Contents Vol 25
<plain_text><page sequence="1">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND</page><page sequence="2">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND Transactions SESSIONS 1973-1975 VOLUME XXV & Miscellanies Part X THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, GOWER STREET, LONDON WC1E 6BT *977</page><page sequence="3">The Society as a body is not responsible for statements made or opinions expressed by the contributors to this volume ? 1977 The Jewish Historical Society of England Printed in Great Britain at the Alden Press, Oxford</page><page sequence="4">THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED BY THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND TO THE MEMORY OF HARRY SACHER, Esq. 1881-1971 in tribute to his long service as a member of the Council and to his great generosity</page><page sequence="5">Contents Page Preface xi TRANSACTIONS: The beginnings of the Newcastle Jewish community, by G. D. Guttentag 1 Leonard Woolf's Attitudes to his Jewish background and to Judaism, by Freema Gottlieb 25 David Gabay's 1660 letter from London, by Edgar R. Samuel 38 Was Moyse's Hall, Bury St. Edmunds, a Jew's house ?, by Edgar R. Samuel 43 The Jews in the Canary Islands : a re-evaluation, by Professor Haim Beinart 48 Aaron Levy Green, 1821-1883, by Alex M. Jacob 87 Jewish glass-makers, by Zoe Josephs 107 Rabbi Jacob Judah Leon (Templo) of Amsterdam (1603-1675) and his connections with England, by A. L. Shane 120 Weizmann: a new type of leadership in the Zionist movement, by Professor Chimen Abramsky 137 Jews in English regular Freemasonry, 1717-1860, by John M. Shaftesley; List 150 (Appendix) by the Rev. Morris Rosenbaum Diplomatic aspects of the Sephardi influx from Portugal in the early eighteenth century, by Richard D. Barnett 210 Provincial Jewry in Victorian Britain: a report 222 MISCELLANIES: Bibliographical serendipity, by A. Schischa: Haham Azulay's Moreh b'Etzbah and Tsiporen Shamir 233 Registered communities in 1852 236 Longfellow's *A Psalm of Life' in Hebrew 239 Cecil Roth Bibliography: supplement, by Robert Singerman 243 The 'Gaster Papers,' by Trude Levi 252 Deputies' Records catalogued 253 Book Notes: Island refuge: Britain and refugees from the Third Reich 254 The Jewish family album 254 vii</page><page sequence="6">viii Contents The works of David Ricardo: general index 255 The Jews in Spain and Portugal 256 The old Jewish cemetery on Plymouth Hoe 257 Aliens certificates 257 Laws of the Society Honorary Officers and Council Index 258 261 262</page><page sequence="7">Illustrations (at end of book) Plate Figure I 1 Newcastle Liber Cartorum 1234 Newcastle synagogue foundation-stone report 1838 Newcastle congregation ledger entry 1830 Newcastle congregation ledger entry 1832 Entrance to Newcastle cemetery Newcastle Jewish cemetery (1835) Leazes Park Road Synagogue, Newcastle Signature of Mayer Oppenheim, glassmaker Jewel fashions, England, seventeenth century Moyse's Hall, Bury St. Edmunds, south-east Undercroft of Moyse's Hall Undercroft, Moyse's Hall Jew's House, Lincoln Marriage record, Duarte Enriquez Alvares and Beatrice de Vega, 1656 Tombstone of Benjamin alias Simon Francia, 1689 The Rev. Aaron Levy Green?'Nemo' Glassmaker Lazarus Jacobs: account with Michael Edkins 1763 Bristol Synagogue dedication service 1786 Bristol Synagogue Order of Service, dedication 1786 Acrostic in Bristol Synagogue Order of Service 1786 Decanter and finger-bowl made by Jacobs, Bristol Bill-head, Isaac Jacobs, Bristol Finger-bowl and plate, Jacobs, 1810 Jewish pedlars, eighteenth-nineteenth century Leon Templo's title-page, 1675, Tabernacle of Moses and Temple of Solomon Leon Templo's prayer for Charles II Masonic emblems on tradesmen's notices: J. Samuel & Son, 1863; A. D. Loewenstark, 1859 Lord Tyrawly, British envoy to Portugal 1728-1741 Moreh VEtzbah title-page, 1791 Haskamah, London Beth Din, Moreh b'Etzbah Synagogue Secretaries, list 1852 pages 236-7 Longfellow's 'A Psalm of Life', English and Hebrew pages 240-1 II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII XIII XIV XV XVI XVII XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII XXIII XXIV IX</page><page sequence="8">The Jewish Historical Society of England MISCELLANIES Part X 1977</page><page sequence="9">Index Aaron of Hereford 44 of Lincoln 45 Aarons, 'Blind' George 168 Rev. Isaac 161 Abaz (alias Israel), Hannah (m. Joseph Israel Ricardo) 256 Abrabanel family 63n Abraham, ? (N/c) 13 A. L. 93n Nicholas (1725) 165 Samuel Victor 167 Victor (1772-1848) (m. Rebecca Levy) 93 Abrahams, Sir Lionel 43, 44nn, 89n Mordecai 89n Phyllis 89n Abramsky, Prof. Chimen art. on Weizmann and the Zionist Movement 137?49 Acosta, Gaspar de (Negro slave) 67n, 68nn Adam, C. W. 15In Adler, Elkan N. 90n, 161 Rev. Hermann 15, 16, 22, 23. 95, 96, 100, 102, 161 Rev. Michael 90n, 94, 108n Nathan Marcus (Chief Rabbi) 8, lOn, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 88n, 94, 99, 100, 161, 226 Adolphus, Benjamin 154 Ahad Ha'am 139, 140, 142, 147 Ahiman Rezon (Laurence Dermott) 131. 