Contents Vol 3
<plain_text><page sequence="1">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND.</page><page sequence="2">THE JEWISH HISTOKICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. ^Transactions SESSIONS 1896-8. PRINTED BY BALLANTYNE, HANSON AND CO. EDINBURGH AND LONDON. 1899.</page><page sequence="3">NOTE. The Society as a body is not responsible for either the statements made or the opinions expressed by the authors ot Papers.</page><page sequence="4">CONTENTS. PAGE I. A Survey of Anglo-Jewish History. By the Rev. Dr. H. Adler, Chief Rabbi.1 II. Moyse Hall, Bury St. Edmunds. Whence its name? What it was?What it was not. By Frank Haes . 18 Notes on the Name Moyse, Mose, Mosse, in use temp. 1560-1620 . 23 III. A Further Paper on Moyse's Hall. By the Rev. Hermann Gollancz, M.A.25 IV. Report of the Sub-Committee on Moyse's Hall. By C. Trice Martin, B. Lionel Abrahams, and Asher I. Myers.33 Supplementary Note on Moyse's Hall. By B. Lionel Abrahams.35 V. Early Translations and Translators of the Jewish Liturgy in England. By the Rev. S. Singer . . 36 VI. Address. By Dr. Richard Gar nett.72 VII. American Elements in the Re-Settlement. By Lucien Wolf.. . 76 Documents? 1. Privileges Granted to the People of the Hebrew Nation that are to goe to the Wilde Cust... 82 2. A Rulle in what Manner and Condition that the Negroes shall be delivered in the Wilde Cust . . 84-87 3. Petition of the Jewes for the Repealing of the Act of Parliament for their Banishment out of England (1648). 87 4. Petitions of David Abarbanel Dormido ... 88 5. Petition by the same.90 ix</page><page sequence="5">x CONTENTS. PAGE 6. Letter of Oliver Cromwell to the King of Portugal in behalf of the Dormidos. 93 7. Privileges of the Jews of Surinam .... 94 8. Petition of the Brothers De Caceres to the Queen of Sweden .. 95 9. Simon de Caceres's Scheme for the Conquest of Chili. 96 10. De Caceres's Proposal for Re victualling and Fortifying Jamaica. 97 IL De Caceres's Memorandum on the Administration of the Navigation Act in the West Indies ... 99 VIII. Cromwell's Toleration. By Frederick Harrison . . 101 IX. Rabbi Zevi Ashkenazi and his Family in London. By Professor Dr. David Kaufmann. 102 Notes to the Paper, 122 seq. Inscription on Foundation stone of Hambro' Synagogue. 125 X. The Typical Character of Anglo-Jewish History. By Joseph Jacobs. 126 XI. Menasseh Ben Israel's Study in London. By Lucien Wolf. 144 XII. Bishop Barlow on the Case of the Jews." By the Rev. S. Levy, B.A. 151 XIII. Aaron of Lincoln. By Joseph Jacobs .... 157 Appendix (Compiled by Rev. S. Levy) on Aaron's Debts - . 174 XIV. Lincoln, 1898. By Frank Haes. 180 Notes (Extracts from Historical MSS. Commission Report) . 185 XV. Documents Relating to the History of the Jews in the Thirteenth Century. By C. Trice Martin. . . 187 LIST OF MEMBERS. . 213 BALANCE SHEET. 222 INDEX. 225</page><page sequence="6">ILLUSTRATIONS. Zevi Hirsch Ashkenazi ....... Frontispiece PAGE Lincoln Cathedral (see p. 180).16 Newport, Lincoln (see p. 180).16 Steep Hill, Lincoln (see pp. 183-5).100 Steep Hill, Lincoln, another view (see pp. 183-5) .... 100 Old Houses in the Strand (probable residence of Menasseh ben Israel).147 House of Aaron of Lincoln.181 Jew's House, Lincoln.181 Plans of Arches in Jew's House, Lincoln .... 183-184 xi</page></plain_text>