Contents Vol 29
<plain_text><page sequence="1">JEWISH HISTORICAL STUDIES TRANSACTIONS OF THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND VOLUME XXIX 1982-1986</page><page sequence="2">JEWISH HISTORICAL STUDIES</page><page sequence="3">JEWISH HISTORICAL STUDIES TRANSACTIONS OF THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND VOLUME XXIX 1982-1986 THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND 1988</page><page sequence="4">The Society as a body is not responsible for statements made or opinions expressed by contributors to this volume. ? 19 8 8 The Jewish Historical Society of England, 33 Seymour Place, London wih sap ISBN 0-902528-20-0 The publication of this volume has been greatly assisted by the generosity and kindness of Mr A. L. Shane, President of the Jewish Historical Society of England. Typeset at Oxford University Computing Service.</page><page sequence="5">This volume is dedicated by The Jewish Historical Society of England to the memory of Richard David Barnett, cbe, ma, DLitt, fba, fsa 1909-1986 Scholar, historian and President of the Jewish Historical Society of England, which he served for many years in a wide range of capacities. own nmi nst</page><page sequence="6">Contents Preface page xi In Memoriam Richard David Barnett, CBE, MA, DLitt, FBA, FSA (1909-I986) XV Judaica Publications by R. D. Barnett (1909-1986) xviii LEWIS S. FEUER Francis Bacon and the Jews: who was the Jew in the New Atlantis! 1 RICHARD BARNETT Mr Pepys' contacts with the Spanish and Portuguese Jews of London 27 zvi LOKER Contemporary English opinions on the Sabbatean movement 3 5 NORMA PERRY Voltaire and the Sephardi bankrupt 39 ELIEZER BASHAN Contacts between Jews in Smyrna and the Levant Company of London in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries 53 KENNETH E. COLLINS Jewish medical students and graduates in Scotland, 1739-1862 75 GEOFFREY GREEN Anglo-Jewish trading connections with officers and seamen of the Royal Navy, 1740-1820 9 7 MALCOLM BROWN AND JUDITH SAMUEL The Jews of Bath 135 A. L. SHANE Isaac D'Israeli and his quarrel with the Synagogue-a reassessment 165 S. D. CHAPMAN The establishment of the Rothschilds as bankers 177 ISRAEL FINESTEIN Sir Moses Montefiore: a modern appreciation 195 vii</page><page sequence="7">Contents RUTH KARK Agricultural land in Palestine: letters to Sir Moses Montefiore, 1839 DAVID KESSLER The Rothschilds and Disraeli in Buckinghamshire BRYAN CHEYETTE From apology to revolt: Benjamin Farjeon, Amy Levy, and the post-emancipation Anglo-Jewish novel, 1880-1900. URSULA HENRIQUES Lyons versus Thomas: the Jewess abduction case CHIMEN ABRAMSKY Lucien Wolfs efforts for the Jewish communities in Central and Eastern Europe LLOYD P. GARTNER Eastern European Jewish immigrants in England: a quarter-century's view LOUIS LITTMAN The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization ADOLF SCHISCHA Dr Richard Barnett-a recollection BOOK NOTES Interpreting the Hebrew Bible The Jews of Malta in the late Middle Ages Boulevard des Miseres The Carriere of Carpentras Contributors to this volume Notes for contributors Society officers and council Index viii</page><page sequence="8">List of Illustrations Dr Richard Barnett (1909-1986) Frontispiece ANGLO-JEWISH TRADING CONNECTIONS WITH OFFICERS AND SEAMEN OF THE ROYAL NAVY 1 Pay day (Cruikshank) 99 2 Landing place (J. Rogers) 99 3 Seamen ashore (J. Jellicoe) 103 4 Portsmouth harbour (J. Salmon) 109 5 Imaginary frolic (from The English Spy) 109 6 Midshipman's dirk 111 Figure 1 Plan of Portsmouth and Portsea 105 Figure 2 Prize order 108 THE JEWS OF BATH 1 St James'Square 143 2 4 Church Street 143 3 Corn Street 149 4 The Bath cemetery, from the entrance 152 5 The Bath cemetery, towards the entrance 152 6 Headstone of Abraham Rees 154 7 Headstone of D. Rees 154 Figure 1 Map of central Bath 140 Figure 2 Map detail of Kingsmead Street Synagogue 145 Figure 3 Map detail of Corn Street Synagogue 150 Figure 4 Plan of the Bath cemetery 155 AGRICULTURAL LAND IN PALESTINE Map 220 THE ROTHSCHILDS AND DISRAELI IN BUCKINGHAMSHIRE i Benjamin Disraeli (Count d'Orsay) 237 ix</page><page sequence="9">Illustrations 2 'Full Cry' 239 3 The Rothschild hunt 242 4 Sir Anthony de Rothschild 245 5 'Master of Stag-Hounds' 247 6 The Hon. Walter Rothschild 249 7 'The Squire of Hughenden' 251 Figure 1 Skeleton Rothschild family tree 232 Figure 2 Sketch map of the Rothschild mansions 234 Figure 3 The first Lord Rothschild's seal 252 DR RICHARD BARNETT-A RECOLLECTION Figure 1 Title-page of Ohel Issachar 328 Figure 2 Approbation by Rabbi Akiba Eger 329 Figure 3 Subscribers'list 330 Figure 4 Colophon 332 Figure 5 Letter from Rabbi Issachar Beer to Rabbi Akiba Eger 332 x</page></plain_text>