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Contents Vol 2

<plain_text><page sequence="1">THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND. transactions SESSION 1894-5. LONDON: WERTHEIMER, LEA AND CO., CIRCUS PLACE, LONDON WALL.</page><page sequence="2">NOTE. The Society as a body is not responsible for either the statements made or the opinions expressed by the authors of Papers.</page><page sequence="3">CONTENTS, -+ PAGE Some Anglo-Jewish Song Writers, By the Rev. F. L. Cohen . 1 Hebrew Melody in the Concert Room, By the Rev. F. L. Cohen. 7 The First English Jew, Notes on Antonio Fernandez Carvajal. By Lueien Wolf, President. 14 Appendix : I. Various Petitions . 24 II. Prosecuted as a Recusant . 27 III. Goods Exempted from Seizure . 28 IV. The Case of the Ship ? Clare " . 28 V. Carvajal's Property in the Canaries ... ... 36 VI. Carvajal's Raid on the Customs ... . 38 VII. Patent of Denization.. ... 45 Ibn Ezra in England. By Dr. M. Friedlander. ... 47 Appendix : Hebrew Text of the "Letter of the Sabbath" ... 61 Condition of the Jews of England at the time of their Expulsion in 1290. By B. Lionel Abrahams ... .. . 76 Appendix relating to the Jews of Bedford, Bristol, Cambridge and Huntingdon, Canterbury, Colchester, Exeter, Hereford, Ipswich, Lincoln, London, Northampton, Norwich, Notting? ham, Oxford, Southampton, Stamford, Warwick, Wiltshire, York.85-105 A Ramble in East Anglia. By the Rev. Hermann Gollancz, M.A. ... 106 Appendix: I. Endorsements to Title Deeds of the Ipswich Jewish Cemetery in 1764. . 133 II. Texts of Indentures. ... 133 III. Jewish Cemetery at St. Clement's, Ipswich ... 138 Hebrew Elegies on English Monarchs. By Elkan N. Adler, M.A. ... 141 Paul of Burgos in London. By I. Abrahams, M.A. 149 Anglo-Jewish Coats of Arms. By Lucien Wolf, President... 153 Appendix : I. The Franco (Massey Lopez) Grant. 166 II. Montefiore Arms, Warrant for Supporters ... 168</page><page sequence="4">iv CONTENTS. Gascon Rolls. By C. Trice Martin, Esq. . Documents : I. From "Ancient Correspondence " IL-XVII. From " Gascon Rolls " Report. Balance Sheet . Relations with Maccabeans . Laws... Bye-laws . Honorary Officers. Members. Index,.* PLATES. Rabbi Jacob Jehuda Leon Templo ... . Arms of the Grand Lodge of English Free Masons ... Arms of Lord Rothschild. Arms of Sir Albert Sassoon . Arms of the late Sir Moses Montefiore. ILLUSTRATIONS IN TEXT. Signature of Carvajal . Portrait of Mrs. Sarah Lyon . Interior of Moyse's Hall (Present Condition). Moyse's Hall, South-East View (from Ancient Print) Moyse's Hall, 1895 . The Jewish Quarter, Norwich . Seal of Moses Aryeh ben Mordecai . Seal of Solomon Herschell, Chief Rabbi . Seal of the Halevis of Toledo. Arms of the Mocatta Family . The Montefiore Arms. The Franco Arms. ... . The Franco Arms as Granted .</page></plain_text>



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Its registered office is: Unit 1, Chapelton Lodge,East Winch Road, Blackborough End, King's Lynn, PE32 1SF

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