132, 153, 154, 157 Akhavat Zion Society 139 Albert, Prince (Prince Consort) 255 Alberti, L. de 48n Alderman, Geoffrey 224, 226 Aldershot 224 Aleikhem, Scholem 138 Alex, Ephraim 95, 97, 106 Montague (Cheltenham, 1850) 236 Alexander II, Tsar 138 Alexander, Abraham (m. Matilda Jacobs) 113 David L. 96n Joshua 96 L. (printer, 1791) 233, 235 Marks (N/c) 15n Alfaro, Francisco Tomas de Franchi 60n, 64n, 68n Aliens certificates 257 Alliance Israelite Universelle 98 Alman, Joseph Moses (m. Susannah Jacobs) 111 Almosnino, Haham Hasdai 233n, PI. XXIV Solomon (1839) 237 Altenacker, Charles (Brighton, 1838) 169 Leopold (Brighton; d. 1834) 169 Alvarado Bracamonte, Cristobal de 58n Alvarez, Duarte Enriquez (Daniel Cohen Henriques; m. Leila Henriquez/Beatriz de Vega) 56n, 60-5 passim, 67n, 68n, 69, PI. XI; Inquisition trial 81-5; letter 78-81 Jacob 154, 165 Am Olam Society (Nikolayev) 139 Amado, Juan Gorrea 64n American Board of Delegates 98 Amsterdam 38ff, 12 Iff Anderson, Rev. James 130, 131, 151, 155-6 Angel, Moses 168 Anglo-Jewish Association 21, 87, 95, 98, 103 Ansell, Myer (Leeds, 1851) 236 Simon (1723) 165 Antisemitism 27, 28, 29, 36, 138, 139, 140, 145, 150, 151, 158, 159, 161-t passim, 224 Apostles (Cambridge intellectual society) 25 Arab rebellion 134 Araujo Mederos, Asencio de 63n Archives, Anglo-Jewish 89n, 224, 227-8, 253 Arechava, Pedro de 59, 62n Arias, Antonio Rodrigues (m. Bianca Enriquez) 57 Diego (Abraham) Rodriguez (m. Francisca Lopez) 56-60 passim, 64, 69; Inquisition trial 71-2; property confiscated 73-7; will 77-8 Arnold, Arthur P. 109, 128n, 217n Thomas 46n Arons, Jacob 154 Artom, Haham Benjamin 101 Ascamot 234, 235 Ascher, Rev. Simon 93, 94 Ashmole, Elias 152, 155 Atheism 163 Attlee, Clement 145 Azulay, Haham Haim Joseph David (Hida) 233 Baal-Shem of London?see Falk, Samuel Bachhoffner, Dr. (1852) 168n Bad?ran de Osinalde, Joseph (Inquisitor) 61 Baeza, Francisco de 5In, 52nn, 53nn, 54nn Baillot, Maria de 216 Balfour, Arthur James 141, 148 Balfour Declaration 140, 141, 142, 147, 149 Bank of England 212, 216n, 217 Barajona, Juan de Losa 56 Barnett, Rev. Arthur 93n Joel (butcher; 1796) 163 Lionel David 38n, 64n, 65n, 234, 256 Richard D. 48n, 60n, 62n, 65n, 67n, 68n, 126, 157, 159n, 169, 170, 224; art., 'Diplomatic aspects of the Sephardic influx' 210-21 Baron, Prof. Salo 222, 227 Barret, W. (1789) 11 On Barrett, Isaac (1738) 165 Baruch, Isaac 154, 165 Barzilai, Dvorah 149 Basevi family 256 Bate, Pedro de 68n 262</page><page sequence="10">Index 263 Bates, Cadwallader J. (1895) 2 Bath 236 Bautista, Francisco 62n, 67n Bautista de Villadiego?see Villadiego Bayswater Synagogue 95, 100 Bear(e)?see Buller & Bear Beck, ?(N/c) 11 Bedford 236, 238 Behrend, Frederick James 163 Behrens, Sir Jacob 224 Beilby, Ralph (N/c; engraver) 5 Beinart, Prof. Haim 210; art. on Jews in the Canary Islands 48-86 Bell, Clive 28 Bellasez, Jacob (s. of Master Moses of London; 1267) 4 Bellasis, Mrs. Alice (1444) 3, 4 Belmont/Schoenberg family 255 Belmonte, Pedro de 54n Ben-Ami (Odessa) 239n I. (Jerusalem) 48n Benas, Bertram B. 168 Louis 168 Benayahu, Meir 233n, 234n Benedict XIV, Pope 160n Ben Gurion, David 145, 148 Ben-Horin, Meir (USA) 169 Benisch, Abraham 98, 155n, 167 Benjamin of Tudela 108 Benjamin, Joseph (Bristol; 1851) 236 Ben-Menahem, N. 233n Bensher, ? (N/c) 13 Bergmann, Rabbi Eliezer 160, 161 Berlin, Rev. Dr. 257 Sir Isaiah 137, 138n, 144, 145, 148 Berncastle, S. N. (Lewes; 1821) 169 Bernstone, John H. (N/c) 20-4 passim Beth Din, London 160 Beth Din, Sephardi, London 233, 234n, 235, PI. XXIV Bevin, Ernest 145 Bewick, Thomas (1753; engraver) 5 Biltmore Resolution 145 Bilu 139 Birch, Walter de Gray 48n Birmingham 2n, 12, 90, 114, 119, 153, 168, 223, 224, 236 Bishop, ? (N/c) 22 Blanch, Nathan (1721) 165 Bloomsbury Group 25 Blum, Joseph 167n Bohemond of Poitiers 109 Bolsheviks 143 Borges, Antonio de Campos (Portuguese Minister, London, 1720) 212, 214 Nicolas Esteves 65 Boulton, Matthew (B'ham) 114 Bourne, Henry (N/c; 1736) 3 Bowler, Capt. Robert (HMS Argyle, 1727) 214, 215 Boxer, Prof. OR. 213, 215 Bradford 224 Braham, Bernard 127n Brand, Rev. John (N/c; 1789) 3 Breiman, Shlomo 143n Bresslau, M. H. 167 Brighton 168-9, 223, 226, 236 Bristol 12, 44, 90-3 passim, 99, 100, 107-19 passim, 236, PL XIII-XVIII Bristow?see Roberts & Bristow British Medical Association 254 British Museum 96, 233, 234n Brodie, Rabbi Sir Israel (Chief Rabbi) 98, 161 Brondesbury Synagogue 161 Bruce, John Collingwood (N/c) 2 Brunswick-Luneburg, Augustus, Duke of 122 Buber, Martin B. 139 Buckley, F. 109n, 113n, 115n Bueno de Mesquita?see Mesquita Buller & Bear(e), Messrs. (1731) 217-20 passim Buno, Conr. 122, 129 Burkitt, F. C. 155 Burnet, Bishop 40 James (Brit. Consul-GenL, Lisbon, 1720) 211, 213n,215 Bury St. Edmunds?see Moyse's Hall Busse, G. W. 226 Bute, 3rd Marquess of 49 Byng, Admiral 219n Cabbala 165 Callaghan, H. W. 242n Canary Islands, Jews in art. by Prof. Haim Beinart 48-86. PL XI Canstatt, Nathan 168 Canterbury 44, 236 Canterbury, Archbishop of (Dr. Tait) 102 Cardenas, Alonso de (Spanish ambassador) 64 Cardiff 236 Cardozo, Moses alias Ffollis de Mollo 216 Carmel, Mrs. E. (daughter of Rev. A. A. Green) 90n, 106 Caro, Jacob (N/c) 14, 22n, PL III Rev. Joseph (N/c, 1840) 11-14 passim. 236 Simon (Norwich, 1850) 236 Carr, Harry 130n, 154n, 165, 169 Janet?see Henriques, Mrs. David M. 225 Marcus 161 Carrera y Coligo, Joseph 56 Carrington, David 106, 169 Carteret, ? (1721) 213nn Carvajal, Antonio Fernandes (Abraham Israel) 40, 41, 57n, 60, 62n, 63n, 67. 