Justins, E. 119 Kadish, Sharman 279 Kakhanov, M.S. 177 Kaiman, R.P.: THE JEWISH FRIENDLY SOCIETIES OF LONDON, 1793-1993 141-61 Kane, Richard (Colonel) 51, 53 Karsov (Mrs) 243 Kaplan, Joseph 265, 272 Karten (Rabbi) 255 Katyn, The Road to 285 Katz (Rabbi) 255 Katz, David S. 265, 266 Kean (Mr) (fl. 1771) 94 Kean, Aaron 86 Kean, Edmund (1787-1833) 94 Kean, Edmund (fl. 1788-9) 86, 94 302</page><page sequence="12">Index Kean, Moses 86, 94 Kedourie, Elie v, xvii, xviii-xix Keif (Mrs) see Ambrose (Miss) Keyser, Assur 126 Keyzer, Solomon 100, 123 Kharkov (Governor-General of) 179 Kings Lynn: Jews in: medieval 9, 16 Kingston, Jamaica 81 Kirk, Tim 287 Klier, John: POPULAR POLITICS AND THE JEWISH QUESTION IN THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE, 1881 2 175-85 Kochan, Lionel 269 Kochan, Miriam 287 Kushner, Tony 277 Kutner Hebrew Benefit 148 La Nazione Ebraica Spagnola e Portuguese negli Stati Estensi 269-70 Lancet, The 197 Landa, MJ. 86 Landau, Hermann 132, 189 Landsmannschaften 148 Lane, Lupino 85 Langer, Lawrence L. 285 Langhans, Edward A. (Professor) 65 Lansbury, George 208, 209 Lara, Isaac Cohen 50 Lattes, Gentile 57 Laws of Edward the Confessor 7 Lawrence, Edward 128 Lazarus (Dayan) 251 Lazarus, Lawrence 128 Lazarus, Moses 127, 128, 129 Lazarus &amp; Co. 128 Le Brun 22-5, 32, 33 Le Brun s. Bonnevie 38 Lee, Sidney 230 Leeser, Isaac 101 Leicester (Earl of) 28 Leigh-on-Sea 127, 128, 130 Leo de Pontoise 23, 24 Leo le Blund 23, 25, 32 Leo the Jew, goldsmith 9 Leo s. M-gar-te 25 Leon, Henry 78, 94 Leonard, George 236 Leoni, Aron di Leone 269 Leoni, Michael (alias Meir Lyon) 65, 66, 79-81, 83, 94 Lev, Moridt 78, 94 Levi (Mr) (1778) 86 Levi, David 103 Levi of Devizes 23 Levi, Hirschel (Rabbi) 67 Levy (Mr) (fl. 1741-2) 86, 94 Levy, Aaron (Reb Aron) 100, 123 Levy, Abraham 128 Levy, Amy 228 Levy, Isaac (1844) 146 Levy, Israel 100, 123 Levy, Jacob 130, 131 Levy, Joseph (Joseph s. Jonah) 99, 112, 114-15 Levy, Mathias 234 Levy, Moses (Don) 59 Levy, S. (Revd) 225, 227, 232, 237 Levy, Zaccaria 126 Lewis, Harris 149 Liberate Rolls see Exchequer Records Lichfield (HMS) 52 Lincoln, diocese and cathedral of 220 Lincoln: Jews of: medieval 14, 15, 16 Lindsay, Paul 278 Lipman, V.D. 216, 219, 222-4, 268 Lithuania and Latvia: How Dark the Heavens 287 Lobanov-Rostovskii, A.B. 176 Lobbenberg, Peter 172 Lodz Sick Benefit 148 Loeb, Isidore 232 Loewe, H.M. 229 Loewe, Raphael 238, 262, 265, 268 London, Eyre, 1244 6 London Eyre, 1276 8 London Hospital 164 London Jewry: William to John 1-43 London Jewry: medieval attacks on 26 30 London: Jews of: medieval 15 London, Jews of: medieval: position in society 7 London, Jews of: medieval: synagogues 12 London, Jews of: medieval: Vicus Judeorum 4-8 London: medieval: history of 5 London: medieval: status of Jews in 5 London Society 130 London Theatre, The Jewish Presence in, 1660-1800 65-95 London Trades Council 201 Lowenstamm (Rabbi) 255 Lowy, Albert (Revd Dr) 229 Loyal Knights of the Cushion 145 Loyal United Brethren Society 146 Lubbock, John (Sir) 