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Contents Vol 20

<plain_text><page sequence="1">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND 9rran!actio n% SESSIONS 1959-61 VOLUME XX THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, GOWER STREET, LONDON, W.C.1 1964</page><page sequence="2">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND</page><page sequence="3">^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ? ^""^^^^'^^ Israel Zangwill 1864-1926</page><page sequence="4">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND Cran?acttott? SESSIONS 1959-61 VOLUME XX THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, GO WER STREET, LONDON, W.C.I 1964</page><page sequence="5">The Society as a body is not responsible for statements made or opinions expressed by the contributors to this volume. Printed in Great Britain at the Works of W. HEFFER &amp; SONS LTD., CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND</page><page sequence="6">THIS VOLUME IS INSCRIBED TO THE REV. JAMES PARKES, M.A., D.Phil.? D.H.L. Vice-President and former President of the Society, in esteem and affection on the occasion of his retirement.</page><page sequence="7">Contents Page Preface. vii The Correspondence of the Mahamad of the Spanish and Portuguese Congregation of London during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, by R. D. Barnett . . 1 The Wanderers and other Jewish Scholars of my Youth, by Professor Norman Bentwich. 51 Some Ashkenazi Charities in London at the End of the Eighteenth and the Beginning of the Nineteenth Centuries, by Siegfried Stein. 63 Dr. Meyer Schomberg's Attack on the Jews of London, 1746, by Edgar R. Samuel . . 83 Emunat Omen, by Meyer Sch?mberg, translated by Harold Levy . . . .101 Anglo-Jewish Opinion during the Struggle for Emancipation (1828-1858), by Israel Finestein. 113 The Pre-expulsion Cemetery of the Jews in London, by Marjorie B. Honeybourne . 145 Lucien Wolf and Theodor Herzl, by Josef Fraenkel..161 Lewis Way and his Times, by Rev. James Parkes. 189 John Braham, Singer, by Mollie Sands. 203 The Russian Background of the Anglo-American Jewish Immigration, by Leonard Schapiro. 215 The Hope of Israel: A Breife Epistle and Silex Scintillans, by John Sparrow . . 233 The Jews in Medieval York, by Elizabeth Brunskill. 239 Notes on the Jews' Tribute in Jamaica, by Joseph R. Rosenbloom .... 247 Address in Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Society . 255 Memorial Addresses: Sir Hilary Jenkinson ............ 257 Rev. Arthur Barnett. 258 Viscount Samuel ............ 259 Laws of the Society. 261 Honorary Officers, Council and Members. . . 265 Index. 272 xi</page><page sequence="8">ILLUSTRATIONS Israel Zangwill.Frontispiece Plate ............. .Facingpage 1. Capture of a great Galleon.30 2. Letter of recommendation from the deputies of Terra Santa, Amsterdam . ff. 30 3. Letter-patent from the King of Sweden.ff. 30 4. Letter of recommendation introducing the Rev. Benjamin Kennicott . . 31 5. (i) Medal presented by Joseph de la Penia.50 (ii) Medal issued on withdrawal of decree of expulsion of Jews from Bohemia . 50 6. Map of Hampstead and Maida Vale area.51 7. Title page of the Constitution and Minutes of the Holy Society of Mercy for the Upbringing of Young Orphans.78 8. Minutes of Meeting of the Holy Society of Mercy.ff. 78 9. Signatures of some of the Honorary Officers of the Holy Society of Mercy . ff. 78 10. Title page of the Rules of the Holy Society for the Supply of Adequate Maintenance for Widows and Orphans.79 11-21. Hebrew Text of Emunat Omen.ff. 110 22. Sir Francis H. Goldsmid, Bart., Q.C.Ill 23. (i) Caricature of proposal to admit Jews to Parliament . . . .126 (ii) Caricature on election of David Salomons as Sheriff of London . .126 24. The Jews' Garden.145 25. Pre-expulsion Jewish Cemetery in the City of London . . . . .147 26. Four Tombstones, once among the Arundel Marbles.150 27. Tombstone found in 1753 in London Wall.151 28. Location of pre-expulsion Jewish cemeteries in England . . . .158 29. LucienWolf.174 30. Letters (Herzl-Wolf; Wolf-Herzl). ff. 174 31. "The Great Men". ff. 174 32. (i) Col. A. E. W. Goldsmid.175 (ii) Herzl with English Zionists.175 33. Extract from Protocol issued at Aix-la-Chapelle in 1818 .... 199 34. Playbill of Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, 1824 . 208 35. JohnBraham.209 36. Map of Western Russia showing the Jewish Pale of Settlement . . .221 37. Title page of A Breife Epistle.232 38. Plan of Medieval York.242 xii</page></plain_text>



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