68 Carvalho, Robert N. 106 Cassell, Curtis E. lOln Castro, D. H. de 12In Isaac Orobio de 121 Isaac Pereira de (m. Lea Leon) 128 Joseph de 101 n Moses Pereira de 128, 129, 130n, 132, 134 Catherine of Braganca 40 Central Synagogue, London 87, 94, 95, 98, 100, 101</page><page sequence="11">264 Index Chaim, Reb (Antioch) 108 Chance, J. F. 213n, 215n Chapman, Wallis 48n Charities 22, 87, 88n, 96-7, 102, 161, 167, 226, 227 Charles I, King 123, 124, 134 Charles II, King 39, 40, 41, 121, 123-8 passim, 131-6 passim, 210, PI. XX Charleston, R. J. HOn, 119 Chatham 236, 238 Chatziplatz?see Rab Moshe Cheltenham 236, 238 Chief Rabbinate 11-14 passim, 16, 19, 23, 105, 226 Claypole, Elizabeth PI. VI Choveve Zion 138, 139, 143, 226 Chumaceiro, Rabbi J. H. M. 153 Churchill, Winston 143 Chyle, Peter 128, 134 Cioranescu, A. 55n Clement XII, Pope 160n Clerque, Guillermo 59n Coats of arms 120, 129, 132-6 passim, 154, 155 Cohen, A. M. (N/c) 19, 21, 24 Mrs. A. M. (N/c) 22n Rev. Abraham 153 Abraham (N/c, 1830) 6 Andrew M. (N/c) 19, 20 Arthur 102 Benjamin (1812) 166 David (N/c, 1823) 5, 6, 7, 9 Rev. E. (Hull; N/c) 17, 21 Rev. Harris 161 Hyman (1800) 166 I. (N/c, Beadle, 1840) 11, 12 Isaac (1812) 166 Isaac (N/c, 1830) 6 Lionel Louis (1832-87) 87n, 92, 95, 97, 226 Louis 92 n Louis, & Sons 101 Mrs. M. (N/c) 18 Moses (Bristol)?see Cone, Moses Moses J. (N/c) 21, 22 Raphael Isaac (Dover, 1839) 236 Sir Robert Waley 254 Cohn, Prof. Henry J. 254 Colchester 44 Colman, Samuel (artist) PI. XVIII Colyer-Fergusson, Sir Thomas 88n, 92n Cone (Cohen), Moses (Bristol) 109 Congregational Officials' Association 93 Contrera, Joseph 67 Conversion 101, 141 Conversos 48-86 passim Conway?(Blackburn) 224 Coronel, A. (1853) 11 Augustin 40 Cortissos, Abraham 165 Costa, Abraham (alias Luis) Mendez da (alias Abraham Henriques da Costa; m. Judith Mendez Salazar) 216 Ben da 159 Benjamin Mendes da (1728) 165, 216, 217 Fernando Mendes da 65n Hyppolito Joseph da 159, 166 Jean de 213n Sir Michael 166 Costa, da, family 256 Costa, Henriques da?see Henriques da Costa Costa, Vas da?see Vas da Costa Costa Villareal, Joseph da 213, 217n Cottrell,?(Brit, charge d'affaires, Lisbon, 1727) 215 Coustos, Isaac 159 John 159 Craggs, ? (Brit. Sec. of State, 1720) 211n, 212, 214 Crawley, W. J. Chetwode 130n Creizenach, Michael C. 160n Cremieux, ? (France) 103 Creswell, P. H. 152 Croly, George 92, 93 Cromwell, Oliver 40, 59, 62, 63n, 69, 123, 125, 134, PI. VI Richard 40 Crossman, Richard 137, 146 Curry,?(1721) 212 Dardel, P. 117n, 118n Darlington 1 David (glassmaker, Prague, 1570) 109 David, Mrs. (N/c) 22n D'Avigdor-Goldsmid, Sir Henry 167 Davis, David (1793) 168 Myer 2, 7 Dawson, P. J. (Channel Islands) 169 Defries, Nathan 168, PI. XXI Deism 156, 158, 165 Delgado, Juan 48n, 50n, 52n Delinquents, juvenile 23 Deluze, Benjamin (1723) 165 Delvalle, Daniel (1732) 165 Delvalle family 256 Deputies, Board of 11, 14, 16, 19, 96n, 98, 102, 103, 153, 216n, 222, 226, 236, 238; records catalogued 253 Dermo?, Laurence 121, 125, 126, 130-6 passim, 153, 154, 155?see also Ahiman Rezon Deutschmann, ? (N/c) 14 Deza, Diego 48 Diamond, Arthur S. 60n, 77n, 126, 21 On, 211, 213n,218,224 Dias, Antonio Lopes (later Isaac Fernandes Dias) 217 Diogo 217 Moses Lopes?see Pinheiro, Gabriel Lopes Diaz, Francisco de 63n, 64n Diaz de Amizqueta, Lorenzo (Negro slave) 58 Dickens, Charles 88n Dickinson, Violet 28 Diego, Maestre 52 Dill, S. 108n Dinaburg (Dinur), Ben Zion 139n Disraeli, Benjamin 26, 90 Dobbs, M. H. 255</page><page sequence="12">Index 265 Dobson, R. B. PI. 1 Dorfman, Prof. J. (USA) 256 Dormer, Brigadier (Brit, envoy in Lisbon) 213, 214, 215 Dormido, Rabbi Shelomo 62, 67n Dover 236 Dowlais 225 Dowlings, Messrs. (N/c) 7n Driscoll, Miss Emily (NY) 49 Drukker, Rev. Emmanuel (N/c) 6n Duarte, Manuel Levy (Amsterdam) 38ff Dublin synagogue 237 Dugdale, Mrs. Edgar (Blanche) 148n Sir William 43 Dunnington, John Baptista 62n Durham 1, 4 Eban, Abba 137, 146n, 148 Ebner, Miss Anne 225 Edinburgh 10 Edkins, Michael (Bristol) 110, PI. XIII Edrehi, Haham Moshe 234n Edward VII, King 101 Edwards, John (Portsea, 1842) 236 Lewis 124n, 155n, 156 Edwardson, A. R. 43n Eger, Rabbi Akiba 166 Levin (1801) 166 Eizenstein, J, D. 4 Eleazar b. Aaron b. Saadia Iraki Hacohen 160n Eliakim of Hebron, Rabbi 161 Eliason, Daniel 167, 256 Eliot, T. S. 26 Ellison, William (N/c) 22 Emancipation of the jews 13, 92, 102-3, 141, 152, 159 Emanuel, Rev. George J. (B'ham) 23 I. (N/c) 14, 16, 19 L. (N/c) 11 Emden, Hiam (m. Hannah Jacobs) 111 Emmanuel, I. S. 62n Engle, Anita 107 Enriques Alvarez?see Alvarez Enrlquez, Alonso 52 Beatriz (m. Enrique Fernandez de Ybarra) 62 Bianca (m. Antonio Rodrigues Arias) 57 Juana (m. Simon V?ez Sevilla) 56-7 Ephraim, Simon (N/c) 16 Espinosa, Pedro de (m. Isabel de Silva) 57 Ettinger, S. 139n Evian Conference 1938 252 Exeter lOn, 89, 91, 236 Expulsion 44, 46n; PI. I Ezekiel, Moses (N/c, 1835) 8 Fabians 26 Falk, Mr. and Mrs. H. (N/c) 22n Samuel (Baal-Shem of London) 165 Falmouth 236 Farbey, Harry 169 Farjeon, B. L. 92 Eleanor 92n Herbert 92n Jacob (m. Dinah Levy) 92n Joseph Jefferson 92 Farley, Felix (1771) 110 Faudel, Henry 163, 164 Faudel-Phillips, Sir George 164 Fay, Miss Lily 88nn, 89n, 90, 93nn, 106 Michael (m. Amelia Milly Green) 90n Feinberg, Prof. N. 142n Feisal, King (Iraq) 146 Feiwel, Berthold 139 Ferdinand Wingfield & Co. (Lisbon, 1721) 212 Fereira de Andrada, Juan 63 Fernandez, Abraham (alias Fernando) (alias Miguel Vianna, q.v.) 217 Fernandez, Juan 53n, 54n Fetter, Prof. F. W. 256 Filiasi 108n Filipowski, Hirsch 94 Fincken, C. 169 Finestein, Judge Israel 94n, 104n, 106, 222, 226, 227, 228 Fishman, Asher 169 Forster, E. M. 25 Robert (N/c, 1881) 4n Forte, Pedro?see Pinheiro, Francisco Fox, Sam 157 Fraenkel, Josef 226,227 Frampton, Rev. S. 161 Francia, Francis Lewis 65nn, 159 George & Domingo (firm; alias George Hupar/ Hooper/Horper) 65, 67?see Rodriguez Francia Rodrigo 65n Simon (alias Benjamin) 65n, 67n, PI. XI Francis of Lorraine (later German Emperor; m. Maria Theresa) 131 Francisco, Capt. Gabriel 67n, 68n Franco, David 127, 135 Ephraim 166 Francis (1777) 166 Joseph (friar) 63n, 67n Juan 54n Raphael (1777) 166 Franklin, Rev.?