Contents Vol 21
<plain_text><page sequence="1">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND Transactions SESSIONS 1962-1967 VOLUME XXI THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, GOWER STREET, LONDON, W.C.I 1968</page><page sequence="2">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND</page><page sequence="3">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND Transactions SESSIONS 1962-1967 VOLUME XXI THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, GOWER STREET, LONDON W.C.I 1968</page><page sequence="4">The Society as a body is not responsible for statements made or opinions expressed by the contributors to this volume ? 1968 The Jewish Historical Society of England Printed in Great Britain by Alden & Mowbray Ltd, at the Alden Press, Oxford</page><page sequence="5">THIS VOLUME IS INSCRIBED TO PROFESSOR NORMAN DE M. BENTWICH, O.B.E., M.C. HON. LL.D. Vice-President and former President of the Society, in esteem and affection</page><page sequence="6">Contents Page Preface xi Haham Meldola and Hazan De Sola, by Richard D. Barnett 1 Problems of the London Sephardi Community 1720-1733?Philip Carteret Webb's Notebooks, by A. S. Diamond 39 The Anatomy of Medieval Anglo-Jewry, by Vivian D. Lipman 64 The Rise of Jewish Suburbia, by Vivian D. Lipman 78 Joseph Salvador 1716-1786, by Maurice Woolf 104 The Herem of Rabenu Tam in Queen Anne's London, by G. W. Busse 138 Solomon Marcus Schiller-Szinessy, 1820-1890, by Raphael Loewe 148 Some Extracts from the Memoirs of an Octogenarian Jewish Bookseller, by M. L. Ettinghausen 190 Russo-Jewish Immigrants in England before 1881, by A. R. Rollin 202 Dr Abraham Benisch as Newspaper Editor, by J. M. Shaftesley 214 Hyman Hurwitz : the First Anglo-Jewish Professor, by Leonard Hyman 232 Abraham Sussman?from Berdichew to Bevis Marks, by Phyllis Abrahams 243 The Rev. Dr Joseph Chotzner, by Alexander Carlebach 261 Abraham Solomon, Painter of Fashion, and Simeon Solomon, Decadent Artist, by Lionel Lambourne 274 Judith Montefiore?First Lady of Anglo-Jewry, by Sonia L. Lipman 287 Non-Religious Factors in the Emergence of the Chief Rabbinate, by Norman Cohen 304 The London Get of 1287, by Louis Rabinowitz 314 'Judaising' in the Period of the English Reformation?the Case of Richard Bruern, by John Fines 323 Rabbi Dr Isidore Epstein, by Cecil Roth and Ruth P. Lehmann 327 Memoir of Sir Nathaniel Nathan, by Robert F. Nathan 337 Portrait of Isaac Lyon Goldsmid?Note 337 Correction (John Sparrow) 338 Laws of the Society 339 Honorary Officers, Council, and Members 343 Note on Index 353 vii</page><page sequence="7">Illustrations Plate following page I L. Alexander's attack on Haham Meldola 6 II Haham Raphael Meldola 6 III Hazan D. A. de Sola 6 IV 1, Solomon Bennett; 2, Dr. Benjamin de Sola 6 V Marriage certificate, D. A. de Sola and Rebecca Meldola 6 VI 1, Bibs and jacket of D. A. de Sola, at his Berit; 2, Toy coach 6 VII Pamphlet on the pronunciation of the Sheva 6 VIII Pamphlet on the pronunciation of the Sheva continued 6 IX Sketch map, North London, 1880 86 X North London Synagogue, 1868 86 XI Joseph Salvador; Kitty Fischer 102 XII Salvador, London S.W. 17 102 XIII Urim Vetumim title-page (Uri Feibush, London, 1706) 150 XIV Maaseh Rav title-page (R. Johanan Holleschau, London) 150 XV Rabbi Dr. Solomon Schiller-Szinessy 166 XVI Professor Tobias Theodores' criticism of Dr. Benisch 214 XVII Professor Hyman Hurwitz 230 XVIII Hurwitz's Hebrew translation of the National Anthem 230 XIX Dr. Joseph Ghotzner 278 XX Fig. 1, 'A Festive Scene,' Abraham Solomon; Fig. 12, 'Feast of Dedication,' Simeon Solomon 278 XXI Fig. 2, 'First Class,' Abraham Solomon; Fig. 3, 'Third Class,' Abraham Solomon 278 XXII Fig. 4, 'Waiting for the Verdict,' Abraham Solomon; Fig. 5, 'The Acquittal,' Abraham Solomon 278 XXIII Fig. 6, 'Relief of Lucknow,' Abraham Solomon; Fig. 11, Cartoon for stained glass window, D. G. Rossetti 278 XXIV Fig. 7, 'Brighton Front,' Abraham Solomon; Fig. 10, 'King David,' Simeon Solomon 278 XXV Fig. 8, Sketchbook frontispiece, Simeon Solomon; Fig. 9, 'Hagar and Ishmael,' Simeon Solomon 278 XXVI Fig. 13, 'Sir Galipot,' Simeon Solomon; Fig. 14, 'Scrolls of the Law,' Simeon Solomon; Fig. 15, 'Mystery of Faith,' Simeon Solomon 278 XXVII Fig. 16, 'Song of Solomon,' Simeon Solomon; Fig. 17, 'Bacchus,' Simeon Solomon; Fig. 18, Simeon Solomon; Fig. 19, 'How Beautiful is Death,' Simeon Solomon 278 XXVIII Fig. 20, 'Endymion,' Simeon Solomon; Fig. 21, 'Love among the schoolboys,' Simeon Solomon 278 XXIX Lady (Judith) Montefiore 278 XXX 1, Moses and Judith Montefiore; 2, The Montefiores at Ramsgate 278 XXXI The Montefiores entering Jerusalem 278 XXXII Page from MS. diary, 1816, of Judith Montefiore 278</page></plain_text>