231 Lublin Hebrew Tontine 148 Lubliner Hebrew Tontine 148 Luppino, Charlotte May (Mrs George Charles) 85, 94 Luppino, George Charles 85, 94 Luppino, George Hook 85 Luppino, George Richard Estcourt 85, 94 Luppino, George Richard Estcourt (Mrs) 94 Luppino, Georgina 85, 94 Luppino, Rosine 85 Luppino, Rosine Violante 85 Luppino, Samuel George 85 Luppino, Thomas Frederick 85, 94 Luppino, Thomas Frederick (Mrs) 85, 92 Luppino, Thomas William 83 Lying-in-Charity 166-7 Lyon (Mr) (fl. 1781-8) 94 Lyon (Miss), later Gordon (Mrs) 94 Lyon, James 94 Lyon, Meyer see Leoni Lyon, William 94 Lyons, John 94 Lyons, Lewis 201, 206 Lyons, Sarah, of Ipswich 137 Lyttleton, Alfred 205 Maccabaeans, The 226, 228, 229, 233, 234, 235 MacDonald, Ramsay 207, 210 MacGregor, J. 232 Mahon, Jews of 54, 55-7 Maimaran 48 Maitland, Thomas (General Sir) 60 Maldon: Jews of: modern 130, 131 Malino, Frances xvii Mallinson, Lucinda 72 Manasser (of London) 9, 10, 12, 18 Manchester Reform Congregation 249, 256, 260 Mann, Horace 83 Mann, Tom 201 Manor Park Synagogue 133 Mansion House meeting, 1882 175, 188 Mantle Makers' Sick Benefit Society 148 Manuell, Leah (Mrs) (d. 1730) 69, 83, 95 Marks, David Woolf (Professor) 229 Marriage &amp; Co (millers) 130 Massil, Stephen: THE FOUNDATION OF THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND, 1893 225-238 Matilda, dau. Henry I 14 Matthew Paris 27, 30 May Laws 179, 183, 184, 187, 211 Maybaum, Ignaz (Rabbi) 255, 256 Mayer, Philip James 95 Mayerowitsch, H. (Revd) 79 Meldola, David (Haham) 100 Meldola, Raphael (Haham) 98, 107 Memoranda Roll, 1199 see Exchequer Records Mequis, Moses and Meriam 57 Merthyr Jewish Friendly &amp; Zionist Society 157 Meshibat Nefesh 145 Meulan (Count of) 20 Meyer, Isaac Lobel Kurt 241 Meyer, Jacob see Philadelphia, Jacob Meyer Meyer, Laura 241, 242 Michman, Joseph 270 Milbanke (Captain, RN) 52 Milo le Espicer 8 Minorca, Jews in 52, 53-7 Mocatta, Frederick David 201, 217, 231, 233-5 303</page><page sequence="13">Index Mocatta, Moses 48, 49, 50 Modern British Jewry 266 Montagu, Ewen (Hon.) 252 Montagu, Samuel (Sir) 132, 189, 200, 203, 205, 207 Montefiore, Claude G. 230, 234, 235 Montefiore Trust and Endowment 231 Montego Bay Congregation 167 Morales, Isaac 95 Moravia, Gracia de Elihezer 72 Morocco, Jewish Community of 45 Moscheles, Ignaz 95 Moses (Mr) (fl. 1717-32) 95 Moses (Mr) (fl. 1729) 95 Moses (Mr) (fl. 1776-82) 95 Moses, Abraham Lyon 127 Moses, H.E. 129 Moses, Israel 127 Moses, Moses 127, 129 Moses, Samuel 128 Moses Levi 25 Moses le Riehe of Gloucester 30, 31 Moses de domo Sampson 23, 24 Moses br. Benedict 21 Moses s. le Brun 21, 32 Moses of Bristol (of Oxford) 34, 35 Moses of Kent 25 Moses of Spain 23 Moss, Nathaniel and Michael 131 Moss, William Henry 95 Mudahee, Elimeleh (Rabbi) 100 Mulay Ismail (Emperor of Morocco) 48, 49 Muriel of London 25, 31 Muriel dau. Isaac of London 25, 34, 35, 36, 38 Muriel = Vives le Chanteur 36 Murphy, Arthur 77 Myer, Hirsch 128 Myer, Myer Henry 128 Myers, Asher 226 Myers, Hannah 127 Myers, Joel, of Maldon 130, 