Contents Vol 5
<plain_text><page sequence="1">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND.</page><page sequence="2">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. ^Transactions SESSIONS 1902-1905. PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY BALLANTYNE, HANSON & CO. EDINBURGH & LONDON. 1908. All rights reserved</page><page sequence="3">NOTE. The Society as a body is not responsible for the statements made or opinions expressed by the authors of Papers.</page><page sequence="4">THIS FIFTH VOLUME OF "TRANSACTIONS" OF THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND IS DEDICATED TO ISRAEL ABRAHAMS AND CLAUDE GOLDSMID MONTEFIORE IN GRATEFUL RECOGNITION OF THEIR SIGNAL SERVICES TO THE CAUSE OF JEWISH LEARNING AND ANGLO-JEWISH RESEARCH AS JOINT EDITORS OF "THE JEWISH QUARTERLY REVIEW " FOR A PERIOD OF TWENTY YEARS OCTOBER 1888?JULY 1908</page><page sequence="5">CONTENTS. PAGE I. Th,e Wanderings of the Jews. Presidential Address. By F. D. Mocatta.1 II. The Jewry of the Restoration, 1660-1664. By L?cien Wolf.5 Documents? (1) Senora CarvajaPs Petition; (2) Commons Journals, 17th December 1660 ; (3) Charles II. and the Jews ; (4) Fernando Mendez; (5) Order in Council, 1664. III. Notes on Leicester Jewry. By the Rev. S. Levy, M.A. . 34 I. The Jewry Wall. II. Simon de Montfort's Anti Jewish Charter. III. Miscellanea. IV. Sir I. Spielmann's Presidential Address and its Sequel . 43 Appendix ? (1) South African War Memorial: Unveiling at the Central Synagogue. Sermon by the Chief Rabbi; Addresses by Sir Isidore Spielmann, Earl Roberts, and Mr. H. Lucas.57 Library of the Union Jack Club.64 (2) The Mocatta Library and Museum : Inauguration at University College. Addresses by the Rev. Prof. H. Gollancz, Sir Isidore Spielmann, Lord Reay, Dr. T. Gregory Foster, the Chief Rabbi, and Mr. B. Elkin Mocatta.65 Memorandum of agreement between University College and the Society.73 Regulations of the Library.76 xvii</page><page sequence="6">xviii CONTENTS. PAGE V. Jews and Coronations. By the Rev. S. Singer ... 79 Appendix? (1) Benedict Ahbas5 Account of the Jews and the Corona? tion of Richard I.; (2) Roger of Hoveden's Account; (3) William of Newburgh's Narrative; (4) The Account of Matthew of Paris and Roger of Wen dover; (5) Ephraim of Bonn's Narrative; (6) Notes on the Congratulatory Hebrew Verses on the Acces? sion of English Sovereigns; (7) Legend of the Coronation Stone j (8) The Coronation Medal of Edward VI. VI. The Lost Tribes and the Return of the Jews to Eng? land. By Albert M. Hyamson.115 VII. The Baal Shem of London. By the Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi.148 Appendix? A. Hebrew Sources: (1) Abstract of letter by Susman Shesnowzi; (2) Abstract of letter by Emden ; (3) Extract from Asulai's Itinerary. B. Sources in Languages other than Hebrew: Archenholz, "England und Italien"; L. Alexander, "Memoirs of the Life of Benjamin Goldsmid"; H. Isaacs, "Jewish Ceremonies" ; Drumont, "La France Juive." C. FaWs Commonplace Booh. D. Copy of Inscription on Grave. E. Folk's Will. VIII. A Letter of Menasseh ben Israel. By Elkan Nathan Adler.174 Documents? (1) Text of a Holograph Letter (Spanish) of Menasseh ben Israel. (2) Translation of the Text. IX, A Note on the Bodleian Bowl. By Israel Abrahams . 184 X. The Science of Jewish History. Presidential Address. By Israel Abrahams . . . . . . . .193 XI. The Disraeli Family. By Lucien Wolf .... 202</page><page sequence="7">CONTENTS. xix PAGE XII. Calendars of the Coaching Days. By Maurice Myers . 219 XIII. The Jews of Ireland : An Historical Sketch. By Leon H?hner.226 XIV. The Norwich Day-Book. By the Rev. S. Levy, M.A. . . 243 Documents? Transcripts and Translations of (1) Roll No. 140; (2) Roll 145 ; (3) Roll 147; (4) Roll 157. XV. The Whitehall Conference : Celebration of the 250th Anniversary.276 Speech by Mr. Lucien Wolf ; Letter from Mr. Balfour; Speeches by Mr. James Bryce, the Chief Rabbi, Lord Rothschild, Sir Edward Sassoon, the Rev. Prof. H. Gollancz, the Earl of Crewe,Mr. Harold Cox, and Prof. G. W. Prothero; Letter from Heer J. M. Hillesum. XVI. The American Celebration . .299 Letters by Mr. I. Abrahams, Messrs. Jacob H. Schiff and Max J. K?hler, and President Roosevelt. BALANCE SHEETS, 1902-1907. . 306-315 F. D. MOOATTA MEMORIAL FUND, BALANCE SHEET . . 316 LAWS AND BYE-LAWS.317-319 OFFICERS, COUNCIL, EXECUTIVE, REPRESENTATIVES ON THE MOOATTA LIBRARY COMMITTEE, LISTS OF MEMBERS. 320-330 INDEX. Compiled by Herbert Loewe.331</page><page sequence="8">ILLUSTRATIONS. I. PLATES. Frederic David Mocatta ..... Frontispiece The Jewry of 1660 (two facsimiles of British Museum MSS.).To face pages 6, 7 Charter of Simon de Montfort.To face page 41 Tablets outside the Central Synagogue, London . ? ? 59 {Reproduced "by permission from, the " Jewish Chronicle.*') Library of the Union Jack Club and Tablet ? ? 64 {Reproduced by permission from the " Jewish World") The Mocatta Library, University College, London ? ? 73 {Reproduced by permission from the "Report" of the College.) T*he Coronation Chair and Stone . . . . ? ?112 {By H. Railton, reproduced by permission of'Messrs. Seeley.) The Baal Shem of London.? ?148 {From the painting by Copley, reproduced by permission of Mr. Lucien Wolp.) Page from Falk's Commonplace Book . . . . ? ?166 {From the original, reproduced by permission of the United Synagogue.) Title-page of Tract by Menasseh ben Israel . . ? ?174 Letter by El Haham Menasseh ben Israel . . ? ? 180 Medal by Isidore Konti.? ? 299</page><page sequence="9">xxii ILLUSTRATIONS. II. ILLUSTRATIONS IN TEXT. North-East View of the Leicester Jewry Wall. By Bass (1777). page 35 The Mocatta Library Book Plate. ? 78 Edward VI.'s Coronation Medal.pages 113-114 Calendar of the Year 219</page></plain_text>