(N/c, 1832) 6, 7, 8 Fraser, A. 59n, 60n Frederick Henry, Stadtholder (Holland) 123 Freemasonry 21n, 120, 121, 124, 125, 126, 129, 130, 131, 132, 136; Jews in English F., art. by J. M. Shaftesley 150-169, PI. XXI; list of Jewish Freemasons, by Rev. M. Rosenbaum ^169-209 Freres, Duarte 52 Marcos 52 Freud, Sigmund 26 Frias Salazar, Massia de (Inquisitor) 61 Frideberg, Barnett (B'ham) 109 Michael (B'ham) 109 Friedberg, Ch. B. 234n, 239 Friedlander, Michael 96 Frothringham, A. 109</page><page sequence="13">266 Index Gabay, David art. on 1660 letter, by E. R. Samuel 38-42; PL VI Galv?o, ? (Portuguese Minister, London, 1726) 213, 214, 215, 218 Gaon, Haham Solomon 161 Garcia de Catullo, Antonio 58n Garcia de Figueroa, Diego 60n Garcia de Mesa, Fern?n 5In, 53nn, 54n Garson, M. 169 Gartner, Prof. Lloyd P. 223, 225, 227 Gaster, Haham Moses (note on his papers, by Mrs. Trude Levi) 252; 256 Gateshead 1, 18 Geisenheimer, Sigmund 160n George II, King 113, 216 Germany 151, 154, 160, 161, 163, 164, 254 Gibraltar 211,219 Gillingwater, Edmund 43 Giuseppi, J. A. 210n, 212n, 216, 217n Ginovez, Nicolas 63n, 64n Gladstein, R. Kestenberg 109n Gladstone, William Ewart 102 Glasgow 17 Glass and glassmakers, Jewish art. by Zoe Josephs 107-19, PL V, XIII-XVIII?see also Jew's glass Gloucester, Bishop of (1876) 102 Goitein, S. D. 108n Gold, Isaac (Lewes, 1830) 169 Gold and Silver Wyre Drawers' Company 152 Goldberg, I. 225 M. (N/c) 21 Goldfinger, W. (N/c) 19 Goldinger, L. (N/c) 16 Goldman, Rev. I. A. (Soton, 1846) 236 L. A. (Melbourne) 239n Goldsborough, Capt. (ship Assiento) 219n Goldschmidt, Mrs. Ruth?see Lehmann, Ruth Goldsmid, Aaron 167 Abraham 167 Isabel 101 Sir Julian 101 Michael 90 Moses Asher 166 Goldsmid family 256 Goldsmith, Joseph (Brighton, 1801) 168-9 Goldwater, Messrs. (N/c) 8 Goldwyn, W. (1712) 11 In Gombrecht (Gumprecht), ? 130n Gonzalez (Goncalez), Alvar (m. Mencia V?ez) 48n, 50-5 passim, 68, Inquisition trial 69-70 Ana 50, 51, 55n, Inquisition trial 71 Antonio 50, 51, 52 Antonio (mulatto) 64nn Duarte 51, 52n, 54n, 55n Juan (slave) 52n Pedro Hernandez 51 Silvestre 50, 51, 54n, 55n, Inquisition trial 70 71 Goodman, Paul 150 Gorgia, David 216 Gottlieb, Freema art. on Leonard Woolf 25-37 Gottschalk, ? (N/c) 14 Gould, Robert Freke 154n, 155 Gouveia, Marquis of 218 Graetz, H. 12In Grant, Sir Robert 92, 93 Gray, William (N/c, 1649) 3 Great Synagogue, London 93, 94, 100, 101, 167, 237, 238?see also Central Synagogue Green, Rev. Aaron Asher ('Tatler') 88n, 90, 94nn, 227 Aaron Levy ('Nemo') (m. Phoebe Levy) 10n, 18-21 passim, 23; biog. by Alex M. Jacob 87 106, PI. XII Abraham 88n, 104 Amelia (Mrs. Levy Ephraim G.) 88 Amelia (Milly; m. Michael Fay) 90n Asher (1826-91; m. Leah Green) 89, 90 Frederick M. (m. Stella Mosely) 93n Leah (m. Asher Green) 89, 90 Levy Ephraim (1784-1858) 88 Lewis (b. 1845) 89n Rev. Lewis Abraham 89 Lionel 101 Mark L. 106 Rev. Michael 89, 91, 93 Rev. Nathan (Amsterdam) 89 Mrs. Phoebe?see Levy, Phoebe Sarah (m. Isaac Vallentine) 88-9n Solomon Abraham (Sholey) 88n, 104 Sylvia (m. Mordecai Abrahams) 89n Greenberg, Rev.?(N/c) 18 Greenburgh, H. (Plymouth) 257 Grey, Sir Edward 141 Grizzard, Nigel 225 Guardians, Board of, London 87, 95, 97 Gumble, Rev. Thomas 40 Guttentag, G. D. art. on Newcastle upon Tyne Jews 1-24 Haes, Frank 43, 44, 46 Hal6vy, Elie 256 Halevy, Shoshanah 242n Hambro Synagogue 237 Hampstead Synagogue, London 90 Harden, D. B. 107n, 108nn Harlow, G. H. 167 Harris, Henry (N/c, 1831) 7 Rev. Isidore 95n, 12In Joseph (1738) 165 Miss Madeleine (N/c) 17 Robinson (N/c, 1832) 7, 8, 11 Rev. S. H. ('Roiter'; N/c) 17, 18, 20-4 passim Mrs. S. H. (N/c) 18 William (N/c) 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14 Hart, ? (Amsterdam) 42 n John (1721) 165 JudahJechiel de (N/c, 1879) 5, lOn, 19,21,22,23 Mrs. Judah de (N/c) 22 Naphtali (Lpl, 1842) 236 Nehemiah de (N/c, 1870) lOn Ronald d'Arcy 128n S. (Amsterdam) 127n</page><page sequence="14">Index 267 Hartlepool, West 1, 19, 101 Hartshorne, A. 113n Hassan, Sir Joshua 211 n Hastings, Marquis of?see Moira, Earl of Haunch, T. O. 169 Hebeler, Chevalier Bernard 164 Hebrew University 139, 147 Heertje, Prof. A. 256 Heinemann, Jeremiah 167 Heller, Joseph 140n Henrietta Maria, Queen 121, 123, 124, 126, 128, 134 Henrique, Catalina (m. Diego Tinoco) 57 Henriques, Abraham Cohen (Francisco V?ez de Leon) 62 n Daniel Cohen?see Alvarez, Duarte Enriquez David (N/c; d. 1775) 4, 5 Mrs. David (Janet Carr) 4 H. S. Q. 238 Jacob Cohen 62n Henriques da Costa, Abraham?see Costa, Abraham Luis Mendez da Henriquez, Bianca (m. Antonio Rodriguez) 57 Henriquez, Leila (m. Duarte Enriquez Alvarez; see also Vega, Beatriz de) 62, 63 Rafaela 57 Henry I, King 45 Henry II, King 2, 45 Henry III, King 2, 44, PI. I Henry, Rev. Henry A. 168 Mrs. W. (N/c) 22n Heraclius (monk) 119 Hereford 44 Hernandez, Pedro 55n Herodotus 109 Herrera y Leyba, Simon de 65, 67n Herrera y Leyva, Marcos de (son of Simon) 63n, 67n Hertz, J. H. (Chief Rabbi) 161 Herzberg, A. (USA) 115n Herzen, Alexander 143 Herzl, Theodor 141, 142, 147 Hes, M. A. (N/c, 1832) 7 Hess, Moses 160n Hewitt, A. R. 169 Hida, Haham?see Azulay, Haham Higginbottom, Messrs., Brewery (N/c) 8, PI. IV Hills, Gordon G. P. 165 Hinds, A. B. 59 Hiram, King of Tyre 151 Hiram Abif 151 Hirschell, Rabbi Solomon 8, 11. 