131 Myers, Lawrence 127 Myers, Moses (Revd) 97 Myers, Walter 127 Myers, Wolf 127 Naftali-Botwin Battalion of International Brigade 158 Naggar, Betty 275 Nathan (Mrs) (fl. 1780-9) 95 Nathans (clothiers) 130 National Vigilance Association 188 Naval Historical Society 235 Nedel'naia Khronika Voskhoda 183 Nemo see Green, A.L. (Revd) Netto, Isaac 50 Netto, Phineas 50 Neubauer, Adolf 229, 230 Newman, Alfred 226, 229, 230, 233 Newman, Aubrey: THE HISTORIOGRAPHY OF ANGLO-JEWRY, 1892-1992 215 24 Newman, Aubrey 66, 67, 225, 268 Newton, Joseph 227 Nicholas the Convert 8 Nieto, David (Haham) 50 Nigel (Bishop of Ely) 9 Nixon, William (Professor) 246 Noel see Noelli Noelli, George 78, 95 Noelli, John 78, 95 Norbury (Captain, RN) 50 Norman, Henry 203, 204, 205 Norca, Ishac s. Jehosuah 83 Norden, Aaron and Judith 126 Norsa (Master) (fl. 1734-6) 95 Norsa (Miss) (fl. 1735) 85, 95 Norsa, Eleazar Hyam 85 Norsa, Hannah, 66, 83, 84, 95 North Western Congregation 256 Northampton Donum, 1194 1, 16, 24, 25 Northampton: Jews of: medieval 14, 15 Norwich: Jews of: medieval 13, 14, 15, 26 Nottingham: Jews of: medieval 16 Novello &amp; Co Ltd 241 Novello v. Hinrichsen 240-1 Noviskoff, Olga 177 Olivers, Thomas 79 Old Jewry 4, 5 Oppenheimer v. Cattermole 241 Order of Ancient Maccabeans 157 Order Beni Brith Avrohom Friendly Society 149 Ornstein, Philip 237 Orobio de Castro, The Story of 272-3 Orshanskii, Isaak (Dr) 181 Osbert of Leicester 11 Owen, Aron: REFERENCES TO THE HOLOCAUST IN ENGLISH LAW REPORTS 239-48 Oxford: Jews of: medieval 14 Ozorkow Benefit Society 148 Pacifico, Aser de Isaac 72 Pale of Settlement 178, 179, 198 Pall Mall Gazette 196 Parienter, Jacob 100, 123 Pariente, Jonah de Abram 50 Pariente, Solomon 47 Parliamentary Pauper Immigration Committee 203 Patent Rolls see Exchequer Records Peitevin of Lincoln 30, 31 People's Palace of the East End 228 Pepys, Samuel 69 Pereira, David Lopes 69 Pereira, Isaac Manuell Lopes 69 Perez (Lieut-Colonel) 49 Peter s. Isaac 25 Peters, C. and F. 240, 241 Philadelphia, Jacob Meyer 73, 95 Philip Augustus (King of France) 24 Phillips, Benjamin (Sir) 130 Phillips, Richard 95 Phillips, Richard (Mrs) see Barnett, Catherine Phillipson, Judah 131 Picciotto, James 233 Pink Ribbon League 203 Pinto family 69 Pinto (Mr) (fl. 1784-93?) 95 Pinto, Charles 77, 95 Pinto, Charlotte (nee Brent) 77, 95 Pinto, Ester 70 Pinto, George Frederick 77, 95 Pinto, Joseph Jesurun 77 Pinto, Julia 77, 95 Pinto, Thomas 77, 95 Pinto, Thomas (Mrs), (the first) 95 Pipe Rolls see Exchequer Records Pitsea 131 Plea Rolls see Exchequer Records Plotzker Divisional Benefit 148 Pobedonoster, K.P. 177, 182 Polak, Isak 79 Poliakov, S.S. 182 'Polish Colony of Jew Tailors' 197 Pontelinus and Hakelinus ss. Benedict the Soldier 23 Poplar, first congregation at 131 Porter, Jane 81 Porush, Israel 283-4 Prado, Abraham 126 Pravitel'stvennyi vestnik 176, 182 Protheroe &amp; Morris (auctioneers) 125 Prujean, John, of Hornchurch 126 Quantum praedecessores (encyclical, 1146) 26 Radom Society 148 Ralph Eswy 32 