Contents Vol 38
<plain_text><page sequence="1">VOLUME 38 JEWISH HISTORICAL STUDIES Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society of England 0</page><page sequence="2">JEWISH HISTORICAL STUDIES</page><page sequence="3">His Honour Israel Finestein, QC</page><page sequence="4">JEWISH HISTORICAL STUDIES TRANSACTIONS OF THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND VOLUME 38 2002 THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND 2003</page><page sequence="5">The Society as a body is not responsible for statements made or opinions expressed by contributors to this volume. ? The Jewish Historical Society of England 33 Seymour Place, London wih 5AP ISBN 0-902528-36-x Printed in Great Britain by MPG Books Limited, Bodmin, Cornwall</page><page sequence="6">THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED BY THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND TO HIS HONOUR ISRAEL FINESTEIN, QC Former President of the Society</page><page sequence="7">Contents Preface In Memoriam Ruth Lehmann WILLIAM RUBINSTEIN The decline and fall of Anglo-Jewry? EDGAR SAMUEL Diamonds and pieces of eight: how Stuart England won the rough-diamond trade MIRIAM RODRIGUES-PEREIRA The reinterment of members of the Mendes da Costa family, 1713 ANN EBNER The first Jewish magistrates EDWARD JAMILLY Patrons, clients, designers and developers: the Jewish contribution secular building in England GEOFFREY CANTOR Sussex Hall (1845-1859) and the revival of learning among London Jewry CECIL BLOOM T. E. Lawrence and Zionism JOHN COOPER The work of the Pinsker Orphans Relief Fund of London, 1921-1939 BERNARD WASSERSTEIN Children of Magnolia Street vii</page><page sequence="8">Contents MARTIN SUGARMAN More than just a few: Jewish pilots and aircrew in the Battle of Britain 183 Book Notes The Woman who Defied Kings: The Life and Times of Dona Gracia Nasi, Andree Brooks 20 5 The Conquistadores and Crypto-Jews of Monterrey, David Raphael 207 The Jews and the Expansion of Europe to the West, 1450-1800, eds Paolo Bernardini and Norman Fielding 208 Scenes and Personalities in Anglo-Jewry, 1800-2000, Israel Finestein 209 Claude Montefiore: His Life and Thoughts, Daniel Langton, and An English Jew ? The Life and Writings of Claude Montefiore, ed. Edward Kessler 210 In Search of Refuge: Jews and US Consuls in Nazi Germany, igjj-iQ4i, Bat-Ami Zucker 212 Holocaust and Rescue: Impotent or Indifferent? Anglo-Jewry ig^-45, Pamela Shatzkes 213 Lower East Side Memoirs: A Jewish Place in America, Hasia Diner 215 Contributors to this volume 217 Notes for contributors 219 Society officers and council 221 Constitution of the Jewish Historical Society of England 223 Index 229 viii</page><page sequence="9">List of Illustrations cover: Manchester's Crystal Palace frontispiece His Honour Israel Finestein, QC the rough-diamond trade Figure i Map of diamond-mining areas and trading-ports in India 25 Figure 2 The Israel Sequeira family 32 Figure 3 Diamond cuts of the seventeenth century 38-9 the jewish contribution to secular building in england Plate i Belvedere House, Kent 77 Plate 2 New Court counting house 78 Plate 3 Aldford House, 26 Park Lane 81 Plate 4 The Rotunda at Ranelagh Gardens 85 Plate 5 Hammerstein's Opera House 86 Plate 6 Strand Palace Hotel foyer 90 Plate 7 Caenwood Towers 96 Plate 8 Manchester's Crystal Palace 98 sussex hall Plate 1 Location of Sussex Hall no pinsker orphans relief fund Plate i The Pinsk orphanage, 1925 152 Plate 2 Pinsk orphans arriving in London, 1924 166 ix</page></plain_text>