89, 105, 226 Hiscock, Mary (Mrs. Lazarus Jacobs) 111 Hitler, Adolph 143, 144, 145, 254 Hoffnung (Hope), Rev. Samuel (N/c; Exeter) 9, 10, 236 Sigmund (N/c; Australia) lOn Hogarth Press 25, 26, 30, 33 Honywood, Michael, Dean of Lincoln 124 Hopkins, Sir R. (1733) 219n Hovevei Zion?see Ghoveve Zion Hubert Walter, Archbishop 47 Hubmann, Franz 254, 255 Hughes, G. B. 114n Hulbert, G. B. 223 Hull 223,227,236,238 Hupar/Hooper/Horper, Thomas and George?see Francia, George and Domingo Hurwitz, Prof. Hyman 91, 168 Huseiny, Haj Amin El, Mufti of Jerusalem 144 Hyams, Aaron 88 Lydia 88 Hyamson, Albert M. 127n, 128n, 150, 210, 235n, 256 Hyman, Prof. Arthur 160 Hymen, Isaac (N/c) 5 Immigrant integration 158, 169, 210?see also Provincial Jewry conference Ines (Moorish slave girl) 5Inn, 52nn, 54nn Inquisition 48-^86 passim, 109, 159, 166, 210-13 passim, 215, 217, 218, 220, 256 Ipswich 236 Isaac, Saul, MP 15 Isaacs, Sir Henry 155, 168 Joseph 168 Lazarus (1773) 109 Michael 168 Moses Lewis (Merthyr, 1849) 236 Rufus Daniel (Marquis of Reading) 168, 255 Israel, State of 146, 149?see also Palestine Israel, Hannah?see Abaz, Hannah Issachar, Woolfe (Jersey, 1846) 237 Italia, Salom 122 Ives, Chapman 158n Jabotinski, Vladimir 141 n Jacinto, Jorge (m. Bianca Xuarez) 57 Jacob, Alex M. biog. of Aaron Levy Green 87-106 Arthur (1770) 109 Isaac (Swansea, 1850) 236 Moss Jacob (Falmouth, 1849) 236 Jacobs, Bethel (Hull, 1839) 236 David (N/c) 22 David Henry 152 Fanny (Bristol) 111 Hannah (m. Hiam Emden) 111 Mrs. I. (N/c) 18 Isaac (Bristol; m. Mary MacCreath) 109-13 passim, PI. XVI, XVII John (Bristol) 111 Jos. (N/c) 14, 19 Joseph 2, 44n, 45n, 96 Joseph (Bristol) 110, 111, 112, 119 Lazarus (Bristol; m. Mary Hiscock) 109, 110, 111, PI. XIII, XV, XVI Lionel (Bristol) 110, 111 Rabbi Louis 106 Matilda (Bristol; m. Abraham Alexander) 111, 113 Morris (Bristol) 111 Sarah (Bristol) 111 Susannah (Suky; m. Joseph Moss Alman) 111</page><page sequence="15">268 Index Jacobson, ? (father of Samuel, N/c) 11 Dan 26, 27 Samuel (N/c, 1835) 8, 9, 11 Jacques, D. (Brighton, 1801) 169 Isaac (N/c, 1835) 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 19 Jacob (N/c, 1835) 8 Jersey synagogue 237 Jessel, Aaron 92 n Sir George 92, 100 Zadok Aaron 88n, 90, 94 Jessop, W. S. (USA) 109, 11 In Jewellery (17th-cent. English usage) 38ff., PI. VI Jewish Agency 143, 145 Jewish Association for the Diffusion of Religious Knowledge 96 Jewish Chronicle 226; Index 106, 223, 224; and 'Nemo' 87-106 passim Jewish Hospital, London 88n Jewish National Home 142, 146?see also Palestine Jews' College, London 87, 94, 95, 106 Jews' Free School 97, 106 'Jew's glass' 119 Jimenez, Martin (Inquisitor) 50 Jimenez de Cisneros, Cardinal Francisco 48 Jocelyne de Brakelonde 45, 46, 47 Joel, Jane Grace (Mrs. Trvtle Joel) 6n Joseph George (N/c) 5, 20 Ralph (N/c) 6 Sevin (N/c) 6, 14 Trytle (N/c) 6, 7, 9, 12, 14 John, King 2, 3 Jonas, Woolf (Norwich) 236 Jonassohn, D. (Sunderland) 14 Jongh, de 33 Jordon, Henry 12 Joseph, B. (N/c) 12, 13, 14 David (1847) 237 David (Sunderland, 1852) 237 Henry (Penzance, 1852) 236 Nathan Solomon 97, 100 Josephs, Mrs. Zoe art. on Jewish glassmakers 107 119; 224 Josephus 107, 123 Jost,J.-M. 160n Judaism, Leonard Woolf's attitude to art. by Freema Gottlieb 25-37 Juan (Negro slave) 5In, 52nn, 53n, 54n Julian, Haham David Henriques 233n, PI. XXIV Jurnet of Norwich 47 Kamen, Henry 256 Kaplan, Y. 63 Kaplin, Rabbi David 11 On, 119, PL XV Katz, Prof. Jacob 151, 156, 158, 160, 162, 163, 165 Rabbi Nathan (USA) 161 Kayserling, M. 120n Keeling, Henry 15 Keynes, J. Maynard 25 Keys, Abraham (1796) 163 Kibbutz Nidchei Israel Society (Minsk) 139 Kisa, A. 108nn Killigrew, Thomas 132, 134 Klausner, Prof. Joseph 140n Knevett, Francis 62n Knox, Mgr. Ronald A. 151n Kochan, Lionel 254, 255 Miriam 254, 255 Koes & Co (Hamburg/Lisbon) 219, 220 Kohn, P. J. 234n Kohn-Zedek, Rev. Joseph 234n Kolatt, Israel 140n Kressl, G. 239n Kunckel (Potsdam, 1679) 114 Laguna, Daniel Lopes 217n Landasola, Ignacio de 65n, 68nn Lange, Rabbi N. de 227, 257 Lankaster, G. 225 Laski, Neville 235n Latimer, John (historian) 10, 11 On Lawrance, J. (USA) 155n Lazarus, Dayan Harris M. 161 S. M. 163 Lea, ? (historian) 256 Lee, Julian 169 (Levy) Lazarus 92n Sir Sydney 92n Leeds 236 Lefebre (Rouen) 116, 117 Lehmann, Ruth (Mrs. Goldschmidt) 95nn, 106 Leinster, Duke of 159 Lemercier, Pierre (France) 115, 116, 117, 118 Leon, Rabbi Abraham Judah (Templo) 127, 128 Isaac 127, 128 Rabbi Jacob Judah (Templo) art. by A. L. Shane 120-36, PI. XIX, XX; 152-5 passim Lea (m. Isaac Pereira de Castro) 127, 128 Rachel (daughter of Isaac L.) 127 Rachel (wife of Jacob Judah Leon Templo) 126, 127, 128 Solomon Judah?see Templo, Solomon Le Roche, Sophie von (1786) 110 Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim 153 Levenberg, S. 222, 224 Levi, I. (N/c, 1778) 5 Moses Isaac (otherwise Ximenes) 166 Mrs. Trude note on Moses Gaster's papers 252 Levien, John (1828) 166 Levin, Shmarya 141 n Rev. Walter 161 Levine, ? (N/c) 18 Levinson, Miss (N/c) 22n Mrs. (N/c) 22n Rev. Fibush (N/c) 14, 16, 17 Lesser (N/c) 22 Levy, A. (N/c) 13 Dayan Aaron (Rov Oron) 89, 90 Arnold 1 n Dinah (m. Jacob Farjeon) 92n Elizabeth (m. Joseph Levy) 92n Henry (1772) 109 Isaac (1770) 109</page><page sequence="16">Index 269 Levy (cont.) Isaac (N/c) 109 Rev. Isaac Aaron (Sunderland) 22, 23 Israel Aaron (1851) 237 Joseph (1776-1856; m. Elizabeth Levy) 92n Lazarus (1759) 154 Lewis (Bedford, 1839) 236 Matthias 154, 162, 165 Mordecai (1770) 109 Moses (1759) 154 Phoebe (m. Aaron Levy Green) 92, 93 Rebecca (m. Victor Abraham) 93 S. A. (N/c, 1838) 9, 13 Solomon (1759) 154 Rev. Solomon 151n, 156, 165n Lewis, A. W. (N/c) 18, 19, 22 George (N/c, 1823) 5 Liebman, Seymour B. 56 Lilienblum, Moshe Leib 139, 143, 147 Lilienthal, Rabbi Benjamin 161 Lima, Antonio de 64n Lincoln 44, PI. X Lindenthal, Israel L. (1839) 237 Lindo, Isaac (1784) 166 Lorenzo Rodriguez (m. Perpetua Lopez) 63n, 67 Manuel Rodriguez (Isaac) 63n, 67nn Lindo family 256 Lingar, John 38 Lipman, Vivian D. 44, 46nn, 90, 97n, 106, 222, 225, 227, 228 Lippman, ? (N/c) 13 Lipton, Marcus 65n, 66, 159n Lissack, Morris (Bedford) 168 Lisveda, Philippa 63 Littaur, Wolf 158 Liverpool 2n, 90, 168, 223, 236 Lloyd George, David 141 Lobel, M. D. 43n Loewe, Herbert 157 Louis 152-3, 157 Raphael 153n, 157, 225, 227, 228 Loewenstark, A. D. PI. XXI London Hospital 88n, 97 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth note by A. Schischa 239-42 Lopes, Domingo 21 In Gaspar 214,215 Lopez, Francisca (m. Diego Rodriguez Arias) 56, 58, 59, 62n, 67n, 69, Inquisition trial 72-3 