Contents Vol 4
<plain_text><page sequence="1">THE JEWISH HISTOKICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND.</page><page sequence="2">THE JEWISH HISTOKICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. ^Transactions SESSIONS 1899-1901. published for the society by MACMILLAN & CO., Limited, LONDON. new york : the macmillan company. 1903. All rights reserved</page><page sequence="3">NOTE, The Society as a body is not responsible for either the statements made or the opinions expressed by the authors of Papers.</page><page sequence="4">THIS VOLUME is inscribed in affection, congratulation, and esteem on the occasion of his seventieth birthday to Dr. M. FRIEDL?NDER principal of jews' college, london, a leading representative of jewish learning in england, and an active and honoured member of the executive of the jewish historical society since its foundation</page><page sequence="5">CONTENTS. PAGE I. Nation or Religious Community? Presidential Address. By Claude G. Montefiore.1 II. History of the "Domus Conversorum" prom 1290 to 1891. By the Rev. Michael Adler, B.A.16 Appendices? (1) Order for foundation of Domus (1232), 51 ; (2) Rules for Domus (1280), 52; (3) Inmates between 1280 and 1308, 53; (4) Admission of William of Leicester, 54 ; (5) Receipts from various converts, ibid.; (6) Expenses of Kichard de Ayrmynne (1331), 56 ; (7) Expenses of John of Saint Dionysius (1280), 59 ; (8) Expenses of John of Burton (1393), 63 ; (9) Grant to Elizabeth, daughter of Moses (1410), 64; (10) Confirmation of this Grant (1413), 65; (11) Receipt from Elizabeth Pole (1412), ibid.; (12) Admission of Johanna and Alice of Dartmouth (1409), 66; (13) Grant to William of St. Jacques (1410), ibid.j (14) Expenses of Simon Gaunstede, 67; (15) Receipt on behalf of Peter and Martin, sons of Henry of Woodstock (1422), 69; (16) Order concerning Henry of Stratford (1422), ibid. ; (17) Expenses of David William (1487), 70; (18) Thomas Cromwell and John Lambert (1534), 71 ; (19) Expenses of William Cordell (1570), 72 ; (20) Petition of Paul Jacob to King James I., 73; (21) Complete List of Inmates of Domus from 1330, 74 III. John Dury and the English Jewry. By the Rev. S. Levy, M.A.76 xvii</page><page sequence="6">xviii CONTENTS. PAGE IV. Joachim Gaunse: A Mining Incident in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. By Israel Abrahams, M.A. . . 83 Appendix? (A) Account of the Doings of Nedham and Gaunse (1581), 93; (B) Nedham and Gaunse at Keswick, 96; (C) From the Mayor and Aldermen of Bristol to the Privy Council as to the Examination of Gaunse (1589), 99; (D), (E), (F), on the same subject, 100, 101. Y. The Earliest Jewish Prayers for the Sovereign. By the Rev. S. Singer.102 VI. Presidential Address. By Frederic D. Mocatta . .110 VII. Sir I. L. Goldsmid and the Admission of the Jews of England to Parliament. By Lionel Abrahams . .116 Appendix? (1) Letter from David Ricardo to I. L. Goldsmid (1823), 130; (2) Letter from Lord Holland, 131; (3) Letter from the Duke of Wellington (1828), 132 ; (4) Lord Holland's Protest in Journals of House of Lords, ibid.; (5) Letter from John Bowring, ibid.; (6) Letter from I. L. Goldsmid to the Duke of Wellington (1828), 133 ; (7) Letter from Lord Holland, 134 ; (8) Letter from same (1829), 135 ; (9) Letter from M. L. Mozley, 137 ; (10) Letter from same, 138 ; (11) Letter from