Ralph Waspail 18 Ranelagh Gardens 72 Rannulf I le Meschin (Earl of Chester) 10 Rannulf II des Gernons (Earl of Chester) 10, 11, 12 Ranulf de Glanvill 28 Raphall (Dr) 229 Rassvet (Jewish newspaper) 180, 181 Rayner, John D. (Rabbi) 139 Reading (Lord) 227, 229 Redman, Samuel 86, 95 Reform Bet Din, establishment of 249 63 Reform movement, growth of 254, 255, 261 Reform Synagogues of Great Britain (RSGB) 256, 260 Reggio Emilia 269 Regina v. Howe, etc. 248 Reif, Stefan C. (Dr) 215, 265, 268, 273 304</page><page sequence="14">Index Reinhart, Harold (Rabbi) 253, 254, 255, 256 Reidinger, Gerald 68 Reuben, David 100, 123 Revel-Neher, Elisabeth 265 Rich, John 85 Richard I (King) 12 Richard fitz Gilbert 10, 11, 12 Richard (fitz Gilbert) de Clare (Strongbow) 11 Richard (Prior of Dunstable) 32 Richard of Devizes 27 Richardson, H.G. 1, 8, 17, 21, 22, 35, 219 Richmond (Duke of) 54, 55 Rietti, Abraham Vita de Judah 72 Rietti, Bella de Moseh 72 Rietti, Miryam de Solomon 72 Rietti, Ribca de Abraham Haim 72 Rietti, Solomon (Vita de Ishac) 72, 76, 95 Rigal, George 135, 172 Robert (Earl of Leicester) 20 Robert de Chesney (Bishop of Lincoln) 9 Robert fitz Savin 18, 19, 20 Robert de Ferrers (Earl of Derby) 37 Robert of Gloucester 10 Robert the Convert 4 Rochford, Jews in 127 Rodfea Sholom see Rodphea Sholom Rodphea Sholom (Pursuers of Peace) Society 144, 145 Rodrigues-Pereira, Miriam 284 Roger le Due 17 Roger of Howden 27, 29, 30 Rokeah, Zefirah Entin 265 Romani, Ida 73 Romanzini, Catherine see Bland, Maria Teresia Romain (Miss) (fl. 1782) 95 Romain (Signora) 95 Romain, Jonathan A.: THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE REFORM BETH DIN IN 1948 249-63 Romaldo (Mme) (fl. 1775-7) 95 Romberg, Bernhard Heinrich 78, 95 Romford, Jews in 131 Romian (Signor) (fl. 1775-7) 95 Romondo, George 95 Rosebery (Lord) 199 Rosenberg, Jacob 149 Rosoman, Thomas 72, 73, 95 Roth, Cecil 55, 56, 73, 78, 97, 215-20, 222, 225, 266, 267 Roth, Irene (Mrs) 73 Rothschild (Lord) 200, 205-7 Rothschild, Nathaniel 176 Rouen 2, 3 Royal Commission on Alien Immigration, 1902 189, 190, 204-6 Royal Historical Society 217, 236 Rubens, Alfred 66, 73 Rubigotsce (Rabbi Josce) 9, 10, 12, 17, 18, 20, 29, 36, 37, 38 Russell 51 Russell (Mrs) (fl. 1772-90) 86 Russell, Mary, later Mrs Best (fl. 1777 85) 95 Russell, Samuel 86, 95, 96 Russell, Samuel (Mrs) 96 Russell, Samuel Thomas 86, 95, 96 Russian Empire, 'Popular Politics' and the Jewish question in 1881-2 175 83 Russian-Jewish Committee 132, 191 Saadias, Nathan 100, 123 Sadlers' Wells 72 St James Gazette 196, 226, 227 Salaman, Redcliffe N. (Dr) 252 Salisbury (Lord) 28, 196, 199, 203 Salmons, Abraham S. 100, 123 Salomon, H.P. (Professor) 271 Salomon, Johann Peter 75, 76, 96 Salomon (Solomon?) Philipp 75 Salomons, David (Sir) 164, 167, 229 Saltman, Avram 265 Sampson br. Le Brun 23, 32-3 Sampson, Samuel 125 Samson, H.L. 127 Samuel (Mr) (fl. 1793-9) 96 Samuel, Edgar R. 139, 271, 272, 274 Samuel, Emanuel 88 Samuel (?s) Emanuel (Mrs) see Davies, Anna Samuel, H.S. (MP) 203 Samuel, Harry (Sir) 188 Samuel, Herbert (later Viscount) 203, 217, 229 Samuel, Stuart (Sir) 203, 211 Samuel Mouton 36 Samuel s. Abraham 23, 25, 36 Sands, Mollie 81 Sanders family 75 Sanders, Samuel 77 Sanz, F. Hernandez 53, 55 Sarah (Northampton Donum) 25 Sarah w. Solomon d'Etampes 23, 24 Sassoon, I.S.D. 271 Saunders (Mr) (fl. 1754-73) 96 Saunders (Mr) (fl. 1789-1800) 96 Saunders (Mrs) nee Lewis 96 Saunders (Master) (fl. 1800-7) 96 Saunders (Miss) (fl. 1738-48) 96 Saunders (Miss) (fl. 1782) 96 Saunders, ?Esther (fl. 1795-1803) 96 Saunders, ?Samuel (fl. 1759-1801) 96 Sawady (Rabbi) 255 Schechter, Solomon 236, 265 Schiff, David Solomon (Revd) see Schiff, David Tevele Schiff, David Tevele (Chief Rabbi) 97, 105 Schiller-Szinessy, Solomon 229 Schischa, A. 238 Sch?mberg, Ralph (Dr) 67 Schram, Christopher 78 Schram, Martin 78, 96 Schram, Michael 78, 96 Schram, Samuel 78, 96 Schreiber (Rabbi) 255 Schumann (Dr) 244 Schwab, Moise 230 Schwarz, Israel (Dr) 101 Schwarz, Joseph (Rabbi) 101 Scott, CP. 239 Sebag-Montefiore, Ruth 284 Select Committee on Emigration and Immigration 191 Seleit, Aaron 128 Sephardi Free School, Jamaica 167 Sepulture, Jewish right of: medieval 16 Serfaty, A.B.M. 59 Shaftesley, John 78 Shakespeare and the Jews 268 Shapiro, James 268 Shechitah, Board of 98 Sheerness, Jews in 128 Shrimpton (Major-General) 47, 48 Shylock 268-9 Siddons, Sarah 68 Sieff, Israel 157 Silva, Samuel da 271-2 Simmons (Revd) 229, 250 Simmons, Samuel 86, 96 Simon the Pious, of Trier 13 Simons, Henry 125 Singer, Simeon (Revd) 195, 229 Sir Moses Montefiore Art and Literary Society 228 Sklare, Marshall 254 Slema 25 Slowes, Solomon 285 Smith, Goldwin (Professor) 194 Society of Biblical Archaeology 228 Society called Sons of Israel 145 Society for the Suppression of the Immigration of Destitute Aliens 196 Solomon, Samuel 96 Solomon s. the Magister 25 Solomons (Mr) 126 Sons of the Covenant Friendly Society (Hope St) 147 Southend Synagogue 133 South-west England, Jews of 277 Spielmann: A Family Postbag 284 Spielmann, Isidore (Sir) 217, 225-7, 231, 233, 237 Stacey, Robert 265 Stambourne, Jews in 131 Stamford: Jews of: medieval 16 Starr, L. 152, 153 Starrels (Rabbi) 254 Stenton, Frank (Sir) 217 Stephen (King) 10, 12-15, 20 Stern, J.F. (Revd) 163 Stewart, Charles (Commodore RN) 50 305</page><page sequence="15">Index St George's Settlement Congregation 256 Stokes, H.P. (Canon) 219 Suasso, Alvaro Lopes 126 Sumbel, Joseph Haim 89 Sumbal, Leah see Wells, Mary S?sser, Bernard (Rabbi) 277 Sussex Hall 170, 227, 228 Sweatshops and the Sweating System 197, 198 Sybilla see Pinto, Thomas (Mrs) (the first) Synagogues of London 278-9 Szechter (otherwise Karsov) v. Szechter 242, 243 Szechter, Nina Maria 242, 243 Szechter, Simon 243 Szechter, Szyman 242 Tailoring, multiple, readymade 129 Tallages and Fines 21-30 Tangier 46-7 Tashkent, resettlement of Jews in 182 Taurel, Jacob 58 Tersi, Alexander 75, 96 Tersi, Alexander (Mrs) 96 Tersi, Maria Teresa Catherine see Bland, Maria Teresia Tetuan 46 Thetford: Jews of: medieval 14, 15, 