Perpetua (m. Lorenzo Rodriguez Lindo) 67n Lopez de Chillon, Juan 63, 67n Lopez de Fonseca, Francisco (m. Ana Xuarez) 57 Lopez de Miranda, Juan 56n, 59n, 64n Lopez de Talavera?see Talavera Lotinga, Samuel Moses (Shields, N, 1849) 236 Lowman, Samuel (1738) 165 Lowy, Rev. Albert 21 Lucas, Benjamin (1789) 166 Luncz, A. M. (Jerusalem) 239 Luncz-Boletin, Gh. 239n Lunn, K. (Sheffield) 223 Lyon, David 166 Henry (1759) 154 Isaac?see Leon, Isaac Lyons, Robert 166 Mabbs, A.W. 166n Maccabeans, Order of Ancient 226 Machiavelli, Niccolo 148 Machado, Capt. Francisco 62n, 68n MacCreath, Mary (Mrs. Isaac Jacobs, Bristol) 111 Mackay, ? (M/c) 150 Mackenzie, ? (N/c, 1827) 5 Mackey, Albert G. (USA) 154 Maiden Lane Synagogue, London 237 Maimonides 92n Malachi, A. R. 239n Manchester 2n, 90, 168, 223, 226, 236 Manning, Cardinal 102 Mansfield, Katherine 26 Mansion House Relief Fund 102 Manzano, Pedro 56, 67nn Ma'or, Yitzchak 139n, 142n Maria Theresa, Empress 131 Marks, Bernard Samuel (artist) 100, 167 David (N/c) 16 Simon (Lord Marks) 140 Simon (N/c) 16 Sol 169 Marl borough, Duke of 210 Marriage Act 1836 238 Marriage Secretaries, 1852 art. by A. Schischa 236-8 Martin, C. Trice 43 Martinez, Salvador 60n, 65n Mary, Queen (wife of William III) 123 Masons' Company 152, 154 Massel, Joseph (M/c) 239n Massia de Frias Salazar, Francisco (Inquisitor) 67 Matthews, Admiral 159 ? (Bristol, 1815) 11 In May, Phineas L. 106 Mayerowitsch, Rev. H. 94n Mazahod, Jacob 217n Medina, Abraham de 154, 165 Francisco de 61 n Sir Solomon de 210 Mello, Francisco de (Portuguese ambassador) 40 Menasseh ben Israel 69, 121, 123, 125 Mendelsohn, ? (N/c) 19 Mendes, Rev. Abraham P. (B'ham, 1851) 236 Mendes Simoes?see Simoes Mendes da Costa?see Costa, Mendes da Mendez, Moses (1738) 165 Solomon (1737) 154, 165 Mendonca, Diego de (Portuguese Sec. of State, 1726) 212,213,217 Mendoza, Daniel 166 Menes, Bishop (531-6) 108 Merthyr Tydvil 225, 236 Merton College, Oxford 4 Mesa?see Garcia de Mesa Mesquita, Rev. D. Bueno de 126</page><page sequence="17">270 Index Methuen, John 211 Paul 211 Methuen Treaty (with Portugal) 211,213 Mexico 56ff Middlesbrough 1, 19, 101 Millman, Israel 162 Mirza Abdul Khan (Persian ambassador, London, 1810) 158 Mitchell, Michael (Yarmouth, 1851) 236 Mocatta Library, University College London 252, 253 Moira, Earl of (Hastings, Marquis of) 166 Molina, Bartolome* de 67n, 68nn Molina y Larena, Capt. Alonso de 59, 63n, 68nn Molina y Lugo, Francisco de 68n Monck, General George 39, 40, 41 Mond, Sir Alfred 143n Montefiore, Joshua (b. 1766) 166 Sir Moses (and Lady) 12, 92, 98, 99, 153n, 155, 166, 167, 236, 238 Samuel Vita 166 Moore, G. E. 25 Mordecai, Reb (Antioch) 103 Moreh b'Etzbah and Tsiporen Shamir (Haham Azulay) art. by A. Schischa 233-5, PL XXIII, XXIV Morley, Edward 154 Morris, B. (N/c) 19 S. (N/c) 13, 14, 15 Mortara, Haham Saul Levi 121 Mose, Robert 46 Mosely, Abraham (Bristol) 93 Moses?see Tabernacle Moses of Clare 47 of London, Master (13 cent.) 4 Moses, Abraham (Portsmouth) 223 Jacob (1759) 154 Lewis (Portsmouth) 223 Moss, M. (musician) 91 Motzkin, Leo 139 Mountford, Solomon (1732) 165 Moyse's Hall, Bury St. Edmunds art. by E. R. Samuel 43-47, PL VII-X Myers, Asher I. 20, 43, 87n, 167 Rev. I. 157 Rev. I. H. (Ramsgate) 237 Rev. Isidore (Melbourne) 239 Rev. M. H. 93 Wolf (N/c, 1838) 9, 13 Nabarro, Eric 169 Namier, Sir Lewis 37, 143, 144, 148 Narodniks 143 Nathan, Elias (M/c) 168 Jacob (Lpl/M/c, 1786) 168 Jacob (Plymouth) 15 Lemon (Lpl/M/c, 1786) 168 Nava y Grim?n, Tomas de 67 Naveda Romero, Martin de 58n 'Nemo'?see Green, Rev. Aaron Levy Netherton Reformatory (N/c) 23 Neuberg, F. 108n Neuenberg, A. (N/c) 16, 19 New Synagogue, London 162, 237 New West End Synagogue 100 Newbridge (S. Wales) 225 Newcastle, Duke of (1726) 213-9 passim Newcastle upon Tyne Jewish community (art. by G. D. Guttentag) 1-24; 87n, 101, 156 PI. I-V; 236 Newman, Aubrey 119,169, (report on Provincial Jewry conference) 222-9, 255 Oliver 162 Nieto, Haham 217n Noachide Laws 156 Norton, Jacob (USA) 164 Norwich 44, 46, 236 Norwood Orphanage 22, 88n, 161, 167 Nottingham 44, 226, 236 Noy, Dov 48n Nunes, Abraham (1789) 166 Zipra 213n Nunes Ribero, Samuel 211 n, 217 Nuremberg, Michael Simon (Brighton, 1852) 236 Occupations 5, 6, 8, 19, 45, 46, 48, 88, 138, 158, 163, 203-9, 223, 225, PI. XVIII?see also Glass O'Connell, Daniel 26 O'Hara, James?see Tyrawly, Lord Olivares, Count-Duke of 55 Olsover, L. (N/c) 225, 227 Oppenheim, Mayer (B'ham) 113-19 passim, PI. V Nathan (B'ham) 115 Samuel Wolf 118 Simon (1841) 237 Wolf 116, 118 Orobio de Castro?see Castro Owen, Aron 223 H. (Bristol) 11 On Oxford 4, 44, 46 Paiba, Isaac Abraham Carr?o de 216 John 166 Palestine?see Zionism Paraira, M. C. 12In Pardo, ? (1723) 165 Parker, Joseph (N/c) 21 Paszkiewicz, Mieczyslaw 257 Patterson, David 138n Pays de Jecus, Theresa (m. Francisco Mendes Simoes) 21 In Paz family 63 Pearlson, Rev. E. (N/c) 21 Rev. S. 23 Peasenhall, Roger 46 Pedro II (Emperor of Brazil) 100 Penzance 236 Peregrino, Abraham 68n Pereira de Castro?see Castro, Isaac; Moses Perera, Diego 61 n Peretz, S. M. (N/c, 1823) 5, 7 Perez, Duarte 52 Francisco 52</page><page sequence="18">Index 271 Pericles 148 Perlmann, Moshe 149 Perrot's (Bristol) 110 Persecution 102, 254 Petit, Leonardo (monk) 59n Petre, Lord 160n Philip IV (Spain) 55 Phillips, Sir Benjamin Samuel 15, 164 George?see Faudel-Phillips Jekiel (Chatham, 1839) 236 Mrs. Olga Somech 167 Solomon (N/c), 1723) 4, 5 Photographs, family 254-5 Picciotto, James 127n, 256 Moses 94 Pieterse, W. Chr. (Amsterdam) 38, 42n Pinheiro, Francisco Gabriel Lopes (alias Moses Lopes Dias/Joseph or Daniel Vianna/Pedro Forte) 217, 218, 220 Pinna, Jacob de (1767) 166 Pinsker, J. L. 139, 145n, 147 Pinto, Juan 50n, 5In Pedro 