Lord Holland, 139; (12) From Minute-Book of Jewish Board of Deputies (1829), ibid.; (13) Letter from Lord Holland, 140; (14) Letter from same, ibid.; (15) From Minute-Book of Board of Deputies, 141 ; (16) Letter from Lord Holland, ibid.; (17) Report from Solicitor of Board of Deputies, 142 ; (18) Letter from Lord Holland, 143; (19) Letter from same, 144; (20) Letter from same, ihid.; (21) Questions in hand? writing of Lord Holland, 145 ; (22) Letter from Lord Glengall, 151 ; (23) Letter from Daniel O'Connell, ibid.; (24) Letter from Lord Holland (1830), 153; (25) Letter from Robert Owen, 154; (26) Letter from Robert Grant, 155; (27) Letter from H. H. Milman, 156 ; (28) Letter from Lord Holland, 157 ;</page><page sequence="7">CONTENTS. xix (29) Letter from J. P. Thompson, 159 ; (30) Letter from John Bowring, ibid.; (31) Letter from same, 160; (32) Letter from J. R. G. Graham, ibid. ; (33) Letter from M. L. Mozley with enclosure from I. Gascoyne, 161; (34) Letter from S. Perceval (1831), 162 ; (35) Letter from Lord Grey (1832). 163 ; (36) Letter from Edward Blount, ibid.; (37) Letter from Elizabeth Fry (1833), 164 ; (38) Letter from representative Jews to Robert Grant, ibid.; (39) Resolution passed at the Meeting of the Unitarian Association, London (1833), 165 ; (40) Letter from Lord Holland, 166 ; (41) Letter from Lord Sidmouth, 167 ; (42) Letter from Lord Holland, ibid.; (43) Letter from Philipp Ellissen, 168; (44) Letter from same, 169; (45) Letter from Lord Grey, ibid.; (46) Letter from Phineas Franklin to Barnard Van Oven (1834), ibid.; (47) Letter from Harriet Martineau, 171 ; (48) Letter from Lord Melbourne, ibid.; (49) From I. L. Goldsmid to the Great Syna? gogue (1838), 172 ; (50) To the Jewish Eleciors of the City of London (1841), 175 ; (51) From Lord John Russell to John Allen, 176. VIII. Status of the Jews in England after the Re-Settlement. By Lucien Wolf.177 Documents? (i) Richard Baker, " The Marchants Humble Petition and Remonstrance," &c. (1659), 186; (n) "Humble Peti? tion of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London" (1660), ibid.; (in) "Humble Remonstrance concerning the Jews in and about London," &c. (1660), 188 ; (iv) Letter from Lord Anglesey (1680), 192. IX. Some Historical Notes, 1648-1680. By C. H. Firth . . 194 Appendix? (i) Letter from Leghorn (1652), 196; (n) Prayer-Meeting in Hackney (1655), 197 ; (m) General Middleton's Mission (1656), ibid.; (iv) Jews in Tangiers under English Rule (1675), 198 ; (v) Jews in Tangiers under Lord Teviot's Regime (1681), 201.</page><page sequence="8">xx CONTENTS. X. Extracts from the Close Rolls (1279-1288). By Miss Ada Corcos, B.A. 202 XL The Canterbury Synagogue. By Frank Haes . . . 220 XII. The Jewish Monarch and Queen Elizabeth. By I. Abrahams. 222 XIII. The Jews of Amsterdam in 1655. By E. N. Adler . . 224 XIV. Clifford's Tower, York. By Frank Haes .... 230 LAWS AND BYE-LAWS OF THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. 233 OFFICERS AND MEMBERS. 236 BALANCE SHEETS. 245 INDEX. Compiled by Miss S. R. Hirsch. 251</page><page sequence="9">ILLUSTRATIONS. Portrait of Sir Isaac Lyon Goldsmid ... Frontispiece Rolls Chapel.To face page 50 Clifford's Tower, York.? ? 230 (i) Ground Plan. (ii) The Exterior as at Present. (iii) The Interior as at Present. (iv) The Chapel over Entrance as at Present. xxi</page></plain_text>