16 Thundersley Manor Estate 131-3 Tillett, Ben 198 Titterman, Isaac s. Abraham 137, 138 Titterman, Sarah 137 Tolstoi, D.A. (Count) 182, 183 Topham, Edward 88 Trentegerons, Henri (Vicomte of Rouen) 20 Trentegerons, Hugh and Geoffrey 17 Trentegerons, William (Vicomte of Rouen) 17, 18, 20 Trevelyan, CP. 203, 207, 209, 210 Trice Martin, C. 226, 232, 236 Tsederbaum, Alexander 181 'Tunbridge', Benjamin 131 Twain, Mark 89 United Brethren of Turik Friendly Benefit 148 United Friends (a Friendly Society) synagogue 147 United Jewish Friendly Societies 150, 152, 153 United Synagogue 250, 257 United Synagogue cemeteries 147 Uris, Leon 243, 244, 247 Ursell Medicus 9 Ursell of Lincoln 30, 31 Ursell s. Le Brun 32 Uziel, Raquel 57 Vale, Isaac 96 Vallance, William 205 Vallentine, Isaac 169 Vallentine, Nathan Isaac (Rabbi) 169 Vallentine, Samuel 169, 170 Vallentine's Almanac 165, 169 Van Amburgh, I.A. 127 Van de Zyl (Rabbi) 255, 261 Varty, Robert 131, 133 Vicus Judeorum see London: Jews of: medieval Villa,Jacob 58 Vincent, Howard (Sir) 201, 203 Vives le Chanteur 36 Vives (l'Eveske?) 21 Vives le Vesque 25 Vives s. Aaron of Lincoln 30, 31 Vives s. Margaret 25 Vulpy, AJ. 115 Wagg, Hyman 128 Waley-Cohen, Robert (Sir) 267 Wallack family 86 Wallack, William 96 Wallingford: Jews of: medieval 16 Walpole, Horace 83 Walpole, Robert (Earl of Oxford) 85 Walter of Guisborough 27 Warwick: Jews of: medieval 16 Webb, Beatrice 194 Webb, Philip Carteret 125 Weizmann, Chaim 204 Wells, Ezra 86 Wells, Mary 86-9, 96 Western Synagogue 78, 146 West London Synagogue 200, 201, 249, 250, 255, 256 Wewitzer (Miss) 96 Wewitzer, Ralph 68, 96 Wewitzer, Ralph (Mrs) 96 Wertheimer, J. 99 Wesley, Charles 79 West End Chesed v'Emeth Burial Society 158 White, Arnold 195, 196, 198 Whitman, Jonathan 265 Widows' Home, Duke Street 166, 169 Widows' Pension Fund 166 Wilkes (fishmonger of Romford) 131 Wilidns, W.H. 194, 198 William I (King) 2 William II (King) 4 William IV (King) 99 William (Prior, St Mary's Abbey, York) 29 William d'Aubigny 33 William de Chesney 19 William of Corbeil (Archbishop) 14 William de Ferrers (Earl of Derby) 17 William de Gravely 8 William de Longchamp 37 William de Mandeville (Earl of Essex) 28 Williams of Malmesbury 2 William of Newburgh 15, 27, 29 William de Walterville (Abbot of Peterborough) 9 William Malebisse 29 William Marshal 28, 39 William fitz Bernard 8 Williams, John 81 Winchester: Jews of: medieval 14, 15, 16 Winter, Marian Hannah 66 Winston, James 89 Wipperman, Wolfgang 284 Wirths (Dr) 244, 247 Wolf, Lucien 216, 217, 219, 225, 226, 227, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237 Worms 128 Worms, Henry de (Baron) 176 Worcester: Jews of: medieval 14, 15 Workers' Circle 157, 158, 159 Workhouses, Jewish 167-8 Xavier, Francis 46 Ximenes, Nicholas 78, 96 Yaffe, Moshe (Rabbi) 100, 101 York: Jews of: medieval 16, 27, 30 Zangwill, Israel 199, 204 Zangwill, Louis 199 Zeli, Catherine 75 Zipperstein, Steven J. 279 306</page></plain_text>



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