54n Piru, Pedro del 64n Pliny 107 Plymouth 223, 236, 238, 257 Ponte, Antonio de 63n Poppelauer (bookseller) 234n Populists (Russia) 143 Porteros de la Vega, Francisco (Inquisitor) 67n Porto, Antonio de 60n Portsea 236 Portsmouth 90, 97, 223 Pountney, W. J. (Bristol) HOn Powell, A. C. 11 Inn, 113n Prayer for Sovereign 125, PI. XX Price, Rev. John 40 Priestley, J. B. 224 Prince Consort?see Albert, Prince Prisoners, Jewish 97 Protheroe, Capt. (HMS The Looe) 212 Provincial Jewry conference report by Aubrey Newman 228-9; Marriage secretaries 236-8 Provincial Ministers' Fund 226 Prussia, Prince of (Kaiser Wilhelm I) 163 Psalm of Life (Longfellow) art. by A. Schischa 239-42 Pyke, ? (N/c, 1840) 10, 11 'Rab Moshe "Chatziplatz" ' 90 Rabinowicz, Oskar K. 137n, 169, 210, (ref. Cecil Roth bibliography) 233-51 Radzinowicz, Sir Leon 256 Rainsford, General Charles 165 Ralph de Diceto 45n Ram6n, Juan 67nn, 68n Ramsgate 237, 238 Rapaport, Charles 145 Reading, Marquis of?see Isaacs, Rufus Reform Movement 94, 99, 104-5, 160, 226 Refugees, German 254 Reich, J. 226 Reynzo, Dr. 63n Ricardo, David 255-6 Joseph Israel 256 Richard I, King 2, PI. I Richardson, H. G. 45nn Richmond, Prof. Ian A. In Rippingille, E. V. (artist) PI. XVIII Rittenberg, B. (N/c) 22 Rivero, Juan Rodriguez 63nn, 64n Roberts & Bristow (1721) 212, 219, 220 Robles, Antonio Rodriguez 56n, 60-3 passim, 67 Rodriguez, Lucina (m. Gaspar V?ez II) 57 Rodriguez Francia, Domingo (Isaac) 56n, 62nn, 64-9 passim, Inquisition trial 85-6?see also Francia Jorge (Abraham) 56n, 62nn, 64n, 65-9 passim, Inquisition trial 85-6-?see also Francia Rodriguez Francia family 65, genealogy 66, 67? see also Francia Rodriguez?see Arias; Lindo; Rivero; Robles; V?ez Rojas, Diego de 6In, 62 Tomas de 61 -4 passim, 67n Rose, Alan P. 225 Edward (1732) 165 Rosel y Lugo, Antonio 65 Rosenauer, Helen 135n Rosenbaum, Rev. Morris 16n, 156, 157, 158, 161, 166; list of Jewish Freemasons 169-209 Rosenberg, Murray 9n, 17n Rosen thai, ? (N/c) 19 Rosen wasser, J. 234n Ross, ?(1759) 154 Rotch, G. D. 158, 162n Roth, Cecil 4, 7, 44n, 46, 59, 88n, 90n, 109n, 110, 11 In, 116n, 119, 121n, 123n, 150, 157, 167, 233n; Bibliography supplement by R. Singer man 233-51; PI. XIII Rothschild, Sir Anthony 95, 100 Charlotte de 22, 98 Leopold de 101 Lionel de 15, 20, 95 Mayer 95 N. M., & Sons 14, 24, 90 Nathan Meyer 166, 256 Nathaniel 95 Rothschilds 255 Rouen 115-8 passim Routh, M. J. 40n Routledge, Miss R. A. 253 Rowlandson, Thomas 167 Royal Warrant 109, 112, 124, PI. XIX Rubens, Alfred lOOn, 1 lOn, 112n, 118, 119, 123n, 128n, 167 Russell, Bertrand 25 Rylands, W. H. 135n Sacher, Harry 140 Sacks, Samuel 167 Sadler, Henry 130n, 154n St. John's Wood Synagogue 101 St. Paul's Cathedral, alleged offer to buy 59</page><page sequence="19">272 Index Salazar, Judith (alias Theresa) Mendes (m. Abraham Mendez da Costa) 216 Salisbury, Marquess of 102 Salomons, Sir David 88n Philip J. (1824) 166 Salvador, Joseph 166 Sampson, Abbot 45, 46 Samuda, I. S. 217n Samuel, Jew of Newcastle 2, PI. I Samuel, Edgar R. art. on David Gabay letter 38 42; art. on Moyse's Hall, Bury St. Edmunds 43-7; 93, 106, 119, 154n, 227, 239n, 257 Hart (N/c; d. 1806) 6n J., & Son PI. XXI Jacob (Bristol) 109 James 168, PI. XXI Lewis (Lpl, 1824) 168 Louis 169 Rachel (Mrs. Hart Samuel, N/c; d. 1806) 6n Wilfred S. 60n, 124, 126, 157, 169, 213 Wolf (Ipswich, 1842) 236 Sanders, M. 238n Sandheim, Julius (Dublin, 1845) 237 San Francisco, Juan de 60n Sarca?see Zarza Sarmento, de C. 217n Sartre, J. P. 29,30 Sassoon, David S. 160n Saubert, Johann 122 Scarbot, Andrew 46 Schabracq, Joseph 111 Schapiro, Israel 239 Schechter, Solomon 87, 96 Schiff, Tevele, Chief Rabbi 113, 118, 119 Schischa, A. 113n, 119, 154, 160n, 165; art. on Azulay's Moreh VEtzbah and Tsiporen Shamir 233-5, PI. I, V; art. Marriage secretaries in 1852 236-8; art. Longfellow's 'Psalm of Life' in Hebrew 239^2 Schlesinger, A. (Bristol) 9In, 106 Sch?mberg, Isaac, jun. 165 Meyer 165 Schott, Gerhard 130n, 135 Schwartz, Samuel 49 See, Haham Aaron 233n, PI. XXIV Segalas, Israel (1725) 165 Seiden, John 156 Sephardim?see Spanish and Portuguese Jews Sequeira, Isaac (1777) 166 Serano, Haham Joseph David 233, 234n, 235 Sevilla, Capt. Simon V?ez (m. Juana Enriquez) 56 Seyd, ? (hotelier, 1856) 163 Shaftesbury, Earl of 102 Shaftesley, John M. 87nn, 98, 103n, 106, 130n; art. on Jews in English Freemasonry 150-69; 224, 233, 256 Shane, A. L. art. on Jacob Judah Leon Templo 120-36; 152, 153, 154, 225 Shapiro, Rev. David (Edinburgh) 16 Shaw, George Bernard 26 Sheffield 223 Shepherd, M. A. 224, 227 Sherenbeck, Henry (Chatham, 1794) 168 Sherman, A. J. 254 Sherrenbeck, Jacob Meyer (Plymouth, 1752) 168 Shields, N. and S. 1, 6, 13, 15, 22, 224, 236 Shillman, Bernard 157 Shine, Rabbi C. I. lOOnn Shrigley, Abraham (1723) 165 Sieff, Israel (Lord Sieff) 140 Sierpe, Alvaro Gil de la 61 Silk, Donald 226 Silva, Duarte da 65n Isabel de (m. Pedro de Espinosa) 57 J. S. da 121n Silva-Rosa, J. S. da 12In Silver, ? (caterer, 1859) 163, PL XXI Michael 163 Sidney 169 Silverman, Alfred 167 Simoes, Francisco Mendes (m. Theresa Pays de Jecus) 211 n Simon, Sir Leon 140 Simons, ? (N/c, 1836) 8 Hyman A. 90n, 106 Lewis (Shields, S.) 12 Simonson, Michael Hart (M/c, 1846) 236 Simpson, S. (Derby) 226 Singer, Rev. Simeon 125n Singerman, Robert art. Cecil Roth bibliography, supplement 233-51; 256 Sketchley (B'ham, 1700) 114 Slotki, Rev. I. W. 151n Slowe, M. (Aldershot) 224 Soesmans, Leib PI. XIII Sola, Rev. David A. de 167 Solomon, King?see Temple Solomon, Benjamin (St. Helena, 1832) 169 Myer Solomon (1812) 166 Phineas (Canterbury, 1842) 236 Solomons, Jacob (1839) 237 Song of Unity 'by the Sons of Moshe' 234, 235 Sorel, Jean-Jacques (Rouen) 116, 117, 118 Sosa, Mathias de 63n Sothern's (butcher, N/c) 15n Southampton 237 Southwell, Sir George 40 Spanish and Portuguese Jews (Sephardim) 38^42 passim, 59, 60, 63n, 68, 100, 159, 166; diplo? matic aspects of 18th-cent. influx, art. by R. D. Barnett 210-221; 226, 227, 233-5, 237, 256-7 Spector, David 168, 223, 226 Spero, Rev. E. 161 Spiegel, Shalom 138n Spiers, Rev. B. (Dayan) 17 Sraffa, Piero 255 Stadthagen, Myer (Plymouth, 1839) 236 Stallard, ? 227 Stein, Gertrude 28 Leonard 137, 149 Steiner, Mrs. Miriam (M/c) 227 Steinschneider, Moritz 127n Stephen, King 45</page><page sequence="20">Index 273 Stiegel (Pennsylvania, 1773) 109 Stockton 1 Strabo 107 Strachey, James 26 Mrs James 30 Lytton 25 Strologer, Miss (N/c, 1790) 5 Summerneid, ? (N/c) 19 Sunderland 1, 14, 15, 19, 227, 237, 238 Surenhusius, Guiliemus 12In, 122, 123, 135 S?sser, Rabbi Bernard lOn, 257 Sussex, Duke of 152, 155n, 159, 163, 164, 167 Swansea 237 Swift, Rabbi Harris 93 Sykes, John (N/c, 1833) 6n Symes, Bettey, 155 Daniel 155 Tabernacle of Moses, model by Templo 120-135 passim, PI. XIX, XX Tacitus 107 Tait, Dr.?see Canterbury, Archbishop of Talarico, Benito Suplicio 60n Talavera, Alonso Lopez de 5In, 53, 54n Tarohn, Nathan 168 'Tatler'?see Green, Rev. Aaron A. Taylor, A. J. P. 37n Tchernichovski, S. 239n Teixeira, Abraham (1777) 166 Temkin, Prof. Sefton 224 Temple, Solomon's, model by Templo 120-135 passim, 151, 152, 153, PL XIX, XX Templo, Solomon Judah Leon 120, 122?see also Leon Theophilus (monk) 119 Thomas de Thornham 46 Thorpe, W. A. 109n Thucydides 148 Thurloe, John 69 Timmins, Samuel (B'ham) 114n Tinoco, Diego (m. Catalina Henrique) 57 Tolansky, Prof. Samuel 3, 9n Toperoff, Rabbi S. P. (N/c) 7n Tovey, D'Blossiers 2, 3 Townshend, Lord (1726) 213,214 Tredegar 223 Truman, President (USA) 146 Tsiporen Shamir?see Moreh b'Etzbah Turkey, Sultan of 141 Turner, B. (N/c) 18, 19 William (artist) PL VII, VIII, IX, X Tychsen, Olaus Gerhard 153 Tymms, ? 46n Tyrawly, Lord (James O'Hara) 215-20 passim, PL XXII Uchmany, Ms. E. A. 64 United Synagogue, London 87, 94, 95, 99, 100. 102, 103 V?ez, Gaspar (I) 57 Gaspar (II) (m. Lucina Rodriguez) 57 Gonzalo Rodriguez 57, 58, 59 Mencia (m. Alvar Gonzalez) 50, 51, 52, 54 V?ez de Leon, Francisco?see Henriques, Abraham Cohen V?ez Sevilla?see Sevilla Vaillant de la Fieffe, O. de 116n Valdespino, Capt. Pedro 6Inn, 65 Valentine, Rev. J. H. (M/c) 168 Valintine, Martain (N/c, 1831) 7 Vallentine, Isaac (m. Sarah Green) 88-9n, 167 Rev. Nathan Isaac 88n Philip 89n, 94n, 97n Samuel 89n Van der Vekene, E. 256 Van Oven, Joshua 91, 168 Vas da Costa, David 211 n Michael 21 In Vatablus 155n Vatcher, S. 159 Vavra, J. R. 108n Vega, Beatriz de 63, PI. XI?see also Henriques, Leila Venturi, Franco 138, 143n Vere, Capt. Lord (HMS The Lyme, 1727) 214 Vere Beauclerk, Lord (later Lord Han worth)?see Vere Vereist, John (artist) PI. XXII Verete\ Meir 149 Vergara, Balthazar de 67 Verulam, Earl of 111, PI. XVII Vianna, Joseph or Daniel?see Pinheiro J. Miguel petitions 219-21?see also Fernandes, Abraham Dias Ribca 218 Victoria, Queen 255 Villadiego, Juan Bautista de 56 Villalpando, Juan de 50n Villareal?see Costa Villareal Vina y Vergara, Benito 67 Voltaire 115 Waite, Arthur Edward 151n, 156, 165n Wales, Prince of (1789) 166 Wales, South 223, 224, 225 Waley, Prof. Jacob 95, 98 Walker, ? (N/c) 11 OH. 113 Walsh, F. P. 42n Walter, Leon David (Cardiff, 1851) 236 Walton, Rev. John (18 c.) 4 'Wandering Jew'?see 'Yehudi Nitzchi' Wasserzug, Rev. H. 23 Webb, Beatrice and Sidney 26 Webber, George 153n Webster, Sir Charles 137, 147 Weiner, Miss Joyce 223 Weizmann, Chaim 37, 224 and Zionist Movement art. by Ch. Abramsky 137-49 Vera 142n Welford, Richard (N/c, 1884) 3 Wellington, Duke of 168</page><page sequence="21">274 Index Wells, H. G. 26 Western Synagogue, London 167, 237 Whereat, J. 112n Whitehead, A. N. 25 Whitley Bay 1 William the Conqueror 45 William III, King 123, 129, 210 William IV, King 7 William of Newbury 45n of Norwich 45 Williams, Bill (M/c) 6n, 168, 169, 223, 226, 227 Wills, G. 11 On Wilson, President Woodrow 142 Wingfield, Ferdinand 212?see also Ferdinand Wingfield & Co. Winter, Benjamin de 150n Wischnitzer, A. 62 n M. 109n, 138n Wolf, Albert 123n Lucien 2n, 48-86 passim, 123n, 127n, 135, 150, 154, 155, 210 Wolfe, Humbert 224 Marcus (Lpl, 1844) 236 Solomon (Bath, 1842) 236 Wolfson, Walter (M/c) 226 Wood, Miss Margaret 43 Woodford, B. 128n Woolf, Bella Sidney 32 Leonard Sidney art. on his attitudes to Judaism, by F. Gottlieb 25-37 Maurice 57n, 65n, 168, 169, 21 On Mrs. Sidney (n?e de Jongh) 32 Virginia 25, 26, 28, 29, 32, 34, 36 Wooton, Rev. Dr. 132 Worms, Barons de 101 Worsley, ? (Brit, envoy, Lisbon, 1720) 211,212 Wright, Dudley 157 Ximenes(z), Abraham 154, 165 Moses Isaac?see Levi, Moses Isaac Xuarez, Ana (m. Francisco Lopez de Fonseca) 57 Bianca (m. Jorge Jacinto) 57 Yaari, A. 233n, 234 Y?nez, Alonso 5In, 52nn, 53n, 54n Yarmouth, Great 237 Ybarra, Fernandez de (m. Beatriz Enriquez) 62 Yehuda Hanassi, Rabbi 107 ' Yehudi Nitzchi' (The Wandering Jew) 4, 5 Yellin, Rev. Isaac 16n Yismael, Reb (Antioch) 108-9 Yoel, ?(1759) 154 York 45n Zachary, Michael M. (1832) 166 Zarza (Sarca), Alonso de la 51 nn, 52nn, 53n, 54nn Zedner, Joseph 96 Zetland, (2nd) Earl of 164 Zionism 37, 226 and Weizmann art. by Prof. C. Abramsky 137 149 Zundle of Salant, Rabbi 161 Zygelbojm, Shmuel 144 The kind contribution to the Publications Fund from the Barnet and District Affiliated Synagogue, men? tioned in the Preface, was given at the instance of Miss Ethel Wix. The reprints of Volumes I-X of Transactions, produced by Messrs. Wm. Dawson & Go. Ltd., and the first two volumes of the Exchequer of the Jews, are now available at the reduced price of ?5 per volume.</page></plain_text>